By Dayan Jayatilleka –
As Hartal-2 approaches, it is useful to recall the glorious moment of Hartal-1, learn the lessons of the mistakes made and be determined to recapture and build upon its potentials so that opportunities are not missed and a progressive New Sri Lanka can be born.
A New Sri Lankan society and consciousness in being born in The Aragalaya. It is non-racist, indeed anti-racist; it is mutually tolerant and pluralist; it is solidaristic and inclusionary. It is the consciousness of the younger generation.
The ubiquity of the Sri Lankan flag is a supreme and superior act of subversion. The old patriotism, patriarchal, divisive, dominationist, is being replaced by the New Patriotism of generosity and mutual support. There is a new Sri Lankan family, multiethnic, multireligious, multilingual, multicultural that has come into being in and through the Aragalaya.
It is being created from below, from the old margins which have become the new mainstream. A new culture has been born.
For the new Sri Lanka to be consolidated, it is insufficient for it to remain multiethnic only in the southern two-thirds of the island. It is already manifest in the hill country and the East but it has to spread to the North.
It is little known that during the Hartal of August 1953, the kickoff rally at Galle Face was chaired by SWRD Bandaranaike, though the SLFP did not actively participate as a party in the Hartal. More strikingly, though the SLFP did not participate, the Federal Party did. The August 1953 Hartal therefore united the Sinhala, Tamil, Muslim and Burgher communities in struggle. The struggle embraced, as never before and never later, North and South, East and West.
What eclipsed that bright shining moment was that (a) the struggle was not fought to a finish by the old left, and (b) the successor UNP Prime Minister Sir John Kotelawela was such a pro-Western caricature that he provided ready fuel for the Sinhala Buddhist lobbies lurking in the wings.
By 1955, using the Buddha Jayanthi celebrations, the All-Ceylon Buddhist Congress headed by Prof Malalasekara produced a Commission Report which insisted on Sinhala Only. The bhikkhu lobbyists persuaded SWRD Bandaranaike to adopt it.
This would not have happened either had the Left and Bandaranaike or the Left and the Federal Party allied in 1956. Neither happened and instead when the Banda-Chelva Pact was signed and it came under attack from the Sinhala chauvinists, the Left did not step forward to defend it as Vijaya Kumaratunga did the Indo-Sri Lanka Accord in 1987, paying with his life. True, the Left bravely battled the Sinhala thugs in the 1958 race riots but it sat out the crucial political battle of 1957: the active defence of the Banda-Chelva Pact.
Today, the historic chance for convergence is being missed mainly because of the attitude of the established Northern political leadership which is far more interested in Constitutional agendas than in forging the unity of the North and South on a progressive, enlightened basis. They want instead to settle old scores and maintain the political and social isolation of the North.
Worse still, the very discourse of a leading spokesperson of the TNA, Hon MA Sumanthiran, is patronizing towards the Aragalaya, the South and the Sinhala people. His discourse verges on a sense of superiority and implicit racism, in the use of terminology such as “these people”.
Here is Mr. Sumanthiran speaking to the Political Editor of the Sunday Morning, Marianne David, last Sunday. Though her questions were excellent, his rhetoric is discordant, sectarian and more than a little offensive, to say the least.
“The north is a little amused that people are unable to cope without electricity for a week or two, when they have done that for a decade or two, without any electricity at all. They are rather amused that their brethren in the south don’t have any resilience to face this kind of hardship. They didn’t have fuel for 10 or 20 years. No diesel and no petrol at all, no batteries, power was totally out, but they managed. They grew their own food and they had alternatives that they worked out.
These are recent memories so they all remember those things and they don’t look at it as a major hardship. That’s one. They also produce; although the production yield has been affected by this chemical fertilizer policy, they do grow a lot of food. They are able to cope to some extent. As things get worse, I think they will also want to come out and protest. Right now, they are not doing that for two reasons. One is this, the other is that when calls come from the south for the north to join, etc., they have a justifiable question – that this did not happen from the south when the north bore a lot of attacks.
One or two people being killed on the streets is a huge issue here, but scores were bombed and destroyed not just during the final phase of the war but right through that period. Aerial attacks and carpet bombing were commonplace, but the rest of the country didn’t care. That is no reason to withhold support now. They may want to support the current protests; they think they are legitimate and particularly the youth are coming forward to do that, but they can’t forget the fact that when this was 100 times worse, these people did not open their mouths.” (The Sunday Morning)
What does Sumanthiran mean by “these people”? And why this particular use of “they”? Within the Aragalaya there is no “they”, there is only “us”. For the Aragalaya, “they” are the Rajapaksa clan led by Gota.
“These people” who are multiethnic and multireligious are waging the Aragalaya not because they are softies but because their threshold of tolerance of injustice is very low and their sense of sovereign agency is very high, so rooted and internalized are the values of democracy and republicanism.
One or two people being killed on the streets is a huge issue, because no one is waging a terrorist war here, using suicide bombers at that. When there was a civil war in the south, and another between North and South, “these people” withstood great carnage, resisted and emerged with democracy intact and the territory of their country reunified.
The people are rising up against the Rajapaksas’ ideology because the non-discriminatory country and devolved state they could have built was substituted by a hierarchical, hyper-centralized system.
There’s pre-Aragalaya time and Aragalaya time. On this island, there’s no “these people” and “those people”. There are only the Sri Lankan People. An authentic Sri Lankanness has been born in the vortex of the struggle, the Aragalaya
Thiru / April 25, 2022
From pre-independence times the Sinhalese leaders have reneged on their promises for fairness, and undermined the Tamils’ rights after independence once the Sinhalese got the power in their hands. Tamils were/are cheated by the Sinhalese leaders both in the governments and in opposition time and time again since independence, i.e, for seventy three years.
Just like the Sun rises in the East that we know by Inductive logic, over many decades with several anti-Tamil pogroms, Tamils have lost trust in the Sinhalese leaders. The elections of the president in 2019 , and the parliament in 2020 amply proves that the vast majority of the Sinhalese are persuaded by racist- anti-Tamil slogans of the Rajapakse clan. There is no signal from the Sinhalese in general that they have changed their attitudes towards Tamils.
There is no positive indication from the protesters to the effect if they get power they will be fair to the Tamils and Muslims.
In my humble opinion hardly any Sinhalese, except for Wikrambahu Karunaratne, has apologized for the atrocities heaped on Tamils since independence, especially for the onslaught at the end of the war on Tamils amounting to genocide.
Let Dayan dispute what I say.
Anton / April 26, 2022
Well said Sir.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / April 28, 2022
Dayan, they are going to have remembrance day demonstration for Mullivaikal massacre on 18th May. Will Sinhalese and Muslims join to show solidarity.
old codger / April 25, 2022
“One or two people being killed on the streets is a huge issue, because no one is waging a terrorist war here, using suicide bombers at that. When there was a civil war in the south, and another between North and South, “these people” withstood great carnage, resisted and emerged with democracy intact and the territory of their country reunified.”
So, killing thousands of non-suicide bombers is justified for the sacred cause of a “unified” country, while the author himself was a cabinet minister in a separatist cabinet.
And Dr.DJ claims Sumanthiran is being sectarian? How contorted can one’s logic get?
nimal fernando / April 26, 2022
The history we have had as a people,
If I were a Tamil, I wouldn’t know what to think, let alone do ………. what I wouldn’t want is for the Sinhalese who kept their mouths shut and were nonchalant when the Tamils were copping hell, to tell me what to do.
As a Sinhalese I don’t know what to think or do ………. if something good happens I’ll be able to recognize it ……….. at this stage that’s all I’m capable of …………..
nimal fernando / April 27, 2022
Wait a while ……. it’ll go even lower and hit rock bottom …….. then load up on JKH and a few other good blue-chips …… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaBVKMkrLIE
Many moons ago I told you to convert your rupees into dollars and keep under your pillow …….. did you listen!
