20 February, 2025


Exclusive – Warning Disturbing Images: Issapriya’s Naked Body With Tied And Untied Hands

By Colombo Telegraph

A new video shows the LTTE media TV announcer Isaipriya’s naked body lies with the hundreds of dead bodies, but this time her hands are untied. The security forces officer speaking in Sinhala language to a female says, “here,  here, Voice of Tiger announcer.” (Watch at 2.56mins in the below video) When her dead body was photographed first time, her hands were tied behind her back and allegedly raped.

Click here to see the untied photo

The video clearly demonstrates a pattern of woeful consistency of the Sri Lankan forces. Most of the female armed and unarmed combatants, and civilians are always stripped naked or their underwear and down to their knees and the bras are either missing or near their neck, exposing the breast of teenage girls or young women. Only a few men are stripped naked.

Click here to watch the video

Check more related images here

Disturbing Images Of war Crimes: Rape And Killings


Latest comments

  • 0

    This is from the video # 28 (MOV028) out of the 32 videos I wrote the article.

    My London attorney has the originals..

    Well done for isolating the photographs and exposing the war criminals of Mother ………….. Sri Lanka.
    There are other photographs as well FYI….
    The Sinhalese description of the soldiers are vulgar comments.

    • 0

      Absolutely repulsive to say the least. Seeing this carnage, I do not believe tit for tat works. Had the Tamils being given recognition as equals when requested immediately after Independence, where would this country be today? Ofcourse the mediocre Sinhalese would not have had a meteoric rise like from a salesmans post in a Co-op, to as a Minister like Mervyn Silva type. There would have been Law and Order and a host of the mediocrity holding Office today would have had to work their way up, not just by mere robbing could they have climbed up the social ladder. What a disgrace these bloody Sinhalese are as a race?

      • 1

        I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, all of our travails hark back to two missed opportunities.

        One: the failure of the GOSL to rapidly put down the nascent rise of the LTTE (as it did with JVP in 1971 and 1987-89), and,

        Two: the failure of Prabhakaran to forsee the inevitable outcome as a result of being outnumbered. Even a tin-pot schoolboy bully would have seen the sense in ‘living to fight another day’ rather than end the struggle face down in the Nandikadal mud with half his face blown off and his people aimlessly wandering dazed in abject misery in a living hell.

        A curse on both houses!

        • 1

          What is the international community waiting for, other than individual countries trying to prevent Callum Macrae from entering, and cover up the genocide? Notorious Commonwealth imperialists and their stooges seem to ignore genocide too.

          Go after the infamous genocidaire Rajapkses for the cruel crimes against humanity.

          Go after the criminals who massacred tens of thousnads of Sinhala youth during JVP days too. Some of them are in power too. In Sri Lanka mass killings are condoned it appears.

          March them all to the Hague.

    • 0

      Dear Donald

      I fully support an investigation into this kind of terrible abuse by anyone, if true. Including Sri Lankan armed forces.

      Despite the abominable nature of the LTTE, nobody in the new Sri Lanka should be able to get away with this kind of crime.

      Law enforcement in Sri Lanka have done similar things to Sinhalese many times as well. Remember Manamperi case from the 1971 JVP insurgency.

      This kind of brutality does not discriminate between Sinahlese or Tamils. It is an equal opportunity crime. Therefore it is a common struggle for all Sri Lankans.

      Since Ealam war IV raged in the north of SL with the ruthless LTTE, no doubt Sri Lanka’s Tamils paid a much higher price.

      Donald, you seem like a champion of human rights. Has your so called London attorney any originals of thousands of horrific LTTE war crimes over 30 years in Sri Lanka?

      Will you isolate and expose the LTTE war criminals and their backers in London soon? We are impatient to punish those criminals as well.

      Hope your human kindness and sense of justice is not restricted to promoting extremist, racist, ethno-nationalist monkeys of the LTTE diaspora.

      That will be an insult to all victims of war crimes Donald. Hope you will not disappoint us.

      • 0

        Ben Hurling

        There are few issues that cannot be wished away.

        1. All war crimes and crime against humanity should be independently investigated from 5th of April 1971, irrespective of who committed them. Recording and accounting for the dead and the missing would not only help to heal the wounds but bring the whole issue to a closure.

        South African Truth and Reconciliation commission can form the basis of future investigation which never intended to punish the perpetrators but encouraged them to confess. It worked very well for South Africans.

        2. These members of the armed forces whoever they are, still the husbands, sons, fathers, brothers, uncles, grandfathers, grandsons, nephews of thousands of families back in the South. The perpetrators pose imminent threat to innocent people throughout the island. We see the telltale signs of their irrational behaviour on a daily basis.

        3. All these sick people are crying out for help. Timely intervention is essential in order to prevent disaster.

        4. Thalaivar needs urgent help.

        • 0


          Agree with you.

          There is an incredible lack of respect for human life in our country.

          It has been slowly getting worse over the last 50 years reaching the height it did during Ealam war IV against the ruthless LTTE.

          Now that the LTTE terror outfit is not there on our soil, we must start the hardwork of re-building the humane Sri Lankan society.

          We must do this for ourselves in our own way. If a Truth Commission is the best. Let us do it. Not to satisfy international players or to punish, but to heal the Sri Lankan nation. And to finally give peace to vicitms of crimes.

          It will deal a killer blow to the cunning LTTE rump overseas as well. Backers of the abominable LTTE overseas have conviniently turned beacons of human rights overnight lately. Sri Lanka’s enemies are using our short-comings in human rights to drive the racist Ealam project.

          True patriots must rally to build the muiti-racial, multi-lingual, multi-religous new Sri Lanka. Governed transparently by rule-of-law.

          • 0

            ‘True patriots must rally……..’ Well said! This is the urgent need at this time and all who support this cause must rally to bring it to fruition.

            Another point needs to be made: all of our travails hark back to two missed opportunities.

            One: the failure of the GOSL to rapidly put down the nascent rise of the LTTE (as it did with JVP in 1971 and 1987-89), and,

            Two: the failure of Prabhakaran to forsee the inevitable outcome as a result of being outnumbered. Even a tin-pot schoolboy bully would have seen the sense in ‘living to fight another day’ rather than end the struggle face down in the Nandikadal mud with half his face blown off and his people aimlessly wandering dazed in abject misery in a living hell.

            A curse on both their houses!

            • 0

              Spring Koha

              “One: the failure of the GOSL to rapidly put down the nascent rise of the LTTE (as it did with JVP in 1971 and 1987-89), and,”

              Putting down every uprising was and will not be the answer to undemocratic nature of the state. Uprising will continue to occur if the state and its rulers refuse to restore democratic rights of the people which includes subjecting themselves accountability and basic human decency.

              No doubt states should be tough on terrorism which is conditional upon whether it is tough on causes of terrorism.

              Terrorism cannot exist nor thrive in vacuum unless the stupid undemocratic state is a willing partner.

        • 0

          According to No fire Zone footage,Isipriya is emerging from a river while the soldiers are waiting for her with a white sheet . Does the SL army walk about with white bed sheets???

