12 February, 2025


Will Dr. Harsha Perform A “Political Bulti”?

By Gamini Jayaweera

Gamini Jayaweera

Participating in a recent TV programme, opposition parliamentarian Dr. Harsha De Silva said that the President was not wrong, and he felt sorry for the President’s predicament. He did not believe that the President had ever thought of making such a wrongdoing. (“ජනාධිපතිතුමා වැරදි නැහැ………එයා ගැන මට දුකයි……මම විශ්වාස කරන්නේ නැහැ කිසිදවසක මේ වගේ වැරද්දක් කරන්න බලාපොරොත්තු වුනා කියලා. කල්ලියක් විසින් ඔහුව කොටු කරගෙන……….”)

Dr. Harsha’s statement implies that the President is a prisoner within his inner circle of advisers who are responsible for all the wrong decisions that have been taken by the President but not the President himself. Is it reasonable to assume that Dr. Harsha has made this statement because either he is preparing groundwork for a “political bulti” which is like the one performed by Shantha Bandara or he is not fully aware of the wrong doings which have been carried out by the President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and his regime, since he became the President of Sri Lanka in November 2019? I have formulated the following information for the benefit of a wider audience to make up their own minds about the validity of Dr. Harsha’s statement.

Appointment of Criminals

When Gotabhaya Rajapaksa became President of Sri Lanka he appointed Lalith Weerathunge who was a convicted criminal at the time, as his Senior Adviser. The President did not wait for the hearing and the judgement of the higher court for the appeal filed by the convicted criminals. When Lalith Weerathunge was serving as the Senior Adviser to the President, the Court of Appeal Discharged and Acquitted the previously convicted Lalith and Anusha Palpita for mis-using public funds for political activities. Anusha Palpita was appointed as the new Secretary to the Ministry of Industries from January 1, 2021, by President Gotabaya.

Duminda Silva was convicted by the Supreme Court as a murderer for murdering Bharatha Lakshman Premachandra. President Gotabaya using his presidential executive powers, pardoned, and released Duminda from the prison. He then appointed Duminda Silva as the Chairman of the Urban Development Authority. I wonder whether Dr. Harsha believes that these are the work of the advisers in the inner circle of the president.

Friends and Family for Top Positions

As soon as Gotabaya Rajapaksa became president he appointed some of his friends in America who used to have sing song parties with him, as Sri Lankan Ambassadors without any previous diplomatic and administrative experience.

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa appointed most of his close family members as Ministers and State Ministers. The dual citizenship law was changed to appoint one of his brothers, a citizen of America, as the finance minister. It has been reported that according to some estimates, about 75% of the budget is under the control of Rajapaksa ministers in government. Surely Dr. Harsha, do you believe that these decisions have been made by the advisers in the President’s inner circle?

Tax Concessions & Sudden Tax Changes

A proposal made by President Gotabaya Rajapaksa in November 2019, the Phottuwa caretaker government headed by Mahinda Rajapaksa, announced a heap of tax concessions which included the annulment of Nation Building Tax (NBT), Capital Gain Tax, Withholding Tax, and the reduction of VAT to 8 per cent from 15. At the time, Patali Champika Ranawaka MP stated that the government revenue had been reduced by 30 percent due to these tax concessions. He pointed out that the previous tax policy administered by the “Yahapalanaya” government helped to keep the country from going bankrupt.

Then the sudden Tax changes in importing sugar had allowed a few businessmen to pocket Rs. 15.95bn which had been classified as lost revenue to the government. No checks and balances were made when taking such drastic decisions, demonstrating the ugly side of the President and the members of the government who were opening doors to their supporters to earn unbelievable profits at the expense of government revenue.

It appears that to payback their wealthy donors and supporters, the Gotabaya government ignore these dangers and allowed the treasury lose billions of rupees in revenue. We do not believe that these despotic actions have been taken by the advisers in the President’s inner circle?

Appointment of Retired Military Personnel

During the past two years, President Gotabaya has appointed some of the retired members of Armed Forces without sufficient qualifications and experience, as Secretaries to the Ministries destroying the independent status of these positions. During the same period, President Gotabaya has appointed retired members of armed forces as Chairmen of State enterprises. Most of these retired personnel have not got the required entrepreneurial experience to manage these institutions economically and efficiently, hence making substantial losses. One wonders whether these appointments have been made to run efficient and economic public service and state corporations or to payback friendly members of the armed forces to ensure that Command & Control type leadership would be in place to suppress the workforce and Trade Unions who may fight for their employment rights.

I give below on point form the rest of the wrong doings during the last two years by the President Gotabaya and his regime otherwise this is going to be a very long article. Hope the learned Dr. will get a clearer picture of the reasons for President’s self-made predicament.

  • Organic Compost debacle
  • Appointment of Ajit Navad Cabral as the Governor of Central Bank
  • Appointment of failed Ministers from the previous regime as Ministers
  • Turning a blind eye for destruction of the environment by govt. supporters
  • Allowing destruction of archaeological sites by the govt. supporters and granting them to build hotels on these sites.
  • Appointing his nephew to oversee all the ministries in addition to managing his own ministry.
  • Remanding Muslim public figures without evidence for alleged crimes
  • No charges against the Good Friday bombers
  • Not taking action to bring back Arjun Mahendran
  • Allowing his cousin, Nirupama Rajapaksa to leave the country without investigating the Pandora scandal.
  • Despite the country is going through economic hardships, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, President Gotabaya promoted 337 Officers and 8,226 other ranks of the Sri Lanka Army.
  • Importing luxury vehicles for govt. ministers
  • Approving loans and implementing unwanted road construction programme despite unable to pay the interest of previous loans
  • Appointment of his family lawyer as the Minister of Justice
  • Not taking actions against perpetrators hence allowing corruption to prosper
  • Demonstrating Self-Centred selfish leadership qualities

As I have explained above, despite securing a two thirds majority in the Parliament, the ruling coalition has so far failed to deliver the manifesto commitments to put our country on the right path to prosperity during the last two years. In summary, this regime has failed due to the continuation of the same old failed policies by the same old failed politicians of the previous administrations. In addition, the appointment of murderers & criminals to top govt. positions, practising nepotism & corruption at the highest level, bending the Justice system to suit their needs, poor leadership form Ministerial Levels to the Heads of state institutions, appointment of inexperienced politically biased retired personnel from the armed forces to responsible top govt. positions, implementation of short-sighted & unwanted policies without wider consultation, and taking the advantage of the two thirds majority to act arrogantly and foolishly by the ruling party members from top to bottom are solely responsible for creating the failed state we are in.