Although you argue with them constantly …….. you chose to trust the economic expertise of EE, Lester, Soma …….. Cabrral, Basil et al !
Opportunities don’t come around often ……. when they turn up you have to go in big ………. grab with both hands ……….
old codger / April 28, 2022
“Wait a while ……. it’ll go even lower and hit rock bottom …….. then load up on JKH and a few other good blue-chips ……”
I’m waiting…….
Anton / April 26, 2022
In their mind, “if they are Tamils, it is okay to kill them in thousands. But, if they are Sinhalese, even one or two deaths are a very big issue”. If a Sinhala Intellectual’s mindset is this, imagine how good the mindset of an ordinary Sinhalese is?
Mahila / April 27, 2022
Human Touch / April 27, 2022
Let’s not forget how the Sinhalese boys were massacred in 71 and 88,89 in the name of JVP.
It is not an excuse, but it is a fact.
At that time the public were mute over the extra judicial killings of the JVPers as well.
Our people have been generally dim-witted. It is the new generation who are breaking the shackles and shining through.
I think social media has severed the governments hold over the dull masses being kept under a spell by the government propaganda machine.
Tamils will not understand, because much of the propaganda was happening in sinhala.
Most of the older sinhala smitten by the media bug, they cannot reason outside the box.
Native Vedda / April 27, 2022
old codger
“And Dr.DJ claims Sumanthiran is being sectarian? How contorted can one’s logic get?”
I have no intention of reading this rambling typing.
However this racist will not rest until he finds a “FINAL SOLUTION” for the 75 years Sinhala/Buddhist problem.
Mahila / April 27, 2022
No other suitable words to express the Disbelief!!
Thiru / April 25, 2022
Dayan is just as crafty as the Sinhalese leaders before independence and got the cooperation of Tamil leaders, who acted with enthusiasm and pleaded for independence with the promise for fair treatment to Tamils:
The history after 1948 is bitter betrayal by the Sinhalese ‘brothers’ who promised fairness. They even removed article 29 of the Ceylon constitution that gave some protection to the minorities.
Deeds speak louder than words, Mr Jayatilake. There are ample number of anti-Tamil actions of the Sinhalese leaders and the Sinhalese state with anti-Tamil security forces including the police even today.
Why is the rule of law not applied vigorously when the victims are Tamils?
When Robert Knox said “the Cingalese are a cunning lot who mistake the low-level cunning they possess to be a high level of Intelligence,” he was not wrong by far.
I hope that Tamils are not fooled again. Even if they lose out it does not matter, they don’t want to be cheated again – so that Tamils can be Demala modayas!
Anton / April 26, 2022
Well said. It appears that Sinhalese are struggling to understand why Tamils are staying away from their “Aragalaya” which is only for their “gas-fuel-electricity”. They must understand that Tamils lived with all this and under a continuous barbaric war unleashed by Sinhala leaders.
Mahila / April 27, 2022
Hi Anton,
Good morning.
“It appears that Sinhalese are struggling, TO UNDERSTAND WHY TAMILS ARE STAYING AWAY FROM THEIR “ARAGALAYA” which is only for their “gas-fuel-electricity”.”
Exhibiting, Low Intelligence to say the least!!
Robert Knox’s claim, “they are ‘cunning lot’ who mistake the low-level cunning they possess to be a high level of Intelligence!!!
Mahila / April 27, 2022
“so that Tamils can be Demala modayas!”
Why Thiru??
We already have a “good lot of people of that category”, Surfeit of them, in fact dare say a majority in this country to elect an INEPT ‘lot’ to Parliament with 2/3rd majority and convert from a democracy to a FF for governing DSRSL from MMPHD down deep south!!!
If you are not familiar with FF, DSRSL or MMPHD, what they stand for:
1. FF – Family Fiefdom
2. DSRSL – Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
3. MMPHD – Meda Mulana Principality of Hambantota District
In this ‘wonderland’ RESPLENDANT LAND, Democracy is for good reason or bad spelt as ‘DEMO CRAZY’ and is the only thing APT about the citizenry!!!
Lasantha Pethiyagoda / April 25, 2022
One needs to understand the politics of Sumanthiran before passing judgment. He represents a belief that the north and east of Sri Lanka are the traditional homeland of the Tamil people, and autonomy (as a minimum) and total independence (as an ideal). Thus, he would naturally be reluctant to be any part of what is going on in a “neighboring land” of sorts. Yes, the logical thing for him to do is support the struggle of the mainstream Sri Lankan community as it is against their “enemy” also. The outcome of such a struggle (or peaceful revolution) would benefit “his people” also.
Native Vedda / April 27, 2022
Lasantha Pethiyagoda
“and autonomy (as a minimum) and total independence (as an ideal)”
Did Sumanthiran say “total independence (as an ideal)” on the record? Could you cite evidence.
Mahila / April 27, 2022
“and autonomy (as a minimum) and total independence (as an ideal)”
Did he say that and really, where and when??
Do you have proof and where is the record of it?
When and where did he say it??
Outrages to sy the least, if it has been said so???
leelagemalli / April 27, 2022
I think not only our politics, in sinhala areas, but the views of notherners are even mulitiple times complex.
That trilingual Arun Siddharth or the like CHEAP MEN let Rajapakshes to abuse them. All because Rajapakshes hire the kind of tamils in Jaffna to inject the germs as they have been doing it in the sinhala and muslim areas. Ali Sabry would do nothing to their own community but to Rajapkshe family. He is the biggest traitor to muslim community. All these should be clear to true tamil politicians. Dishonest politicians focus only on their selifish gains.
See what MR did today… he called a meeting with PS leaders
In a civilized country, MR would have been hung without delay.
– in order to show the world that his popularity is still there – even if masses across the country go on day long protests against ” Rajapakshes”. I see dead Mugabe in him….shameless Mahinda would love only his loot (beyond unestimation) and his family. At least today our stupid people should clear their doubts.
Mahila / April 28, 2022
Good morning.
You are right!!
With his puffed up face and sunken eyes, he looks like Mugabe a few years ago??
God bless him.
He may have to get his Ugandan SL friend to loan the plane again, go to Thirupathy?
pselva / April 25, 2022
What is Aragalaya please?
Is it the #GalleFaceProtest @gohomegota?
Thank you.
Tharma / April 26, 2022
Licking American’s boot
leelagemalli / April 26, 2022
Aragalaya ( අරගලය) means struggle (போராட்டம்) against current regime.
It is the sinhala term to call it. Right at the moment, Aragalaya is the protests being continued by lad and laddettes at GFG Gotagohomgama.
Mahila / April 28, 2022
Thanks to Banda the SWRDB’s path to ascent of Fast Power, we Sri Lankans are having a protest or “Hurling stones at women?”
He and his wife, who became PM after Solomon’s assassination, made sure their progeny had education in Sorbonne, Cambridge and Oxford. Local serfs confined to “Kukul Kuduwa” (Chicken Coops) called CENTRAL COLLEGES, for vernacular learning and SEGREGATION!!!
Different interpretations.
How are you going my friend? Example!
1. How are you keeping or OK? – Correct Interpretation
2. This bugger is asking me why I am walking and what happened to my car?
3. The third one, he is insulting me that I’m a pauper and therefore on foot?
Our politicians have achieved great feats??!!
No salvation until one gets rid of these imbeciles!! And get everyone of their pedestal??
Like the ones who keep on asking why the minorities do not integrate? Why cannot be that majority is magnanimous to integrate with the minorities. That’s because the country belongs to the Majority!!??
If so you (Majority) should never have let this quagmire to develop and should be able t solve your countries problems and issues and none else need to join the Aragalaya??
For what purpose??
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / April 26, 2022
From the Sinhala I know,
ARA means to hurl
GAL means stone
AYA means her.