          Also who is the person who will walk about with a video camera when there is a raging battle ahead ? The people are asking them “why are you videoing us” in the blockbuster movie . More questions than answers.

          • 0

            In a decade past the 21st there are pen video cameras for $10 smart ass.

            • 0

              Javi look more closely on the left of the photo , There is a “soldier” in rubber slippers! Is this the way to fight a battle ?

              • 0

                “Javi look more closely on the left of the photo”

                Yes I see karuna’s karume the eunuch saro. Anything else of importance send it to sp raw delhi. ~゜k・_・k゜~ 

                • 0

                  The true trait of a coward . Personal attacks when you cant explain the facts .( To Peace Lover and Javi )

          • 0

            sarojini,im not sure if your an actual woman or man with a female name.

            While Isaipriya was an LTTE member is known and she should have been tried in courts and sentenced to prison not treated this way

            You idiot have you not heard of mobile camera phone used by army chas from Sri lanka to Iraq to shoot trophy videos (just like you video parties in ur family)

            the point she was surrendering was the area where people crossed over to Govt held territory and if im correct people had to cross over in their undies after the ltte used a suicide bomber hence the army would have had so many sheets of clothing/sheets etc as white sheets are also used in mobile first aid stations!

            please dont make make a fool of urself!

            • 0

              Sarojini may most likely have got just one single X chromosome – Male. This was the case with former LEELA – today ^s Banda. These guys just add evasive comments without studying what is being addressed. No facts and figures play a role for their inputs. So best would be to just ignore them and us trying to debate focusing on the topics.

            • 0

              peacelover . She comes out smiling from the river to the men holding on to a white sheet as if she knows the people . Did you see the footage ? It is highly probable that she was killed by people known to her .ie the LTTE dressed in Army uniforms . I never knew that the SL army soldiers were rich enough to own very expensive video pen camera’s .

              • 0

                “own very expensive video pen camera’s”

                Moron the chinese don’t have high tech but they manufacture and sell it for $5 and it has 10mp- audio video better than the ordinary cameras- so watch out somebody has raised your skirt and seen that you are not a woman in picture.

        • 0

          Native Vedda,

          What is needed is in addition, the The Sri Lanka Ethnic War Memorial, like the Vietnam War Memorial.

          This should include ALL who were killed from Feb 4, 1948 to May 20, 2009, as Phase 1 and Since May 20, 2009 as Phase 2.


          There can be two Memorials.

          1. Virtual, on the internet for the World to See.

          2. One Memorial at Independence Square, Colombo, for all Sri Lankans to visit.


          The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is a national memorial in Washington, D.C. It honors U.S. service members of the U.S. armed forces who fought in the Vietnam War, service members who died in service in Vietnam/South East Asia, and those service members who were unaccounted for (Missing In Action) during the War.

          Its construction and related issues have been the source of controversies, some of which have resulted in additions to the memorial complex. The memorial currently consists of three separate parts: the Three Soldiers statue, the Vietnam Women’s Memorial, and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall, which is the best-known part of the memorial.


          Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall Stories

          Published on Sep 19, 2012
          Since it’s dedication in 1982, thousands of objects have been left at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Here is a visit to the warehouse where most of those objects are stored.

          A “Recon” original Pentagon Channel story / U.S. Department of Defense

      • 0

        Ben you are very correct that those who condemn the atrocities committed by Srilankan forces would never open their mouth on the heinous crime committed by so called liberators of Tamil people.Haven’t you seen the massacre of thousands of s Sinhalese villages including children by the LTTE.

    • 0


      These types of crimes need to be exposed, and the culprits, if found out or not need to be pursued.

      SL State and Arm are not alone in this. We all know about LTTE atrocities as well. Whether the victims were stripped naked and shot, weather the victims were praying in a Mosque or Temple, clothed or not, the crimes are the same. The only difference is that in one case it tracks all the way to tge Sri Lanka Army, the Officers, the Generals and the president, and in the other from the LTTE Cadre to the supervisor all the way to Velupillai Prabakaran.

      Does the soldier or the LTTE Cadre who pulled the trigger matter?

      No. Trace it to the higher ups.

    • 0

      Donald Ganakone,

      It is very good to expose these crimes, and to punish the killers. Do not think this is exclusive to the SL Army. LTTE had its hands full killing Muslims, Sinhala and Tamils as well for quite some time.

      However, most of those killed by SL Army, guilty and innocent were supporting one way or other, the LTTE killers given below.

      Kattankudi mosque attach by LTTE


      LTTE Massacre of SriLankan Muslims


      Uploaded on Sep 19, 2007
      Timer Tigers Massacre of Srilankan muslims.
      source of this video

  • 0

    These are shocking images. There are more out there. Chris Silva from Studio Times was with Shavinda Silva taking photos on a special commission from Gota the Goon to document his great war in the last days of the war and knew of the killing of the Catholic priests as it happened. He once boasted that he saw rows of naked dead LTTE women who “smelt and were not clean like our lovely Sinhala women”. Chris Silva is planning an exhibition to show the great deeds of the Rajapakses’ so that Studio Times may get more work from the Govt. since they have few customers these days!
    Poor Nihal Fernando’s great photographic legacy and pluralist values has been mortgaged by his unemployed and unemployable son-in-law, Chris Silva who was terminated from Air Lanka many years ago and is now embroiled in multiple court cases! Chris Silva @ Studio Times should be asked to show his collection of trophy photos!

    • 0

      Wakey wakey!

      It’s time the creepy crawlies like slithering worms and yucky cockroaches come out of the rattan?

      The roaches crunch pretty well!

  • 0

    How can our wretched government deny these accusations, and NOT have the decency to admit their crimes.
    How can these pictures be dismissed as doctored? These accusation can easily be disproved by an expert.
    This is a shame and an embarrassment for this country. No wonder other nations have (with proof) demanded investigations into these war crimes. Many of these unfortunate victims were innocent civilians. This is why the UN and other nations were horrified by what was happening. The Government troops AND the LTTE were responsible for inhuman treatment of these helpless civilians.
    It is time the Rajapaksa regime realized that with modern technology, and the internet, you cannot get away with crimes, especially against your own people.

  • 0

    Yes, these are shocking.

    But Gnanakone and all you others out there, please also remember Premawathie Manamperi, the Sinhala Kataragama beauty queen who was stripped and forced to walk naked down a public road at gunpoint by Sinhala soldiers in the 70’s. She was raped and then killed.

    In the eighties, many other young girls like that were also raped and killed. They never got justice. Issipiriya does not have a sole claim to justice from Sri Lanka.

    To those LTTE-ers out there, I say, join the moderates regardless of race and start actually moving forward for a better land instead of shouting from your rooftops from London, New York, Toronto and the like.

    • 0

      Surely because such dramatic pictures were not available during the time of the JVP inseruction dose not mean that these crimes can be forgiven,and as no action was taken for rape of sinhala girls!

