15 September, 2024


WikiLeaks:Diaspora Rejected U.S. Calls Them To Urge Release Of Civilians

WikiLeaks:Diaspora Had Rejected U.S. Calls For Them To Urge The Release Of Civilians

By Colombo Telegraph –

“The Foreign Minister assured Prasad that Sri Lanka is sensitive to Indian and other concerns, but repeated that a pause would only give oxygen to the LTTE. He said Sri Lanka needed the help of the Tamil Diaspora to persuade the LTTE to release its civilians. Ambassador briefed the minister on the results of the meeting Assistant Secretary Boucher had hosted with American Diaspora representatives. He explained that the Diaspora had rejected U.S. calls for them to urge the release of civilians.” the US Embassy Colombo informed Washington.

Visvanathan Rudrakumaran the Prime Minister of the Provisional Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam,

The Colombo Telegraph found the related leaked cable from the WikiLeaks database dated April 17,2009.. The cable is classified as “CONFIDENTIAL” and written by the Ambassador Robert O. Blake. The cable details the outcome of the  April 16-17 visit to Sri Lanka by UNSYG Chief of Staff Vijay Nambia and civilians evacuate plans the international community had. The cable also details the meetings the diplomatic community has  had with Defense Secretary, the Foreign Minister and the President of Sri Lanka .

Ambassador Blake wrote “Ambassador warned the Minister that if the government pursued a military option without first allowing high-level diplomacy a chance, Sri Lanka could expect escalating international criticism and actions to demonstrate the international community’s concern. The Ambassador said such actions could include suspension of aid to Sri Lanka, closer scrutiny of IMF lending, possible war crimes investigations, and perhaps other actions. EU Head of Mission Savage echoed the Ambassador’s comments, noting the importance of Sri Lanka protecting civilians and giving the LTTE an opportunity to surrender. He said the loss of civilian lives from ongoing military operations would be a humanitarian and public  relations disaster for Sri Lanka ‘which would snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.’ Indian High Commissioner Prasad agreed and referred to a very tough statement the Indian Foreign Ministry had issued earlier in the day. He said there is ‘extreme concern’ in India about civilian casualties. India did not see why further military action was necessary at this time and supports a humanitarian pause.”

Placing a comment Blake wrote “The President’s hard line position is likely motivated in part by his need to play to his southern Sinhala political base in the elections for the Western Provincial Council that will take place later this month. However, his visit to Kilinochchi to meet with the troops may have reinforced his conviction that the government finally has the LTTE trapped with a military victory in close reach. We are encouraged that the Foreign Ministry left an opening for a possible higher-level UN effort, provided the LTTE cooperates in releasing to the working level UN team at least some civilians as a sign of good faith. UN Resident Representative Buhne told Ambassador the UN will send a UN security advance team to the safe zone as soon as possible with a view to sending in the working-level team as soon as possible thereafter. In the meantime, the international community must continue to pressure the GSL to agree to a pause and cease military actions to allow diplomacy to work. It is also important that no public mention be made of a possible UN effort to release civilians, lest Sinhala nationalists seek to capitalize on the upcoming elections to force the GSL to back down from even the limited concessions they have made.”

Related news to this cable;

WikiLeaks: How Can The UN Consider Having Contact With Terrorists? MR To UN

Read the cable below for further details;

DE RUEHLM #0431/01 1071129
O 171129Z APR 09 ZDK CTG RUEHSD #0095 1200207
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 05 COLOMBO 000431 



E.O. 12958: DECL: 04/17/2019

COLOMBO 00000431  001.3 OF 005 

Classified By: Ambassador Robert Blake for reasons 1.4 (b and d) 