So ARAGALAYA means hurl stone on her
leelagemalli / April 27, 2022
Dr G S,
Alas, you are wrong, .. how can you translate it word to work ?
Galle Face Aragalaya has nothing do with throwing stones at women – it is soley focused on ” crime politics of Rajapakshes”. As no times in the past, youth have come forward to discuss things openly. The youth dont care about races, religions or anything else, but as one nation, they fight until Rajapakshe step down.
From what I heard today, many of the lads would be happier, if Kaputas (Basil, Mahinda, Gota) would die today than tomorrow. They make it clear the damage these Rajapakshes have made to this nation is beyond estimation. So according to them, we must not respect Rajaakshes anymore.
We salut the youth – may them be blessed with all gods.
Lester / April 27, 2022
“So ARAGALAYA means hurl stone on her”
Sinhalese have not mastered the art of C4. Or else they are not in a hurry. Once you activate the switch, the destination (hell, 72 virgins, nibbanna, bottom of lagoon) is permanent.
Native Vedda / April 27, 2022
“What is Aragalaya please?”
Paul / April 27, 2022
It means ‘Struggle’. Yes it is the Galle Face protest.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / April 25, 2022
Dayan, Tamils have been having Aragalaya since 1956. South did not join it, but isolated itself. Several in the south condemned it as unpatriotic and unwarranted. Even after the end of war in 2009, Tamils are having Aragalaya demanding justice to get their lands occupied by army released, to know what happened to their relatives abducted by army, to get their people being held in custody without being brought to trial, for over 15 years, and to stop appropriating their lands on pretext of archaeology, forest reserve and Mahaveli property. Have anyone in the south joined it or are they not isolating themselves from it. Tamils are not opposed to this Aragalaya, but want their problems also highlighted. Why cannot the protesters incorporate them. I am sure if they do, Tamils will come in thousands. This is what an upcountry Tamil couple who participated in the Aragalaya wrote : “Is this protest real? Will this last? Will Sinhala people stop seeing us as lower citizens? That will never happen. They will vote another supremacist after Rajapakses are gone. But let us enjoy the feeling of equality for the moment at least”. This is the reality. If there was opposition for singing National anthem in Tamil at the Aragalaya, what more can Tamils expect.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / April 25, 2022
Regarding Sumanthiran, just like how Sinhalese want to kick out their politicians, Tamils also want to kick out their politicians. The arch crook he is, he is trying some damage control to avoid the beating. In Sunday Times of previous week, there was an article which carried the opinions of Tamil farmers and citizens. Sumanthiran is just parroting it out what was said in that article. So do not take notice of this self promoter.
chiv / April 26, 2022
Tamils also want to kick out Diaspora politicians/politics.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / April 27, 2022
“Tamils also want to kick out Diaspora politicians / politics”. Well and good. Politics and Economics are intertwined. Will Tamils also kick out Diaspora financiers / assistance.
chiv / April 29, 2022
Are Tamils willing to loose their self respect and dignity for few $$$ .?? Are they willing to be controlled or dictated by remote control?? Do you think people living abroad know better than people actually live, knowing who is suitable to lead them.?? In that case people in North and East should have a say in, who you vote in Uk ?? If not at least they should be consulted, when ever a Tamil is contesting for any position in foreign countries.
Rohan25 / April 29, 2022
It is because of the efforts of the Tamil diaspora that human rights abuses and war crimes committed against the island’s Tamils came to the attention of the world and the UN and they were forced to take up this issue reluctantly or pretend to. The west and India did not care and wanted to bury this issue, as and their dirty part in this civil war and the immense help that they provided to the Sri Lankan state, especially the Rajapakse government in 2009, to win this war. At least China, Pakistan, Russia, and other nations were open about this. If not for the Diaspora the Tamil issue will be forgotten, the Tamil population within the island is so oppressed that they are unable to speak out. This is the reason the Sri Lankan state, Sinhalese racists, and even India are against the Tamil Diaspora and constantly demonize them. As Dr. Sankaralingam stated you cannot ask for political and economic help from the diaspora and then demonize them.
Rohan25 / April 29, 2022
Most other South Asian immigrants do that. You cannot have your cake and eat it. Rundown and demonize the Sri Lankan Tamil diaspora and then ask for their political and economic help. Now even the Tamil hating Rajapakses who hated the Sri Lankan Tamil diaspora and banned their organizations back home now want their help. What an irony. Just because of some hotheads and extremists amongst the diaspora, we see one posting abusive messages here,, you cannot demonize the entire diaspora and throw the baby with the bathwater.
leelagemalli / April 26, 2022
Dr GS,
You are attacking him. But what are the better alternatives ?
May be he has no choice but to react so. I see a greater progress in Sinhalese regarding the their youth power. Most of them would nt agree with their parents or YELLOW pets, there are in the view what right things should be right. No respect about traditional politics. This is a big difference looking back.
Nathan / April 27, 2022
Dear leelagemalli,
GS is on a vendetta against Sumanthiran. Do not pay attention to him.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / April 27, 2022
People are attacking Rajapakses. Does it mean that people are on a vendetta against them. When you come into politics, you have to be honest and transparent. This is why people are against Rajapakses. Similarly Sumanthiran is politically dishonest and slimy.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / April 26, 2022
This is why I say that Sumanthiran is a crook :
Four weeks ago he was in the TNA delegation which met Gota and Mahinda, and after the meeting Sumanthiran without concurrence of government says that they have agreed to address the concerns of Tamils favourably.
Two weeks later he says that TNA has signed the no confidence motion against government.
One week later he meets Mahinda alone without knowledge and consent of TNA members, and to cover up said that he was invited by Mahinda to discuss how to get over the motion of no confidence motion.
Now he says that TNA will not vote for the motion to oust Mahinda.
Sumanthiran is a lackey of Ranil. Now he has to please US who want a regime change and India who do not want the present government to be
chiv / April 27, 2022
Skilled politicians are expected to discuss, listen , negotiate for the benefit of their constituents , community and country as a whole. Politics is not neighbours or family members to ignore, show animosity in private or public to their opponents. That is called diplomacy To keep constituents informed is called transparency. Anyway there is party and constituents to whom a politician is answerable, like what we see now with Rajapaksas. Writing a cheque for few hundreds $$ dosen’t mean anyone owns the party / people by remote control.. Do not disrespect or undermine the intelligence of your own people. I recall GS questioning the election results the MS was elected.. He is also appointed as spokesperson by his own party. Not a surprise to see such speculations , conspiracy theories and personal opinions.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / April 27, 2022
Regarding the election by fraudulent method, curse of the widow will soon befall on him. I will not hesitate to call a spade a spade. Selvam Adaikalanathan’s name was proposed for the post of spokesman, and Sumanthiran opposed it. Sumanthiran is a lackey of Ranil and is taking Tamils for a ride. It will not be long for Tamils to ask him to get out.
Ajith / April 25, 2022
Dr. Dayan,
Don’t pretend that you are with Aragalaya protestors and your writing clearly shows that you are trying to say that there was a terrorism and that is why “they” kept silence when the people in north east was suffering from economic sanctions. Please look at the following it expose your racist idea:
“For the new Sri Lanka to be consolidated, it is insufficient for it to remain multiethnic only in the southern two-thirds of the island. It is already manifest in the hill country and the East but it has to spread to the North.”
In other words, you say that North should be colonised forcefully as Buddhist Sinhala Fundamentalist regimes in the past with Sinhalese to change the demography.
You talk about Tamil terrorism but you never talk about genocide of tamil in 1958, 1977, 1983 and 2009.
North Tamils are sympathised with Southern people who are suffering because of the Buddhist Sinhala Fundamentalism promoted by Sinhalese ruling regimes and you were part of these regimes to divide the Tamil, Sinhala, Muslim relationship.