“Caretaker” Government

Several politicians in the country believe that forming a “caretaker” government from the members of all parties and sacking the President would be the panacea to all our deep-rooted problems. I believe that unless we identify the root causes of the failures of the three branches ie. the Executive, the Legislature, and the Judiciary we will not be able to solve our deep-rooted problems by just creating a “caretaker” government to give a breathing space to these failed politicians.

Independence of the Three Pillars

In 1748 a former French Judge and Political Philosopher, Montesquieu emphasised the importance of independence of these three branches and I quote “When the legislative and executive powers are united in the same person, or in the same body of magistrates, there can be no liberty… there is no liberty if the powers of judging is not separated from the legislative and executive… there would be an end to everything, if the same man or the same body… were to exercise those three powers.”

This quote illustrates the valiant effort led by late Ven. Madulawawe Sobitha Thero. and other civil societies to oust the very powerful President Mahinda Rajapaksa and form the “Yahapalanaya” government to abolish the Executive Presidency by the incumbent government headed by the former President Maithripala Sirisena and the former Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe. But the greedy corrupt leaders of the “Yahapalanaya”, played party politics and ignored the mandate given to them by the Late Ven. Thero. and the progressive people in this country to abolish the Executive Presidency. Hence, the country is now experiencing social and economic catastrophes due to a single person exercising his executive powers violating the independence of the above mentioned three pillars of our democracy.

Executive Presidency

During the last few decades our leaders have systematically eroded the independence of the above mentioned three branches for personal and political gains. Since we have changed our constitution and elected an Executive President, our country was gradually fallen into a failed state due to the behaviour of greedy and power hungry corrupt political leaders and their henchmen.

I totally agree with the Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa and the JVP Leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake that the very first thing the members of parliament must do is to abolish the Executive Presidency and bring back the executive and legislative powers to the Parliament and make the Judiciary an independent institution. This will give the Legislature to formulate Laws and the Executive to implement them. The independent Judiciary is there to ensure that the checks & balances have been applied when formulating and implementing Laws to ensure that they are complied with the law of the land.


Although I have mentioned the two reasons which may have prompted for Dr. Harsha to say that the President has not done any wrong doings, I personally do not believe that Dr. Harsha, being an active parliamentarian, is not aware of the above-mentioned facts and figures. If so, the public would like to know his motive to state about the President’s innocence on the above matters at this crucial juncture.

We all must get together to improve our economic situation to ensure that the people have enough food, medicine, electricity, and fuel, etc. to survive in the short run. Unless we create an environment for the people to keep their noses above the water to breath, I do not believe that whatever we are demanding is possible to achieve. Our message may not get through to the people if they are suffering from hunger.

We must not ignore our young people of all races Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims, Malays, Burghers and of all religions Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, Catholics, Anglicans who are currently demonstrating against this corrupt system. We all must collectively use our courage, energy, and wisdom to act decisively and speedily in creating an egalitarian, democratic, compassionate, united, modern, and peaceful Sri Lanka by the advancement of social, religious, cultural, economic, and technological developments which the young people now deserve.

It is my view that even if we are to get the best economist in the world, there is no certainty that we may be able to solve our deep-rooted economic problems soon. The economists can make Predictions for the Future based on the past and the current data. The Predictions may be right or wrong irrespective of the use of currant data because the Conditions related to the data are changing all the time due to many other factors which are beyond our control.

I conclude this brief article with the following for our intelligent parliamentarians who think that they have the magic wand to solve our deep-rooted economic problems soon. Intelligence alone does not get us where we want to go. It is said that Intelligence is worth little without Wisdom and Experience”. The need of the hour is for the current members of Parliament, to avert the current crisis by giving up self-serving politics and taking prudent decisions in conformity to what the public is now unanimously asking in loud and clear.

Latest comments

  • 21

    While Nivad Cabrall, a fancy conman , was destroying our economy what did the so called monetary board do ?

    Did they challenge his printing of money ? Did they understand the consequences ?

    How about the parliament ? Until today, we do not know how much money was printed, when was it printed, who made the decision to print ?

    Should not the parliamentarians asked these questions ?

    • 3

      Mr Jayaweera,
      I dont think Dr Silva meant it as you are making effort to promote here. He just wanted to formulate it in a decent manner. He is a decent man, who has lived in civilized countries before he enterd sl politics. In fact, Dr Silva was one of the few experts, that repeatedly forced GOVT to go to IMF long ago. The consequences were made clear to the ruling men, but experts thoughts were totally ignored and they ridiculled out it again anda gain.

      And the very same parliament, paved the way Basil the dual citizen with US to become the minister of finance. Wimal Buruwanse – their loud speaker for their sort of family made rherotics misleading the easy targets too stood as if his five senses were totally impaired at the time, ballige putha Basil entered the parliament.
      Today, opposition is caught by high criticisms, but, people with knowledge can see it since 20 amendement and 2/3 mandate in the parliament dont leave space for any opposition to stand out.

      Every one of us know the education level of Gotabaya and that of his siblings. Their knowledge would have been good enough to animate uneducated masses. That they did again and again.

