By C.V. Wigneswaran –
This week I am answering several questions posed by a person who was annoyed that I called Mahāvaṃsa a fiction in my earlier Question for the Week series.
Question: You have stated that Mahāvaṃsa is only a fabrication written in Pali. On what facts and basis do you state so?
Answer: I did not say fabrication. It was a fiction written in Pali for the glorification of Buddhism. Mahanama at the end of every stanza says so. A historian will not say at the end of every stanza I do this for the glorification of a particular Religion or philosophy. His purpose was religious not writing history.
Question: Information and details provided in history and inscriptions found at many places of archaeological value and books on history and ancient events in Sri Lanka including India as well as other countries too, confirm contents in Mahāvaṃsa are exactly true and genuine. Then how do you call Mahāvaṃsa is only a fabrication in Pali.
Answer: Fabrication is a wrong word used by your good self. We sometimes write fiction with certain known information. Suppose I write a fictional short story that Mr. X was walking down Galle Road, Colpetty on a particular day, the latter information that there is a Galle Road in Colpetty might be true while Mr. X walking down Galle Road on that particular day would be fiction. Some information of historical value may have been included by Mahanama taking such information from traditional stories available at that time. Lots of journalists even today take existing facts and join them with their fancy stories and write articles giving the impression that their entire articles are genuine and true. I can identify such journalists if needed. In any event what contents of Mahāvaṃsa do you say are true and genuine? Once you tell me that, then I could answer your question more in detail.
Question: It was according to information and details given in Mahāvaṃsa that late King Ashoka the Emperor of India was recognized correctly and his period of reign decided upon. By these facts too, it is crystal clear that Mahāvaṃsa has an international recognition.
Answer: This is not true. The recognition of King Ashoka never came to pass only due to the existence of Mahāvaṃsa. You are insulting the Indians! The Ashokan Edicts were well known.
Question: There are many books written by foreigners about our country. Among those are many about our history. One book contains a report by Fa Hien as a keen observer of this country. But none of the books state about a Tamil Eelam.
Answer: There is no need to prove Thamil Eelam. It exists even now. Eelam is another name for Lanka, Ceylon, Serendip and so on. Since Sri Lanka exists Eelam also exists. Thamil Eelam is that part of Sri Lanka which has from pre Buddhistic times been Tamil speaking. That’s all. Eelam contains Tamil speaking Eelam and Sinhala speaking Eelam. The Sinhalese masses have been misinformed so far.
Question: Yalpaanam Vypawamalai is considered the oldest book written about the history of original Tamils. Information provided at the very beginning of that book tallies with information given in Mahawamsa to a great extent. At the beginning it states about King Wijaya just as mentioned in Mahawamsa too. What are your views on this issue.
Answer: Yalpaana Vypavamalai was not a book written by a Historian. He would have thought Mahāvaṃsa to have been true and referred to its contents. But within the last ten years or so, lots of evidence has come to light to show the existence of Tamils from pre Buddhistic times.
Professor Indrapala wrote his thesis for his Doctorate in the 1960s. They would not give him his Doctorate at the Ceylon University if he told the truth of the existence of Tamils prior to Chola occupation. So he said real cogent evidence of permanent settlements of Tamils was found only during the Chola occupation. My friend Lawyer S.L. Gunasekera went to town with Dr. Indrapala’s thesis Book. But what happened? Professor Indrapala wrote his subsequent Book in 2005 from Australia giving full details of Tamil occupation of Sri Lanka from pre Buddhistic times. Even our Sinhala Professors and respected Buddhist monks had been stultifying research to further their chauvinistic ends.
Question: Even in Tamil history book Yalpana Vypavamalai at the very beginning it states about the periods of reigns from King Wijaya to other kings who reigned in Sri Lanka exactly as stated in Mahāvaṃsa. This too clearly confirms Tamil history books have been written on facts and guidelines given in Mahāvaṃsa.
Answer: Yalpana Vypavamalai was not written by a Historian. He took for granted that Mahāvaṃsa contents were authentic history and must have written his book. That does not take away the fact that Mahāvaṃsa in fact was a fictional writing written for the glorification of Buddhism. Like S.L. Gunasekera taking Professor Indrapala’s first book to prove his Sinhala story you are taking Yalpana Vypawamalai, which is not a historical work, to prove your case. But the last ten years have brought ample proof of the antiquity of the Tamils in Sri Lanka. A very senior Professor of History said so recently at a public meeting.
Question: Although Yalpana Vypavamalai covers a long period of over 2400 years it contains details of 20 kings only. What are your views about this?
Answer: I do not have to comment any further about Yalpana Vypawamalai. If the author of Yalpana Vypawamalai lived today he would write a Book like Professor Indrapala disassociating himself with the contents of his earlier Book. You cannot keep truth hidden for a long time.
Question: It is stated in Yalpana Vypawamalai that the soil in the North was known as Weligoda (mound of sand) in the past. During this period a blind poet named Weeraruwan from India visited Sri Lanka. King Rajasinghe who was highly satisfied with the performance of his violin play, gifted him with a nindagam. Later their area was called Yalpanam which means violin player’s village. This proves clearly that Sinhalese people lived in North.
Answer: Utter rubbish! Sinhala words were coined for Tamil names and words within the past 100 years or so only. Now these coined words are used to say the coined Sinhala name existed centuries earlier. Manal Aru is a good example. Manal Aru was the name given in all official documents both before Independence and after until about 40 years ago. Then the Sinhala translation of Manal Aru viz. Weli Oya was inserted into Official documents. Now it is said Weli Oya was the Original name of the area and the Tamils took over and named it Manal Aru! You can check the Official documents during the British times and the early years after Independence. Lots of fraudulent acts of this nature had been taking place simply to portray that this Country was originally Sinhala and Buddhist. Even Mootha Sivan’s son Thevanai Nampiya Theesan has been changed to Devanampiya Tissa! There was no Sinhala Language at that time when Theesan was living.
Question: According to page 51 of the Yalpana Vypawamalai Sinhalese translation, it states all who professed Buddhism were Sinhalese people. Many Buddhists lived in the Kingdom of Jaffna. If it was so how do you say Tamil Buddhists lived in Jaffna in the past?
Answer: All Sinhalese may have been Buddhists. But all Buddhists were certainly not Sinhalese. Professor Sunil Ariaratne refers to Demala Bauddhayo in his Book under the same title. Please do not harp on Yalpana Vypawamalai again and again like my friend S.L. Gunasekera used to quote Professor Indrapala’s first book as his sole proof for his distorted view of History. I speak on the basis of the latest discoveries.
A discovery is where you are able to bring out something covered by removing the cover. The recent evidence regarding the Tamils have uncovered the wrong ideas propagated so far by some pseudo Sinhala Historians.
Question: Yalpana Vypawamalai states about the Aryachakrawarthy dynasty. Indian inscriptions state that. That dynasty was not Tamil. If it was so, how do you say original residents in Jaffna were Tamils and there was a Tamil Kingdom in Jaffna?
Answer: Aryachakrawarthis were Telugu Dravidians. They spoke Tamil when they were ruling here because Tamil was the language of communication at that time at the Royal Level. The Kandyan King signed in Tamil in 1815. He was an Aryachakrawarthi. Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada and Sinhalese were all Languages that came out of Tamil. Tamil and Pali helped to form Sinhala language. Surely I don’t have to prove to you that Sangiliyan the last King of Jaffna was a Tamil? Are you trying to say Jaffna Patnam was Sinhalese? How foolish of you! Sinhala language came into existence only 1300-1400 years ago. Before that there were no Sinhala language nor Sinhalese as a community. Mahāvaṃsa was in Pali. There was no Sinhalese when Mahāvaṃsa was written in the 5th Century AD. Sinhala came in the 6th or 7th Century AD. Further the recent DNA tests have confirmed Tamils and Sinhalese are from the same common origin.
I would therefore ask all my Sinhalese Brothers and Sisters to take cognizance of their common ancestry with us the Sri Lankan Tamils, grant us merger of North and East and include federalism in our constitution with a special unit within the North and East for the Tamil speaking Muslims so that the Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim brethren could hold hands together and move forward!
*Justice C.V. Wigneswaran – Former Chief Minister, Northern Province and Secretary General, Tamizh Makkal Kootanii
We Are Sri Lanka / December 25, 2019
Some elements could be fiction at the same time,
there could be some truth also.
In these sorts of situations various interest groups tend to interprit it to substanciate their own naration.
My personal view is that we should not dwell too much on historical things but
concentrate on how we can work together for the progress of all Sri Lankans.
Irrespective of race creed , cast or social status.
All citizens should be treated with respect and dignity in return all citizens should work hard for the common good and be loyal to Sri Lanka.
babalath appu / December 25, 2019
If other scripts of religions change as living docs, why not MAHAWANSA be subjected to revisions. ? Unnecessary place is given to SIVURU wearing pinguththarayas…. should be changed.
Sugandh Thomas / December 25, 2019
Could not agree with you more!
Being interested in ancient history is one thing. But digging up ancient history for the sake of putting ethnic claim to the land is whole another ball game.
Unfortunately, I believe that the many bigoted opinions of far too many Sri Lankans compelled Mr. Wigneswaran to study this subject and give us a reality check.