Ajith / April 25, 2022
Dear Protestors
Opportunistic people like Dayan Jeyatilake may use this opportunity to create an image that Tamils are not willing to take part in the protest. You all should remember that Tamils continuously against to Rajapaksa regime because they are fundamentalists and they are greedy power and they misused power and cheated Sinhala masses with fake patriotism and Buddhist Fundamentalism. Tamil people suffered since independence with continuously by the regimes through forced colonisation policies, Sinhala only act, frequent violent riots and economic sanctions, destruction of cultural identities such as burning of Jaffna library, temples, churches etc. You now know how they lied to you and we know how they lied to you and us for long in the name of Lord Buddha.
We Tamils are afraid to join with you now because the opportunistic politicians are always looking for opportunity to turn this struggle or to direct the focus into a racist agenda or terrorist in order to come back to power again using racism. Our thoughts are always with oppressed vulnerable people.
Lester / April 26, 2022
If Jaffna Tamils give up the fake freedom struggle and try to integrate, they can enjoy success, similar to Muslims. Look at Colombo Tamils like Kumar David, who are fully integrated and free of racial hatred. What is difficult about integration? Muslims learn Sinhala, they are leading traders in Colombo. If you are so convinced about the superiority of Tamil language/culture, etc, there is a separate country for that.
Native Vedda / April 27, 2022
Lester Jester
“What is difficult about integration?”
I am told its you, soman, , Eagle Eye, Asgiri, Malwathu, Constitution, chapter II, Wimal, Udaya, Dinesh, Elle, Saffron clad thugs, Shavendra, Kamala, Gnanasara, 1956, 1958, 1961, 1974, 1977, 1981, 1983, 30 years, ….. ………….6.9 Million, Gota, Mahinda, Basil, Namal Baby, Champika, …………………………. and you short memory, your selective amnesia, …..
“If you are so convinced about the superiority of Tamil language/culture, etc, there is a separate country for that.”
You mean Eelam, Tamil Eelam, Ilangai, ….. Tamraparni
Lester / April 28, 2022
Fake Vedda,
Finally, you show your true colours. Where is this “Eelam” on the real map? Kindly give a link to readers from a REAL source.
Pandi Kutti / April 27, 2022
Again the goose that opportunistically flew away to the UK, to enjoy the better climate there, instead of integrating with the local geese there, is frustrated and as usual hissing and cackling, its anti-Thamizh hate from the safety and comfort of a pond in the UK. Integrate is for immigrant geese like you. The Thamizh from the north and east are not immigrants but are living in their homeland and need not integrate with anyone. Trying to compare them with a largely South Indian origin immigrant Muslim community, who migrated to the island a few centuries ago, to the island is silly and diabolical. They can now enjoy success, yes this is why now the Chingkallams have started to target them for persecution, just like the way they targeted the successful Jaffna Thamizh previously. As for Kumar David, he is an individual and is free to do what he wants. Hope you learn from him and stop being racially biased and promoting hatred. Especially when you have run away to the UK to be happy and enjoy a good life, free of hatred.
old codger / April 27, 2022
“Look at Colombo Tamils like Kumar David, who are fully integrated and free of racial hatred.”
Yes, true. But that’s only because they live in Colombo, where Sinhalese are a minority. Show me ONE “flourishing business” owned by Muslims or Tamils in Kelaniya?
Mahila / April 28, 2022
Lester the court jester,
“If Jaffna Tamils give up the fake freedom struggle and try to integrate, they can enjoy success”
Good story!
What is preventing them??
Because SB’s couldn’t and didn’t want to believe that success by themselves, was not achievable on their own, until NOW, when the penny dropped after the Economic Collapse and worldwide begging for US Dollars to import essentials???
Tamil Nadu, which abominably termed as “Toilet Nadu”, has become a ‘Dear Darling’ after Rice donations, instead of the “Parrippu Drop” last time in 1987!
What a Breeze Change???
Even from countries termed as ‘Basket Nations’ at time of their Independence in 1970, well after 23 years of SL’s Independence and SB domination and the continued minorities marginalization???
No escape or blame sharing as fortunately, by SB design, there were NONE in responsible position for Financial, Fiscal and Economic Management since November 2019??!!
SJ / April 25, 2022
“There are only the Sri Lankan People. An authentic Sri Lankanness has been born in the vortex of the struggle, the Aragalaya”
Seriously? Some kind of magic wand this vortex!
Then, why will anyone tell us what to expect after the going home event?
SJ / April 25, 2022
Then, why will not anyone tell us what to expect after the going home event?
old codger / April 26, 2022
When at least two Mahanayakas come out and say that Tamil grievances actually exist, we can assume there is such a thing as “Sri Lankanness”.
Paul / April 27, 2022
Q: OC you want the Mahanayakas to take part in politics?
A: Ideally, no. But as they do, they might as well do it properly.
Captain Morgan / April 26, 2022
I don’t know why the author of this article is offended by Mr. Sumanthiran’s use of the term “these people.” The TNA spokesman no doubt meant by that the Sinhalese and Muslim people who were not at all sympathetic to the plight of the Tamils in the North and East when they were under siege and assault by the Army, Navy, Air Force, Police, STF and other security entities like the CID and TID during the conflict period. Mr. Sumanthiran did not use any disparaging adjectives to describe them and only used the neutral term “these people.” So why should Dayan Jayathilleke be so disturbed by this? He is an expert at splitting hairs!
Anton / April 26, 2022
Because, Dayan is upset that Sumanthiran openly claimed that Dayan’s masters are committing genocide on Tamils.
Native Vedda / April 27, 2022
Captain Morgan
“So why should Dayan Jayathilleke be so disturbed by this? He is an expert at splitting hairs!”
Self interest, Captain self interest.
In case if people start genuinely communicating among themselves these racist brokers will become redundant. That is why racists are highly worried.
This the man who typed that candidates should win with majority votes of the majority. Sirisena’s victory cannot be considered a convincing victory. Dayan drops names, that’s all.
Mahila / April 28, 2022
“I don’t know why the author of this article is offended by Mr. Sumanthiran’s use of the term “these people.”!!?
Otherwise, he would have no cause or material subject to write his piece which was to go to PRINT!!
Fake artists at best!!
Simple Watson!!!
Balanced View / April 26, 2022
“Reborn” DJ is positioning himself for a plum job in a new dispensation. To do that he has to blame/demean a minority or part of it. He is craftily carving out a new division, the “North.”
leelagemalli / April 27, 2022
This is exactly what came to my mind instantly. DJ and Wimal Buruwanse were together on Nugegoda Stage. Not just at Premadasa era, but this guy s pants are always down – I REALLY DONT KNOW the kind of self proclaimed men should be given teh chance to discuss the other way around today. This is a nation filled with reptiles than human beings.
roger / April 26, 2022
The Galleface protest is one that was precipitated by economic crisis. It does not have political depth. To have a common Sri Lankan identity you basically need a totally secular constitution. That’s precisely why Indians from any part of India will identify them selves as Indians and that’s why a Sikh can become the PM and a Muslim can become the President of India. Do not trivialise these issues. Even when the national anthem was sung in Tamil a Buddhist priest grabbed the microphone and started protesting luckily a wise may turned down the amplifier. But there was no major statement or explanation from the Sinhala community leaders regarding that incident
SS / April 26, 2022
it is insufficient for it to remain multiethnic only in the southern two-thirds of the island. It is already manifest in the hill country and the East but it has to spread to the North.
What exactly is this statement supposed to mean?
Are you encouraging land grabbing in the NE?
Anton / April 26, 2022
Yes, he is justifying the systematic sinhalisation of Tamils’ traditional homeland. No wonder he said, “it is okay to kill Tamils in thousands”.
SS / April 26, 2022
is being replaced by the New Patriotism of generosity and mutual support
That is great, but all freemasons have to be thrown out, or it will mean nothing.