      • 4

        Dear Dr. Harsha,
        I have had the opportunity to watch your interview with Derana 360 this afternoon.
        Yes, I agree that you did not say that the President was NOT WRONG. I sincerely do apologize for taking the press report to state that point.

        Although you criticized the Rajapakse family members for the mismanagement, you had clearly stated that you felt sorry for the President’s predicament indicating that the President was a prisoner within his inner circle of advisers who were responsible for the wrong decisions that had been taken by the President. You have not denied it.

        My article did not accuse you, but I was questioning the reasons for your statement about President’s innocence. I have given two possible reasons for that at the very beginning of my article. In the Conclusion paragraph I have ruled out the Second reason based on you being an active parliamentarian.

        With regard to the First reason, I have requested you to let the public know your motive for stating the President’s innocence and your sadness about his predicament. I hope you understand my intention.

        Dear leelagemalli,
        Thank you for your comment which I have read with interest.

        I did not have any intention of attacking Dr. Harsha directly or indirectly but as I had a reasonable doubt about Dr. Harsha’s statement, I raised the issue.
        I thought it was good for everyone to understand without any doubt about his political position.
        The good news is that we are all singing from the same hymn sheet about the failures of the GR/MR administration.

        Gamini Jayaweera

      • 1

        It seems that Gota, not Harsha, has performed a “political bulti”.
        Gota himself admitted yesterday that he made stupid mistakes in avoiding the IMF and banning fertiliser . He even called the protesters “young and truly patriotic Sri Lankans “.

        • 1

          old codger

          “He even called the protesters “young and truly patriotic Sri Lankans “.

          Has Gota realised “If you can’t beat them join them”?
          It is not just fertiliser and IMF issues, this arrogant Sangha approved fascistic racist Sinhala/Buddhist bigot had made several mistakes since 1971 (when he joined the army).

          He believes everything comes from Sinhala/Buddhist Dhamma Deeba.
          Time and again he should be reminded there is no room for Sinhala/Buddhist (a political identity concocted by the public racist Anagarika Homeless Dharmapala) however this island belongs to people who accept the ideals of “Unity in Diversity”.

          Crooks should not go scot- free so should the murderers, rapists, war criminals, ………..
          He can start with himself, have himself arrested, …..

        • 1

          What next? Will Gota join the UNP?

      • 0

        True.It was much easier counting the rational among the insane.

    • 9

      “While Nivad Cabrall, a fancy conman , was destroying our economy what did the so called monetary board do ?”
      Oh yes, very clever question indeed. Where were YOU, may I ask, when your God Gota reconstituted the monetary board in his own image, using his stooges? Where were YOU when God Gota browbeat the Governor and board into reckless spending (on TV, no less) for Covid subsidies? It was GOTA who was responsible. Nice try, but your red herring won’t be taken.
      BTW, it wasn’t gay Ranil.

      • 6


        If you are reading this something to contemplate ……….

        What is the most important thing at this stage …….. to rescue the country or get rid of the Rajapakses?

        I think the most important thing is to get rid of the Rajapakses! ………… If the Rajapakses are gotten rid of, the country is 50% on its way to recovery ……… the rest is just run of the mill economics: not difficult.

        Once your usefulness is served, Gota – who you feel sorry for …… won’t feel sorry for you in return – and the rest of the Rajapakses will discard you without any appreciation like they have done to all others.

        The Rajapakses are uneducated, uncultured, uncivilised, uncouth, no-class not-hesitant-to-murder rascals with a Mafia mentality. ….. You might think Gota’s Lucky Luciano is better than Mahinda’s Al Capone but still they are Mafiosi.

        Now, you have done more than your share for the country; lie low, don’t give the Rajapakses any more oxygen.

        Their economic Keystone Cops will ensure their demise ……. Cabrral and Basil got them halfway there …… the rest will do the rest ……….

  • 6

    This statement alone, made by a well respected parliamentarian, is more than enough for everyone to reasonably understand, that the President is not at all suitable to remain in that post.

  • 15

    “President was not wrong, and he felt sorry for the President’s predicament. He did not believe that the President had ever thought of making such a wrongdoing.”

    Yes, Gota is still a little toddler: his nanny still has to help him to pee.

    He committed all the serial-killings ………… because he was under the spell of his nanny and Wet-nurse. What evil-doers the nanny and the wet-nurse ……… to corrupt such a lovable cute little child like Gota!

    It is rumoured, Jack the Ripper had a lousy wet-nurse ………… Don’t even dare speak about Charles Manson’s nanny ………….. the evil evil woman ……..

    • 5

      There are enough video clips that prove Gota s lack of knowledge in even thrivialities.
      Mr Sannasgala, a retired teacher has made it very clear – that Gota to have questioned, if the worms were the ones that damaged the crops pointing at them, in some rural areas. Then the lads ridiculed it as, ” no, the worms or catterpillars had no their rice packets to eat.
      You and I know it very well, organic instead of inorganic was not fully successful sofar anywhere neither in US nor EU countries. The state in Australia and other rich agro countries is no different.
      According to experts, It can take decades until entire crop cultivations turn out to be blessed with organic. Agro researchers made it very clear to incumbent govt, but it was all like playing violin to deaf elephants.
      . Besides even rich nations can NOT afford the high prices of organic food (Bio food items), let alone, another begging country of our nature to make high rhetorics before UN assembly – Gota should be stupidier – whoever, made him that stupidier may be enjoying today. Padeniya – or the like animals are even worst than reptiles.

