By Mza.zakky –
A Buddhist monk named Bowatte Indraratana died at Colombo National Hospital over the weekend after setting himself on fire Friday near the famed Temple of Buddha’s Tooth Relic in the central town of Kandy. The 30-year-old was the first monk to self-immolate in Sri Lanka.
It is a bad issue for all Sri Lankans. Even somebody says his action is good, but in commonly suicide is very harmful for human nature. We all have born to live not for die.
It was with much confusion that I followed the recent protests by some in the Buddhist community against Muslims, the Sri Lankan Halal Certification Authority and slaughtering cattle. I mean, do these guys of the “Bodu Bala Sena” really realize what they are protesting against? Or what actually Halal is? And don’t these guys who proclaim to safeguard, protect and fight for Buddhism understand that Lord Buddha himself repeatedly taught his disciples the importance of a pure mind and soul? And that in Islamic terms is what Halal is about??
In this article, I include following topics: what Islam and Buddhism say about eating meat, did Buddha protest meat to his followers, what is Islamic slaughtering method and its scientific advantages and scientific advantages of halal food.
At first I want to give a statement of a famous Buddhist leader. That is about science and Buddhism (“Buddhism not hesitates to accept the results of science.”). The following statement of the Dalai Lama proofs it. “Buddhism not hesitates to accept the results of science.in Buddhism search toward understanding of ontology have done by critical investigation. If any result of scientific researches opposes a statement of Buddhism we can able to remove the statement from Buddhism.” (Dalai Lama. (2005). The Universe in a Single Atom: The convergence of science and spirituality. New York: Morgan Road Books. )
The Buddha did not prohibit any kind of meat-eating for his lay followers. So Buddha did not prohibit beef eating for his followers. Following statement proofs it.
“In Buddhism, the views on vegetarianism vary from school to school. According to Theravada, the Buddha allowed his monks to eat pork, chicken and beef if the animal was not killed for the purpose of providing food for monks. (But Muslims never eat pig because of its adverse effects) .Theravada also believes that the Buddha allowed the monks to choose a vegetarian diet, but only prohibited against eating human, elephant, dog, snake, lion, tiger, bear, leopard, and hyena flesh.(Islam also prohibits these things).The Buddha did not prohibit any kind of meat-eating for his lay followers. In Vajrayana, the act of eating meat is not always prohibited. The Mahayana schools generally recommend a vegetarian diet, for they believe that the Buddha insisted that his followers should not eat meat or fish.(most of Sri Lankans Buddhists follow Theravada.so we neglect the statement of Mahayana)” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhist_vegetarianism#cite_note-1
According to this statement Buddhism does not prohibit eating beef. Why did Bowatte Indraratana thero Self-immolate? Why Buddhists and monks protest eating beef? Is it for Buddhism or only for them?
Islam allows us to kill animals for our benefit in this world and hereafter. In Islam killing animal is not a sin provided you have a good reason. Islam give only three chances to kill animals .We allowed to kill animals for 1) for Food, 2) as a sacrifice to God, 3) for protection (e.g. like killing a snake) I don’t need to explain about killing animals for protection but I’ll expound about sacrificing animals and getting meat from animals.
We may already know that Muslims sacrifice animals on occasions like Haj festival or when a new baby is born etc. If any animal is killed as a sacrifice that should only be in the name of God not for any human being or anything else. An animal sacrifice is done only as an act of worship through which the person/s sacrificing the animal intends to seek God’s pleasure and gain good deeds for them. (We can eat the meat of the sacrificed animals but it is encouraged to be distributed among the poor and needy.)
Eating meat is nature of human. Human are normally top carnivores in food chains, so would be near the top of most food chains.so we can’t destroy food chain fully. There are more dangers by destroying food chains and food web.
A great thing to notice is that there are a lot of disadvantages by vegetarianism
- Reduced protein, protein are essential to repair and growth of cells in our body
- Lack of Food choices
- Decreased creatine, has been sited as a disadvantage of been vegetarian
- Decreased vitamins and minerals, especially B12, and iron. B12 primary function is in the formation of red blood cells and a healthy nervous system. B12 is found in meat, eggs.
‘Vegetarianism’ is now a movement the world over. Many even associate it with animal rights. Indeed, a large number of people consider the consumption of meat and other non-vegetarian products to be a violation of animal rights.
Islam enjoins mercy and compassion for all living creatures. At the same time Islam humaintains that Allah has created the earth and its wondrous flora and fauna for the benefit of humankind. It is up to humankind to use every resource in this world judiciously, as a Ne’mah (Divine blessing) and Amaanah (trust) from Allah.
Let us look at various other aspects of this argument.
1. A Muslim can be a pure vegetarian
A Muslim can be a very good Muslim despite being a pure vegetarian. It is not compulsory for a Muslim to have non-vegetarian food.
2. Meat is nutritious and rich in complete protein
Non-vegetarian food is a good source of excellent protein. It contains biologically complete protein i.e. all the 8 essential amino acid that are not synthesized by the body and should be supplied in the diet. Meat also contains iron, vitamin B1 and niacin.
3. Humans have Omnivorous set of teeth
If we observe the teeth of herbivorous animals like the cow, goat and sheep, we will find something strikingly similar in all of them. All these animals have a set of flat teeth i.e. suited for herbivorous diet. If we observe the set of teeth of the carnivorous animals like the lion, tiger or leopard, they all have a set of pointed teeth i.e. suited for a carnivorous diet. If we analyze the set of teeth of humans, we find that they have flat teeth as well as pointed teeth. Thus they have teeth suited for both herbivorous as one may ask, if Almighty God wanted humans to have only vegetables, why did He provide us also with pointed teeth? It is logical that He expected us to need and to have both vegetarian as well as non-vegetarian food.
4. Human beings can digest both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food
The digestive system of herbivorous animals can digest only vegetables. The digestive system of carnivorous animals can digest only meat. But the digestive system of humans can digest both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food. If Almighty God wanted us to have only vegetables then why did He give us a digestive system that can digest both vegetarian as well as non-vegetarian food?
5. Even plants have life
Certain religions have adopted pure vegetarianism as a dietary law because they are totally against the killing of living creatures. If a person can survive without killing any living creature, I would be the first person to adopt such a way of life. In the past people thought plants were lifeless. Today it is a universal fact that even plants have life. Thus their logic of not killing living creatures is not fulfilled even by being a pure vegetarian.
6. Even plants can feel pain
They further argue that plants cannot feel pain; therefore killing a plant is a lesser crime as compared to killing an animal. Today science tells us that even plants can feel pain. But the cry of the plant cannot be heard by the human being. This is due to the inability of the human ear to hear sounds that are not in the audible range i.e. 20 Hertz to 20,000 Hertz. Anything below and above this range cannot be heard by a human being. A dog can hear up to 40,000 Hertz. Thus there are silent dog whistles that have a frequency of more than 20,000 Hertz and less than 40,000 Hertz. These whistles are only heard by dogs and not by human beings. The dog recognizes the masters’ whistle and comes to the master. There was research done by a farmer in USA who invented an instrument which converted the cry of the plant so that it could be heard by human beings. He was able to realize immediately when the plant itself cried for water. Latest researches show that the plants can even feel happy and sad. It can also cry.
7. Killing a living creature with two senses less is not a lesser crime
Somebody say that plants only have two or three senses while the animals have five senses. Therefore killing a plant is a lesser crime than killing an animal. Suppose our brother is born deaf and dumb and has two senses less as compared to other human beings. He becomes mature and someone murders him. Would you ask the judge to give the murderer a lesser punishment because your brother had two senses less? In fact we would say that he has killed an innocent person, and the judge should give the murderer a greater punishment.
The Glorious Qur’an says:
“O ye people! Eat of what is on earth, lawful and good”
[Al Qur’an 2:168]
8. over population of cattle
If every human being was a vegetarian, it would lead to overpopulation of cattle in the world, since their reproduction and multiplication is very swift. Allah (God) in His divine wisdom knows how to maintain the balance of His creation appropriately. No wonder He has permitted us to have the meat of the cattle.
“Halal” is an Arabic word meaning “lawful” or “permissible”, and the term not only covers food and drink, but also to all matters of daily life. When it comes to halal food, most people think of meat foods only. However, Muslims must ensure that all foods, particularly processed foods, pharmaceuticals, and non-food items like cosmetics, are also halal. Frequently, these products contain animal by-products or other ingredients that are not permissible for Muslims to eat or use on their bodies.
Any food that has not been made Haram is Halal. And as mentioned before, the food that has been forbidden has been made so solely due to its adverse effects on a human body. It is a pure and healthy body that makes a pure and healthy mind and soul. That is the foundation that Islam wants for every Muslim and that is what Prince Siddhartha taught every Buddhist. And thus Halal is the right of each and every human being.
The Arabic word “Halal” means “Permissible”. It could cover various aspects of a Muslims life ranging from his daily food to what he wears to who he is permitted to get married to. The food that has been made “Haram” or not permissible are that of blood (e.g. fermentation media and sausages), the human body (e.g. bread improver from hair and cosmetics from the placenta and embryo), alcohol (e.g. used in cooking and cakes), carrion (that of haram animals and animals slaughtered not according to the Islamic Law) and each and every part of the pig (e.g. gelatin, glycerin, rennet in cheese and shortening in biscuits) and any food obtained through
Ill-gotten means ( i.e. stealing, bribery and corruption). And only these foods that are against human nature have been made Haram in Islam and the rest are considered Halal or permissible unlike the common notion among many that practically everything is made Haram for a Muslim.
Anything that is forbidden or made Haram in Islam is solely due to the fact that it, in some way or other it is harmful to man. Blood for example has been made Haram due to its high content of a toxic chemical substance called uric acid, 98% of which is excreted from the human body in the form of urine. Ingested blood on reaching the intestine is acted upon by various bacteria normally present there resulting in poisonous products like ammonia which is toxic to the liver. Therefore, God has forbidden us to eat or drink blood and has prescribed such a method for slaughtering animals that most of their blood is drained.
[Quran 2:174] He has made unlawful to you only that which dies of itself, and blood and the flesh of swine, and that on which the name of any other than Allah has been invoked. But he who is driven by necessity, being neither disobedient nor exceeding the limit, it shall be no sin for him. Surely, Allah is Most Forgiving, Merciful
It is here that the importance consuming meat only from animals slaughtered in the Islamic manner comes in. The wielder of the knife, whilst uttering the name of “Allah(God)”, makes an incision through the jugular vein and the wind pipe leaving the spinal cord intact, thus causing death by total loss of blood rather than any an injury to any vital organ. Were the organs, for example the heart, liver or brain was crippled or damaged, the animal would die immediately and its blood would congeal in its veins and would eventually permeate the flesh. This would mean that the meat would be contaminated with uric acid and therefore be very poisonous. It is also scientifically proven that the Islamic manner of slaughter causes the animal nearly 0% pains as compared with other methods.
The pig and all its derivatives to be forbidden not only in Islam, but also in Judaism and Hinduism are not surprising. It is a well-known fact that the pig is an extremely unclean animal and serves as a host for a variety of parasites, viruses and diseases. There are two harmful worms harbored by pigs, one is “TAENIASOLIUM” which on ingestion passes to the brain and causes epilepsy. The other one is “TRICHINELLASPIRALIS” which passes to the muscles and brain causing muscular swelling and pain and also epilepsy. Pork has more fat and cholesterol than any other meat.
