15 January, 2025


WikiLeaks: Tamil Diaspora Is In Danger Of Becoming More Radicalized – Blake

“In a luncheon discussion with Co-Chair Ambassadors and the Acting Indian High Commissioner on November 14 Prime Minister Tony Blair’s Special Envoy Paul Murphy exchanged views on how the Northern Ireland peace process might be relevant for the Sri Lankan context. Murphy was the cabinet minister responsible for Northern Irish Affairs between 2002 and 2005, and was closely involved in the Northern Ireland peace process. He noted that while there are some important lessons that Sri Lanka can draw from the Northern Ireland experience, both sides must be convinced there can be no military solution and both must be committed to a cease-fire, neither of which is now the case in Sri Lanka.” the US Embassy Colombo informed Washington.

Robert O. Blake

Robert O. Blake

The Colombo Telegraph found the related leaked cable from the WikiLeaks database. The cable is classified as “CONFIDENTIAL” and recounts details of a meeting US Ambassador to Colombo has had with British Prime Minister Tony Blair’s Special Envoy Paul Murphy on November 14, 2006. The cable was written by the US Ambassador to Colombo,Robert O. Blake.

The ambassador wrote; “Everyone agreed that the Irish-American Diaspora played an important role in Northern Ireland. In Sri Lanka’s case, however, the Tamil Diaspora is much more diffuse in that Tamils live in many countries, and has no clear leadership that can speak for them. Therefore, it is harder to influence the community as a whole or to get them to speak with one voice. We also agreed that if anything the Tamil Diaspora is in danger of becoming more radicalized as a result of the deteriorating military and humanitarian situation in Sri Lanka.”

We publish below the cable in full;





E.O. 12958: DECL: 11/14/2016
TAGS: PREL [External Political Relations], PTER [Terrorists and Terrorism], PGOV [Internal Governmental Affairs], CE [Sri Lanka], EI [Ireland]

Classified By: Ambassador Robert O. Blake, Jr. for reasons
1.4 (b) and (d).

¶1. (C) Summary: In a luncheon discussion with Co-Chair
Ambassadors and the Acting Indian High Commissioner on
November 14 Prime Minister Tony Blair’s Special Envoy Paul
Murphy exchanged views on how the Northern Ireland peace
process might be relevant for the Sri Lankan context. Murphy
was the cabinet minister responsible for Northern Irish
Affairs between 2002 and 2005, and was closely involved in
the Northern Ireland peace process. He noted that while
there are some important lessons that Sri Lanka can draw from
the Northern Ireland experience, both sides must be convinced
there can be no military solution and both must be committed
to a cease-fire, neither of which is now the case in Sri
Lanka. End Summary

¶2. (C) Murphy made clear at the outset that he is not in
Sri Lanka to mediate or in any way detract from Norway’s
facilitation effort, but rather to brief on the Northern
Ireland peace process experience and the possible lessons Sri
Lanka might draw. He ticked off the following points that he
thought might be relevant to his Sri Lankan interlocutors.

— Northern Ireland was successful because all of the parties
were involved. The Good Friday Agreement was written by the
parties themselves so was likely to stick because the parties
themselves have ownership of the Agreement and the process.

— A fundamental precondition of the process was the
conviction of both sides that no one could win a war and that
a cease-fire was a necessary precondition for successful
talks. Murphy commented that from his limited talks thus far
in Sri Lanka it was not clear that either condition now
prevails here.

— International cooperation was a critical part of the Good
Friday Agreement. Murphy specifically cited the important
role played by Presidents Clinton and Bush, former Senator
George Mitchell, and Irish Americans both on the hill and
elsewhere. He also praised the EU’s financial and political
support for the process. Murphy commented it is good the
Co-Chairs already are involved.

— The Northern Ireland peace process was a highly structured
full-time peace process in which both sides shared a
building, had working level staff, and worked full time on
the issues.

— A critical milestone was the decision by Gerry Adams to
move from his support of a military solution to embracing a
political settlement. Murphy commented it was not clear the
LTTE or some parts of the Sri Lankan military were yet
prepared to make a similar move.

