26 April, 2024


Wiggie Holds Sirisena’s Hands Respectfully & Stabs Him In The Back

By H. L. D. Mahindapala

H. L. D. Mahindapala

H. L. D. Mahindapala

The Northern Provincial Council (NPC) Resolution passed a resolution on February 10, 2015 accusing successive governments (from 1948) of committing ‘genocide’ against Tamils and called for an international commission of inquiry. This resolution has dealt the first deadly blow to the reconciliation plans of the Chandrika BandaranaikeRanil WickremesingheMaithripala Sirisena regime brought into power by the bloc votes of the Tamils. The absurdity of this Resolution is revealed in its contradictions. On January 8, 2015 the TNA which runs the NPC votes President Maithripala Sirisena into power and on February 10, 2015 accuses him of heading the Defence Ministry “in May 2009, during the peak of the government’s attacks against Tamils.” Pin-pointing the role played by President Sirisena the Resolution states: “This Council notes that President Maithripala Sirisena was acting defense minister in May 2009, during the peak of the government’s attacks against Tamils. This conclusively demonstrates the need for justice and accountability for the Tamil genocide to be driven and carried out by the international community…..”

The drama that followed the passing of the Resolution makes the absurdity into an immoral farce. When President Sirisena asked for clarification from the NPC the Chief Minister C. V. Wigneswaran came down to Colombo, held the President’s hands and assured him that it was not against him or his government but it was against the Rajapakse regime. This contemptible act makes it clear that there is something lacking in Wigneswaran. What is missing, however, is debatable. Is it intelligence or shame? He knew he was lying through his teeth because President Sirisena is identified by name and accused of being acting defense minister at the height of the last stage of the Vadukoddai War. By naming him Wigneswaran had listed President Sirisena along with the others (example: Gen. Sarath Fonseka) who are identified as war criminals. Citing President Sirisena’s role in the war the NPC Resolution concludes : “This conclusively demonstrates the need for justice and accountability for the Tamil genocide to be driven and carried out by the international community…..”

Maithripala WigneswaranThere is only one way of Wigneswaran regaining his reputation as a man of integrity : he should at the next meeting of the NPC report faithfully and truly what he told the President because one of the objectives of NPC was to brand every post-independent head of state, from D. S. Senanayake to Maithripala Sirisena, as criminals who committed “genocide” against the Tamils. Of course, the word “genocide” is used very loosely. Its elasticity is stretched to cover all and everything, from the Citizenship Act in 1949 to the liberation of the helpless Tamils used as a human shield to protect the Tamil Pol Pot.

There is also the other indefensible act of voting for President Sirisena and then charging him with war crimes in the Resolution. He is charged with being the acting defence minister at the height of the election. Since the TNA knew his role as the acting defence minister during the peak of the government’s offensive against Prabhakaran’s fascist regime and since the TNA was also out to get even with Sri Lanka for defeating their Pol Pot + Boko Haram why did the TNA decide to vote for him on January 8, 2015? Does this mean that the Tamil leadership was ignorant and stupid on January 8, 2015 when they voted for him and suddenly saw the light on February 10, 2015 to name President Sirisena as a war criminal? Or is this a continuation of the intransigent and unrelenting Tamil politics that led the innocent civilians, under their moronic leadership, from Vadukoddai to Nandikadal? As usual the NPC resolution confirms that Jaffna Tamil thinking has not been so bright: they always tend to take the wrong turn at the most critical times when opportunities came their way for peaceful co-existence.

Wigneswaran‘s role has also been exposed by the NPC’s Leader of the Opposition, S. Thavarajah. Commenting on the canine morality of unprincipled Wigneswaran’s stand he said that the Chief Minister shows one face in Jaffna and another in Colombo. Thavarajah hits him hard with the other side of the story. He says: “During the course of his speech, before presenting the resolution in the council, he read out a statement vehemently attacking the Government and the Prime Minister, in a harsh oratorically worded Tamil language…..

