15 February, 2025


Who Will Be The Unifying  President?

By Jehan Perera

Jehan Perera

The ITAK endorsement of Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa will give a significant boost to his campaign for the presidency which has been steadily growing stronger, drawing massive crowds and reflected in improvements in public opinion polls. As the main component party of the Tamil National Alliance, the ITAK commands considerable political weight in terms of its ability to muster the Tamil vote. Also, the ITAK enjoys credibility with the international community as it consistently engages with them in order to obtain justice for the Tamil people. By endorsing the opposition leader, the ITAK joins the main parties of the Muslim and Malaiyaha (Indian origin) Tamil minorities who have already done so.

Endorsement by the party hierarchies is no guarantor of the people’s vote. Both the Muslim and Malaiyaha Tamil parties that endorsed the opposition leader have found that several of their parliamentarians have defied the party leadership and thrown in their lot with President Ranil Wickremesinghe who is also making a strong appeal to the ethnic and religious minorities. Even in the case of the ITAK, its current party president Mavai Senathirajah and parliamentarian Sivagnanam Shritharan (whose presidency is legally disputed) have not been part of the ITAK decision. The party president claims ill health prevented him from joining the meeting of the central committee of the party at its deliberations. The latter has already made a personal decision to give his support to the common Tamil presidential candidate, P. Ariyanethran.

The endorsement that the opposition leader has received from the ethnic and religious minority parties is also no guarantee of electoral victory. At the presidential election of 2019, opposition leader Premadasa received the support of these same parties only to be defeated by President Gotabaya Rajapaksa. President Rajapaksa, who campaigned on a nationalist platform, obtained strong support from the ethnic majority Sinhalese voters. This time, however, the three main presidential candidates have not resorted to ethnic nationalism in their election campaigns. This is a welcome break from the past, when elections invariably generated ethnic nationalist sentiment in which the enemy image of the other communities was highlighted.

Moderate  Manifestos 

In their manifestos, each of the presidential candidates have adopted constructive positions on the ethnic issue without getting diverted into issues of narrow ethnic nationalism. The opposition leader’s manifesto states “The government will be committed to fully implementing the current constitution including the 13th Amendment to the constitution till the passage of the new constitution. Reaffirm the commitment to provincial councils by not retracting the powers granted to them and instead strengthen the developments made at the provincial level.” This indicates that Opposition Leader Premadasa is not retracting his previously stated promise to devolve police and land powers to the provincial councils. Unlike his political rivals, he has been categorical about what he will implement.

President Wickremesinghe has said that as per the 13th Amendment, powers will be devolved to the Provincial Councils. He has also mentioned that the powers which the central government had taken back from the provinces will be given back to them. However, he has been cautious in handing the responsibility of deciding on the police powers for the provincial councils to the new parliament. NPP leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake has said that the constitutional drafting process carried out by Yahapalana government between 2015 and 2019 will be expedited and that political and administrative powers will be shared with each local government institution, district and province so that all people can participate in governance.

At these elections, the central issue is the question of the economy and how best to revive it in line with the IMF programme. The economic collapse the country went through in 2022 continues to affect all sections of the people, regardless of ethnicity, religion or region. Two years after the economic crisis of 2022, the poverty level in Sri Lanka has risen from 13 percent to 26 percent. Inflation which reached 70 percent has eroded living standards. In this context, issues of corruption and misallocation of resources have formed the heart of the ongoing political debate, which can arouse strong feelings of anxiety and even hatred in both the accused and accusers. The government’s offer of repeater weapons to parliamentarians may be an indicator of these concerns.

Reduce Polarisation 

The unfortunate feature of the present election is that the polarization and fear that accompanied earlier elections for reasons of ethnic conflict, can take the form of class conflict. This is on account of the strong performance being shown by the NPP/JVP presidential candidate Anura Kumara Dissanayake. The party’s popularity has grown during the economic crisis and the protest movement that demanded “system change.” Those who want change above all will prefer to vote for him as he has the least connections with the business and political elites who have been running the country. But this generates apprehensions of what might happen in the event of his victory. The Marxist-Leninist antecedents of many in leadership positions in the JVP, and the memory of past violence, feed these concerns.

In the few days remaining till the presidential election, it would be constructive on the part of the presidential candidates to ensure that the level of polarization and anxiety about the post-election scenario in society is reduced. In particular, they need to assure the people that no section of the population, whether ethno-religious community or socio-economic class will be targeted for reprisals or subject to punitive actions. Individual accountability for crimes or frauds committed is one thing, collective responsibility is another. The former is necessary, the latter is unacceptable. They need to also pledge to respect the verdict of the electorate, and in the unexpected event of losing the election, to hold back their supporters from engaging in destructive acts of opposition. The past decades of collective failure are there to teach better lessons for the future.