— Another critical element was the importance of trust by
all participants in the peace process itself and in each
other. Murphy commented and all others agreed that there is
virtually no trust for the moment between the parties in Sri

¶3. (C) Several key points emerged from the ensuing

— Many of the ambassadors were pessimistic both about the
willingness of the LTTE and the Sri Lankan military to
seriously pursue peace negotiations.

COLOMBO 00001913 002 OF 002

— Likewise they were pessimistic that the international
community could bring sufficient pressure to compel the two
sides to change their stances, particularly in the case of
the LTTE where international leverage is limited.

— Everyone agreed that the Irish-American Diaspora played an
important role in Northern Ireland. In Sri Lanka’s case,
however, the Tamil Diaspora is much more diffuse in that
Tamils live in many countries, and has no clear leadership
that can speak for them. Therefore, it is harder to
influence the community as a whole or to get them to speak
with one voice. We also agreed that if anything the Tamil
Diaspora is in danger of becoming more radicalized as a
result of the deteriorating military and humanitarian
situation in Sri Lanka.

Latest comments

  • 9


    • 8

      Under statement!

      Knowing Blake, he is exerting subliminal influence on the Tamil diaspora “to become more radicalised”.

      If the Tamil diaspora thinks the Americans love them and are working for their “rights” they are mistaken. Blake is a seasoned CIA operator, currently working in Indonesia, keeping an eye on Sri lanka.

      Blake was the reason why Indonesia abstained at the UNHRC.

      Tamil diaspora need to be careful with their dealings with the hymies, as Pirapaharan found out, leading his path to hell!

      • 1

        Latest U tube video shows a gory scene in Sri Lanka war:

        You must see it to believe the story of war crimes.

        Callum Macrae ‏@Callum_Macrae 5h

        More disturbing (but as yet unverified) video has emerged https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2vAER7kcxs

  • 4

    RE: WikiLeaks: Tamil Diaspora Is In Danger Of Becoming More Radicalized – Blake

    Yes. They are becoming more radicalized.

    It was known as GTF, Global Tamil Forum.

    Now it is known as GTTF, Global Tamil Terrorist Forum.

    The Sinhala were known as Sinhala Buddhists, Buddhists who happened to be Sinhala, even though there were hardly any Tamil Buddhists.

    Now they are known as Monk Mahanama Racist Sinhala “Buddhists”.

    They have turned Buddha into a God,( So that they will not be labelled as terrorists by the Saudi Arabian “King”), and like the Wahhabi now they attack Tamils, Hindu Kovils, Christian Churches, Muslim Mosques and whatever Monk Mahanama did not approve, just like whatever Abdul Wahab did not approve.

    They are locally known as Para-Sinhala, according to the Native Veddah terminology.

    This is the price nations pay for not separating Church and State.

    • 5

      This man is so bankrupt he cant make a comment without Mahavamsa and mahanama monk.

      @Robert Blake,

      yes tamil diaspora are radicalising and you are helping that.

      • 3


        “This man is so bankrupt he cant make a comment without Mahavamsa and mahanama monk. “

        Will stop commenting when 90% of the Sinhala Buddhists truly understand the imaginations of Monk Mahanama and the Mahawansa. What is the half-life for mahanam Imaginations? For the Sun going around the Earth imagination, the half-life is approximately 200 years, and 25% of the Americans and Europeans STILL believe the Sun goes around the Earth.

        If Monk Mahanama kept his imaginations to true facts and believable events, and restricted to true history and true Buddhism, “this man” would not be commenting on Monk Mahanama and his Mahawansa Imaginations.

        The same can be said about the Wahhabis, as they are of the same cion.

        People still talk about and cite Copernicus, Galileo and Kepler. Why? because they spoke and wrote something that was closer to the truth, not to the Church imaginations.

        Deja Vu… Have Seen it before….

