By Colombo Telegraph –
“Mangala argued that by obtaining the copies of the tally sheets and then comparing those totals sent by the districts to the totals announced in Colombo, it could be shown that changes were made. He also claimed they were trying to get statements from state employees working in the Elections Commissioner’s office, to provide evidence that both Basil and Gotabhaya Rajapaksa were at the Commissioner’s offices while counting was going on and that results were changed there.” the US Embassy Colombo informed Washington.
A Leaked “CONFIDENTIAL” US diplomatic cable, dated February 3, 2010, recounts the details of a meeting the US officials in Colombo has had with opposition leaders including Ranil Wickremesinghe. The Colombo Telegraph found the related leaked cable from the WikiLeaks database which is written by then Ambassador to Colombo Patricia A. Butenis.
“In a February 2 meeting with diplomatic heads of mission, leaders of the opposition including Ranil Wickremesinghe, General Fonseka, Mangala Samaraweera, and Ravi Karunanayake, argued their case that the election was rigged and cataloged a long list of government repressive actions against Fonseka, the media, and others. The opposition leaders claimed the election was ‘far from free and fair’ and entailed violations by the Rajapaksa government during the pre-election campaign, on voting day, and — most significantly — in the counting of ballots. (NOTE: Samaraweera provided further details on these accusations to PolOffs in a private meeting. See paragraphs 5 and 6 below. END NOTE.) On this basis, they said the election was a “complete fraud” and that they would be filing suit with the Supreme Court, though they confessed they had little faith in the court to rule in their favor, given its members were hand-picked by Rajapaksa. General Fonseka also went into a long listing of complaints about his treatment by the government, including the arrest and detention of his personal security guards, raids on his office, inability to travel, and more.”
Under the subheading “MANGALA: RAJAPAKSA CHEATED, BUT STILL GATHERING THE PROOF” Butenis wrote “In a follow-up to the briefing by the joint opposition leaders on February 2 for the diplomatic community, PolCouns and PolOff met privately on February 3 with Mangala Samaraweera to probe further details on the opposition’s fraud case and political plans for the upcoming general election. Mangala repeated some of the arguments he had made to the diplomatic community the day before, focusing on what he believed was a pre-planned effort to intimidate the opposition representative observers at the ballot counting centers, coupled with adjustments to the vote totals as they came in to the main counting office of the Elections Commissioner in Colombo. He said the opposition was in the process of gathering affidavits from their observers, which would show many of them had been chased out of the counting centers by thugs prior to observing the final counts and receiving signed and certified tally sheets. Mangala argued that by obtaining the copies of the tally sheets and then comparing those totals sent by the districts to the totals announced inColombo, it could be shown that changes were made. He also claimed they were trying to get statements from state employees working in the Elections Commissioner’s office, to provide evidence that both Basil and Gotabhaya Rajapaksa were at the Commissioner’s offices while counting was going on and that results were changed there.”
“When pressed, Mangala admitted that the legal route of contesting the election results was not likely to lead to an overturning of the election results. He cited a previous elections-related case, which took over three years to complete, and reconfirmed that Rajapaksa had too many friends on the Supreme Court to lose this case.” she further wrote.
Placing a comment the ambassador wrote “The opposition seems slow and disorganized in the wake of Rajapaksa’s victory. Although they think they have an idea of how Rajapaksa might have stolen the election — and are convinced that he did — they appear to have been disoriented as a group by the margin of the president’s victory (and thus the scale of fraud required) and by the full-scale harassment of Fonseka after election day. It appears that the president is moving ahead at full speed with his second-term planning and is likely to keep the opposition back on their heels if they do not recover and regroup quickly.”