Therefore, a necessary task for the winner of the presidential election would be to reassure the losing candidates and their supporters that they will be protected by the law. Certainly, the winner’s manifesto will need to be implemented and whether or not accountability for past crimes is part of it, the law needs to take effect. The manifestos of the three leading candidates are ones meant for the betterment of the country. They need to be implemented in a spirit of inclusiveness. The political culture that needs to be cultivated is one in which those in opposition are heeded, and their views taken seriously, as they too may hold part of the truth. It is statesmen and not politicians that Sri Lanka needs today who will be thinking of the country first, rather than their supporters and vote banks.

Latest comments

  • 8

    The only unifying president could be Sajith. Ranil and his gang of thieves have been directly and indirectly involved in communal riots. Ranil was in parliament and was a cabinet minister during the 1983 riots. Similarly Anura Kumara’s right hand Tilvin was actively involved (social media pictures available) during the 1983 riots. Although Namal was not directly involved in any communal riots his father Mahinda has supported racial activities and has never taken any action against any communal rioters.

    • 3

      Wrong, about Tilvin. I’ll gather some material in a day or two.
      I have met Tilvin. He’s a nice guy.
      Panini Edirisinhe

  • 6

    The only unifying president could be Sajith. Ranil and his gang of thieves have been directly and indirectly involved in communal riots. Ranil was in parliament and was a cabinet minister during the 1983 riots. Similarly, Anura Kumara’s right hand, Tilvin, was actively involved (social media pictures available) during the 1983 riots. Although Namal was not directly involved in any communal riots, his father, Mahinda, has supported racial activities and has never taken any action against any communal rioters. Namal, too, has in his midst racially motivated actors.

    • 5

      Sajith belongs to the UNP tradition. Has he disowned the politics of the UNP ever?
      The issue was who was the boss.

      • 1


        Sajith was not a minister during 1983 he was not in the Parliament.

        • 1

          I said “Sajith belongs to the UNP tradition”.
          Had he ever dissociated with the UNP tradition, including the period of one R Premadasa whom he holds in high esteem.

    • 6

      Who will win this election?
      The answer is we don’t know. None oof the existing MPs or Political parties do not represent the people. In this election people are far away from political parties.So based on the support of a Tamil political party will be used as a propaganda by a Sinhalese candidate. The fact is racism is not gone away but it remains as a silent weapon. Further your party also should to get two thirds majority in parliament to make any change in the constitution. So, we will wait to see what happens here. Our wish is that all the citizens of this country should live peacefully with equal rights and corruption free.

    • 0

      Since you say so much against Tivlin, please show us the pictures.
      I have met Tivlin, and he is a very gentle being. I cannot ascertain his age – he’s over sixty, I believe. A carpenter, married, no children.
      Try this; I have sampled it, after just finding it. I can’t listen to it all now – 84 minutes. But you MUST because you’ve got it all wrong.
      Given his age, and the 1988 to 90 history of this land, it may be that he has killed a person or two. Even if I meet him again, I will NOT ask him such questions.
      Why don’t you raise these questions about Ranil?
      You’re taken quite seriously here.

      • 0

        This was the link that I forgot to insert, Raj.
        I’ve been multi-tasking! I’ve heard 55 minutes of it already. It has my imprimatur!

  • 5

    JP, who will be the the unifying President ?? NONE among current Lanka’s politicians. Paraphrasing your question, “Who will, not cause more misery to minorities ” ?? Pick your choice, among Ranil, SP, Anura , keeping in mind , all of them need approval from their Bosses aka Mahanayakas.

  • 3

    This article is written By Jehan Perera with deceitful intention.
    His favorite Ranil is going home in two weeks time. He exaggerate ITAK stand on Tamil votes. For NPP he has same old story of 70’s JVP up-rise.
    Does he has anything to say about Ranil orchestrated Batalanda torture camps and murder of misguided youths.
    Does he mention anything about atrocities on both Sinhalese and Tamil youth by R Premadasa regimen.
    He is little bit lenient on Sajith as he now knows that Ranil has no chance.
    He is an English medium gutter journalist.

  • 1

    My prediction is that the parties will be divided as follows: 23, 30, and 40, with the remaining 7 being distributed among other groups. All parties will need to depend on one another, and eventually, they will consolidate to form a united government.

    Manifestos are often promised during campaigns, but these promises are not always implemented once the parties are in power. For example, leaders who pledged to punish those who committed fraud are now failing to meet those promises. A clear indication of this failure is the alliance between Ranil and Pohotuwa, despite their earlier commitment to hold fraudsters accountable. This situation exemplifies how political promises can be broken once leaders attain power.
    it would be constructive on the part of the presidential candidates

  • 3

    Dear Readers,
    Assuming that the people elect AKD on September 21, I wonder how JVPs will form a caretaker government. Can govts be run by ” inexperienced men” as was the case with GOTABAYA ? AKD is said to be a former minister who has not performed well as a minister. His has always be confied to his stage provocations.
    The JVPs have made all of them criminals because they can only work with them, so who joins them ?Uneducated millitary leaders have joined them in between, in case they would be defeated, these millitary men would work on a coup by taking it by force.

