17 February, 2025


Why I Call Mahavamsa A Fiction?

By C.V. Wigneswaran

Justice C.V. Wigneswaran

This week I am answering several questions posed by a person who was annoyed that I called Mahāvaṃsa a fiction in my earlier Question for the Week series.

Question: You have stated that Mahāvaṃsa is only a fabrication written in Pali. On what facts and basis do you state so?

Answer: I did not say fabrication. It was a fiction written in Pali for the glorification of Buddhism. Mahanama at the end of every stanza says so. A historian will not say at the end of every stanza I do this for the glorification of a particular Religion or philosophy. His purpose was religious not writing history.

Question: Information and details provided in history and inscriptions found at many places of archaeological value and books on history and ancient events in Sri Lanka including India as well as other countries too, confirm contents in Mahāvaṃsa are exactly true and genuine. Then how do you call Mahāvaṃsa is only a fabrication in Pali.

Answer: Fabrication is a wrong word used by your good self. We sometimes write fiction with certain known information. Suppose I write a fictional short story that Mr. X was walking down Galle Road, Colpetty on a particular day, the latter information that there is a Galle Road in Colpetty might be true while Mr. X walking down Galle Road on that particular day would be fiction. Some information of historical value may have been included by Mahanama taking such information from traditional stories available at that time. Lots of journalists even today take existing facts and join them with their fancy stories and write articles giving the impression that their entire articles are genuine and true. I can identify such journalists if needed. In any event what contents of Mahāvaṃsa do you say are true and genuine? Once you tell me that, then I could answer your question more in detail.

Question: It was according to information and details given in Mahāvaṃsa that late King Ashoka the Emperor of India was recognized correctly and his period of reign decided upon. By these facts too, it is crystal clear that Mahāvaṃsa has an international recognition.

Answer: This is not true. The recognition of King Ashoka never came to pass only due to the existence of Mahāvaṃsa. You are insulting the Indians! The Ashokan Edicts were well known.

Question: There are many books written by foreigners about our country. Among those are many about our history. One book contains a report by Fa Hien as a keen observer of this country. But none of the books state about a Tamil Eelam.

Answer: There is no need to prove Thamil Eelam. It exists even now. Eelam is another name for Lanka, Ceylon, Serendip and so on. Since Sri Lanka exists Eelam also exists. Thamil Eelam is that part of Sri Lanka which has from pre Buddhistic  times been Tamil speaking. That’s all. Eelam contains Tamil speaking Eelam and Sinhala speaking Eelam. The Sinhalese masses have been misinformed so far.

Question: Yalpaanam Vypawamalai is considered the oldest book written about the history of original Tamils. Information provided at the very beginning of that book tallies with information given in Mahawamsa to a great extent. At the beginning it states about King Wijaya just as mentioned in Mahawamsa too. What are your views on this issue.

Answer: Yalpaana Vypavamalai was not a book written by a Historian. He would have thought Mahāvaṃsa to have been true and referred to its contents. But within the last ten years or so, lots of evidence has come to light to show the existence of Tamils from pre Buddhistic times.

Professor Indrapala wrote his thesis for his Doctorate in the 1960s. They would not give him his Doctorate at the Ceylon University if he told the truth of the existence of Tamils prior to Chola occupation. So he said real cogent evidence of permanent settlements of Tamils was found only during the Chola occupation. My friend Lawyer S.L. Gunasekera went to town with Dr. Indrapala’s thesis Book. But what happened? Professor Indrapala wrote his subsequent Book in 2005 from Australia giving full details of Tamil occupation of Sri Lanka from pre Buddhistic times. Even our Sinhala Professors and respected Buddhist monks had been stultifying research to further their chauvinistic ends.

Question: Even in Tamil history book Yalpana Vypavamalai at the very beginning it states about the periods of reigns from King Wijaya to other kings who reigned in Sri Lanka exactly as stated in Mahāvaṃsa. This too clearly confirms Tamil history books have been written on facts and guidelines given in Mahāvaṃsa.

Answer: Yalpana Vypavamalai was not written by a Historian. He took for granted that Mahāvaṃsa contents were authentic history and must have written his book. That does not take away the fact that Mahāvaṃsa in fact was a fictional writing written for the glorification of Buddhism. Like S.L. Gunasekera taking Professor Indrapala’s first book to prove his Sinhala story you are taking Yalpana Vypawamalai, which is not a historical work, to prove your case. But the last ten years have brought ample proof of the antiquity of the Tamils in Sri Lanka. A very senior Professor of History said so recently at a public meeting.

Question: Although Yalpana Vypavamalai covers a long period of over 2400 years it contains details of 20 kings only. What are your views about this?

Answer: I do not have to comment any further about Yalpana Vypawamalai. If the author of Yalpana Vypawamalai lived today he would write a Book like Professor Indrapala disassociating himself with the contents of his earlier Book. You cannot keep truth hidden for a long time.

Question: It is stated in Yalpana Vypawamalai that the soil in the North was known as Weligoda (mound of sand) in the past. During this period a blind poet named Weeraruwan from India visited Sri Lanka. King Rajasinghe who was highly satisfied with the performance of his violin play, gifted him with a nindagam. Later their area was called Yalpanam which means violin player’s village. This proves clearly that Sinhalese people lived in North.

Answer: Utter rubbish! Sinhala words were coined for Tamil names and words within the past 100 years or so only. Now these coined words are used to say the coined Sinhala name existed centuries earlier. Manal Aru is a good example. Manal Aru was the name given in all official documents both before Independence and after until about 40 years ago. Then the Sinhala translation of Manal Aru viz. Weli Oya was inserted into Official documents.  Now it is said Weli Oya was the Original name of the area and the Tamils took over and named it Manal Aru! You can check the Official documents during the British times and the early years after Independence. Lots of fraudulent acts of this nature had been taking place simply to portray that this Country was originally Sinhala and Buddhist. Even Mootha Sivan’s son Thevanai Nampiya Theesan has been changed to Devanampiya Tissa! There was no Sinhala Language at that time when Theesan was living.

Question: According to page 51 of the Yalpana Vypawamalai Sinhalese translation, it states all who professed Buddhism were Sinhalese people. Many Buddhists lived in the Kingdom of Jaffna. If it was so how do you say Tamil Buddhists lived in Jaffna in the past?

Answer: All Sinhalese may have been Buddhists. But all Buddhists were certainly not Sinhalese. Professor Sunil Ariaratne refers to Demala Bauddhayo in his Book under the same title. Please do not harp on Yalpana Vypawamalai again and again like my friend S.L. Gunasekera used to quote Professor Indrapala’s first book as his sole proof for his distorted view of History. I speak on the basis of the latest discoveries.

A discovery is where you are able to bring out something covered by removing the cover. The recent evidence regarding the Tamils have uncovered the wrong ideas propagated so far by some pseudo Sinhala Historians.

Question: Yalpana Vypawamalai states about the Aryachakrawarthy dynasty. Indian inscriptions state that. That dynasty was not Tamil. If it was so, how do you say original residents in Jaffna were Tamils and there was a Tamil Kingdom in Jaffna?