“The somersault by the Chief Minister, contradicting his own statement in the council, is a disgrace and shame. This has been the political tactics of TNA throughout. They arouse the feeling of the Tamils through their emotional appeals in order to get their votes and behave differently in Colombo for their personal gains.” (Colombo Telegraph – 15/2/2015). The last sentence is a telling point. Whipping up the feelings of the Tamils through emotional appeals to get their votes has been the perennial tactic of the Jaffna Tamil leadership and coming from another Jaffna Tamil nobody can accuse Thavarajah of being a Sinhala-Buddhist chauvinist reacting with a guilty conscience.

The NPC resolution reveals that there is an inherent demonic factor that bedevils Northern political culture. This has been the bane of peninsular political culture. It has been a destructive force, leading the Jaffna Tamils to tragic ends. Furthermore, their historical record leads to the inescapable conclusion that the Tamil leaders have been the first and the last to commit genocidal acts against their own people. The mass massacre of Tamil Catholics by Sankili is well-known. But take, for instance, the public record of the Chief Minister of NPC, Retd. Judge of the Supreme Court, C. V. Wigneswaran, who tried to capture the moral high ground by declaring in one of his speeches that he “will attend the Independence Day celebrations only after the country’s Tamils got freedom.” What he means is that the laws of the land have not given freedom to the Tamils. If he knew this to be true, what was he doing in the Supreme Court during his tenure as a judge? Did he once ever dare to declare from the Supreme Court bench that the laws were denying freedom to the Tamils?

On the contrary, was he not upholding the laws of the land which, according to him, constituted an instrument of oppression of the Tamils? Attending Independence Day celebrations is nothing more than a symbolic act at best. But upholding the law as a judge has far more serious political consequences. So why did this moral purist and defender of the Tamils impose on the Tamils the oppressive laws of the Sinhalese from the highest court of “the Sinhala State”, as the Tamils are wont to say? Why didn’t he resign on the pious principle that he propounds now saying that he would not be a part of “Independence Day celebrations until Tamils got freedom”? And why did he wait till he became a politician dependent on Tamil extremist votes to take this stand? According to the litany of complaints in NPC resolution every law that affected the Tamils (language, citizenship etc) was a genocidal act against the Tamils. Going by his own logic isn’t Wigneswaram one of the criminals who committed genocide against the Tamils by administering the oppressive Sinhala laws? Doesn’t this confirm Thavarajah’s accusation that Wigneswaran is exploiting emotions of mono-ethnic politics to advance his career, irrespective of the consequences to the Tamil people? Is there no limit to his legal, political and moral hypocrisy?

The NPC resolution is teeming with political inaccuracies, statistical distortions, moral perversions, historical concoctions and damned lies. It is a tendentious document fabricated to denigrate what they call the “Sinhala State”, sweeping under the carpet the historical realities that gave the Tamils of Jaffna, during the post-independent era, their dignity, self-respect, freedoms that were denied to them throughout their history. Leaving aside the Tamil settlers who established their first feudatories circa 1300s, it was the Vellahlas who penetrated every nook and corner of the peninsula to impose a fascist casteist regime in Jaffna. Vellahla fascism denied the low-castes even drop of water from the high-caste wells. When in 1976 they passed their power to the children of the Vadukoddai Resolution – the Tamil instrument that legitimized ingrained Vellahla violence – they transformed the north into a veritable hell-hole.

Vellahla casteist fascism was replaced by the one-man rule of Velupillai Prabhakaran. His political fascism based on the personality cult of a low-caste turned out to be the darkest chapter in the history of Jaffna. The Jaffna political culture began with Sankilli’s genocidal culture and ended with his true successor Prabhakaran. The oppressed Tamils had no space to breathe and live freely under all the Tamil regimes that dominated peninsular politics. The Vellahla oppression of the Tamils reduced them to subhuman slaves. The subsequent fascist oppression of Tamils by Velupillai Prabhakaran confirms that the Tamil leaders were the habitual criminals who ruthlessly committed genocidal acts against their own people. No leaders of any other community in Sri Lanka has committed such genocidal crimes against their own people as the Vellahlas and their anointed successor Prabhakaran. So when the NPC points one finger at the Sinhala south they must remember that the other four are pointing at them.