      It is simple for an arm-chair commentator to say that in view of
      the future of sri lankans, these crimes be forgotten?

      • 0

        Thank God there were no mobile phones or cheap cameras during the massacres of JVP comrades or else GOTA would have banned usage of any mobile phones equipped with cameras and would have presented the Rupavahini version to the world.

        I agree that no government could fight one of the best terrorist organization with zero civilian casualties but what we see is genocide.

        JHU punks may rejoice watching this video (no doubt)

    • 0

      @Ainsley. I remember Premawathie Manamperi’s case very well. I was a pilot with Air Ceylon at that time. Alfred Wiejesooriya was from Francis Road Wellawatte, and so was I from Wellawatte.
      Alfie’s sister in law was a air hostess living in the same address.
      He was a crazy SOB, and was only a volunteer officer with the army.

      Give credit to the army at that time. They immediately arrested him and his friend and prosecuted them and won a 16 year sentence.

      What can we do with the evidence we have of Issaipriya where she has been obviously raped, tortured and murdered. There is much more, both evidence and witnesses. This particular evidence was filmed by a couple of Sinhalese soldiers and came to the London attorney by providence. We did not go looking for evidence nor investigating.

      LTTE was no sick people like Gotabaya/Fonseka’s army where they raped, and tortured civilians. If there are any evidence Sri Lanka has the facilities to give them a fair trial and punish such individuals in a honest manner. Instead of working closely with the former LTTE’ers like KP, Karuna, Pillaiyan, Daya and George Master, Tamilini, Inniya Bharathi et al for political gains. That is a disgrace.

      That is up to the TID, CID, Police, MI, and Gota. That is their job, instead of murdering political prisoners and brutalizing them to lie brain dead in a Coma, from Vavuniya Prison and Boosa Camp.

      I saw this comment only recently, and left it aside as there are many issues at hand to deal with. Justice will prevail one day. It has happened in many countries and sometime it takes 20-30 years. Here, the Tamils are much more active and dedicated to bring those perpetrators to Justice, especially the US citizens where the US has jurisdictions.

      In Sri Lanka thousands of rapes of children who are Sinhalese by Sinhalese takes place and they get away. 2012 are record numbers that are reported. Nearly 10 times go unreported because family friends and relatives are involved. Sad.

      All screamed about child soldiers who were under 18. But silent about very young children attacked and violated both boys and girls by old men. Disgrace. Gota should use his MOD to Police such activities.

      • 0

        Donald J Gnanakone from comments “LTTE was no sick people like Gotabaya/Fonseka’s army where they raped, and tortured civilians” one can judge your bias for reasons best know to you.

        You do not need to search the web much to find the list of atrocities commuted by the LTTE mostly on civilians, send new recruits to slaughter unarmed villages as part of the initiation.




        are a couple of web sites that depict their barbaric nature.

        All people who funded the LTTE for their atrocities should also be held accountable for war crimes. We have not forgotten what they did for 30years.

    • 0

      Ainslie,so you want the tamils to come down to your standards.kaapalla beepalla jollykerapalla even if hundreds of sinhalese women are raped and killed.Is is possible for you to give a better role model for tamils to follow other than the sinhalese please.The british?

  • 0

    Oh well what about LTTE Killing thousands of Sinhala and Muslim people. We have photos of that too!!!!

    • 0

      LTTE was a terrorist organization and was banned in more than 30 countries. Geneva Convention and the International courts are not applicable to them, you can only ban them and fight against them to eradicate them, but in doing so the government should not act like terrorists.

      It is not the LTTE but Sri Lanka is a signatory of the Geneva Convention on 8/12/1949. You can’t bring LTTE to international courts but a country, signatories to the convention if they have violated the Geneva Conventions can be. Governments can’t act as terrorists. Signatories to conventions are obliged to follow the conventions. Even though the Geneva Convention doesn’t deal with terrorism, if LTTE terrorists who were captured by SLA were treated inhumanely, the International Humanitarian Laws covers that aspect. So Rajapakses can’t get away with war crimes if International communities pursue.

      If you are so confident that the Sri Lankan army did not commit any war crimes during the conflict, why not allow for an independent body to come in and make their own independent investigation?

      Does President Rajapakse have any clue that our country Sri Lanka is a signatory of the Geneva Convention on 8/12/1949. Does he know that The Geneva Conventions apply at times of war and armed conflict to governments who have ratified its terms? By saying that it is an internal matter and no outsider should inquire in to that Mahinda Rajapakse is openly objecting to terms of the Geneva convention.

      It is our own people (Sri Lankans) who had been subjected to human rights violation by our own governments not by outsiders. Initially, the executive President of our country was talking about Zero civilian casualty (a blatant lie). Mahinda Rajapakse may be successful in deceiving the Sri Lankan public, but he miserably fails with the International community and the UN.

      These clips clearly indicate that they have executed/murdered the prisoners of war (POWs). There was a clip in the documentary showing an LTTE Terrorist, Col. Ramesh being interrogated by SLA. So what happened to him after being captured or Surrendered to SLA? In the documentary his body was also shown with Nadesan and Pulidevan and narrated that his wife identified the picture as the dead body of Ramesh. Surely she could have identified him alive being interrogated by SLA. It is true that we all consider Senior LTTE leader Col. Ramesh was a terrorist. The question here is not about his terrorism but the undeniable fact that he had surrendered to the Army in the last hours of the war (a prisoner of war).The video clip interrogating him by SLA is solid evidence that he was alive in Army custody. The national TV had shown his body on the same day along with other senior LTTE leaders, Nadesan and Pullidevan. It is a crime to murder anybody in a war who had surrendered (POWs) without a trial under Geneva Convention and international laws that our country is a signatory. This is the basic logic.

      So here is my question to all those so called Sri Lankan Patriots.

      1) If there is a video of Col. Ramesh being interrogated then how come he is dead?
      2) If Col. Ramesh was one of the leaders who surrendered to SLA in the final hours of the war then the white flag incident should be true?
      3) Can anybody dispute those video clips are fake?
      4) If they are not fake then beyond any doubts it proves that Col. Ramesh had surrendered to SLA but later killed, and who gave the orders to kill him?
      5) Doesn’t this qualify for war crimes investigation?

      The government conducted a war without witnesses with “zero causality”. The truth cannot be hidden forever. Day after day new video clips and images keeps on appearing. Now, after all these evidences, by saying that it is an internal matter and no outsider should inquire into it, Mahinda Rajapakse is not only openly objecting to terms of the Geneva Convention and making himself and our armed forces obvious culprits but he is also humiliating our country and the people (Sri Lankans). Why cannot the government accept the fact that war crimes had taken place and civilians had been killed in thousands during the last phase of the war? How long are they going to continue lying?