Answer: Aryachakrawarthis were Telugu Dravidians. They spoke Tamil when they were ruling here because Tamil was the language of communication at that time at the Royal Level. The Kandyan King signed in Tamil in 1815. He was an Aryachakrawarthi. Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada and Sinhalese were all Languages that came out of Tamil. Tamil and Pali helped to form Sinhala language. Surely I don’t have to prove to you that Sangiliyan the last King of Jaffna was a Tamil? Are you trying to say Jaffna Patnam was Sinhalese? How foolish of you! Sinhala language came into existence only 1300-1400 years ago. Before that there were no Sinhala language nor Sinhalese as a community. Mahāvaṃsa was in Pali. There was no Sinhalese when Mahāvaṃsa was written in the 5th Century AD. Sinhala came in the 6th or 7th Century AD. Further the recent DNA tests have confirmed Tamils and Sinhalese are from the same common origin.

I would therefore ask all my Sinhalese Brothers and Sisters to take cognizance of their common ancestry with us the Sri Lankan Tamils, grant us merger of North and East and include federalism in our constitution with a special unit within the North and East for the Tamil speaking Muslims so that the Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim brethren could hold hands together and move forward!

*Justice C.V. Wigneswaran – Former Chief Minister, Northern Province and Secretary General, Tamizh Makkal Kootanii

Latest comments

  • 13

    “how do you say Tamil Buddhists lived in Jaffna in the past?”

    There is enough evidence about Tamil Buddhism including several early Tamil literature such as Manimekalai and so on. I suggest you read `Glimpses of Ceylon`s Past` written by the archaeologist Dr. Senerath Paranawithana. Among the many ancient Buddhist shrines in Sri Lanka, Velgam Vehera (also called Natanar Kovil by the present day Tamils) stands out as the only known example of a `Tamil Vihare or Buddhist Palli`. Dr. Senerath Paranawithana calls it the `Ancient Buddhist shrine of the Tamil people`.

    • 14

      I am prepared to believe CVW than Paranavitharana, as this person’s archeological finding were placing the artifacts dug out from one place to another, typical example is Kanthoradi findings, in Chunnakam. Read about this how he manipulated dug outs to suit his theory of sinhala chauvinism. His mischief is well known with the locals.

      • 8

        velu Rasiah
        Prof. S. Paranavitana, an Archaeological Commissioner, was a dominating figure in archaeology, epigraphy, and ancient history of Lanka for more than fifty years during the last century. For him, the Mahavamsa was almost like a bible to the Christians. Instead of giving primacy to archaeology and epigraphy, and supplementing his findings with material from the Mahavamsa, he was trying his best to interpret archaeology and epigraphy in the light of the Mahavamsa. The Mahavamsa has been trying to minimize the South Indian component of the Lankan culture, adopting an anti-Tamil attitude and trying to maximize the North Indian component of Lankan culture. On his retirement as Archaeological Commissioner, he was appointed as Professor of Archaeology in the University of Ceylon (the only university in Lanka at that time). He was adopting the Mahavamsa as his guide, especially for the early period of Lankan history.

        • 8

          According to Archaeological research, Sinhala language originated from Bali, Sanskrit, Tamil and Prakrit. Undoubtedly Tamil is the considered as one of the oldest, advanced, cultural languages in this planet;

          Even Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada are originated from Tamil. Sinhalese must remember the recent and well known true history that the Last king of Kandy was a Tamil and no Sinhala lived in North and East prior to colonialism.

          Sinhala racism has no place and will be defeated and no one will believe the Mahavamsa’s fictional stories that are full of lies and myths.

        • 0

          Dear Sivakumar,
          I’m in broad agreement with you. I wish that people who want to fashion theories that they “are the greatest,” or they “are the oldest” would try less to make out these are momentous findings.
          Paranavitana may not have realised how much mischief he was going to cause. Considering how much you, in the North have suffered, I feel that you have to be admired for writing with such equanimity.
          May the New (Julian or Gregorian) Year 2020 see us less Sri Lankans being less quarrelsome than hitherto.
          Happy New Year to all you good people from “Sinhala_Man”.

        • 2

          Paranavitana was a dominating figure in what Mr? It is ok for you call him a great archeologist as it seems you were his subordinate/student but for Tamils and their culture he was a man who twisted the the history and archeological materials. So, I belief his findings were twisting the archeological materials to suit his sinhala chauvinism which also accepted.

    • 2

      Tamils were never practiced or followed Buddhism. Mahavamsa may not be complete fiction but there are fictional stories are from 247. Mahavamsa has many discrepancies or untrue statements and Tamils have been following Hinduism until Colonial rulers arrived.

      Tamils history is rich all over the world including in China and that’s why China’s President Xi has visited Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu recently.

      Tamils dominance in well in Indonesia, Cambodia, Malaysia and most of South East Asia. Former Uni Law Lecturer Thambu Kanagasabai has written an excellent review on Mahavamsa publised in 2013 that too provides some insights and those who are interested can review it;

    • 1

      In a country, anything would have gone viral, what about the a buddhist script which is to have written with no sufficient facts and figures based on buddhism in SL? These scripts should be subjected to revisions with the time, but we have no evidence them to have gone so. No doctoral theses or like came up as acceptable publications. Sivuru wearing mudalies and fraudsters live up their propensities hidden behind the costume, but seem to be doing nothing regarding people s awarness. Best example came into light few weeks ago- from most sacred buddhist temple in Kelaniya – chief Incumbent with prefix Mahacharya, Prof. Punditrakchita, had the temerity to mislead the buddhist worshipers – having endorsed that FB freak to have collected RELICS from Kelaniya ganga. The stammered story went viral and vulnerable people got caught. Not yet a single JOURNALIST came up or have no balls yet to clear the truth to the nation yet – so is the business going as usual but totally misleading the nation.

      People are made permament fools by abusive media institutions. Conditioned mind set does not seem to percieve otherway around. I do believe, not just physical developments, but human development should be given the highest place since we the folks went through over 3 decades civil war in this island. Today people, they just dont care about anything being found in air, but follow the news as if tribal folks would have been fed with fairy tales.Not even JARAWA tribe would just take things that way today. Peoples to fall that stupid – should be ANALAYSED by sociologists and uni experts- breaking their long slumber. This nation needs the support of the experts. I think once mentality is made healthy only , we can introduce them better systems. It is toally sick, to feel any pacts signed between two countries would be that harmful.

    • 0

      This type of articles and speeches only strengthen Rajapaksas. The more racism is aroused, the more the votes Rajapaksas get.

      BTW Manimekalai is a Tamil Nadu work. Not SL. It has unbelievable events ascribed to SL. Those things cannot happen in real life. Just impossible myths. Nothing more.

      Anyway Buddhism does not belong to one ethnic group. It is a global philosophy.

  • 10

    This person should atleast read S.Pathmanadan’s books on SL history before making him look like a fool .
    Mahavamsa written in 5A.D has both fiction , heresay and truth. Its value as a source of history to construct the history of Sri Lanka has been tremendous . While mahavamsa which is only one among a dozen of ancient chronicles has been an extra source that helps to construct SL history , archeological ruins, foreign sources and stone inscriptions are enough to construct SL history .They simply prove what mahavamsa says.

  • 15

    Your arguments are mostly tongue in cheek.
    You claim you don’t have to prove any of your claims.
    You expect others to prove every thing else!
    How very convenient isn’t it?