Read the cable below for further details;
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 COLOMBO 000091 SIPDIS DEPARTMENT FOR SCA/INSB E.O. 12958: DECL: 02/02/2020 TAGS: PGOV PREL PREF PHUM PTER EAID MOPS CE SUBJECT: POST-ELECTION UPDATE: SC SECOND-TERM RULING, OPPOSITION COMPLAINTS COLOMBO 00000091 001.2 OF 003 Classified By: AMBASSADOR PATRICIA A. BUTENIS. REASONS: 1.4 (B, D) SECOND TERM WILL START IN NOVEMBER ----------------- ¶1. (C) On February 2, a full bench of seven Supreme Court judges, including the chief justice, ruled that President Rajapaksa's second term of office would begin on November 19, 2010, the five-year anniversary of his taking office. The president's lawyers had argued the second term should not begin until November 19, 2011, saying that Rajapaksa's early call for elections should not have an impact on the length of his first term. There are two conflicting past cases in Sri Lankan history where the Supreme Court decided on the question of when a president should begin his or her second term of office, but neither case would allow for the completion of the full six-year term, as Rajapaksa's lawyers had requested. Instead those decisions said that the second term started either the day after re-election, as with the case of Chandrika Kumaratunge, or on the calendar day the person first was elected, on the first such date after the re-election was held, as in the case of J.R. Jayawardena in ¶1982. The latter appears to have guided the current court on the Rajapaksa decision. A number of observers believe the court was mistaken in the decision involving Chandrika and that this latest interpretation corrected that mistake and re-established the precedent set with Jayawardena. ELECTIONS COMMISSIONER WILL COVER GENERAL ELECTION --------------------------- ¶2. (C) Elections Commissioner Dayananda Dissanayaka apparently has been persuaded by the government to continue working. Contrary to his statement on January 28 to PolOff that he would not show up to work on February 1, even at the risk of causing a constitutional crisis, Dissanayaka has now told the media that he would continue working through the general elections. OPPOSITION CATALOGS COMPLAINTS ------------------------------ ¶3. (C) In a February 2 meeting with diplomatic heads of mission, leaders of the opposition including Ranil Wickremesinghe, General Fonseka, Mangala Samaraweera, and Ravi Karunanayake, argued their case that the election was rigged and cataloged a long list of government repressive actions against Fonseka, the media, and others. The opposition leaders claimed the election was "far from free and fair" and entailed violations by the Rajapaksa government during the pre-election campaign, on voting day, and -- most significantly -- in the counting of ballots. (NOTE: Samaraweera provided further details on these accusations to PolOffs in a private meeting. See paragraphs 5 and 6 below. END NOTE.) On this basis, they said the election was a "complete fraud" and that they would be filing suit with the Supreme Court, though they confessed they had little faith in the court to rule in their favor, given its members were hand-picked by Rajapaksa. General Fonseka also went into a long listing of complaints about his treatment by the government, including the arrest and detention of his personal security guards, raids on his office, inability to travel, and more. ¶4. (C) In response to Ambassador's query about the way forward, Wickremesinghe said they were planning for the probable upcoming parliamentary elections (which would take place in early April if the president dissolved parliament COLOMBO 00000091 002.2 OF 003 next week, as many predict). Given the abuses that took place in the presidential election, Wickremesinghe called for better election monitoring and other anti-abuse measures. He said, however, that the opposition coalition that had supported Fonseka (the UNP, JVP, TNA, and others) had not decided yet whether it would stand separately or together in the parliamentary elections. (NOTE: Wickremesinghe told PolCouns privately that he thought the ideological differences between the opposition parties -- particularly Wickremesinghe's right-liberal UNP and the neo-leftist JVP -- would force the parties to stand for the elections separately. END NOTE.) In pull-asides after the opposition meeting, Wickremesinghe and Karunanayake told us that the opposition was planning to change its position from abstaining to voting against renewal of the emergency regulations at the next scheduled vote on February 5, though Karunanayake believed the government would still have enough votes to renew the regulations. MANGALA: RAJAPAKSA CHEATED, BUT STILL GATHERING THE PROOF ----------------------------- ¶5. (C) In a follow-up to the briefing by the joint opposition leaders on February 2 for the diplomatic community, PolCouns and PolOff met privately on February 3 with Mangala Samaraweera to probe further details on the opposition's fraud case and political plans for the upcoming general election. Mangala repeated some of the arguments he had made to the diplomatic community the day before, focusing on what he believed was a pre-planned effort to intimidate the opposition representative observers at the ballot counting centers, coupled with adjustments to the vote totals as they came in to the main counting office of the Elections Commissioner in Colombo. He said the opposition was in the process of gathering affidavits from their observers, which would show many of them had been chased out of the counting centers by thugs prior to observing the final counts and receiving signed and certified tally sheets. Mangala argued that by obtaining the copies of the tally sheets and then comparing those totals sent by the districts to the totals announced in Colombo, it could be shown that changes were made. He also claimed they were trying to get statements from state employees working in the