    • 8

      The author seems to have mistranslated Gota’s words. As Harsha has indicated below (I did watch the video) , he never said quite that in Sinhala. What he said was that Gota sincerely desired for his “Saubagya Dekma” to succeed, but was misled by his incompetent advisors.
      One might take issue with whether Gota’s splendid vision was practical, given his total ignorance of modern economics. One doesn’t need to know everything to be a President. But a basic requirement is the ability to tell an accountant from an economist, and a professional from a Viyathmaga member. What Gota attempted was to restore the closed economy of his youth, which he doesn’t seem to remember as a miserable failure. One shouldn’t repeat the same experiment expecting different results each time.

      • 3

        Dear Old Codger
        I did not mistranslate it.
        They are the exact Sinhalese words which appeared in the Newspaper.

        • 2

          “They are the exact Sinhalese words which appeared in the Newspaper.”
          Well then, the newspaper mistranslated it. Maybe on purpose.

          • 1

            Surely, doesn’t somebody have the right to say a few nice words to console someone in difficulty?

            • 2

              Didn’t someone say : “Malli, me okkoma yahaluwo” ?

              • 0

                That is the theatre we call democracy, not just here.
                The club culture is very strongly ingrained in all professions
                Look at lawyers who for each other’s jugular in Court. But all that is in the past when they get together for drinks.

                • 2

                  old codger

                  SJ types “The club culture is very strongly ingrained in all professions”-

                  Among Stalinist, Leninist, Maoist, Pol Potist, fake socialists, champagne socialist, ……. it is known as comradeship.

                  One for all and all for one.

        • 6


          I don’t have a lot of time …….. shall write later …….

          To hell with comprehension of economics …………. the bottom line is, serial-killers do not make good presidents.

          • 3

            OC, I still have difficulty accepting,that none of the parliamentarians including those of Harsha’s stature , never really questioned, challenged, exposed to media or the people . I guess they were threatened and intimidated by RR’s fate and Rajapaksas concocting cases (as in Rajitha, Harin, Champika, Hirunika….). Still, why should we trust them now ?? They all claim to be prisoner of someone. RW/MS, MS/MR, Harsha /RW, Gotha / inner circle, MR/outer circle, TNA/Diaspora ????

            • 2

              Many parliamentarians like Harsha and Ranil have been warning for months about this economic crunch.
              Gota was indeed a prisoner of the Viyathmaga quacks. Since he is a (devout?) Sinhala Buddhist, he believed the nutty theories of this bunch of charlatans who promised a Sinhala Buddhist heaven. Gota just doesn’t have the intelligence to gunge the abilities of people. It is only now that he has woken up to the true situation. But still, that idiot Channa Jayasumana is back in the cabinet.

              • 1

                OC I agree, The wording in my above comment is wrong. I said “never really questioned”, but the fact is Sajith questioned about Covid management, Harsha and RW did question about economy. Yet I feel , given the seriousness, it should have been more intense, detailed, transparent to reach the masses. I agree, with Rajapaksas at the top, none could have made a difference. But I just feel opposition could have done better.

                • 1

                  You really cannot talk sense to people who believe in witchcraft over drugs, and Viyathmaga “economics” cum “agriculture”. They were so convinced that they were right.

  • 0

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  • 11

    Yes indeed Dr H De S did surprise me immensely when I listened to that interview and heard his stance on GR. May be he had white vans in mind.
    But then the interviewer is also at fault for not asking “Then why have an Exec Prez at all” or is it that that the EP is a useless scarecrow or totally unintelligent to comprehend what is happening around him. Statements at an interview should not go unchallenged but then do we really have interviewers, or only questioners who listen only.
    This is why our media is very weak.

    • 5

      My View,
      We have no real journalists. We should import some like Shekhar Gupta of “The Print” or Tim Sebastian to teach real journalism.

      • 1

        Only Chamuditha Samarawickrema is close to that level.

        • 1

          Yes, but even Chamuditha doesn’t have that depth of general knowledge. I have seen him on a couple of occasions providing a reverential platform for quacks and witch doctors.

          • 0

            Dear OC
            You are right. But then unless you pander a little, these rascals, quacks and witch doctors, will not come forward to be interviewed.
            Some slight balance needed.

      • 2

        Old Codger,
        Even ” you decide we provide” from SIRASA TV are highly corrupted.
        There were rumours that SORYSENA offered Killi frequencies so that SIRASA to work biased SORYSENA….. looking back, SIRASA TV is not at all clean.
        Nevertheless their current TELECASTS should be commendable.

  • 12

    Dear Mr Jayaweera: You say “Participating in a recent TV programme, opposition parliamentarian Dr. Harsha De Silva said that the President was NOT WRONG, and he felt sorry for the President’s predicament.” “ජනාධිපතිතුමා වැරදි නැහැ….” as you have mentioned.

    This is to inform you that I NEVER SAID he was NOT WRONG. In the context of the question I sad he may have been held hostage by a group. Watch from 33:32https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-uUbNIxhV4

    While I assume you picked it up from a social media post made by someone and sent around if you listen to the interview you will clearly note I never said he was not wrong. In fact in a hour and a half long interview on 360 I lambasted GR and MR and the entire Rajapaksa family. Someone for obvious political reasons had made a post adding that I said something I didnt say.

    • 6

      Bro Harsha,
      Please be blunt and call him as an incapble president. You have nothing to lose.
      We the ones standing against high criminals should not stay mum further about the truths. We have enough evidence to prove that Gotabaya was a man, who just wasted his valuable time, seeking greener pastures inthe US, at the time war was at its heights in SL.
      After sons of bitches let that 20A be passed inthe parliament, which was already successful with 2/3 mandate, OPPOSITION s voiciferousness was totally ignored.

      I dont attack you – becaus you the kind of few politicians, that fight diehard to change totally corruptied political culture – are sacrificing a lot. That should be commedable. If your AMBULENCE service was not implemented, lot more thousands of SL people could have lost their lives. I always respect you and the few in SL politics. And i dont have fears to call a spade a spade where it is due.