We Are Sri Lanka / December 26, 2019
I don’t see any thing wrong in singing the national anthem in Tamil
if there is a majority of Tamil speakers in that particular occasion.
As far as I know the Tamil language is an expressive and poetic laguage
As Sri Lankans we should be proud of the Tamil language and it’s use should be encouraged.
Sri Vikram / December 26, 2019
Some cunning pseudo-Scholars and charlatans of the 20th century claim that the North & East of Sri Lanka once belonged to the Sinhala-Buddhists. When they were asked for evidence, they showed either the old Tamil Buddhist sites as Sinhala Buddhist or due to the similarity between Tamil and Sinhala languages, they twist and turn the Tamil place names and create very similar Sinhala names to convince the ignorant gullible people that the original names were in Sinhala which the Tamils have changed later. (Since the grammar and vocabulary of Tamil and Sinhala are so close with many common words, you can take a Tamil word/sentence and convert it to Sinhala with almost the same word order and meaning).
Even though the Sinhala Language was created in Sri Lanka using Sanskrit/Prakrit, Pali and Tamil, both Sinhala and Tamil languages have its origin in India, and both of them have several similar or identical words. More than 30% of the Sinhala vocabulary consists of Tamil words.
Sinhala names are not unique to Sri Lanka, if you travel around India (from North to South and East to West), you can find 80% of the Sinhala names with a very slight variation. For example, you will see place names ending with -pura, -puram, etc. referring to a town or city.
Kanakpura (in Bangalore), Mahalingapura, Vijayapura, Surapura, Sakaleshapura (in Karnataka), Madhepura (in Bihar), Malpura (in Rajasthan), Rajpura (in Punjab), Shahpura (in Rajasthan) and many more.
Amalapuram, Narasapuram, Parvathipuram, Peddapuram, Pithapuram, Ramachandrapuram (in Andhara Pradesh), Thiruvananthapuram (in Kerala), Vikramasingapuram, Viluppuram, maamalapuram, Kanchipuram, Padmanabhapuram, Ramanathapuram (in Tamil Nadu) and so on.
I wonder how India got these names what the Sinhalese claim as Sinhala names. Contemporary Sri Lanka has place names which contain roots derived from Pali, Sanskrit, Tamil, Malayalam, and Telugu. The Old Tamil names found in Northeast was existing for many centuries and most of them have a clear meaning in Tamil and is unique to the traditional Tamil areas.
Champa / December 26, 2019
We are Sri Lanka
The history of Hela, i.e. the present day Sinhalese have the longest written history in the world in unmistakable chronological order. Both Mahawamsa and Deepawamsa are Buddhist chronicles.
The history, which is distinctive and unique is important to every nation. There is no reason to disregard historical things which defines our ethnic heritage and ancestry.
We Are Sri Lanka / December 26, 2019
Dear Champa,
No point in talking about history
if we cannot learn from historical events
and steer our destiny in the right direction.
Pirabakaran / December 27, 2019
You most certainly need to consult a psychiatrist from
punchinilame / December 25, 2019
A blog has this to say:
By order of appearance, Tamil would be considered the world’s oldest language as it is over 5,000 years old, having made its first appearance in 3,000 BC. The literature collection in Tamil, which is a classical language, is very vast. It is also varied. Tamil is very much a living language and thousands of newspapers are still published in the language.
It is believed that Tamil started around 2500 BC.
It is still widely spoken and an official language in Singapore, Sri Lanka. In India, first language speakers live in some 34 territories and states, including Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Puducherry, Kerala, Delhi, Gujarat, Goa and Assam.
Several more languages could still make it to this list. Arabic, for example, came about 512 CE and is spoken in several countries in the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Syria, Lebanon, Oman, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Israel, Kuwait and Jordan.
Lithuanian is another old language that has some similarity with Sanskrit. It is still spoken by more than three million people in Europe, Australia and Canada.
It is actually difficult to determine which languages are the oldest and several linguistic scholars lament the scarcity of evidence to make concrete conclusions”.
N. Ethirveerasingam / December 26, 2019
Justice Wigneswaran,
My classmates and I in Jaffna Central in the Fourties in Grades 7, 8,and 9 had many questions when we were taught history of Ceylon by Tamil teachers. We did not ask the teacher any questions. Then as now students are not encouraged to ask questions. The textbook or books from library on Ceylon history told the same story. I am glad you have highlighted some of those questions and gave your answers. I have read articles written by Professors Sudharshana Seneviratne and Indrapala. In the nineties I learned much from Prof Sinnathamby.
Tamils who teach history have complained of the shortcomings of the school history books. Like other school textbooks, history books are written by Sinhalese in Sinhala and translated into Tamil. In 2017 The National Education Commision (NEC) invited me to be in the Committee that was to revise the school history book. As I am not a historian I wanted the Chairman to invite Historian and Chancellor of Univ of Jaffna Prof. Pathmanathan and Prof in History and Archeology Prof Pushparatnam At Univ of Jaffna. I never heard from the NEC.
As a member of the General Education Committee of NEC I raised this issue of textbooks. I pointed out that the Nationals Institute of Education (NIE) should recruit equal number of Tamil academics as Sinhala Academics. Currently, out of 220 academic staff only 20 are Tamil speaking.(nie.lk). I pointed out that to write a school text book in Tamil or Sinhalese it will take the same number. Unless of course one assume the ridiculous notion that 1 Tamil academic can do what 20 Sinhala academics at NIE.
The Governing Council of NIE has no Tamils. The Academic Board has one Tamil. The NIE is supposed to give parity of status to both Medium of Instrucction. Should we call the NIE and the General Education Committee of the NEC Racist? I think not. But their actions are discriminatory leading to racism.
Eelam Tamil patriot / December 25, 2019
Justice Wigie ,
. What have you done for Tamil Eelam or Eelam Tamils.
This man was a faithful servant of genocidal Sinhalayas all his profession al life. Did Thalaivar make you a Supreme Court Justice?
No. Because Thalaivar knew you are an old smelly low life servant of genocidal Sinhalese.
Only after Thalaivar paid supreme sacrifice for we Elam Tamils, all these treacherous cockroaches start coming to Tamil Eelam.
If Thalaivar were alive he would have whipped your sorry ass to red and marked it as a traitor to Tamil Eelam.
Are you a true Eelam Tamil? How can you be when your daughters are given marriage to genocidal Sinhalas.
Before next time you bullshit from your both holes, first answer following questions for the benefit of Eelam Tamils
1. Why did Thalaivar publicly stated you are a low life traitor, therefore he did not want you to have no business with Eelam. You did not have any roles in making Tamil Eelam constitution or Eelam peace negotiators.
2 . Why did Anton Anna ( Anton Bala) call you a low life Tamil sell out who traded daughters to become a Genocidal judge?
3 why have not you talked a shit against genocidal Mahinda Mara?
4 why Mahinda Mara has not criticized you?
5 are not you planted by genocidal Mara to fool Eelam Tamils
I dare you answer these questions, Eelam Tamils already know the answers. Eelam is alive.
Danny A / December 25, 2019
Better you examine and reflect on the grave mistakes of Thalaivar and what could have been and what is now.
Thambinesan / December 26, 2019
Your lies and the way you express it makes me sick. I think other readers too will feel the same. You are not doing any favour to Thalaivar or LTTE by your behaviour and I am sure that you shouldn’t or cannot be a Eelam Tamil Patriot.
Do you know your Anton Anna stopped an action halfway through that was brought by some LTTE sympathisers in London to deproscribe the LTTE in 2001. He said that he is going to consult leading lawyers in London and will take necessary action to deproscribe, but no action was brought by him at all. Why did he behave like that? Was it due to his fear that by bringing an action he will put himself into trouble as an advisor to the LTTE, and his stay in the UK will be curtailed. ? Why did he allow LTTE to continue to be a proscribed terrorists organisation in the UK ? Do you know it is a proscribed terrorists organisation even now , all because of his inaction.? Have you got an answer to defend him?
shankar / December 26, 2019
“Eelam is alive.”
you mean Peelam is alive?
Tamils quest is Tamil Eelam / December 26, 2019
Shankar you coward , hiding behind the name of pioneering air Tiger Col Shankar.
You have hurt the feelings of Eelam Tamils. Peelam? Mind your words. One day soon in Tamil Eelam, Eelam Tamils will shit on your foul mouth and make all you traitors eat it. That day is coming soon.
S. C. Pasqual / December 27, 2019
Then it is “”shitlaam””
By the way where is your “”pioneering air Tiger Col Shankar.”” now ???
Driving taxis in hell???
Siva Sankaran Sharma / December 27, 2019
The so called Sinhalese Paaqual, all have their origin from Thootukudi in Southern Tamil Nadu . Just like half the present day so called Sinhalese population , now beating the anti Tamil drum.
shankar / December 27, 2019
look you donkey i have passed that stage when i am afraid of death, coward i am for you but not for me.Peelam it is as far as i am concerned cos barbers like thamilchelvam,castro etc tried to take over the tamil community using eelam.