Elections Commissioner's office, to provide evidence that both Basil and Gotabhaya Rajapaksa were at the Commissioner's offices while counting was going on and that results were changed there. ¶6. (C) When pressed, Mangala admitted that the legal route of contesting the election results was not likely to lead to an overturning of the election results. He cited a previous elections-related case, which took over three years to complete, and reconfirmed that Rajapaksa had too many friends on the Supreme Court to lose this case. Instead, Mangala believed the arguments brought forth in the case could be used by the joint opposition as a campaign-platform plank with which they could win more votes than they had during the presidential election. Mangala acknowledged that if the president had rigged the presidential election he could probably do the same during the general election but said even if the recent results were replicated in the general election, the opposition would win 91 seats against the government's 134 seats. If the opposition was able to win just five more key districts, which in his mind was possible, the split would be 113 seats to 112, in the opposition's favor. He said he was worried about voter apathy and feelings of helplessness, and Post has indeed spoken with a number of voters who feel discouraged about the electoral process now and do not intend to vote in the general election. Mangala said the opposition needed to work harder COLOMBO 00000091 003.2 OF 003 to gain their voters' trust, and asked for help from the U.S. and others in the diplomatic community in getting more international monitors to position at the counting centers during the next election. COMMENT: -------- ¶7. (C) The opposition seems slow and disorganized in the wake of Rajapaksa's victory. Although they think they have an idea of how Rajapaksa might have stolen the election -- and are convinced that he did -- they appear to have been disoriented as a group by the margin of the president's victory (and thus the scale of fraud required) and by the full-scale harassment of Fonseka after election day. It appears that the president is moving ahead at full speed with his second-term planning and is likely to keep the opposition back on their heels if they do not recover and regroup quickly. BUTENIS
gamini / September 6, 2012
If a Society can not change the Corrupt by the ballot, the obvious should be resorted to, the bullet. Sooner the better.
mike / September 6, 2012
Come hell or high water, the Rajafucker’s want to hold on to power. I concur, the BULLET is the answer, sooner the better!
China Doll / September 8, 2012
The people are voting with their feet and fleeing Maubima as boat people and economic migrants. Lanka is a large prison run by Rajapassa.
So now Gota the White van Goon is building a Prison Museum!. One hopes some white vans will be on display there. Sri Lanka needs a PEACE AND RECONCILIATION MUSEUM not a bloody Prison Museum! People should protest this nonsense! Gota the Goons’ minions have already cut down all the old and valuable timber trees in Colombo while pretending to be paving roads and the contract for timber logging and environmental degradation of Colombo has been given to a company called “BOTANICAL” whose crews run around in white pick up, first chemically treat the trees so they seem like they are dying and then cut them down. This timber racket is denuding South Asia’s green city in the name of development.
Today there is no development policy in Sri lanka – only the Rajapassa bros. pet projects — which are a huge waste of public funds and white elephants. The Mahinda Chinthanaya is good to wipe Mahinda’s ass and the geriatric leftists who support him!
Basil Rajapass the uneducated so-called minister of Economic Development thinks that tourism is development! What a bloody circus. Time for people to get on the street and protest Chinese loans for the dictator’s white elephant development projects!
Panda / September 6, 2012
Only their naive supporters will continue to believe the justification they make for every accusation they have been confronted with. It was well known in certain circles that perhaps the elections were rigged. This is one of the MOST corrupt governments in our history, and on top of it all, dangerous. A country run by a family, each covering the other’s behinds, is undemocratic, and unacceptable. This country is being raped and pillaged by a family of over 200 members each holding a high position in this government, and is the laughing stock of the world. Who can take a banana republic like this seriously, when brothers, sons, in laws, nieces and who knows who, is running it like a mafia family? The people of Sri Lanka are sunk, really, because like they Hydra, when one goes, the next one will take it over, sons are passing exams, and quickly promoted up, as heir apparent. Democracy, what democracy?
Banda / September 6, 2012
Every Sri Lankan knows that both last General elections and the Presidential elections were robbed by MR family. Election commissioner was just a puppet and was compensated heavily by MR. People witnesses how MR used Thugs,forces and abductions to suppress masses. But very soon the corrupt regime will have to face the reality. If not from inside justice will come from outside. That’s definite.
Dr Kalakirunulankenpolitics / September 7, 2012
This is hard to believe. I had then conversations with those who supported SF in the eelction only speculated that he would win. If he was defeated – but still there should have larger majority opposed MR in that election – where have they been today ? These majorities can work together NOT always putting the blame on only RW as oppo leader. Sure he is in the parliament to represent the masses of the opponents in this country. But according to the constitutiou of current president seem not leaving room oppo leader to react, then people have to go to streets, if not today, when ?