Naman / April 26, 2022
The “APRIL ARAGALAYA” is very important move not only to DUMP the corrupt Politicians but also the racist religious dignitaries. We hope the current politicians should give way to the young educated people to get involved in politics from now on.
Tamils has had horrible post independence experience under the Sinhala Buddhists.
They should accept that they have mistreated minorities and beg pardon.
There should be guarantees for minorities rights in the constitution of the country.
Tamils are still being suppressed by the military and monks in north and east of SL.
Learner / April 26, 2022
It is a bit rich for Dayan to be offended by “these people” while bragging for at least the last 10 years about his “performance “at UNHCR in 2009 in defending a war criminal while fully well knowing what happened in the last phase of the war. Not for a minute, I wasn’t against the war with LTTE and for the victory SL army.
Mahila / April 26, 2022
Good morning
Perhaps, you were not made aware of the ‘Life in the North East of SL’, since 1983, which my friends who are usually and regularly domiciled in that part of that country!
They have endured these shortcomings for decades – nearly 40 years – that these make no impression on their lives!!!
Because all these shortages have not made any difference to their humble lives for decades!!
Devoid of luxuries or ‘HOME GROWN’ alternatives, unlike the once they claimed from the South for the dearth of US Dollars due to curtailed Foreign Employment Earning Remittances (FEER), Tourism earnings or dwindling Export Earnings (EE), which the learned WD Luxman, Cabal Rala and redoubtable PBJ, which had to scrapped and went to IMF!!!
One must make a detailed and deep study to ascertain these claims by the Northerners and how their HOME GROWN SOLUTION worked for 40 years, which would be a revealing effect!!
Commend it as very good project for you, in the immediate future to ensure a SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC PLAN FOR SL THROUGHTHE FAST RISING FORCE OF SJB!!
Tharma / April 26, 2022
You burnt us alive in 1956, 1977 and 1983. You buried us alive in 2009.
“It is non-racist, indeed anti-racist; it is mutually tolerant and pluralist; it is solidaristic and inclusionary.” we came across this nonsense several times. Don’t try to fool us again.
If we help you to get rid of these rogues, you would bring another bunch of rogues. We are not going to sacrifice ourselves to replace one Mahadanamutta with another Mahadanamutta. Get lost!
leelagemalli / April 27, 2022
Tharma, how can you be that pessimistic – if your eyes and ears are still healthy ?
Look at the youth and their power today. It is unfair to demoralize their hard work. OOH, you yourself say, it is to please uncle sam. OTOH, you criticise about Rajakshe torture mechanisms. I think not just sinhalayas but also tamil and muslim politicians along with voters should be made accoutable for the mess today. Arun Siddharth or the like backpleasers of Rajapajses for their survivals, attacked the marches of SJB powerful voice Honourable Hirunika P lately.
What are the options ?
Native Vedda / April 26, 2022
I believe this is one of your 64 positions hope you retain the rest in case the situation changes.
“A New Sri Lankan society and consciousness in being born in The Aragalaya. It is non-racist, indeed anti-racist; it is mutually tolerant and pluralist; it is solidaristic and inclusionary. It is the consciousness of the younger generation.”
If true please keep out of Aragalaya altogether as an opportunistic war monger and a war crime denier you have no place among the protesters nor have the moral right to comment on it. Please make sure you avoid Galle Face or any other place where protest takes place. You will do well to remember Kanate.
I feel that the protestors should demand for the implementation of the 13th Amendment. The Sinhalese politicians and the Sinhalese people had not read the 13th Amendment properly. The implementation of the 13th Amendment is the only solution to the current economic crisis in the country. The power over land to the Province can be left to the Province. If the Police power had been given to the Province accordingly, the Provincial Police would have ensured the proper protection of irrigation projects to develop agriculture. Rajapakse and the Sinhalese opposed the implementation of the 13th Amendment, considering it a special privilege for Tamils. So, their evil intention is that nothing should be given to the Tamils and engaged in unlawful murders, abductions, destruction of Tamil identities, etc. The 13th Amendment was drawn properly for the benefit all communities. One can imagine the evil minds of the Sinhalese politicians who were expecting fat commissions from foreign contracts and wanted to survive at the expense of the division of these communities. I don’t find any reason why the Tamils should join in the protests.
Kalay / April 26, 2022
Hello Dayan Jayatilleka: Your article is good but being a Tamil I see it will be very difficult for Tamil people to join. The past Sinhala Politicians and Buddhist monks are always against Tamils and destroyed every effort to get some rights for Tamil people. Buddha must be rolling in his grave due to the SL monks behavior. What happed to the peaceful Buddhist religion? All Tamil politicians failed and that lead to LTTE. Now after LTTE there will be some change to give the Tamils any rights. Of course not. That will never happen. I have not heard a single Sinhala MP to stand up for Tamil rights. The Sinhala MPs say the more we suppress the Tamils the Sinhalese will be happy. Please tell your fellow Sinhala people to come out and make peace and give some rights to Tamils. Then you can expect the North and East to join on a national issue. Lot of Tamils want to help SL but they will not help until Rajapaksas gone. Its Sinhala majority put them there. They should get them out. I feel so sad for all SL people. May the protesters succeed in their quest. Thank You
Lester / April 26, 2022
“I have not heard a single Sinhala MP to stand up for Tamil rights.”
If LTTE had not blown up Rajiv Gandhi, Tamils would be having their federal state right now. Blame TULF, not Sinhala politicians.
Native Vedda / April 27, 2022
“If LTTE had not blown up Rajiv Gandhi, Tamils would be having their federal state right now.”
Didn’t Sajith’s dad Premadasa pay and arm LTTE to do precisely that?
Pandi Kutti / April 27, 2022
However, the Chingkalla Sri Lankan state constantly backstabs India, gets all the help from them, then runs to China and Pakistan. A Chingkalla naval officer tried to kill Rajiv Gandhi but failed to do so and was treated as a hero and even elected as an MP and was part of the ruling government. Yet India constantly comes to the aid of the Chingkallams. How do you explain that? What has TULF or TNA got to do with the so-called LTTE decision to assassinate Rajiv Gandhi as revenge for the IPKF atrocities that were committed on the civilian Thamizh population in the north and east? Also what has the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi in India got to do with the implementation of sec 13A and a federal solution by the Chingkalla-led Sri Lankan state India still wants Sri Lankan to implement and has openly stated many times, even in the UN? India may have wanted the LTTE destroyed but not revenge on the Thamizh civilians and wants Sec 13A and a federal form of government for the island. They are the architects of this international pace and if they truly respect Rajiv Gandhi and his memory should take steps to implement his agreement not sabotage it. As usual, trying to misinform and justify Chingkalla racism.
Mahila / April 28, 2022
Hi Lester,
“If LTTE had not blown up Rajiv Gandhi, Tamils would be having their federal state right now. Blame TULF, not Sinhala politicians (SP)”
1. If LTTE blew up RG; why blame TULF??? Is it because Mara bribed LTTE to come to power??!
2. If ‘SP’ did not implement SL Laws (13th), can one blame the Sinhala Buddhists (SB) for folly??
By extension, of that Convoluted Rationale, current economic fiasco is entirely due to SB electing a group of nincompoops as Executive President, PM, Cabinet of Ministers and MP’s!! Don’t forget their acolytes and ‘Boot Lickers and Hangers-On’!!!
I’m confident no sane person in their right “frame of mind” would ever say that or admit it!!!
Unreal indeed, to say the least!!