The only way you will get tamil eelam is when you stop being greedy for the east.If you tell the british,portuguese and dutch to put back the way it was before you got colonised then you will get eelam which is the former jaffna kingdom,consisting of the northern province and a small part of the east and a small part of puttalam where the pearl fisheries took place.
the first attack by the portuguese on the jaffna kingdom resulted in them taking mannar island.The second attack in 1619 took over the kingdom.The map of the kingdoms of ceylon in 1520 when the first attack took place is as given below
whether you get eelam or peelam is entirely dependent on whether you want to get back what you had or whether you want to invite the wrath of god by trying to take what you did not have in the first place by resorting to violence.
as for my name shankar it is my real name while the imposter you describe is really vaithilingam sornalingam whose nom de guerre was shankar.Why does he want a aryan name.is he ashamed of his dravidian roots. I come from kalingha roots mixed with javaka as so many from 13th century jaffna,so my name is not anything to be ashamed of for me as we came to this island 800 years ago.
ps.oh give back,oh give back oh give back my kingdom for me for me
oh give back oh give back oh give back my kingdom for me
my kingdom lies over the ocean,my kingdom lies over the sea,my kingdom lies over the ocean,oh give back my kingdom to me to me
My kingdom for a horse.my kingdom for a horse.
shankar / December 27, 2019
as should clarify that the first attack on our kingdom by the portueguse was on 1520,where they managed to only wrest the mannar island from us.So the map of 1520 i gave is the correct period we are talking about.The mannar basin with all its oil and gas potential truly belongs to us.
ajith / December 25, 2019
Those claim Srilanka as a Sinhala Nation and Buddhist Nation should explain why the “Mahawamse” was written in Pali, not Sinhala? Is it possible that the Sinhalese were born to the Lion father and a human mother? Why was there is a close link between the names of Kings and leaders of Srilanka to Tamil or Dravidian names and Sinhalese names such as Rajasingham and Ranasinghe, Theva nambiya Theesan and Deva nambiya Tisa, Bandaranayagam and Bandaranayaka.
The first king of Srilanka was King Viyaja who came to Srilanka from India. When he came here was he Sinhala? Many talk about Sinhala civilisation. What is that mean? Can someone explain what is meant by Sinhala civilisation? Is it different from human civilisation? Is it different from Lord Buddha’s teachings?
Eagle Eye / December 25, 2019
Native Sinhalayo have explained the things that you want to know again and again in this forum but ‘Para’ descendants of slaves who have been brainwashed by racist Malabar Wellala politicians have not understood those explanations or they pretend that they have not understood.
We can explain to the don-keys but if the don-keys are not willing to accept those explanations there is nothing we can do.
babalawathie mudunkotuwa / December 26, 2019
If Tamils have come from other places, sinhalese too have done that. So there is no difference. So Egale Eye the kin dof pathologically inbred people whatever they explain nothing can change. I think we should punish our sinhalayas more in order to rebuild this nation.
It was of Rajakashe nature, abused the vulnerable mind set of the country……. those 69 lacks .. were misled for their come back. What happened today ? Baby politician, Gotler has failed to do the least in terms of rapidly price hikes of the daily needs.
They talk high but cant do the least ….. that prove by the idiots .. being close to GOTLER.
latha / December 26, 2019
Eagle Eye
They will better understand after Eelam war 5
Native Vedda / December 26, 2019
What will happen if Hindians decide to open a front in the South as they once did in their North East in 1971?
If Sri Lanka decided to join the umpteenth state of Indian Union just as Sikkim did on 16 May 1975.
latha / December 27, 2019
Dream, Dream It is good for your health.
Native Vedda / December 27, 2019
I suppose your dreams seem longer than the Mahawamsa years. Wake up anything is possible. Then of course don’t blame me for not giving you advanced notice.
Go back to sleep and make peace with yourself.
I can’t sleep because in the North Dravidian Tamils are occupying my land while in the South the Aryans swarming my island. I do not have enough room to stretch my arms and legs. Now how can I sleep in order to dream?
Why don’t you leave this island. When you go why don’t you take your Demela brethren with you which will definitely make my people’s life somewhat better.
Sri Vikram / December 26, 2019
Eagle Eye
Native Sinhalayo???
My Foot! LOL!
When did Kallathoni Vijaya’s people become native?
Is it after 4th February 1948?
justice / December 27, 2019
Eagle Eye,
What is “Malabar”?
Raj / December 26, 2019
Sinhala derived from the word ‘Siv+hela’ which means 4 regions/kingdoms governed by Hela people namely Yakkha, Deva, Naga, and Kumbhanda hela. This word Siv+hela became Sihala and then Sinhale. Vijaya came and captured only Yakka hela.
By that time, Buddhism had been well established in the Deva hela which was also named Jambudeepa (Buddha was born and attained enlightenment here in Jambudeepa). Arihat Mahinda had actually escaped from his uncle (serial killer) Ashoka and had arrived in Jambudeepa with his 3 sisters including Sangamitta. He became a monk, attained enlightenment and went to Anuradhapura to introduce Buddhism to king Devanampiya Tissa.
In other words, Arihat Mahinda did not arrive directly from north India.
The Portuguese who arrived in Sinhale in 1505 called it Zeilao (a corrupted pronunciation that they imitated with the words Sinhale and Sinhalayo). They identified Tamils as migrants from Malabar (part of India), that came as traders and settled down along the northern coastal belt, having married to Sinhalese women. The British called the island Ceylon after imitating the same like the Portuguese. When they noticed the historical differences between the native Sinhalese and the Tamils and Muslims from Malabar, the British used the situation to their advantage; hence the divide and rule.
In 1972, in order to have full representation of all ethnic groups specifically those who deemed minorities, the name was changed from Ceylon to Sri Lanka. The national flag was also changed accordingly.
ajith / December 26, 2019
Eagle Eye, Raj, Jayasuriya,
None of your answers explained that this island is a Buddhist Nation or Sinhala nation. None of you have answers for Why Mahawamse was in Pali, not in Sinhala. There is no consistency in the answers. Whether the Mahawamse is a fiction or true history, Sinhalese leadership most of them were converted Christians cheat with lies and fraud for their own power hungry thirst, not to the interest of the people or country.
Sri Vikram / December 26, 2019
Another joker with a new hilarious story, LOL!
“Sinhala derived from the word ‘Siv+hela’”
How did “Siv-hela” (four Hela tribes) become “Sinhala”? First of all, there is no any historical evidence to prove that the term ‘hela’ was used to denote any race or tribe. On the other hand the term ‘Siv-hela’ cannot be seen in any of the ancient inscriptions in Sri Lanka or in any of the ancient literary works. I would like to ask, from where did you get this concept of Siv(four) hela? Can you present any piece of evidence to show that the concept of Siv-hela was used anywhere in the island’s literature or any of the ancient inscriptions? Even if you take the Sinhala Language, there is no any rule in Sinhala grammar to derive Siv+hela to sinhala. If it is so Kav+pela should become Kanpela, Pav+hela should become panhala or pansala. Your derivation from Siv+hela to Sinhala is just another non-creative creation.
Native Vedda / December 26, 2019
“Sinhala derived from the word ‘Siv+hela’ which means 4 regions/kingdoms governed by Hela people namely Yakkha, Deva, Naga, and Kumbhanda hela.”
If true why are the pure Aryan Hela people sharing their DNA with impure Dravidian Tamil people?
Jayasuriya / December 26, 2019
“When he came here was he Sinhala?”
He is said to be from sinhapura believed to be in Bangladesh, meaning Sinhala was a clan in Bangladesh which later populated the Sinhalese island of Sri Lanka.
“Many talk about Sinhala civilisation. What is that mean? “
It means, civilisation built by the Sinhalese, Sigiriya, Dalada Maligawa, Polonaruwa city, those are evidences of the architecture of Sinhalese civilization, lekam mahataya, nilame, arachchi those are examples of the order of Sinhalese civilization. The culture, the laws and the rules and what is above mentioned makes up the civilisation of the Sinhalese.
“Is it different from human civilisation?”
Nope, every civilization is built by humans irrespective of their ethnicity.
VADC / December 26, 2019
Those names you mentioned are actually sanskrit not dravidian, it is possible that history books can be in classic languages which can differ from commoners language like in rome and europe where literal language became latin, and also in india sanskrit became most prominent language among intellectuals while citizen spoke in various languages, pali is considered sacred among buddhists then we can’t simply say sinhalese didn’t exit that time because mahavamsa written in pali
latha / December 26, 2019
Your explanation is too advanced to be understand by CV Wigg & alike Tamils.
Native Vedda / December 27, 2019
Are you sure Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, ….. were not considered prominent languages among intellectuals?
ralli / December 26, 2019
ajith, of course Sinhala civilization is different from other civilization of Human Beings. The simple example is they themselves claim they are descendent from a lion, an animal So what can you expect from that other than what you see in jungle. Not in Sri Lanka jungle because no lions in Sri Lanka jungle.
Daminda Pandittasekera / December 26, 2019
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Stanley / December 25, 2019
The only parts of the Mahavamsa that I believe are those that refer to the patricides, fratricides and murders committed by members of the Sinhalese royal families in order to usurp the throne and become king.
D. P. / December 25, 2019
… b’cos you want to provide blood-boiling topics to S/B racist so that they can keep MaRa/GoRa friendly media rolling! Other than that, all historians know what Mah Vansa is: It is not totally factual; nor is totally fictional!
M Spencer / December 26, 2019
Oh what a great discovery reiterating CVW!?