  • 14

    In my travels on acquainted with the Buddhist members of the Sinhalese junta I always ask the million-dollar question which is vexing the globe as to what the maha wanna is all about.
    Most of them could not enlighten to a non-Buddhist as to what it really meant to them and a few sil observing members of the clan feigned ignorance of it.
    the piece of garbage better known to the world as the Maha Wansa is a shit load written by an inmate forcibly confined to the four walls of a mental asylum in ORISSA, India from where the Sinhala race was then living and due to their nefarious criminal act of every sort that one could imagine of were living in were pompously exported to the shores of Ceylon. the then rulers of India who just could the unsavory antics of these criminal goons of jokers had no choice but to accept these flea infected mangy parasites.

    when the unwelcome visitors to the always docile peace-loving Ceylon were enjoying and doing their criminal antics then masters of Ceylon who themselves were welcomed imports had no other choice but to jail these goons but on being released from jail they unrepentantly continued on their merry-making criminal acts of vandalism and mischief.
    not being able to bear this anymore the imported well-respected rulers had no other choice but to name them as ISLAND RECONVICTED CRIMINALS [ IRC ] which they proudly carry till the glorious death do them part comes into force when these mongrels are forced to unceremoniously being forced to take their leave from good old plant fondly known to one and all as mother earth.\

  • 26

    Justice Wigneswaran, I believe you know more about Sinhala literature than the Sinhalese as this was part of your academic studies in Jaffna. The so called patriotic Sinhalese do not know half of Sinhala literature as you do. Your research in to this area undoubtedly must be correct and should be studied by the Sinhalese who desire to know the truth.

    • 3

      Kalu Nangi

      Wiggy’s findings should be read by more & more Tamils. That’s how it helps to start another eelam war & to reduce Tamil population here.

      • 4

        In a constant state of war , no civilisation can flourish – Eduardo
        Natalino , a historian .

      • 4

        Lord Buddha said “”Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule.”
        If you are a Buddhist, try to live by that eternal rule and then you will realize when you respect the rights of other communities, this country will be a better place to live. You never know where you will be born in your next birth….!

        • 2

          Kalu Nangi,
          Your quote ” hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love: this is the eternal rule”. Fortunately at least you remember this quote from Buddha, why not preach this to your sinhala-buddhist-gove politicians and the rural sinhala masses? Would you please?

        • 0

          Kalu Nangiyo@ Listen to me. Most call buddhists in our country are not real buddhists. They are now caught by BUDDHAGAMA followers. Buddhagama is not based on true teachings of LORD buddha, but more based on JATHAKA stories. So, that is the reasons, many of sinhala buddhists behave no different to the radical hindus in indian villages. Just imagine, that RELICS saga which spread that a leader would be emerged in the country, with the dawn of relics being brought by a reptile (nagaya) – people bought the BLANT lie and went after it practising sadu sadu…. but never forget, the bitch s son who endorsed it was none other than, that so called Prof. CHIEF incumenber priest from Kelaniya viaharaya. Who have we been letting us fool today ? Why sinhalayo do take the lead of fooling easy targets in this country ? It is just that these men wrapped around by robes are just mudalalies… if the kind of acts would have misled the masses in Europe, not Champika Ranawaka, or Rajitha S, but the kind of bugger monks would have been jailed today. They would have been rehablitated for the sake of future of the country.
          I as a srilanken living in Europe, now fully stopped kneeling before a lanken kind of MONK, and nor would I give alms to any kind of PANSAL pinguththarayas anymore. Instead I chose my own monks by my own and hold them as real buddhists. I am so fed of those buddhist priests in SL today.
          They do nothing for the peace and harmony of the country but being close to abusive politicians, they continue their sodomy style politics. These men hidden behind robes should be punished the way MAO did it China. They should let alone today start working and contribute to country s development. Just becaause they live on lay people, but beahve totally unethical should be stopped.

    • 1

      Kalu nangiyo@

      I do believe the same.
      I question if our sinhalayos were that powerful, why on earth we found tamil professionals in numbers also in 70ties and 80ties across the country. I knew few doctors also in Galle: They were then the experts in surgery. Not many sinhala doctors or engineers were there to contribute their expertise into the country s development.
      Most of them left the country for North european countries with start of CIVIL war in the country in early 80ties… remember ? Most of them and their second generations are the experts in that part of the world today. ‘
      I as lanken graduate living AND travel across europe for my work, I experience a lot. So that is why I believe, no our sinhalaya, but tamils in general have contributed a lot to lanken development from the day one.
      All these should be made clear to current generations by the UNI experts. There had been tamils that lived in the country for ages so as the sinhalaya did. So, it is totally wrong to say, that we the sinhalaya are the only folks that lived in this country from the begining on. That sounds to me, as if the JEWs claims about the ownership of Gaza STRIPe in middle east.
      Today any news could go viral if they contain ” racial and nationalistic” contents. Not many in SL are yet today open enough to accept the truths.
      They love to hear them to be the 2500-year old nation, with high values, while they themselves make every blunders displaying the other way around.
      Just imagine, those wall art culture, being infected to the country today – make all kind of new divisions among the very same nation.

  • 10

    Historiography never knew a strong tradition in pre-colonial India.
    The Orientals, especially the Chinese and much later the Japanese have recorded events faithfully, despite the inevitable biases.
    Things were fairly systematic under the Moguls, but that was in the last millennium.
    There has been a strong oral tradition which is inevitably vulnerable to distortion.
    It is strange that CV Wigneswaran who will swallow without question much of the Hindu mythology challenges Mahavansa.
    Mahavansa was compiled many centuries after the events and would have relied on the oral tradition. But it probably is not far of the mark about the royal lineage. Some events could be corroborated by reference to events in Tamil and other South Asian literature.
    Mahavansa with all its failings is closer to a historical document than anything else of its period.
    One needs a healthy and respectful attitude towards such documentation, despite the Hinayana bias against Mahayana etc. We need to rediscover history with the help of Mahavansa and not by outright rejection.
    Sadly, CVW’s attitude in insensitive to the feelings of the Sinhalese.
    There have been several objective historians like RALH Gunawardane from whom CVW should learn.

    • 0

      Jews are doing the rest of malicious job left behind by British. It is to harm, you don’t need any more evidence. Jews already confirmed that Jews smuggled Tamil to Switzerland and rest of Europe and North America
      Jews created Swiss case not against government but to send a message to Sinhalese how Jews are supporting Tamil

  • 11


    You are going to get into trouble with your ” Sahalan” Vasu the Kosu. But according to Gotha Mahawansa is no Fiction but ” Science” and ranging from 1 – 14 on a Ph Scale.

    But more importantly BJP leeader has given a perfect reading by saying that the Tamil Refugeesshould be returned. I fully agree so get on the phone to him and seek an audience to make it possible for them by kicking all the lates Invaders out Vasu included. Sorry Wiggy to rub it in. It is Tiger Balm and vey potent for pain.

    • 7

      Mahavansa, Ramayana, and Silappathikaram are a combination of FACTS and FICTIONS. Of the three ‘Silapthikaram’ appears to have less of fiction and more on facts.

  • 6

    Tamil could well be one of the oldest languages. But, in Sri Lanka it will continue to be the language of a minority ethnic community . This will be so till the END OF TIME,

    • 5

      L Perera,

      Sinhala war crimes, brutalities and barbarianism will end sooner than later. Tamils are progressing well, reaching new heights in every field all over the world and will put an end Sinhala Buddhist racism one day and once and for all.

      Sinhala has proved their criminal and inhuman mindset by voting an alleged war criminal to the highest office who has not been congratulated by powerful leaders as his hands are stained with innocent blood. this is good for the Tamils as powerful nations will come to senses and act accordingly to deal with Sri Lanka and bring the perpetrators to accountability at ICC.

