By Mza.zakky –
A Buddhist monk named Bowatte Indraratana died at Colombo National Hospital over the weekend after setting himself on fire Friday near the famed Temple of Buddha’s Tooth Relic in the central town of Kandy. The 30-year-old was the first monk to self-immolate in Sri Lanka.
It is a bad issue for all Sri Lankans. Even somebody says his action is good, but in commonly suicide is very harmful for human nature. We all have born to live not for die.
It was with much confusion that I followed the recent protests by some in the Buddhist community against Muslims, the Sri Lankan Halal Certification Authority and slaughtering cattle. I mean, do these guys of the “Bodu Bala Sena” really realize what they are protesting against? Or what actually Halal is? And don’t these guys who proclaim to safeguard, protect and fight for Buddhism understand that Lord Buddha himself repeatedly taught his disciples the importance of a pure mind and soul? And that in Islamic terms is what Halal is about??
In this article, I include following topics: what Islam and Buddhism say about eating meat, did Buddha protest meat to his followers, what is Islamic slaughtering method and its scientific advantages and scientific advantages of halal food.
At first I want to give a statement of a famous Buddhist leader. That is about science and Buddhism (“Buddhism not hesitates to accept the results of science.”). The following statement of the Dalai Lama proofs it. “Buddhism not hesitates to accept the results of Buddhism search toward understanding of ontology have done by critical investigation. If any result of scientific researches opposes a statement of Buddhism we can able to remove the statement from Buddhism.” (Dalai Lama. (2005). The Universe in a Single Atom: The convergence of science and spirituality. New York: Morgan Road Books. )
The Buddha did not prohibit any kind of meat-eating for his lay followers. So Buddha did not prohibit beef eating for his followers. Following statement proofs it.
“In Buddhism, the views on vegetarianism vary from school to school. According to Theravada, the Buddha allowed his monks to eat pork, chicken and beef if the animal was not killed for the purpose of providing food for monks. (But Muslims never eat pig because of its adverse effects) .Theravada also believes that the Buddha allowed the monks to choose a vegetarian diet, but only prohibited against eating human, elephant, dog, snake, lion, tiger, bear, leopard, and hyena flesh.(Islam also prohibits these things).The Buddha did not prohibit any kind of meat-eating for his lay followers. In Vajrayana, the act of eating meat is not always prohibited. The Mahayana schools generally recommend a vegetarian diet, for they believe that the Buddha insisted that his followers should not eat meat or fish.(most of Sri Lankans Buddhists follow we neglect the statement of Mahayana)”
According to this statement Buddhism does not prohibit eating beef. Why did Bowatte Indraratana thero Self-immolate? Why Buddhists and monks protest eating beef? Is it for Buddhism or only for them?
Islam allows us to kill animals for our benefit in this world and hereafter. In Islam killing animal is not a sin provided you have a good reason. Islam give only three chances to kill animals .We allowed to kill animals for 1) for Food, 2) as a sacrifice to God, 3) for protection (e.g. like killing a snake) I don’t need to explain about killing animals for protection but I’ll expound about sacrificing animals and getting meat from animals.
We may already know that Muslims sacrifice animals on occasions like Haj festival or when a new baby is born etc. If any animal is killed as a sacrifice that should only be in the name of God not for any human being or anything else. An animal sacrifice is done only as an act of worship through which the person/s sacrificing the animal intends to seek God’s pleasure and gain good deeds for them. (We can eat the meat of the sacrificed animals but it is encouraged to be distributed among the poor and needy.)
Eating meat is nature of human. Human are normally top carnivores in food chains, so would be near the top of most food we can’t destroy food chain fully. There are more dangers by destroying food chains and food web.
A great thing to notice is that there are a lot of disadvantages by vegetarianism
- Reduced protein, protein are essential to repair and growth of cells in our body
- Lack of Food choices
- Decreased creatine, has been sited as a disadvantage of been vegetarian
- Decreased vitamins and minerals, especially B12, and iron. B12 primary function is in the formation of red blood cells and a healthy nervous system. B12 is found in meat, eggs.
‘Vegetarianism’ is now a movement the world over. Many even associate it with animal rights. Indeed, a large number of people consider the consumption of meat and other non-vegetarian products to be a violation of animal rights.
Islam enjoins mercy and compassion for all living creatures. At the same time Islam humaintains that Allah has created the earth and its wondrous flora and fauna for the benefit of humankind. It is up to humankind to use every resource in this world judiciously, as a Ne’mah (Divine blessing) and Amaanah (trust) from Allah.
Let us look at various other aspects of this argument.
1. A Muslim can be a pure vegetarian
A Muslim can be a very good Muslim despite being a pure vegetarian. It is not compulsory for a Muslim to have non-vegetarian food.
2. Meat is nutritious and rich in complete protein
Non-vegetarian food is a good source of excellent protein. It contains biologically complete protein i.e. all the 8 essential amino acid that are not synthesized by the body and should be supplied in the diet. Meat also contains iron, vitamin B1 and niacin.
3. Humans have Omnivorous set of teeth
If we observe the teeth of herbivorous animals like the cow, goat and sheep, we will find something strikingly similar in all of them. All these animals have a set of flat teeth i.e. suited for herbivorous diet. If we observe the set of teeth of the carnivorous animals like the lion, tiger or leopard, they all have a set of pointed teeth i.e. suited for a carnivorous diet. If we analyze the set of teeth of humans, we find that they have flat teeth as well as pointed teeth. Thus they have teeth suited for both herbivorous as one may ask, if Almighty God wanted humans to have only vegetables, why did He provide us also with pointed teeth? It is logical that He expected us to need and to have both vegetarian as well as non-vegetarian food.
4. Human beings can digest both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food
The digestive system of herbivorous animals can digest only vegetables. The digestive system of carnivorous animals can digest only meat. But the digestive system of humans can digest both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food. If Almighty God wanted us to have only vegetables then why did He give us a digestive system that can digest both vegetarian as well as non-vegetarian food?
5. Even plants have life
Certain religions have adopted pure vegetarianism as a dietary law because they are totally against the killing of living creatures. If a person can survive without killing any living creature, I would be the first person to adopt such a way of life. In the past people thought plants were lifeless. Today it is a universal fact that even plants have life. Thus their logic of not killing living creatures is not fulfilled even by being a pure vegetarian.
6. Even plants can feel pain
They further argue that plants cannot feel pain; therefore killing a plant is a lesser crime as compared to killing an animal. Today science tells us that even plants can feel pain. But the cry of the plant cannot be heard by the human being. This is due to the inability of the human ear to hear sounds that are not in the audible range i.e. 20 Hertz to 20,000 Hertz. Anything below and above this range cannot be heard by a human being. A dog can hear up to 40,000 Hertz. Thus there are silent dog whistles that have a frequency of more than 20,000 Hertz and less than 40,000 Hertz. These whistles are only heard by dogs and not by human beings. The dog recognizes the masters’ whistle and comes to the master. There was research done by a farmer in USA who invented an instrument which converted the cry of the plant so that it could be heard by human beings. He was able to realize immediately when the plant itself cried for water. Latest researches show that the plants can even feel happy and sad. It can also cry.
7. Killing a living creature with two senses less is not a lesser crime
Somebody say that plants only have two or three senses while the animals have five senses. Therefore killing a plant is a lesser crime than killing an animal. Suppose our brother is born deaf and dumb and has two senses less as compared to other human beings. He becomes mature and someone murders him. Would you ask the judge to give the murderer a lesser punishment because your brother had two senses less? In fact we would say that he has killed an innocent person, and the judge should give the murderer a greater punishment.
The Glorious Qur’an says:
“O ye people! Eat of what is on earth, lawful and good”
[Al Qur’an 2:168]
8. over population of cattle
If every human being was a vegetarian, it would lead to overpopulation of cattle in the world, since their reproduction and multiplication is very swift. Allah (God) in His divine wisdom knows how to maintain the balance of His creation appropriately. No wonder He has permitted us to have the meat of the cattle.
“Halal” is an Arabic word meaning “lawful” or “permissible”, and the term not only covers food and drink, but also to all matters of daily life. When it comes to halal food, most people think of meat foods only. However, Muslims must ensure that all foods, particularly processed foods, pharmaceuticals, and non-food items like cosmetics, are also halal. Frequently, these products contain animal by-products or other ingredients that are not permissible for Muslims to eat or use on their bodies.
Any food that has not been made Haram is Halal. And as mentioned before, the food that has been forbidden has been made so solely due to its adverse effects on a human body. It is a pure and healthy body that makes a pure and healthy mind and soul. That is the foundation that Islam wants for every Muslim and that is what Prince Siddhartha taught every Buddhist. And thus Halal is the right of each and every human being.