M C Spencer / December 27, 2019
Hi, so-called ashamed D P,
You the pretentious undercooked great English writer who calls himself D P who is also ashamed of his own name to own up to whatever s*** he fingers and not writes these days as many of us do. I do observe that without responding my critique of your arrogant, foolish, derogatory and hubris filled comments to me, you are now trying to write to redeem yourself and in the process muddying yourself further by displaying greater ignorance and lack of knowledge of the English language and the subject matter with hardly any original thought and only borrowed and stolen repeats from others where a parrot may do better than you.
Further, your two writing pieces of the 23rd of Dec have 3 and 15 critical spelling and punctuation errors and 2 & 5 advanced proper language use errors. The piece on the 24th of Dec has 5 critical spelling and punctuation errors and 3 advanced proper language use errors. Please try to do more reading of the learned to improve and self-develop yourself without boring us of your borrowed and stolen crap.
Amarasiri / December 25, 2019
C V Vigneswaran,
“Mahāvaṃsa was in Pali. There was no Sinhalese when Mahāvaṃsa was written in the 5th Century AD. Sinhala came in the 6th or 7th Century AD. Further the recent DNA tests have confirmed Tamils and Sinhalese are from the same common origin.”
Thanks for your well-articulated article in Question and Answer form, that clearly shows that Mahawamsa is fiction with some history thrown in, from Deepawamsa and Katta Katha (folk tales), written as a religious text , for the glorification of Buddhism, based on the lies and imaginations of Para-Monk Mahanama in Pali, the available language at that time.
Now the Para-Sinhala, mean IQ 79, believes that Mahawamsa is fact based, not imagination based. They are brainwashed from a very young age, at school, at the temple and at home. Even imbecile academics are promoting that.
Modern mitochondrial DNA genetics studies and testing have clearly shown that the Sinhala and Tamils are Paras, Paradeshis, foreigners, in the land of Native Veddah Aethho, and that their Para-Homeland is Southern and Eastern India.
There is no genetics proof of the Mahawamsa claim that the Sinhala originate from lions. However, still many low IQ Sinhala believes in that nonsense, along with the nonsense in the fictional work, as it is Buddhism. One Western researchers said that Mahawamsa is based on lies and imaginations of Monk Mahanama, who was trying to protect the Monk hegemony.
One Para-Sinhala “Academic “ from the Archeology Dept of Kalaniya University, is distorting data to fit into his hypothesis that the Sinhala are the original natives, in the land of Native Veddah Aethho. Somebody need to show him the molecular genetics data as well as the two works of Dr. Indrapala and politics of it.
Even the Para-Sinhala Prof. Sarathchandra, produced a play, Sinhabahu, based on lies and imaginations of the Monk.
Jayasuriya / December 26, 2019
Nobody believes everything in mahavamsa is fact based and nobody also believe that tamil and Sinhalese are from the same origin but, idiots like you chew on every bone thrown at you and when someone like cv spouts bs you people start jumping up and down.
Amarasiri / December 26, 2019
Go with the data, evidence and historical supported narratives, and how they acted.
The Mahawamsa Fables of Monk Mahanama, was written in the imagination of the Monk in the 5th and 6th Century CE, at a time when Bharat/Indian Buddhism was under threat by Hinduism and Brahmins.
Mahanama wanted to preserve Buddhism in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho, and tried his best, with lies and imaginations, to produce the Mahawamsa Fables, which apparently, many of the low IQ 79, brainwashed Modayas, believe.
In fact, one “Academic “ Prof. Ediriweera Sarathchandra, produced a drama, Sinhabahu, that was very popular among the low mean IQ 79 imbeciles. The politicians latched on to it as well.
The Sinhala and Tamils are Paras from Bharat, Damba Diva, as shown by mitochondrial DNA studies in molecular genetics.
The low IQ 79 imbeciles should be educated to believe in data and modern science than in fables.
A Land like no other, where there are imbeciles, mean IQ 79, prostrate to saffron clad imbecile monks, and believe in Monk Fables.
The first 6 Para-King’s did not prostrate to imbecile monks. Monk Mahanama’s Fables wanted the imbeciles to keep prostrating to the monks.
Go in front of your mirror and proclaim, “I will not prostate to the imbecile monks any more”, and cure yourself.
Jayasuriya / December 29, 2019
What do you mean lies by mahavamsa??? There is evidence like ruwanwelisaya and other archeological sites support what is said in mahavamsa, they support mahavamsa as being a reliable reference to know the backstory of certain places which is more than anything you tamils can say about your pathetic literature that talks about kumari condoms and is filled about stories of animal headed gods, tell me which one is more visible, your “lord” ganesh or the ruwanwelisaya and other sites that were built by humans?
Amarasiri / December 26, 2019
C V Vingrswaran,
Yes. Mahawamsa is a Buddhist work of fiction, with some history, and like Aslop Tales, and Jataka Kathas, Stories, all with the imaginations of Monk Mahanama.
The Dipavamsa gives a fuller account of the arrival of Theri Sangamitta (daughter to Asoka), but the epic story of Dutugamunu is treated only briefly, in ten Pali stanzas, while the Mahavamsa devoted ten chapters to it. Due to the greater attention given to the nuns of Sri Lanka in the Dipavamsa, as well as the description of Sangamitta as being particularly proficient at history, Hugh Nevill suggested that the Dipavamsa might have originated with the nuns community at one or more of the Viharas, rather than being composed by monks.
The Dipavamsa is considered “source material” to the Mahavamsa. The latter is more coherently organized, and is probably the greatest religious and historical epic in the Pali language. The historiography (i.e., the chronology of kings, battles etc.) given in the Mahavamsa, and to that extent in the Dipavasma, are believed to be largely correct from about the time of the death of Asoka.
Amarasiri / December 26, 2019
C V Vingeswaran,
Correction: Aslop Tales should read Aesop’s Fables.
So, Mahawamsa is Monk Mahanama’s Fables, with some history thrown in from
Aesop’s Fables, or the Aesopica, is a collection of fables credited to Aesop, a slave and storyteller believed to have lived in ancient Greece between 620 and 564 BCE. Of diverse origins, the stories associated with his name have descended to modern times through a number of sources and continue to be reinterpreted in different verbal registers and in popular as well as artistic media.
The fables originally belonged to the oral tradition and were not collected for some three centuries after Aesop’s death. By that time a variety of other stories, jokes and proverbs were being ascribed to him, although some of that material was from sources earlier than him or came from beyond the Greek cultural sphere. The process of inclusion has continued until the present, with some of the fables unrecorded before the Late Middle Ages and others arriving from outside Europe. The process is continuous and new stories are still being added to the Aesop corpus, even when they are demonstrably more recent work and sometimes from known authors.
Mallaiyuran / December 26, 2019
Both Paras are Tamil Nadu Pariahs. Very little Bengali DNA in them(Both has it). This could have been some of them came during Kalinga war or other feminine times. Ceylon was flourishing in agricultural activities, those days. All through the history, migrants had come to seeking work in agriculture and defense. That could be the reason for Bengali connection. In his writings, Mahanama did not establish that he is an allrounder. As you said he stayed inside the four walls most of his life. The information he presented is mainly have literical value. The main reason Sanskrit and Pali’s presence in Ceylon is for education of Hinduism and Buddhism. It is not new even in Tamil Nadu. Thirunavukkarasar’ name is only a title name of his eloquence in Tamil. Hindu title name is Appar. Jain title name is Dharmasena(his education is in Pali). Natural name is Marulneeki- A Kshtriya class – caste name.
We cannot go to those history history and religions, but we need to follow the UN’s guide for the Law and governance.
latha / December 25, 2019
Can’t be a man more stupid than this nut.
Native Vedda / December 26, 2019
“Can’t be a man more stupid than this nut.”
There can be many, for example yourself, Lal loo, Helass, Eagle Blind Eye, S. C. Pasqual, Lester, Weerawansa, Udaya Gammanpila, Dayan, Hopper Siriserna, Kamalika, HLDM, Ferdinando, Shenali, Prasanna, Channa Jayasumana, Gnanasara, Mahanayaka …………………………… Ampitiye Sumanarathan, Champika, Kolonnawe Sumangala, Uduwe Dhammaloka, Ellawala Medhananda, Omalpe Sobhitha, Athuraliye Rathana, Thilak Karunaratne, single handed Kamal, single handed Shavendra, ……………………..
latha / December 26, 2019
Next time write all Sinhalese people’s names.
Native Vedda / December 26, 2019
Thanks for your advice.
There is no such names as Sinhalese people’s name, “all names” which are being used in this island were plagiarized from India, Indian myth, Indian literature, ….. .
By the way if and when your stagnant mind permits you, please read the recently published book:
‘Journey of Civilization: From Indus to Vaigai’
By former IAS Officer R Balakrishnan
Review on Hindu:
A trail from the Indus to the Vaigai
By Nimisha S Pradeep
Amarasiri / December 27, 2019
All Para-Sinhala and Para-Tamil names are Para names, and it’s origins can be traced to Bharat, Damba Diva, India, and even some traces to Portugal, Holland and England.
Ex: Pandara Nayakam becomes Bandara Nayake etc.
Panini Edirisinhe / December 25, 2019
Dear Justice C.V. Wigneswaran,
You talk sense, even though you are old. Day by day we get older, but you certainly are not senile.