    • 1


      “But, in Sri Lanka it will continue to be the language of a minority ethnic community . This will be so till the END OF TIME,”

      I take it you are one of those ” tri-kāla-jñas” who can see everything in the past, present and future. The God of death Yamarāja is also a ” tri-kāla-jñas”. .

      Could you see my death in your hand?

  • 16

    I salute you for this bold attempt to bring out the facts and Educate our ignorant population with an average IQ of 79!
    I would like to just reiterate two facts you have touched.
    1) Historical research is after all an evolving and dynamic science today and therefore what was believed and written 100 years ago may not hold true at present! The recent archeological findings of Keeladi in India proves that in spite of the desperate attempts by the Indian establishment trying to hide it!
    I sincerely believe, our future generations will be soon be rewriting our entire history!

    2) There is ample scientific proof now from Maternal mitochondrial DNA that 60-70% of all Srilankans, irrespective of their assumed ethnicity, ( Tamils, Sinhalese, Moors, Malays) have the same Haploid M DNA, proving a common maternal origin from 80,000 years ago!
    Whereas, Veddhas have only 19% Haploid M, proving that they mostly came out of a different maternal origin.
    Even more revealing is, 94% of Upcountry Tamils have Haploid M, showing that they are not only of the same maternal origin as the rest of us, but also more pure and unmixed in their descendency!

  • 4

    King ?Tüten Kai/கை Mugan was a Tamil elam King, he was not a sinhala King, ( he and King Ellalan, spoken in Tamil, ), they had fight, in the fight -King – Tüten Kai/ கை Mugan won, every one knew the story, but The king -Tütan Kai/கை Mugan relation, / Tüten Sha Mugan/ Tüten Kha Mugan/ Tüten mha mugan / , and more, in Elam, ( where is Ancient Elam), ? , north Iraq and south iran, , the Elam Cuneiform , no Srilankan can read, it pronounces like Jaffna Tamil, ( Un Ur/ En Ur/ U Thilo/ Uvar/, Umada, these words, today spoken by Jaffna Tamils and Elam Tamils , only, there were Sinhalese, who speck Elam Sinhala — for example — Um ba( you/ English)= Un da( Elam Tamil), Gama gani / Sinhala-( Gama/ elam + Sum)= Village Woman / English, ; or Wath Aru /Sinhala-( Aru -Elam+ Sum—)= ? Water/ English, like there are elam words, in Tamil and Sinhala civilization,

  • 12

    Utterly utterly ridiculous rubbish!
    Wigneswaran, who is like an invalid coin now, seems to be seeking attention from Sinhalese.
    There is no evidence to support his personal opinion about Mahawamsa.
    There are tens of thousands of inscriptions and visible monuments and structures which exist even today to support Mahawamsa, the Greatest Chronicle of Ancient Lanka.
    Let’s see one example of a research carried out about Mahawamsa.
    I reproduce below an extract from the research titled “The Trustworthiness of Mahavamsa” by Wilh. Geiger (The Indian Historical Quarterly) dated 1930.06 (Vol. VI No. 02):-
    “To sum up the results of the inquiry: On the whole the Mahavamsa is a trustworthy chronicle and the foremost document of Ceylonese history, though of course a sound and cautious criticism can never be dispensed with. The value of the chronicle is different in its different parts. The first few chapters of its oldest portion (I) contain a mixture of legends and historical truth. It is however not too difficult to separate the two elements from one another; the account of Devanampiyatissa’s reign seems to be historical time at least in the main features, and with Dutthagamani’s we reach the firm ground of a trustworthy tradition.” Unquote
    Wigneswaran can show us his research.
    Contd’ 1/3

    • 4

      When composing Mahawamsa, Monk Mahanama, who is believed to be a descendant of Vijaya Hora has given unnecessary importance to South Indian invaders who ruled ancient Lanka after killing legitimate Sinhalese Kings.
      For an example; Kalingar Magha was not a prince or a king in South India. He was only a leader of an Army. Likewise, Elara was not a king in South India. He became a king in ancient Lanka only by assassinating King Asela, a son of King Mutaseeva in Anuradhapura Kingdom. Also, Aryachakravarti was a sea pirate before capturing Yapa Patuna.
      It is imperative to compose a Pre-Mahawamsa Chronicle as Monk Mahanama has deliberately started our history completely disregarding the existence of Yakka Kings which goes back to King Maha Rawana in ancient Lankapura.
      Vijaya Hora didn’t arrive an isolated land. He arrived a land ruled by Yakka King Maha Kalasena, belonging to Yakka dynasty “Bamba.” Prior to that, there had even been a Yakka dynasty called “Sinha” which is proof that we did not inherit the word “Sinha” from Vijaya Hora.
      “Ravanavaliya” should also receive the same prominence as “Rajavaliya.”
      Our history goes in parallel with every Buddha era. That means, every 5000 years, our ancestors are born again and again in this sacred land, where every Buddha attains Enlightenment, a phenomenon which takes place when all universal energies gather in one place in the sky above our land.
      Contd’ 3/3

      • 6

        About the origin of Tamils.
        Tamils weren’t even considered an ethnic group until recent times. Tamil was only considered a language, the same as many other languages spoken by Dravidians in South India. Tamils were a sub-group under the main ethnic group Dravida. Other sub ethnic groups under Dravida were Telengus (the main subgroup), Kannadigas, Malayalis, Brahuis, Gondis, Kurukhs, Tuluvas, etc.
        Sanskrit is the world’s oldest written language.
        The Oldest Book in the world, which is believed to be 7,500 years old is Rig Veda. The mantras chanted in Rig Veda is written in Sanskrit.
        (According to Rig Veda, King Maha Rawana’s rule was based on Buddhist-ethics, “Ten Heads of Regents.”)
        The other Indian ancient literature like Ramayanaya and Puranaya which are believed to be written about 5000 years ago, were also originally from Sanskrit.
        Prakit (Pali) which is Lord Buddha’s language is as old as Sanskrit.
        It is evident that Tamil language did not exist or considered as a main language in India during Lord Buddha’s time. If so, Lord Buddha would have preached Dhamma in Tamil, not in Pali.
        Pali was the communicating language in ancient times, same as today’s English.
        Our Sinhalese Kings, their subjects and Maha Sangha have used Pali as conversant and written language.
        The oldest Tamil literature is Sangam.
        The oldest Tamil “grammar” literature is Tholkaappiyaam, which is believed to be written around 2nd Century CE.
        Tamil is NOT derived from any Indian languages, but Sumerian and Egyptian.
        Being the oldest “spoken” language, Sanskrit is considered as the mother of all languages.
        Sinhalese language is derived from Brahmi Scripts, which is the oldest “written code.”
        Brahmi scripts, which is dated 400 BCE was first found in Anuradhapura while in India, it was found much later in Emperor Ashoka’s era (268-232 BCE.)

        • 10

          “The first few chapters of its oldest portion (I) contain a mixture of legends and historical truth. It is however not too difficult to separate the two elements from one another; the account of Devanampiyatissa’s reign seems to be historical time at least in the main features, and with Dutthagamani’s we reach the firm ground of a trustworthy tradition.”