      • 0

        Magha, Another day, another sympathiser. Have you heard about a war fought using flowers? Wars are ugly, brutal and crimes are unavoidable. Had the foreign journalists and NGO’s stayed in the war zone, we are still at war. The western journalists generally sympathise the losers or anti-government elements. That’s a fact. Col.Ramesh? The cat is out of the bag. Only terrorists call him Col.Ramesh. Do you call General Prabha as well? Mind you, some people call him Lord Prabha of Nanthikadal. Ramesh was a terrorist who killed many unarmed civilians, just like Sadam Hussein and Bin Laden. So what happened to the latter two? Caught by the US forces and one was handed over to a Kangaroo court where he was hanged in public and the other was just bombed. Stop shedding croc-tears for terrorists.

    • 0

      @Sam Keep the photos for your family album or frame it and hang it at home.

      Even better get it autographed by Karuna and Chief Minister Pillaiyan, and then file a law suit against Karuna, KP and Pillaiyan and hang them for murder or complexity to murder. I have no problems with it.

      And get racist-chauvinist-extremist paid propagandist like Malinda Seniviratne to publish it his propaganda rag the Nation, or get Thadi Priyantha to write another book, now that his war hero book project is over.War heroes also should be responsible for war crimes….
      Make sure in courts that LTTE committed the murders.

      Good Luck….

    • 0

      Why don’t you publish them?
      Here the alegation is rape and killing combined.

    • 0

      Sam Perera

      “Oh well what about LTTE Killing thousands of Sinhala and Muslim people. We have photos of that too!!!!”

      Oh well you have conveniently forgot to mention LTTE killing thousands of Tamil people we have photo of that too.

      Oh well you have conveniently forgot to mention Sinhalese killing thousands of Sinhalese people we have photo of that too.

      Oh well you have conveniently forgot to mention Sinhalese armed forces killing thousands of Sinhalese people we have photo of that too.

      What do you suggest that we should do with those photos?

      • 0

        ok, let the GoSL handover those images to ICC and handover KP, Pillayan and Karura Amman to Hague

        • 0

          If you do, there starts an automatic investigation, then to your surprise more water will flow out.

      • 0

        Native VVeddah,

        “What do you suggest that we should do with those photos?”


        What is needed is in addition, the The Sri Lanka Ethnic War Memorial, like the Vietnam War Memorial.
        This should include ALL who were killed from Feb 4, 1948 to May 20, 2009, as Phase 1 and Since May 20, 2009 as Phase 2.


        There can be two Memorials.

        1. Virtual, on the internet for the World to See.

        2. One Memorial at Independence Square, Colombo, for all Sri Lankans to visit.


    • 0

      My Dear Good friend Sam Perera,
      We don’t disagree that any civilian killed by LTTE is against humanitarian ground. But they didn’t kill thousands of civilians, may be few hundreds, but very sad and unacceptable. Muslims were killed by our current honourable minister Muralitharan (Col Karuna, disgrace of Tamil race) who you know is a traitor.
      But can you justify that to these shocking and disturbing images? My dear brother you have mum, you have sisters, you have aunties and you have cousin sisters.
      Will you bear if this has been happened to them? Can you imagine/think this happening to your sister or mother?
      LTTE or any would not do to anyone. My dear brother, I was in Puthukkudiyiruppu the village near the Mullaitivu in 1997 when the Mullaitivu Army base was attacked by Tamils, the camp which has been killing hundreds of civilians everyday by shelling.
      Nearly 800 soldiers were killed sadly and unfortunately and we were trying to send their bodies to their loved ones with their family photos. But unfortunately they were not allowed to reach their loved ones, purely because of not give pensions and allowances by the former defence secretary Col Ratwatta. You can imagine how he is?
      But my dear brother whether crimes are being commited by LTTE or Mahinda and the funny follow Gotapaya or anyone, we all have to raise our voices othervice they will do it to you as soon as possible.
      Because they don’t know the values of human lives. They are uncivilised butchers, evil tyrants and monsters.
      I hope you will voice for justice.
      Thank you and God bless you.

    • 1

      One who kills another unarmed person, no matter he or she is a Tamil or a Sinhalese,is a murderer , not a soldier.

    • 0

      “Oh well what about LTTE Killing thousands of Sinhala and Muslim people. We have photos of that too!!!!”

      sam,can you give it to karuna.what is the point of you keeping it framed in your house.This the latest technique in the west.You bring the perpetrator as close to the victims as possible in the hope that his heart will melt and he will realise the folly of his ways and instead of claiming that some voices made him do it,he will genuinely repent.

  • 0

    The 32 videos will vindicate the two Channel 4 videos, and this time we not only have irrevocable evidence, but the links to the equipment etc. etc. with even some eyewitness.
    There is more evidence which cannot be discussed, as this becomes legal matters in the US, related to US citizens and permanent residents.
    The buck clearly stops there. Original Link:
    To watch more videos go to You Tube links – as given on the first posting.

  • 0

    I’m trying to understand why persons tied hands become untied or vice versa? Capture,tie hands and execute? and then untie hands???

    • 0

      where is my name asks:

      “I’m trying to understand why persons tied hands become untied or vice versa? Capture,tie hands and execute? and then untie hands???”

      Only the sick mind could answer your question.

      • 0

        Uruwarige Buruwa aka Native Vedda Says “Only the sick mind could answer your question.”

        Donald Over to U Mate !!!

        • 0

          Kapila Kahapola says:

          “Donald Over to U Mate !!!”

          Actually I had you in my mind.

          Don’t pass the bug please give it a try you may end up more sicker than you are.

    • 0

      “why persons tied hands become untied”

      Easier to torture and rape when tied.Have to untie later to show died in battle.Terrible pain to the hands too while being raped.

  • 0

    Isapriya is someone’s daughter, girl friend and friend. yes she is from LTTE and yes she spread vile propaganda against SL army and Sinhalese. yet if she has surrendered she should not have been raped(Not proven yet), certainly not killed in a cold blood. And indeed it’s a crime. Arrest and prosecute her – that is a different matter. Even though LTTE killed unarmed Sinhala/tamil Soldiers and prisoners, skinned army intelligence operatives, GOSL soldiers should stay above that. LTTE supporters here cry foul and I agree to some extent that they have a case. That’s why we need an investigation. However my question is although I deplore stripping the dead and rape of prisoners is these the real case? Where are the combatant deaths (dead bodies), if these pictures show civilians/prisoner’s as alleged by Colombo telegraph and Diaspora lawyers/supporters. I remember reading in Tamil websites glorifying battle field gains of LTTE fighters also DBS Jeyaraj publishing last battle of Balraj where about 400 LTTE caders died fighting in a single day. We know last 2 months LTTE refused to take the dead from the Red cross as there is not one to bury them So army buried them. So they may have photographed them. is that a war crime? Are not some of the pictures are dead combatants? if that is the case how this can be a war crime? I agree if they killed a prisoner it’s a war crime. But we have seen the fight, Shootings by both side and shell attacks from LTTE side. Who done that? Did the Army fought with each other to trick us?

    • 0

      @Gamaya. If the army photographed them they should release all the photographs that was officialy taken by them for the last 2 months? That will also show all the civilians and LTTE died and photographed..
      These photos also was taken by the soldiers and not any journalist, but as trophy photos, and Sinhala porn, and for the perverts in their villages.

