By Colombo Telegraph –
“Assistant Secretary Boucher emphasized the futility of further military action. He stated the Government has begun to see the consequences of its actions such as decreased tourism and investment, and the shutdown of Colombo airport following the Tamil Tiger aerial attacks. Boucher noted the difficulty in “reading” Prabhakaran and suggested broadening discussions with the Tamil side to include non-Tiger Tamils such as the Tamil National Alliance. Boucher suggested that groups of experts from countries with significant Tamil diasporas such as Canada and India could usefully meet to map out what can be achieved in negotiations.” the US Embassy Oslo informed Washington.
A Leaked “CONFIDENTIAL” US diplomatic cable, dated July 24, 2007, recounts the details of a meeting the representatives of the Sri Lanka Co-Chairs (United States, European Union, Japan, and Norway) had in Oslo on June 29,2007 to discuss the developments in Sri Lanka.The Colombo Telegraph found the related leaked cable from the WikiLeaks database which is classified by DCM Kevin M. Johnson.
“Finally, while accepting Solheim,s point that the All Parties process should not be overstressed, Boucher emphasized that if the process can deliver a credible proposal, it would provide a strong signal to Tamils. For the moment, the absence of action to address their grievances had united Tamils on the wrong side.” the US embassy further wrote.
Related posts to this cable;
WikiLeaks: GSL And LTTE Not Interested In Diplomatic Niceties – Solheim To Co-Chairs In 2007
WikiLeaks: Solheim Presented Five Points Plan To Present To The GoSL And Tigers
dicky Bird / October 20, 2012
Is Boucher attenpting to legitamise the TNA branding them as non Tiger Tamil.
What he did not know was that their stripes were covered.
Another gullible American …………..
What Boucher did not know was that at the time Tamils opened their mouths only to eat.
Raja / October 20, 2012
The inability of foreign politicians to understand the Srilankan political situation is clearly shown by the statement attributed to Boucher, where he has categorised the TNA as different to the Tigers, when we all know that the TNA is the LTTE proxy minus guns and suicide bombers.
gamini / October 20, 2012
‘TNA is the LTTE proxy minus guns and suicide bombers’. Now who are the genuine Tamils loved by these Patriots? Is it KP, Karuna Amman, Pilalyan, George/Daya Master et al? Judging by the standards of the Patriots, the only Tamils they believe who are admissible are the unborn, the dead and the ones on photos hung on the wall. Paranoia appears to plague them.
F.L. Waiting / October 20, 2012
We have one promoter of communal disharmony here too, grasping every news item to attack Sri Lankans and their leaders.
What I have to remind this whiner is that, in Sri Lanka, there is nothing special for ‘Tamils’ but everything is possible for Sri Lankans. No ‘Tamil’ aspirations can overtake those of Sri Lankans. Sri Lanka… love it… or leave it.
gamini / October 21, 2012
Does this post itself not reveal the descrimination meted out to Tamils, claiming to be Sri Lankan, asking to love it or leave it. Who is promoting disharmony? These very Patriots who are the CURSE from the ’50s have been stirring the pot.
Raquel / November 14, 2012
Whatever one thinks of the Tamil Tigers and the years of wafrare they inflicted on Ceylon/Sri Lanka; the idea that international organizations should be sticking their noses into whether war crimes were committed during the civil war is ridiculous.There is simply no way to fight a war to a successful conclusion without committing what a bunch of loud-mouth, nattering leftist idiots consider to be war crimes.The only alternative to forgoing the type of violent behavior that has recently been labeled as war crimes is to give up on the idea of total victory which means that low level conflict goes on indefinitely. Why left wing morons think that interminable and non-conclusive wafrare is more humane, just or acceptable than the alternative is a mystery to anyone who possesses an ounce of common sense.I take no position on whether the Tamils were or were not entitled to autonomy or a nation of their own on the island that used to be called Ceylon. Nevertheless, one thing is clear, the fight with the Tamil Tigers went on for decades and but for the massive violence that took place at the end of the war (the supposed war crimes ) the long running conflict would still be taking place.Is there any question that judged by the standards of today’s foolish left that Sherman’s march through the South would have been considered a war crime? Is there any doubt that but for the behavior of Sherman’s army that the South would have fought on longer with additional violence and death being experienced by both sides to the conflict?Is there any doubt that judged by today’s leftist standards that the bombing of Dresden or dropping the nuclear devices on Hiroshima or Nagasaki would be considered war crimes? Of course not.But had the allies refrained from bombing German cities and if the Americans had refrained from using the nuclear bombs, how much longer would the war have gone on and how many more people would have been injured and killed?It’s not the idea of war crimes that the left dislikes; it’s the idea of decisive victory. Self-loathing as they are, they don’t even want their own country to benefit from decisive victory. Is it any wonder that the United States benefits from so few decisive victories today? We didn’t experience one in Korea or Viet Nam; we didn’t win one in the Balkans; we didn’t achieve one in the Second Iraq War or in Afghanistan. The United States and Western Europe is preventing Israel from achieving one in Palestine and in its quarrel with Iran. In recent years, only the First Gulf War could be considered a decisive victory and even there we left Saddam Hussein in place to fight another day.Not all nations live by the same scruples; China does was it takes to win decisively in Tibet and Russia certainly was brutal in destroying Chechnya. Of course, at the same time they are demanding that the Sri Lankans be held to account we hear little to nothing from these leftist idiots about war crimes committed by the Chinese or Russians.The world is a more violent, dangerous and thuggish place because of institutions like the International Criminal Court and various war crimes tribunals. These institutions and the naive and gullible leftists who support them are making civilian populations less safe not more safe.The best and safest thing for civilian populations is decisive victories where nations such as Sri Lanka can move on, not long drawn out conflicts that never end because the more powerful side is afraid of using the type of force that will bring these conflicts to an end.