          Your inability to understand CV makes you differ from CV, but what you said about Mahavamsa is the one CV has said too. Starting tales, until Mahanama’s time, are mainly worthless material and there are some history presented after Mahanama (5th century). Devenampiyatheesan, Muthusivan all are Tamil Hindus. They need to be converted to Buddhism by Manimekhala, whom Saathanar has said used to visit Ceylon to teach Buddhism. This has nothing to do with Sangamitta, who might have just visited to Ceylon, no artifact evidence. Sangamitta is not her real name, but a title, telling she is attached (Friend of) to Sanga, a nun. Sangam is Tamil word. Buddha is very acquainted with Tamil and created “Sanga” based on Tamil pundits’ style. Sangam means in Tamil, Royal Club of Pundits.
          Mahanama was more than correct to say Kaimunu or Kaimugan (Ganapathy), a Tamil Hindu, has been praying Kathirkamam Murugan for his war victories. From Kathirkamam to Ellalan’s Kingdom Anuradhapura (Anu-Radha’s Puram mean small angel’s town) there were 32 Tamil Chieftains ruled. This is unchallengeable truth. Kaimunu’s father kidnapped a Tamil Hindu Prince from Kelaniya and smuggled her by the sea coast and married. Theesankathirakamam (Tissamaharama), Sella Kathirkamam and present day Kathirkamam all suggest Kathirkamam not a city, but a pure Tamil district in the South those days. Mattara- Madurai is another one. Kelaniya, Mattara, Kathirkamam and the 32 Tamil Chieftains from Mahavamsa say the entire South was pure Hindu Tamils those days, with Dhondeeswaram at the far South end. Mahanama didn’t concoct these facts. But he tried bent a lot to show these really Sinhala phenomena. Tamil Buddhist, Ellala’s ruling style converted Kaimunu to Buddhism.

        • 5

          This Champa seems to be a nut case. Mahavamsa is good but its author is bad. LOL!

        • 9

          Poor Champa tries his best to complement the lies spread by Monks and dirty Fundamentalists. Sinhala was not a language and Sinhala was not a pure race. It is a mixture of many may be including Lion and Ghosts. There is no relationship between Buddhism, Sinhala and Srilanka. There is no relationship to the following names to the so called Sinhala: Banadaranayagam, Rajapaksam, Senanayagam, Rajasinham, wickremasingham. After the British rule all those Prime ministers and Presidents are come from Nayakar family or rajah family of India who are first ones changed their religion to get power. None of them are true Buddhist or Sinhala.

          • 3

            It’s pretty fun to see you tamils become butthurt after being told the truth, but you guys already know it, you just choose not to believe in it.

        • 6

          Champa ( chimps )

          Your valiant attempt to show Sanskrit is older than Tamil and is the oldest language miserably fails in the face of a lot of modern discovery.

          The Dravida itself is a corruption of the world Tamil . For your information Tamil is the oldest living language of the world .

          You are clearly bull shitting when you according to Rig Veda Ravana ‘s rule was based on Buddhist ethics . Ravana was a Shiva worshipper and not a Buddhist , rig Veda has no mention what so ever of Buddha

        • 8


          *** Man you are drunk. Stop talking rubbish. Sinkalam is a primitive language spoke by you know who a….ls . 1/2 & 1/2. ( not 3/3 ) it will be too crammed.

        • 6

          Dear readers, To this day it is very disappointing the majority Sri Lankans like to treat the minority as aliens. The factual history of Sinhalese and of Tamils is seen and proved by today’s scientific methods as different from the written history. Writing history was by persons intending to change information for the purpose of recruiting and increasing support. When you find an existing linguistic or religious group highly competitive several methods are in use for conversion. The Singhalese are at an advantage to do this because the reign of power from the British was handed over with an undertaking of power sharing with Tamils. Somehow the Tamil sharing power disintegrated over years of suppressing Tamils with violence until Tamil youths themselves were forced to take to violence against the majority. After the violence committed against Tamils the fear of Sinhalese getting it back will force them continue the suppression. This ego to suppress Tamils is preventing them from seeing the truth that is known to the rest of the world. It is very unfortunate for the future generations of both the Sinhalese and Tamils unable to greet each other as friends.

          • 0

            I like to meet you with intelligent agency to find out your nationality, religion and or caste. almost all fellows who writes articles and comments on this site are Tamil or other spies and obviously directed by Jews based in Switzerland, Europe, Canada, U.S or Israel or based in Colombo embassies

    • 0

      These garbage drops by global defamatory Jews who are on”24 assault on Sinhalese and Sri lanka.” Many, Many people who knows Jews told me Jews are into Sri lanka long time ago and they have studying Sinhalese weaknesses to use for covert operation.
      All these website stories and comments on this site directed by Jews
      If Jews attack on us, it is directly about our race or history.
      Jews thinks they can manipulate and get control over Sri lanka by using Tamil defame.
      If there is anybody there like CID know how to detect how Tamil Articles and comments transfer through websites, you will find Jews are behind these.
      Jews own Google, Yahoo, Facebooks and many thousands websites.
      These internet tools are used by Jews transfer information safely in between groups around the globe without getting caught to anybody .
      These type malicious attack did by British across the globe and still do together with Jews.

    • 8

      Champa, you make me laugh with your verbose account. Were you able to find an account only from 1930?
      Couldn’t you find anything earlier than that?
      What a sad state we have come to!
      In any scientific subject today even an edition couple of years older seem to find the old paper seller to wrap Kadale and not presented as evidence any more! Whereas in our blessed island with an average IQ of 79, “Champas” bring publications from 1930s to argue their case!
      Next, someone will bring a publication to show the Earth is flat!
      Please grow up!
      Science of Archaeology is advancing rapidly in spite of all our lethargy! We have now discovered coins from Roman times (300BC), from excavations in the north of the Island! If our Archeologists shows the due commitment soon we will be rewriting our history, confining our present books to the museum!
      The time I jaya is supposed to have arrived, we were trading with a Greeks and Romans!

    • 2

      Thanks for giving us a break all these days.
      But you seem to be not changing to the very same manner, a dog s tails would not be straighned even if it would have been put in a bamboo sheath.

      You were a good street woman for all the years and you cant have experienced much good in your life. The kind of women, would widen their legs only for the tips being given by Wimal weerawansa or the like street rascals.

      Just come with the facts Chamapawathiye… open your eyes wider than you are used to widen your legs before anyone. That can show you the way for sure.

      Sinhalaya being led today rascals and thugs – but the guilty is not anyone else but on SINHALAYA. They are made permement fools for the survivial of Rajakshes. So, you the kind of street women do your part well, since you have been brainwashed to the very same degree as some villagers have been.

  • 8

    True of false is not a big deal, as long as it is being an antique material of a race. But the Sinhala Buddhist Chauvinism came from political historians interpretation is one reduced Mahavamsam as a bestality fantacy sextual material. Kalingathu Parani is highly classical material, earned Chakravarthy title to poet S(J)ayamkondar, but contain excessive sex. So it is not studied in classes, politely discaded. IQ 79ners by insisting school chidlren studying this beastality fantacy as history, have made the Mahavamsa publicly condemned by all people with common sense.

  • 3

    Wiggy and the clan do not like Mahavamsa because it proves that North and East of Lanka was not a Thamizen mother land as Eelam lovers propagate. So their blood boils when mention about the Chronical Mahavamsa.