      Most of them have never even viewed porn I suppose.

      The desecration of young Tamil girls and even children (under 18-lol), and some allegedly raped or sexually attacked by frustrates, undisciplined soldiers is disgusting and are war crimes.

      The official photographers should be available for any international investigators to question them what they saw, and who were the officers and the circumstances of death and possible causes of death. There are some evidence of chemical weapons as well and we have photographs of such evidence…


      Above are semi nude photographs…

      • 0

        As I indicated to you in many forums, you have blood on your hand on these carnages. You as one of the leading member of LTTE Die-Ass-Poo-Ra funded this futile war and made the megalith big monkey terra Velu Praba to run the war machine against SL Governments for last 30 odd years. You armed these young sons and daughters of the land and clad them with cyanide pills around their necks and forced them to the war fronts while your own effluent kids enjoying comfy life and educating for good future in western world.

        Who sacrificed lives in this futile war? Not your own kids but poor farmers’ sons and daughters on the land whether they are Sinhalese or Tamils or whatever. Now do not point your finger at one party ie. Sri Lankan forces. Remember the other three fingers are pointing at you for injustices you contributed to our motherland.

        It is interesting to know all of a sudden you became a Human Right Activist? Where were you during the blood sucking LTTE Monkeys ran rampage against moderate Tamils, poor Sinhalese and Muslims? Too busy collecting money for them?

        DO not act like a saint man. If there is a tribunal of the war crime in Sri Lankan Terrorist issue, I would like to see you in the cage too for the contributions that you made over last 30 odd years. Undoubtedly you should be responsible all the carnage took place in Sri Lanka as everyone else knows your true colours.

        • 0

          Weekend Webber

          Good to hear from you at the weekends.

          You say:

          “I would like to see you in the cage too for the contributions that you made over last 30 odd years”.

          I too would like to see him in the cage for the contributions that he made over last 30 odd years” if it is proven.

          In the same cage I would like to see others too particularly you, Mad Mark Weekend Webber, simply for being stupid Sinhala/Tamil.

          Nothing personal.

          Otherwise how is life?

        • 0

          David Blacker,

          Make hay while the sun shines. You will not get a second chance.
          Btw, how much $$$$ are you getting from the government for keeping the people reminded about the war? No wonder with all your writing talent, you did not migrate to Australia or the West. However, these perks will not last long, so make hay while the sun shines.

        • 0

          From this article it is clear that no one has forgotten the war. So what do I need to remind people of? Why are you worried about my dollars? Shouldn’t you be counting your Canadian dollars that you lost to arm and send young women, like those pictured above, and small children to fight and die while you hid yourself in Canada?

        • 0


          The what about black July which started the real mayhem? Can you stop hijacking the real issues with dead LTTE? Can you take all those responsible to cages?

      • 0

        Freaking Donald,

        Ur Above Sickening Comment Says it All… At Times U have No Shame in Calling Part of Ur Own Community “Sakkilies” & Then U Go On Saying Solders were Villages & In Fact U Must have Looked Down at Innocent Tamil Kids Who were Forcibly Recruited by pussy-tigers also from Villages !!! U [Edited out] What Made U to Think All the Good Things Came Only from City ???

        • 0

          Donald as usual you have got your knickers twisted. For your information girls like Issapriya were not the LTTE combatants to be butchered by the despicable Forces character as yourself. It is a DAMN SHAME and Disgusting. So is this the Honour you boast, the Forces have brought on this country?

        • 0

          Every Tiger that was part of the command structure, the propaganda effort, the terror operations, and conscription deserved to die. They got what they deserved. For every bomb in a bus in the south, for every suicide bomber, for every lie told, for every child armed and sent to its death, they deserved to die.

          • 1

            You have changed you tune now! You tried your best to prove the Channel4’s programmes were fake but failed miserably. Now you have resigned to play the tune of; all LTTEers deserved to die! Would that include all those who surrendered and captured alive? Do the women need to be raped and tortured before killing them? What kind of a soldier are you? What is the difference between you and the LTTE and other terrorists alike?

            • 1

              ” What kind of a soldier are you? “

              Master blaster of masturbation on nude dead female bodies.

        • 0

          Admitting guilt of killing unarmed and showing off their impunity to laws governing civilised societies. If that be so, how can this hoax of a character posing off as someone he is not, claim that the killings in the South are not accepted. It is no wonder that this MR govt. is also a TERRORIST outfit backed not by soldiers but by Terrorists who deserve to be annihilated. ‘Thopi wenuen Thopi’ after all.

        • 0

          Could you rewrite that in an understandable manner please.

      • 0

        Donald, Why are you and Channel 4 publishing Issapriya naked pictures whoring her naked body. Don’t you have any decency to censor her pictures properly. You do not need to sell her naked body online to get maximum attention to your story?

        would you publish the pics if they were your mothers or sisters? Some people have no limit to the extent they would go to sell their story. Disgusted!

        • 0

          WELL SAID. my concern too…without respect to someone who is already dead… IS it NOT permitted to mutilate and expose naked bodies in war? what happens to Donald.. the ex-Pilot of Air Ceylon…

          Shame on YOU… sadly u didnt have the decency to cover up certain portions for a PUBLIC FORUM… I may understand IF it was for an investigation within doors… trying to gain mileage? petty thoughts…

  • 1

    As a Sinhalaya, well as a Lankan (difficult to escape these labels even if I tried) I want to say deeply sorry for supporting a bunch of sicko bigots and abusing your rights for well over half a century, if not more.

    (Even the 3 decade Tiger is not the father of Lanka, but the cub/result/product of Lanka)

  • 0

    Sickening. Sickening. Sickening.

    And yet the masses believe what the liars want them to – that all this was doctored. Justice needs to be done. LTTE or not, these were human beings. Daughters & Sons of Mother Lanka.

  • 0

    She was a LTTE cader, LTTE were carrying suicide jackets. Even when they blew up Anuradhapura Airforce camps those bodies which had cloths removed. Otherwise, how do people handle those bodies.

    For the safety of people who handle LTTE cader bodies, guidelines have to be issued on order to remove cloths before any handling.

    I think, Velu also had to wear the blue colour “amude” following the same guide line

  • 0

    Yes, safe with the skirt up and trousers down !

  • 0

    This nation must go to hell if it’s not capable of delivering justice here. Thank you Colombo Telegraph for your courage to publish this, I take my hat off to you.

  • 0

    Tamils gave everything they have, they cheated internationally and used tamil women, children… to earn them a country. AMAZING…Ha.. how Tamils treated their own because of greed. Who asked this woman to be a LTTE cader ? blame everybody else except you. Why don’t you feel disgusted in what you did. What you do right now is your turn your own disgust, shamelessness on others.

    Learn from the past mistakes.

    • 0


      “Why don’t you feel disgusted in what you did.”

      I feel disgusted of what both the Tamils and Sinhalese did to each other and to others.

      Have you stupid people learnt from the past mistakes?