Common ancestry for both of us, I grant, and I’m certainly willing to hold hands with you and march forward to a better tomorrow.
I have no objection per se for the merger of the Northern and Eastern Provinces, or for Federalism. However, in the light of these having become emotionally charged words used by you dirty politicians (now that’s a bit controversial isn’t it, calling all you politicians dishonest and corrupt! I don’t know, I’m not a guy who is ever likely to vote for you!), I think it best for you to talk of such things.
Never mind. Let that be for now. What we really need is not to know whom we voted for, but to treat all humans as worthy of respect.
At this moment, I don’t have any great respect for Dhiloraj Canagasabey, Christopher Balraj, Dushantha Rodrigo, Steven Tambimuttu, and a few others. That is with reason. I suppose you know Ven. Philip Nesakumar. Right now I have some respect for him.
By the way, I usually call myself “Sinhala_Man”. I know that sounds a bit racist. Tell me, over all, do you think that I’m a racist?
Wimply Kid / December 26, 2019
Who cares about you and your bloody respect.
This article is about the Mahavamsa and it’s credibility as a
historical record of significant events that happened in a little island
at the southern most tip of India.
Kalu Nangi / December 26, 2019
You should call yourself “Sri Lankan Man” to avoid sounding racist!
The Rajapaksha family and their henchmen have used Mahavamsa and the Sinhala ethnicity as a tool to promote their political ideology and get more votes. Some foolish Sinhalese consider themselves to be offspring of the Lion Race and even have stickers on vehicles with the phrase “Sinha Ley”. That is taking racism to the extremes!
Panini Edirisinhe / December 26, 2019
Dear Kalu Nangi,
What you say would be rational only if I knew some Tamil. I wish I did, but the fact is that I don’t.
I believe that a true “Sri Lankan Man” ought to know both Sinhalese and Tamil. Viggie does. For me to claim to be Sri Lankan without knowing Tamil would be to equate “Sinhala” and “Sri Lankan”. The problem is that many racists do that.
Yours, Kalu Nangi, is a more spontaneous and straightforward stand. Mine is an unnecessarily intellectual and tortuous viewpoint. I prefer yours, Kalu Nangi.
But how come you have said nothing of your earliest education? Not when I looked anyway. And I have kept looking out for recent responses. There didn’t appear to be any until twenty minutes ago. How then is it that there already are two “dislikes” and 13 likes for my article, quite apart from two responses – yours and the obnoxious one from “Wimpy Kid”? Has CT been getting blocked part of the time already?
latha / December 26, 2019
Panini Edirisinghe
Are you sure you have a good knowledge in Sinhala language?
It is pathetic if a man’s mother is Tamil and son doesn’t know any Tamil.
In India how many languages one has to know to become a true Indian? fourteen?
Native Vedda / December 26, 2019
“In India how many languages one has to know to become a true Indian? fourteen?”
Just one, before your fellow Aryan Fascist Amit Shah pronounced his intention of Hindianisation of entire Hindia in 2019.
When did you decide to become a True Indian?
Please explain what you meant by true Indian?
latha / December 27, 2019
I did not know you are an Indian. I thought you are a recently migrated Tamil to SL. I don’t know about true Indians but Pinini E says he can’t call him a true Sri Lankan because he does not know Tamil ( know only may be English)
S. C. Pasqual / December 25, 2019
Can someone count how many “might”s “may”s “but”s “don’t have to”s and “no need to prove”s are there…??
C.V. Wigneswaran can take this same article with very few alterations to Australia and claim native Australians are Tamil.
He is correct once when he says “”But within the last ten years or so”” – Of course you all were trying to fabricate history last 10 or 15 years.
Jayasuriya / December 26, 2019
S. C. Pasqual
Exactly, the tamils are trying to hold on to whatever they can to make history in Sri Lanka, according to them the whole world is tamil.
S. C. Pasqual / December 26, 2019
Mr. Jayasuriya,
Read “”kumari kandam”” myth.
Its more interesting than “”Big Foot”” or “”loch ness monster””
They claim that there was a single continent governed by big shot Tamil kings stretching from India to Australia.
Native Vedda / December 26, 2019
“the tamils are trying to hold on to whatever they can to make history in Sri Lanka, “
You know why, you Sinhala/Buddhist fascist celebrated arsonists have a tendency of burning down anything valuable, worth retaining or preserving, destroy heritage, ….. .
Yet you blame the Portuguese and Dutch for destruction. They not only destroyed or tried to erase all that symbolised Sinhala heritage in the lower country they too destroyed those areas where the Tamils had a thriving heritage.
Has HLDM allow you to pull your head from his bum?
according to them the whole world is tamil.”
Native Vedda / December 26, 2019
And your Aryan Dutta Gamani and Cyril try their best to erase all evidence of Tamil history from document depository.
“according to them the whole world is tamil.”
As usual your stupidity and bigotry got the worst out of your head.
Read this excerpt from Sangam Poem:
யாதும் ஊரே யாவரும் கேளிர்
தீதும் நன்றும் பிறர்தர வாரா
To us all towns are our own, everyone our kin,
Life’s good comes not from others’ gifts, nor ill,
Kaniyan Poongundran, Purananuru – 192
(Adapted from translation by G.U.Pope, 1906)
Eranda Jayasuriy / December 29, 2019
Native Vedda
“And your Aryan Dutta Gamani and Cyril try their best to erase all evidence of Tamil history from document depository.”
You cannot erase which doesn’t exist.
Native Vedda / December 29, 2019
Eranda Jayasuriy
“You cannot erase which doesn’t exist.”
That is one reason as to why we should not write mentally-challenging comments in response to your typing.
Jayasuriya / December 29, 2019
Native Vedda
“Yet you blame the Portuguese and Dutch for destruction. They not only destroyed or tried to erase all that symbolised Sinhala heritage in the lower country they too destroyed those areas where the Tamils had a thriving heritage.”
Yet only one race stood up to defend them from doing this type of damage to the country, the Sinhalese, the Kandyan armies and the Sitawaka armies all were Sinhalese men while you tamils just laid down on the ground and took it in the rear, even the last army that fought for you little city in jaffna was a Sinhalese army which you tamils seem to have forgotten.The Sinhalese have a rightful claim on this island being there homeland because the Sinhalese earned that right through sacrifice and commitment while you tamils demand this country without putting in any work.
Also, don’t forget the portugese and the dutch weren’t the only invaders who did this much harm to Sri Lanka and the Sinhalese, your chola ancestors did so much permanent damage to this country which it never recovered from, the Sinhalese lost so many lives and so many works because of them, so don’t flatter yourself saying the europeans are the bad guys because your people weren’t any better from them.
ghk / December 26, 2019
Fabrication started much before 15 years…
N. Ethirveerasingam / December 27, 2019
S.C. Pasqual.
In 1977 when I went as a consultant sent by the Commonwealth Fund for Tech Cooperation (CFTC), The Papua New Guineans, who spoke 758 distinct languages as verified by Linguists, thought I was an aboriginal from Australia. I was skinny and 6’2′, and dark. They had not met a Tamil or Sinhalese at that time.
As you know one branch of the humans who came out of Olduvai Gorge in Kenya travelled through India to Sri Lanka. The Veddhas were those who stayed behind in the Island. those who continued on their journey ended up in PNG and Australia. So the theory based on the Genome project that started in 1980s. In one of the Islands I visited in PNG people practiced fire walking!!!
justice / December 25, 2019
Tamil Kingdoms did exist.
So did Tamil Kings of the Aryacakrawarthy Dynasty.
Sinhalasena / December 26, 2019
Justice. The so called kings of Sinhalas were got down from India.That is the history we learned.The books on history were changed with the change of govt in 1956. Konnar Mudiyanselage rajaratna(m) Buddharakkitha Henpitagedara Gnanaseeha and others spearheaded the move.I am a Sinhala Buddhist educated at Ananda.
Jeb / December 26, 2019
@justice Oh yes, “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.. ” Mate have you taken your medication? They are called Eelam myth busting tablets (16mg trice a day after meals)
Plato. / December 25, 2019
The Mahavamsa has been the cause of the present day Ethnic problem in Srilanka.
The Dutugemunu -Elara episode has been craftily projected by Monk Mahanama as a Sinhala-Tamil conflict even though two Generals who fought alongside with Dutugemunu, Sena and Guttika were in fact Tamils.
The Mahavamsa in the earlier records refers to Elara as a Just King. A FEW CENTURIES LATER HE IS REFERRED TO AS A JUST TAMIL KING: Note the Tamil part. Later on he is simply referred to as a Tamil King.
We need to examine a Historians mind set to place events in the proper perspective.
This is in line with Manal Aru becoming Weli-Oya and Pattipalai Aru becoming Gal-oya!
The country needs a new History to move forward.
Eagle Eye / December 25, 2019
“The country needs a new History to move forward.”
Native Sinhalayo got a documented history running into about 2500 years.
In addition to the documented history, now Native Sinhalayo have a NEW HISTORY based on archeological research carried out by renowned archeologists P.E.P. Deraniyagala, S.U. Deraniyagala and Raj Somadeva. Their research have shown with scientific evidences that Sinhalayo evolved in this country from Homo-Sapiens who lived 125,000 years ago in the southern coastal area. With these findings story about Vijaya is out. School text books have been revised based on new findings.
