By Michael Roberts –
In his typically feisty style Mark Salter has taken issue with the characterization of a statement in his To End a Civil War as “infantile” (within an articlebased on the Lt Col Gash files[1]). Salter’s assertion is from an UTHR report which in turn is based on appraisals provided by Tamil civilians who survived the last stages of the war. Here I address both Salter and Rajan Hoole, a friend of mine and the central figure behind the exhaustive 2009 UTHR reports.
A – Neither Hoole nor Salter attend to four critical facets in the conditions bearing on the specific claims from Tamil civilians. A1. Through the last five/six months of Eelam War IV many Tiger fighters were not wearing uniforms so that advancing SLA infantryman had to consider every able-bodied person[1] within sight as a potential enemy – in conditions of partial sightings amongst shrub and debris and the awareness that the Tigers deployed individuals in fearless suicide attacks.[2] A2.Thus, the civilians who raised this complaint in Hoole’s presence did not consider an overarching issue: namely, the powerful shadow of occluded identity, compounded as it was by the trees, shrubs and buildings in the specific landscape features of the “Last Redoubt.”[3] How could any SL Army identify him or her as civilian?[4] A3. While the civilian witnesses may perhaps be excused for neglecting this fact, how is it that Rajan Hoole and Mr. Salter did not apply elementary common sense in assessing this allegation? Did they attend to the manner in which landscape and time of day/night condition warring activity on the ground? Note my elaborations on this aspect in an Appendix. A4. The basic duty of an infantryman is to his colleagues around him; he is not expected to peep into a bunker and inquire “kavuda mehey innay” and have his head blown off if an enemy fighter is hiding therein. His fundamental duty is to remain alive and fighting.
B – Rajan Hoole cannot be accused of sympathies towards the LTTE and there is plenty of data within the UTHR reports as well as his The Arrogance of Power to demonstrate that fact. It is not an issue of bias, but the application of common infantry battle sense. Rajan’s acceptance of the civilian’s claims on this specific point is childish and displays a lack of common sense on this front. This failure highlights a more general problem that has bedevilled the appraisals of Eelam War IV tout court. Intelligent personnel with no battle theatre experience become members of “A Panel of Experts” and are dumb enough to essay judgments on complex battle-theatre issues for which they simply lack the competence.
C – The detail derived from the UTHR document utilised by Salter is attributed to the 13th May and therefore relates to the conditions faced by SL Army infantrymen in the period 19th April–18/19th May 2009. They relate to the arena that I have called “the Last Redoubt” and what the American ambassador Blake kept calling the “Safe Zone.” Here one must attend to the variation in the landscape within the northern Vanni districts of Mannar, Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu. Such specificity is vital because the advancing SLA infantry did not face a mass of civilians in the immediate vicinity of the frontlines till they assaulted the Last Redoubt. About 20,000 people from the Mullaitivu area had been induced to move to this coastal strip between Vellamullivaikkal and Puttumattalan in December 2008.[5] By the end of February 2009, it appears that virtually the whole civilian mass of about 250,000 had taken up residence there; and that there were no civilians around PTK during the battles there in March.[6] This area is said to cover 16 sq. kilometres in Lt. Col. Gash’s reckoning, though elsewhere I have seen 24 sq kilometres estimated.
D – There, in the Last Redoubt on the coast, the civilians constituted the LTTE’s strategic asset: becoming (D1) a defensive formation of so many sandbags and (D2) the wherewithal for a picture of an “impending humanitarian catastrophe” – which scenario was intended to promote forcible Western intervention. If many civilians died, that was grist to the LTTE’s strategic scheme: “Just as in Kosovo if enough civilians died in Sri Lanka the world would be forced to step in” were Pulidevan’s words to a pal in Europe in early 2009[7] (quoted in Harrison 2012: 63).
E – In their various interventions or manoeuvres directed towards such intervention, Ambassador Blake, Ambassador Hattrem, other Norwegian diplomats and all the humanitarian agencies that sought a ceasefire from the GoSL, while fully attuned to the fact that the LTTE would not abide by that condition, became partners of the LTTE in their war strategy. … not mere partners but active partners.