    • 6

      Dear Dr. Harsha,
      Thank you very much for taking time to explain your position. I really appreciate it.
      Your accusation that I have picked up the statement from the social media is incorrect. I picked it up from a Sri Lankan daily newspaper. I am surprised that you or your advisers haven’t seen the press report after your interview. I thought that as a citizen of Sri Lanka, it was my duty to highlight the serious wrong doings which had been carried out by the President GR and his government. As the Executive President with a two third majority in the Parliament, surrounded by his brothers and nephews holding powerful positions, I have my doubts that anybody or any group can hold him as a hostage.

      • 6

        “I picked it up from a Sri Lankan daily newspaper.”
        You shouldn’t depend on newspapers for quotes from social media. Newspapers have their own axes to grind, like the national newspaper which has fallopian tube experts on its staff. I watched the video, and Harsha says no such thing.
        I detest Gota and his cabal as much as you do, but you ought to think twice before becoming a tool in their plans to divide the opposition.
        The Rajapaksas are very cunning. Sometimes it is very difficult to spot their despicable machinations.

        • 4

          “I detest Gota and his cabal as much as you do, but you ought to think twice before becoming a tool in their plans to divide the opposition”
          Exactly the truth.

          If MAHINDA RAJAPKSHE – the darling of 69 lacks would be that patriotic – he should keep his word – which is to resign and pave the way YOUTH to do their job.
          Double tongue MR is the key for SRILANKEN crisis.
          Folks over to you, not only GOTA, but ask MaRa to go out of our sights.

      • 3

        Dear Dr H De S.
        I listened to the original interview and again the link you sent. Yes you blame the “conspirators” – true – but you say Prez is held captive and helpless and you feel sorry for him. Why that softness for him. It is not for a day, but the crisis dragged on for 2 years. How can he be so dumb to believe the conspirators so long, unless Gnanakka put a spell on Gota. Or he is bloody dumb – dumb as a doornail, not to believe or comprehend Dr.Shantha Devarajan.
        … I said he may have been held hostage by a group…
        Yes true but you absolved him of the crime and passed it fully to the conspirators. However I have high regard for you and am ready to accept that you will remain steadfast against the R’s.
        Best Wishes.

        • 4

          My view,
          “Or he is bloody dumb – dumb as a doornail,”
          Actually, a blunt doornail. This is the dumbest leader we have ever had, but a master of disguise. He managed to persuade 6.9 million that he was a smart technocrat.

        • 3


          “but you say Prez is held captive and helpless and you feel sorry for him.”

          Even the extraordinary strongman JR also said he was a prisoner of circumstances.
          Perhaps this could be their excuses to cover up their share of war crimes, crimes against humanity. However Gota and JR do not have the right to absolve themselves from war crimes and crimes against humanity.

          There isn’t much evidence available suggest that middle and chattering classes have any idea of what has been happening in the past 74 years especially in the past 15 years.

          Harsha should visit every nook and corner of this island in order to discover the land and its people of this country.

          Visiting Sangha, fellow politicians, parliament, same old rich men’s club, ….. will hardly educate him.

          • 0

            Native , I agree with you. Enablers are as guilty as perpetrators. There is no excuse. In a country like Lanka where there are no genuine politicians, Harsha may come across as a better person. For 75 years all we heard was denials, excuses, minimizing, normalizing, conditioning, rationalizing, intellectualizing compare and contrast between bad and the ugly ….. and then we all wonder how we came to this state. As a Physician am I allowed to offer the same excuse “prisoner of circumstances”, my foot. JR claimed after allowing the country to burn few extra days. Now in difficult times people are offering the same excuse for a person who calls him self “terminator” and apolitical, no nonsense person. It is all about personality, character and traits. There is “no ifs and or buts”.

            • 0

              Say in coming days, thousands get killed in police shooting will Harsha or for that matter anyone else offer such excuse “prisoner of circumstances”, or to deny justice by not allowing Geneva to intervene. Can Harsha say the same today to Cardinal when he is desperately requesting Vatican/Geneva and others to intervene ?? Why don’t they meet and tell this directly to those victims of Easter mayhem or thousands of mothers who still are grieving and searching their dear ones in North and East.

        • 2

          “Yes true but you absolved him of the crime and passed it fully to the conspirators. However I have high regard for you and am ready to accept that you will remain steadfast against the R’s.
          Best Wishes.”

          Amen to that. ……. I watched the interview a few minutes ago and that’s the impression I was also left with. ………. but Harasha is a decent pol who puts the country first and tries do the best for the country: a rare breed.

          Sure, like anyone Harsha has his faults ……… but I don’t doubt Harsha’s sincerity….. No one is perfect or without fault: we shouldn’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.

          For the sake of the country we should learn to give and take …………… nothing is carved in stone ……… one mistake/slip-of-the-tongue does not a villain make ……….

          Don’t have a lot of time …… perhaps write later ……..

    • 4

      Harsha de Silva

      Please read the following excerpt from year 2015:

      UNP will not allow war crimes charges against Sri Lankan leaders – MP Harsha de Silva
      Mon, Nov 24, 2014, 09:40 pm SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
      Nov 24,

      Colombo: Sri Lanka’s main opposition United National Party (UNP) asserted today that it will not allow anyone to take any Sri Lankan leader to the international court on war crime charges.
      UNP MP Dr. Harsha De Silva told Parliament today that his party is fully committed to protect the security forces who freed the country from terrorism and the political leaders.
      “I am telling to the world. We (UNP and myself), will not allow anybody to take President Rajapaksa or any other leader to International court about War Crimes, We will not allow the President whether he won or lose to be tried before war crime tribunals,” Dr. de Silva stressed.

      “I am a proud Southerner and a Sinhala Buddhist. I have no desire whatsoever to align with the Tigers and betray my country,” the MP stressed responding to the accusation against him from the government Minister.


