24 January, 2025


Weliweriya Factory Workers Ordered To Report For Duty On 22 August; Residents Face Daily Struggle For Water

The Venigross glove making factory owned by the Hayleys Group that was at the centre of the Weliweriya water contamination controversy, has notified plant workers to report to work on August 22, Colombo Telegraph learns.

Army personnel have also been stationed outside the hostels provided for female workers at the plant, residents in the area claim.

The Defence Ministry ordered a two week shut down of the plant, after weeks of demonstrations by residents who are accusing Venigross of having contaminated the ground water in the area with its chemical waste. President Mahinda Rajapaksa who met with residents and company officials on Monday agreed to permit the plant to reopen in order to meet its export orders. In the long-term, the President has pledged to relocate the factory to a BOI zone.

While media and public focus remain on the clashes between military personnel and residents during a demonstration on August 1, that left three young men dead in Weliweriya, the residents continue to face a daily struggle for water.

Initial Government testing has found the water in the area to contain high levels of acidity that makes it unsuitable for drinking.  Private testing by residents have revealed that the pH levels of the water in the region is 3 or 4. The Water Board has reportedly handed over 1 ton of a chemical used at water treatment plants to alkalise water with a set of simple instructions and measurements to the Gampaha District Secretariat to be disbursed to residents through Gramasevakas and public health inspectors. But thus far, not much has reached the villages, residents claimed.

Water tanks and bowsers promised to Weliweriya and surrounding villages are stationed along main roads, with large labels on them stipulating they have been donated by the Economic Development Ministry run by Basil Rajapaksa or other political contributors, residents in the area say. In some cases, residents have to walk up to 3 km to the nearest water tank. “It is as if the water tanks are on the main road for passerby to see, not to meet the need for water in our villages. So people are just giving up. Those who can afford it drink bottled water. Others drink the highly acidic water from their wells in resignation,” one resident said.

There is a profound sense of helplessness over the situation, the residents claim, with people trying to come to terms with the fact that they are drinking poisonous water. “They are afraid for their children and for themselves. They drink the water and suffer through the burning in their stomachs and chest,” said a resident in Weliweriya. At first, she says, most of the villagers thought the burning sensation in their mouths and chest were heartburn. “They kept drinking Thambili – only now once we have experienced clean water after having got used to that for so long do we realise what was happening,” she said.


The Water Board has commenced laying the pipes to supply pipebourne water to the beleaguered villages, but the residents say progress is woefully slow. Only one Back-Hoe has been supplied to dig up the road to lay the pipes. “Every day it digs about 500 metres – how long is it going to take them to make it to every village?” residents complain. They claim that it should be an easy task for a Government that builds air[ports and highways in mere months to provide safe drinking water to the people in the Western Province.

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    When there is an epidemic of incurable diseases, like cancer, due to the result of drinking, bathing, and cooking in toxic water, I hope greedy businesses like Hayleys, and those who benefit from these businesses, like the side kicks of the rajapaksa’s, are able to justify why they acted so callously, and put greed over the basic needs of poor people.

    • 0

      This could well be.

      Like a half century ago, nazi doctors had even abused human paitents for their clinical trials. These patients were even not treated well. To that time, there ethics related to Clinical Trials were not devleoped as it is the case with them in the world today.

      So, I think Rajapakshes have no hearts when it goes for making thick their pockets. These ill fated buggers would not rethink before drinking water being contaminated. As Daksha pointed out, like the case in Bopal India and Chenobyl in Russia, all forms of health hazaards could affect on people´s health through drinking polluted, contaminated water.

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    Sri Rohana Manaranjana, Saddarmadveepa Chakrawarthi has proved that he is real “Jaathiye Aadambarakara Thaththa”

    He has some home grown solutions for any problem.

    1. Solution for Ethnic Problem – Appointing numerous “All Party Conferences”. they will never agree on anything, therefore this is the best solution to the problem he has right now.

    2. Increasing cost of living expenses – He will show us development with China black market loans.

    2. Increasing tax on essential commodities – this is due to Tamil Diaspora and NGO’s activities.

    3. Loosing GSP, Closing Factories – Everything will be credited to “Red”

    4. When the people asking Clean Water – Drink king Coconut instead of Water and open the factory.

    5. When Rana Viruwo killed Innocent People – Appointing endless Commissions. Using “Booku Kata” of Dalls Allahperuma and put the blame on Opposition. Using Wimal Weerawansa and put the blame on western powers.