F – Stark evidence of the success of the LTTE and this partisan engagement was seen when P Saravanamuttu, head of the Centre for Policy Alternatives in Colombo, stepped forward on the 8th March 2009 in this style: “the argument that the forces have to respond to LTTE firing surely does not hold when it is known that such a response will result in civilian deaths and injuries, given the space and the number of people trapped within it.”[8] In effect, given the intransigence of the LTTE, he accepted that the Tigers would be firing heavy weaponry from that area, but the SLA had to treat that arena as sacred ground.
G – As it is, the commando units that penetrated the western bunds of the Last Redoubt on the 19th April and the infantry troops that fought to take control of that terrain over the next 30 days would not have deployed artillery much because such fire could hit one’s own troops. Even mortar fire may have been limited because of that possibility, so that RPGs and grenades would have been the “aids” supporting automatic weapons.
H – The initial operation was a remarkable success because it was preceded by leaflet drops and megaphone calls over a period of time that prepared the Tamil civilians and Tigers about what to to plant seeds of possibilities in some circles.[9] In the result, some Tiger fighters deserted. Moreover, some 103-110,000 persons (including Tiger personnel who had shed weapons) streamed westwards across Nandhikadal Lagoon in four days — thereby securing freedom/relief.[10] That marvellous outcome was beamed to the world by television footage. Reporters and ambassadors were provided real time UAV footage of this process at SLAF HQ in Slave Island, Colombo on the 20th April. Reuters immediately alerted the world to this process.
I – Despite this corpus of evidence, (Ia) Hillary Clinton went on air on the 22nd April 2009 and slashed the government of Sri Lanka because “a terrible humanitarian tragedy” was taking place and demanded a halt in the fighting so that “we could secure a safe passage for as many of the trapped civilians as possible;” and (Ib) the Foreign Ministers of Britain and France, David Miliband and Bernard Kouchner, flew to the island at the end of April and confronted President Rajapaksa in imperious style on the 31st April demanding a secession of hostilities. But Rajapaksa had chosen the setting for that meeting away from urban surroundings and firmly put the visitors in their place. Their imperial bombast was comprehensively deflated.
J – While we cannot lightly dismiss the humane concerns that seemed to guide such interventions,[11] we know from KP Pathmanathan’s revelations[12] as well as the disclosures from US Under Secy of State Michael Owens on the 6th of May 2009 that one of the central planks in these Western exertions was an ambitious scheme seeking to spirit a segment of the LTTE leadership to Eritrea, South Africa or East Timor. Ahaa! So … what sort of scenario did USA envisage for the benefit of American power in Sri Lanka and the Indian Ocean from having the re-formulated LTTE directorate[13] in their shirt-pocket?
K – On a priori grounds I suggest that a party or parties within any dispute should not become adjudicators in the aftermath of that dispute. To my mind the participation of USA, Britain, France and Norway in subsequent judicial inquiries is a travesty of natural justice. But I am no legal luminary and can only postulate common sense as the foundation supporting this contention.
I have no active military experience in any form. My commentary is only too aware of this shortcoming. However, there is a vicarious dimension that does inform my commentary, As a young lad and teenager at St. Aloysius College in the 1950s, I used to pout over the Illustrated London News in the college library during the lunch break. I was an avid student of World World War Two and invariably saw films with Audie Murphy and others in starring roles as war heroes.
I still retain memories of the Illustrated London News pictorial series depicting the Allied invasion imprinted by the scenes which and advances in Sicily and Italy in 1944. After their landing at Salerno the Allies had to battle through or along the Pennines which straddle the centre of Peninsular Italy in a north south formation. When my wife and I visited Tuscany and Sicily in 2007 and drove hire cars during our touring, the difficulties that would have been encountered by the Allied troops were vividly driven home. Many Italian villages and towns in these localities are perched on the spurs of low hills or “mountains” overlooking rolling plains and valleys with vines and orchards. Roads are a narrow and winding up to and along the hills. Since the German and Italian forces were ensconced in fortified spots on the spurs and in the towns/villages overlooking the plains/valleys, I could now comprehend why the military advances of the Allied Forces in their armoured might in 1944 had been as devilish as slow. This was not ideal Sherman tank terrain.
