By Onella Wiranthi Karunanayake –
Am not at all a person who uses social media to express views or thoughts in lengthy status messages but I feel that sadly today it has come to a point where I feel at least I have to voice out my thoughts on the same platforms that my family is getting character assassinated on.
I have seen many articles circulated all around social media about my father for a very long time but for the first time I feel I need to intervene and speak out cause this particular time it is a malicious constant attack on his character that is orchestrated by others who aim to achieve other things trying to make my father a fall man.
I see everyone very easily resharing content on many pages on social media but all have only one name. My father’s name. Does everyone really believe for the last couple years everything in the government is just one man and that we have been getting hit cause we deserve it or that maybe there is a pattern to this madness now?
I know that when situations arise we all want to get to the bottom of things and find someone responsible for it but are you sure that all the sites carry facts or have you ever thought that this could be well planned and paid attempts from others in politics who would need to cover up their sins by directing all negative attention to one man?
Everyone is entitled to freedom of speech but with freedom of speech also comes the responsibility to know all the true facts and figures and not only the damaging views that are paid to catch on to all.
I cannot change everyone’s opinions about how you see my family but I respectfully just ask you to think before you fall prey to these well paid character assassins targeting just one man constantly.
I have learnt bitterly over the years that politics is a dirty game and some in it will stop at nothing to achieve the individual goals no matter who they hurt along the way.
So if you have actually taken time to read through this fully all I want to ask you at the end is please think. Thinking can one man do everything all the time? Can one man always be doing these things jus to get negative publicity or is he actually being framed and made to be the fall man again and again?
Please all I ask you is to think before you form a one sided opinion cause again like I have learnt the hard ways politics is not how it appears to be. Think if you have all the facts cause I know that you will be surprised if you really sit to think whats going on.
Just ask yourself? Why only one man’s name comes up all the time in such a huge government?
Again everyone is free to think how they see it from the facts they have but I have now given you a small view from my family’s side. So please just open your eyes and think a little because in this instance its not any commission but the media and the public that has been the judge, jury and executioner.
Like my father said after visiting the commission that day and coming out:
“I can accept the spearing of an enemy’s arrow but the pin pricking of friends is much more hurtful.”
*This is the Facebook status of Ravi Karunanayake‘s daughter Onella Wiranthi
K.Pillai / August 5, 2017
Please tell your sisters and mum not to write follow-up pleas.
Ravi / August 6, 2017
Its over 2 billion .not a small amount for our poor country.it has to syart with someone.unfortunately its your father.He is caight pants down.just keep calm or else you will be drag down to this too.He has a bad past from sathosa and others as well.Do you think he is pure ? Iam not saying other are not rougues. It has to start smewhere.good luck and keepaway from this mess.
Richard / August 6, 2017
Ornella, I knew your father when he was just an accountant and felt we shared common decency, honesty and values as we both come from similar backgrounds. However, following the developments of the bond saga where the initial investigation was very clearly blocked by both your father and the PM, now transpire as a very well planned robbery by Perpetual Treasuries with the assistance of the then Govenor of CB, some higher-ups in the govt and others. It is unclear to what extent your father was involved or how much he benefited from the bond transaction, but by the mere fact he was the then FM who blocked the initial calls for the investigation and now Allosious paying for your rented apartment rings alarm bells even to those who trusted him. Furthermore, he as the FM wanted to reign in tax evaders and money launderers, yet he says the money paid by you to buy the apartment (Rs150 million or so) came from thin-air i.e.. no bank transaction and no paper trail. Ravi says this money was your chairman’s who lives in the UK but also says the latter did not bring in this money without declaration and did not use bank transfer. If you could explain how this is possible then we his friends and supporters would stand by him.
Dilani silva / August 6, 2017
If he has not done what he has done he won’t be call like by names.
Azgar / August 7, 2017
So why dont you tell your beloved father to reveal the other names involved in this racket