  • 1

    wicky is off his nuts.what is the gain tamils are going to get writing article like this.MAHAIMSAIYA may be fact or fiction who is going to worry too much about this under current deaf and blind government.ALREADY SOME MUSLIMS WERE MISLED AND ATTACKED CHURCHES AND MADE RAJAPAKSAS TO WIN THE ELECTIONS.WICKY IS WRITING THIS AT THIS MOMENT FOR SLPP TO FRIGHTEN SINGALEASE USING THIS MAHAIMSAYA AND GET 2/3 MAJORITY IN COMING PARLIAMENTRY elections.i suspect that his day time enemy and night tine relation PISSUDEVA has given a contract to write this shit piece.

  • 5

    this guy has an IQ of 59

  • 0

    hi , Can north or east have any tamil or muslims archialogical evidence like shilalakana provens? Did buddist have it to prove history ?

  • 9

    When a document states a human mated with a lion and a human was born what you call that document if not a fiction?

  • 1

    The name of the game is called free advertising in the form of racism concentrating on future elections.

  • 1

    A childish endeavour, this article, one that will not help any cause.
    Can’t he focus his energies on something meaningful?

  • 5

    Sigh,…….you want to declare Sinhalese as Tamils ancestrically same, and yet you want the N&E of yourselves. If your logic goes, them the whole Island should be United.

  • 11

    With the white van king in power, wigneswaran is taking a real risk boldly questioning the fake sinhala historic narrative. But it has to be done. The sinhala historic narrative goes totally against common sense and logic. And its being used as a weapon to commit genocide and promote racism.
    According to the 79 iq nation (it should be downgraded to 69) tamils only arrived in sri lanka with the chola dynasty from india. For some strange reason tamils had ‘never existed in sri lanka before that’. Even though Sri Lanka is almost touching tamil nadu which you can clearly see on any world map.

    • 3


      “According to the 79 iq nation (it should be downgraded to 69) “

      No disputes here. The IQ 79 was measured by 3 sets of independent academics along with many other nations.

      A new request should be made to remeasure the IQ’s of the Paras, as well as the Para academics, as there have been many recent changes..

  • 5

    Mahawansa is good only for the ignorant and with little bit research it turns in to fiction. Just look at the Jathaka stories. Sasa jathkaya is a fairytale intended for the kids? Somebody looked at the moon and concocted a story. Bye the way I am Buddhist by birth and by conviction.

  • 11

    Those who are most closely related to tamils are the ones who hate tamil the most.
    In southern india you see kannadiga, malayalees and telugu people who collectively hate tamil though they themselves descended or branched off from tamil.
    You clearly see this kind of madness in kerala where malayalam is almost identical to tamil but the malayalees will go to great lengths to deny any connection with tamil. I see sinhalese and muslims in sri lanka doing the same thing against their own tamil origins.
    I am often told that hating ones own parents is a sure way to bring bad karma on oneself. Even if your parents were not the best parents, you have a connection with them which you cannot sever. Any attempts to do so will only hurt oneself long term.

    • 1


      “Those who are most closely related to tamils are the ones who hate tamil the most.”

      If you look at the history of the Paras on the Land of Native Veddah Aethho, there are several instances of assignations of the Sinhala killing each other. The best example is Kasyapa who killed his father, who was later killed by his brother. So, if they commit patricide and kill their own siblings, killing their Tamil cousins is not a big issue. This was after Buddhism was introduced.

  • 20


    A colleague of mine tested the DNA of people in Sri Lanka who identified themselves as Sri Lankan Tamil, Low country Sinhala, Kandyan Sinhala and Aboriginal (Veddha) and compared these DNA profiles to our cousins in India. There were several interesting observations: 1) The Aboriginal people stand out as being different from everyone else, establishing that people existed in Sri Lanka before the Sinhala and Tamil people arrived. 2) The Sri Lankan Tamil and Sinhala people (both low country and Kandyan) were more closely related to one another than to any group in India. The Sri Lankan Tamils were genetically closer to the Sinhala than to Tamil people currently living in Tamil Nadu. What this teaches us is that people who identify as Sinhala or Tamil all arrived together as part of one or, more likely, several migrations from India. The identities of religion (Hindu or Buddhist) and language (Sinhala or Tamil) occurred later due to different cultural and political influences from India. Tamil was likely to have been spoken in Sri Lanka before Sinhala because the dravidian languages predate the Indo-european Sanskrit based languages like Hindi, Bengali and Sinhala. The story of Vijaya and separate Sinhala migrations from West India and Tamil migrations from South India are myths.

    • 3


      DNA is so complex it can barely provide this sort of information from what it is known today. Humans and chimps share 95% of the DNA . and I am sure Chimps are related to Dravidians who are definitely not human.

      DNA cant tell who arrived and when. for that, you need to look at oral or written history .

      • 3

        Abhaya Premawardana,

        1. Mitochondrial DNA can tell who arrived and when.and from where they came from.
        They came from Southern and Eastern India.

        2. Oral and written history must be looked up as supplementary evidence, not definitive evidence, as they are full of tales, imaginations, lies and fables.

        3. According to oral and written history, King Vijay’s ancestor was a lion, but DNA analysis has so far NOT shown the presence of any lion genes. However, 98.8 percent of the genes are common with the chimpanzees.

        4. Based on the my-DNA analysis, the Native Veddah Veddah Aethho arrived first, by walking, to claim the land, and the others are Parayo, Para-Sinhalayo ( Sinhalese), Para-Demalo (Tamils) etc.

        Only those who became Para-Sinhalayo , learned to prostrate to imbecile saffron clad monks, by becoming Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhists “, distorting Buddhism and insulting the Buddha.

        • 1

          Amarasiri, You and everyone else who is arguing about the origin of Humans, seem to forget that we All originated in Africa from a common Ancestor!
          Why divide Ourselves into Later Categories which Seem to create Wars and Other Complications!

    • 3

      Aravinda Desilva ,

      “A colleague of mine tested the DNA of people in Sri Lanka who identified themselves as Sri Lankan Tamil, Low country Sinhala, Kandyan Sinhala and Aboriginal (Veddha) and compared these DNA profiles to our cousins in India.”

      “Tamil was likely to have been spoken in Sri Lanka before Sinhala because the dravidian languages predate the Indo-european Sanskrit based languages like Hindi, Bengali and Sinhala. The story of Vijaya and separate Sinhala migrations from West India and Tamil migrations from South India are myths.”

      Thanks. Yes, the Sinhala and Tamils are Paras in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho.

      Science, mitochondrial DNA and modern genetics is busting myths, fiction and fables.

      Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people: their relations within the island and with the Indian subcontinental populations

      Journal of Human Genetics volume 59, pages 28–36(2014). Published: 07 November 2013


      MtDNA haplogroup analysis revealed that several West Eurasian haplogroups as well as Indian-specific mtDNA clades were found amongst the Sri Lankan populations. Through a comparison with the mtDNA HVS-1 and part of HVS-2 of Indian database, both Tamils and Sinhalese clusters were affiliated with Indian subcontinent populations than Vedda people who are believed to be the native population of the island of Sri Lanka.

      Can somebody teach molecular genetics and molecular molecular to the “Academic” “Professor” of Archaeology at the University of Kelaniya? May be somebody can teach him some nuclear physics as well.