[Quran 6:146] Say, ‘I find not in what has been revealed to me aught forbidden to an eater who wishes to eat it, except it be that which dies of itself, or blood poured forth, or the flesh of swine — for all that is unclean — or what is profane, on which is invoked the name of other than Allah. But whoso is driven by necessity, being neither disobedient nor exceeding the limit, then surely thy Lord is Most Forgiving, Merciful.’
Apart from this, the pig’s biochemistry excretes only 2% of its total uric acid content and the remaining 98% remains as an integral part of the body. That’s not considering the fact that the pig, according to its natural anatomy has no neck. So even the Islamic method of slaughtering which drains the blood totally from the animal’s body is not applicable here. No prizes for guessing the effect of consuming pork or any of its derivatives on the human body.
So Halal is the right of each and every human being.it is good for human health. Why Buddhists are protesting halal? Is it for Buddhism or only for them?
*Mza.Zakky – student of Faculty of medicine, Eastern University
Leela / June 8, 2013
You talk about protecting food chains and dangers of destroying the food chains and food web. Yet you say “Islam allows us to kill animals for our ‘benefit’ in this world and hereafter”. These two doesn’t tally. When people breed like rabbits and kill animals directly or indirectly using his superior weapons and tactic for protection, food, or whatever how can natural food chain continue is a question
Talking about cattle, you say, “He (Allah) has permitted us to have the meat of ‘the cattle'”, but I cannot find where in Koran that allow Muslims to eat cattle specifically.
Besides, we do do not see Allah or Yahweh or Lord God talk about food chain or anything like that to any of his Prophets. These are new formulations by scientific Muslims like Dr Zakir Naik to rein ignorant followers in. It is they that claim that everything from comets to astronomy, embryology to geology and more are found in the Koran and therefore say Koran is divine. So I am not surprised that this writer comes up with so-called ‘scientifically proven’ zero pain causing Islamic slaughtering of animals.
We all know that Koran came up with its sayings after 610AD. But Muslims accept that the Creator God (Allah) has revealed his creation story and commandments etc through many other Prophets. All of them were Jews that lived long before Muhammad. Torah has what God said to Moses in verbatim. Indeed, Koran 5.44 says: “Surely we revealed the Taurat in which was guidance and light; with it the prophets who submitted themselves.”
I agree that Muhammad said as the God said; “O ye people! Eat of what is on earth, lawful and good”. What is lawful for Jesus was unlawful for Muhammad. Muhammad ‘divinely’ and today’s Muslims like you ‘scientifically’ may have found pig’s biochemistry is acidic and dirty. But developed western world who follow Jesus in some form find pig meat absolutely delicious to partake and even to make delicacy of it. This type of radically different postulations by children of Allah makes us wonder whether they are truly the children of Allah. Jews never accepted Muhammad’s Allah is their Yahweh. Indeed Jews accused Muhammad of plagiarism of their Torah and Talmud. And Allah lambasted the Jews Koran 2:59 “became like apes despised.”
Why prophesy over population of cattle, isn’t the humans that breed like rabbits and killing each other the main reason for food scarcity. I believe action of men who follow the Lord God to satisfy their greed vanquished many species in the ‘food chain’ that you talked about and the documentary National Geographic presents these days named ‘thin green line’.
Muslims have been explaining to us many times over now, the meaning of “Halal” using many an analogy. So much so, we now know that to marry a nine year old by lustful 54 year old Muhammad is also Halal. We read Muslims do that even today in India and elsewhere. What is good for goose is perhaps good for gander. But such acts are absolute Haram for us. There are many such things that are ‘Halal for Muslims’ are ‘Haram for Buddhists and Hindus and modest Christian’. We see, Wahhabi interpretation of Islam is making this difference widening every day. Now you may understand “why Buddhists are protesting (your) halal?”
You look at things from your halal point of view. That is different to ours. I agree that Buddhism is not for Sinhalas only; it is open for everyone. Buddha invited everyone ‘Come and explore’. When Malunkaputra told Buddha that he will leave monastic life if Buddha doesn’t answer his queries, Buddha told him that he never asked him to be a monk in the first place.
So, Sinhala Buddhist culture is different to Muslim culture which is based on Bedouin Arabs of the desert. For thousands of years Sinhala Buddhists are primarily vegetarians. With the advent of Buddhism that tradition has enhanced further. That is why killing cow is not acceptable to the majority of Sinhala Buddhists and Hindus; they consider the cow is like their mother. I must insist, none of them are not dim-witted to compare the behaviour of a cow that facing its butcher to the noise of a tree that this writer says is making in the face of a lumberjack.
Last and not the least, I must say that neither do I espouse Indraratana thero taking his own life nor do I believe, Sinhala Buddhists wants to influence Muslims eating cow meat. It is that they must find a way to do their slaughtering in a manner not to upset the sentiments of over 85% of the population in this country. Forcing Muslim halal is not the way.
Memona kolamakda / June 8, 2013
All fart no shit,it’s time to take your prozac mate.
JimSofty / June 8, 2013
Mr. Zacky:
You say:
“According to this statement Buddhism does not prohibit eating beef. Why did Bowatte Indraratana thero Self-immolate? Why Buddhists and monks protest eating beef? Is it for Buddhism or only for them?”
remember you talk even the plants have life – that JAINISM Leader MAHAVEERA’s thinking and ideology was. So, he stayed naked.
Lord Buddha wanted every one to follow the middle path. Buddhists are not to kill, monks are prohibited to eat meat when they knew some how that the kill was for them. Buddha understtod lay people and Buddha did not ask lay people to do the same.
IF YOU and when you have compassion and love for living beings HOW CAN ALLOW ANIMALS TO BLEED TO DEATH because your religious LEader wanted to do so. It is a life we are destroying. WHY MR.ZAKY’S LIFE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN AN ANIMAL’S LIFE ? IS IT THE SAME THINKING that the GOD is above all and humans are below him ?, so the hierarchy or the pyramid goes down saying that the humans are above animals, some sects of muslims are below other sects of muslims who are more obedient to the prophet and so on?
Is it so ?
PISS / June 8, 2013
Eating animal flesh of fish depends on the consumers choice. Even non vegetarians do not eat flesh what they don’t like (Ex in sri Lanka we don’t eat cat , dog or mouse)But some countries they eat those. From stone age human realize only human has wisdom but not animals. Therefore human starts eating animal for their survival.
According to my idea not eating of pork by Muslims has no séance. Because human eat more dirty animals than pig. It is purely believing or faith towards their religion. If any one don’t want to eat flesh is his own choice. Don’t blame any religion for eating or not eating flesh.
If there is any KARMA in your next reincarnation you will judged or attend more towards NIBBANA . But killing human is believed to be sin in all religions. So the monk who killed him will go no where self and definitely get what he deserved in his next reincarnation.
Jayantha / June 8, 2013
You say…..”Eating animal flesh of fish depends on the consumers choice”
but it is not according to BBS.
Why don’t BBS introduce vegetarian diet to our Zoo animals like Lions, Bears, Tigers,Crocs, piranhas etc.
Already these animals at our Zoo look weak, old and skeletal may be due to not sufficient meat been fed.
Also BBS could help change our Sri Lankan Lion Flag logo from a Carnivorous Lion to a more humane Monkey or a Donkey.
Benadict / June 8, 2013
In Nutshell – BBS monks are do not have any work. Idel mind is Satan’s work shop
Mahela / June 8, 2013
Who else have more benefits in the world, from the age group of Seven and up with no qualifications required and a sure Board and Lodging, unlimited Education and trips and stay around the world and many other unlimited perks and incentives……..now fighting for more extra pound of flesh.
No Business like……..business.
Marwan / June 8, 2013
Zacky, in fact both your articles are quite challenging to the majority tribe, and further, hits the nail on the head. The previous being ‘Muslims Ready To Follow Many Concepts Of Buddhism, Are Buddhists Ready..?’ It serves well as food for thought. There are some (even in these forums) who proclaim that Muslims must learn to adapt and get along with the majority Buddhist community. What they fail to realize is that it is upto them to safeguard and protect minority rights, rather than perceive them as a threat to their own existence. Peaceful co-existence is the hallmark of nation’s success through keeping everyone happy. Inciting and breeding hatred and mistrust can only stunt growth in all areas of economic freedom, intellectual freedom, religious freedom (to follow any faith, belief or religion) and International acceptance as a tolerant state, which goes a long way to portray stability and attract trade and commercial ventures. We need to take a leaf from most successful countries belonging to third world developing nations, whilst also learning their lessons well from failed nations who are less tolerant towards their minorities.
Samuel / June 9, 2013
What BS are you adding here ?
Until BBS emerged to destroy lanken buddhism, did not lanken Muslim adapt enough to live peacefully in the country. I have not heard any kind of incidents in the past in which muslim radicals reacted as it is the case on some countries in the west. Lanken muslims have been that peaceful from that day on – fully supported lanken peace issues as no other minority folks.
However, there are limits for them too.
Be honest, how many of lanken buddhists agree with BBS ? I dont think that many of the lanken buddhist would agree with BBS and their violent behaviours. Can anybody please add facts about the lanken BBS movement ? Me being a buddhist, I would not allow any kind of radical movement like BBS to strenghten their ties. Any form of violence should be banned for the sake of peaceful majority folks. Half hearted reactions of rulers are not comprehensible at all.
Halal issue is not a issue for any other folks but for BBS supporters. Halal and the related issues are respected almost every country, why not in SL. THis should be controlled by lanken food dept or the related authorties not by any kind of arbtory orgnised begotted movements. Letting all these to stay indifferent – not taking prompt actions by the rulers- show how their capacities are specially towards sensitive issues such as religious ones.
Samuel / June 9, 2013
did not lanken Muslim adapt enough to live peacefully in the country?
Marwan / June 9, 2013
I respect your opinion, but you have taken by BS amiss. If you are in touch with ground reality, then you will understand the schism caused by the BBS/JHU/SR uproar, and the ripple effect this has had to undermine the minority (specially Muslim)access to employment in government institutions, armed forces, sports ambassadors and the likes. There are some Buddhist institutions that even banned Muslims from using their swimming pool. Look what the government is trying to do with reducing the powers of the 13th amendment by introducing the 19th amendment before Northern PC elections. Are these not acts to reduce minority rights to a minimum. It is not what happened in the past (sure, everyone Sinhalese and Muslims got along well, until BBS came along to unsettle the peace), but what is going to happen in the future is disturbing. It is in the mindset of those in the ruling authority, and that is what which is looking very ominous for the minorities.
Samuel / June 9, 2013
As added to the previous comment, not reacting adequately safeguarding the rights of her people is clearly seen under the MR administration. It is rather administrative failure.
This is common not only to the mentioned areas but almost any issues focusing on people^s respect and dignity. Listening to an audio in which responsible media minister briefing on – that still missing journalist (Ekanaligoda), I myself felt, how absurd and irresponsible lanken law makers are. They have no hearts to feel Eknaligoda family feels if they would listen to the latest news that the missing journalist is said to be living in France. These kind of info are handled by country^s intelligence in the developed world. Looking back to the past in our country, they were not handled with this much low level. This proves that the rulers have no respect the life of its citizens.