Al-Jazeera 2009a “SL army claims control of rebel territory, 26 Jan 2009,”
Al-Jazeera 2009b “SL army closes in on Tamil Tigers,” 1 February 2009.
De Silva-Ranasinghe, Sergei 2009a “Political and Security Implications of Sri Lanka’s Armed Conflict,” Asia-Pacific Defence Reporter, Feb. 2009, Vol. 35/1, pp. 20, 22-24.
De Silva-Ranasinghe, Sergei 2009b “The Battle for the Vanni Pocket,” Asia-Pacific Defence Reporter, March 2009, Vol. 35/2, pp. 17-19 — 156554.html
Dharma-wardana, Chandre 2018 “An US Commando Force was at Katunayake in April 2009 prepared for a So-called ‘Humanitarian Intervention’,” 7 May 2018,
Diplomatic Editor 2009 “Plans to evacuate civilians. Donor Co-Chairs working out “coalition humanitarian task force,” 22 February 2009,
Gamage, Daya 2014 “The American agenda for Sri Lanka’s National Issues,” 5 July 2014,
Gray, David 2009 “A Day at the Front Line in Sri Lanka (Photographer’s Blog),” 27 April 2009,
Harrison, Frances 2012 Still Counting the Dead, London: Portobello.
Hull, C. Bryson 2009 “Sri Lanka opens eye in the sky on war zone,” 20 April 2009,
Hull, C. Bryson & Ranga Sirilal 2009a “Sri Lankan War in Endgame, 100,000 escape rebel zone,” 23 April 2009,
IDAG [i.e. Citizen Silva] 2013 “The Numbers Game: Politics of Retributive Justice,” OR
Jeyaraj D. B. S. 2009 “Wretched of the earth break free of bondage.” Daily Mirror, 25 April 2009.
Jeyaraj, D. B. S. 2009 “Fraudulent concept of a “fire-free, no-fire, safe zone,” 18 April 2009,
Jeyaraj, D. B. S. 2011 “KP’ Speaks Out. An Interview with Former Tiger Chief, Vavuniya: NERDO.
Narendran, Rajasingham 2014 “Harsh Ground Realities in War: Decomposing Bodies and Missing Persons and Soldiers,” 28 January 2014,
Noble, Kath 2013 “Numbers Game reviewed by Kath Noble: The Full Monty,” 14 July 2013,
Roberts, Michael 2011 “Amnesty International reveals its Flawed Tunnel-Vision in Sri Lanka in 2009,” 10 Aug. 2011,
Roberts, Michael 2011 “The Landscape of the LTTE’s Last Redoubt, May 2009,” 7 June 2011,
Roberts, Michael 2013 “Pictorial Illustrations of the Mass Exodus from the Last Redoubt, 20-22 April and mid-May 2009,” Appendix V for “BBC Blind”,
Roberts, Michael 2013 “BBC-Blind: Misreading the Tamil Tiger Strategy of International Blackmail, 2008-13,”
Roberts, Michael 2014a “Generating Calamity, 2008-2014: An Overview of Tamil Nationalist Operations and Their Marvels,” 10 April 2014,
Roberts, Michael 2014b “The Induction Oath of Tamil Tiger Fighters at Their Passing-Out Ceremony,” 23 June 2014,
Roberts, Michael 2018 “The Bogollagama Gem: Thoughts on the Threatening US Spectre in March-May 2009,” 7 May 2018,
Salter, Mark 2015 To End a Civil War. Norway’s Peace Engagement in Sri Lanka, London: Hurst & Company.