Some don-keys who find it difficult to face the truth keep on ridiculing the New History of Native Sinhalayo.
Jayasuriya / December 26, 2019
You tamils are ridiculous, where is your proof that the Sinhalese king Dutugemunu is tamil? If you don’t have proof, well you could also say that the chola empire was actually a Sinhalese empire and elara was a Sinhalese. You tamils have a history of being either invaders or slaves in Sri Lanka, you despise that history so you people try to steal Sinhalese history to gain a rightful claim to Sri Lanka and it’s pathetic. Sena and Guttika were two horsetraders who killed king Suratissa, not generals. We don’t need a new history, you tamils need a new history so you can make an eelam in this country, history is fine the way it is but, you guys don’t like it because it cuts through the bs you guys put forth.
Native Vedda / December 26, 2019
Palm leaf Ola manuscripts lifetime is only about 500 years. Copyist were employed to reproduce the earlier versions. Sometimes the copyists had to use their imagination to fill in the gaps created by decaying pages.
You know what happen if the monasteries had to rely upon those copyist?
jehan / December 25, 2019
mahavansa is a fiction. Same as most hindu text. idol worshipping is fiction. creating something from wood and stones is fiction. then worshipping it is fiction. worshipping unemployed monks who dont have a family and asking about raising children from them is fiction. What experiance does the monk have? Buddhism and hinduism is all fiction. created by man to create a caste system which keeps the slaves subjugated for ever. Hocus pocus religion, will never succeed. superstition will never succeed.
There is only one Allah, and Prophet Mohamed is his messenger.
Eagle Eye / December 25, 2019
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JD / December 25, 2019
JEHAN: Do you know Mohideen Beg. He sang a lost of buddhist Popular songs. Mohideen beg after his death was born in a Buddhist divine world called Chathumharajika and he had said he will never reborn as a Muslim and he he will be reborn soon in Anuradhapura.
Jayasuriya / December 26, 2019
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Native Vedda / December 26, 2019
Thanks for keeping it brief.
Keep up your good work
latha / December 26, 2019
What Tamils think about Mahawansha is irrelevant when facts in it true. It mentions King Devanampiya Tissa’s( DT) time Buddhism brought to this country by Monk Mahinda. That king built Thuparamaya. Theri Sangamittha brought the sacred Bo Tree. King Dutu Gemunu built Ruwanveli Dagabo, Lowamahapaya, Mirisawetiya etc. This monuments are present till today. They are too big to hide. Jethavana Aramaya one of the largest building in the world at that time.
King Ashoka did not mention his name in any one of his Edicts. He identified himself as Devanampriya (Pali – Devanampiya) or Priyadarshin. So to identify him as King Ashoka Mahavansha, Deepavansha & other Sinhalese books were used by Indian Historians. It is that title of him was used by our king Tissa. In our inscriptions he & other 4 kings who used the same title mention as Devanapiya. Devanambiya Tissan & Motta Sivan is a 20th century invention by Tamils who suddenly came across that name to get a secret pleasure.
Old inscriptions are written in old Sinhalese or Sinhalese Prakrit like this ( Name of the husbanad ) bariyaha lena. bariya = barya = wife. Lena = cave. These words are still in use.( Name) baryawage lena. His wife’s cave. Sagasa dini.( didi= dunna=gave)
In ancient world all the literature is done in Sanskrit, Pali or in Latin.
Earliest extant Sinhala book Siyabaslakara mention about earlier Sinhala books.
Sigiri poems were written by ordinary people, some were females. so that we can say at that time people were literate. Their should be a special skill to write good poetry.
Sri Vikram / December 26, 2019
The Dravidians were the original people of South Asia who later occupied Southern India and Sri Lanka. This island was originally a Siva Boomi (sacred land of Saivate/Hindu Dravidians). The Dravidians were occupying this island (and South India) from time immemorial and the language of this (South India-Sri Lanka) region was also Dravidian from the very beginning. They were devotees of Lord Siva (Saivaism is a sect of Hinduism/Brahmanism prevalent in South India – Sri Lanka region before Buddhism). The numerous occurrences of the personal name Siva in the Pali chronicles and in the early Brahmi stone inscriptions and the recent discoveries of Siva temples and Saivate Dravidian villages buried in the Anuradapura area are further proof that the island was originally occupied by Saivate/Hindu Dravidians in the ancient past. As per Ramayana, even the Yaksha king Ravana was believed to be a Dravidian chieftain and a strong devotee of Lord Siva.
Everything changed in Sri Lanka due to the North Indian Emperor Asoka who sent Buddhist missionary monks led by his son Mahinda Thero to the island and converted the Saivaite Dravidian King Muta Siva’s second son Tissa (brother of Maha Siva) to Buddhism in the 2nd century BC (Tissa/Tisa is his Buddhist name, his real Saiva Dravidian name is not known). In fact, Buddhism in Sri Lanka was actually a North Indian conspiracy organized by the North Indian Emperor Asoka with the support from the local stooge Tissa who seized the Anuradapura throne (with Asoka’s support) which rightly belonged to his elder brother.
Following the king Devanampiya Tissa, a large number of Saivaite/Hindu Dravidian (Eela/Hela) tribes in the island embraced Asoka’s Buddhism, Aryanised/Prakritised their speech, learned to write using Asoka Bhrami script, adopted Asoka’s Lion symbol (Sri Lanka never ever had any Lions), accepted the Asoka Buddhist culture and implemented Asoka’s technology to build Stupas, Chaityas, Viharas, Sangharama, and so on. The people who call themselves Sinhala-Buddhists today are converts, they were originally Saivate/Hindu Dravidians).
Sri Vikram / December 26, 2019
To create the Sinhala-Buddhist society in the 5th century AD (several centuries after Devanampiya Tissa and Asoka’s Buddhist conspiracy), the Mahavihara monks including the Mahavamsa author (biased towards North India due to Buddhism and Pali) have imagined/visualized a mass ‘Aryan migration’ from North India during the proto-historic period. This myth created the foundation for the authoritative history of the island, conditioning the minds of the people from generation to generation and it still continues to the future generation. In reality, there is no objective evidence of an Aryan migration from North India. Even though the Sinhala language, religion and culture are Indo-Aryan (meaning North Indian), the ethnic structure of the Sinhalese in Sri Lanka is quite similar to South Indian (Dravidian).
Many renowned Scholars have engaged in research on the ancient history of Sri Lanka for many years, conducting Archaeological excavations. The latest Archeological and Genealogical discoveries in Sri Lanka using modern technology show that not only the Flora and Fauna but the people of these two regions (South India and Sri Lanka) are of the same stock and closely connected.
Sri Vikram / December 26, 2019
Prakrit (derived from Sanskrit), a North Indian Indo-Aryan language spoken by the people in ancient Lanka (came along with North Indians) is what Wilhelm Geiger assumed as Sinhala Prakrit when he classified the language in the island. It was Willim Giger’s own assumption which was happily accepted by the Sinhala Archeologists/epigraphists like Senarat Paranavitana who concluded that the Brahmi inscriptions found in the caves of Sri Lanka were an old form of Sinhala (old Sinhala). However, it was found that very similar cave inscriptions are also in existence in South India.
Today, the epigraphists and linguists do not accept Wilhelm Geiger’s classification as correct. To do a deep study of the language and history of the island he should have studied both North and South Indian languages and also the history of both North and South India. Unfortunately, he was only interested in the Indo-Aryan languages. The interpretation would have been different if Wilhelm Geiger had also learned the Dravidian languages and the history of South India.
The cave writings and stone inscriptions found in both South India and Sri Lanka were written using the same script (Asokan Brahmi) and the language used was either Prakrit or old Tamil. The so called ‘Sinhala’ Prakrit or Old ‘Sinhala’ was found not only in Sri Lanka but also in South India.
The Sinhala language started developing very much later and first appeared only in the 8th century Sigiri mirror wall writings. The present day Sinhala language is made up of Prakrit, Pali, Tamil, a few words from the early tribes, and a few words from Portuguese, Dutch and English.
If the Sinhala language existed in the 5th century AD, Ven. Mahanama and others would not have written the Deepavamsa and the Mahavamsa in a language (Pali) that nobody (layperson) can understand. The earliest Sinhala writings such as Siyabaslakara and Elu Sandas Lakuna do not lead us beyond the 9th Century AD. There was NO Elu/Hela/Sinhala literary work (other than Pali) found before 9th Century AD.
Pirabakaran / December 27, 2019
Before you speak of anything can you tell us when the five iswarams came to being in Srilanka was it before or after the arrival of sangamitta ?
Since you seemed to be very ignorant on ancient history of Eelam the five iswarams are as follows : naguleswaram ( Jaffna )
Koneswaran ( Trinco )
Ketheeswaram ( Mannar )
Munreswaram ( Chilaw)
Thondeeswaram ( dondra ) near Mattara
latha / December 28, 2019
There is nothing man made things found in SL more than 2700 old.
All the above mentioned are recent things. No point in talking with Tamils. Writing rubbish is good to pass time. If you come to action you have experience of what will you get.
Native Vedda / December 28, 2019
“There is nothing man made things found in SL more than 2700 old.”
Are you sure?
“All the above mentioned are recent things.”
How recent things are they?
“Writing rubbish is good to pass time.”