I am sure that was not your intent?
chiv / April 26, 2022
DJ the hypocrite is on a mission with his political sales speech. Cut the crap and spare those, who suffered most.. There is nothing wrong in what MS said. We and they difference was created by your very own SB politicians at the time of InDepedence and was maintained until few days ago. It’s not completely dead , but for the time, conveniently put back burner. Where the ” F: were you all this while when people in North and East were going through decades of hardships. Just few weeks of the same seems unbearable to you. It’s the 6.9 million SB who knowingly elected Rajapaksas and it’s them who will have to deal with it. We remember your Nugegoda circus. You know what, no one including you will dictate terms anymore. First you try getting your act together and Southerners in order. DJ you cant fool all the people all the time. Like Sanja at least try showing some empathy, if not atleast pretend. Considering the facts ” those 6.9 millions and YOU, deserve it. I know it may not make any difference in your pervert thinking but least get to know the pain , suffering and misery you’ll caused to fellow citizens including Sinhalese, Muslims and Tamils.
chiv / April 26, 2022
DJ haven’t we heard and seen it all from the likes of you.. Shut the fu* ck up and find your own retards for living. Have you ever thought of doing a real job ???
Native Vedda / April 27, 2022
“Have you ever thought of doing a real job ???”
Being full time racist in itself is a real job.
Although same theme but presented in different formats which needs lot of imagination. He has managed it over the past 3 decades.
Once readers (if any) realise this he will meet his Kanate again.
Human Touch / April 27, 2022
This is the problem with Sri Lanka, our so-called professionals have no scruples.
Not just that, most of our professionals are mediocre at best. They lack so many essential qualities that should make them acceptable.
Instead they compromise themselves in search for money, hoping money can cover all their shortcomings.
DJ is a shining example of that.
Unscrupulous shameless good for nothing waste of space.
DJ amongst many other, even here on CT, regardless of ethnicity are very similar. They should be banished from the new society we are trying to build.
Human Touch / April 26, 2022
There is this African country where there was a bloody civil war in the 60s. The government won after millions of people had died, when the time came to celebrate, the president said – no, there is no victor, no vanquished. Because everybody that died was their own people.
That is how I expected Rajapaksas to act, but on the contrary, we celebrated for year’s.
If I were a Tamil from the north, I will not join either. Not all the suffering particularly at the end of the war, and in the aftermath with a lot of rubbing it in their faces of the war victory.
The story we won the war went on for year’s, and no sinhala person had the decency to tell the Rajapaksa bastards enough, this is not civilized human nature to celebrate their plight.
If I were them, I would wait for the same people who brought the Rajapaksa bastards back into power to chase them away, and apologise to the Tamil public for the mistakes we have made.
Then I would consider burying the hatchet and looking forward to a new start.
We owe it to them.
Pandi Kutti / April 27, 2022
Thank you at last one of the few just Chingkallams writing what we really feel.
chiv / April 28, 2022
HT at the end of war the opportunity was right there to take, but we all know what Rajapaksas did there after, targeting Muslims and Christians.
Human Touch / April 30, 2022
You are very correct.
All these atrocities against innocent people of divert attention from the real story.
Rajapaksas were stealing in broad daylight, while our idiotic people were distracted.
Rajapaksas will sell their mother for a penny.
Such worthless animals.
Siva Sankaran Sharma / April 26, 2022
Why should we Tamils protest? The answer is in your article. Full of bias, opportunism, and anti-Tamil venom. The typical mindset of most Sinhalese people, all their politicians, religious leaders. What did the Tamils, who fought with the Sinhalese for independence get? Broken promises treachery. marginalization that became worse and worse with each Sinhalese-led government, leading to pogroms, forcible ethnic cleansing of Tamil lands, and state-sponsored colonization by outside Sinhalese of Tamil areas to deliberately change the demography. Denial of language, employment, and higher education. One lot of Tamils were made stateless, soon after independence, and most of them were forcibly deported to India. A strange land to them. All this led to a 30-year-old civil war due to Sinhalese racist intransigence. Where horrific war crimes were deliberately committed against Tamil civilians, especially during the conclusion of the war , and forcing many north eastern Tamils, almost a million to flee the island.
Siva Sankaran Sharma / April 26, 2022
Proves your mindset and you defended these war criminals in the UN. The Sinhalese knew of all this and either kept quiet, as it did not affect them but most rejoiced, celebrated, and elected these racists and war criminals to do more of this to the Tamils and now to the Muslims too. So far has any of these Sinhalese protesters, politicians or anyone apologized or publicly acknowledged the root cause of this problem is due to institutionalized anti-Tamil anti-minority Sinhalese Buddhist racism or apologized to the Tamils for what they did to them? No. Are they talking about just Tamil rights and sec 13A, federalism, and recognition of the Tamil homeland and their ancient heritage and history on the island? Again no? The reason is it is not an issue to them and they do not want just Tamil rights., as usual, want Tamils to participate in their struggle when they never participated or supported, the Tamil struggle for justice but openly supported the racists and war criminals who were responsible for this. Only crying out and protesting as it affects them now. Once this is over will revert back to their true racist self and again elect racists and scoundrels, who will marginalize the Tamils and other minorities.
Siva Sankaran Sharma / April 26, 2022
Go and look at yourself in the mirror and stop demonizing us, and go and preach to your fellow Sinhalese, about justice and equality. before this struggle, we were marginal, not important, and good for nothing. Our lives and struggle not important. Only to be destroyed. Why is our participation now important? Again to hoodwink the world to help the Sinhalese, so that they can again cheat us and destroy us. We have been facing all these hardships and even more from the time of independence, therefore this is nothing new to us. Maybe a calamity for the Sinhalese as the state has been pampering t and giving everything to them at our expense. Now like a spoilt child wants us to participate in their tantrum and then once get what they want will scream, screech, and destroy us.
Human Touch / April 27, 2022
Dear Siva
Are you aware that, during the second world war WWII, the British had a pact with America for the supply of food, weapons, ammunition and all other essentials to keep fighting the Germans? During this period the Germans started the wolf pack attack system, whereby they shadowed British convoys sailing with good to England with their submarines and the submarines would collectively unleash mayhem on the convoy at night.
Americans later started a system called the lend and lease policy. Under this policy, Americans would escort British warships with American destroyers to fend off will pack attacks. One of the demands they Americans had from the British was to abolish the colonial system giving up vast territory.
This would allow the Americans to emerge as a super power. The British kept their end of the bargain and left the colonies after the war.
In essence we didn’t actually have a serious independence struggle. What the British did in Sri Lanka was to handover power to their cronies and leave.
Hope you get my drift…
Anton / April 26, 2022
I seriously don’t think Sumanthiran said anything wrong here. He is absolutely right.
My questions for the Aragalaya and wider Sinhala community are,
1. Do you know Tamils have undergone severe economic embargo, including food, fuel and medicine under multiple Sinhala regimes for decades ?
2. Do you know the Tamil community was left in dark without power for years?
3. Do you know the Tamil population was continually targeted by multiple Sinhala regimes through a systematic ethnic cleansing war in which the Srilankan army used all weapons they had in their disposal?
4. Do you know Tamils were massacred in thousands towards the end of a very systematic genocide war which concluded in 2009?
5. Do you know the Tamil homeland is still under a rapid Sinhalisation with the full support of the Sinhala regime and Buddhist clergy?
6. If your answer for any of these is a “YES”, what did you do about it?
Finally , for Aragalaya youth,
1. Are you willing to abolish the current Srilankan flag (which portrays the Sinhala Buddhist superiority) and re-design a flag represents all ethnic groups equally?
Human Touch / April 27, 2022
My answer to all the above points is yes.
But tell me this, what do you mean by Tamil homeland?
Do we have a Sinhala homeland or a Muslim homeland?
As long as we are one country, we are one land. Tamils live amongst the sinhalese and Muslims then we should be free to live amongst the Tamils too.
I am not saying that it should be done forcefully, that is wrong.
The question is, if I want to buy a house in Jaffna and live there, am I free to do so?
If the answer is no, then we have a problem, a problem that you equally have to address and rectify.
What do you say?