If EC was bribed to the manner as you say, atleast few of the dept should be well aware of how they dealt with the matter. Why cant those guys come forward and reveal this to the nation. At least one of them should have the backbone that EC himself was weakened by all kinds of influences made by GR and BR.
Ranjith / September 7, 2012
There is a clear and OBJECTIVE case for a landslide DEFEAT of the corrupt Rajapassa- UPFA regime which is the ONLY way to effect regime change in Lanka at this time since the country has had too many wars and is paying the price for it in terms of decaying institutions and massive corruption. Another war will only damage it further and PEACEFUL REGIME CHANGE IS WHAT IS NEEDED. That is, first and most importantly those who want regime change must come together to:
1. EDUCATE the people on the massive corruption and lack of ACCOUNTABILITY of the Rajapakse regime – e.e. a VOTER EDUCATION CAMPAIGN FOR GOOD GOVERNANCE AND REGIME CHANGE against wasting public resources, gross imcopetance and policy failure. The cases of Ministers who fail in their jobs and are corrupt but totally unaccountable such as S B Disanaiyake, Bandualla the clown, Susil Premajayantha, Pathala Champika Ranaweera, the Sports establisment the EPF and ETF looting by Nivard Cabraal and the failure to bring them to book and get them to resign is a SOLID OBJECTIVE reason to demand regime change due to lack of accountability of the regime.
2, A United opposition with SF, Chnadirka, Ranil coming together but then agreeing to hand over to the younger generation to be the change and clean up the rotten political culture..
American Lanka Lover / September 7, 2012
CT: Why is Gamini allowed to use your website to advocate the assassination of the duly elected President? This statement alone would result in his immediate arrest by the secret service and subsequent long imprisonment were it to have occurred in the US. And by publishing it after moderation, arguably CT itself might face criminal liability. Even the First Amendment protections for freedom of speech and the press have limits (see the Pentagon Papers case from US Supreme Court).
Gamini you have more courage than intelligence, that is for sure. Or are you, like your fellow propaganda cadre Donald, making these statements from the safety of a sanctuary in India or the US? If you are in Sri Lanka, it would certainly make one question the efficacy of the security services who are accused of having this legion of white vans used to disappear opponents of the Rajapaksas.
As to this wikileaks cable, about the most reliable source of news on Sri Lanka, the Ambassador made the clear conclusion that the magnitude of Rajapaaksas’ victory made the claims of cheating dubious because even if the claims were true, that effort would have been unlikely to have produced such a sizable margin of victory.
Simhi / September 7, 2012
I agree with the views expressed
gamini / September 7, 2012
More American than Lanka lover, why such change, will upset all the American plans of retaining MR to deliver the American Dream? Laws and Govts are established to carry out Justice with Honesty. If that is lacking anything else is acceptable. It is like soon after an elcted govt. is toppled by support from countries as the US that have exported Terrorism for the last fifty years, recognises the new Rebel Govts. Similarly here to it is anyone’s knowledge and desire if it is not happening through the legal means to effect a change. Mere mentioning of an act is not an offence unless found plotting and planning. So American mind your Fucking buisness. Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy were assasinated and shown the way to us by you American Nincompoops. Applyiing your Logic it is you have to be charged or you mother for bringing you to this world. As for your claim that MR has been duly elected is by American standards, not ours. So piss off!
gamini / September 7, 2012
More American Than Lanka Lover, you have to excuse my Language which I normally do not use. Since Gota has shown us that the Americans only use this kind of Language and you understand better in that manner, that I have said so in a Language you understand.
gamini / September 7, 2012
More American than Lanka Lover, you can roll the Pentagon Papers fron the US Supreme Court and shove it up, you know where, don’t you?
Bala / September 8, 2012
what are the proofs for your arguements – that he was duly elected -? if all kinds of neutral news resources prove that he became through manipulations of finals results after GR and BR influenced the former EC. In his public speech on very day, EC was seen as had been under threat. He reiterated that the election was held under all kinds of threats.
Jegath / September 8, 2012
AmericanLankLover Where does Gamini advocate the killing of the President?Perhaps you should read it again, it reads” if the society cannot change the corrupt”, corrupt could mean anyone in the government, ministers, MPs,Councillors etc..But when you read the word “corrupt” if the President is who comes to your mind, that says it all..
American Judicial System is not lame as the country of your origin, it is more wise and fair..
mike / September 8, 2012
American Lover, go f… youself !!
gamini / September 11, 2012
Sorry Mike, he is only a [Edited out] your suggestion will not help.