      You must be deriving perverted sexual gratification from justifying those killing, maiming, rape,…….etc.

      You need urgent medical attention for your sick mind. Please see a doctor for your own good before it is too late as you have the potential to become a serial rapist or killer or both at the same time.

    • 0

      Yes, putha, kill the Veddha, rob the Budha, then blame the Demala !!

      Not sure about Tamil, but our beginings, yes, remember Kuveni, Sinhabahu beastiality

      We know what happens to estate Tamil women, we know who the servant boys, Podians are….

      Who asked you dribble your vile; show the world some local nazi vile, degrading the world view about the ‘lovely Sinhalayas’ !

  • 0

    Forget everything and get ready for a new era

  • 1

    Tamils faced violence when VP was four years old.
    I myself was a victim of the sinhala violence in 1977,which forced me to leave the island and is thirty years since I have been there.
    The people who blame the Tamils for all these atrocities,should remember that,the Tamils took up arms to defend their fathers,mothers,sisters,children, babies and the unborn featus in Tamils womb.
    The crime I committed on that fatefulday to run for my life in Anuradhapura in August,1977 was that I spoke a different language and followed a different faith.
    Is that a crime to face that ordeal?

    • 1

      All those racists heads will not answer you. For them the world started only thirty years before when LTTE jumped from sky to attack sinhalese, prior to that Sinha-racists were kids sucking their thumbs

  • 0

    I would like to know what will UNP do about these war criminals if they are in government now

    • 0

      UNP should do exactly what any other legal political entity should do, that is to ignore the so called crimes during the war, curse the mayhem creater of Nanthikadal fame and the diaspora and move on. A war is bad, ugly and cruel. That is why it has to be avoided. If these nutcases stopped it happenning, nothing like this would have happened. They had 30 years and so many opportunities.Unfortunately though, the big maniac terrorist and his fun loving diaspora had their brains injected with venom and madness. There is no point in crying for the maniac and his propagandists or supporters who paid the discounted price, but help the survivors to live a better life. Colombo Telegraph is clearly working very hard to bring the Sri Lanka to a war crimes court. well, hard earned diaspora money has to go somewhere. But it is unfair you don’t have a page for sponsors’ logos like the Diaspora and the Centre for Policy Alternuts.

  • 0

    Here We Go… What Better Peelam Donald & Diaspora Could Ask for ???

    • 0

      Thanks to this type of donkey that the Sinhalese will lose this country for good.

    • 0

      You are in UAE? So you too have free time after serving Arabs?

  • 0

    Why this Donald guy has a European name,

    Part of this comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy
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    • 0

      You so called Thalaivar!

      From which website this copy and paste action?

      This could not be your own idea, your cerebric lobes does not contain such terms!

      Is everything OK with you?

    • 0

      @Thalaivar.. Why does your President have an English name Percy? Why does his brother have a name like Basil? That is not even Portuguese like many Sinhalese in the South had such European names.
      Why did his uncle have his name as “George Rajapakse”?
      They were all Kallu Suddhas who were not even Catholics or Buddhist?

      What a stupid bloody question???

      Here enjoy these sick photographs your sick soldiers took…

      What the army did under Fonseka, and Gota as heads were pure and simple.
      War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity.
      We are confident that Justice will Prevail one day..

      • 0

        Donald J Gnanakone

        Would you agree with me all investigation into war crimes and crimes against humanity should cover the period from 5th April 1971 to date, committed by state armed forces, police, paramilitaries, home guards, Tamil armed groups including LTTE, IPKF and JVP?

        Did you on record appeal to LTTE to release the Tamil civilians held against their will by the terrorists as human shield during the last leg of the war?

        • 0

          Ok. I support that. Let us go back to 5th April 1971 and clean them all up. No one dared open their mouth against the LTTE because they would have been disappeared just liked no one dares open their mouth against the government because they will also be disappeared.

          These pics are the end of the sinhala buddhists. Their true nature and their horrible perverted sexuality is clearly exposed for the whole world to see. I think the Buddha will go back to India. There is no way that the sinhalese are buddhists.

    • 0

      As Far as I Know True Tamil Hindus Never Changed Religion / Names but Sea Going Fishing Community of Jaffna !!! Or in Other Words, Low Cast Tamils !!!
      No Wonder Why Freaking Donald & That Low Cast big-fat-pig-poddian Made a Good Pair !!!

      • 0

        This Kapila Kahapola says, ‘As Far as I Know True Tamil Hindus Never Changed Religion / Names but Sea Going Fishing Community of Jaffna, Or in other words, Low Cast Tamils’. Is it that all the Sinhalese who have embraced Christianity and Portuguese names, which they believe today are Sinhalese, are they all low Cast? Food for thought Kahapola?

  • 0

    Now that Gota’s War, and Fonseka’s war is turning into Sinhala Buddhist pornography,

    it would be interesting to hear from all the Racist-Chauvinist-Extremist defenders of War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity like
    Malinda Seneviratne the Editor at Nation, Rajive Wijesinghe MP and fellow propagandist, Ambassadors Dyan J and Kunanayagam, David Blacker the expert on fables about the soldiers and prolific commentator, Michael Roberts, Prof. Rohan Gunaratne (Liar and expert on State Terrorism), Chandraprema the great author on War, etc…I have no interest in discussing with nameless and bogus name cowards/comments…

    Or all have Katte Pittu…

    Well done editor, for identifying the Sinhala comments and photo at 2.55 minute mark of ISSAIPRIYA. Great Job.

    There is a lot more to come…………………. Keep tuned….

  • 0

    So more footage of the body of a confirmed LTTE terrorist? You mean to say we actually killed LTTE terrorists in the war against, er, LTTE terrorists? Woah. That’s quite the revelation.

    • 1

      Ponnaya, Issapriya was not an LTTE combatant to be killed in this manner. It is sickening to note that people like you taking great pride in butchering unarmed civilians, just because they are LTTE and Tamil?

      • 0

        Yes ‘Gamini’, while your LTTE heroes were arming and throwing women, kids and their dogs at the SLA to try and save their hinds from the imminent spanking, this LTTE terrorist would have been given a free pass, just in case she had a heart attack before getting a few rounds off.

      • 0

        wrong .her credentials belonging to the LTTE were widely displayed on SL TV channels , Including her cadre number in the LTTE.!

  • 0

    While these appear to suggest possible criminal acts, at the same time this was her karma. As the mouthpiece for the organization that regularly committed these types of atrocities against Sinhalese, Muslim and dissenting Tamil alike, she like VP and his family, did deserve everything they got during the glorious victory over terror of May 2009.

  • 0

    All this Atrocities happened in Sri Lanka and still denying that they never happened/The video’s are false…..and still all the perpetrators are freely walking around like nothing happened.Dam shame.O.M.G.

    • 0

      Not only the perpetrators are freely globe trotting, some are enjoying Diplomatic postings in the very countries who claim to uphold Democracy. If people do not have a little grey matter that, why no action is taken is because the American Zionists are at the bottom of everything.