Rohan25 / April 29, 2022
Yes there is a Sinhalese homeland this is the southern seven provinces of the island, that have been historically the land of the Sinhalese and largely ruled by them, even if the kings and aristocrats who ruled them were large of Tamil ancestry, they ruled these lands for the benefit of the Sinhalese Buddhists. Similarly, there is also a Tamil homeland on the island. The north and east, which has been historically and continuously occupied by people who identify and called themselves Tamil Hindus and were ruled by Tamil Hindu kings and chieftains. At times parts of the east may have come under the loose control of the Tamil/Sinhalese kings of Kandy, especially after the fall of the kingdom of Jaffna but this does not negate the fact that the east of the island has always been the land of the Tamils. This is just like in mainland Britain there is England the land of the English, Scotland the land of the Scots, and Wales the land of the Welsh. These are ancient historic facts and just because it is now one country thanks to the British in 1833, this does negate these historical and ancient facts.
Rohan25 / April 29, 2022
Even the virulently anti-Tamil Mahavamsa acknowledges the historical fact that the lands to the north and east of the island are Tamil lands. All three European colonial powers who ruled the island also observed and acknowledged this fact and in fact, the British created the northern and eastern Tamil provinces from the lands that the Sinhalese had not even the slightest or remotest claim and named these lands Tamil provinces and the homeland of the island’s Tamils. Any remote Sinhalese claim to lands in the north and east was decided in favour of the Sinhalese and these lands were taken out of the north and east and merged with the newly created North Central province. This resulted in the Pathavi Kulam ( Padaviya) being taken out of the north and Thamban Kadavai ( Thaman Kaduwa) being taken out of the east and the former now part of Anuradhapura and the later Polonnaruwa. The Muslims of Sri Lankan never had a homeland, as they are an immigrant community who migrated to the island not from the Arabian Gulf as claimed but from Tamil South India, after the fall of the brief Delhi Sultanate rule in Madurai in the late 13Th century.
Rohan25 / April 29, 2022
The ones in the east are part of the early migration and fled to the east as refugees, a few centuries ago, to escape persecution along the once Tamil northwest coast, where they originally settled, when they left South India. They have no homeland as they are an immigrant community who had no history of owning lands on a large scale or ruling. It was the British who allowed them to own land in the late 19Th century. After independence, the Sinhalese unfairly use their majority and are taking measures to deny the island’s Tamils their history, use of language, and homeland and are systematically trying to dismantle this ancient Tamil homeland by settling Sinhalese on a large scale and on ethnically cleansed Tamil lands. changing place names, using fake concocted history to destroy ancient Hindu temples or claim them as Buddhist places of worship. They are using the excuse the land is one country and there is no Sinhalese or Tamil homeland, to deny the Tamils their lands, history, and heritage and make the entire island one Sinhalese Buddhist homeland, that it never was. 1/3 of the land was Tamil and Hindu from ancient times. This is like India stating entire India is a Hindi homeland no Bengali, Tamil, Telugu, or Punjabi lands.
Rohan25 / April 29, 2022
Only around 28% of the island’s Muslims live in the east and the rest in the Sinhalese areas. Strangely no claim for an Islamic homeland in the Sinhalese areas, as they fully know what is in store for them if they do claim for one, whereas they feel they can get away with this claim as the Tamils are now very weak and they have local and international support from certain Islamic nations. Lastly, if you want to purchase a house in Jaffna you can and will be allowed to but not forcibly acquire houses and lands, like most Sinhalese in the north and east do with state help. This is why the Tamils are very suspicious. Even if all the Tamils from the north and east come and settle down south, the Sinhalese will still be a majority there and their culture, heritage, and history will not be threatened. However even if 10% of the Sinhalese are sent to the Tamil north and east this will change the demography, culture, and heritage of these ancient Tamil Hindu lands. We can see that in many parts of the east, where Sinhalese have been deliberately settled by the state and within 10 years the entire ancient Tamil Hindu character of the land has vanished with no trace. We should learn to respect each other’s culture., history, heritage, language, and rights to their lands for the country to unite and prosper and not in the name of majoritarianism impose our language, culture, religion, and history on others and try to destroy theirs. You can see the result.
Human Touch / April 30, 2022
OK, I understand your fears.
If I were you, I will be skeptical too.
The sinhalese are not a good set of people, we acknowledge that from the ongoing.
We never want to face the truth and call a spade a spade.
Not until our bellies have gotten empty and the truth somehow has become so clear.
In our place, if you allow someone to use a small foot path across your land as a help, the beneficiary will lay claim to that portion of the land after a while.
However you need to understand one thing, the Sinhalese and Tamils have more in common that not. Eg we mostly dwell in the past, we hang on to sentiment vehemently, we are unwilling to see the otherpersons perspective at all. We are both very egotistical and feel that no other person is as good as we are. The list is endless.
Sinhala people are somewhat lazy, though.
I think it is the similarities that are pissing each other off.
We need to learn to respect each other, and do things to build trust.
I think we all deserve a new start.
Human Touch / April 30, 2022
Thank you for your time in helping me to understand the meaning of tamil homeland.
I get your drift. As per past occupation, we own the land in areas we have occupied.
This is correct and I agree with you.
No one has the right to come to your areas and grab the land and forcefully settle people on the lands that were originally yours. I do not condone this at all. Absolutely unacceptable by any standard.
My question however is this, supposing I want to come and buy a land and build a house in the heart Jaffana and settle down, how do you see this?
Is it allowed in the first place?
Would I be welcome to live amongst the tamils?
Agnos / April 26, 2022
Back in 2009, DJ loudly bayed for blood in the Vanni, saying that the massive number of murdered and maimed innocent Tamils in the North didn’t matter, that only the win against the LTTE mattered, and it was cause for celebration in the “now” no matter what would come later.
He brazenly argued for stonewalling at the UNHRC and defended the GoSL’s lies. Who can forget the picture of DJ standing slavishly next to MR, looking at his “hero” in admiration, in Nugegoda?
Tamil youths may individually decide to be part of the “Aragalaya.”
But one thing is clear: no one who was aligned with the Rajapaksas all through the war years and in the decade after that, and no one who has failed to acknowledge war crimes, has the credibility to call on Tamils to be part of this.
Native Vedda / April 27, 2022
“He brazenly argued for stonewalling at the UNHRC and defended the GoSL’s lies.”
He was saved by Hindia at UNHRC.
Pandi Kutti / April 27, 2022
Agnos, he wants the Thamizh to participate in the so-called southern Chingkalla uprising against the Rajapakse regime, a regime that they ironically elected in a majority. However, defended the Rajapakse regime at the UN against war crimes accusations against the Thamizh and was very proud of this achievement and was amply rewarded for this. Where were he and the rest of the Chingkallams when all sorts of crimes were committed against the Thamizh from the time of independence by every Chingkalla-led government? The Rajapakses are the worst. Did the Chingkallams support our struggle for justice and equality? They did not in fact do the opposite and fully participated and supported our marginalization and still do.
Pandi Kutti / April 27, 2022
So far no one in this so-called struggle has hardly acknowledged or apologized to the Thamizh for what had happened to them and stated what the future will be like. Free of racism with everyone equal or the institutionalized Chingkalla Buddhist racism to continue. Under the guise of Multi racism, he is trying to justify the state-sponsored Chingkallization of the northern Thamizh homeland, that has already happened in parts of the east. What multi-ethnic, if it is multi-ethnic Chingkallam and Thamizh languages and cultures should be given parity in the south, west, central parts of the island. Do you see that even in Colombo, Kandy, and Nuwara Eliya where a large amount of Thamizh live? Even in the east where 77% of the population is Thamizh speaking and Thamizh is the majority language in all its three districts. Chingkallam is now given prominence in a Thamizh province.
Mahila / April 27, 2022
“Their sense of sovereign agency is very high, so rooted and internalized are the values of democracy and republicanism”
Certainly, emanating from a mind and brain ‘Reset or Reboot’ and certainly lost their MEMORY??!!