The Arabic word “Halal” means “Permissible”. It could cover various aspects of a Muslims life ranging from his daily food to what he wears to who he is permitted to get married to. The food that has been made “Haram” or not permissible are that of blood (e.g. fermentation media and sausages), the human body (e.g. bread improver from hair and cosmetics from the placenta and embryo), alcohol (e.g. used in cooking and cakes), carrion (that of haram animals and animals slaughtered not according to the Islamic Law) and each and every part of the pig (e.g. gelatin, glycerin, rennet in cheese and shortening in biscuits) and any food obtained through
Ill-gotten means ( i.e. stealing, bribery and corruption). And only these foods that are against human nature have been made Haram in Islam and the rest are considered Halal or permissible unlike the common notion among many that practically everything is made Haram for a Muslim.
Anything that is forbidden or made Haram in Islam is solely due to the fact that it, in some way or other it is harmful to man. Blood for example has been made Haram due to its high content of a toxic chemical substance called uric acid, 98% of which is excreted from the human body in the form of urine. Ingested blood on reaching the intestine is acted upon by various bacteria normally present there resulting in poisonous products like ammonia which is toxic to the liver. Therefore, God has forbidden us to eat or drink blood and has prescribed such a method for slaughtering animals that most of their blood is drained.
[Quran 2:174] He has made unlawful to you only that which dies of itself, and blood and the flesh of swine, and that on which the name of any other than Allah has been invoked. But he who is driven by necessity, being neither disobedient nor exceeding the limit, it shall be no sin for him. Surely, Allah is Most Forgiving, Merciful
It is here that the importance consuming meat only from animals slaughtered in the Islamic manner comes in. The wielder of the knife, whilst uttering the name of “Allah(God)”, makes an incision through the jugular vein and the wind pipe leaving the spinal cord intact, thus causing death by total loss of blood rather than any an injury to any vital organ. Were the organs, for example the heart, liver or brain was crippled or damaged, the animal would die immediately and its blood would congeal in its veins and would eventually permeate the flesh. This would mean that the meat would be contaminated with uric acid and therefore be very poisonous. It is also scientifically proven that the Islamic manner of slaughter causes the animal nearly 0% pains as compared with other methods.
The pig and all its derivatives to be forbidden not only in Islam, but also in Judaism and Hinduism are not surprising. It is a well-known fact that the pig is an extremely unclean animal and serves as a host for a variety of parasites, viruses and diseases. There are two harmful worms harbored by pigs, one is “TAENIASOLIUM” which on ingestion passes to the brain and causes epilepsy. The other one is “TRICHINELLASPIRALIS” which passes to the muscles and brain causing muscular swelling and pain and also epilepsy. Pork has more fat and cholesterol than any other meat.
[Quran 6:146] Say, ‘I find not in what has been revealed to me aught forbidden to an eater who wishes to eat it, except it be that which dies of itself, or blood poured forth, or the flesh of swine — for all that is unclean — or what is profane, on which is invoked the name of other than Allah. But whoso is driven by necessity, being neither disobedient nor exceeding the limit, then surely thy Lord is Most Forgiving, Merciful.’
Apart from this, the pig’s biochemistry excretes only 2% of its total uric acid content and the remaining 98% remains as an integral part of the body. That’s not considering the fact that the pig, according to its natural anatomy has no neck. So even the Islamic method of slaughtering which drains the blood totally from the animal’s body is not applicable here. No prizes for guessing the effect of consuming pork or any of its derivatives on the human body.
So Halal is the right of each and every human is good for human health. Why Buddhists are protesting halal? Is it for Buddhism or only for them?
*Mza.Zakky – student of Faculty of medicine, Eastern University
Plain truth / June 8, 2013
Thank you Zakky for enlighting us with this writing. People should know facts before they make such suicide. We all feel sorry for his relative
Rohan / June 8, 2013
Why did this monk not talk about casinos and brothels? Probably he didn’t know???
Sriyakantha / June 8, 2013
Why is the BBS and JHU not protesting the Kerry Packer Casino King and Basil Rajapassa’s plan to make Lanka the Land of the Casino and insult Colombo by calling a Casino the Crown of COlombo!
Buddhism and gambling is all the talk of the town. Gambling and casino is what the Buddha Taught is the good life!
PISS / June 8, 2013
Eating animal flesh of fish depends on the consumers choice. Even non vegetarians do not eat flesh what they don’t like (Ex in sri Lanka we don’t eat cat , dog or mouse)But some countries they eat those. From stone age human realize only human has wisdom but not animals. Therefore human starts eating animal for their survival.
According to my idea not eating of pork by Muslims has no séance. Because human eat more dirty animals than pig. It is purely believing or faith towards their religion. If any one don’t want to eat flesh is his own choice. Don’t blame any religion for eating or not eating flesh. Let vegetarian to be them.
If there is any KARMA in your next reincarnation you will judged or attend more towards NIBBANA . But killing human is believed to be sin in all religions. So the monk who killed him will go no where self and definitely get what he deserved in his next reincarnation.
Asanka / June 15, 2013
Your comment is too much secular. Definitely non of the Muslims haven’t understand it. It’s useless to clear the vague to radical Islamist. Author couldn’t understand the suffering of the animals. I don’t know what happen to patients when this guy become a doctor.
By the way pig skin is used for medication it can never be a halal thing.
Don’t forget that ULAMA issue Halal certificate for paint brushes and tooth brushes to aware Muslims that they don’t contain pig hair.
Jayantha / June 8, 2013
Casinos and The Rajapakse Family has the same agenda.
Lasantha Pethiyagoda / June 8, 2013
Zacky has a long way to go before he realises that these issues have absolutely nothing to do with Buddhism, halal, Islam or tape worm… pity he is doing medicine to boot…
Asanka / June 15, 2013
BBS is against Casinos. Read news that are on other sites.
Dinuk / June 8, 2013
The BBS and JHU are greedy for political power and money and fast cars and the good life. They are jealous and envious monsters.
They do not want to share anything with the minorities..
They are not Buddhists at all – they are using a great religion for personal gain and are giving Buddhism a bad name.
The true Buddhist sangha and people must protest the JHU and BBS who are bringing disrepute to Buddhism
Dodo / June 8, 2013
BBS is attacking minorities to distract from the Rajapassa “development” plan which is really a racket to turn Lanka into a Casino paradise with sex and drugs to attract tourists and keep the natives quiet!
The BBS and JHU is a massive joke! They are providing cover for their masters the UNBUDDHIST Rajapassa brothers and theor toruism./ casino plan for Lanka’s economic development while pretending to protect Buddhism!
Miracle of Asia indeed!
Rod / June 12, 2013
Dodu, Budhism is a fail Illumanati Kabbala Satanic Religon. Try to scearch KABBALA and Illuminati, this is SATANS Work. when Jesus coming back Devil will come, in mulims they say Dajjal, in Chritians say Devil.. Illuminati is waiting for devils arrival a one eyed devil. Buddah is a part of that… he is exactly like what Kabbala followers. satnic church is also same
Navin / June 8, 2013
“In Buddhism, the views on vegetarianism vary from school to school. According to Theravada, the Buddha allowed his monks to eat pork, chicken and beef if the animal was not killed for the purpose of providing food for monks.
All damn lies created by monks themselves. Buddha did not ask anyone to eat or not eat meat. Buddha simply stated it is wrong to take the life of another being and we all know why that is. Given that, why on earth would he allow monks to eat pork, chicken, turkey, beef(veal?) … and not, elephant, catfish, rattlesnake, seahorse, jelly fish and so forth?
As someone wrote in a previous post, people interpret the above as saying its quite right to purchase meat from any retail store and offer the prepared dish to monks. Why, the animals were not specifically butchered for providing food for monks. Now how convenient is that? If living the 8 fold path was this jolly good, why did it take Buddha so many eons to attain enlightenment?
Busting chops / June 8, 2013
I would like to point out a few mistakes it you don’t mine 1) your statement “We are all born to live”, so why are you killing a living breathing animal to please a unseen god 2) Buddhism denies any existence of a “Soul” 3) Buddha DID prohibit the consumption of meat that was solely killed for the purpose of serving the monks (Maggima nikaya) 4) Humans have mostly flat teeth and long intestines similar to herbivores, they are herbivores masquerading as carnivores and that is why you get diseases such as Diverticulosis 5) Humans also can metabolize alcohol/heroin/other drugs but it doesn’t mean you HAVE to consume t it 5) There are vegetarian alternatives for ALL vitamins 6) “Overpopulation of cows” ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? please provide any evidence of such a risk 7) Even if there is a way that plant can feel (Still scientifically unproven) they do not have such highly evolved nervous systems that would enable them to “Feel” pain and FYI plant need animals to eat their and fruits and distribute their seeds in order to propagate (basic O/L science that you have missed) 8 ) Cows spread “Bovine spongiform encephalopthy” a deadly viral disease and the cow tape worm “Taenia Saginata” also spread infections, its a shame that your “All knowing Allah” forgot about those. This article only proves that 1) you are more Muslim than scientist. 2) even retards can get into SL medical schools. My advice is please learn about Buddhism correctly, before writing articles concerning it, Wikipedia is neither a good source of scientific facts nor philosophical, lastly try to be a better doctor than you are a writer. Thank you
Samuel / June 8, 2013
Your comments contain irrelevant contents like for example the writer may be a retard. I have no idea how you can make presumptions that even retards could get selected to lanken medical colleges ? When was that ? To my knowledge, it was bloody difficult to get selected to lanken medical colleges for one reason that they have just limited numbers of placements at the lanken Universities. All those who get selected to Dental, V medicine, agriculture and science faculties are also qualified to study medicine but they dont have the chances to do so. So long these students have no access to finance studies out of SL. I dont think that the situation for the lanken students have been changed during the last two decades, but I knew this for sure then the situation was as I explained here.