Samuel / June 9, 2013
There is no future for the country and its people so long the current MR administration is there.
Whatever the matter it is, the manner they handle them – be by so called highly educated Profs or others with no qualification but just ministers and MPs got elected by PEOPLE or president – are clearly seen as FAILURE.
I dont think that most accused CBK administration failed this much. People still hail them as facts that what RAVAYA editor brought about CBK – but in the same time, very same people seem to be HALLOZINATED today- not reacting even if people murderd on broad day light. I believe, CBK and all other previous leaders incluing RW are multiple time better than the MR when it goes for handling country^s issues.
But for killing people and treating own folks inhuman – MR and his henchman are most talented. That they proved in the last phases of the war – killing uncountable numbers of civilians whose numbers are yet to amount.
Samuel / June 9, 2013
The worst animal in the entire animal kingdom is homo sapiens.
Lella Lissei / June 11, 2013
Specifically in this forum the anthropoid Leela.
Dennis / June 11, 2013
leela is set to radically go against muslim believers. Check all the comments added by her, she would try to go against islamic priniciples… can anybody succeed attacking LIKE THAT ? She cant see forward – either she is suffering from Demenz or the like or born to destroy own folks.
This is undoubtedly a psychological problem. Hope not that many would infect easily to it.
She would not see things rationally… hail MR as her god given leader. No matter, MR has proved many a times – that he is something different than appeared to be – but so long Leelas are the majority in the country – the worst of the democracy will be the consequence for the poor masses – us CT readers and right thinking people of the country.
LeeTopper / June 14, 2013
That Her is He who became a She.
justice / June 9, 2013
Tibetan monks are self immolating almost daily,protesting the brutal suppression of their civic and religious rights by the Chinese State,since 1951, when Tibet was forcibly annexed by China.
But,not a hum from our government,until now – is it because of Chinese Loans?
Why does the Sangha NOT protest?
Why no protest from our media?
Lester / June 9, 2013
Many scientific studies have been done to ascertain the benefits of pork. I quote the findings of one such study below, in which it is found that pork improves body composition (weight loss, fat loss, etc.) and even lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease. The only caveat is that the pork be fresh and lean.
High protein meat-based diets are commonly promoted for weight loss, supposedly by increasing satiety and energy expenditure. Pork is a good source of protein however little information on the metabolic effects of pork consumption exists. This pilot study aimed to examine whether regular consumption of fresh lean pork could improve body composition and cardiovascular risk factors in a 6 month parallel intervention trial… A total of 144 volunteers completed and volunteers in the pork group increased their intake 10 fold by substituting pork for mainly beef and chicken. After 3 months, there were significant (p ≤ 0.01) reductions in weight, BMI, waist circumference, % body fat, fat mass and abdominal fat in the pork group relative to controls, which persisted for 6 months. … Regular consumption of lean fresh pork may improve body composition.
JimSofty / June 9, 2013
Lester See this:
Ketonuria is a medical condition in which ketone bodies are present in the urine. … conditions such as starvation, fasting, high protein, or low carbohydrate diets,
Lester / June 9, 2013
Jim Softly:
A ketone diet can be used to treat epilepsy in children:
The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carbohydrate diet that in medicine is used primarily to treat difficult-to-control (refractory) epilepsy in children. The diet forces the body to burn fats rather than carbohydrates.
More evidence that adequate protein and fat are essential for proper bodily function. Of course, this does not mean that one has to be a carnivore. One can easily be a vegeterian and make suitable substitutions. However, consuming adequate quantities of meat is the simplest way for most people.
Sama / June 10, 2013
This is absolutely no CORRECT.
I have met almost every indian scientists or any skilled worker keep travelling to Europe from that country are vege.. so none of them look as if they suffer from any kind of health problems. There are also increasing numbers in Europe becoming veges today.
Correct to say that eating meat help us human beings as our protein intakes.. specially as source of essential amino acids (in form of protein) – but today we have all alternative non-meat foods that contain all them.
So, just because you cant respect muslims not consuming PORK MEAT for their meals, it is ridiculous to add this kind of comments that has no facts in.
Sama / June 10, 2013
, it should be every indian scientist/skilled worker I met in the Europe.
Lester / June 10, 2013
Correct to say that eating meat help us human beings as our protein intakes.. specially as source of essential amino acids (in form of protein) – but today we have all alternative non-meat foods that contain all them.
Yes, one can obtain the nutrients from other sources. But it will surely be more costly. Not only does meat have protein, it also has calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, phosphorous, Vitamin D, and of course some fats (fats are necessary for a healthy diet). While you can find all of these nutrients in just 1 kilo of red meat, you will need to eat many different fruits and vegetables to get the same effect.
So, just because you cant respect muslims not consuming PORK MEAT for their meals, it is ridiculous to add this kind of comments that has no facts in.
If Muslims do not wish to consume pork, that is their choice. But they should not do it because of Quran.
Sama / June 11, 2013
Yes, one can obtain the nutrients from other sources. But it will surely be more costly. Not only does meat have protein, it also has calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, phosphorous, Vitamin D, and of course some fats (fats are necessary for a healthy diet). While you can find all of these nutrients in just 1 kilo of red meat, you will need to eat many different fruits and vegetables to get the same effect.
According to you, many from far east Asian countries and considerable number of Indians that increasingly fully on non-meat foods should have all kind of health problems due to the lack of essential amino acids and minerals ? Is this the reality ? That alone show you your arguments are to attack pork eaters. As I myself know it, many in Europe eat pork just because it is cheaper than beef and other meats. And that has lot do with Christian cultures not because of its taste or constitutes.
If Muslims do not wish to consume pork, that is their choice. But they should not do it because of Quran.
Here I would say – as a born Buddhist – “to each his own”
That is their wish or choice. It is equally our wish Buddhists to behave in compliance with Darma as given in comparable literature.
Sama / June 10, 2013
This is correct.
That is the reason why some US neuroscientists recommend the PARKINSON patients to consume coconut fat (ketone enriched)on daily basis to improve their health conditions. Earlier scientists believed that unsaturated fat sources such as coconut fat could harm creating cardiac problems. But to date there are no research papers that the direct unsaturated food intake can increase any kind such health threats. Low numbers of pakison patients found in Philipines, Srilanka and several other countries not having significant numbers of parkinson patients prove the latter. All the mentioned countries continuously use coconut fat in their meals for many many years.
Marwan / June 9, 2013
Lester, you can do all your website research and write thesis upon thesis until the cows come home, on the benefits of eating pork, but that will not change a thing. Ultimately, wasted effort to convince anyone to change their minds to a divine order. No one will bother to ever challenge you, no one will care enough to take offense on what you pen, at most, may be only gloss over your comments and not take you seriously any more. Why you reduce yourself to this level? Get a life Lester. Just pick up yourself, look for all the positive things you perceive to be good and right in Islam and go for it. Put your God given intellectual talent to good use, even late as it is in your life. Serve humanity for their betterment, don’t procrastinate, and see the wonders of the world, open doors of opportunities and live a wholesome life. Not on the perceived misery of others and their religious beliefs.
Lester / June 9, 2013
Quran is a joke. It says the Earth was created in six days. Next time you are outside, look at a tree or a blade of grass. Ask yourself if either one grew in six days. :)
Marwan / June 10, 2013
Lester, please don’t insult the Quran nor what it states, since this is Holy Book for Muslims. If you give respect, you get respect. No one should insult others religious beliefs, since that belief is so sacred to others, although not to you. Imagine the possibility that if you were to die suddenly (I don’t wish it on you) but just for argument sake. After your internment you were to stand before our creator Allah, what will you have to say to Him for your salvation. What can anyone do to help you at that stage. How do you think you will feel after having insulted His revelation the Holy Quran, and calling it a joke? Don’t you think it is more prudent not to insult other religious beliefs, lest there may be some truth in them that you are not fully aware of? Think and act wisely and don’t go to areas where even angels fear to tread.
You need to understand the power of God Almighty, and take Him seriously. He needs only to say ‘Be’ (Kun in Arabic) and it is (Fa ya koon). He needs NO plans, models examples, opinions, suggestions, , nothing of the sort to formulate His creations. We are all His creations from our inception thru Adam and Eve to the last man before the end of this world. Also, you do read the Quran to extract information to expose with intent to ridicule. So in short, you refuse to accept the divine revelation as truth when it is being presented to you, and thus you now become liable for all your actions by your rejecting this truth and bringing it into disrepute.
Lester / June 10, 2013
@ Marwan,
Grass is a bad example. But explain how a tree can fully grow in 6 days. Some trees are 400 years old. Why did Almighty Allah make trees to live longer than men? :)
Why be afraid of death, when there is nothing after death? No paradise with virgins and 5 star dinner, no reincarnation, nothing. These are ideas invented by people a long time ago, before science was properly established. When they saw how wide the sky is, they felt humbled. They did not know that the universe is mostly empty space! What a mighty creation, that is 99.9% darkness and empty space. Your God was a lazy bugger. Anyway, at this time, people did not understand illness either. So when someone became sick, they attributed the illness to a supernatural force. Finally, what has been the wish of every man? To live forever. So, someone came up with this idea of a “heaven.” After seeing how wide and far away the sky is, some even called the sky as “heaven.” Clearly, there is no logical argument for a “heaven.” It is based on even more silly ideas like “sin” and “Creator god” and “jihad.” None of these things have any basis in the physical universe. You cannot even prove that good and evil exist. They are just human ideas which reflect human weakness, especially fear of the unknown. When you tell someone they are going to a heaven or hell, that is no different than telling a small child they will get a toffee for behaving well. It is a very narrow view, that is based on exploiting ignorance.
I do not believe in reincarnation but it is much more realistic than heaven/hell. It is based on the idea that energy can transform itself. At the most fundemental level, the Universe is just energy. In the Big Bang Theory, for example, the Universe is created from a “singular energy.” The only problem with Buddhist reincarnation is that reincarnation is based on a person’s “karmic energy.” This would mean that karma is a “fundamental force” in the Universe. But this in turn means that “good” and “bad” are also real. To say that good and bad have any empirical meaning in a probabilistic universe (where everything happens by chance) presents some obvious difficulties. When a Brahmin asked Buddha 10 famous questions (Avyakatas) in regards to the Universe, the Buddha did not give a direct answer, but said that such knowledge is not necessary for one’s well being. That is true, yet we are free to pursue such questions.
You should also understand that science is on the verge of a revolution. All the questions of existence will eventually be answered. Why an egg turns into a human, why some people have a “sixth sense”, how the Universe was created, etc.
Marwan / June 11, 2013
I can understand your dilemma in failing to understand the Islamic viewpoint, but your personal attacks and uncouth verbal diarrhea knows no bounds. This certainly is unnecessary as it only proves your Islamophobic profile.