My foot!!!!
Paul / April 27, 2022
The divisions are too deep. The Tamils too were mostly silent when the Government of the day killed tens of thousands of young Sinhalese in the South.
Pandi Kutti / April 27, 2022
Yes, the Thamizh were silent as they were struggling and protesting at that time against their own marginalization under the weeping widow and her government who accelerated the marginalization of the island’s Thamizh with increased colonization of Thamizh areas, especially in the east with Chingkallams and Muslims, thanks to her Muslim minister of education Badudueen Mohamed. Standardization to deny Thamizh youth higher education, denial of Thamizh employment in public service. Unlike the Chingkallams the Thamizh were a voiceless minority, especially during her era. it is from this 1970s era that the deliberate and accelerated marginalization of the island’s Thamizh began. Starting with standardization, large-scale colonization of Thamizh areas in the east with Chingkallams, hardly any public service employment, and language rights.
Pandi Kutti / April 27, 2022
The new constitution enshrined Buddhism and Sinhala as the state religion and official language and changed the island’s name from Ceylon to Sri Lanka. This legally relegated the island’s Thamizh and Thamizh language to second or third rate status. Further, these so-called tens of thousands of Chingkalla youth were not killed by Thamizh armed forces, police, or state by a Chingkalla government, Armed forces, and police. Again trying to cunningly victimize and blame the Thamizh for what the Sri Lankan state did and be an apologist for state-sponsored racism. Most Chingkallams remained quiet and were happy that the state was killing thousands of these Chingkalla JVP youth but that is not an issue to you but you want the voiceless and powerless Thamizh to jump up and down. If they did the Thamizh killing fields would not have started in 1983 but in 1971.
Pandi Kutti / April 27, 2022
However in the case of the Thamizh, it was not another Thamizh who killed them in the thousands and committed war crimes on them, the LTTE did do some but it was the Sri Lankan state, the Chingkalla armed forces, and police, and the Chinkallams knew and kept quiet and rejoiced. Vast difference. Please do not deliberately try to twist, distort and shift blame. Very good at this.
Native Vedda / April 27, 2022
“The Tamils too were mostly silent when the Government of the day killed tens of thousands of young Sinhalese in the South.”
The Tamils were being hunted down by IPKF, EPRLF, LTTE (protected by Sri Lankan forces), 2 star, 3 star, …..
Don’t forget A Tamil man arranged Somawansa and about 1000 of his cadres safety passage to Hindia, Thamil Nadu, Delhi, Mumbai and to Western Europe. I wonder why they didn’t go to Eastern Europe, Albania, Cuba, China, Albania, ….. North Korea…..
Another Tamil man I am told did save 150 of his young Sinhala colleagues from police dead squad in deep, deep, deep South. Most of them went all the way to Jaffna to attend his funeral.
I am also in 1971 and after SJV Chelava spent loads of time raising human rights questions in the parliament.
Bala Tamboe, Rasanayakam, S Nadesan, ….. acted for the JVP detainees in 1971.
Refer to:
Judgement of the Criminal Justice Commission (Insurgency) 1976
Please stop blaming the victims.
chiv / April 28, 2022
Paul the division was there from the time of our Independence and there is no one leader genuinely tried making a difference. Vijaya Kumaratunga was an exception and we know what happened to him. Didn’t JVP turn rabid against Tamils?? So called victim turning into abuser??. Take DJ for example and his racist agenda. He is just a sample of Silly Lanka SB politics.
Rohan25 / April 27, 2022
Who is this person ordering Tamil people from the north and east what to do and what not to do, especially when he defended the war crimes and war criminals who deliberately killed thousands of Tamil civilians and committed all sorts of torture and war crimes on them in May 2009 and was very proud of this achievement. The Tamil people have been struggling and protesting from the time of independence for just rights, against racist crooked governments and human rights abuses, especially against the island’s Tamils. Where were the Sinhalese or even Muslims, who are in reality ethnically Tamil, then? Instead of joining the Tamil people, they kept quiet, rejoiced, and openly supported and sided with these corrupt racist governments and human rights abusers. Further in May 2009 they all danced, rejoiced, and held street parties celebrating the so-called victory and the horrific war crimes on the island’s Tamils. Not one Sinhalese or Muslim politician or individual protested or raised a word of concern with regards to the continuing marginalization and large-scale dispossession that was still continuing against the Tamil population in the north and east, as they were the beneficiaries of these actions.
Rohan25 / April 27, 2022
Why should the Tamils join, it was not they who voted for these racist war criminal scoundrels and thieves but the Sinhalese, who voted them in majority, as he promised paradise to them by to continuing the marginalization and dispossession of the island’s Tamils. Now the promised paradise has not arrived but only hardship and poverty, which was to be only the lot of the Tamils. Even now there is no talk of justice being provided for the Tamils or even an apology or redress to them, the Sinhalese are only protesting for a solution to their problems and not for the problems of the entire nation, especially the Tamils or Tamil speakers and the elimination of the root cause of this problem, state-sponsored Sinhalese Buddhist racism, that has been institutionalized. Under the pretext of multiculturalism down south and in the rest of the country which in reality is not, as one can only see Sinhalese Buddhist supremacism in these areas, he wants the state to deliberately change the demography of the 96% Tamil majority north so that the Tamils will become a voiceless minority in their own lands as it has happened in many areas in the east.
Human Touch / April 27, 2022
You are right, but realise one thing here, this could be an opportunity to make a new start.
By keeping the past behind us, we could make this the start of a new beginning.
Yes what has happened has happened in the past, no one is making excuses for that. We are Sorry about it.
But don’t miss the boat to wipe the slate clean. Dwelling it the past is not constructive.
By the way readers, though DJ is assuming the Tamils are keeping aloof, remember Hirunika started her campaign in Jaffna and she had a lot of support from.the Tamil ladies. So DJ is not 100% correct. We could say there are some tamils with reservations, but they are not completely opposed.
Rohan if you are ready, I am prepared to engage you in an open exchange of rational explanations as to why some things have turned out the way it is and what has changed at this point in time.
Nathan / April 28, 2022
* A protester – a Sinhalese – has voiced, on stage, his displeasure at the way the ruling elite had created a drift between Sinhalese and Tamils.
* We gain nothing by being onlookers.
Rohan25 / April 29, 2022
Heard of the saying one swallow does not make a summer? One Sinhalese protester voicing his or her concern regarding the treatment of Tamils at the hands of the Sinhalese is not going to change anything. It has to be large scale. Individual Sinhalese have always been voicing their concerns about Sinhalese racism on various platforms even on this forum, but nothing has changed. Also, realize the law and order situation in the north and east is very different from the situation down south. There is a racist occupying Sinhalese army that is very trigger-happy when it comes to Tamils. The police shot one Sinhalese and you can see the hue and cry down south and the government, armed forces, and police backed off , however, it will not be the same in the north and east.
Nathan / April 29, 2022
* It is not ‘a’ protester; It is ‘A protester on stage’.
That implies that he represents the protesters.
(No further exchange is going to wake you up.)
Rohan25 / April 29, 2022
Does he or you imply this as you badly want to? What about all the other protesters on the stage and the Buddhist monk who vehemently protested the signing of the national anthem in Tamils? It looks like you are the one in deep slumber. History will prove what I and many other Tamil bloggers predicted here will be correct and not you. Byes
Rohan25 / April 29, 2022
Sorry Bye
Human Touch / April 30, 2022
I think by now it has become clear that the Buddhist monks do not represent the Sinhala public opinion anymore.
They used Sinhala Buddhism to become relevant in the society, but that has ceased now, most people consider them to be the root cause of many of our issues.
So there is a general course correction regarding their position in the society. We have moved beyond sentiment and walked into the relm of rational thinking. I think you guys should be a bit more optimistic.
Maybe something good will be at the end of the tunnel.