1.  (C)  SUMMARY:  The April 16-17 visit to Sri Lanka by
UNSYG Chief of Staff Vijay Nambiar yielded mixed results.
After a one-on-one breakfast meeting with President Rajapaksa
on April 17, Nambiar reported that Rajapaksa had left only a
slim opening for the UN to pursue the release of civilians by
the LTTE as part of the ICRC's regular visits to the safe
zone to evacuate wounded.  In a subsequent lunch hosted by
the Foreign Minister for Nambiar attended by Ambassador, the
Foreign Ministry clarified that the GSL is prepared to allow
a woring-level UN team to go in to the safe zone with th
ICRC to explore the possibilities of the LTTE alowing the UN
and ICRC to evacuate civilians by ea.  He said that if there
was any positive response from the LTTE and some civilians
were allowed to leave, the GSL "would not rule out" the
possibility of a future higher-level UN effort to get larger
numbers of civilians out.  Both the President and Foreign
Minister refused UN, US, EU and Indian suggestions of a
humanitarian pause now, arguing that such a pause at this
stage would give the LTTE a chance to re-group and forcibly
recruit and train more civilians.  The Foreign Minister said
the GSL would allow short pauses for the delivery of food and
medicine, evacuation of wounded, and the working-level UN
visit.   Ambassador underscored to the Minister the potential
serious consequences internationally of pursuing a military
option without giving diplomacy a chance.  UN Resident
Representative Buhne told Ambassador the UN will send a UN
security advance team to the safe zone as soon as possible
with a view to sending in the working-level team as soon as
possible thereafter.  COMMENT:  Although this outcome was not
all that we hoped for, it nonetheless leaves an opening for a
possible higher-level UN effort, provided the LTTE cooperates
in releasing to the working level UN team at least some
civilians as a sign of good faith.  In the meantime, the
international community must continue to pressure the GSL to
agree to a pause and to cease military actions.  End Summary. 

Meeting with Defense Secretary

2.  (C) UN Resident Representative Neil Buhne briefed
Co-Chair Ambassadors April 17 on UNSYG Chief of Staff Vijay
Nambiar's meeting the previous day with Defense Secretary
Gothabaya Rajapaksa.  Gothabaya said he opposed a
humanitarian pause on the grounds that the LTTE had allowed
virtually no civilians to leave the safe zone during the
48-hour pause earlier in the week.  He indicated that
military forces are now preparing to enter the safe zone in
an effort to separate LTTE cadres from civilians.  He
insisted that military actions would be conducted with
precision to minimize civilian casualties.  Gothabaya
considered that the LTTE had been severely weakened and were
left with only approximately 100 hard core cadres in the safe
zone.  (Comment: we believe this underestimates LTTE
strength.  Army Commander Fonseka told Ambassador and DATT
last week that the LTTE still had 600-700 hard core fighters
and 300 Sea Tigers.  Further, it seems unlikely that only 100
cadres would be in a position to prevent the departure of
tens of thousands of civilians who want to leave while 

COLOMBO 00000431  002.4 OF 005 

continuing to mount stiff opposition to the Army's attempts
to penetrate the safe zone.) 

3.  (C) Nambiar then joined the Co-Chair Ambassadors after
coming directly from a one-on-one breakfast meeting with
President Rajapaksa.  He reported that the President strongly
opposed any extension of the humanitarian pause.  He insisted
that any pause would only give the LTTE an opportunity to
regroup and rearm.  Nambiar countered that a military
operation that produced large civilian casualties would be a
public relations disaster for the government and play
directly into the hands of the LTTE.  The President replied
that he was fully aware of the importance of preventing
civilian casualties, but was simply unwilling to give the
LTTE a new lease on life, adding "we have the LTTE where we
want them."  He acknowledged that Tamils must be part of a
future political process and for this reason the government
would make every effort to minimize civilian casualties.  The
President claimed that the attacks launched on April 16
occurred outside the safe zone. 

4.  (C) The President voiced strong opposition to a possible
UN role in negotiating a humanitarian pause or a surrender by
the LTTE, asking, "how can the UN consider having contact
with a terrorist organization?"  He categorically ruled out
the possibility of the UN entering into negotiations directly
with Prabhakaran.  Nambiar replied that an envoy's role would
be limited to achieving the specific humanitarian objective
of persuading the LTTE to allow trapped civilians to leave
the safe zone and such an effort would be fully coordinated
with the government.  The President insisted that there was
no guarantee that the LTTE would release civilians and that
there were clear indications that the LTTE would not
cooperate in a release. 