So it is sad that some deliberately attack this kind of writers not knowing the facts.
Besides, the writer is young and his arguments are not far from many of the buddhists that dont belong to BBS.
Busting chops / June 9, 2013
I agree i shouldn’t have said retard. I couldn’t take it down after i posted it. that’s why i posted again without that comment, just below. But still i stand by all my other comments. He clearly doesn’t know anything about Buddhism and it is so appalling to see muslism commenting about buddhism thinking it is just another religion and without taking even time to see the differences.
Asanka / June 15, 2013
Don’t try to clarify anything to them. The author is clearly another Islamic fundamentalist. That’s why he has considered about Islamic fundamentals than science.
According to Islam camel urine is halal.
Sahih Bukhari 8:82:794,
Some people from the tribe of ‘Ukl came to the Prophet and embraced Islam. The climate of Medina did not suit them, so the Prophet ordered them to go to the (herd of milch) camels of charity and to drink, their milk and urine (as a medicine).
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / June 9, 2013
Buddhism is alive and well among a majority of the Buddhists, although it is being perverted by their politicians and a minority among the monks. My Buddhist- Sinhala friend’s pet dog was sick for a few days last week and subsequently died. He was in tears and the family cared for this dog, as a human. They had a pirith ceremony for the sick dog and later gave it a very dignified burial in their garden. This was compassion , love and kindness at its best. I have seen this among many Buddhist- Sinhalese when I was in the refugee camp in 1977 and on a multitude of occasions thereafter. It is not Buddhism, the Sinhalese or the Tamils that are emblematic problems in Sri Lanka. We in our frustrations are baking up the wrong trees. It is our political system and our politicians who are the root cause of everything that is wrong with the country. We could have been heaven on earth, if not for these ‘Creatures’ and the system that lets them thrive, prosper and proliferate.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / June 9, 2013
My above comment is in response Julampitiye Amaraya below, referring to Buddhism.
Gamarala / June 12, 2013
@Busting chops, Hey – are you worshipping a God which can be seen by all? is it a man made statue? or Buddha, the human being? or the Jesus? a messenger sent by God. Humans have both sharp and flat teeth that proves they can eat meat and veg. After all, Buddhism is not a religion as many say and it is just a philosophy. Pleass study about Islam before you talk about the unseen God. May the almighty guide you in the right direction?
Busting chops / June 8, 2013
I would like to point out a few mistakes it you don’t mine 1) your statement “We are all born to live”, so why are you killing a living breathing animal to please a unseen god 2) Buddhism denies any existence of a “Soul” 3) Buddha DID prohibit the consumption of meat that was solely killed for the purpose of serving the monks (Maggima nikaya) 4) Humans have mostly flat teeth and long intestines similar to herbivores, they are herbivores masquerading as carnivores and that is why you get diseases such as Diverticulosis 5) Humans also can metabolize alcohol/heroin/other drugs but it doesn’t mean you HAVE to consume t it 5) There are vegetarian alternatives for ALL vitamins 6) “Overpopulation of cows” ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? please provide any evidence of such a risk? and what about the pigs then 7) Even if there is a way that plant can feel (Still scientifically unproven) they do not have such highly evolved nervous systems that would enable them to “Feel” pain and FYI plants need animals to eat their fruits and distribute their seeds in order to propagate (basic O/L science that you have missed) 8 ) Cows spread “Bovine spongiform encephalopthy” a deadly viral disease and the cow tape worm “Taenia Saginata” also spread infections, its a shame that your “All knowing Allah” forgot about those
Justice seeker / June 8, 2013
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy did not exist in cows until the greedy dairy farmers fed the cattle from synthetic meal prepared from offal of sheep. The sheep which normally suffer from a degenerative nervous system disease called scrapie had contributed to this meal through ‘prions’ transmitted to the cattle. Humans too have natural spongiform encephlopathy such as Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease. So before you admonish and lecture to this young medical student on some medical facts, you too please know your facts.
Busting chops / June 9, 2013
I CAN’T BELIEVE HOW YOU PEOPLE MISS THE POINT SO CONSISTENCY AND SO MISERABLY, so essentially what you are saying is that your “all knowing Allah”, failed to see such a deadly disease occurring in cows in the modern day and forgot lay down a rule to ban eating cows. So because the disease exists now shouldn’t he come down from heaven or send his prophet to tell you to STOP eating cows like he did for the pigs???? is he too busy blowing up plans and buildings to come down and say now????????? is that what u are saying?
DO YOU PEOPLE HEAR YOUR OWN ARGUMENTS? You got only that point out of this paragraph??
David Blacker / June 10, 2013
The actual point YOU are missing, Mr Chops, is that there is no scientific reason NOT to eat meat; there certainly isn’t one not to eat only beef. Humans are omnivores, not “mostly herbivores” as you say. There’s no such thing.
From a Buddhist perspective, there isn’t any teaching to suggest that a bull/cow is a higher form of life in comparison to a pig, chicken or fish. So either you go completely veg, or you’re a hypocrite. Either way, no religion has the right to enforce a legal dietary restriction on anyone.
Also, animals are not being killed to appease any god as you suggest; animals are killed in a certain manner to appease a god. Either way, they are being killed.
No one is arguing that one HAS to eat anything. It is a personal choice.
Honestly, it would be a huge favour to everyone if all the bleeding heart Buddhists going on about halal killing’s cruelty would first take a look at how animals are killed in non-halal slaughter houses, and how they are transported too. Also, do something about all the stray dogs that live a miserable life on the streets. It is better to follow the spirit of a law than the letter.
Busting chops / June 10, 2013
1) I am NOT saying “there is no scientific reason NOT to eat meat” but there is not scientific reason as to why one MUST eat meat. see the difference
2) I didn’t say anywhere that the life of the cow is more valuable than the pig. I merely stated that writers scientific justification of prefiguring beef to pork according to YOUR RELIGIOUS beliefs are ridiculous to say the least.
3) Eating behavior in most animals are in a “Spectrum” between carnivores and herbivores. Early primates were exclusive herbivores which evolved in to carnivores and have moved up the spectrum. There teeth and long intestines are an example of that.
4)animals ARE being killed to appease any god by your fellow brothers. A birth of a Muslim child signals the end of an animals life. how fair is that
5)YES no on HAS to eat anything. that is my point exactly. You don’t HAVE to eat meat. The witter in his article suggests that as GOD has given him the enzymes to digest animal protein you SHOULD eat it. My argument is, so we might as well drink alcohol and use drugs such as heroin too. Because we have the pathways to metabolize these things inside our body too. get my point?
“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”
David Blacker / June 11, 2013
“but there is not scientific reason as to why one MUST eat meat. see the difference”
That’s a straw man, since no one is really claiming that one MUST eat meat. If one is an athlete, soldier, or anyone who needs high density muscles mass and quick regeneration of the body, meat is pretty much a necessity. Aside from that, we don’t need anything to be a must before it can be approved. If people want to eat meat, it’s cool.
“I merely stated that writers scientific justification of prefiguring beef to pork according to YOUR RELIGIOUS beliefs are ridiculous to say the least.”
You’re making assumptions here :D My religious beliefs do not place any restrictions on my diet. In fact, I have not used religious beliefs as a justification for or against any type of meat. Nor did I say that YOU were suggesting one meat to be more acceptable than another; I was pointing out that the justification (whether you believe in it or are simply quoting it) is incorrect in relation to Buddhism and the eating of beef. Buddhism shows no such approval of one meat over another.
“Early primates were exclusive herbivores which evolved in to carnivores and have moved up the spectrum. There teeth and long intestines are an example of that.”
Since we are not early primates but evolved ones, this is no justification against eating meat. The point is we have evolved into omnivores just as pandas have evolved into herbivores. With that same logic, it doesn’t mean we cannot return to being herbivores if we so choose; but the choice is ours, and not that of any authority outside our choosing.
“animals ARE being killed to appease any god by your fellow brothers. A birth of a Muslim child signals the end of an animals life. how fair is that”
Not quite. A birth of a child signals a celebration at which meat is eaten. If a Muslim chooses to butcher his own livestock while a Buddhist prefers to go out and buy a broiler, what’s the difference. The Buddha’s dispensation on animals not killed specifically for one is obsolete today where very few animals are butchered specifically for one’s dinner. If Cargills existed in the time of the Buddha, his teachings might have been different. So to suggest that Muslims are making some sort of animal sacrifice is nonsense.
“YES no on HAS to eat anything. that is my point exactly. You don’t HAVE to eat meat. The witter in his article suggests that as GOD has given him the enzymes to digest animal protein you SHOULD eat it.”