        • 0

          Mahanama didn’t preach Buddhism. He wrote a history book. What is to understand in the so called imaginations in mahanama? Sinhala people know very well who mahanama is and what mahavamsa is. The only reason you talk about mahanama is you think you will look likeable to LTTE sympathizers here and it is because of the bankruptcy of you that you can’t make a comment in relation to what is being discussed. May be vaddha’s father seems to have travelled throughout the island producing too many idiots.

    • 0

      This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/

    • 2

      No. we are abitha sinhala.Those days Tamils were called ”Para Demala”.Northern Tamils are illegal migrants from Tamilnadu or their Nijabima.Upcountry tamils were brought to the Srilanka by British to work in our Plantations.So that No Tamils can claim a separate state within Unitary Srilanka.

      • 3


        I hate to agree most of what you have said above.

        However it is only the half truth.

        The majority of present day Sinhala speaking Demelas are the descendants of Kallthonies from South India. The rest of the Sinhala/Buddhists may be the descendants of Kallathonies from Bihar, Bengal, Orrisa.

        I hope we agree on this.

        Sri Lanka is a political name given to my ancestral island in the seventies without the consent of the people in a referendum. So the name itself is illegal.

        You are indulging in illegal activity when you mention Sri Lanka to refer my island.

        As a friendly request, please go back to your mother country which is obviously India. When you go take your Tamil brethren with you.

        • 0

          What was the vedda name given to this Island before Sinhala kallathonis arrived in this island?

      • 0

        This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/

  • 8

    Tamils getting ‘radicallised’ is not a new problem. The Tamil Nazification that started circa 1950 still continue. Sri Lanka has the option of adapting or resisting Tamil Nazification. It has quite rightly chosen the latter at all times.

    Tamils have no inherent mechanisms to control excesses. Last time it was the Sri Lanka army that had to clean up the mess they got themselves into. Dr Noel Nadesan was spot on. The Germans got the message when their Nazis were defeated and humuliated. Tamils are still groping in the dark.

    • 3

      and sinhalese are peace loving people and aliens slaughtered 300 000 ethnic Tamil civilians from 1956.pooh
      “I am not worried about the opinion of the Jaffna people… now we cannot think of them, not about their lives or their opinion… the more you put pressure in the north, the happier the Sinhala people will be here… Really if I starve the Tamils out, the Sinhala people will be happy.”
      – President J.R.Jayawardene, Daily Telegraph, July 1983

  • 4

    The hardliners are more vocal. That is a fact. The Tamil diaspora who read news in Tamil from LTTE front websites and their Sinahla counterparts are more radical. But that demographic is slowly diminishing.

    Many have dropped the word ‘armed’ from the phrase ‘armed struggle’. A good 95% of the diaspora just want to get on with life. Visiting SL, especially the north and seeing the ground situation has brought nuance into their once rigid point of view.

    In Hindsight Blake was wrong. The Diaspora is not more radical they are more smarter than before.

  • 3

    As long as there is ‘trouble’ in Srilanka, Tamil ‘radicals’ are happy that they are moving towards their aim.


  • 5

    Tamils have no voice in Srilanka. They are subjugated under an army rule. No body is there to protect them from rabid Sinhalese Buddhists who do not tolerate dissent.The only voice for Tamils is the Diaspora. The Tamil diaspora themselves are victims who fled the country after they saw their kith and kin being burnt alive in 1958 and 1983 pograms against Tamils.
    The Diaspora is the legitimate voice of Tamils (the only voice which is not suppressed). Now there is a big move by SL govt. to suppress the Diaspora. Blake is talking nonsense. He was a witness to the massacre of Tamils. He never spoke up like the UN High Commissioner of Human Rights.He is so devious and never had any sympathy for Tamils even though he knew the HR violations against the Tamils.

    • 5

      True, Blake had no sympathy for Tamils. He watched the terrorists perish at the hands of the SL forces. Rightly so. When a group of murdererous thugs are on the rampage, who would sympathise if they are put down by the forces? Perhaps Blake thought that those murderous thugs got what they deserved! Who would disagree?