Apart from this, one of the basic fallacies of the NPC resolution is the attempt to paint a political scenario in which there is only one guilty party – namely, the Sinhala south. Every one of the accusations leveled against the successive states since independence can be challenged and torn to shreds. But there is no space in this single article to deal with all the issues comprehensively. To cut a long story, no one can deny that successive states blundered in several areas like any other post-colonial state facing challenges of nation-building. That is not in dispute. The dispute is in the validity of blaming only one side when two parties are locked in a do-or-die battle forced on the nation by outrageous demands of one party demanding two-thirds of its coastline and its hinterland for the exclusive use of 12% of the population, shutting out the rest. Irredentism of this kind is bound to be dead on water at birth.

Besides, separatism of this outrageous type is inseparable from violence. The violence of separatism provoked the counter-violence of the state. The unacceptable flaw in the NPC resolution is that it blames only one side for the violence that led to violations of human rights. The NPC resolution paints the unrealistic picture of one side using guns and bullets and the other shielding itself with silk saris and vertis. No moral judgment can be made credible by blaming only one side in a complex issue like the North-South conflict. Furthermore, if wars are considered evil then any judgment can be considered valid only by measuring the lesser evil that produces the greater benefit at the end of the day. So which side constituted the lesser evil? The short answer to this was given by two Tamil leaders. S. C. Chandrahasan, the son of S.J.V. Chelvanayakam, and V. Anandasangaree, the veteran Tamil leader of the TULF from the old brigade of Chelvanayakam.

The first to say that Prabhakaran has killed more Tamils than the others was Chandrahasan. Second was Anandasangaree. Both agreed that Prabhakaran had killed more Tamils than all the other forces put together. So if the Tamil Pol Pot has killed more Tamils than any other force who is it who has committed the genocidal attacks against the Tamils? Since the NPC resolution is obsessed with genocidal attacks on the Tamils why were the mass massacres committed by Prabhakaran not included in the Resolution? Why has the NPC failed to include in their Resolution the war crimes, crimes against humanity and “genocidal attacks” committed by the Tamils against the Tamils? Why the cover-up?

Besides, if the NPC is all about violations of human rights why is the NPC resolution aimed at seeking justice only for the Tamils? What about the Muslims and the Sinhalese who were the victims of Tamil terrorism documented in detail by the University Teachers’ for Human Rights (Jaffna)? Don’t they deserve justice? Or is it, in the words of Thavarajah, a move to exploit Tamil emotions for the leaders to collect Tamil votes? Overall, the NPC resolution should be read as a vindictive move to demonize the post-1948 states on a manufactured narrative that would give a shine to the Tamils as victims of majority oppression of a minority.

Not surprisingly, the NPC Resolution lists the alleged “genocidal acts” committed against the Tamils since 1948 and finds only the acts committed by the elected states guilty of committing “genocide”. It has studiously avoided the genocidal acts of the only “Tamil state” established by Tamil Pol Pot + Boko Haram in the Vanni. The elected state fought, quite legitimately, not only the fascists terrorists of the north but also of the south. The offensives of the elected states against the north and south fascist terrorist were in defence of protecting and preserving the democratic way of life. And the democratic states won in defeating the fascists terrorists in both regions.

The NPC Resolution, however, attempts to portray the post-1948 states as targeting only the Tamils of the north. But the fact is that the states fought just wars in defence of democracy and its traditional values. The democratically elected states had a right to defend and protect the civilians facing threats to their lives and properties from unelected fascist terrorists. But the NPC distorts the political realities to project the post-independent states as anti-Tamil military machines fighting wars on ethnic lines. The refusal of the Tamil leadership to accept the hard historical realities facing them – mainly due to their exaggerated fixations about a history and a culture which can be written on the back of stamp – has been the primary cause that misled them all the way to Nandikadal. They provoke, initiate and organize violence to achieve their elusive political goals and when the elected states respond they cry foul. They declared war in Vadukoddai knowing that it would lead to untold violations of human rights. Issues of human rights did not bother them one whit in 1976. It is only when they lost in 2009 that they pause to take refuge in human rights.