Applying logic, or scientific methods and rules (the way you have done) does not do enough justice to prove God’s Law of creation. For anyone to understand it, needs to have unflinching Faith (absolute belief in the unseen) in the existence of an Almighty God, before proceeding any further down the line. Complete submission to God’s will is known as Islam. For a non-muslim and that too an agnostic, it is a difficult concept for the mind to wrap-around. For sure, everything is so different, since everything needs to be measured in more materialistic terms to become acceptable and believable. Being unable to understand that time itself can be measured in so many dimensions, is part of the problem. What you referred to ‘God took 6 days’ (to create the world) in Quranic terms is enough for Muslims to believe it to be true. Muslims just don’t question a divine revelation and what is beyond our own comprehension. It may be 6/24 hr days or 6 light year days, or may be of a very different dimension. We do know through our limited knowledge time can be measured differently under various circumstances. A small experience of that is what happens a lifetime, from the time of being a fetus (rhythm of time being different to that after being born) and then a life’time’ on earth and then beyond into afterlife. If we were to question and doubt these issues, then the Quran and Islam itself could have lost its purity as what we know it today 1430 years later. Doubts would arise on the sanctity of the revealed messages, thru dilution, changed or faked with introduction of many fabrications to satisfy or impress many thought processes, false reasoning with justifying, while passing through many hands throughout many generations. Fortunately, this has not happened, and thus the divine message has been safeguarded for generations to come.
Lester / June 11, 2013
Applying logic, or scientific methods and rules (the way you have done) does not do enough justice to prove God’s Law of creation.
You are so brainwashed with blind belief that you do not realize a simple fact: not only is religion a 100% human idea, but it has more to do with environment than anything else. So, there is no particular reason why you are Muslim, except that you were born in an “Islamic environment.” Just as easily, you could have been born to Christian parents in Sweden, or cannibal parents in New Guinea.
Now the second idea: someone had to teach you Islam. Religion is an artificial idea. The first people to teach you Islam were probably your parents. So we can assume that if your parents had not taught you Islam, the chance of you discovering it on your own is very unlikely.
Now let’s ask a simple question: if Islam is the revelation from God, why do humans learn Islam from other Muslims?
To summarize, you are a Muslim for the same reason that someone rolls a dice and gets a 6: entirely random. You did not learn Islam by yourself, but picked up the knowledge from other people.
Based on all this, we can say that Islam is not necessary for survival. One can live a perfectly happy life with no knowledge of Islam. And the proof is simple: the religion you are born to is entirely random.
Battle of the Sticks / June 11, 2013
Stick a batton long enough, you can see your backside swell in no time.
Lester / June 11, 2013
No need for baton, when you have Quran.
Marwan / June 11, 2013
O ya sicko! I bet you do that everyday to keep your mum happy.
Lester / June 11, 2013
It is your tip cut comrade who is searching for swelling, not me.
Pronto / June 13, 2013
You traced the nasty CT arrow and got wronged, withdraw it from your sheathe buddy. The batton was originally passed to the Lester to fist.
Dhimar / June 12, 2013
Six day creation?
The verses that mention “six days” use the Arabic word “youm” (day). This word appears several other times in the Quran, each denoting a different measurement of time. In one case, the measure of a day is equated with 50,000 years (70:4), whereas another verse states that “a day in the sight of your Lord is like 1,000 years of your reckoning” (22:47). The word “youm” is thus understood, within the Qur’an, to be a long period of time — an era or eon. Therefore, Muslims interpret the description of a “six day” creation as six distinct periods or eons. The length of these periods is not precisely defined, nor are the specific developments that took place during each period.
Lester / June 12, 2013
You cannot turn mythology into reality. 1000 human years is 1 day in “Allah’s time…” the Muslims stole this idea from the Hindus:
“Reckoning of time for Brahma
1000 Mahā-Yugas = 1 Kalpa = 1 day (day only) of Brahma”
Now after stealing this idea, you want to use it to try to make the Sumerian/Babylonian/Zoroastrian/Hebrew creation myth of Adam and Eve (what you claim was “revealed” to Muhammed) look more realistic? Nice try, man, but vague interpretations based on sketchy numbers is not science. Let us see what is wrong with your idea. It is someone else’s argument, but a very sensible one:
If Allah’s day or eon= 1000 years of our reckoning, then could we safely assert that this is the same eon which was used in the creation of the universe?…if you say no, then you have to demonstrate the analogy wrong
If yes, then 6 eons(where one eon =1000 years of our reckoning)=6000 years of our reckoning. all the problem lies here!
If all of this is correct, then this contradicts with established science.
Science tells us this:
1)first 10 seconds after big bang: protons, neutrons, electrons and photons
2)first 380,000 years after big bang: hydrogen atoms
3)first 300million years after big bang: initial stars
Now, 6000 years are inbetween POINT 1 AND 2…and there was almost nothing, even earth wasn’t there in the first place, it took at least 300 millions years before the initial stars formed, then the planets were created!!…
So if the heavens and earth were made in 2 eons(which according to my analogy=2000years)… it simply contradicts science.
AYMAN / June 13, 2013
Illiad / June 13, 2013
And Science lacks the theorams but the archaic Nakimiris principles with the 12 books of geometry to evaluate the 2 yonakas according to your cryptology. You always contradict science Lester, a shame unto science. The shameful theorams you propagate asking questions everytime makes the Oldmighty Zeus very angry.
AYMAN / June 13, 2013
You are walking down the road with a friend and come to a wreck. Your friend knows cars, so you point to one of the fragments on the road and ask your him, “Is this a piece of the car, or just a chip of rock?”
He explains: “This is one of the computer chips that control the motor. It checks the sensors, processes the information and gives commands. When the motor is cold, it provides a mixture richer in gasoline than when it is hot. If it detects one thing or another in the exhaust, it uses that information to change the mixture or the timing to make the motor run more efficiently.”
What made the chip? You have two choices:
It was put together by the blind forces of nature.
It was developed by an intelligent designer.
We recognize things that were conceived by a mind every day, but in the cases in which the designer of a complex object could not be a person, we are told that we should not reason like we do for everything else. Schoolbooks suggest that living cells, which control far more complex operations than any chip, came about by chance or by natural selection with no designer at all. As more and more has been learned about the fantastic complexity of what were once thought to be simple cells, the atheistic position has become ever more difficult to maintain. Something is being done about that! LESTER,YOU CAN SLIT HUMAN THROATS WITHOUT ANY FEELINGS.
Lester / June 15, 2013
The Universe does not need Allah to exist. Proof? Only humans are aware of Allah. If you tell a dog or cat about Allah, it will wag the tail or bite you. BUT, we know that humans are not the first forms of life to inhabit the planet. So we know that there was a period of time when there was life on Earth, but none of the plants or animals knew about Allah. From evolution, we know there is nothing special about humans. Humans have evolved from other animals. All of the animals depended (and still depend) on plants and oxygen, while the plants depend on the sun and oxygen. So, if humans destroyed every non-human form of life on the planet, they would destroy themselves. This proves that humans are not self-sufficient. If they are not self-sufficient, then they possess imperfections. If they possess imperfections, then we must ask how a perfect Creator can make an imperfect design. But this is a contradiction of the “perfect Creator hypothesis.” It must mean that no such Creator exists.
jsmath / June 9, 2013
anti halal is only a diversion to slowly to introduce Casinos,brothels,Alcohol,alienate land to foreigners, and anticipated economic crisis ,debt crisis combined with curruption and abuse of and rule of Law.Gullible majority has fallen for this hook ,line and sinker
Muliyawaikkal / June 9, 2013
BBS is not alone.
Racism’ or extinction?
“Once again we hear voices crying out that Israel is a “racist” state. Should we be surprised? Not really. Why is it that every other group of people can have at least one national homeland where they are the clear majority? Yet, if the same privilege is accorded to Jews it’s called “racist,” or the other famous term – “apartheid state.”
Israel is located in the center of the Middle East. This region is comprised of 22 Arab countries, which cover over five million square miles, with a combined population of more than 350 million people, over 90% of whom are Muslim. The 6+ million Jews who live in Israel make up roughly 1.7% of the region’s population, so the Arabs enjoy an overwhelming majority of the regional ethnicity.
The Jews and Israel have been under constant threat of annihilation since the day independence was declared in May 1948. Have the 350 million Arabs lived under such a threat from Israel for the past 65 years?
Within Israel itself, slightly over 20% of the population is Arab. They enjoy all the benefits of citizenship. They vote, own homes, businesses, property, serve in the Knesset and Supreme Court. Plus, they are excused from serving in the army. Is there a single Arab country where Jews enjoy these same rights? Not one.
The majority of Arab-Israeli citizens will tell you they have it pretty good, and would prefer living in Israel than in an Arab country. Moreover, a couple of years ago, when the PA threatened to annex eastern Jerusalem, the Israeli Office of Immigration was flooded with Arabs wanting to apply for Israeli citizenship. What does that tell you?
So why all the talk of racism? Some may say Israel needs to be more “democratic.” Well, in fact, everyone in Israel gets to vote. So why the complaints?
It seems the problem is pretty easy to identify. The basis for the complaints can be based on only one thing: Jews are the majority and want to remain the majority.
Danes are the majority in Denmark, Swiss are the majority in Switzerland, Muslims are the majority in 22 countries, but no one is accusing any of these countries of racism. Yet if six million Jews are the majority in a country which is the size of New Jersey this is deemed “racist,” one cannot help but wonder what truly motivates those who make such accusations.
Israel is a democracy which among other things allows freedom of speech. Thus, those who voice such complaints are allowed to and are protected under the law. Would Jews be allowed similar privilege as citizens of Arab countries? Hardly.
I think the Arab citizens of Israel who complain don’t know or appreciate how good they have it. They should be thankful for the right to speak out without the police banging down their door and dragging them off to a dark jail cell to be held without trial.
If Israel is seen as “racist” because it’s the only country in the world where Jews are the majority, let the accusations come, and consider the source of the accusers.
If Israel acquiesces, the Jewish nation becomes extinct, which is precisely what the accusers prefer.
Mahela / June 9, 2013
Your…..”Racism’ or extinction?” needs much more research, explanation and home study to be done.
It is no easy task to explain the situation in Middle East and Israel with a short comment like this.
All Palestine ask is to get back their land which Israel forcibly acquired in 1967, and Make Palestine an Independent State which is a legetimate demand under UN charter which Israel do not want to give, but keep on acquiring more Palestine lands under Israel daily.
You have to do more research on Zionism,Judaism,illuminati, Rockerfeller, Rothchilds, 9/11,Federal Reserve,Iraq,Libya, Iran, Afganistan,Syria,New world order,Free Mason,Big banks,Gulf Petrol,US $$$$, Alqueda, Salafi,Wahabi,Sunni, shia etc,etc, to know what is going inside Israel and outside in the world.
Please comment after you do all these research.
Good luck.
Lester / June 9, 2013
All Palestine ask is to get back their land which Israel forcibly acquired in 1967
Israel took the land only after three Arab nations tried to completely destroy Israel during the Six Day War. If the Arabs had won that war, there would not be a single Jew in Israel today. But Israel allows Arabs to live in Israel, despite the Arabs losing the war. So we can see who the real racists are.
Mahela / June 10, 2013
I think you write just after reading some bogus propeganda reports.
That’s why I said before that you need to do more indepth studies by reading the truth what I have written before.
Israel is Govern today not by real Jewish people, but by the Zionists whose ancestors are the Crusaders,Vikings, Mafiosas, illuminitis, skull bones, who are affiliated to Rockerfellers, Bilderberg, Rothchilds, Big Bankers, Federal Reserve etc, who fund all the wars in the world from 1st world war upto now.