Well the Bible says that the animals and birds were given to man to use as he saw fit, so it’s pretty clear without going into enzymes, if one needs a religious justification. I don’t need one. I want to eat meat so I will. If you want to eat grass, go ahead. You don’t have the right to tell me or any Muslim what to believe or what to eat. If a Muslim believes it’s god’s will that he eats meat, let him. What’s it to you? If you believe you shouldn’t, don’t.
It’s pretty simple really.
Nabil / June 11, 2013
Well said David.
Sri Lanka consumes 30Mn Kg of Beef every year. translates to 1.4 Kg per person per year If these bleeding hearts stop eating altogether beef consumption should drop down to 2.2 Mn Kg assuming only Muslims would consume meat.
End of debate
Justice seeker / June 10, 2013
I don’t understand why you go berserk and scream at the top of your voice! What I said was to inform you that the BSE was an accidental disease caused by UK dairy farmers’ greedy practices at one very short point in time in history.It took place in one small locality in the world. Now that the practice of feeding cattle with meals tainted with sheep offal and other similar materials has been banned, the problem is eliminated. In no other place in the world people feed cattle with food of animal origin. If you hold BSE as an argument against eating meat of cattle the argument is hollow. That was my point. Your dragging of God’s name or any other issue is totally out of point and shows your pathetic mentality. Besides, you don’t seem to practice equanimity as taught by Gautama Buddha.
Justice seeker / June 10, 2013
I forgot to point out that while Mr Chops tries to show off that he even knows of “Bovine spongiform encephalopathy”, he betrays saying his ignorance that it is caused by viruses. For your info Mr Chops it was (sic) caused by prions. Go and read about prions. Don’t accuse me as a show off because I am a medical person and I simply know the facts.
Busting chops / June 11, 2013
“A drowning tries to escape his fate even by grasping at a straw of hay” You are welcome to cling on to your prion argument. And i forgot Muslims never mistakes.
even if i was mistaken does it take anything away from the point i was trying to make.
if baffles me more to know that you are a medical person as you have overlooked so many scientifically incorrect statements in the article, Yet you cling on to this prion disease.
You people are all the same.
Amarasiri / June 8, 2013
Mr. Mza Zacky,
There is substantial evidence, in support if the following, Hypotheses.
1. Protesting against Halal are the SYMPTOMS, not the CAUSE. Protesting Against Tamils and the Riots of 1958, are examples.
2. The CAUSE is the Monk Mahanama Sinhala Buddhist Racism, Mahanama Mara Buddhism,that has contaminated the Sinhala, the Sinhala “Ela Kiri”, pure cow milk.
3. Sinhala Racism, is a minor component, because Christian Sinhala are generally NOT racist nor are the small fraction of Sinhala Muslims.
4. These were based on the Mahanama Myths of Buddhism, and Sinhala was dragged into it. Monk Mahanama, cunningly inserted his Myths into the historical accounts of Mahawansa. So, the pure, “Ela Kiri” cow milk of Historical Mahawansa, was contaminated by the Monk Mahanama Myths,”Goma”, cow dung.
The BBS and the Haraka Monk are like the cow dung. They are contaminating the Pure Buddhism, the Milk with the Cow dung.
This will fool only those monks who do not know Buddhism. Those monks who know Buddhism, know the difference and the Middle Path. For Racists, whether Buddhist, Christian or other, it makes no difference.
One of the Good Monks, “Honda Hamuduruvo” is Ven. Sobhita Thero. Just Google him on uTube
Question: Where is the 64,000 pound Gorilla?
1. Buddhist Sinhala Racism or Sinhala Buddhist Chauvinism?
What is the Basis? Racist Monk Mahanama Myths?
What are those Myths? Lion Grandfather of Vijaya, Buddha and Lanka Linkage, Sinhala Buddhist Island etc.
2. Demonization of natives Veddah, Yakka and Naga.
3. Downgrading of Native beliefs, Animist, Janin and Hindu
4. Establishing the Monk,or Sangha hegemony and Monk-King Axis to control the people.
5. SWRD and Duddey phenomena shows that it is NOT the Sinhala people. It was the Mahanama Monks, who realizing that the Monk-King(State) axis is not respected, wanted the the King removed or replaced. Both wanted to correct the errors, build the nation and move on, but unfortunately, we had this curse, which still haunts us all, and new curses are being added.
On the other hand, NOT ALL the Monks are Racist Monk Mahanam types like, Somarama, Buddharakkita and those populating the BBS, Sinhala Ravya and other “Harak” Urumaya types.
We are very fortunate to have excellent Good Monks, who understand Lord Buddhas teaching of Middle Path, like the Honda Hamuduruvo,Ven. Maduluwawe Sobitha Thero.
Jun 06, Colombo: Chief incumbent of the Naga Vihara in Kotte and Convener of the National Movement for Social Justice, Ven. Maduluwawe Sobitha Thero has requested Opposition Leader Ranil Wickremasinghe to discuss the proposed draft constitution of the United National Party (UNP) with President Mahinda Rajapaksa.
muslim / June 11, 2013
Yama Donga / June 14, 2013
Cows and mules will trail them.
muslim / June 14, 2013
muslim / June 14, 2013
JimSofty / June 8, 2013
Mr. Mza Zacky:
What are the adverse effects of eating Pork or killing pork ?
How did that idea or ban began in Islam ?
the way, you explain Buddhism is completely wrong, it is simply read here and there. You need to read before commenting on buddhism.
I you read Buddhist philosophy (Abhidharma), it is a completely a different “religion”.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / June 8, 2013
Pigs are intermediate hosts for tape worm , an intestinal parasite. Those who ate pork well ill due to Tape worm infestation and died. This is the reason it was a taboo in Islam to eat pork. It was a public health hazard, that received religious sanction.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
JimSofty / June 8, 2013
So, Mad cow disease and Avian flu were unknown those days ?
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / June 9, 2013
Obviously, yes.
Justice seeker / June 10, 2013
Please read my response to busting chops
DR R N ;
As per my knowledge [i think, you already know], All over the World, Muslims Are following same Rules/ Rituals And/Or as the Jews greater ISRAEL,
In Judaism, It is Their Rules and Rituals are same as ISLAM/.
So they follow Judaism in a another way. but hates the roots.
Mahayana, Heenayaana, Theravada, All those, who cares, for a real follower of Buddhist Philosophy.
We only Search for a way to get away form the circle of SUFFERINGS.
And We, buddhists, never Believe in INVISIBLE GOD.
But ALL THOSE SECTS Are LATER CAME TO BUDDHISM For personal gains of some [monks and laymen of different thinking who wants to get advantages].
Jayantha / June 8, 2013
Julampitiy Amere,
Is it the reason according to Buddhist Philosophy that Man can do anything that has lead the present state of our country 65 years after Independence.
I think your writing is missing something. See how far the Sri Lanka’s Buddhism taken our country and the People’s lives where Racism both Religion and the race matters mor than anything else and could be seen in all corners while sending mothers as slaves to earn in foreign countries.
There is a big difference between an absolute Mutt, a crook, a thief, a liar,a robber and a dictator and to the productivities and progress they bring which could be closely link to the religions they follow.
Please do your home work.
AYMAN / June 9, 2013
David Blacker / June 10, 2013
It is certainly not forbidden in the Gospels. It is forbidden in the Old Testament.
Raspberry / June 10, 2013
And it is likely forbidden for the people of the books.
David Blacker / June 11, 2013
Christians believe that the Gospel of Mark dispenses with the ban on “unclean meats”:
Mark 7:18: And he [Jesus] said to them, “Then are you also without understanding? Do you not see that whatever goes into a man from outside cannot defile him, 19 since it enters, not his heart but his stomach, and so passes on?” –Revised Standard Version
Sects such as the Seventh Day Adventists who do not believe Jesus to be God (and therefore authorized to supersede certain laws) continue to follow the Old Testament Laws.
Vedic Blabber / June 13, 2013
How can one be a Christian while he accepts the new gospels and discard the very essentials of the Old Testament Injeel. Cleary it is mentioned that Pig is unclean and not suitable to eat cannot be denied while considering the verses of Mark 7:18 into blind context.
David Blacker / June 13, 2013
Not eating pork is hardly an “essential” of the Old Testament. It’s one of a number of regulations governing everyday life at the time. The Ten Commandments would be the essentials, and there’s nothing about food in that.
Jesus never contradicted or dismissed those essentials. I’m sure the pork issue isn’t really an essential of Islam or judaism either, but it seems to have become that, unfortunately.
JimSofty / June 8, 2013
Mr. Zacky:
[ The Glorious Qur’an says:
“O ye people! Eat of what is on earth, lawful and good” ]
Mr. Zacky:
You are an INTELLIGENT person. but, you are not acting that way.