The main objective of the NPC Resolution is to divert attention away from the genocidal crimes of Tamils against Tamils and, of course, the other communities. Those seeking justice based on human rights cannot argue by diverting attention away from their own crimes against humanity. But that is precisely what the NPC resolution has done. Besides, the arbitrary cut off point of 1948 too is introduced to point out that the violence of the democratically elected states were only to target the Tamils. To be fair and just to all, the NPC resolution should have started not from 1948 but from the time of Sankili who laid the political foundation for the Tamils to be slaughtered, oppressed, persecuted, and enslaved relentlessly down the ages by a barbaric Tamil leadership in the three main phases of Jaffna-centric history – 1). the feudatories of the early settlers established around 1325, 2). the Vellahla fascist rule under colonial masters and 3). the political fascism of Prabhakaran from 1976 to 2009,

The NPC resolution is aimed at, inter alia, taking the Sinhala leaders before the ICC. It is only comparable to dragging Churchill, Gen. Eisenhower and Field Marshal Montgomery before the Nuremberg Courts for liberating Europe from Nazi fascism and saving the lives of Jews and civilians trapped in a holocaust. The accusations leveled against all elected states since 1948 is as valid as saying that Gandhi is a violent man who violated human rights by endorsing Nehru act of marching into Hydrabad and integrating that state into the Indian union. Above all, it proves Thavarajah’s damnation of the Tamil leadership once again rousing Tamil emotion for gaining some political mileage.

The NPC Resolution has been a counter-productive act to impress the UNHRC to take stand firm on its proposed action against Sri Lanka. The Tamil Diaspora also lobbied with all their might, using the NPC Resolution, to put maximum pressure on UNHRC not to postpone the presentation of its report on Sri Lanka. But the TNA dug their own grave by helping to elect the pro-West, pro-Indian presidency The victory they scored on January 8 boosted the image of the Sri Lankan state and blocked all moves to black list Sri Lanka. The victory of the anti-Rajapaksa forces has boomeranged on the Tamil lobbies. In the main, it has weakened the anti-Sri Lankan force in the Tamil Diaspora. With anti-West Mahinda Rajapaksa the Tamil Diaspora was able to crank up a hate in the receptive pitches of the West. Now with the pro-West Sirisena the Tamil Diaspora has to grin and bear both in Washington and Delhi.

Wigneswaran, Sampanthan and Sumanthiran must be regretting their act of rushing into defeat Mahinda Rajapaksa. He was, after all, the best bet they had in two ways. First he liberated Jaffna from the grip of Tamil Pol Potism and gave the TNA the democratic space needed for them to play their games of politics the way the like. Second, he was the best available bogeyman available to the Tamils to demonize Sri Lanka abroad. The TNA dug their own grave by removing anti-West Mahinda Rajapakse and replacing him pro-West, pro-Indian Sirisena.

The result makes this clear : UNHRC has postponed the presentation of its report to its March session. The Tamil Diaspora and the TNA has lost again. The West and India protecting their man in power is more important than the human rights accusations of the TNA. Once again the West and India have given the Tamils the karapincha treatment.

The responses the Tamils are getting from abroad and at home must be compelling them to agree with Mahinda Rajapaksa who told the Tamils quite bluntly : “The known devil is better than the unknown.”

*To be continued..

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Latest comments

  • 20

    Shoo Mr Mahindapala. Are you lost your way to Bunkum Web. Mr Sirisena does not need your advioce, because if I can remember it right, you were advising, if not collecting money from Mr Rajapaksha. He lsot even after manipulating votes during the elections. If there was a free vote, imagine what would have happened to the master of election jiggery-poggery!

    • 13

      H. L. D. Mahindapala , Mahinda Shill and White-Washer,

      You, other shills and astrologer advised Mr. Mahinda Rakapaksa, and he lost. You guys really screwed up Mr.Mahinda Rajapaksa.

      Now, You want to screw up Mr. Matripala Sirisena?
      Unfortunately, as the Common Candidate, he has a lot of Common sense.

      Even the Tamil Mootals முட்டல்ல்ஸ் could not screw up the Tamils with Common Sense.