1967 War was a result of Israel illegally occupying Palestine land and annexing more of Palestine land. The war was supported by USA Zionists that made Israel won it and still occupying mor land illegally.
Please watch the following webs and do your own research. Both USA and ZIsrael is run by the Zionists owned Big Bankers who fund all the wars.
Now all religions in the world are been penetrated by these Mafiosas, Zionists, Salafies, Wahabies, BBS, Hindu sects, Azam and myanmar Cults etc, which are been funded by these huge corporations to steal their wealth and to disrupt world economies and Governments and peoples lives. But Very soon things will get overturned.
Do your own research before commenting.
Lester / June 11, 2013
@ Mahela:
Show me one Muslim country (besides Iran) with a Jewish synagogue, then I will talk with you. A Jew is not allowed to practice his faith in a Muslim-majority nation, that is the reality today.
Mahela / June 12, 2013
That’s why I told you to do research on everything I have written about.
The muslim extremists such as Wahabi, Salafi,Jabat Al Nusra, Taliban, Jidahists etc, in the Muslim world not only restrict Jewish Temples but all the other religious temples been built in their land. Infact all other religions are haram to them. These are the Islam Extremists and not the peace loving Muslim people.
Also these extremists follow their rich tribal Wahabi, Salafi leaders who are very rich and fund them in wars.
These extremists are been funded by the same source now spreading among Sri Lanka Buddhist sects through BBS, Rawaya, Rawana etc, and also have penetrated into many other Religions in Asian and Africa and around the world.
It is a world wide virus and spreading fast….and very soon may end up in Europe and North America.
That’s why we need to see the root of this virus which is invisible but powerful and hard to fight.
Lester / June 9, 2013
Can you give me an example where a country has won a war and not taken any land from the loser?
Siri / June 10, 2013
Country^s name – Germany
They were defeated in the war, but their lands were not taken by anyone. This is known to anyone but to the grass eaters like Lester, Leela and the related obviously not :(
Lester / June 10, 2013
Country^s name – Germany
They were defeated in the war, but their lands were not taken by anyone.
Wrong. As a result of losing World War 1, Germany lost all its African colonies.
As for World War 2, Germany lost East Prussia, which was divided between Poland and the Soviet Union.
David Blacker / June 11, 2013
But didn’t you once claim that Hitler WON WW2? How did he lose all that land then? :D
Goppe Jeeva / June 13, 2013
Prussia was Prussia before the acquision of Germany. Prussian was the real cause of the 1st World War, whose Arcduke was killed Sarajevo in the vassal state of JugoSlav.
Jamal / June 12, 2013
Quite correct Siri. Germany did not lose ITS LAND(I.e GERMANY). It lost only ITS COLONIES ( which IS NOT GERMANY) . There is a difference between IT’S LAND and IT’S COLONIES. Gt. Britain couldn’t keep its COLONIES despite not losing a war!
Lester / June 12, 2013
Another Islamic scholar trying to rewrite history? More land lost by Germany after World War 1:
“Alsace and much of Lorraine—both originally German-speaking territories—were part of France, having been annexed by France′s King Louis XIV who desired the Rhine as a “natural border”. After approximately 200 years of French rule, Alsace and the German-speaking part of Lorraine were ceded to Germany in 1871 under the Treaty of Frankfurt. In 1919, both regions were returned to France.
– Northern Schleswig was returned to Denmark following a plebiscite on February 14, 1920 (area 3,984 km2 (1,538 sq mi), 163,600 inhabitants (1920)). Central Schleswig, including the city of Flensburg, opted to remain German in a separate referendum on 14 March 1920.
-Most of the Prussian provinces of Province of Posen (now Poznan) and of West Prussia which Prussia had annexed in the Partitions of Poland (1772–1795) were ceded to Poland (area 53,800 km2 (20,800 sq mi), 4,224,000 inhabitants (1931)) without a plebiscite. Most of the Province of Posen had already come under Polish control during the Greater Poland Uprising of 1918–1919.
-The Hultschin area of Upper Silesia was transferred to Czechoslovakia (area 316 km2 (122 sq mi) or 333 km2 (129 sq mi), 49,000 inhabitants) without a plebiscite.
-The eastern part of Upper Silesia was assigned to Poland, as in the Upper Silesia plebiscite inhabitants of about 45% of communities voted for this (with general results of 717,122 votes being cast for Germany and 483,514 for Poland).
-The area of Eupen-Malmedy was given to Belgium. An opportunity was given to the population to “protest” against the transfer by signing a register, which gathered few signatures. The Vennbahn railway was also transferred to Belgium.
-The area of Soldau in East Prussia, an important railway junction on the Warsaw–Danzig route, was transferred to Poland without a plebiscite (area 492 km2 (190 sq mi)).[19]
The northern part of East Prussia known as the “Memelland” or Memel Territory was placed under the control of France and was later annexed by Lithuania.[20]
-From the eastern part of West Prussia and the southern part of East Prussia, after the East Prussian plebiscite a small area was ceded to Poland.
-The Territory of the Saar Basin was to be under the control of the League of Nations for 15 years, after which a plebiscite between France and Germany was to decide to which country it would belong. During this time, coal would be sent to France. The region was then called the Saargebiet (German: “Saar Area”) and was formed from southern parts of the German Rhine Province and western parts of the Bavarian Palatinate under the “Saar statute” of the Versailles Treaty of 28. 6. 1919 (Article 45–50).[21]
-The strategically important port of Danzig with the delta of the Vistula River on the Baltic Sea was separated from Germany as the Freie Stadt Danzig (Free City of Danzig).”
Jamal / June 13, 2013
The original query was,
Can you give me an example where a country has won a war and not taken any land from the loser? Lester – June 9, 2013 11:17 pm and in reply He states….
1. Alsace and much of Lorraine……were part of France, ……In 1919, both regions were returned to France.
2. Northern Schleswig was returned to Denmark following a plebiscite on February 14, 1920 (area 3,984 km2 (1,538 sq mi), 163,600 inhabitants (1920)). Central Schleswig, including the city of Flensburg, opted to remain German in a separate referendum on 14 March 1920.
3. The Hultschin area of Upper Silesia was transferred to Czechoslovakia (area 316 km2 (122 sq mi) or 333 km2 (129 sq mi), 49,000 inhabitants) without a plebiscite.
There is no point in repeating all BS written by @Lester.
Let the CT reader decide whether all the lands mentioned was as a result of a war being won and land being taken from the loser?
Lester / June 13, 2013
There are (or were) significant numbers of ethnic Germans in all of those places. If you don’t know the history of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, stick to Quran. Six day creation, flat earth, and other “miracles” are easier for simple minds to comprehend.
Jamal / June 15, 2013
@Lester, you asked a question and gave a KOHEDDE YANNE MULLEY POL answer. Without giving an intelligent reply you try to bring in a totally unrelated topic connecting Islam and the Noble Prophet to every topic you contribute, do you think you could stifle criticism this way? Your own question is not whether these lands were originally German but whether Germany lost it on account of the war? Why don’t you read your question and your reply a hundred times to absorb a sense of relevance to your hate filled brain.
Jamal / June 15, 2013
(“Yawm” = day, a period) hence yawn in this context cannot be a solar day because it precedes creation of the universe. Hence the other meaning should be a period of time. Hence the universe was created in six stages is the correct interpretation. A flat earth is a conception of your warped mind! As for our simple minds at least we have established that they are clear, NOT A PSYCHOPATHICALLY COMPLICATED ONE SUCH AS YOURS.
Lester / June 17, 2013
(“Yawm” = day, a period) hence yawn in this context cannot be a solar day because it precedes creation of the universe. Hence the other meaning should be a period of time. Hence the universe was created in six stages is the correct interpretation.
What is the period of time for a “yawm”?
Yawm can mean “day.” Yawm idea of Islam is borrowed from the Hebrews. It was already in the Bible/Torah before Muhammed plagiarized it.
“”An elaborate word study of the Hebrew yom (“day”) is not necessary to show that it is used rather like our English word “day”. Often it means a period of activity during which the sun is up, roughly twelve hours long, depending on the season (Genesis 1:5; 1:14a). At other times it represents a day-night pair, a 24 hour day (Genesis 1:14b; Numbers 3:13). Less frequently it is used for longer periods of time (Genesis 2:4; Ecclesiastes 12:3).”
“In case the Learner tries to argue that certain Muslim scholars actually taught that the days of the Quran were not literal, but that each day referred to a thousand years this would still be problematic.
First, this would still leave us with the problem that the universe was created in approximately six thousand years, a number that the consensus of the scientific community rejects.”
Jamal / June 17, 2013
@lester we have had enough of your damn balderdash! Please don’t try to impose your ignorant and misleading interpretations as erudition. Internet pundits borrowing diverse ideas from islamaphobic sites cannot equate to linguistic scholars who have mastered the sciences of philology and other related subjects. Tell us Mr. KNOW ALL how one plaigarises a word? I have heard of literary works or articles being plaigarised but a word? Once again your hate filled brain has clouded your thought processes. I explain not to you but to CT readers, that the Arabic word YAWM can be a day or an unspecified period of time. Taken in the context of creation, the universe was created in SIX STAGES. There are similar words in Arabic. “HEENA” is such a word which also denotes a period of time, the actual length depending on the context of its use. In the Judeo-Christian context the Bible scholars may have tended to specify creation in SIX DAYS and the SEVENTH being a day of rest. Islam does not concur with this concept. How can YAWM be a solar day when it precedes creation. A solar day was defined only after the creation of the sun and the earth! As for the quotations from the Bible they are irrelevant for the reasons stated above. The reference to a celestial day equal to a thousand years refers to a particular activity viz the transmission of His ordinance.
Again another activity of the angels occur much faster as for the following verse:
So interpretation of the Quran with Internet infected knowledge is not only dangerous but only expose Lesters manic hatred against Islam.
Lester / June 17, 2013
the Arabic word YAWM can be a day or an unspecified period of time.
When one starts plagiarizing, the problem of how much to plagiarize becomes a central issue. :)
The early Muslim scholars believed the Earth was created in exactly six days. Revisionism by modern Muslim scholars began only after modern science suggested the creation of the Earth took much longer. This is the view of Moiz Amjad:
“The traditional Muslim scholars who, obviously were not exposed to the modern day research in the fields of Archeology etc. took the word “Yawm” to mean a 24-hour time interval that we call a day. The previous Muslim scholars could have been mistaken, like any other human being, because of their lack of exposure to the scientific and Archeological data that was only made available to man at a very later stage in time.”
If the early Muslim scholars thought the Earth is made in 6 days, why should Muhammed think differently? After all, Muhammed was illiterate.
Secondly, Hebrew is older than Arabic. It is obvious that the Arabic word “yawm” was borrowed from the Hebrew word “yom.” In regards to creation, it cannot be an accident that for the Hebrews, God made the Earth in six days, and for the Muslims, God made the Earth in six days.
How can YAWM be a solar day when it precedes creation.
Ask the traditional Muslim scholars.
Jamal / June 18, 2013
As usual the ignoramus Lester has sot himself in his foot. “Secondly, Hebrew is older than Arabic. It is obvious that the Arabic word “yawm” was borrowed from the Hebrew word “yom.”