Saravanamuttu, P. 2009 “Unending End Game,” 9 March 2009,
Tammita-Delgoda, S. 2009 “The Casualties of Sri Lanka’s Brutal Civil War,” 16 April 2009,
Tammita-Delgoda, S. 2009 “Sri Lanka: The Last Phase in Eelam War IV. From Chundikulam to Pudukulam,” New Delhi: Centre for Land Warfare, Manekshaw Paper No. 13,
Tammita-Delgoda, S. 2014a “Crossing the Lines: Tamils Escapees from the Last Redoubt meet the Army,” 21 September 2014, php?post=13751&action =edit&message=6&postpost=v2
Tammita-Delgoda, S. 2014b “Reading Between the Lines in April 2009: Tammita-Delgoda takes apart Marie Colvin’s jaundiced propaganda article in British newspaper,” 26 September 2014,
Times 2011 “TIMES Aerial Images, NFZ Last Redoubt, 23 May 2009,” photos/thuppahi/sets/72157626922360092/
UTHR 2009 A Marred Victory and a Defeat Pregnant with Meaning, Special Report No. 32.
UTHR 2009 Let Them Speak: Truth about Sri Lanka’s Victims of War. Special Report No. 34,
[1] “Able-bodied person” in this situation should include boys and girls aged 12 -16 because some of the most fearless suicide charges were sometimes undertaken by these juveniles.
[2] In fact. the LTTE unleashed suicide attacks on occasions among the fleeing civilians in order to deter them (as recorded both in the UTHR studies and in some of Serge de Silva Ranasinghe’s essays). There were several instances when SL Army troops were subject to such attacks on the 19/20th April as well as subsequently (see de Silva-Ranasinghe, “Downfall,” 2010).
[3] That is why I fashioned an article on “The Landscape of the LTTE’s Last Redoubt, May 2009,” (Roberts 2011) – deploying Kanchan Prasad’s shots when she visited the rear battle arena of the Last Redoubt from the 14-18th May with Muralidhar Reddy. Also see “Times Aerial Images,” 2009.
[4] Note, too, that a significant number had also been trained in basic military action in the makkal padai (civilian auxiliary force) in the years 2005-08 (see Figs. 62-64 in Roberts, Tamil Person and State. Pictorial, 2014, pp. 106-08).
[5] See Jeyaraj, “Fraudulent Concept,” 2009. In my surmise this specific move was designed to thwart any amphibious landing by the GoSL forces.
[6] See Tammita-Delgoda’s description of the aftermath of battles at PTK with photographs as supplements: “Reading Between the Lines in April 2009: Tammita-Delgoda takes apart Marie Colvin’s jaundiced propaganda article in British newspaper,” 26 September 2014,
[7] Quoted in Harrison 2012: 63 … Pulidevan was the Chief Political Commissars in 2009.
[8] See Saravanamuttu 2009. This sentence is followed by references to the statements of the visiting luminary Sir John Holmes of the UN. In retrospect, it is abundantly clear that Holmes and other UN emissaries, such as Vijay Nambiar, were virtually USA’s handmaidens. Note that earlier on the 19th February Human Rights Watch had released an illustrated document with this demand: “The Sri Lankan government should immediately cease its indiscriminate artillery attacks on civilians in the northern Vanni region and its policy of detaining displaced persons in internment camps.”
[9] It is my suspicion that few SL Army Tamil -speakers or Karuna’s men had been infiltrated into the civilian populace in to plant seeds of possible courses of action.
[10] See Jeyaraj, “Wretched,” 2009 and Hull “Eye in Sky,” 2009. Also note Roberts, “Pictorial Illustrations …,” 2013.
[11] Foreign policy formulations within the Western states (and most states) are fields that are difficult to penetrate. The degree to which humanitarian concerns shaped USA’s policy towards Sri Lanka is a debating ground.
[12] See Jeyaraj, KP Speaks Out, 2011. KP’s efforts saw an assembly of Norwegian diplomats and LTTE emissaries from their global network meet in Kuala Lumpur in February 2009; while a PACOM team of US military specialists visited Sri Lanka to assess possibilities of intervention (see Salter 2015: 348-49 and Roberts, “Bogollagam Gem,” 2018). The latter was kept hush-hush …and still is.