      Why do you think Mahindapala the Sinhala Mootalமுட்டல்ல்ஸ், Modaya can do better?

  • 26

    Someone like you who is a racist bigot cannot understand the mind of minorities.Tamils were disenfranchised after their families have lived in this country for almost 100 years. Nowhere in the world they do this.The Sinhalese Only Act introduced overnight deprived thousands of Tamils of their increments,jobs and future prospects of gainful employment. Standardization that was introduced first demanded Tamils to score more marks than Sinhalese in order to get University admission. later it was cunningly modified.Repeated anti-Tamil pogroms drove thousands of Tamils out of the island(You never expected that some day these diaspora will turn against your despicable racist government). Tigers/LTTE was an inevitable result of your racist atrocities. Finally half a dozen countries got together to overcome these young boys and girls. In the process your defence minister ordered killing of massive number of civilians.It is documented by your own soldiers. Now your government is using the army to grab our lands and hijack our agriculture and commerce. You even impose travel restrictions about 6 years after the war ended.
    Why are you surprised that Tamils are complaining of Genocide?Why are you surprised that they want separation?You cannot subjugate a group for ever. Someday you will have face the repercussions.

    • 18

      Well said Raman.

    • 7

      Raman – This is a fitting reply to the author of this article HLD. Mahindapala and you should incorporate these points and write an
      article in reply to his article so that he can correct his previous stand. Now that the esteem journal CT is read in Sri Lanka, the editor should see that articles of this nature, which spread communalism should be eliminated at a time when there is a combined effort made
      by all parties, headed by the President, himself to reconcile and unite the people of all races and religions in Sri Lanka, together. The article’s header he used is vey mean as Wiggi has done what the Tamils expected him to do at this juncture and it was a political action and not a personal attack on the President. Articles of this nature overshadow the articles written by other great writers on important matters that concerns the general public.

    • 8

      This genetically mixed man has ‘Shambal’ conciousness.. M-Pala definitely supported disenfranchise of upcountry Lankan Tamils after living 100 years in Lanka. This Mahindapala’s Australian citizenship should be cancelled and deported. This racist bigot is security risk to Australia.. Australian government is amending its’ citizenship laws, racist bigots like M-pala will be deported back to ??? where ?? .

      • 2

        AVB bigot, it’s time we deport wiggie the tamil speaking bigot along with you( you’re also a tamil speaking bigot) to a place where you fools are welcome

        • 2

          Place where “fools welcome” must be full of “PARANGI” De Silvas as well :-) .. I know it is bad talking about family names, but I believe Lankan Wignashwaran, Sripalans (Prabakarans) are more authentic Lankans than DeSilvas and DeMels…
          A Vidiya Bandara

          • 0

            AVB fool, you’re an authentic [Edited out]

  • 19

    This man will see no limits when it goes to be malicious.
    I really dont know when he will see it right. No many would agree with any views being spread by this bugger. Just being genetically related to Dayan and the like ilk, this men would end up with stale mates.

  • 5

    “Thirst of Tamils is Tamil Eelaam” says the first Prime Minister of Eelaam elected by One Million Tamils in the West

    That was in response to the new UN Chief’s delaying tactics of the Pillai War Crimes Tribunal”.

    “President Sirisena and his predecessors, going way back to D. S Senanayaka are War Criminals who did genocide on Tamils since 1948” says the first elected Chief Minister from Colombo who runs the Tamil Homeland in the North.

    And it was the from the CM after shaking hands with the first Srilankan President who wasn’t elected by the great majority of the Sinhala inhabitant population.

    What is going on here..

    Do the Diaspora and the TNA Wigneswaran Faction have a different agenda to Sambandan and Sumanathiran, who in fact attended the Independence Celebrations for the first time ?…


    • 11

      K.A Sumanasekera

      “Sambandan and Sumanathiran, who in fact attended the Independence Celebrations for the first time ?…”

      First time since when?

      Are you now denying the rights of the Tamils to sing attend, national anthem in Tamil and celebrate Independence Day?