5.  (C) The one area in which the President gave any ground
at all was his willingness to consider a UN role (which he
did not specifically define) in a possible ICRC evacuation of
civilians by sea.  He conceded that the involvement of the
UN, side by side with the ICRC, might possibly persuade more
civilians to try to leave the safe zone.  (Comment: The ICRC
is already evacuating wounded civilians by sea, and the
President did not discuss what additional assets would be
used to effect a larger scale sea evacuation.  In addition,
the LTTE has been strictly controlling which and how many
civilians it has allowed to leave by ICRC flagged vessels,
and has given no indication that it would be inclined to
significantly increase these numbers.) 

Government Moderates Its Position

6.  (C) The government moderated its position somewhat at a
lunch hosted by the Foreign Minister for Nambiar before
Nambiar's departure for Delhi.  The Foreign Minister and
Additional Secretary Prasad Kariyaswam clarified the GSL was
prepared to allow a "working-level" UN team from Colombo to
go in to the safe zone with the ICRC to explore the
possibilities of the LTTE allowing the UN and ICRC to
evacuate civilians by sea.  He and the Minister said that if 

COLOMBO 00000431  003.3 OF 005 

there was any positive response from the LTTE and some
civilians were allowed to leave, the GSL "would not rule out"
the possibility of a future higher-level UN effort to
negotiate an LTTE release of larger numbers of civilians. 

But No Pause

7.  (C) The Foreign  Minister continued to maintain that the
GSL could not agree to a humanitarian pause because that
would allow the LTTE to regroup, forcibly recruit and train
new civilians potentially to attack the Sri Lankan military
forces.  The Minister reiterated that the Sri Lankan army
would open up humanitarian corridors to allow civilians to
escape while doing everything possible to avoid civilian
casualties.  Ambassador pointed out that seventy civilians
had been killed on April 16 with many more wounded.  This was
an unacceptably high level of casualties.  The Minster
expressed surprise at the casualty report.  Both the UN and
ICRC confirmed that those were the figures provided by the
make-shift hospital in the safe zone.  The Minister then
raised the familiar GSL question of how the UN and ICRC
distinguished between civilian and combatant casualties.
ICRC Chief Paul Castella responded that many of those being
evacuated by the ICRC are women and children.  Indian High
Commissioner Prasad added that Indian doctors at the Indian
Health facility treating wounded at Pulmoddai had the same

US Warns of Potential Consequences of Military Option
--------------------------------------------- -------- 

8.  (C) Ambassador took the opportunity to underline the
importance of the GSL supporting a humanitarian pause and a
diplomatic solution.  He pointed out that at present, much of
the world recognizes that the LTTE is holding civilians
against their will.  If the GSL pursues a military option
without allowing a high level UN diplomatic effort to secure
the release of all civilians, the GSL will be seen around the
world as the aggressor and the party responsible for the high
number of civilian casualties that would certainly occur.  He
underlined that the United States and many other countries
are seriously concerned about the already high number of
civilian casualties.  He told the Minister that comparisons
are already being made to what transpired in Rwanda where the
international community did not do enough to prevent a

9.  (C) Ambassador warned the Minister that if the government
pursued a military option without first allowing high-level
diplomacy a chance, Sri Lanka could expect escalating
international criticism and actions to demonstrate the
international community's concern.  The Ambassador said such
actions could include suspension of aid to Sri Lanka, closer
scrutiny of IMF lending, possible war crimes investigations,
and perhaps other actions.  EU Head of Mission Savage echoed
the Ambassador's comments, noting the importance of Sri Lanka
protecting civilians and giving the LTTE an opportunity to
surrender.  He said the loss of civilian lives from ongoing
military operations would be a humanitarian and public 

COLOMBO 00000431  004.3 OF 005 

relations disaster for Sri Lanka "which would snatch defeat
from the jaws of victory."  Indian High Commissioner Prasad
agreed and referred to a very tough statement the Indian
Foreign Ministry had issued earlier in the day.  He said
there is "extreme concern" in India about civilian
casualties.  India did not see why further military action
was necessary at this time and supports a humanitarian pause. 