  • 2

    Cholas tried for 1000+ years to conquer the whole island, but they failed. All the failures are written in detail in Mahavamsa, that is why this book, like no other, infuriates the Eelamists. Unfortunately these Chola armies caused much damage to the existing architecture of the time. Given the close geographical proximity of Sri Lanka to Tamil Nadu, it should have been relatively easy for the powerful Chola kings to crush the Sinhalese kingdoms. But they did not, which provided Sinhalese civilization a chance to flourish. Had the Cholas succeeded, Sri Lanka today would be a Tamil-speaking Hindu extension of South India. Before Vijaya arrived on the island, Tamil fisherman knew about the place (from fishing trips), but never settled there in any large numbers. They built some shrines (ishvarams). This is the “evidence” Eelamists claim proves Sinhala-Buddhism evolved from some Shaivite sect. Of course there was Tamil influence – from trading, hiring of mercenary fighters, and some marriages with South Indian princesses. This is also where the linguistic influence comes from.

    • 4


      “Cholas tried for 1000+ years to conquer the whole island, but they failed.”

      However descendants of their mercenaries (Vellaikkara Padei) are in control of the entire island. What more could you ask from the Cholas.

      • 0


        Here we go again like a musical chair!
        But what good is Wiggy bringing out by trashing the Mahavamsa?

        • 1

          What good is Wiggy briging out by trashing the Mahavamsa?

          He exposes himself as a clown.

  • 1

    “The recognition of King Ashoka never came to pass only due to the existence of Mahāvaṃsa”. Read the word “only” in the above statement. No one claimed Mahavansa was the only source. But it collaborated other historical evidence. That alone signifies Mahavansa’s importance as a historical document. This bugger can continue to deny Mahavansa like those early humans who though the earth was flat. It doesn’t change the facts on the ground that Tamils have latesettlers in SL and have NEVER being the dominant ethnic group or the culture of Sri Lanka. Sinhalese is a nation formed exclusively in SL and has been the dominant group and the culture of the country historically. SL being an island was influenced by North and South Indian cultures Western and Eastern Asia too due to the country’s pivotal position in the ancient trade routes. That has been peripheral and continue to be so. Wiggy can tell those tall stories to his grand kids during Christmas and Avurudu until he dies.

  • 6

    As per Keeladi excavations now being conducted in Tamil Nadu , names like Thissan , Uthiran were common amongst Tamil men around 2500 years ago. Several potsherds in Tamil Brahmi inscribed with these names have been excavated. Therefore these titles and names would have also been common amongst the Tamil or semi Tamil speaking Dravidian Naga and other tribes living in the island around this time. This why you get names or titles like Thevanai Nambiya Thissan,( the king who converted to Buddhism ) who is the son of King Mutta Sivan ( meaning the great or venerated Lord Siva in pure Tamil) Kaavan Thissan or Kakkai Vanna Thissan. ( meaning the great protector or the king or great man the colour of the crow, respectively in Tamil ). These people were all Tamil Naga princes or kings. Even the so called Sinhalese hero Dutta Gamini son of Tamil king Kaavan Thissan or Kakkai Vanna Thissan was a Tamil Buddhist Naga . There were no Sinhalese people or Sinhalese language 2300 years ago. A Tamil Naga king cannot have a Sinhalese son , especially when there was no such thing called Sinhalese language or people existing . This was a war between the population that converted to Buddhist and their leaders against the ruling Hindu/Saiva establishment and the population that remained Hindu. Despite the fact that a large percentage in the north and east converted to Buddhism and became the ancient Tamil Buddhists, a larger percentage remained Hindu , this is why the Tamil culture and language was retained in these areas and the population did not evolve into the new Sinhalese identity that came with Buddhism by corrupting their Tamil with the Pali of Buddhism, like in the rest of the island . Eventually even these ancient Tamil Buddhist reconverted back to their ancestral Hindu faith.

    • 3

      Contd: When the British demarcated and created the nine provinces in the island , they created the two Tamil provinces the North and East. They named these two provinces as the Tamil provinces and the ancient historic homeland of the Eelam or Ceylon Tamils and the rest of the seven provinces as the historic homeland of the Sinhalese people. These two provinces were created from ancient Tamil lands , the area that consisted of the historic Tamil Jaffna kingdom. ( the entire northern province and what is now most of modern Trincomalee district) . The east was largely created from the ancient Tamil Hindu Vannimai chiefdoms . Modern day Batitcaloa , Amparai and Trincomallee south of the Mahaveli river. The historic Jaffna kingdom was larger than this as it had large parts of the present day North Central Province the Putalam area and the north western coast up to Negombo/Chilaw. Chilaw was the summer capital of the kings of Jaffna and was the coast from Mannar to Chilaw was famous for pearl diving. The Kingdom of Jaffna was famous for its high quality pearls. The so called fabled Rajasthani Queen Padmavathi was from the kingdom of Jaffna , as she was from a kingdom in the island that was famous for its pearls. This was the Tamil Jaffna kingdom., Not Kandy or Kotte. However all these ancient Tamil lands in the present north central Province ( Nochiyagma, Padavi Kulam or Padaviya , Vilankulam now called Bulankulama and Thamban Kadavai now re named Taman kaduwa) and north western areas Putalam, Chilaw, Negombo, were all given to the Sinhalese by the British. The British entertained and decided favourably to any remote and farfetched claims from the Sinhalese and gave them huge chunks of Tamil lands that are now part of the North Central and North western and western province.

      • 4

        contd: The list goes on. Modern Sinhalese vocabulary is around 40% Tamil derived, its lexicon, syntax, grammar and alphabet all derived from Tamil , so it is very easy to give a Sinhalese twist to ancient Tamil place names and claim it as theirs. Especially when they have the power of the government , armed forces , police and every one knows the racist Archeological department , which if the hand maiden for Sinhalese Buddhist Fascism. Sinhalese like all Indo Aryan languages and this includes Sanskrit is highly influenced by the Dravidian retroflex , which is the so called India Subcontinental accent or tone, as the ancestors of these Indo Aryan speakers were originally Dravidian/Tamil speakers , who later adopted the Indo Aryan speech of their rulers. This is why even now a sentence formation be it in Hindi, Punjabi , Sinhalese or Bengali follows the same sequence as Tamil, Not English or Farsi.

      • 3

        COntd: The British did this for two reasons 1) They like everyone else during that era , thought the Sinhalese were native Aryans, somewhat distantly related to them , whilst the Dravidian Tamils were not, so favoured the Sinhalese, just like the way they favoured the Northern Indians,he Sanskrit language and the so called Aryan culture over the Southern Indians , the Tamil language and Dravidian culture. 2) The British had appropriated hundreds of thousands of acres of Sinhalese lands for their coffee, tea and rubber plantations , therefore to appease and compensate the Sinhalese for this , they give into all of their demands , however remote and farfetched and gave them huge chunks of historical Tamil lands and created two new Sinhalese provinces, North Central and North western by including large of amount of historical Tamil lands , into these provinces. The north and the east were the core Tamil heartlands , to which the Sinhalese had no claim whatsoever from ancient to present. Therefore these two core Tamil areas/provinces were declared by the British as the historical homeland of the island’s Tamils .If you look at the all maps before independence and even in the 1950s , every town , village, city, river, hill, mound in the north and east are all named in Pure Eelam Tamil. Now many deliberately changed to Sinhalese by the Sri Lankan state and recently with state encouragement even to Islamic names . in the east False concocted history and state aided ethnic cleansing and colonisation of Sinhalese and now Muslims are now being used to claim , these core Tamil lands not only for the Sinhalese but now even for these fake Arab immigrant South Indian origin Muslims, with Gulf Arab funds.