      The true independence day is the day when all inhabitants (in your parlance, the Dalits) of this island free themselves from Sinhala/Buddhist ghetto rulers.

      On that day hope to send all those public racists back to their homeland in Tamil Nadu and Bihar. Your seat in the first boat is reserved. Would you mind sharing your journey with Weerawansa and Dayan.

      • 0

        Be aware the seats may be reserved for the Society’s janks labelled “Poocha Baksha Yata Pamanoi”.

  • 15

    “The result makes this clear : UNHRC has postponed the presentation of its report to its March session. The Tamil Diaspora and the TNA has lost again. The West and India protecting their man in power is more important than the human rights accusations of the TNA. Once again the West and India have given the Tamils the karapincha treatment.”

    After all it is not Sri Lanka which determines the outcome of war and war crime investigation.

    So Dayan, GL, Tamara, hordes of ministers, thugs, Tamil Ministers, .. etc didn’t win the first round of UNHRC resolution.

  • 13

    If Wiggie has meant it as Mahindapala and DJ et.al interpret – the current govt will discuss it with them. But the malicious writings of Mahindapala and DJ not thinking twice that only focused on further divisions between these parties could bring even more damages to the nation. S

  • 4

    Of cource he got to be traitor by Sinhalese defintion.After all he is Tamil.
    What about My3 who had hoppets with MR? Was not poor MR stabbed and kicked out?

    Hey you racist living in racist OZ how come only Tamils can back stabb?

  • 8

    Now Samuel dont bring the other Sinhala Bigot DJ into this.Poor fellow is just looking for employment and given the reputation he has built on CT even MR will not touch him with a barge pole.

  • 9

    This man is still haunting and roaming.
    We thought after psychiatric treatment he recuperated but unfortunately still not mentally fit.

  • 6

    “The responses the Tamils are getting from abroad and at home must be compelling them to agree with Mahinda Rajapaksa who told the Tamils quite bluntly : “The known devil is better than the unknown.””

    Bring back Kanthaiyyah’s donkey to answer to this malevolent man.

  • 5

    Was Mahindapala privy to what was discussed between Ms. Biswal and the
    CM? It was within the CM discreetion to act as he did, despite the
    TNA voting for MS in Jany.2015 and the Resolution, as timed in Feby.;
    with Mangalas hurried visits and a US Reps arriving here.

    Given the 6 months extension now, a UN Team visit to SL is possible
    as the Govt. has indicated co-operation on the last Resolution, making
    the Sept. Report more complete, for a direction? Now that the hidden
    “Genocide” is well internationalized, the Govt. is trapped into
    accepting a UN verdict, despite any internal inquiry which will be a
    part of the whole exercise? Under the changing situations, the GE will
    be be reconsidered is a possibility.

  • 8

    This is not objective journalism, just a racist diatribe with an underlying agenda against the spirit of reconciliation. Thank goodness the majority of educated Sinhalese people I know are decent and don’t share these prejudiced views!.

  • 1

    “C. V. Wigneswaran came down to Colombo, held the President’s hands and assured him that it was not against him or his government but it was against the Rajapakse regime.”

    Typical two faced We Thamizh. And as usual the mad dogs are barking in the comments section since another of their thalaivars has been caught with his amudey on full show :D

    • 0

      What’s so sarcastic. Sharampoota, did you notice something slipped off the amude bikini line.

  • 4

    Poor [Edited out] Pala, flailing away for all his bigoted worth but getting no satisfaction. The frustration is getting to him (and his various pseudonyms – KAS, etc) and it sure shows.

  • 5

    Whether NPC made a resolution or not the UN war crimes inquiry is still there. NPC may have passed a resolution according to their democratic right. Why are so upset? We all know you are a racist and would like to see MR in the saddle again of which you can day dream.
    The relationship between President Maitre and NP Chief Minister are all in good shape.
    President Maitre and PM Ranil We understand
    the ground situation well because they are intelligent and know well to handle the situation.

  • 5

    HLDM the Aussie ,
    Have you forgotten how you denigrated the current President who is from Raja Rata before the January 8 th Presidential elections.