The Kalama Sutta states:
Do not go upon what has been acquired by repeated hearing,
nor upon tradition,
nor upon rumor,
nor upon what is in a scripture,
nor upon surmise,
nor upon an axiom,
nor upon specious reasoning,
nor upon a bias towards a notion that has been pondered over,
nor upon another’s seeming ability,
nor upon the consideration, “The monk is our teacher.” [emphasis added]
Kalamas, when you yourselves know: “These things are good; these things are not blamable; these things are praised by the wise; undertaken and observed, these things lead to benefit and happiness,” enter on and abide in them.’
Thus, the Buddha named ten specific sources which knowledge should not be immediately viewed as truthful without further investigation to avoid fallacies:
Oral history
News sources
Scriptures or other official texts
Suppositional reasoning
Philosophical dogmatism
Common sense
One’s own opinions
Authorities or one’s own teacher
It says, investigates every thing you hear, Read….etc., etc., and THEN ACCEPT.
You believe QURAN because, YOU ARE BORN A MUSLIM.
Amarasiri / June 9, 2013
Jim Softy, you say,
Thus, the Buddha named ten specific sources which knowledge should not be immediately viewed as truthful without further investigation to 1. 1. avoid fallacies:
2. Oral history
3. Traditional
4. News sources
5. Scriptures or other official texts
6. Suppositional reasoning
7. Philosophical dogmatism
8. Common sense
9. One’s own opinions
10. Experts
11. Authorities or one’s own teacher
It says, investigates every thing you hear, Read….etc., etc., and THEN ACCEPT.
Here is some SUPPLEMENTARY reading for you, to help you.
A mythology is a body or collection of myths (a mythos, e.g., Inca mythology) as well as the study of them (e.g., comparative mythology).[1] In folkloristics, a myth is a sacred narrative usually explaining how the world or humankind came to be in its present form,[2] although, in a very broad sense, the word can refer to any traditional story.[3] Bruce Lincoln defines myth as “ideology in narrative form”.[4] Myths may arise as either truthful depictions or overelaborated accounts of historical events, as allegory for or personification of natural phenomena, or as an explanation of ritual. They are transmitted to convey religious or idealized experience, to establish behavioral models, and to teach.
Here is Sri Lanka Monk Mahanama MYTHS that are Believed by Sinhala Buddhists? If do they are NOT Buddhists?
When the lion had taken his prey and was leaving the spot he beheld her from afar, love (for her) laid hold on him, and he came towards her with waving tail and ears laid back. Seeing him she bethought her of that prophecy of the soothsayers which she bad heard, and without fear she caressed him stroking his limbs.
The lion, roused to fiercest passion by her touch, took her upon his back and bore her with all speed to his cave, and there he was united with her, and from this union with him the princess in time bore twin-children, a son and a daughter.
(Sihabahu) took the head of the lion with the mane and returned to his city. And just seven days had passed then since the death of the king of the Vangas. Since the king had no son the ministers, who rejoiced over his deed on hearing that he was the king’s grandson and on recognizing his mother, met all together and said of one accord to the prince Sihabahu `Be thou (our) king’.
The prince named VIJAYA, the valiant, landed in Lanka, in the region called Tambapanni on the day that the Tathagata lay down between the two twinlike sala-trees to pass into nibbana.
CrocoParleyum / June 13, 2013
In fact Vijaya was a Roman Visigoth who actually landed in Kudiraimalai near Kalpitiya/Wilpattu and was mistakenly identified to be an Aryan who called the landmass as Cuprutera.
Dubdoc / June 8, 2013
AS you argue in favour of meat eating,there are many scholarly articles written in favour of vegetarianism.The fact of the matter is that by eating meat one encourages killing animals for consumption.Buddhists can eat meat provided certain criteria are fulfilled. Monks survive by begging food and they have no choice ( historically).Unfortunately Sri Lankan and even Thai buddhists have found excuses to indulge in meat eating.
Buddhists do not eat beef as a respect for this animal who is like their mother;Gives milk and helps in every day to day work in the field.
Sharia Boy / June 9, 2013
By eating meat you imply that taking a life of an animal is OK. The Buddha did not prohibit eating meat for the monks which means it was OK to kill the animal for food. So it is suppose to be OK for the layman to take the life of the animal for food and offer it as dhana to the monks too.
( In Islam if something is prohibited, then involving with it or encouraging it too becomes prohibited acts… example if we are to take alcohol, consumption, production, supply of any ingredient, transport, production / supply of utensils, lending money for such activity, etc, etc, .. all become prohibited acts..)
Anura / June 8, 2013
A load of rubbish. What you are trying is to give humane face to a draconian texts written by primitives using scientific achievements. Please note these texts ( Bible, Koran, Hindu and some,so called Buddhists texts)were written by early humans as they began to understand the events unfolding around them. These are only good to keep in archives to show younger generation how the world evolved. Not to follow in 21st century.
Cavuma / June 10, 2013
…and Anura meditates in a cave.
Abhaya Premawardena / June 8, 2013
you need to take the context of the cow in indian sri lankan culture. the cow who provides milk is equated to the mother in our culture , this is the case in hindu india as well . it is also the inhumane way in which the cattle are slaughtered that buddhists object to . while it is true that the buddha him self forbid his priests from selectively refusing meat there is no where in the religeon that he ever promoted killing of animals for food .you must also relaize the vagirayana and the mahayana are not the pure form of buddhisum that the buddha him self spread . they are off shoots that have integrated a lot of extraneous influences .
While I do not condone what the priest him self did . the muslims need to understand the culture that they are coexisting in amd take steps to adapt as needed
Inhumanly Humane / June 11, 2013
Didn’t you know the common Sinhala practice of killing a Lankan Chicken, neck squeezed between the door and the jamb.
Dubdoc / June 8, 2013
There is no humane way of killing any creature!Exsanguination of blood is equally torturous.
Rajo / June 10, 2013
Then extracting milk from the cow by tying the calf to a post. Didnt it cross the mind that the milk is only for its calf and not to steal from the cow for human consumption. It is a greater sin.
Brutally Sane / June 11, 2013
Some vacuum the milk from their udders for milk mostly exrtacting blood from its linings.
Mahela / June 8, 2013
BBS is producing the next generation of Cows in Sri Lanka by depriving our children major protein substance.
Already Sri Lanka’s children are 70% malnutrition, undernourished and low in Proteins,vitamin, minerals, Iron, calcium,and fibers.
These BBS are the same overweight, over sized Bulls and Studs in our country, eating excess and endless Dana,while preaching others not to eat meats.
Nowhere in the world the Buddhist monks who eat vegetarian diets look this big as Sri Lanka’s BBS, Rawaya, Rawana. They are twice the size of ordinary Sri Lankans while eating the best of Best food people offer them while depriving the litte protein that ordinary people get.
Can they introduce this Meatless diet to President’s house, Parliament Breakfast and Buffet lunch and to their Chinese Brothern who recently Bought the USA’s biggest Pork Farm called Smithfield for over Five Billion Dollars.
These overweight, No work, do nothing BBS Pinguttharayas Know only to create More trouble to our people to release their excess Testosterone while Producing the next generation of Weak and sick people to Sri Lanka. These thugs will even feed people with Grass and “Polkudu” coconut dust if they can.
These BBS Buddhist crooks are the Curse for our country ever since we got Independence.
SWRD Bandaranaike unleached the Dogs which Sir John Kotalawela Leached and advised him not to unleach them.
But Banda did not listen and unleached them and finally paid with his life for for the mistake he did.
Now the crazy dogs are roaming again and very soon will get their next Prey. Await for their next episode soon to follow.
Amarasiri / June 9, 2013
You hit the nail in the head.
“These BBS Buddhist crooks are the Curse for our country ever since we got Independence.
SWRD Bandaranaike unleached the Dogs which Sir John Kotalawela Leached and advised him not to unleach them.
But Banda did not listen and unleached them and finally paid with his life for for the mistake he did.
Now the crazy dogs are roaming again and very soon will get their next Prey. Await for their next episode soon to follow.”
Yes, this is the curse of Sri Lanka.
Ever since, Buddhism was introduced, with its loads of Monks, to establish their hegemony in Sri Lanka, and replace the Jain and Hindu beliefs, this was the curse. The Racist Monk Mahanama made it worse.
If you look at the history, it is self-interest. It is not about the people. It is about them, the monks. This was NOT, and is NOT True Buddhism
One Haraka Monk self-immolated. We need more of these monks doing this. The saved Dana, will help feed the ordinary working class and school children, and there will be fewer trouble makers. Let’s export these guys to India and China.
kamal nissanka / June 8, 2013
This is a very illuminating article by a medical student. All CT readers must read this article.
Lester / June 8, 2013
The problem with halal is not that animals are killed. The problem is the manner in which an animal is killed. The animal is pointed in the direction of Mecca and its throat is cut. Obviously, not everyone is a butcher by profession. So you can imagine amateurs trying to cut animal throats. This is how halal is done during Muslim festivals. In any event, whether the throat is cut by an amateur or professional, the animal does not die instantaneously but bleeds to death slowly. So, the animal feels pain from the instant the blade touches its flesh to the moment its last breath. The Buddha never said that intentionally causing suffering is okay.