  • 0

    What we have here are digitally manipulated images and sounds. On the media nowadays nobody can believe anything, or alternatively those who wants to believe can believe what they want associated with the images. The stories and conjenctures written here are just imaginations of those who wrote. There is no evidence of anything here, just peoples mind formations and narrations around digitally manipulated set of images.

  • 0

    April third week of 2009, about 650 of top LTTE leaders except Velu and his closest associates died. during that time left over cadres would have videoed/photographed these and sent outside. LTTE loved making videos and using that to collect funds. Even during the war, LTTE created disgusting videos of their own woman dead LTTE cader – males cadres removing her cloths and showing her groin – associated area and scolding her while kicking her. You tube clip on that was in public.

    What is wrong making suicide jacket carrying cadres naked. LTTE forced even innocent pre-teen girls to run towards soldiers attacking the LTTE.

    That is how LTTE loved tamils.

    • 0

      You seem to be a genius only second to your guru, the math professori at the Kelaniya Uni (Nalin de Silva) in manufacturing lies and spinning yarns out of them. Your guru’s mission is to keep Sinhalese and Tamils divided and with his Prof. title he is doing it very well, thousands of gullible believe what he says as the gospel truth.

      You are asking what is wrong making suicide jacket carrying cadres naked? People who have no respect for dead bodies are asking to respect our national flag (after all a piece of cloth) when it was burned on the streets of London.

      You people are as worst as the terrorists who destroyed the country for thirty years.

  • 0


    This is what I posted in a comment for similar expectations:

    If you say that LTTE has killed some Sinhala civilians during the 30 year civil war, you are entitled to complain to the Sinhala Buddhist President Percy Rajapakse, or the defense secretary Gotabaya Rajapakse, or attorney general’s dept. which is again under GR, or the Parliament -Speaker Chamal Rajapakse and so on. I am not here to do the dirty work of the Sinhala buggers who are simply lazy.

    They can also complain to the Silva commission aka LLRC. Now after missing the bus there, you fellows want me to detail some thing LTTE had done, which you thing needs to be investigated or prosecuted? You are out of your damn mind if you think that I will do it.

    You fellows also have KP, Karuna and Pillaiyan to complain about and ask the Police or LLRC to take action. What were you all doing all these bloody years.

    Romesh, you also have got it all wrong, that Tamils For Justice hired Bruce Fein to complain about Genocide.. No in 2007, T4J was founded to lobby and canvass the USG and it’s agencies to investigate the human rights violations committed by the US citizens and residents, including the army commander who was surreptitiously trying to get a US passport via Green Card. T4J exposed it and other US citizens.

    Also, remember that US Govt. has jurisdiction over it’s citizens and residents. However, they can insist that the GOSL obey the Geneva Conventions and international law, if they want to be a member of the civil society of this world. If they don’t, they will become a Pariah Nation, ostracized in many ways by the IC and only the poor people of SL both Tamil and Sinhalese will suffer. Except, some small discomfort of putting the tail between the legs and running from Oxford or London, or being scared of litigation for war crimes commited, as part of chain of command responsibility. That is why Saddam Hussein was hanged, Gadaffi’s were killed, and President Mubarak was overthrown and he died a disgraced man. Idi Amin and corrupt Marcos from the Philippines some of the other examples.

    Romesh, your father Brian Seneviratne is one of those who sabotaged the project, which he has publicly admitted in writing with other Tamil diaspora leaders doing the same.

    I would suggest you should get your facts right before you write something. Would you be or other Sinhalese would be willing to file any complaint to anybody about the war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the army, MOD, or the GOSL, although they have been complaining non stop about what the LTTE supposed to have done….

    In fairness to your father Brian S, he is one of the few Sinhalese who complain about the HR violations, discrimination and war crimes for 30 years… that I know of. Fein and Parker are paid attorneys and they have to do what their clients ask them to do, and give good advise to them. Being hired by the Tamils, they are not there to please the desire of the Sinhalese. That is simple logic.

    Remember, we are only asking for justice from the US and the IC, with independent international investigations. That is the right of the Tamils and that is why there are Geneva Conventions, International Law, US law against war crimes and crimes against humanity. Justice will prevail one day. And sooner than later.

    • 0

      this guy is not a Tamil But An Imposer calling him self THALAIVAR,who is is doing a liking job that is why he doesn’t like truth exposing ,

      Shame on those Vultures, thrive on human flesh of surrendered prisoners, and innocent civilians,
      Rulers of this WONDER of ASIA should be ashamed of these type of barbarian’s acts.
      We all know that L T T E did masscars against all of ethics of Humanity and law and Washed their hands in Blood of innocents.
      They did not spare Evan a milk sucking infants when they attacked
      Sinhala villages.
      but Should any body do this to a SURRENDERED LTTE CRIMINAL.


      I am very ashamed of this and APOLOGIES AS A BUDDHIST SINHALESE.

    • 0

      Donald, I am sorry if I misunderstood your agenda regarding the lawyer Bruce Fein. I have heard that my father was against “the project”, as you call it (with Bruce Fein), but I am still not certain as to what, exactly, it involved. I did not know who Bruce Fein was until I watched his later presentations on You Tube. These purported to give a background (including a historical background) on the conflict in Sri Lanka. I was struck by how similar the misleading content was to the home-made DVDs my father was promoting – they even used the same photographs of a priest and his family who were supposedly tortured and killed by the Sri Lankan armed forces. I say ‘supposedly’ because I am not in a position to tell who did the killings or who took the photographs. It could have been the LTTE, for all I know.

      You seem to think, Donald, that I regard myself as Sinhalese, because my father identifies himself as such. You seem to think that the only recourse for people such as myself who want to hold the LTTE supporters responsible for the crimes is to report killings of “some Sinhala civilians” (as you put it) to the Government of Sri Lanka, rather than to the International Criminal Court and the United Nations. In fact, with a Tamil mother and Tamil grandparents who I was very close to, and having lived most of my life in Australia, I do not regard myself as Sinhalese or even Sri Lankan (I was born in England). I regard myself as Australian with a Sri Lankan heritage. I do not support a monoethnic, monolingual Singhala state in Sri Lanka any more than I support a monolingual, monoethnic Tamil state. It is not, though, for me to decide, but for the citizens of Sri Lanka. And they seem to have chosen to pursue a multilingual, multicultural society in which Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and Christianity are favoured religions and the people strive to become trilingual in Sinhala, Tamil and English. I think the government’s initiatives and efforts in promoting multilingualism should be supported rather than sabotaged.

      Personally I am not an adherent of any of the four religions that are promoted in Sri Lanka, nor do I agree with all of their doctrines. I regard the Mahawamsa as full of myth and legend, and likewise the Vedantas, the Christian Bible and the Koran. I do not regard religious scriptures to be a basis for government, nor for understanding history, and support the separation of church and state. My interest, when it comes to human rights abuses, war crimes and genocide (in Sri Lanka, Australia and around the world) is to seek the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. It seems to me a shallow exercise to look only at the crimes of some and not others. You seem to be saying that looking at the crimes of the LTTE is a job for others and not yourself. This is not something to be proud of.