      • 1

        If you are referring to the LTTE as murderous thugs and terrorists, then you are right. However a democratically elected government cannot behave and practice the same on her own citizens (though a minority). Would you agree that the same fate needs to happen to anyone belonging to the GOSL who are the perpetrators of blatant crimes against humanity perpetrated on innocent Tamil civilians during the war?

        • 0

          When you feed terrorists bringing up excuses like “national questions”, a disaster is sure to follow which we witnesses in 2009. How can you blame the unfortunate civilian deaths on the government? Was the government forces using a human shield?

  • 6

    Canada and UK beware. You have a serious problem on hand: Soon these folks will try to carve out a separate state in Toronto and Manchester because Sri Lanka will be out of bounds for them without citizenship :-)

    • 0

      They don’t even recognize Tamilian language. How can they have a homeland there?

      Tamilians are homeless people.

    • 0

      Won’t happen going by the history. Tamils have been more friendly towards the Europeans historically. Europeans used them like slaves in their plantations all around Asia but I’m yet to see a Tamil speaking out against such inhuman treatments they received.

  • 2

    Northern Ireland is occupied country, 6 provinces carved out of the island to placate a group of newly arrived Protestants, who hate the local Catholic population. It has NO relevance to Sri Lanka.

  • 0

    So who is under threat if they become more radicalized?

    The foolish countries that gave them a home!!

    Very good move by SL. Countries that voted against SL at UNHRC will PAY.

  • 0

    If you look deep, you will come to know truth that Tamils have not been Radicalized, but victimised. New Delhi felt threatened by two major issues in the 60’s-70’s; one was the Tamil Nadu’s self-determination drive, and the other one was Sri Lanka’s foreign policy. President J R Jayewardene increased Sri Lanka’s bilateral cooperation with the United States to develop Sri Lanka. So, New Delhi decided to hijack the internal conflict of Sri Lanka to deal with Tamil Nadu Nadu’s self-determination drive and Sri Lanka’s foreign policy. New Delhi trained and supplied arms to the young Tamils to fight against the Sri Lankan government, and also to undermine the Tamils n Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka by turning them as terrorist groups. In the past history Tamils had done well that is why the Tamil language is widely spoken in Asia than Hindi or any other Asian language. Somehow Tamils in Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka got fooled by New Delhi and accepted arms to fight against the Sri Lankan government.

    MGR was an actor didn’t see the motive behind the New Delhi’s deal. Prabhakaran did not see either, because he did not even pass the 10th grade. The LTTE was created to act as a puppet of India; however that didn’t work, because of the Tamil diaspora. The West wanted a foothold in Sri Lanka, so it decided to influence the diaspora and pushed the LTTE to fight against the IPKF. India felt devastated, and was desperate to ban the LTTE and control the situation. The only way to bring the LTTE under control is by its radical approach to the situation. The assassination of the Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi created a pathway to ban the LTTE, not only in India, but all around the world. The Rajiv Gandhi’s assassination helped India to ban the LTTE and control the situation. Here comes the billion dollar question. Who was really behind the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi? Why the Indian intelligence (RAW) could not prevent the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi? Was it necessary evil to allow Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi to die, in order to save India by banning the LTTE which turned against India, and decided to work with the Western Countries to achieve its goal so called “Tamil Eelam”? I let you to answer.

    The British promised a homeland for the Jews, and delivered; but India has not delivered anything to Tamils even though Tamils have died for India. The Union Minister Sudarsana Natchiappan defended India’s abstention on the US sponsored resolution against Sri Lanka in the UNHRC, arguing that it was aimed at neutralising the influence of China. He also said that “leaders of the Tamil National Alliance were under the influence of the diaspora, which, in turn, was controlled by the remnants of the LTTE”. Minister wasn’t suffered in Sri Lanka; that is why he is making an unsubstantiated accusation that all Tamil diaspora are remnants of the LTTE. Tamils suffered under the ruthless Sinhalese regimes. But New Delhi hijacked Tamils struggles for its own interest and created the Tamil armed groups. The Tamils and Sinhalese have suffered for 30 years due to the New Delhi’s political blunder. Now the Tamils have upper hand since last Thursday, because the UNHRC passed the resolution to investigate the last stage of war. Now India and Sri Lanka are in trouble, because the Congress and Rajapaksa regime have been fooling the Tamils. I am a Sri Lankan Tamil diaspora. I never supported the LTTE which was created by New Delhi for its own interests. I urge the Minister to provide evidence that all of the Tamil diaspora are part of the LTTE. It is easier to fool the world that all Tamils are LTTE, and they deserve nothing than delivering what is right and acceptable to Tamils.