    Now you are asking Wiggie to reveal what transpired between the President and him.
    Why don’t you ask the President MS to reveal it instead. Also you can ask the President’s office to have a direct dedicated line for you to have access to the information you want from the President’s office so that you can use your creative writing to attack the Tamils for asking for their legitimate rights within a united SL.

    Will you do a similar attack if say out of goodwill MS appoints former President Mahinda Rajapakse as the Chief Minster of Hambantota Provincial Council ?

  • 5

    i was waiting till this to happen…hopefully, country will turn into an absolute mess. then only sinhalese [Edited out] will understand…

    • 5

      You seem to be very worried – being unable to live on the commissions rewarded to you. Anyway, those who abused the national assets to the core will have to face the trials and become life long prisoners soon. There will be law and order getting stronger against any crime doers from soon now. Wait and see. This is just the beginning… all and sundry is happy about the way the current govt has performed sofar, but they want more to be taken against all the culprits inlcuding Rajapakspe family men. Interpole and any kind of foreign body they will hire to settle the current chaos clear – the man who guided to become what we are facing today is being back by extremists like NFF led by most unacceptable man of the politics in current day srilanka -Buruwansa et al. aLL THESE men have to face it sooner than later. Days are numbered.

  • 2

    sirisena is a puppet dancing to the tunes of [Edited out]

  • 3

    Our soldiers gave their life’s so that we can live in a peaceful country! We cannot let Ranil, Mangala traitors and incompetent Sirisena play around with our hard earned peace!
    Sirisena must demand wiggie to erase the NPC Resolution immediately.Does Sirisena has the gut to do that????

  • 6

    Mahidran Paala;

    You Racist, Name sake Buddhist?.

    You must remember the Story of The Monkey who Removed the Wedge of The Sawn Log sitting on that Keeping His Ball between Two parts of the log.
    That is what happened to your Maha-Jarano, Your F King Mahendran Jarapassa’s Balls.

    That is not like Maha-Jarano, Your F King did to His cousin Brother Killer Velupillai Pirapaharan after Bribing of Billions Of Rupees to Come to power as Jara passa Looting president of sri lanka.

    Why do not You remember Your Maha-Jarano, Your F King Mahendran Jarapassa After getting Pirpaharan’s Help to Loot Sri Lanka, Shot Him on his Head to Piss out Killers Brain.
    But Do not Try to scratch Mr Sirisena’s Back?.

    Remember Hoppers and coffee from Temple Trees Abode.

    The Guy, Mr Sirisena Is From Siyene Kolrale Henrthgoda Hathpaththuwen!.

    Not from Hambathota!.

  • 3

    It is becoming clearer that any criticism of Tamil seperatism, as is made in this article, is immediately met with knee-jerk reactions of ‘racist, bigot’ and so on. In a democracy everyone should be free to express their ideas in a non-violent way, be it a newspaper article or a resolution against alleged genocide.

    The reason for this reaction seems to be a long standing and somewhat irreparable damage to the Tamil psyche, a fact that should be met with compassion and understanding.

    Maybe Dayan and HLD can comment on if they understand, and what is to be done…

  • 3


    I see that like so many others have done before, you are repeating some popular myths. The Citizenship legislation introduced soon after Independence did not unfairly disenfranchise a great number of Indians working on the plantations. That legislation, in effect, only served to confirm the actual status of those affected – they had not lived in the country for long enough to lay a reasonable claim to citizenship. This was the time when Indians coming to work on the plantations could come and go between India and Sri Lanka as freely as they wished. And most of them, if truth be told, had no allegiance to Sri Lanka at all. Their allegiance was to India. India which makes proud declarations about how the welfare of her children wherever they be, is of concern to her, itself refused to take these people back, as it should have done. It was no secret that the Jaffna Tamils found little in common with the Tamils on the plantations – many JTs looked down on them.

    SJV Chelvanayagam who had his differences with GG Ponnambalam made the Citizenship Act and excuse to form the Federal Party in 1949.