I must also question whether any compassionate “God” would require a blood sacrifice. This shows that violence is okay in Islam. The other violent aspect is jihad in which it is okay for the believers to kill kufirs (kufir = non-Muslims and sometimes Shiite Muslims).
The writer claims that pigs are unclean and full of diseases. This is an entirely false assumption. The average lifespan in Japan is 83 (, the highest in the world!, while pork consumption in Japan is very high:
The most popular type of meat by far in Japan is pork. Nearly as much pork is consumed as chicken and beef combined.
There are other reasons why pork is nutritious, which I will not go into here.
Haram is another shady activity. Haram is based on the preferences of Muhammed. Muhammed not keep away from women, so he said 4 or more wives is okay. He needed an excuse to slaughter Jews at Mecca and Medina, so he invented jihad. Quran even says slavery is okay. I do not how Muhammed came up with selective charity (zakat), or why he said pigs are unholy. Cannabis has always been popular in the Islamic world, which is why smoking is not haram.
AYMAN / June 9, 2013
M.Sivananthan / June 10, 2013
ALLAH is the legislator? or a dictator? or a Gangster?
Why your Allah allow MALE prostitutes and ask to kill female prostitutes?
Did the Allah ask Mohamed to rape six years old Ayesha?
Are you trying to fool others?
Ceylonese / June 10, 2013
M.Sivananthan – You can Run but cannot Hide
Trivedi / June 14, 2013
He can pun but cannot surmise.
Gamarala / June 12, 2013
If you are real Sivanathan and then your man made statues can’t do anything..but Allah can!
M.Sivananthan / June 13, 2013
Where is Allah? in the Arabian desert with five wives and many keeps? Muslims always cry against others but they beg the same kaffirs for knowledge and food! Allah dont provide anything to muslims or to others!
AYMAN / June 13, 2013
“For men and women who guard their chastity, and for men and women who engage much in God’s praise, for them has God prepared forgiveness and great reward.
i am sorry what i meant was the bible, which comprise the old and new testaments
Lester / June 13, 2013
Ling worshipping is more sensible than Allah worshipping. Fertility is essential to human survival, unlike halal, hijab, and zakat.
Poster / June 14, 2013
Like the barren one rub of the lingo and the priestly feast to tease of the limbo.
Lester / June 10, 2013
I don’t care if the animal is facing a kama sutra position. What I am against is the slitting of the throat, especially by amateurs, as I have clearly explained.
Now Allah is a politician? First prove Allah exists.
Poster / June 14, 2013
If you stay in the Com-Shoot position who doth not slit away your frills.
Rajo / June 10, 2013
Lester have seen how the Cow protests when it is milked to the last drop while the calf is tied to the post. Is this not a crime to the highest level depriving the calf the only source of drinking its mothers milk.
How can you or others enjoy and relish this blood milk.
Lester / June 8, 2013
*to the moment it draws its last breath.
Fair N Square / June 8, 2013
Smoking is HARAM in Islam… NOT just smoking. ANYTHING that is harmful to health is Haram.. Lately it is printed on packs of cigarettes, that smoking is injurious to health.. some people didn’t know it and started smoking.. NOW research has proved that a cigarette takes off 10 mins of one persons life… so this is killing ones self knowingly.. thus it is equivalent to committing suicide.. SO NOW a FATWA( religoius edict= ruling) has been issued to the effect that SMOKING IS HARAM……
IF U MUST SMOKE DO NOT EXHALE… coz I, as a passive smoker have more chances of dieing than an active smoker… ;)
Lester / June 9, 2013
Sufi Muslims smoke hash as part of their religious rituals. Beyond that, smoking is very popular in the Arab world. Calling smoking “haram” is just the imagination of some modern-day Islamic scholars. The vast majority of Muslims are unable to give up the practice.
Fair N Square / June 9, 2013
U mean like some Buddhists who eat beef, while others don’t? some consume alcohol, while others don’t? ahh I get it… What sect allows eating beef? and which don’t? enlighten me please…. NOT all people practice their Religion to the letter.. u get the good, bad and ugly.. in all religions… BUT let those who wanna practice, do so…
Lester / June 9, 2013
There is no restriction on smoking or alcohol in Buddhism. Now it has been scientifically proven that a moderate amount of alcohol (example: glass of red wine a day) is beneficial to cardiovascular health. As for smoking, doctors sometimes prescribe “medical marijuana” to ease the suffering of patients experiencing severe pain. So, we can see how enlightened the Buddha was to not condemn smoking and alcohol and to not terrify the users with silly stories of hellfire. Everything has its use; the key is moderation.
tim tim / June 8, 2013
how many people who consume pork are sick? Just because Islam forbids eating pork doesn’t mean you can say that eating pork is bad. Perhaps there is a possibility of getting sick by eating pork, but the same possibilities exist as a result of consuming, beef, chicken etc
Sanjay Karuna / June 8, 2013
Not only Islam, but the Jewish religion also forbids the eating of Pork. The reason probably lies in the fact that Pigs in the time of Mohamed and the Jews of the Middle East, were not bred in farms, but ate the rubbish that was thrown out in the streets. Therefore they were considered unclean and full of disease. It may still be true in areas where pigs are not farmed in sterile conditions. Islam like other rational people should move with the times and accept the eating of Pork by other people, even if they don’t want to eat it.
Piggery / June 14, 2013
Dimwit, Pig eats your poo, in chain you eat the pig and the poo. Again, another Pig eats your poo, in chain you eat the pig and the poo, the cycle goes on until you get pigmented.
Bedrock Barney / June 8, 2013
A little late in the day no?
Shamrock Pony / June 14, 2013
Yes No?
Rafeez Mou / June 8, 2013
Brother MZA.Zakky
thanks a lot for this scientific clarification you have wriiten.
Please add to what You have said under “Population of Cattle”
the cost for maintaining and feeding the cattle. we should think of this issue.Some may try to say that we are having the milk and getting benefits from these animals in various ways,BUT, If these animals attain the age and became not suitable for milking or even they can’t work, who can spend for them without getting any benefits. Money should be allocated in billions to meet this demand.And note the rapid growth of the cattle.
zainul Luthufi / June 8, 2013
useless explaining there motive is different
Bandu / June 8, 2013
I met Buddhists in China in 1957 when Ambassador Gopallawa held a Dane for Chinese Bhikkus in memory of the slain P.M.Bandaranaike.We served milk with food to the Chinese Bhikkus but they refused to touch it. To them even milk was non-vegetarian.
At an old temple in China, while having a [vegetarian]meal with Dr Malalasekere,the learned scholar asked me two questions. Have you ever eaten in a temple? and why is the food cooked to imitate meat dishes? The first Q was easy to answer.It was an easy :No”.and the Professor nodded. The second was not easy. That showed cultural practices had changed from a meat consuming society to a non-meat under Buddhist influence.
This info.might not help present issues here but I thought of sharing them with readers.
Chairman / June 13, 2013
But the Chinese eat everything in four legs except a chair.
Muliyawaikkal / June 8, 2013
Looks like the Eastern University is becoming a hotbed of Jihad.
Mohamed Marzook / June 8, 2013
That is your racist conclusion when you cannot confront strong views which is also the mentality of the few Buddhists who campaign against each and every practice of the Muslims with their ulterior motives. As Zacky has explained on the Halal issue every Islamic practice which are based on divine deictums have scientific and medical significance which have been accepted by valued thinkers in those fields. One should read the available wide range of works on Islam to have a complete knowledge of the significance and value of Islamic practices to the whole human race rather than picking-up a few unrelated quotations from here and there. In this respect those who are engaged in constructive dialogue on the various issues deserve appreciation.
Muliyawaikkal / June 8, 2013
This is the truth not palatable to the racists who are fighting in Afghanistan.
Please read “the religion of peace” website (not by me or any Asian runs it. It is independent.) to know the truth.
Lanka Muslim, UK / June 8, 2013
If those fighting in Afghanistan are racists they are to be condemned and they will see their doomsday. Any racism in Afghanistan is no excuse for racists to be in Sri Lanka.
Amarasiri / June 8, 2013
MuliyawaikkaL and other Misinformed,
“Please read “the religion of peace” website:
In Afganistan, it is Tribalism,and Mixed with Hegemony of the Mullahs for controlling the people, just like in Lanka done by the Monks and Politicians. It is called SELF-INTEREST.
There are multiple websites like religion of peace, that try to attack Muslims. Some attack Hindu and Buddhist beliefs and vice versa, attacking EACH Other’s UNPROVEN MYTHS AND BELIEFS. Almost all of them are funded and promoted by fundamentalist Christians, because of the obvious historical and theological reasons. Some, few, are funded by Jewish groups, and this has to do with the Palestinian-Israel Conflict, and historically, Jews were persecuted by Christians. It was the Christian West who kept calling the Muslims, Mohammedans and the religion Mohammedanism.
The Christian fundamentalists, have more funds, have access to more resources, but have an uphill battle, because their beliefs are MYTHS too.
Just look at European History over the past 1,000 years, and the atrocities based on the Christian MYTH beliefs and Papal Priest Hegemony.