Let me educate this charlatan since he has exhibited his abysmal ignorance of these two Semitic languages.
Arabic and Hebrew are certainly two distinct, mutually unintelligible languages. However, it will be immediately apparent to one who studies even a little of each that they do share grammatical similarities of many kinds, including each having many words that are similar in both sound and meaning to corresponding words in the other language. Many of these lexical correspondences can be traced back to several historical periods in which Hebrew borrowed words from Arabic. A small number likely originated as Hebrew loan-words that entered Arabic (possibly via Aramaic) in the centuries that led up to the revelation of the Qur’an. But going back even further, into the most remote ancient linguistic strata of both languages, before any borrowings between them had taken place, there can already be found many words that, but for minor differences in pronunciation, are exactly the same in both languages. This is due to the fact that both Arabic and Hebrew are members of the Semitic family of languages. The ancient words they share in common are primitive linguistic survivals in the two tongues from a period before they had split apart. These words go back to a time in which Semitic peoples were speaking different dialects of Proto-Semitic, the name that scholars have given the ancient language from which all Semitic languages originate, its lexicon describing the daily life of the inhabitants of the Middle East of more than 7000 years ago.
Tabulated below are a selection of related Arabic and Hebrew words which appear in the most ancient written records of each language. Forms similar to these occur in the earliest examples of other Semitic tongues as well, such as those of ancient Ethiopia (Ge’ez), Mesopotamia (Akkadian), and Phoenicia (Phoenician, Punic).
As can be seen in the tables above, there was a time when the two languages might have been understood as being merely different dialects of a single tongue. However, linguistic change being inevitable, this state would not last. By the time Hebrew and Arabic would emerge from Proto-Semitic as separate languages, many previously identical words had diverged considerably in pronunciation, in many cases beyond the point of mutual intelligibility, as will be seen in the next section.
Arabic. Hebrew. Meaning
dam dam. blood
Isba esba finger
umm. em. Mother
ab av Father
akh. ah brother
ukht ahot sister
ibn bin son
bint bat daughter
Despite their differing outward forms, for each example above there is a single Proto-Semitic word from which both the Arabic and Hebrew words have descended. In the first, it would have been a word denoting a type of opening; in the second, a negative emotion. The words’ meanings have diverged somewhat, and even more so have the sounds of the words, so that the original one-to-one root letter correspondence between the pairs of words in each example is at this point invisible. If however one understands the predictable way in which Semitic sounds have changed over time, one can recognize each pair as having root letters that were originally exactly the same.
Most letters of the Hebrew alphabet are related to letters of the Arabic alphabet in a one-to-one predictable correspondence, having exact counterparts in the other language that, for the most part, represent the exact same sounds.
So much for Lester’s understanding of the word “plagiarism.” As regards his chronic hatred of Islam and the lies he spreads, nothing can be done except to be patient as there existed worse scoundrels in early times and we know what there fate was!
Jamal / June 18, 2013
* sot to be replaced with shot
Lester / June 18, 2013
Too bad Moiz Amjad, a famous Islamic scholar, does not agree with you. He clearly says the early Muslim scholars believed the Earth was created in exactly 6 days.
Jamal / June 19, 2013
@Lester Too bad Moiz Amjad, a famous Islamic scholar, does not agree with you. He clearly says the early Muslim scholars believed the Earth was created in exactly 6 days.
Lester, what a prized idiot you happen to be! Moiz Ahmed? Who? A scholar? An Islamic scholar?? Is Every one who writes a book a scholar in your judgement? What a blabbering fool you try to make yourself to be. You do not know ISLAM and you nothing about SCHOLARSHIP so how can YOU decide who an ISLAMIC SCHOLARis! Even if the early scholars mentioned YAWMwas a DAY, in the light of SCIENTIFIC knowledge they will and must change their concept to STAGES. This the beauty of Islamic scholarship. BTW the Holy Prophet did not give the meaning of YAWM as a DAY. The fact of elucidating meanings with time has occurred on numerous occasions. Take the word ALAQA . It has three meanings. One is a blood clot. Another something that is suspended. The third a LEECH.
In the early days they assigned the meaning of a clot. the primitive cardiovascular system in an embryo during the alaqah stage. The external appearance of the embryo and its sacs is similar to that of a blood clot, due to the presence of relatively large amounts of blood present in the embryo. (The Developing Human, Moore, 5th ed., )
This is well known where an embryo is suspended to the womb.
The similarities in appearance between a leech and a human embryo at the alaqah stage. (See Leech drawing in The Developing Human, Moore and Persaud, 5th ed., p. 73.) We also find similarity between the two as that the embryo at this stage obtains nourishment from the blood of the mother, similar to the leech, which feeds on the blood of others.
In the early days the blood clot meaning applied according to the knowledge of that time. But with time and scientific advancement the other meanings fell in place! Hence all three meanings apply. I can quote many more examples like this. This is therefore from the beauty and miracles of the Noble Quran.
Jamal / June 19, 2013
* “and you nothing about SCHOLARSHIP” to read “and you know nothing about SCHOLARSHIP”
*. “the Holy Prophet did not give the meaning of YAWM as a DAY” should read “as the Holy Prophet did not give the meaning of YAWM as a DAY in THIS CONTEXT”
Lester / June 20, 2013
Moiz Ahmed? Who? A scholar? An Islamic scholar??
Moiz Amjad studied Islam under one of the most renowned Islamic scholars. He is also director of a center for Islamic studies. What are your credentials? Chewing betel in Gampaha?
However, in 1988, preferring to study the Islamic disciplines in the traditional method of personal tutelage which is still in vogue in the sub-continent he (Moiz Amjad) was accepted as a pupil by a renowned scholar of Islamic law and philosophy, in Pakistan, Javed Ahmad Ghamidi – a pupil of one of the most respected Islamic scholars in the Sub-Continent and a commentator of the Qur’an – Amin Ahsan Islahi. Under the guidance of Ghamidi, Moiz Amjad studied the Arabic language, the Qur’an and other Islamic disciplines and in January 2000 was appointed Research Associate to his mentor.
Even if the early scholars mentioned YAWMwas a DAY, in the light of SCIENTIFIC knowledge they will and must change their concept to STAGES.
LOL, Jamal is admitting that science is right and Islam is wrong. The proof: if not for science, Islam will still be promoting false knowledge.
This the beauty of Islamic scholarship.
There is no beauty in plagiarism or inaccuracy. Either the Earth was created in 6 days or it was not. You cannot suddenly change the figure and call it the “beauty of scholarship.” :) A simple example: after Newton came Einstein. But Newton is not wrong. Einsten just gave the most general theory, showing that Newton’s laws are only a special case. So, you can add to a theory, but if the theory is fundamentally wrong, there is nothing to add, it is rubbish from start to finish.
BTW the Holy Prophet did not give the meaning of YAWM as a DAY.
Moiz Amjad has clearly said the early Islamic scholars thought the Earth was made in exactly six days. There is no reason to think your illiterate Bedouin friend thought otherwise. Now go back to chewing betel.
Siri / June 10, 2013
Two cts worth comments leading to cause pains can only create new disharmonies among the communities. At Least now rulers should learn to address the real issues. Acquiring lands of any folks, as a buddhist sinahlese, I find not acceptable. Today, this has been their business not only in the north but some areas in South (Hikkaduwa), Katharagama, in which rulers supporters trying to grab the lands from the owners by any abusive tricks. There is no police to help these innocent owners, nor have their got funds to pay for lawyers. So please educated folks should focus all these wholeheartedly because mixing single incidents creating new clashes between communities.
Lester / June 18, 2013
The island wasn’t Argentinian territory.
It became Argentinian territory when the Argentinians set up a military base (with no prior permission) there.
Legality is not adjudged by the ability to enforce the law
Actually it is. The absence of law enforcement is anarchy.
“nor was the South Sandwich Islands a “former” British colony as you foolishly claim. It was British territory.
Perhaps in the imagination of corpse collectors.
The name “British Overseas Territory” was introduced by the British Overseas Territories Act 2002, replacing the name British Dependent Territory introduced by the British Nationality Act 1981. Prior to the 1st January 1983, the territories were officially referred to as Crown colonies.
That is why the loss of the Vietnam War (a fact in spite of your claims to the contrary)
Too bad many historians disagree with you. For example, this guy:
His credentials are quite impressive, especially compared to yours.
didn’t result in the US losing its territory to North Vietnam.
USA lost the ability to keep military bases in Vietnam, unlike in Korea, Japan, and Germany.
A similar case in the First Gulf War, where Iraq lost Kuwait
That just confirms my hypothesis. Go back to corpse, oops, I mean stamp collecting.
David Blacker / June 28, 2013
“It became Argentinian territory when the Argentinians set up a military base (with no prior permission) there.”
No, it didn’t any more than the Falklands became Argentinian or Paris became German or Kuwait became Iraqi just because it was invaded and captured. I know you only got to Grade 3 at Retard Maha Vidyalaya, but even you should know this. :D
“Actually it is. The absence of law enforcement is anarchy.”
But the existence of anarchy is not the existence of legality; it is simply the lack of law enforcement. When you run a red light or look at kiddy porn, that doesn’t make what you do legal simply because there was no policeman there to stop you. Did your mum repeatedly drop you on your head as a baby, or was that one time enough to do all this damage?
“Prior to the 1st January 1983, the territories were officially referred to as Crown colonies.”
Whatever they were called, they were British territory. They were not Argentinian. And you’re still a retard.
“Too bad many historians disagree with you. For example, this guy:”
Yes, Rambo thinks so too, but I wouldn’t call him a historian :D But I’m glad you confirmed that claim that you believe the US won the Vietnam War, just as you did on Groundviews. The subhead you missed (I guess the interbreeding in your tiny gene pool has affected your eyes) says that the Left snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. How do you snatch defeat if you’ve won? You can win all the military battles and still lose the war, and if there’s anyone who actually believes the US won Vietnam and the Germans WW2, they need some stronger meds :D
“USA lost the ability to keep military bases in Vietnam, unlike in Korea, Japan, and Germany.”
The ability to keep bases in territories does not make said territories your own. If that were so, Germany, Korea, Japan and the UK would be US territory; they are not, btw :D
“That just confirms my hypothesis.”
Kuwait wasn’t Iraqi territory, numbnuts; and you should have flushed after you unloaded that hypothesis.
“Go back to corpse, oops, I mean stamp collecting.”
I will when you stop banging that corpse, oops, I mean your mum.
Cargills / June 13, 2013
India, in the Kargil war they claim their triumph, but no piece of land.
David Blacker / June 13, 2013
Kargil was already part of India. So they were simply recapturing their land. It was also a battle, not a war.
Losers don’t always lose land. The US lost the Vietnam War (though Heshan/Lester disagrees) but didn’t lose any territory. South Vietnam did.
Britain won the Falklands War but didn’t capture any new territory, nor did Argentina lose any land they held before.
Of course, Heshan/Lester got his education at the Google Maha Vidyalaya, so he’s a bit unsure of these things.
Lester / June 13, 2013
nor did Argentina lose any land they held before.
Clearly Blacker has never heard of the Sandwich Islands.
“On 20 June the British retook the South Sandwich Islands, (which involved accepting the surrender of the Southern Thule Garrison at the Corbeta Uruguay base) and declared hostilities to be over.”