    Tamil separatist sentiment was not born after the introduction of the Official Languages Act of 1956, as is popularly made out. It predates that and indeed in predates 1949 when SJV founded the Federal Party. One recalls the mischievous statements previously of GGP and his demand for 50:50. One also recalls the statements of the likes of Sir Ponnambalam Arunachalam who is reported to have said in an address to the Ceylon Tamil League – as long ago as in 1922, “It has far higher aims in view, namely to keep alive and propagate these precious ideals throughout Ceylon, Southern India and the Tamil Colonies, to promote the union and solidarity of Tamilakam, the Tamil Land. We should keep alive and propagate these ideals throughout Ceylon and promote the union and solidarity of what we have been proud to call Tamil Eelam.”

    That yearning for Tamil Eelam has continued and what CV and the NPC are saying now come as no surprise.

    The Official Language Act of 1956 could, admittedly, been handled better. But you need to appreciate the sense behind the scheme of standardisation that affected entry to universities. All over the world, governments have seen fit – and fair and equitable – to bring in affirmative legislation to redress the historical disadvantages visited on some groups. Standardisation sought to do just that and among the beneficiaries of the scheme were also Tamils who had not had the benefit of a superior education. The Tamils who had the benefit of better access to an English education than their southern counterparts during the time of the British, not surprisingly held high positions both in the public and mercantile sectors. These positions were not unfairly gained, they were the reward for hard work and ability, and no-one in his proper senses would deny that. But one can be forgiven for thinking that those who had been the beneficiaries of the education system under the British, would, at least, show a spirit of generosity towards those who did not have the advantages they had and better understand the efforts to help them.

    The LTTE was not born simply to counter injustices by the Sri Lankan government. It was born partly out of the bankruptcy of the Tamil Parties in the North who for purposes of electoral popularity sought to beat the separatist drum rather than work with other political parties in the South towards a common national goal. And these Northern politicians continue to do the same still.

    I am no great admirer of HLDM but in this instance there is much that he says is valid.

    As for the Resolution of the NPC, the Chief Minister, as his own people have said seems to be somewhat two faced. And one also cannot help wondering whether, in terms of the international community, the NPC has over-played its hand in making the sort of exorbitant and outrageous claims it has.

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    So, here we are in Maithriya time, with a government in which every segment of the community has an interest. Hope abounds, but, but, but…there will always be a fly in the ointment. Step up HLD, an old bugger with much time on his hands and not a brain cell functioning. All For what? A few meals when in town; and Colombo these days is full of some very decent eateries.

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    HLD M:

    Rajapakse too held CVW’s hands and promised to change the military man as the governor. He then back-stabbed Wiggie. How sweet he was when he called himself the devil. Instead of being a sore loser, get some new laundry to refresh yourself.

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    HLD.MAHINDAPALA,like his Ambulance Driver father is speeding on the top gear to get his casualty MARA for emergency treatment! Anyway,for the money he is trying his best.He did the same for Ranasinghe Premadasa in 1992/1993! Who is charging his battery? His Batticaloa Wife?

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    Mr Wigneswaran is a classic example of Jaffna (Tamil) politicians. They would give contradictory messages to suit their constituency and to the government to achieve their separatist ambition, CW s vehicle is alleged genocide, he does not talk of Velupunde Prabahkaran’s genocide of Tamils Muslims in the North or Sinhalese in the south, he joins the Tamil diasporas band wagon as they fund his ‘genocide campaign’ worst is Mr Sirisena does not have the balls to tell this idiot to work for the community with the government, not against, because he knows without Tamil vote he would not be leading an unconstitutional government. The nation (Sinhala voters) has an opportunity to tell these so called patriotics in wolf’s clothing care for the nation without deviding with full devolutional powers or go home.

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    All can see the lost Mahindapala feels of RP’s loss. He is simple devastated and gone you know what. Remember this fellow was a journalist. He is unable to profit in a war less trouble free country. Huge loss of income.

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    HOLD Makindapalam, is it possible to hold a hand and stab in the backs or to twist an arm with an ‘Ouch’ and prick in the buttress. What’s in your convenience?

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    H. L. D. Mahindapala , Mahinda Shill and White-Washer, No back lickker

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