[13] References with Ambassador Blake’s despatches indicate that USA was ready to hand Pirapaharan and Pottu Amman over to India [to face punishment for the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi]. Thus it is logical to surmise that they would have settled on the political wing of the LTTE as carriers of the flag and point men in the US strategy of securing “a negotiated settlement” (Owens’s words) in Sri Lanka between its Tamil people and the Sinhala-led government.
Native Vedda / June 20, 2018
Where are you.
Here is the good news.
Trump Administration Withdraws U.S. from U.N. Human Rights Council.
The noisy minority in this island is not satisfied with the UN council’s balancing acts.
Now is the time for Sri Lanka to withdraw from UNHRC following the foot step of Trump.
Native Vedda / June 20, 2018
Michael Roberts
I still can’t understand why you spend so much time recycling your previous typing into bit of this and bit of that which many consider as trivial pursuit of a respected former scholar.
What is the purpose of degrading oneself in the pursuit of war crime denial?
Many have the highest regard for the body of work you have done on medieval history of Sri Lanka. Please don’t throw it away.
Kabaragoya / June 20, 2018
He probably gets paid for it. Adelaide did not make the man professor.
Keynes! / June 20, 2018
Adoh Roberts!
All these months you were crowing about Naseby on Gash. Now that Naseby has been exposed, will you change your 69 position with the Rajapaksas and move on to a missionary one?
Jim softy / June 20, 2018
Keynes: IT is very stupid and naive to insert politics into every thing.
Tamil from the north / June 20, 2018
Dumbo Jimba, it is just like how you insert yourself into intellectual arguments……………………..just dumb like you!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jim softy / June 21, 2018
Dalit Kallathoni, how did you swim to Frozen north of Kanada, IS it inside a rusty container and the rusty ship. Did you have to go through the Dalit Quota system if you go to toiletless Tamilnadu.. that is why you Selected a route via Sinhale to Keneda. Read i CT how stupid Tamils have lost in Gonkalapuwa.
Tamil from the north / June 21, 2018
Jimba the Dumbo: Dalit Kallathoni, how did you swim to Frozen north of Kanada, IS it inside a rusty container and the rusty ship. Did you have to go through the Dalit Quota system if you go to toiletless Tamilnadu.. that is why you Selected a route via Sinhale to Keneda. Read i CT how stupid Tamils have lost in Gonkalapuwa.
TFN (English lesson 101 to Dumbo): Not is it, this happened in the past, hence you should ask was it?
It is not Kanada, but it is Canada (spelling).
We both make a lovely pair, one came from Tamil Nadu and the Dumbo came from Orissa.
I give up on Jimba the Dumba, because you are so stupid and illiterate, first you need treatment and let me look at educating you.
Keynes! / June 21, 2018
Michael Roberts is an apologist for the Sri Lankan state and a rabid racist. He cannot write a single sentence without anti-Tamil views in it. For Roberts, his political anger has become all the rage!
And what’s happened to his buddies SinhaRaja Tammita-Delgoda and Kath Noble? That joker Tammita Delgoda managed to put articles into the The Independent in the UK by professing to be independent and a cut above the rest of the Sinhalese simply by virtue of the fact that he was domiciled in the UK.
HelixHilton / June 20, 2018
Very well said. Throughout Afghanistan and Iraq, the US Army followed the same policy you highlight in A1. Jihadis/Hajjis/Camel Jockies who were combatants NEVER wore uniforms. So sometimes when people are working on the roadside(maybe construction workers), and they do not know who they are they will call in Airstrikes on them and evaporate them. “we will never know” is the classical answer. Lots of Civilians died like that. Same with Predator Drone strikes. A target is within a group of people who may or may not be civilians. But the strike is taken. That is how the US operates. LTTE Tamil Tigers never followed rules of war. They pretended to be civilians. “we will never know” who was lurking behind the bushes. Recall the incident when a girl pretended to be wounded and wanting to surrender and was unarmed? She blew herself up when the soldiers came near her with water. You can never know. This is the nature of such beastly wars. What is good for the Christian predominantly White American army is good for the Sri Lankan army. Hajji/Camel Jockies/Sand Niggers/Towel Heads is what they call these warriors. We will never know.