    Any good and powerful leader must be able to work with good and bad people. There are no perfectionists. It is common to any leaders everywhere where democractic systems are in place.
    That’s the world we live in. In democratic countries, we don’t have leaders who are intolerant of other parties. It is false to brand everyone as a criminal if the charges are not proven in the existing judicial system of the country. If the judiciary fails, new laws should have been implemented, but what is behind the inability of any elected government to bring them in on time?

  • 3

    OOh, it’s good that people are being punished by JVPs (Insurgency in 89 and 92). We could not see, dead bodies floating in river branches lately…. blood thirsty dominated nation,. getting ready to it once again…..
    They deserve it. No doubt about that. If stupidity turns out to be the stubborness… nothing will work for public good… basta.
    If one man is only busy with his ideology, they should throw to learn how difficult it is for a SA country to achieve things. Then they can fall or learn.

    AKD s theories will end up similar to that of GOTABAYA no doubt about that.
    I request everyone else to stay out of politics and let JVP do the job in a short period of time.
    It’s about flipping the status quo to North Korea or a similar state. That is what we want…..
    I am longinng to see Mahendra Rajapaksa be hanged for many crimes that he committed deliberately for 15 years. AKD is dreaming, no leaders regardless of their loads of crime records, it takes decades to punish them… if what is written in the history is right. …..

  • 6

    “This time, however, the three main presidential candidates have not resorted to ethnic nationalism in their election campaigns”
    This time, the Sinhala racists, ranging from the antiquated Dentist Amarasekara , Jayasumana the cremation expert, Yahampath the Viyathmaga expert, and the three jokers Weerawansa ,Gammanpila , and Cumaratunga, have cast their lot with Dilith Jayaweera , the Goebbels of Gota. Let’s see how many votes he gets. Certainly three or four votes from Asgiriya, Malwatta, Mihintale and Kelaniya are assured.

  • 3

    “Who Will Be The Unifying President?”

    It’s going to be a two-headed president. ………. Ranil and Sajith are going to unify.

    It’s the burning desire of all the great patriots …….. who didn’t think of the country before …….. but think nothing but only of the county now.

    Better late than never! ……… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKjJpXxbGkc

    Unity, here we come!

  • 5

    The people of Sri Lanka have a fairly simple choice to make on 21st Sept. They must look at which prominent people surround the contenders for the president’s job. If established crooks and fraudsters are detected among the contender’s camp, that is a definite no-no for voting. No crook can be cleaned up, simply by joining with someone. That is why truly committed parties do not allow all comers to join. They are guided by principles. All the redundant riff-raff from failed or unpopular parties cannot just join up and hope to trick the people again and again. I believe the people will be wiser this time. That is the only hope for the unborn future generations to have.

  • 2

    At a recent rally at Panadura , AKD explained his plan to earn more Forex by
    adding value to our tea . Value Added Tea , instead of Bulk Tea Export . This
    shows his level of knowledge about world Tea Market and those who advise
    him on world market opportunities . They have absolutely no idea about the
    Outside World Behaviour , especially The Developed World with their imports
    and exports and their consumer habits . If he can name a country that is willing
    to buy our value added Tea with our price tag , very helpful I suppose . Already
    we are selling , Dilmah and Akbar value added tea but how much is selling and
    how fast ? AKD not talking about Garment Exports shows that he is under the
    impression we already have captured a share in the world market for garments .
    If he has any idea about garment manufacturing for export then a grip on how
    gems and tea work is within reach .

    • 5

      “Dilmah and Akbar value added tea but how much is selling and
      how fast ? “

      All the hotels in Poland had Dilmah tea in their rooms. Dilmah can be found in many supermarkets around the world. They have done a good job of marketing their product.

      • 0

        I would only recommend to you to visit ” the PolishStore.com “
        for a clue on Polish tea habits . And ” polishfoodies.com ” can
        help you with the Best Teas in Poland . Thanks .

        • 4

          Try these …… https://www.dilmah.com.au/news-about-dilmah/poland-joins-the-revolution–203–glb.html ……. https://herbataikawa.pl/?gad_source=1 ………. https://allegro.pl/uzytkownik/Gourmet_Foods?dd_referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F

          You may be in the tea industry and a tea expert and I’m not. ……. I said what we saw in hotel rooms. My wife carries Dilmah tea bags with her as she doesn’t like the others you usually find in hotels. And we were stunned to find Dilmah tea bags in all the hotel rooms.