    You can’t ask the monkey to change its tricks; once you have trained the monkey to do tricks to make money as an entertainment. You can retrain the monkey, but meantime you can’t make money. Likewise the Sri Lankan leaders have trained the Sinhalese people to get votes, if the leaders try to change the people’s ideology they will lose the votes. The leaders have been encouraging language, race and religious disharmony among the people since 1948, in order to keep their power for generations. Hatred is in every Sinhalese’s blood; therefore uniting the country is impossible. It is very easy for the Rajapaksas to fool the people who have been fighting since the independence. The damage is already done, it is impossible to fix it or unwind. Let’s push for an international solution. It doesn’t matter whether New Delhi voted for the US backed UNHRC resolution or not, but I want to know what New Delhi is going to do for Tamils and how it is going to deal with the ruthless Rajapaksa regime. Remember, we were fooled by too many, we won’t easily fall into anyone’s trap anymore.

    Singaporean Foreign Minister called on countries to engage constructively with Sri Lanka and look to the future rather than dwell on the past. The world must know one important thing; we are not dwelling in the past. What we face in Sri Lanka is a real discrimination; we are not living in illusion. I have been to Sri Lanka in 2012. As a Tamil I couldn’t even get tickets to see tourist places as a local; the staff refused to sell local tickets to me even though I produced enough evidence that I was born in Sri Lanka. Mr K Shanmugam is a Tamil; he is a Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for Law, because he is from Singapore. If he is from Sri Lanka he would not have got that position. He does not know about the racist Sinhalese regimes as we do who were born among them. Let him talk, but we will push the international community for political solution. Now is probing the war, but it will be a political solution. We were fooled by too many, but not anymore. After all, we are Tamils :-)

    Banning the Tamil organisation is a dangerous move; it will widen the gap between the Tamil diaspora and the Sinhalese. Dividing the country into two is getting more practical and imminent under the Rajapaksa regime. The Rajapaksas are the most foolish leaders I have come across as government leaders in the world’s political history. The worst thing about the Rajapaksas is they are doing everything to divide the country after killing thousands of innocent people. When I compare the West with the Rajapaksas; the West is unbelievably powerful. The West will triumph. Why do I say this? I tell you the reason why I came to this conclusion. I started Asia Unites in May 2013, but not even one Tamil, Sinhalese or any other Asian donated one dollar to the organisation. It says a lot about the West and its powerful propaganda and the East’s foolishness. Just wait and see how the West is going to spin their heads; they deserve it, because of their stupidity. Don’t you think we are underestimating the intellectuality and the Western powers when we call Sri Lanka as wonder of Asia under the Rajapaksa regime? President Rajapaksa has underestimated the Western powers, the UN and the Tamil diaspora. He has been calculating everyone as he calculated Prabhakaran. He is not smart enough to know what is coming. If he does, he won’t talk about the general election in 2016.

  • 1

    Antany peter,
    “As a tamil i could not even get a ticket to see tourist places”.
    Go sell your story to channel 4 and the bbc. They will pay you handsomely.
    The truth is mate, you are a foreign national who had renounced SL citizenship.Not that you were prevented, you were asked to pay foreigners rate. And being the tight- &%@# you are, you could not digest that, simple as that..this is the same whether you are a tamil or not.

  • 1

    What is the effect of the US policies on all the billions of Muslims in the world ? Don’t talk nonsense Mr Blake .

    the world ? Dont talk utter nonsense

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