Native Vedda / June 20, 2018
“What is good for the Christian predominantly White American army is good for the Sri Lankan army. “
Trump administration just withdrew U.S. from U.N. Human Rights Council. Now its time Sri Lanka too withdrew from UNHRC.
Listen to Sundar Pichai’s speech at The Google I/O Conference 2018.
Why don’t you aspire to do what Google does? You cannot even imagine what Google could do.
By the way Sundar Pichai is from Toilet less Tamil Nadu.
Jim softy / June 20, 2018
NAtive Vedda: Google is working in collaboration with CIA – high Tech part. YAHOO at least claim they give information every some konths to the govt. cloud computing is good for industrial espionage, Twitter and Face book are good for collecting private information. some how Jordan Prince did not complete the US agenda. US pays most of the United Nations expenses. So, what else they should do except for quitting. that is how lost.
Native Vedda / June 21, 2018
Why do you remain technologically stupid as well as politically too?
Tell us which company does not pass information to their own intelligence services if necessary foreigners too can buy sensitive information from our armed forces, state functionaries, ……………………. politicians, ……….. Where did wikileaks get its information from? US dispatches, where did US get information from? Have a guess.
Nothing is secret anymore.
Therefore make sure you don’t walk naked inside your bedsit.
Jim softy / June 21, 2018
Stupid NAtive Vedda: Sri lanka doe snot have secrets. All these war crime charges, Missing people offices are just BS. AT present, I think CBK, Mangaala, Ranil, KAru Jayasooriya are all CIA agents. Besides, Sri lankan army explaiend everything they do every foreign coutry that asked help. Ask NEpal and Phillipnes.
Jim softy / June 20, 2018
Excellent investigavtive article. I read your article about US concern about Sinhala domination of Sri lankan politics and the decline of Tamil influence in the administrative areas. when the Yahapalana govt czame, ChandrikaBK also said a similar thing in One chevanyagam commeration lecture that Sinhala domination in Sri lanka should be reduced. Mangala Samraweera is another who is sympathetic towards LTTE. there are lot about it. Mangala and Ranil, CBK too, are people who are very active in fulfilling the US agenda in Sri lanka. Their approaches in every thing mostly towards politically motivated Tamils, approache to the and handling of the Sri lankan economy, Haressmement of Sri lankan forces, mostly the army are examples. YOu need to consider another fact. that there was a kidnapping of Two CIA agent sin Yapanaya. They, posed as a couple, had pretended to work for an water supply project. At that time, tigers composed of so many different groups which had different political orientations. whenone group kidnapped the couple, th subseuqent kidnap ransom had to be paid to the Tamilnadu govt and request had started from the american ambassador in Delhi. Anothe rpoint is, I am wondering whether the bishop of Mannar at that time, Joseoh Rayappy’s claim of 146,000 missing, that Phillipine woman’s claim came from LTTE supporters themselves are related to these CIA influences fro behind. I heard there was an australian man who was from UN who had counted it to around 7000 dead. SO, I believe the present Missiing person’s Office is american Agenda implemented by Mangala, Ranil and CBK. further to that I heard Mangala saying YES THEY SAY MANY THINGS BUT I HAVE NOT CARRIED TO THE EXTET THEY SAY AND CERTAIN THINGS CAN NOT BE DONE. IN THE CASE RANIL IS DUMB FOUNDED EVERYTHING UNTIL HE IS CAUGHT RED HANDED.
Jim softy / June 20, 2018
Norway it well known as the US mouth for the third world countries. Norway had done the same thing in another country. I can ot remember whether it is in timor, Africa or thr western europe. I don’t think western countries believe any thing called natural justice unless that directly or indirectly affects them. that is why they ar enot talking about meeting the North Korean LEader and is vry angry with North Korean set up.
ceylonee / June 20, 2018
The Barbarian Thamil Tiger Terrorists are again forming in Eastern Lanka. Some Thamil terrorists had attacked some Mulslims in eastern and thus issued this notice . its to be translated in Sinhala language..