10.  (C) The Foreign Minister assured Prasad that Sri Lanka
is sensitive to Indian and other concerns, but repeated that
a pause would only give oxygen to the LTTE.  He said Sri
Lanka needed the help of the Tamil Diaspora to persuade the
LTTE to release its civilians.  Ambassador briefed the
minister on the results of the meeting Assistant Secretary
Boucher had hosted with American Diaspora representatives.
He explained that the Diaspora had rejected U.S. calls for
them to urge the release of civilians. 

Steps to Enhance Prospects for LTTE Releases

11.  (C) Looking ahead to the visit of UN working-level
representatives into the safe zone and possible future
higher-level UN visits, Ambassador suggested that the GSL
could take two important steps to improve chances of the LTTE
agreeing to the release of civilians.  First, the GSL needs
to adopt and implement clear benchmarks and time tables on
such matters as the resettlement of civilians from the camps
in Vavuniya and freedom of movement within the camps.  A few
success stories and clear time tables for implementation of
more successes would bolster IDP, donor and Diaspora
confidence about GSL intentions.  Thus far, such confidence
was waning.  He cited, for example, pledges by the
President's brother and senior Advisor, Basil Rajapaksa, for
significant numbers of IDPs from Vavuniya and Mannar to be
resettled by the end of April.  The GSL would not only not
meet that target, it had no clear time table for when it
might do so. 

12.  (C) The second step that the GSL could take to enhance
prospects for LTTE release of civilians would be for the
President to announce his plans for sharing power with Tamils
and ensuring them a future of respect and dignity within a
united Sri Lanka.  Prasad echoed that would be very important
for India as well.  ICRC Chief Castella added that Basil
Rajapaksa also had pledged in February to allow ICRC access
to all IDP registration sites.  However, the ICRC still did
not have access to Pulmoddai, the first stop for all evacuees
from the safe zone, nor did it have a presence in
Kilinochchi.  ICRC access at both sites would do much to
build confidence in the registration process. 

Comment and Next Steps

13.  (C) The President's hard line position is likely
motivated in part by his need to play to his southern Sinhala
political base in the elections for the Western Provincial
Council that will take place later this month.  However, his 

COLOMBO 00000431  005.3 OF 005 

visit to Kilinochchi to meet with the troops may have
reinforced his conviction that the government finally has the
LTTE trapped with a military victory in close reach. We are
encouraged that the Foreign Ministry left an opening for a
possible higher-level UN effort, provided the LTTE cooperates
in releasing to the working level UN team at least some
civilians as a sign of good faith.  UN Resident
Representative Buhne told Ambassador the UN will send a UN
security advance team to the safe zone as soon as possible
with a view to sending in the working-level team as soon as
possible thereafter.  In the meantime, the international
community must continue to pressure the GSL to agree to a
pause and cease military actions to allow diplomacy to work.
It is also important that no public mention be made of a
possible UN effort to release civilians, lest Sinhala
nationalists seek to capitalize on the upcoming elections to
force the GSL to back down from even the limited concessions
they have made.
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Latest comments

  • 0

    So War criminals are protesting against a war criminal and that war criminal to dine with another war criminals. LOL . Thank you CT for publishing this cable!

    • 0

      Minus the Sun God who attained the sainthood in mythical terrorist Tamil Ealam.

  • 0

    Bloody hell! :) :) bloody rats.

  • 1

    The real problem with the so-called diaspora leaders or spokespersons was that they were in no position at all to change the course of activities or influence the decisions taken by the high command in Wanni. They were just excellent servants to the junta in Wanni in carrying out their orders abroad and no more.

    These people falsely projected themselves as the real representatives of the LTTE and tried hard to create an illusion about themselves among the refugee community.

    They knew their positions very well and most of the time engaged in undercutting their rivals in the same area of activities.The best service they rendered to the community was that they continuously complained about their rivals to the high command and provided space within their families to the secret representatives from Wanni to curry favour from the high command.