Punchinilame / September 7, 2012
The Democratic way of a Regime change is in the hands of the Educated lot in Sri Lanka. It is because of this sector (Students) that the Regime has an agenda of controlling same, which they tried with Gotas Security Firm. Once this sector is in the Regimes control, there is no way that any Dictatorship can be broken – not even by IC Supervised Elections.
The only way possible now is for these so-called intellectuals to corner
the Students all over-sri-lanka by distributing a “kala pathiray” pin-
pointing what this EP & Regime is doing to our mother-land, in very
minute detail so that they will grasp what the action that is need
by every Voter who must be influenced by the Student Sector – the
future Voter. Is there anyone to take up this Challenge? The JVP
might give it a try.
Articles for the reading pleasure of arm-chair commentators will
not help SL, when the Voter is guided only by the State Media that
is led by Regime cronies and henchmen. Students who hail from the
families of the Forces & Police must be made to see the truth first.
AYMAN / September 7, 2012
CW / September 7, 2012
Hey, Do you remember a person by the name of Jayasuriya, an aredent supporter of UNP, visited the election Commissioner’s office following these allegations and found neither Basil nor Gota was there?
gamini / September 7, 2012
CW you must be refering to Upul Jayasuriya. Yes he is in the reformists group workng hand in glove with MR today to oust RW. So is it surprising that he could not find Basil and Gota in the Election Commissionner’s Office?
Jamec Corea / September 7, 2012
Did any one read what mangala is telling now! He says Computer Gillmart
story is a lie. Now find out who is he victim. Its the people who vote.
This also prove United States foreign office is a heresay factory!
Samantha / September 7, 2012
Hey Sri Lankans, America knows a lot more about what is going on under your own noses. You should be damn ashamed of yourselves. It is a joke to call it “your country” when you know nothing about what is going on in it.
Jegath / September 8, 2012
You just nailed it mate..
Sam / September 7, 2012
Yako, Malik Smarawikrmata Kiyala ….
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy
American Lanka Lover / September 8, 2012
CT has not chosen to respond which is disappointing. I do think the fact that CT allows this type of post by gamini advocating the assassination of the president, yet is not investigated or shuttered by CID for violating the prevention of terrorism act or other national security laws, indicates that GOSL allows a lot more press freedom than its critics allege.
gamini / September 8, 2012
You Ugly American, you suggest that the Secret Service should arrest and incarcerate me for long period? Why the secret service? The reason is all what you do is secretive. What a Psychopath you are? What is the Offence? I told you plainly a charge could be framed if there is any planning or discussion to do so. You bloody Donkey, just because I say if the Ballot does not work a Bullet should, is my opinion. Where in the world can someone be charged for one’s opinion which is free? So you uneducated bufoon first get yourself educated before you come to a forum as this which is for the educated only. Just because you are American is no qualification.
Desperate / September 8, 2012
as latest opinion polls would reveal it – the half of the nation is representing the view of Gamini. So you may check all of them and before sending them to the camps?
American Lanka Lover / September 9, 2012
please post a link to this poll wherein 50% of lankans support the LTTE. A tamilnet poll I’m guessing LOL
Punchirala / September 9, 2012
Anyone who would watch the end of following video will be a proof how the army under SF was determined to anhilliate the LTTErs at the end of war against them. Not MR together with GR, BR but great SF and the brave soldiers who leberate the country from LTTER terror.
American Lanka Lover / September 10, 2012
you must read the book Gota’s War to get the whole story. While Fonseka certainly played an important role, he exaggerates his own role and the role of the other services besides the Army.
The most critical functions played by Gota were political, administrative and diplomatic, not military.
The alliance with Karuna, improving communication with Delhi, improving morale, coordination of air units and the air defense system obtained from China and Israel, and better use of media to counter LTTE propaganda, to name just a few, were some of the critical areas where Gota’s strategic vision made the glorious victory of 2009 possible. Fonseka himself claims he was just following orders, not setting policy, when he tries to deflect blame from his involvement in alleged shelling of so called safe zones (never agreed to by LTTE and thus not recognized as non militarized zones under international law which requires consent of all belligerents to designate a no fire zone. Fonseka is a politician at heart, he says different things at different times to advance his own insatiable thirst for power and glorification.
Gota speaks from the heart like a true soldier, unscripted and full of coarse language and all. You should have heard Macarthur when angered!
Video sound bites are often misleading.
edqw / September 20, 2012
Seriously you believe what anything the Rajapakse’s say??