    6. When there is an election due – Buy Opposition members to strengthen his arms.

    7. When there is an unrest in the Country – Gaanu 5 Naanasara Bebadu Balu Sena will protest to stop Cattle Slaughter.

    8. When Opposition start to protest – Champika Ranawaka and Hela Karumata will find a Mosque to attack.

    9. When people ask to reduce electricity rates – He will show us Norochchole and Sampur.

    10.When people ask food – he will give us International Airports.

    11.When People ask to protect Free Education – he will give us International Port.

    Finally there is no solution for Waliweriya problem. It will continue like this. People will vote for the regime while drinking contaminated water. Dammika perera will spend his wealth to make sure that Sri Rohana Manaranjana will win again. Style of Aadambarakara Thatha is he doesn’t have any solution for any problem. He is an uneducated Thug and he knows only that language.

  • 0

    voters deserve who they voted for.

    when you breed dogs you get dogs… so when you support & vote for rapist, theives, murders and uneducated dumb asses – what do you expect?

    The people have yet not learned the lessons…. at least this time they were able to protest soon that will also not be possible… the citizens will be no better than slaves…

    • 0

      But James@ where have the human rights gone ?

      Why Rizana was subjected to get behead – why not MR for what he has commited within the last few years out of his 43 years of political exp. Where is the justice on this world ? Why was Sadam executed, why not our murderers ? Why CW is to consider us as belonging to CW, while pigi island is being exclued; what norms have been applied here ?

    • 0

      Well said.

  • 0

    Those were nobody else the ruling bung of thugs. Had not they deployed the troops, nothing like teenage deaths would have been seen there. Nobody would have been injured got shot by brutal soldiers. This incident of this kind is the unique in the country in our entire history. Brutal Rajapskes stay mum today being unable to see the depth of the disastrous act fate, the army forces caused. Even if the protesters had been violent, no any democractic govts would have used bullet to control the gatherings. But to whom we have been explaining this – to a govt that would not even have the respect to properly provide the met people with clean water until the dispute with the issues is solved. Today, there were people that reported that they are worried about the quality of the water that the bousers supply them currently. If the rulers can kill the protesters so inhumanly, what talks we need to add about the quality of the water??

  • 0

    Our people watch Rupavahini, ITN, read the Daily News scribed by scoundrel stooges…they see the sides of roads dug up and workers laying pipelines and think the government is doing stuff…after all the King-wannabe himself chairs officials in a meeting and this broadcast over and again…people buy it but research shows the problem is much worse and it only aggravates the people…this is waking up..a process that will engulf the masses soon.

    Think about how Sri Lanka won world cup cricket…we lost it, bragged and became arrogant..now see where we are in cricket – ruins! People say the Rajapassas are infallible and here to rule for generations…this is naive thinking sans deep thought and analysis. Regimes with much vested wealth and resources have fallen flat on their faces. Saddam Hussein had to hide in a hole, Gaddafi under a drain…Mubarak had no place to go… Now think about our new rich clan!!

  • 0

    The Governement is doing these pretenses to show off to the CHOGM people that they care. But in reality, they don’t care at all. They use the misery of villagers as a publicity stunt for themselves.

    Why should Mr 10-20% variable put his name on the bowsers and say they are being DONATED by his wretched ministry. What does he think the citizens are? Beggars?

    They don’t need donations from the high and mighty. They want the politcians in power to manage the environment properly so that rich factory owners do not wreck their eco system.

    Supplying cleanwater or making sure the environement is clean and unpolluted is the GOVERNMENT’S DUTY, which they fail miserably to meet, despite the big mouths of Mervyn the Vermyn, the kin-petender, the Ministers, and the local super-king BR. In fact when it comes topactions and decisions for the benefit of people, for their welfare, they are worse than the scarecrows in our chenas in the dry zone.

  • 0

    This is hilarious. Sinhalese murders army raped and annihilated 40000 Tamils few years ago and Sinhalese celebrated with ‘kiri bath’ and fire crackers. Now the same murderous army killing their own in cold blood lol. As a Tamil this is amazing to watch. Karma is coming back to bite you in the back side lol. And for the sneaky, opportunities mussies who actively supported state oppression against Tamil minority is getting their fair share lol (Wait for your version of black July coming to your theaters soon) Please stop crying at least we had the guts to fight back (Losing is a different story) and make Sinhalese Army murderers piss in their pants for over a decade lol…

  • 0

    very soon our raja fuckers family will destroy sri lanka and wrecke in to pieces.

  • 0

    Selvam – Quote ” Make sinhalese army murders piss in ther pant for over a decade…………..
    Sunil _ Quote “Very soon Raja f………. family will destroy SL and wreck it into pieces………

  • 0

    Pls visit the page ,CT’s

    northern Sinhaliztion -important new message included among the comments

  • 0

    This man is just an another mee harakek – who would admit his views in this regards ?

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