    They were bent on enjoying social recognition among the Tamil refugees and earning a luxurious living from the percentage cut they received from LTTE extortion(of money). The high command stationed its own representatives in every country to get information and to manage its investments.

    These diaspora personalities including Mr.Balasingham, actually played a very miniature role in the past on the decisions made by the high command.

    It’s no secret that these diaspora leaders equally have blood in their hands.

  • 1

    That is why LTTE claimed their war as ” People´s War” and they wanted to be with people even in the last minutes.
    All these internal killings, killing members of other organizations, politicians, intellectuals like Neelan etc. at the end at least they could give civilians a chance to escape.

    LTTE was not a “Tamil Baby” This was created by sinhala chauvinists and grown up in a sinhhala womb and broght up with their methods

    But this was one and only Tamil voice we had in Sri Lanka

    • 3


      It is not people war. It is called “Terrorist War aginst an elected goverment.

      • 2

        Well said, Mr. Webber!

      • 0

        Saddam’s government was elected… Mubarak’s government was elected….

        • 2


          They were overthrown by the western back hoodlums [Edited out] Do you understand it well?

          I feel very sorry for you for the level of education that you acheived.

      • 0

        This is my own critics against LTTE without colloborating with a sinhalese racist like you. Keep away from my comments!

  • 2

    And they silenced all the other voices with the deafening sound of their weaponry. Some people are still engaged with the shameless defense of a group which had done more damage than good to the community it stood for.

    • 0

      Hey JD

      you are perfectly right – the people like you -[Edited out]

    • 0


      By the way was that what your beloved king-ping Terra leader did for all other moderate tamil leaders? Please remember try not to cover your face with your cloths your private parts are now exposed.

      • 1

        BTW what was that your beloved Gota do to moderate Sinhala leaders and journalist, other white van them and chase them out of the country?

  • 2

    “He explained that the Diaspora had rejected U.S. calls for them to urge the release of civilians.” the US Embassy Colombo informed Washington.”

    It should not surprise anyone that there is hypocrisy here. The Tamil diaspora, at least many of them, are all pretending to be outraged about the atrocities allegedly committed by the SL armed forces, but they seem to overlook conveniently the damage and hell caused to their own people by the LTTE. The little children being kidnapped and forced to join the terrorists, the killing of moderate Tamils by the terrorists, the harassment and lands stolen by the terrorists, and the years of hardship caused to the people in the North.
    No side is blameless for the suffering and deaths caused by BOTH sides, but to hear the diaspora, it seems only one side is to be blamed. To think that these concerned members of this diaspora had the golden opportunity to stop the deaths of their own, and yet rejected it. I guess they had loyalties to a lost cause.

    • 1

      Tamil diaspora are outraged because the humiliating defeat of their racist LTTE, and not because the of deaths of Tamil civilians (if any). For years they glorified themselves as war heroes and clever race. The defeat is too humiliating to bear and they lost the bets they placed in hard currency. No more than a bunch of dumb witted hypocrites and perrenial losers. They can now swollow the bitter pills they wanted their foot soldiers to swollow.

  • 1

    US started the plan to destroy LTTE in 2006. Read below. Dr Thiagarajah, who wrote an article in Tamilcanadian.com about this. Someone has written this comment in Sangam.org about: I copied below.

    I am not suprised that Blake blamed Diaspora.

    It was alleged that this plan code-named ‘Project Beacon’ was first presented to the Co-Chairs to the peace process in Sri Lanka, namely United States; European Union; Norway and Japan, during December 2005 in the Norwegian capital Oslo.

    The initiative was to have started on May Day 2006. According to the proposal, the project would be completed by May Day 2009, and an additional two years would be required thereafter for ‘mopping up’ operations.

    Project Beacon divided LTTE administered areas as at December 2005 into three coastal sections. The basic plan was to ‘softening up’ of sections by means of air raids and multi-barrel rockets; diversionary ‘mini-offensives’ in parts of other sections, and virtual siege of the area concerned for up to twelve months if necessary.