Jim softy / June 20, 2018
CeyloneeL You are a muslims and you all complain about others haressments YOu do not say all over the world what you wahabis are doing. In that way I love the western world as you are people are getting it back. did you ever write about the two sinhala men killing by you muslims before the muslim -harthal. do you ever mention every wher ein Sri lanka what you do to Sinhala society and beating bhikkus. I heard some Mahanuwara muslims went some where in the east and started a gang fight and were beaten. IT is was the return for what muslims did. check and see.
Jim softy / June 21, 2018
Mr. Roberts: Probably, you are well aware, this kind of subjugation of buddhist societies in Asia is oging on all over the region. IF you check thailand, Myanmar which is bit better of China is there to help, Mongolia, are all have similar problems. I would appreciate how the different churches have influences on these. I know in the middle east, it is the church that goes right behind the invasions.
Native Vedda / June 21, 2018
You are certain that it was the Barbarian Thamil Tiger Terrorists have formed in the East and had attacked some Muslims.
It could be anyone,
Jim softy / June 21, 2018
OVer the time what I understood that Rajan Hoole was not Tribalist and Racist as his elder brother is. Even then he was very pro-Tamil and was parial and biased when think about tamil issues or Tamil self determination. I think by saying “ZERO Casulaties” govt said their intention. but, every one should understand that it was impossible when the LTTE was taking civilian hostages. do not take personal. I say most of the NGOs, INGOs and Tamils criticizing that ZERO casulaty policy was Protestants and Catholics, they may be pro-western or got money from those western countries. At least Army was not given the due recognition, their sacrifice to save civilians. Those secrifices were not even acknowledged. Unfotunately, Even robert blake later came nad had asked SL Army help for AFghanisthan. Other than that they were not fair in recognizing the forces sacrifices but mostly SL Army mostly. In order to cut down civialins death even young girls became suicide bombers must have been a very difficult task for leaders as the soldiers were very motivated to go to the front.
yusuf / June 22, 2018
” In order to cut down civialins death even young girls became suicide bombers must have been a very difficult task for leaders as the soldiers were very motivated to go to the front.”
So you are saying soldiers were motivated because there were young girls. What happened to the young girls?
Jim softy / June 24, 2018
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K.Pillai / June 21, 2018
You never ever mention the reason why it all happened. That is what academic research is for. What sort of researcher are you? A retired one at that!
There was a time when it was said that there were no civilian casualties. Took you a while to see the canard. You are now nit-picking as to whether ~ “Through the last five/six months of Eelam War IV many Tiger fighters were not wearing uniforms so that advancing SLA infantryman had to consider every able-bodied person within sight as a potential enemy…….”.
What is the purpose of this article and the references!
Dionysus / June 21, 2018
Michael Roberts for next Sri Lanka Ambassador to Australia. Jayawewa!
shankar / June 22, 2018
micheal roberts is talking BS.Who created the so called safe zones?Who asked the civilians to go there and be ‘safe’.There fore who has to take responsibility for civilian deaths in these unsafe zones?
before you write paras and paras why don’t you answer that you jackbootlicker.
Native Vedda / June 22, 2018
You are questioning Michael now which is a good thing. However you never questioned another jackbootlicker and a spit polisher David when he typed all sorts of nasty things about those who questioned him and the state. You are one of his admirer.
Why is the change?
When people moved to one location from the previous one the Military was given the GPS coordinates of their position so that shelling and bombing could be avoided. The army used the coordinates to attack them.
There are so many little and large lies. The tragedy is that not only innocent people died but the professional class continues to lie.
Uncommon man / June 23, 2018
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Emil van der Poorten / June 23, 2018
Michael Roberts:
You continue to be part of the academic brigade that are apologists for the most corrupt and violent people to have ruled Sri Lanka. Interestingly, a whole slew of you, in typical opportunist fashion, have begun to emerge with the prospect of new blood being spilled by the return of the Rajapaksa Regime.
Unlike the Jim Softintheheads, Sumaney’s etc. you are not illiterate and that is what makes your moral and ethical gymnastics so reprehensible.