Isn’t why we engage here even though many (like you) type most stupid things?
“If you come to action you have experience of what will you get.”
Hindians over the skies and your men hide behind VP’s fat bum of your women folks.
Jayasuriya / December 30, 2019
Native Vedda
“Hindians over the skies and your men hide behind VP’s fat bum of your women folks.”
Oh yeah, it was our people who were stuck in the nfz begging for the army to rescue us no? How about this, next time you people start to “rebel” how about you not cry for the Sinhalese people when things don’t go your way.
Native Vedda / December 31, 2019
Comment is free… but facts are sacred
-CP Scott, 1921 Guardian editor
Whatever you rant, the fact remain the same. When Hindian Mirage 200 roared you where were yous ranavirus, including the present single handed generals? All those cowards were hiding behind their women folks or behind VP’s fat bum.
At Vavuniya check point Hindian turban wearing Jawan refused the Sri Lankan army commander entry into demarcated area, the North East boundary, …. The so called brave army commander had to leave the place returned to Colombo with his tail between his legs.
Go beg support from 30 countries including Hindia, USA, China, Pakistan, ……. just to finish off bata wearing child soldiers. Even then it took nearly 26 years, 26,000 life of armed forces, 30,000 disabled soldiers, 75,000 deserted or missing in action.
You need to check your reality. The days of gloating is over.
Next time around there won’t be a Sri Lanka as we know it.
pirabakaran / December 29, 2019
You talk about action. I think you are deluding yourself of a so- called victory over the Tamils. Your Sinhala cowardly army couldn’t defeat a numerically smaller Tamil force for 30 long years, is that what do you call ” your action ” quite frankly your Sinhala pansy army wet their under pants when they heard the name Tigers for 30 years.
Not every force can continue for an indefinite period I am sure as a so- called Sinhala Buddhist you should know that. What eventually happened was the mighty India under an Italian woman along with many other countries supported your hell hole called Lanka, not only that, traitors such as Karuna also played a major role in Betraying Pirabakaran. All the planets came on a straight line as it were to support the Sinhala govt. This will only happen once a millennium but unfortunately for us Tamils it did happen during our life time.
For Your information LTTE was not defeated by Sinhalese , that was the wet dream of the Sinhalayas for over 30 years, but in the end the whole world was against the LTTE due to the Sinhala false propaganda and LTTE lost the battle.
Ltte only has lost the battle but the war is still own for your information. The forces that was duped and hoodwinked in to supporting the Sinhalese such as US, European union, India etc are now beginning to understand their mistake, pretty soon they will once AGAIN STRAT TO support the Tamils, then you wait and see what you Sinhala fools ( modayas ) will get from Us.
NAK / December 26, 2019
“Hocus pocus religion, will never succeed. superstition will never succeed”
Today we see who are killing whom and who is paying for it.
Take syria,Afghanistan,Iraq for example!!!
If all the religions much older than Islam are fiction what makes you sure that Islam too is not fiction.
There is a saying that “every idiot is a pandit until he opens his mouth”
Native Vedda / December 26, 2019
“There is a saying that “every idiot is a pandit until he opens his mouth””
Listen to what Mark Twain had to say to you “Better to Remain Silent and Be Thought a Fool than to Speak and Remove All Doubt”
Jayasuriya / December 30, 2019
Native Vedda,
“Listen to what Mark Twain had to say to you “Better to Remain Silent and Be Thought a Fool than to Speak and Remove All Doubt”
You are trying so hard to sound smart but, its failing miserably, just stop embarrassing yourself.
VADC / December 26, 2019
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Durave Buddhist / December 26, 2019
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Eagle Eye / December 25, 2019
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Paramakudi / December 25, 2019
Wiggi seems to have plenty of free time these days, so he tried his hand at sort of..சும்மா இருக்கும் சங்கை ஊதி கெடுப்போம்……meaning ‘let me blow the idly lying Conch and spoil it’, hence this write-up. I would prefer not to fiddle with any belief systems and create controversies, as we have enough and do not need more.
pirabakaran / December 30, 2019
Wicgneswaran’s article challenging the authenticity of Mahavanse as a Historic source is very appropriate and Timely. When Sinhala politicians and the pseudo historians are distorting the early Tamil history in Srilanka Wiggii’s article sets about to destroy that false hood.
Thappu / December 25, 2019
I have not read the article, just the heading. Why would anybody want to labour on establishing something that is so obvious!
Now that I have read the article:
* Every fiction (not dream) has a base related to ‘truth’ (not necessarily, a fact).
* Having a recognition, international or otherwise, may be for various values the story provides, not of any historical significance.
Valmiki / December 25, 2019
Boys and girls, let’s get ready to celebrate New Year with non-stopping fireworks yet again along the racial lines among distance cousins!
Dear CVW, I have a long standing question that I have been desperately searching to get an answer! Would you kindly consider shining some light to my following question?
“In the original version of Ramayana, Eelam was mentioned as a place where thugs lived! “
Why it wasn’t Africa in the West or China in the East but only Eelam in the South of Bharatha desam was mentioned as the place where thugs lived?
Boys and girls, who is ready to show it to the world that we no longer behave like thugs as mentioned in Ramayana as early as 5th century BCE?
Jay Chambers / December 26, 2019
The Mahavamsa is the most fact-based, historically accurate tome in the entire South Asian region. Sinhalese should be proud of this unparalleled masterpiece, written by a monk who knew in his wisdom that some day the Sinhalese would need a written narrative to record for posterity their toil on the soil of Lanka, to prevent it been usurped by hordes of foreigners. Vigneshwaran is part of the team that works in a single minded manner to destroy the Mahavamsa and with it the ownership of the Sinhalese to the land their ancestors toiled to defend.
I advise the Sinhalese to beware of snakes like these. Mahavamsa has been thoroughly researched and has stood the scrutiny of some of the most diligent scholars such as Wilhelm Geiger and it is named by most Western scholars as comprising of some of the most valiant Indo European Aryan sagas, such as the story of King Dutugemunu. Sinhalese should learn about these efforts so that they can defend their heritage against foreigners including recent immigrants and their descendants such as Vigneshwaran.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / December 27, 2019
“The Mahavamsa is the most fact-based, historically accurate tome in the entire South Asian region”. Absolutely right and here are some examples:
1. Male lion mating with Human female producing Sinhala race.
2. Buddha hand picking Vijaya and his men and sending them to Sri Lanka.
3. Buddha making three flying visits to Sri Lanka without using aircraft.
4. Foot print in Adams peak and tooth in Dalada Maligawa belong to Buddha.
5. Sri Lanka was an uncivilized country before the advent of Vijaya.
6. Buddhism was the first religion to be practiced in Sri Lanka.
“Mahawamsa has been thoroughly researched and has stood the scrutiny of diligent scholars ” . Spot on. All these new findings on geology, archaeology and genetics are nothing but conspiracy to undermine the authentic nature of Mahawamsa. We must shun these scientific findings and hang on to what has been passed onto us.
Jay Chambers / December 27, 2019
It is very important to immediately dispute the armchair drivel that emanates from those who deep inside detest the Sinhalese culture and hate their religion Buddhism. Sankaralingam is one of these people.
He picks on the obvious legends of the Mahavamsa which is only about 5% of the tome, and tries to pull the wool over the eyes of the average reader by highlighting them and not utter a word about the rest of the Mahavamsa which is factually accurate. I urge the reader to reach out to the finding of Geiger et al regarding this matter.
Sankaralingam also tried to pull a fast one by alluding to new scientific findings. Interestingly the best of these new findings greatly strengthen the Mahavamsa.
I will give below two good examples, one genetic and one linguistic and leave the readers to do the research if they want to dig deeper.
Genetics first -from genetics the frequencies of the rare allele HLA-A*02 found only among North Indians is found in Sinhalese as well while its non-existent among Dravidian immigrants to Lanka such as Tamils and Dravidian Moslems.
Linguistics – Mathematical and scientific etymological studies show that the Tamil spoken by Lankan Dravidians has evolved independently only for 400 years and the best proof of this is that the Dravidians from both sides of the Palk Straights can easily talk to each other and totally understand each other. A Dravid from Madras and a Dravid from Jaffna thus converse easily!
Meanwhile, Sinhalese language, with a solid North Indian Maghadhi and Pali base has taken admixtures from its colonial masters such as the Portuguese and minor amount from Tamil. The best proof of this is that to the Sinhalese speaker Tamil sounds like mumbo jumbo from another planet and cannot understand a word!
Lester / December 26, 2019
“Information and details provided in history and inscriptions found at many places of archaeological value and books on history and ancient events in Sri Lanka including India as well as other countries too, confirm contents in Mahāvaṃsa are exactly true and genuine. “
Yes, the names of Sinhalese kings are mentioned in Mahabharata. Proving that Sinhalese kingdoms existed at the time. But there is no mention of any Tamil king or kingdom. Wigneswaran’s response – “we sometimes lie using known information ” – is rubbish. Mahabharata was written independently of Mahavamsa. Either the authors of both Mahabarata and Mahavamsa are liars or else it is the Eelamist version that is fictional. Anyone who has taken a basic science course knows, the value of the experiment lies in someone else being able to reproduce the experiment, with similar results, independently. Similarly in history, if multiple witnesses confirm an event, it increases the likelihood of the event.