    Project Beacon warned the co-chairs that there may be ‘significant’ civilian casualties during ‘softening up’ activities and ‘apparent humanitarian crises’ during sieges.

    Consequently, it was feared that the Tamil Diaspora would take to the streets of their host nations highlighting Tamil civilian casualty and genocide.

    The plan provided the co-chairs with the names of key Tamil activists who may lead such mass demonstrations in some 12 countries. The plan requested that these individuals be arrested on ‘charges of terrorism’, thus ‘giving a clear warning to the Diaspora on the consequences of demonstrating against the government of Sri Lanka’.

    Sri Lankan begged that it did not have the financial capacity to procure all the arms and ammunition necessary. It requested that the Co-Chairs to indirectly play a part. They take more responsibility for civil services, in particular in southern Sri Lanka, to ensure that more government money could be siphoned off to the military activity with very little impact on the day to day lives of the Sinhala public.

    The Co-Chairs unanimously agreed that the Three Year Plan was viable and ‘militaristically sound’. The Co-Chairs agreed to abide by the two pre-conditions and review the plan as per necessary some three to four months following each May Day.

    Political observers might put two and two together and conclude that the IC’s silence over human suffering deaths and genocide in GSL Eastern war might be due to help the GSL in the project beacon.

    • 0

      So.. who cares about your Dr. Thiagarajah’s writings in tamilcanadian.com??! So.. you want us to believe what he writes as Gospal truth?? What credentials he has?? Better cuote from Prabhakaran. Bulshit!!

  • 1

    This article clearly explains why Blake blamed Diaspora! US plan to destroy Tamil Nationalism long before.

    “Burma and Sri Lanka are good examples where national questions crucial to concerned people are bulldozed by the so-called IC agenda: ‘development’ at any cost, even at the cost of genocide”.

  • 1

    The tiger terrorists in sheeps’ clothing as “diaspora” are getting exposed as to who they really are! Good!!!!

  • 0

    Robert Blake was warning Sri lanka about war crimes during the height of the war and that shows that the americans, indians and others were well aware that the Sri Lankan military was slaughtering the tamil civilians.They surely had ample evidence of what was happening on the ground but still did not put enough pressure on the Sri lankan govt to stop the carnage.

    Now, the Sri lankan govt agreeing to the US demand to implement the LLRC report and to investigate the war crimes must be the result of the US threatening to make public the evidence of mass civilian killings they have in their posession.

    • 1

      Still hallucinating about eelam???????????????????

  • 1

    There is no mention of whole civilian population in the area taken as human shields with the LTTE movements.The only motive being to be protected by the GOSL action.They also placed cannons next to hospitals, so really the army had to return fire to save itself.The LTTE violated all norms of established warfare to win and cared nothing for the poor tamils caught in the crossfire by their own design.The diaspora is primarily responsible for giving the financial support to the terrorists and India for training the LTTE and bringing pressure on the GOSL when it was within the grasp of getting Prabakaran captured.

  • 2

    If not for Pesident Rajapakse,his brother the Defense secretary and General Fonseka This long drawn out tragedy would have been still going on and all those crying against atrocities would have been silent while many more would have died.There are war crimes going on everyday but it depends who is committing them as there seems to be two sets of rules and the powerful nations can even invade countries and kill civilian populations and there is no one to take action. Even when gold standard reports like the Goldstein report on the atrocities done to Palestinians by the Israel forces nothing is being done. How many resolutions are there against Israel by the UN security council but they are not acted upon.The UN is a joke a pliable tool to keep the small fry in line and the powerful to do whatever they wish.

  • 1

    When Charles Taylor was sentenced I wondered where President Bush, Dick. Chaney,Donald. Rumsfeld and Tony Blair should be in the same dock and sentenced accordingly for the complicity in the invasion of Iraq and the loss of 100,000 civilians in colateral damage and other atrocities committed by both sides.

  • 1

    Busted! And now these same jokers like to pretend to be ‘human rights activists’. While waving Tiger flags. Who’re you trying to kid, folks?

  • 0

    You’ll find it closer to that this UK, meaning through which travel costs is reduced.

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