      Could you clarify what does, being “a proud Southerner and a Sinhala Buddhist” bring to you, to your family, your party, your country, Asia, world, …. and humanity?

    • 4

      I wonder if you ever said he was WRONG?

  • 10

    I still do not understand why these Sinhalese writers fail to bring those violence and illegal actions by Gotabaya and his government to the Tamil people? Has the writer forgotten or purposely avoided the pardon of a military sergeant who was sentenced to death for civilians including children? What about the Buddhist Sinhala only Task Forces set by Gotabaya? Still they can’t the those mothers cry for a decade after handing over their children to Gota?
    It is sad that the racism is still dominant among Sinhala Journalism even when people are dying in poverty because of Rajapaksa family corruption.

    • 3

      Surely, there are enough Tamil writers who can do that job. Many of them can read English, if not Sinhala.
      Will they bother when there are other things that help more to sell the paper.
      ‘Their’ racism is no better no worse than the Tamil racism I see here.

      • 4

        Mao’s …. B carrier writes:

        “Their’ racism is no better no worse than the Tamil racism I see here.”

        Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice
        By Stephanie Pappas published January 26, 2012

        There’s no gentle way to put it: People who give in to racism and prejudice may simply be dumb, according to a new study that is bound to stir public controversy.


        A couple of days ago I wrote Sinhalese and Tamils were stupid.
        This Mao’s Maha Pandit has come to the same conclusion in a round about way.

        • 1

          Get a hold on that ball, especially after your bowl.

          • 1

            Good if the cap fits you.
            I did not design it that way though.

      • 3

        I don’t understand what you are trying to say by equating Tamil racism and Sinhala racism. I don’t know whether you include Muslim writers and Up Country writers are also included in this equation.Can you explain how Tamil writers racism and Sinhalese writers racism are equally contribute to the acts of the Government of Sri Lanka?

  • 2

    Harsha said that the President was not wrong, and he felt sorry for the President’s predicament.

    President is not wrong why is he in predicament situation.

  • 2

    Mr Jayaweera has written a good account of Gota’s failings. Whether he goes now or later history will judge him as the most incompetent failed President.

    Dr. Harsha is a respected politician who could have a big role to play in the resurrection of this country from ashes. I don’t think that he will be foolish enough to join a failed team and sacrifice his political career. Having said that he and others should not hesitate to come forward to join a credible team of genuine persons if it arises.

    There is also another critical question as to what’s next with the ‘Gotagohome’ agitation in Galle face . These guys needs counselling and advise from honest people to be able to surmount the standstill that is developing now with neither side willing to budge.

  • 12

    Codger you seem like a hurt chid , Grow up old Thosa man . Ranil and Rajapakses are two sides of the same coin.

    Why don’t you go and do politics in Canada ?

    • 4

      deepthi silva

      “Grow up old Thosa man .”

      What exactly did you mean?
      What has Thosa man got to do with him?

      “Why don’t you go and do politics in Canada ?”

      Why do you think he should go to Canada and do politics there?

      Do you want him to take you with him?

      • 1

        This guy hides behind his thumb machine, as you can see.
        There are donkeys, and then there are racist donkeys.

  • 8

    The author is missing the point. He mentions side issues which are not endemic to Sri Lanka. China and India, for example, are far more corrupt than Sri Lanka. On the other hand, tourism contributes to about 30% of Sri Lanka’s GDP. This industry was totally decimated the past few years. No economy can sustain such a big shock unless there is an alternative. In theory, that alternative could have been sustainable organic farming, although even that approach is impossible with COVID-19.

    • 2

      “China and India, for example, are far more corrupt than Sri Lanka.”
      That is because there is more cash to pass around. Not much is left here…

      • 8


        No, it is because authoritarianism leads directly to corruption. The caste system (India) and Marxism (China) facilitate follow this trend. If Sri Lanka had a real dictatorship, the level of corruption would be 10x.

        • 3

          “No, it is because authoritarianism leads directly to corruption”
          What a gem!
          Do you deliberately set out to make yourself sound like a pompous idiot?
          So, in your reckoning, Singapore must be more corrupt than SL?

    • 4

      “On the other hand, tourism contributes to about 30% of Sri Lanka’s GDP. This industry was totally decimated the past few years. No economy can sustain such a big shock”
      Maldives is even more dependent on tourism, but its currency is much more stable and its people aren’t dying in gas queues. It was the idiot who cut tax income by 25% that started this disaster.
      Nice red herring, but no thanks.
      I am sure if tomorrow the Rajapaksas say that Ranil is the best PM, you will agree .

      • 8


        How much did Maldives spend fighting suicide terrorists for 30 years? What are the debt levels of Maldives?

        • 3

          “fighting suicide terrorists for 30 years?”
          You still don’t get it, do you? That WAS the problem.
          You wanted war, you got it. Dan sapada?
          Debt levels? Are you an amateur economist in addition to your agricultural and hydropower talents?
          Why don’t you ask: “What was the debt level of Vietnam after fighting a superpower, not schoolboys, for 30 years?”
          Do you seriously think your inane trick questions fool anyone?

          • 9

            Old Thosa Man,

            You miss the point as usual. Maldives didn’t borrow tens of billions to pay for war. They have a greater capacity to borrow.

            Maldives has a poverty rate of around 4% while in Sri Lanka the poverty rate is around 4.1%.

            I don’t think you know much about currency, Maldives is CCC, while Sri Lanka is CCC.

            Thanks for displaying your stupidity again. Have you figured out that the submarine is old technology?

            • 3

              Pathetic as usual .
              Maldives has a rating of B-
              Can’t you stop posting lies ?
              Where are the Glyphosate Files? Time to run away.

      • 5

        Gota himself admitted yesterday that he made stupid mistakes in avoiding the IMF and banning fertiliser. THAT caused this disaster. Time for you to change tack. Your Master has already done it.