Spreading through Europe with the development of printing press, knowledge challenged traditional doctrines in science and theology. Simultaneously Protestant Reformation under German Martin Luther questioned Papal authority. The most common dating begins in 1517, when Luther published The Ninety-Five Theses, and concludes in 1648 with the Treaty of Westphalia that ended years of European religious wars.[45]
Fair N Square / June 8, 2013
Try reading and even asking questions from the scholars and educate ones self. there are tabs on different subjects.. try astronomy, embryology and science.., BUT read with an open mind…u may also read, and ask questions from scholars, whereby u can clear ur doubts. I bet NOT many here are scholars who can explain to a fellow human being… whether it is Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism,Judaism or even Islam
Fair N Square / June 8, 2013
Muled Vehicle / June 14, 2013
Do you stitch or darn on matrices?
JimSofty / June 8, 2013
Mr. Zacky:
Talk about blowing up SELF as well as other humans and becoming a MUSLIM-MARTYR in JIHAD.
DO you consider that a great merit because that is one way to reach to your ALMIGHTY.
Do you believe that ?
IF SO, what is the USE of reaching to your ALMIGHTY just by killing another human being ?
zakky mza / June 10, 2013
dear Muliyawaikkal
your comment shows your inability to face problemms with knowledge.i think you havnt basic knowledge.can u show me where i use words related to terrorism?? i try to make peace with us.i advise u that dont behave as terrorist.
zakky mza
Marwan / June 8, 2013
The facts presented (the Islamic aspect and viewpoints) are factual and correct. An excellent knowledge based write up to put matters into perspective. Unfortunately, there are many who stick to their guns and insist meat slaughter should be banned, irrespective of the outcome and respect for other religious beliefs. They fail to realize that it is the majority community themselves that consume the bulk of the cattle, poultry and fish consuming public. Leave aside hotels, restaurants and social dinner and lunch functions where large stocks of animal meat is consumed. In the same way, why don’t they whip themselves and threaten drastic consequences for liquor consumption, prostitution and gambling. These are also not permissible acts in all religios beliefs. This is purely done to spite the Muslims and cause sensation and hatred, which will never work in the long run. We have already seen it in the Halal, Niqab and Abaya, population control saga. Finally, nothing ever came out of it, just a lot of BS and hot air. Allah is great, and He is definitely in control, showing us that He is with us all the way, if we believe and place our trust in Him. Man proposes but God disposes. He has His own perfect divine plans.
Maghribi / June 8, 2013
So those who cry out ‘No Halaal’ is actually screaming ‘Nothing permissible’ Our mind can either be our best friend or our worst enemy depending on what we feed it. You wouldn’t believe how much trash we feed our mind every day!
From day one our mind soaks up information, sometimes good and uplifting, sometimes bad and discouraging. While we grow up we form our behaviour and beliefs from all this input, and our conscious mind tends to remember specially the bad input and experiences (it’s a form of self protection!). A downside is that this forms a blockage that many times stands strongly between us and our objectives.
On the other hand the sub-conscious mind accepts commands without questioning them. So it is imperative that we feed it positive messages. With time ‘conscious’ meets ‘sub-conscious’ and barriers start to fall. Well, imagine if we could feed our sub-conscious the Word of Allah while performing our daily 5 times of Salaah consciously reflecting on it’s meaning.
Ranmal de Mel / June 8, 2013
This overlong, over the the top article is simply an ‘apologia’ for the Muslim faith. Let those who adhere to this faith have the freedom to follow it. There is no scientific basis to say that a vegetarian diet leads to deficiencies in the human body on the contrary there is ample evidence that eating meat, especially red meat is harmful to the body.
The reference to what the Buddha said about eating meat is also quoted out of context and is therefor incomplete and misleading. The Buddhist faith upholds the sanctity of all life and accordingly it is incompatible with the slaughter of animals for food.
The argument that there will be an overpopulation of cattle if not slaughtered is insensitive, erroneous and blatantly fatuous.One wanders how mother nature controls the population of other animals eg. dogs cats and even pigs in the wild.
Halal is not a process remotely connected with the Buddhist concept of achieving a sound mind and body.
Animal Sacrifices were an old custom practiced by Jews,Hindus and Muslims in an age gone by. Jews and Christians do not do so any more as their faiths have evolved as civilization progressed.The Hindus are under great stress to do away this barbaric practice.It has no place in the modern world.
Bisthan Batcha / June 8, 2013
The sooner the Muslim Community understand and accept the fact that the question of Muslims consuming permissible foods was never a problem to the Buddhists who couldn’t care less as to what the Muslims chose to eat or not to eat, the quicker will a mutually-acceptable solution be found to what is being referred to as the ‘Halaal Issue’.
Most Muslim Commentators are inadvertently making the mistake of attempting to explain the concept of Halaal to all and sundry to defend the Halaal Certification Process. Unfortunately what they have apparently failed to realize is that the Main Bone of Contention is not the Halaal Process per se, but the perception that the food consumption pattern of over 90% of Sri Lankans is being determined by the Religious Leaders of a Minority Group. Bear in mind that Perception is more important than Reality. If the ACJU had addressed this issue at the very beginning by stopping the Halaal Certification process completely (even as a temporary measure), all the subsequent events that followed could have been avoided and more importantly, the Muslim Community would have been perceived as being empathetic to the apprehensions of the Majority Community. Writing extensive articles and making media presentations explaining and defending the Halaal Process over the past few months have not brought the resolution of the problem any closer, but has instead had the effect of hardening the stance of the Critics.
Muliyawaikkal / June 8, 2013
The Halal problem was resolved.
Don’t bring it back.
Rohan / June 8, 2013
That was Halal certificate problem. Halal has nothing to do with BBS and the half-baked.
Bisthan Batcha / June 8, 2013
Please read the title of this article …. slowly.
chinthaka kulatunga / June 8, 2013
Jim Softy,
As Buddhists we are proud of Abhidhamma and the enquiry that we are made to make before deciding on anything. Critical analysis is what is expected of us. However I am so sad that despite these clear exhortations of the Dhamma Buddhists have not contributed much to the world’s critical thinking-science.
After the Greeks we are told that the Arabs kept the torch of enlightenment burning until it was taken over by the West. (Read Jonathan Lyons’ book- the House of Wisdom). You can also see on youtube a BBC documentary on ‘Science and Islam’. If Islam was such a irrational religion how did they preserve the Greek knowledge and then advance science between the 7th to the 15th century. The Arabs questioned everything Greek and advanced the knowledge and took it into another level. Some of the highlights (there are many more than this) are:
1. Algebra was developed by Al Khwarizmi
2. Algorithm, without which we will not have computers (to insult each other) was also developed by Al Khwarizmi.
(When both these mathematical concepts reached the West they did not know what to call them. So algebra was taken out of part of the title of the book al Khwarizmi wrote. They also did not know what to call algorithm and simply gave the concept the author’s name.)
3. The father of the modern scientific method is Ibn-al Haytham. His book on optics is equally regarded with Newton’s Principia Mathematica.
4. Ibn- Sina’s (known in the west as Avicenna) book on medicine was taught in the West until the 18th century.
5. Nasir ud Din Tusi’s eleptical circular movement of the planets was copied 100% by Nicholas Copernicus and popularised in the West as his own. However Copies of Tusi’s diagram and Copernicus’ diagram are still available at the University of Padua in Italy even today. Remember Copernicus copied a mistake in the diagram of Tusi thus proving Copernicus did not even know what he was copying.
Have you seen the fresco-‘School of Athens’ by Raphael drawn in 1510-1525. There is a slight hint of an Arab trying to explain philosophy to the great minds of the West. He is known in the West as Averroes. His name is Ibn-Rushd. Philosophy in Islam? Then there is a recent book by Frank Griffel, a Yale University professor who has written about an Islamic philosopher- Al Ghazali.
There is much much more where the Islamic world contributed to the development of science. Read and you will be enlightened. I am still skeptical that the Arabs did all this despite blind faith. I am sure there is more to it than you and I know.
You may well ask if Arabs were so advanced why are they so backward today. The answer is simple- Science always follows the money.
sbarrkum / June 8, 2013
The answer is simple- Science always follows the money.
The reality is that Money follows science.
Espousing science and technology gives you commercial and military gains.
Japan is a classic example. A land with no resources but embraced science and technology and gave religion and dogma second place.
China, Taiwan and Korea have followed that example.
Although India has embraced science and technology, its religion and social constructs have kept a large portion of its country back.
Indie Bindy / June 11, 2013
India! There every stingy citizen wants to be a millionaire.
Lester / June 9, 2013
@chinthaka kulatunga,
Muslims “invented” very little. Do some research on the list you gave. Start with algebra.
“Algebra may have been named after a book by al-Khwarizmi titled “Al-Jabr wa-al-Muqabilah”, but the origins of algebra itself can be traced to the ancient Babylonians who were able to do calculations in an algorithmic fashion. Having something named after what popularised or refined it by no mean makes it the inventor, and by doing so you would have to discount the works of mathematician Diophantus of Alexandria who authored a series of books called “Arithmetica” and is commonly referred to as “the father of algebra”.