  • 7

    Challenging the status quo is one of the best antidotes to being servile and toeing an official line. A society that encourages discussion of widely divergent views is indeed a mature one. I see from comments made so far, that man’s ethnocentrism seems to have no limits when it comes to defending a particular point of view at any or all costs. In spite of the vibrancy and exuberance of opinion pieces, some sad realities would need to be accommodated also. While I can understand the author’s intentions, in disseminating a rather cloudy and murky school of thought and thereby making it a mainstream topic that will some day help to rationalise a recognition he desperately seeks (perhaps long after he is gone) it could also serve to harden attitudes that confront his ambitious objective. I learnt a lot from merely reading the varying and contradictory comments, and not about history but more about how we think and believe.

  • 3

    I write one of a Sigiri poem here

    අවුලිහු ගී Awulihu gee
    කි වරැජ ද මලදම ki waraja da maladama
    හිමබුයක අතැ දි(ටි) himabuyaka atha diti
    මන ගති මා දෙතා mana gathi maa detha
    බෙයද බෙලුම වනනෙය beyada beluma wananeya

    Awulihu gee (person’s name) Awulihu’s poem
    ki (kumakda – what)
    waraja (warada – wrong)
    maladama (maldama – garland)
    himabuyaka ( – woman)
    atha diti (in hand) diti (dutuva -seen)
    mana gathi maa (my mind taken) dethaa (more & more)
    beyada (rock) beluma (baluma – look) wananeya (wanneya -happens)
    What’s wrong to have a garland in a woman’s hand. This was taken my mind so I tend to look more & more at her
    This poem was dated as 8AD. So how can anybody say there was no Sinhala language until 7AD. During kings time & until the monastery abandoned lay people were not allowed to visit Sigiriya. There were no facilities to climb but those who travelled wrote about 1500 poems.

    • 5


      Could you let us have the source of your Sigiri Poem.
      Did Paranavitana find this poem among the interlinear inscriptions at Sigiri?

      • 1


        Who found is not important but there was a very developed Sinhala language at that time.

        • 2


          Could you let us have the source of your Sigiri Poem, reference name of publisher, name of the book/journal, …etc, date of publication, …………….

      • 1


        Paranavithana published 685 such poems in 1956

        • 1

          Cite source of the poems. Where was this poem published?

          • 2

            Ken Robert

            Latha believes she is outsmarting everyone however she/he is exposing her/his ignorance.
            Otherwise how are you?
            Happy Holidays.

          • 0

            Ken Robert

            Give a call to a leading book shop in Colombo or Google.

    • 4

      We all know that you are an out an out Sinhalese racist and a Sinhalese Buddhist Fascits . You can keep on writing all sorts of poems and claim them to be ancient Sinhalese . The Sri Lankan state the Archeological department does this , so why not bigoted racist you. Keep up your racist garbage, May be you also work for the so called Archeological Department., part of their fake history department.

      • 0


        Kallathoni you what else can do? Blame the others & destroy our country.

        For pathetic Tamils inscriptions are not true. Archeology department at fault. I think most difficult thing for them is to disrepute Sigiri Gee.

        • 2


          I don’t think you are a Sinhala/Buddhist fascist however there is no doubt that you are a name dropping ignorant stupid.

          You should know that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

          When you argue your case (if there is one) please try to support it with facts and references to construct, structure, support and communicate. Referencing generally gives credibility to your argument (if there is one).

          Don’t stupidly brush aside what the readers have to say about your incoherent typing.

          • 0


            Do you say there is no such poems exists? If you think so I think you comes under most professionally accepted scholar among Tamils. You are most suitable to become an adviser to CV wig

            I don’t know you can comprehend but following is another Sigiri poem written in 8AD

            ස්වස්ති පොත් දෙවිමි මෙගී- Swasthi poth dewmi megee
            ජිවෙල් ගෙනයින් මෙ– jewel genayin me
            සිරිබර්නි මයි ආ රස– siribarni my aa rasa
            බැලුමො ගුයුණ බ(ල)ත්– balumo geuna balath
            බෙ(ය)න්ද්හි රන්වනුන් දුට්මො–beyandhi ranwanun dutmo

            swasthi- good happens to you
            poth dewmi ( poets name) me gee ( mee geeya – this poem)
            jewel – food, genayin ( geniyamin- carring) me ( this)
            siribarni ( scenic beuty) my =my, aa rasa ( I was pleased)
            balumo ( baluwa = looked at) geuna ( guwana= sky) balath ( when looking)
            beyandhi ( in the rock) ranwanun( ranwan anganun = golden women( dutmo =dutuwa = seen)

            Good to you. Me Poth dewmi’s poem
            I am carrying food, I was pleased with the scenic beauty here
            I looked at the sky. I saw the golden women at the rock

            • 0

              This could also be written in 21st century by Ambepitiya Sumane under the cannabinoid influence

              • 0

                Ken Robert

                Most idiots think so may be you one of them.

                • 0


                  “Most idiots think so may be you one of them.”

                  You have not answered Ken or me.
                  If you find it hard to respond just ignore.

  • 7

    Justice Wigneswaran, your decisive and bold attempt to give out the facts representing the situations that truly existed in the Lankan past are really educative and informative. Many who have done extensive research in history, anthropology have accepted in no uncertain terms that Sinhalese are not the earliest inhabitants of Lanka.
    The learned Professor and respected Anthropologist Gananath Obeyesekera in his book ” Buddhism, Ethnicity and Identity ” states thus,
    ‘viewed in long term historical perspective , Sinhalese have been for the most part South Indian migrants who have been sasanized ‘
    In one of his articles to ‘New York Times’ he categorically refuted Archaeologist Parana Vithana’s claim that Vijaya an Aryan and Sinhalese came from the western region of Arayata. He even dismissed Paranavithana’s claim as ‘ racist nonsense ‘ and part of mythology.
    Another respected Professor Gamini Dullewe has in one of his articles has mentioned that Prince Vijaya, not a Sinhalese and Sinhalese not a pure race but a mixture of nationalities. More than half the number of Sinhalese are with Portuguese names. The last kin g of Kandy Sri Wickremarajasinghe, not a Sinhalese but Nayakkar.
    The megalithic burial sites excavated at Pomparippu in the West Coast and Kathiraveli in the East Coast are evidences of Pandiyan Kingdom in the 5th century BCE and 2nd century CE.
    The recent excavations of skeletal remains and urn burials with Brahmi inscriptions carbon dated 2nd century BCE found in Anaikottai, Punakari, Velanai, Vallipuram are clear proof that Tamils lived in those areas during that period before the advent of the Sinhalese.
    It is therefore imperative that for the country to travel on a path of prosperity, democracy and reconciliation, pluralist and multicultural reality need to be recognized and educated to the people.
    Thank you,

    • 1

      P Rajeswaran,

      You need to add to your narrative, the modern molecular genetics evidence on the mitochondrial DNA studies of the Sinhalese and the Tamils compared to those of the Native Veddah Aethho, that clearly show that the Sinhalese and the Tamils are Para-Sinhala and Para-Tamils from Southern and Eastern India.m, in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho.

      Paranavithana and others did not have this information. Furthermore, no Lion DNA was found in the Sinhala, as stated in the Mahawamsa Fiction/Fable. However, the Sinhala and Tamils have 98.8 percent of their genes in common with the Chimpanzee.

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