    • 6

      The Jester

      “China and India, for example, are far more corrupt than Sri Lanka. “

      It is their problem and not ours.
      We are not expected to find solution for Hindia and China.

      Corruption in this island is our problem.
      We need to talk about it, catch the crooks, send them to prison.
      If you are found to be corrupt don’t expect mercy, nimal fernando is a tough disciplinarian, he has already suggested he will remove crook’s clanging b…..s..
      Don’t mess with his generation.

    • 2

      ” alternative could have been sustainable organic farming”
      That was the culmination of the disaster, by the War Winning President, on whom everyone had great expectations!!
      Certain that with all his failings, if not for that singular contribution on the ill-advised, ‘Organic’ fertiliser farming and farming policy, he could have saved his reputation, being shredded to tatters!!
      That was the greatest undoing.
      without that part played by him he could have scraped through!!

      • 8


        Actually, fertilizer prices have increased by 30% since the beginning of the year. Not just Sri Lanka but the entire developing world is going to feel the ramifications of higher agricultural prices and related commodities from Russia Ukraine conflict. What is the solution? Many farmers will have no choice but to turn to organic fertilizer, at least partially.

        • 3

          “Many farmers will have no choice but to turn to organic fertilizer, at least partially.”
          So the famous fake economist doesn’t know that even organic fertiliser gets more expensive when fuel prices go up.
          Your bosses have given up. Gota is promising fertiliser. Mahinda is re-introducing the 19th Amendment. Get yourself a new handle and a green shirt.

          • 8

            Organic fertilizer is 100% free. You can use banana peels, lemons, apple peels, etc. Cow dung and pig manure can also be used. I wonder if these farmers are as lacking in knowledge as you, to not know about compost. Or (more likely) they are just greedy.


            • 5

              Lester the agri pundit,
              “Organic fertilizer is 100% free.”
              Why don’t you ask the Chinese why they charge for it?
              Did you go to the same school (if any) as Glyphosate Ratana.

              • 4


                Lester the AGRIC pundits are the curse of this nation.
                Rajapakshes wasted funds as if those were their pvt savings. This is fact.

                Wandibattaya Cabral is not caught by press today. MEDIA mafia continues their job as usual.

                Cabral may be lying under the stinky bed of MaRa.
                At the time, Gota-Mara grabed power, CB reserves were enough if the bugger et al maintained it from that day on.

                CBK#s terms ran without lack of fuel and other daily needs, at the time the war was at its heights.
                Lester or the like low lives, similar to that MIRISKUDU throwers from Kelaniya, would remain to be toilet papers, even if Gota himself admitted that he was blindly fed with Punnaku by Paddeniya. Paddeniya went missing as Cabral today…. Media is not clever to skin them both today…. that is the crime friendly nature of srilanken main stream media.

                We thought POLONNARUWA donkey would have been the symbol for the stupidity, however, youth of the day have made it clear today ” Gota s knowledge is not even good for a Gramasevaka”.
                With this being reality, there are still a portion of MERCY COWs of LESTER nature- singing the same tone pleasing their bosses. This is the why I am telling that srilankekn issue would never be resolved so long the kind of sons of bitchs are the majority.

                • 4

                  You are insulting innocent female canines. Their offspring are really nice.

                • 7

                  Mr. Leela,

                  You are entirely incorrect about CBK. I distinctly remember the power cuts at that time. Not only that, but entire Colombo City was like a box with checkpoints. Even with checkpoints, suicide bombers were able to penetrate. Dehiwela train, Central Bank, several buses, even BIA was attacked. At the end LTTE tried to assassinate her. Worst part, she lost Kilinochi, Mullaitheevu, and Elephant Pass to LTTE, in just a few days. At one point, LTTE was threatening to re-capture Jaffna and CBK was begging India to help. MaRa was able to win the war in just 5 years with no major losses. Amazing feat, compared to utterly inept CBK.

                  • 1

                    Lester the clown,
                    you can explain your fabrications to your barber never do it CT souls. CBKs terms were not easy, but amidst all the unexpected, she managed to the best. Now only people see it back. Ballige puthas born to DA ruined this nation – we are just about to face a free fall. … May curse b on all 6.9 mio voters that knowingly brought them back.

              • 7

                Old Thosa,

                I gave a link to a video showing a farmer using pig manure as compost. He didn’t buy the manure from China. Watch the video before barking rubbish.

                • 2

                  Lester the liar,
                  Pig manure? Is there enough of it in the country for free?
                  Why are we begging rice from Tamilnadu then?
                  This must be like your ancient electricity and CKD from fertilizer, not to mention Covid in groundwater.

        • 3

          Lester the BP,
          why not you come with links supporting to your comments.

          We have still been waiting you to provide us with the links proving that continuous Glyphosat use was the key factor triggering UKKD in farming community (Rajarata farmers and those in Nikaraguwa).
          And the question arises tas to why that ultra sinhala racists and his backpleaser, current minister of health (Fake Professor) called it – Natha Dewiya/Arsenic Dewiya.

          Bastard, dodging cant bring anyone of us forward.

          LIke your masters, you the kind of illfated buggers have no shame.

          • 2

            There are no links, except Jayasumana’s fake paper.
            Lester is a habitual liar.

  • 2

    If a man with a doctorate believes that GR had done no wrong, I begin to wonder about his intelligence being worthy of such a honour. I have no sympathy for GR, in fact, it is anger, for destroying the lives of millions of average citizens & I wonder about Harsha’s motives, which, until now, I thought was honourable.

    Seems politicians of SL have a common trait, ‘opportunism’, & when eminent professionals & academics are willing to prostitute their integrity, what can be expect from potential leaders saving the country?