Better stick to corpse, oops, I mean stamp collecting.
David Blacker / June 14, 2013
On 20 June the British RETOOK the South Sandwich Islands
Retook, numbnuts, REtook. How do you RETAKE something that isn’t yours in the first place? :D The United Kingdom claimed sovereignty over the South Sandwich Islands in 1908. Argentina laid claim only in 1938. It was British territory captured by Argentina and recaptured by Britain.
Better stick to learning English and stop sticking it to corpses ;)
Lester / June 14, 2013
Argentina had a military base on the South Sandwich Islands. Try going to India and setting up your own military base; let’s see if India agrees.
Lester / June 14, 2013
Since you don’t understand the meaning of having a military base on a tropical island without any prior consent, I will give an example. If a corpse collector went to the South Sandwich Islands before the Falklands War, and the Argentine military killed him for espionage, the British could do nothing. Therefore, since British law cannot be enforced, the claim of British “sovereignity” amounts to zero, just like it does with all former British colonies where the majority of the people do not claim British descent (and in some cases do claim British descent).
Jamal / June 15, 2013
David not worth putting sense into this psychopath. He made the initial mistake of asking the wrong question that has tied him down in knots and loosened his pants. Did you notice that to deflect any criticism of his views by a Muslim he replies with VENOM abusing the Quran and slandering the Holy Prophet? Not a sign of a sane mind is it? Just trash him and his views into the dustbin of hate and wickedness, that is the only place he belongs.
Lester / June 15, 2013
.. he replies with VENOM abusing the Quran and slandering the Holy Prophet?
If you want to see real abuse of the Quran, Youtube has many good videos. :) Everything from commode treatment to bonfire to doormat.
Jamal / June 16, 2013
This confirms your junkyard origins if you are covinced with the sewer stuff that YOUTUBE displays and repeat them. Of course for that tumor ridden brain of yours, you are not concerned with sorting the wheat from the chaff as true intellectuals do. What ever shit and rubbish the Internet Islamaphobes serve is holy grail to you and your ilk. Keep shouting from the sewer pit – it will not change the opinion of rational human beings!
David Blacker / June 18, 2013
Since you don’t understand the meaning of having a military base on a tropical island without any prior consent, I will give an example.”
It seems that it’s you that doesn’t. Argentina set up a military base on an island that is British territory. They were then kicked out when the island was retaken. The island wasn’t Argentinian territory.
If a corpse collector went to the South Sandwich Islands before the Falklands War, and the Argentine military killed him for espionage, the British could do nothing. Therefore, since British law cannot be enforced, the claim of British “sovereignity” amounts to zero, just like it does with all former British colonies where the majority of the people do not claim British descent”
Legality is not adjudged by the ability to enforce the law you poor retarded fool, nor was the South Sandwich Islands a “former” British colony as you foolishly claim. It was British territory. It was your logic that the Brits could do nothing to avert an illegality that caused the Argentinians to be overconfident and invade the Falklands. It’s pretty fortunate that idiots such as yourself are not allowed beyond blogging, unfortunately for the world there are many just like you who have been.
We can continue embarrassing you for a week or so as is usually the case before you disappear, but the fact is that not all wars are over territory, and certainly not one’s home territory. That is why the loss of the Vietnam War (a fact in spite of your claims to the contrary) didn’t result in the US losing its territory to North Vietnam. A similar case in the First Gulf War, where Iraq lost Kuwait, but not its own territory. History is replete with such examples, though I understand that your intellectual handicap makes that rather difficult for you to realize.
Lester / June 18, 2013
Arabic and Hebrew are certainly two distinct, mutually unintelligible languages.
As I have said many times on this website, Muhammed did not have any so-called “revelations.” The so-called “revelations” are based on stories he picked up from interactions with Hebrews, Christians, and pagans.
Let me again quote Moiz Amjad, an Islamic scholar:
“The traditional Muslim scholars who, obviously were not exposed to the modern day research in the fields of Archeology etc. took the word “Yawm” to mean a 24-hour time interval that we call a day.
Given that the Quranic creation story is almost 100% plagairized from the Bible/Torah, it is not difficult to figure out where this word “yawm”, as well as its meaning, comes from.
Jamal / June 19, 2013
@Lester read my reply above. Whether Muhammed had revelations or not is not the question here. You are free to believe whatever your sordid and warped imagination drives you to believe. Nearly 2 BILLION Muslims and a HOST of non-Muslim intellectuals think otherwise. You state the Quranic creation story is almost 100% plagiarized . I do not know your credentials to ascertain whether you are qualified sufficiently to make this statement. I would say definitely not on the premise that you keep blabbering like a sixth grade rabble rousing BLACKGUARD. However to educate your ignorant mind I would refer to Dr. Bucaille’s book , The Bible, The Qur’an and Science: The Holy Scriptures Examined in the Light of Modern Knowledge. Dr. Bucaille was a French medical doctor, member of the French Society of Egyptology. You will learn of umpteen number of differences in the Creation Story to make your hair stand straight ( assuming you head is not externally bare as is internally.). PEACE!!
Lester / June 20, 2013
The Bible, The Qur’an and Science: The Holy Scriptures Examined in the Light of Modern Knowledge.
If these “scriptures” were as “holy” as you claim, there would be no need to reexamine them, in the light of any knowledge. :) No one is reexamining Newton’s Laws or the Theory of Relativity, they are simply confirming the validity of these theories with new discovery after discovery. For example, GPS is proof of relativity. Every application of GPS is even more proof.
Lester / June 21, 2013
You state the Quranic creation story is almost 100% plagiarized . I do not know your credentials to ascertain whether you are qualified sufficiently to make this statement.
Simple. Suppose culture A has a creation story about Zeus creating Mickey Mouse and Goofy. Then, 1000 years later, culture B has the same story, except that Zeus is now “Allah.” You cannot say the story is not the same just because in Culture A’s story, Zeus takes a rest on the 7th day, but in Culture B’s story, Allah chooses the 7th day to smoke hookah. The main points are all the same: Zeus/Allah creates something out of nothing, Zeus/Allah creates the Earth in six days, Zeus/Allah makes a man named Adam out of dust, and gives him a woman, Eve…. Eve eats a magical apple and all is lost. Arguing whether six days really means 60 years or 600,000 years is irrelevent as to the fact that this story is not unique to Islam. There many Christians who also argue that six days really means many more years.
In any event, these are all myths… the real danger is not the story itself, however silly it sounds. Everyone needs a good laugh. The real danger is when people take these myths as actual facts and strap bombs to the nether regions.
Jamal / June 21, 2013
To the MASTER OF KOHEDDE YANNE MALLE POL I have answered sufficiently. If you cannot absorb it, sorry I cannot think of anyone who could help. You have cunningly avoided questions you feel uncomfortable to answer and keep repeating MALLE POL. MALLE POL. You are also avoiding answering @NOBODY in another thread inspite of repeated requests to do so. This amounts to you cowardly throwing the towel in that instance. Apparently your mental malaise gives you satisfaction in having the WRONG last word, so before the tumor consumes the last bit of your polluted brain, I will give you that sadistic satisfaction. I hope God willing not to give you an opportunity to blaspheme my religion and slander the one who to me is the Best of Creation.
Lester / June 22, 2013
I hope God willing not to give you an opportunity to blaspheme my religion and slander the one who to me is the Best of Creation.
Your religion slanders itsel, by the very fact of its existence. I am merely an observer. :)
“I asked myself what Palestinians would do if Israel disappeared — if everything not only went back to the way it was before 1948 but if all the Jewish people abandoned the Holy Land and were scattered again. And for the first time, I knew the answer.
We would still fight. Over nothing. Over a girl without a head scarf. Over who was toughest and most important. Over who would make the rules and who would get the best seat.”
― Mosab Hassan Yousef, Son of Hamas
See, according to the son of the Hamas leader, even if your greatest jihadi wet dream – the destruction of Israel – came true, life would hardly improve for the Palestinians. Because Islam has incapacitated its followers, both mentally and physically. That is why you are unwilling to subject the Quran to an objective analysis. Instead, you argue that it should “evolve over time.” Quran is 1 one book, with the words fixed. If it was wrong on day 1, it will be wrong on the 11 millionth day as well.
Muliyawaikkal / June 10, 2013
Jihadis are worse.
Too bad Tamil Elamists and Palestinians lost! :((
Point of View / June 10, 2013
I feel sorry for your ignorance !
JimSofty / June 10, 2013
Mr. Zacky’s second article is not completely himself. Assuming that his first article was himself, the content for this article should have come from others’ minds.
If he says, this completely what he wanted to prove,then that shows, that Mr. Zacky is another dishonest muslim who only objective is to promote his cult.
Lester / June 10, 2013
The promotion of the cult is the goal of every member:
JimSofty / June 10, 2013
People have calculated at what point the every nation is unsustainable, and they are reaching that point, – that is in the developed world, every one wants to make money and they don’t want to make children. the result is each nation will be reaching a thresh hold point after which only the immigrants will thrive.
In that instance,only the muslims thrive. Because, their objective is to make more children and expand the faith.
JimSofty / June 10, 2013
In that sense, Sri Lanka’s goal of economical development at the expense of the social values just DESTRUCTIVE to the country.
Lester / June 11, 2013
Exactly. Muslims do not follow the normal economic pattern of more wealth = less children. This is not just a religious problem, it is an economic one as well. Muslims are not necessarily the most productive members of society, so if their numbers increase without limit, the development of the overall society will be limited.
Lester / June 11, 2013
On the other hand, I am glad if Muslims take over Britain. It is karma for all the rot the British caused during the colonial time. Sri Lanka, India, China, East Indies; let the British buggers pay! And Scotland and Ireland can finally be free.
Point of View / June 10, 2013
The honest Buddhist talking ?
zakky mza / June 10, 2013
i talk about science.talking science is good for u.if u can unproof this statements.
M.Sivananthan / June 10, 2013
Islam justify murder, rape and robbery. Then what the hell this man writes here?
Encroaching and destroying are the ways of the Islam. Now Muslims try to impose their WILD practices on others. That must be stopped by BBS or any others.
Muslisms/ Muslim countries never talk anything about Human Rights or UN charter of Human Rights because islam teach them how to be ganster.
Jamal / June 11, 2013
Some selected notes gleaned from the Internet:
“This thine heroic power men of old time have known, wherewith thou breakest down, Indra, autumnal forts, breakest them down with conquering might. Thou hast chastised, O Indra, Lord of Strength, the man who worships not, and made thine own this great earth and these water-floods; with joyous heart these water floods” (Rig Veda book 1: hymn 131: 4)
“These thine old deeds new bards have sung, O Indra. Thou conquerest, boundest many tribes for ever.
Like castles thou hast crushed the godless races, and bowed the godless scorner’s deadly weapon.” (Rig veda: 1: 175: 8)
“Slay each reviler, and destroy him who in secret injures us:Do thou, O Indra, give us hope of beauteous horses and of kine In thousands, O most wealthy One.” (Rig Veda: 1:29:7)
Here the Hindu prays to Indra to kill anyone who insults them.