Algorithm, without which we will not have computers… was also developed by Al Khwarizmi.
An algorithm is just a mathematical formula. The Chinese and Indians had algorithms thousands of years before the illiterate Bedouin named Muhammed was born. One of the most famous is the “Chinese Remainder Theorem.” Of course, you need much more than an algorithm to develop a computer. At the most basic level, you need electricity to generate circuits. Algorithms exist at the software stage only.
Nasir ud Din Tusi’s eleptical circular movement of the planets was copied 100% by Nicholas Copernicus
The planets do not follow elliptical circular movements, they follow elliptical movements, so whether this was copied or not, it is a wrong idea.
There is much much more where the Islamic world contributed to the development of science.
The Islamic world has contributed very little to the development of science. That is why Islamic names are never mentioned in Western school books. On the other hand, people like Ramanujan and Bose are well known in the West.
You may well ask if Arabs were so advanced why are they so backward today. The answer is simple
The answer is that the Arabs were always backwards, and they are still backwards. When Muhammed came up with Islam, it was the “nail in the coffin.”
chinthaka kulatunga / June 10, 2013
Hey Lester,
The Bible says ‘seeing they see not’. You are one of those prejudiced, utterly ignorant persons.
Please read the Western Scholars on the history of science before you jump into conclusions. Watch the BBC program on “Science and islam”. The western world does not give any credit to the Islamic world due to its age old prejudice. Now, slowly but surely scholars are coming out with much reasearch in an attempt to correct a historical wrong.
Read the chronicles of Adelard of Bath (1080-1150) who went to the Arab world from Europe and discovered an entirely new advanced world. He was asnotished by what he saw. You say ‘when Muhammad came up with Islam it was the nail in the coffin’. How absurd. If it was the nail in the coffin, can you explain the Arab empire which was at leat 3 times bigger than the Roman empire which immediately preceded it. (Read Hugh Kennedy- Great Arab Conquests).
If you say Islamic world contributed very little- then please read Jonathan Lyons- ‘House of Wisdom.’ The enormity of the work done by the Arabs on science will then be very clear. The islamic world contributed to the advancement of every aspect of science including mathematics. Facts are stubborn.
Sir Isaac Newton famously said ‘If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants’. Read his works. He thanks the Arab scientists by name, especially Ibn-al Haytham, the father of the modern scientific method. Ibn-al Haytham was not happy to accept the theories of the Greeks. He worked on his experiments and proved much of the theories of the Greeks to be wrong, or just theories.
Lester, spurn your prejudices then you will be enlightened. None is so blind as a person who refuses to see.
Lester / June 10, 2013
The Arab Muslims simply borrowed from others. They came up with very little that is original. That is why to this day, the Arabs cannot even build a road without outside help. They are lazy buggers with too much money who hire foreigners to open doors, drive cars, and clean commodes. Even though Sri Lanka may not be a “first-world nation” anyone can go to Sigiriya or Polonnaruwa and verify that the Sinhalese were first-rate engineers and master builders during the ancient times. But what have Arabs built that is original? Can you name even one architectural structure?
Let me tell you one thing: if a culture excels at tool-making or navigation, that talent will not go away. Do you know that the Germans were making tools from iron, even during the time of the Romans? That is why German manufacturing is top-quality, even today. There are Sri Lankan fishermen who can navigate from Sri Lanka to Italy without any map; this is a skill they have acquired from many generations. Now tell me what skill Arabs are famous for? Keeping their wife covered in a black bedsheet? Maintaining goats in the desert? Use some common sense; the Middle East is just arid desert. A culture cannot evolve unless the people learn how to exploit the environment. But during Muhammed’s time, there were no tools to exploit the desert environment. No one knew about oil; forget about extracting it!
Gamarala / June 12, 2013
you have little knowledge Arab Muslims contribution in several fileds like medicine, astronomy etc..please do some research before you say anything..
Singhuappu / June 12, 2013
You know Gamarala,
if they want to attack someone, they dont care, the facts. Anyone who would check it on see, how arabs have contributed to all the areas you have mentioned above. And the fact that they were clever at Mathematics centuries ago are learnt to us in the schools.
Lester, Leela and the folks would NOT respect facts – but just bring any comments – always this has been the case., although I find Lester seem to be somewhat wellred sorta person… Leela is UNFORTUNATELY is a curse – as the HIV virus …she spreads views about her beloved rulers… regardless of the contents being far from facts
Aden Glory / June 11, 2013
Foolhardy Lester, don’t you know that Babylonians were the same arab stock of Yemen who migrated and flourished to te extant of North of Iraq and into Iran after the destrction of Maarib Dam.
Lester / June 11, 2013
The Babylonians were not Muslim, just like the Zoroastrians (ancestors of modern-day Iranians) were not.
ModYaks / June 14, 2013
Zoroastrians are called Zarathustrans (the Parsi religion) a religion believed by the Iranians, stll practiced by people like Tata & Birla. Zoroastrians were not a categorized archaic race.
AYMAN / June 13, 2013
Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.
i am sorry what i meant was the bible, which comprise the old and new testaments
Bensen Burner / June 8, 2013
The real Jews and the Muslims believed that if they were to eat animal flesh they should eat the meat only of animals that have hoofs, horns and those that chew the cud. The pig does not fall into that category. They could eat the flesh of any bird. As for the creatures that live in the water, eating fish that have scales and blood is allowed, I believe. Many Muslims do not adhere to this. Readers would have heard or read of a well known psychic called Edgar Cayce known as the Sleeping Prophet who could hypnotise himself and diagnose patients that came to him for advice. He could go back to their previous births and diagnose their ailments attributing them to the sins of their previous lives where relevant. He was a Christian who believed in re-incarnation. He had said that eating pork was the cause of many ailments and should be avoided. He was the author of many works the most prominent of which being Many Mansions. The Sri Lankan form of Buddhism is one that has been tainted by the Mahavamsa.
Muliyawaikkal / June 8, 2013
Eating beef is also a major health risk. With increased use of pesticides, insecticides and other agro chemicals, beef in SL is virtually poison. There are many instances cattle eating plastic and other pollutants. Goats are worse. There are no standards in raising these animals in the country. Soon a host of sicknesses will come up among the beef and mutton eating communities in the island. This is happening in other parts of the world where agro chemical use is as high as SL. It will be a natural deterrent to beef and mutton eating!!
Fair N Square / June 8, 2013
This is the reason, the best way to slaughter is putting an incision on the Jugular vein, so that the blood drains out and no toxins are left behind.. When u stun and kill an animal the blood freezes, thus the toxins remain… A research was done by BBC and in conclusion they said the best and healthy way for slaughter is the Islamic way… less pain for teh animal and healthy for the people who consume it…
Mahela / June 9, 2013
You say…….”With increased use of pesticides, insecticides and other agro chemicals, beef in SL is virtually poison.”
Now using Pesticides, insecticides and other agro chemicals for plants and vegetable cultivation have resulted in depleting their nutrition value and have adverse effrects on health and human life.
Only if you see the amount of insecticides the farmers spray just before the harvest will give you a good picture. Also these same chemicals are drawn to rivers through rain and contamination of water supply.
Therefore been a vegetarian does not make one to feel good as now the vegetables also now contaminated with “GMF”….genetically modified seeds and with chemicals, fertiliser, insecticides, pesticides, agro chemicals etc, are been used excessively, and eating vegetables now could be more harmful than eating meats.
Also overcooking vegetables to get rid of these hamful chemicles and enzymes will destroy their nutrition values. Eating natural Grass will become more healthy than eating these chemicles.
Also GOSL has to do more research on these chemicles and educate both farmers, school children and the consumers on these chemical uses in Vegetable cultivation and on healthy and nutritious diets.
This is the true state of Vegetable cultivation in Sri Lanka today and I have seen how they use chemicles with my own eyes.
Lester / June 9, 2013
Eating beef is also a major health risk. With increased use of pesticides, insecticides and other agro chemicals, beef in SL is virtually poison.
See, it is not the beef that is the problem. It is the pesticides and the hormones that are the problem. Fresh beef is actually very healthy.
JimSofty / June 8, 2013
Mr. Zacky:
You all are beating around the Bush and not honest. Just be honest.
Muslims want to Islamize the world. So, they want to implement HALAL FOOD system, SHARIA LAW, MUSLIMS Clothings FASHIONS including HIJAB and NIQAB and the ISLAMIC FINANCIAL SYSTEM (Ijara ?).
Remember how you guys protested, in 1915, tom tom beating in Kandy Perahera. That is how you guys supported majority in Sri Lanka. Everybody knows how muslims respect minority rights when they are the majority.
So, cut the crap and talk the truth.
Memona kolamakda / June 8, 2013
Apart from your argument , the BBS issue is nothing but a political drama by the government with the advise of their spin doctors.
These jokers are ruining the country’s economy ,by doing this our export to the middle east have dropped and tourism and so many other hidden factors . In UK and other developed countries they are promoting the ethnic market in order to boost the economy.