Pon Kulendiren / December 26, 2019
Former NPC CM and Retired SC judge are trying to educate stubborn singhala biased media and politicians who are not prepared to accept real historical evidence Dutugemun has his rights from Devanambaia Tissa ( the man who trusted the god) He was Tamil and hence Dutugemunu was a Tamil Buddhist who fought a battle against Ellaan a Hindu or Jain Tamil. The rift between Hindusim carried over to Sri Lanka. There are no Olas or stone inscriptions or written records for Thera to write mahatmas, It main aim was to instigate hatred between Tamils and Singhalese. That grew like a virus and resulted in many ethnic riots. I would say Mahavamsa. brought discredit to the great Buddhism and the present Singhalla Politicinsa deformed the great preaching to deceive undetected masses to be in power. Asoka became a Buddhist after the Kalinga war. Did Gota get reformed as killing many Tamils? the answer is NO. Will hs next birth aTAMIL or MUSLIM?
K.A. Sumanasekera / December 26, 2019
I think it is not a bad Idea to give the whole Nation to Wigneswaran and his Eelaamists
And call it just Eelaam without that Tamil bit.
Then our 7 Million do not have to live like sardines in a John West Can in just 2/3rd of the Land and .
can’t catch any Fish or Crabs in 2/3rds of the Shore Line.
BTW, Wonder whether this ex Judge calls The Book of Genesis also Fiction.
Because after the priest quotes every passage or sentence we say AMEN….Don;t we?..
Native Vedda / December 27, 2019
KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera
“I think it is not a bad Idea to give the whole Nation to Wigneswaran and his Eelaamists
And call it just Eelaam without that Tamil bit.”
Have you got prior permission from Hindians to do what you suggest?
“Then our 7 Million do not have to live like sardines in a John West Can in just 2/3rd of the Land and .”
Then go back to your ancestral home in south India.
“can’t catch any Fish or Crabs in 2/3rds of the Shore Line.”
How come Hindian/Japanese/Chinese/Koreans/ ….. boats are fishing in and around the shores of this island?
“BTW, Wonder whether this ex Judge calls The Book of Genesis also Fiction.”
Good question. Why don’t you send Malinda Seneviratne, Ferdinando, Kamalika …..to investigate the judge and the myth?
“Because after the priest quotes every passage or sentence we say AMEN….Don;t we?.”
You are wrong.
The cross dressing priest says AMEN to what the clan pronounces, who would prefer to swap his choir dress including cassock, rochet, mozzetta, and pectoral cross on chain to Kasavada ( කසාවත).
Agnos / December 26, 2019
Yaalpana Vaipava Maalai was written by Mylvagana Pulavar of Mathagal, a poet and ancestor of my wife. In all probability, he was giving words to hearsay as well as what was written in Mahavamsa, with absolutely no understanding of any history.
It is foolish to take what is said in such texts as truth, when the “scientific method” had not come into existence.
In the modern world, many powerful countries have only 400+ years of history. And most people living today have a ‘living memory’ of less than 200 years ( in the sense of one’s own life memory plus the experiences/memories of parents/grand parents). It is what really matters in considering political solutions, reparations, etc. People can argue endlessly about ‘ancient history’ but nothing useful will come out of it.
Take for instance the fact that Western colonization of Sri Lanka. Neither Sinhalese no Tamils were in a position to win; they resisted but didn’t win; as a result, the country has taken a course that neither side is happy about.
Federalism is a justified demand by Tamils– I cannot understand the stubborn resistance among Sinhalese–, but until the Sinhalese polity becomes more mature, it is a waste of time to simply keep reiterating that demand. We might as well keep talking to a wall.
Instead, we should look for other ways to ensure justice for the people. Reparations and accountability should be a part of it.
Mallaiyuran / December 27, 2019
” Instead, we should look for other ways to ensure justice for the people.
Thanks agnos for being so clear in your thinking. But, could you please explain this to TNA, which is still cheating Tamils that its Secret Solution is going to come. But the Royal Goverment is waiting for 2/3 majority in parliamentary election to eliminate 13A.
Good Sense / December 26, 2019
Does this kind of statement help to build amity among communities within Sri Lanka? I don’t think so. There could be so many texts, the contents could be facts, fiction or a fabrication. What Wiggie is trying to woo is that population in the Northern Province in dragging “ethnic supremacy”. That cock won’t fight. The proof of his efforts would be the actual votes he would get in an election. My information from friends in the Northern Province tell me is that the provincial old guard must look sharp, otherwise they would be political discards.
Ayathuray Rajasingam / December 26, 2019
There is nothing wrong in what C.V.Wigneswaran said. The author Mahanama was the cause of all problems in Sri Lanka, inciting communal flames. Both Tamils and Sinhalese were original inhabitants of Sri Lanka. How both these communities arose from the original tribes of Ngas, Rakshas, Yakkas etc are of considerable debate. However, there were popular Siva temples in Sri Lanka to which Ravana was a great devotee.
Lanka Perera / December 26, 2019
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Eagle Eye / December 26, 2019
Descendants of Malabar slaves who pretend as ‘Ceylon Tamils’ ridicule Mahawamsa because they do not have such a document.
As Jane Russel points out “The Ceylon Tamils had no written document on the lines of the Mahavamsa to authenticate their singular and separate historical authority in Sri Lanka, a fact which Ceylon Tamil communalists found very irksome”. (Russel, Jane: Communal Politics under the Donoughmore Constitution, Tisara Prakasakayo, Dehiwala, Sri Lanka, 1982. p.131)
In addition to Mahawansa, Sinhalayo have Chulawansa, Deepawamsa, Bodhiwamsa and several other books that provide the heritage of Sinhalayo.
Ayathuray Rajasingam / December 27, 2019
Eagle Eye,
Malabar inhabitants were in Sri Lanka prior to 9,000 years ago in Sri Lanka when Sri Lanka and India was one land mass during which period there was no strait between Talaimannar and Rameswaram. There are also some similarities between the Sinhalese and the Malabars relating to the dress and the food. At the same time there are some places where names were brought from Kerala, like Katcovalam, etc. Strictly speaking it is the Cheras who spread themselves in Sri Lanka on account of trade. Even now some Jaffna Tamils have links with Nair society. Let us all think ourselves as humans.
Buddhist / December 26, 2019
At the inaugural speech President Gotabaya said he is the President of all the citizens of Sri Lanka. How can he participate in the Independence Celebration to be held in Feb 2020 where Tamil National Anthem is banned? This is a clear violation of the Constitution where its stated that the National Anthem could be sung in both Sinhalese and Tamil languages. Unfortunately these types of decisions are going to add fuel to the fire at the next UN meeting where discrimination of minorities in SL is going to be a top subject. Even in the recent appointments made by the new Govt of President Gotabaya the number of appointees from minority communities do not reflect the percentage of minorities in the overall population.
Siva Sankaran Sharma / December 26, 2019
What Vigneswaran states is accurate but he made a mistake , the Aryachakravarthi Dynasty that ruled the kingdom of Jaffna were not of Telugu origin but of Pandian Tamil origin and also had lineage from Tamil Brahmins from the Ramanathapuram district. They were Tamils, It is the Naickers who ruled the Kandyan kingdom who were Tamil speaking Dravidians of Telugu origin , from Madurai Tamil Nadu.
Suranga Gunasekera / December 26, 2019
Is Mahavamsa a fiction? I believe so.
Is it historical evidence based fiction?
I believe so.
Was the book written to glorify Buddhism? I believe so.
The above was the claim of the article.
Let’s ask more questions agreeing to the above.
Are all dravidians Tamils? No.
If Prakrit was a stem from the old Dravidian language, were there other stems coming from it? Yes.
Are there any books written in Pali other than in Sri Lanka? There is no evidence to support it.
Why did the sura and asura fight? Sura means people who believe in the God. Asura means the people who don’t. It was a religious war.
Could we see clear cultural differences between the two ethnic groups back then? Yes.
Who won? The Sura.
How? Through betrayal. Because the Asura had more scientific knowledge.
Was there Buddhism in Sri Lanka before Mihidu Thero? Yes. There are 3 instances where Buddha got politically involved.
Did the invasions from India destroy Buddhism in the north? Yes. Most converted to Hinduism in the north.
When Buddhism was brought back to Sri Lanka, was it essential strategy to glorify Buddhism to spread nationalism? Yes I believe so. Hence Mahavamsa is a historical based fiction.
Did the Mahavamsa author leave out some historical facts? Yes. He left out the Rawana story to erase the memory of defeat and betrayal.
Mallaiyuran / December 26, 2019
Good one; trying to be truth seeking.
soma / December 26, 2019
What Wingeswaran says is that Tamils in Jaffna can be easily moved to Tamil Nadu to make way for the Sinhalese.
Piraba / December 27, 2019
What C.V. is saying is the sinhalayas must be moved back to south India and begal so that the original Tamil inhabitants in Eelam can live peacefully
Native Vedda / December 27, 2019
“What Wingeswaran says is that Tamils in Jaffna can be easily moved to Tamil Nadu to make way for the Sinhalese.”
You may be right, moving the Tamils back to Tamil Nadu and leaving the Sinhala/Buddhists to perish in their own fascistic thoughts, words and deeds.
A good idea.
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