” Thou, hero-hearted, hast broken down Pipru’s forts, and helped jiśvan when the Dasyus were struck dead. Thou savedst Kutsa when Śua was smitten down; to Atithigva gavest Śambara for a prey. Even mighty Arbuda thou troddest under foot: thou from of old wast born to strike the Dasyus dead.” (Rig veda 1:51:5-6)
“He, much invoked, hath slain Dasyus and Śimyus, after his wont, and laid them low with arrows. The mighty Thunderer with his fair-complexioned friends won the land,the sunlight, and the waters.” (Rig veda 1:100:18)
Both Dasyus and Simyus were darker peoples who refused to bow down to the sadistic Vedas gods.
“He righteous singer shall o’ercome his enemies, and he who serves the Gods subdue the godless man.
The zealous man shall vanquish the invincible, the worshipper share the food of him who worships not.” (Rig veda book 2: hymn 26: 1)
“Him who did Uraṇa to death, Adhvaryus! though showing arms ninety-and-nine in number;
Who cast down headlong Arbuda and slew him,—speed ye that Indra to our offered Soma.
Ye ministers, to him who struck down Svaśna, and did to death Vyaṁsa and greedy Śuṣṇa,
And Rudhikrās and Namuci and Pipru,—to him, to Indra, pour ye forth libation.
Ye ministers, to him who as with thunder demolished Śambara’s hundred ancient castles;
Who cast down Varcin’s sons, a hundred thousand,—to him, to Indra, offer ye the Soma.
Ye ministers, to him who slew a hundred thousand, and cast them down upon earth’s bosom”
(Rig Veda: 2: 14:4-7)
The above verses document some of Indra’s attrocities. Indra is the head of the devas or deities. He is praised much in the Vedas and is one of Hinduism’s most honoured gods.
This is what many hindu’s will try to hide from you. The brutal reality of Hinduism is that it is a violent religion. Just a quick skim through the Vedas, hinduism’s most holy book, will reveal stories upon stories of “gods” leading armies, attacking those deemed inferior based on both religion and skin colour.
Lester / June 20, 2013
LOL, you quote Hindu mythology to try to show that Hindus are violent? The Hindus had these stories to explain the difference between right and wrong. Hindus are not instructed by their books to go and kill in the name of any god. No 72 virgins for the Hindu jihadis!
David Blacker / June 20, 2013
That’s debatable. In the Mahabarat, when Arjuna refused to go to war because he believed it was wrong, Krishna attempts various devices to spur him on, appealing to his honour, his patriotism, even his masculinity. When all fails and Arjuna sits down in his chariot, Krishna’s final command is that Arjuna simply sacrifice his misgivings to Krishna and proceed, ie to trust Krishna that he is right and follow his commands by going to war.
Jamal / June 23, 2013
You do not need any books, religious or otherwise, to know that in a war context you got to KILL. Whether in the name of GOD or not when you are engaged in WAR you fight to KILL not to preach BANA. Where GOD comes in is to fight the good fight ,not TRANSGRESSING the ETHICS of WAR. that was enunciated to the Muslims, the Prophet gave various injunctions to his forces and adopted practices toward the conduct of war. The most important of these were summarized by Muhammad’s companion and first Caliph, Abu Bakr, in the form of ten rules for the Muslim army:
Jamal / June 23, 2013
“Hindus are not instructed by their books to go and kill in the name of any god.”
Rig Veda is a Holy book to the Hindus. it commands.
“Slay each reviler, and destroy him who in secret injures us:” (Rig Veda: 1:29:7)
Like castles thou hast crushed the godless races, and bowed the godless scorner’s deadly weapon.” (Rig veda: 1: 175:
Slay means to KILL in English, Crushing above connotes not with kisses but with swords.
Hence HINDUs are definitely instructed to KILL in common English. Let the HIndus decide whether the Vedas are works of Mythology or their religious works.
Jamal / June 11, 2013
M.Sivananthan – Writes
Muslisms/ Muslim countries never talk anything about Human Rights or UN charter of Human Rights because islam teach them how to be ganster.
Justice Sri Lankabhimanya Christopher Gregory Weeramantry, is an ex-Sri Lankan Judge and lawyer. He was a former Judge of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) from 1991 to 2000, serving as Vice-President of the ICJ from 1997 to 2000. Justice Weeramantry was a Judge of the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka from 1967 to 1972.[1] He is currently an Emeritus Professor at Monash University.
He writes as follows
Islamic Jurisprudence: An International Perspective by Judge Christopher G. Weeramantry.
M.Sivananthan / June 13, 2013
Justice Weeramantry never touched the “sharia” or he did not know the horrors in Islam.
Some politicians of islamic countries once tried to find ways to accomodate International Human rights in islamic countries and they failed in the efforts because islam dont accept those issues!
Jamal / June 13, 2013
Don’t write like a blind idiot. The book is on Islamic Jurisprudence and you cannot cover this topic if you do not know the principles of Sharia law! You do not seem to have read what was written. Did you not read above that Justice Weeramantry states Human rights doctrine based upon the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet was expressed in terms which will strike the reader as surpassingly modern . If you cannot understand plain english why don’t you amuse your friends on Tamilnet?
Rajo / June 11, 2013
Cow dung you apply to your forehead and eat as vibuthi as holy ash, look into your own hindu mythology, how krishna enticed a married women Radha and screwed her and then got married to 1000 women and then through a curse all these 1000 women were slayed with the 1000 children too how do you justify this?
M.Sivananthan / June 13, 2013
So, your Mohamed tried to copy Krishna in the matter of women. Muslims too follow Krishna now! But Hindus changed and dont follow Krishna!
Temperadu / June 13, 2013
And what you follow is the ladies smelly underpant thief Mugura who stopped of the habits only when he got red handed with a tamponed bikini.
JimSofty / June 10, 2013
Mr. Zacky:
HALAL system is some thing borrowed from the JEWISH system.
‘The Hebrew term shechita (anglicized: /ʃəxiːˈtɑː/; Hebrew: שחיטה, [ʃχiˈta]), also transliterated shehitah, shechitah, shehita, is the ritual slaughter of mammals and birds for food according to Jewish dietary laws ‘
Mahela / June 12, 2013
Jim Softy,
Yes Jewish have Kosher foods while Muslims have Halal. Both are identical when selecting.
Also the way Jewish people resite and study The Hebrew Bible and Muslims the Quran are same.
Also when Jewish wear the Black skullcaps, Muslims wear the White ones.
Many times both grow beards.
Also in conservative families when selecting partners both follow same pattern.
They both have 40 day fasting…..including Christians.
Both children of One Father but two different wives.
They both Circumcise.
They burry their dead same way…….no monuments once buried.
The only difference is Jewish families are very small and there is a reason for it which I don’t want to mention…..while Muslim families are large.
M.Sivananthan / June 13, 2013
Jewish “Talmud” tells about usings a THREE year old girl for sex. If the girl get “damges” ask to pay 20 shakels to the girl.
Mohamed used a six year old girl. Muslims/Jews are still doing it!
Drawpatti / June 14, 2013
The real reason linked to your preterm birth, poor hydrocephalus?
Rajo / June 14, 2013
Sivanatham, your name denotes that you are a hindu then have you read the stories of Vishnu, Krishna and Radha and many others illicit indulgence, Vishnu transforms into a transvestite then goes for sexual pleasure. Do you need more?
Muliyawaikkal / June 11, 2013
Only 10% of SLs are Muslims so there is no need for Halal. When you are in Rome act like a Roman (not an Arab). Otherwise trouble.
Malevolent / June 13, 2013
That arguement goes for a vistor you fool mollywaggel.
Dhimar / June 12, 2013
It is not their meat nor their blood, that reaches Allah: it is your piety that reaches Him: He has thus made them subject to you, that ye may glorify Allah for His guidance to you: And proclaim the Good News to all who do right.) (Al-Hajj 22: 37)Quran
“No one should suppose that meat or blood is acceptable to the One True God. It was a pagan fancy that Allah could be appeased by blood sacrifice. But Allah does accept the offering of our hearts, and as a symbol of such offer, some visible institution is necessary. He has given us power over the brute creation, and permitted us to eat meat, but only if we pronounce His name at the solemn act of taking life, for without this solemn invocation, we are apt to forget the sacredness of life. By this invocation we are reminded that wanton cruelty is not in our thoughts, but only the need for food …” (Yusuf Ali commentary)
ranjith silva / June 12, 2013
Dear Zacky,
I will pose only one question to you, How do you know that killing of animals during Haj will please Allah, do you think a kind God will want animals killed in his name.
Tha problem with islam is that it ia a barbaric religion spreading like a cancer and may destroy the whole world some day
Jamal / June 12, 2013
Ranjit you say it is barbaric like a parrot repeating what Islamaphobes say. Is it because the Muslims killed their enemies at war? Surely you do not do Satyagraha, or Preach Bana in a battle field? What would you do if your enemies try to kill your whole tribe, men women children, old folk, the sick etc,etc. Do not these people have a right to defend themselves?
I have quoted Justice Weeramantry who cited that Islam established the Charter of Human Rights long before others.
“Islamic jurisprudence is a much misunderstood system. This misunderstanding is due to lack of information and to centuries of prejudice. This book seeks to present information, not at present available in a single work, on the pioneering efforts of Islamic jurists to develop a comprehensive body of human rights principles and practice, as well as a corpus of international law principles. The attempt to develop such international law principles long anticipated any similar work in other legal or cultural systems. Human rights doctrine based upon the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet was expressed in terms which will strike the reader as surpassingly modern. In international law, Islamic treatises anticipated the work of Grotius by eight centuries. This systematic exposition, not attempted before in such detail, will be of interest not only to the Islamic world, but also to philosophers, historians, sociologists and political scientists world-wide. All students of international affairs would likewise benefit from this book.”
How can a people who established Human Rights be barbaric? Please do not be bought over by the false hood spread by Lester, Leela, Jim and John. Do your homework and then decide.
Samare / June 13, 2013
Buddhists are not protesting halal. But some social groups like BBS do so in ours and perhaps in other countries. And these disagreements ostensibly in terms of halal food, but in real fact is to build up anti-Muslim sentiments that would support the agendas of the ruling government.
AYMAN / June 13, 2013
muye / August 6, 2013
Before Buddhism was brought to Tibet, the Tibetans had their believes in “Bon”. “Bon” is a kind of folk beliefs which gives offerings to ghosts and gods and receives their blessing. It belongs to local folk beliefs.
In the Chinese Tang Dynasty, the Tibetan King Songtsän Gampo brought “Buddhism” to the Tibetan people which became the state religion. The so-called “Buddhism” is Tantric Buddhism which spreads out during the final period of Indian Buddhism. The Tantric Buddhism is also named “left hand tantra” because of its tantric sexual practices. In order to suit Tibetan manners and customs, the tantric Buddhism was mixed with “Bon”. Due to its beliefs of ghosts and sexual practices, it became more excessive.
The tantric Master Atiśa spread out the tantric sex teachings in private. Padmasambhava taught it in public, so that the Tibetan Buddhism stands not only apart from Buddhist teachings, but also from Buddhist form. Thus, the Tibetan Buddhism does not belong to Buddhism, and has to be renamed “Lamaism”.
muye / August 6, 2013
Dalai Lama: Teachings about Sex
muyeshuang / August 6, 2013
Dalai Lama: Teachings about Sex
Tantric Buddhism and AIDS