          Dilmah started from nothing and now has become a global brand by utilising good/smart business sense/management. That’s how you build up a brand!

          Zesta and Mlesna tea bags we bought from their roadside restaurants on the way to the hills ……. were terrible: not in the same league/class as Dilmah. ……… Dilmah deserves all the success they have and is an example how to market a world-class


          We sampled all the Polish traditional food like in all other places we visit …….. didn’t like much, luckily found a Thosa Kade in Krakow.

          • 0

            I like to give you two example from two other prominent
            businesses so that you have a glimpse of how the world
            does business with us . About ten years back , none of the
            gem merchants in the country had any idea where our gems
            are ending up , meaning , the end customer . And the other
            thing is , the buyer who buys it from us recut it and polish it
            to their Taste Before it goes to the End Customer . They know
            we cut corners to get a good price at the cost of quality . And
            now the garment industry , Everything except stitching ,
            packing and shipping is buyer’s business . Buyer has his own
            team of quality controllers before shipping . This is how the
            End Customer is guaranteed a Quality Product that is coming to
            them Made In Somewhere Else . Never Mind Where . And about
            Food and Beverages , Strict Rules Are In Place against
            Contamination , In Developed and Highly Developed Brand Conscious
            Countries . I have no dispute on Dilmah ability to find some
            opportunities in the outside world but to think that You Just Can
            Sell Anything To Anybody Anywhere and There is A Ready Market
            For Us In The Waiting , That is Highly Misleading And Ignorant .
            Thanks for sharing your experience .

            • 0

              “but to think that You Just Can
              Sell Anything To Anybody Anywhere and There is A Ready Market
              For Us In The Waiting , That is Highly Misleading And Ignorant .”

              I didn’t say or think any of that ……. I focused only on Dilmah …….. and how they have developed their product to be found in many supermarkets around the world and hotels in Poland. They have demonstrated how to market a value-added product.

              I know zilch about Lankan gems …….. but have visited some diamond cutting/processing places in Amsterdam and Antwerp …….. they source their diamonds from outside. Trade centres do not stay static ….. sometimes change from one place to another …… like how this describes the centre for diamonds changed from Amsterdam to Antwerp. ……….. https://ajediam.com/diamond-history/amsterdam-diamonds/

              Hog Kong and Taiwan once started with garments …….. and then moved onto more upmarket assembly/manufacture: Taiwan specially

              They were once backwaters ……. now they are powerhouses in some areas …….. likewise Singapore.

              • 0

                ” but to think ……………….Misleading and Ignorant .” This is not
                directed at you . We continue here exchanging our views based
                on my comment on the 4th . So , please note , that part was in
                response to AKD export dreams laid out to the public . And as for
                your view on Hongkong , Taiwan and Singapore shifting from
                garments to” more upmarket…….. Taiwan specially, ” well , garment
                industry running from country to country is another story and
                taking advantage and shifting to other manufacturing areas before
                the booming is over is , up to the policy makers . I can only tell you
                this about garment industry trotting the globe , It Is Constantly
                Looking For New Markets For Price stability . That is why some
                countries like the ones you pointed out , jumped the ship and if not ,
                the industry will definitely leave you high and dry . Thanks again.

      • 2

        nimal fernando

        “They have done a good job of marketing their product.”

        Are they the same people marketing AKD and his products?
        NPP Sri Lanka | AKD

        Is AKD real?

        • 2

          Thanks for the link, Native. Nice song.

          “Is AKD real?”

          If not who else have we got? …….. just can’t imagine another term with the same old crooks.

          AKD has demonstrated his bona fides with ethical behaviour for over 20 years …… unlike most others he hasn’t cut corners in his ethics.

          Let’s wait and see how he turns out to be.

        • 0

          N V ,

          AKD stood up to Mahinda , Gota and Ranil and has lived enough to
          prove that he is real . But the biggest concern is , is he practical ?
          He is applying for a driving licence with a vast experience and a
          pass in Theory Test and asking for the public to get on board for
          the Practical with an L board hanging on his neck ! We saw Mahinda
          driving the crowd to Hambantota sea and air port and then straight to
          Trinco navy ship leaving the crowd drowning in the sea . Ranil is on
          course in the same direction but wants a little more time . The country
          is caught between a bunch of Reckless drivers and an unlicensed
          ‘ driver hopeful . ‘

        • 0

          N V ,

          Try watching this one . Go to youtube , type in National Voice
          and then find Janadipathiwarana thema geetha bajawwa.
          Only if you are equipped with Sinhala . Young guys put things
          in perspective so we understand a bit more about what is in
          store with the New Order .

  • 0

    I do not live in Sri Lanka and hence I cannot vote.
    Here’s the performance of Ranil’s government – the level of corruption.
    Do not vote for corruption.

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