      • 0

        Hi Romesh,
        You are right that your mother is Tamil and your grand parents are Tamils. You were born in England and you have lived your life in Australia. I am indeed aware of it, and your mother must be such a wonderful lady, and please give her my very best.

        Your writings do not give the impression that you have a Tamil connection, and that is your choice.

        Without much public discussions of how Bruce Fein after joining TAG has copied some of the material that was in your father’s DVD’s etc, please feel free to email me -teneeds@hotmail.com

        Also let me know how are Chandrika and Sunethra Bandaranayake’s your aunts, since your father in every other article claims that they are his cousins.

        Best Regards and take care- Donald Gnanakone

        • 0

          Hi Donald. Thanks for the reply. I will give my mother your regards when I speak to her next. You are right that she is a wonderful lady. In many ways she has been a role model to me – though not in her analysis of Sri Lankan and Tamil politics. She is a wonderful artist and a loving grandparent, but she has been misled, over the years, by separatist Tamil propaganda. So was I, for many years. Though I never fully supported the idea of Eelam (especially the disproportionate land claims indicated by the Tamil Eelam maps and flags and the increasingly ruthless means the LTTE used to fight for a “separate state for Tamils”) I was ambivalent about the LTTE until about 1995, when I investigated the organization for the first time.

          In the 1990s I didn’t have access to the Internet and relied on information my father and mother had on Sri Lanka. This was all strongly supportive of the Tamil Tigers and strongly critical of the various Governments of Sri Lanka. I read, for the first time, a book my father self-published in 1986 titled “Human Rights Violations in Sri Lanka”. It was obvious to me, when I read this book in 1995, that it was highly biased propaganda (apart from being poorly written).

          You say that my writings do not indicate that I have a “Tamil connection” and that you know I have “lived my life in Australia”. Actually, many of my formative years were spent in Trinity College which I attended from year 4 to 10. I studied in the English medium and became aware that there was a segregation between the Singhalese, Tamil and English media. Though I studied Singhalese and passed my O levels in the subject (as a second language) I never became fluent in the language. I learned even less Tamil, since our servants and the people in the shops in Kandy all spoke Singhalese. We left Sri Lanka for Australia in 1976 – just before the formation of the LTTE.

          It is my experiences in the Sri Lankan educational system that have impressed upon me the importance of promoting multilingualism as a remedy to division and cultural separatism in Sri Lanka and around the world. I have also been involved in efforts to promote multilingualism and indigenous languages in the Australian educational system. I understand the need, at the time the post-colonial language laws were passed, to shake of the cultural shackles of the British and their language, and to promote indigenous languages rather than English. Unfortunately, Singhalese was promoted more than Tamil, and the language of the Veddas was promoted not at all. I hope all this will change in the post-war Sri Lanka.

          As for my father’s repeated references to his blood relationship with the Bandaranaike family, it is true that S.W.R.D Bandaranaike was a first cousin of his father, Philip Senewiratne. I have no contact with Chandrika Kumaratunga and Sunethra Bandaranaike, and have never regarded them as “aunts”. I have no idea what contacts my father has, or has had with them. He doesn’t speak to me very often.

          • 0

            Dr Romesh,

            Be thankful for small mercies; keep the Bandaranaikes as far a way from you as possible.

            SWRD (born and christened during the governorship of Sir Joseph West Ridgeway (shielder of a pederast) was one of the original ‘Brown Sahibs’ but his native cunning led him to pole position when it came to antagonising the tribes (for political gain and power). His skillful use of the ‘language’ weapon drove a permanent stake between the many peoples who make up our tropical paradise. Ever since then we have gone the full distance – massacre, pillage, rape et al – truly our claim to stand shouler to shoulder with the other murderous regimes of Asia.

            A curse on all the houses that contributed to the suffering of the innocent sentient people who inhabit this once tropical paradise of ours.

            Respice Finem!

    • 0

      Donald J Gnanakone.




      We believe Even THESE RAJAPAKSES and your OTHER KILLERS LIKE K P PILLEYAN, KARUNA Also filthy buggers like you.
      So Do not insult to Decent HINDU Tamils And BUDDHIST Sinhalese.
      They Never approve killings or indecent activities

      BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT A REAL BLOOD TAMIL. Neither WAS YOUR SON GOD Thiruwenkhadam Velupillaai Pirapaharan[ KARIKAALAN(Christian convert, a Date expired Methdist.
      So was his MURDER GANG like Pottu amman , Boosai Ramesh, Balraj.
      This a result of a Holy War that had been declared by the TAMIL NADU Jaffna Tamil Catholics on both; Hindus and Buddhists.
      Every body knows that You people are supporters to that COUP.


  • 0

    S0-Called “Seruwila Senarath” (Who had Left Seruwila Electorate Good 26 Years Ago)
    Can U Tell Me Just One Reason Why U Do Not Consider Ueself too as a Imposer ??? U Left Seruwila in 1986 & Commenting Like U Still Living there ???

    Let Me Tell U Donkey, U too Not a Sinhalese, (as I Said Before there were Hardly Any Sinhala Familese in pachchanoor !!!)

    • 0

      DEPRESSED Kapila
      [Edited out]
      Why You want Some Body’ s Birth certificate,
      just go to trinco Election Office and see How many sinhalese were at Pachachanoor with one Buddhist monk with small temple AAARAMAYA.

      I Will give You advise.
      When You go to buy 1 pound Of Manioc,Do not try to measure the four corners of the land.
      [ Manghghokka raaththalak ganda eavith watthe hathara maima hoyanda epa].
      You are so cunning and you did not answer to me at Sri Lanka’s Nightmare on C T.
      Just Tell me Where you At UAE. Because I know very well from Abu Dhabi to fujehira.

  • 0

    BTW, “Seruvila” How Old were U in 1986, When Ur Family Left Seruvila ??? Perhaps 2 Years and 5 Months !!!

  • 0

    Sri Lankans go begging in USA, Italy France , Australiya and so many other countries for Citizen ship or Permenant Residency to live like others in thouse countries. But Our Sri Lankans thouse who do not want to go any where they are born here they want to live here they are only asking to live like thouse in south. So what is the Big deal for not giving them to live freely in the country. Because we don’t give them there dues they become arrogent. That it self slow down or stop our divelopments. Make one law to every one eihter black or white like in USA. and let the people live free.

    • 0

      Are you suggesting we should abolish the Thesavalamai law? You must be nuts!This is not a time to do anything like that. On the other hand, people of all walks of life have the same kind of problems, it’s not only one community. The artificial problems the maniac was talking about before he ended up at Nanthikadal three years ago, were made by his crazy balls and his supporters who sought assylum in the west using that card.

      • 0

        Thesawalaamei Law should be abolished as it is a barricade to the civic rights of All Sri Lankans.
        So Any body can buy land and live in Tamil dominated Areas Also.
        irrespective of races or religions.

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