  • 3

    None of these people can be trusted even if they are educated at top notch universities, have affluent family backgrounds or old boys of prestigious schools.
    One may want to ask what HdS was up to prior to taking up politics?
    Then one would ask what attracted such a person to peruse politics?
    Answers to some of these questions may shed some light on what kind of Human Resources(alas educated, from respectable backgrounds, savvy… etc etc) the parliament has to chose from if it were to form an interim committee to run the country on an https://www.colombotelegraph.com/wp-login.php?action=rp&key=7eF8bpKtJ8CREtUgojSd&login=warriorKing basis.

  • 3

    The Jester

    “China and India, for example, are far more corrupt than Sri Lanka. “

    It is their problem and not ours.
    We are not expected to find solution for Hindia and China.

    Corruption in this island is our problem.
    We need to talk about it, catch the crooks, send them to prison.
    If you are found to be corrupt don’t expect mercy, nimal fernando is a tough disciplinarian, he has already suggested he will remove crook’s clanging b…..s..
    Don’t mess with his generation.

  • 7

    Old codger you say Ranil is the best PM ! !

    If a man has been PM 5 times and every time removed and defeated soon after, I would think there is something deeply wrong. Your analysis or mine is useless.

    The only conclusion I can come to is that the guy(Ranil) must have had a stranglehold ( yes, strangle )on the UNP the main/alternative party so that he can keep becoming PM every few years.

    Now ,finally the people want all 225 rascals out.

    I can agree with you if you say that Ranil will be a good PM if he is accompanied by the comely Mahendran as Governor central Bank !

    • 3

      Your God Nandasena is about to join the UNP. Will you follow him?

      • 4


        Self proclaimed saviour of the nation, N(M)andasena has turned out to be the BURUSENA (donkey of the donkies) of nation as of today. Even little ones would ask him to resign…. GGGama is set the best example.
        I think RW, CBK along with Brother Charles (and several others as expats) could convince and do lot more good with the poweful nations at this highly critical turning point of the nation. All what we need is a huge volume of funds to save the nation from its free fall.
        If MaRa had been the President at the time Tsunami destroyed the nation/country in 2004, not a single among the powerful/richt nations donated that much for the rebuilding the coutnry. It was CBKs and her international relations.

        Today, what are the countries that are close to incumbent govt :
        Belarus, Uganda, China, India
        In the days of CBK (1994- 2005) and of RW-MS ( 2015-2019)
        EU, America, China, India, Japan and whole lot of other countries

        I believe SIRASA TV s latest inteview with CBK is a positive sign.

    • 6

      deepthi silva

      “If a man has been PM 5 times and every time removed and defeated soon after, I would think there is something deeply wrong. “

      True, there is lot of things wrong.
      Under competitive racist elections (or election conditions) people with near liberal ideals cannot win.
      In a near racist state the powers of liberal Prime Minister or President are limited, the racist functionaries make sure reasonable, good, rational, …. policies are defeated and reversed.

      Policemen in the North East are allowed to arbitrarily chose laws. An Tamil MP was denied the right to protest in public while police seems happy to join in the Galleface carnival. Who decides which law is applied to certain people and not right across the land?

      You ought to look at the Sinhala/Buddhist rotten governance of this land.

  • 6

    deepthi silva

    “If a man has been PM 5 times and every time removed and defeated soon after, I would think there is something deeply wrong. “

    True, there is lot of things wrong.
    Under competitive racist elections (or election conditions) people with near liberal ideals cannot win.
    In a near racist state the powers of liberal Prime Minister or President are limited, the racist functionaries make sure reasonable, good, rational, …. policies are defeated and reversed.

    Policemen in the North East are allowed to arbitrarily chose laws. An Tamil MP was denied the right to protest in public while police seems happy to join in the Galleface carnival. Who decides which law is applied to certain people and not right across the land?

    You ought to look at the Sinhala/Buddhist rotten governance of this land for the past 74 years.

  • 7

    Vedda, were you in Prabakaran’s ‘Police force’ ?

    Were those guys good policemen ?

    From the conduct of your twin Old Codger and yourself, we can see there is no true decency or fairness in your souls. You condemn your enemies unfairly( anything sinhalese) and praise your people unjustifiably .To achieve your ends you will do anything.

    You people must be now poisoning Canada, UK , Australia etc, extracting all the good these countries have built and leaving only your poison

    By the way Old codger can you show one line where I have supported Nandasena who you say is my God.

    I am not for Ranil . But I am not for Nanadasena too.

    Unlike you two old nasty characters I want all these rascals out of my country

    • 4

      “From the conduct of your twin Old Codger and yourself, we can see there is no true decency or fairness in your souls. You condemn your enemies unfairly( anything sinhalese) and praise your people unjustifiably .To achieve your ends you will do anything.”
      Oh my, what a whiny tirade! I am soo moved to tears, and I am sure Native is weeping too.
      You aren’t my enemy. I don’t know you from Adam, Jester, or A000. I just give give you a hard time not because you are a Sinhalese ( Ranil is a Sinhalese) but because you are a Rajapaksa supporter. Now go away.

      • 4

        “I want all these rascals out of my country”
        This is our country, not yours. You live in the West.

    • 9

      Deepthi Silva,

      Spot on. The day that Vedda and Codger support Nandasena, that will be the day I vote for UNP, including Ranil. Gotha is clearly keeping these terror supporters awake at night, he must be doing something right.Remember, it was the LTTE that brought MaRa to power in the first place. Suicide bombings, this time from the Muslim side, brought Gota to power.

      • 2

        Even Nandasena doesn’t support Nandasena any more.
        “Remember, it was the LTTE that brought MaRa to power in the first place.”
        You finally got that right. Yes, it cost him 300 million too, according to Sripathi and Tiran.

      • 2

        are u mad ? sitting on your little brain ?
        Entire nation is screaming out GO TO GO HOME, you to expect the opposite.
        Pigs might fly – not only Gota it is high time you too to have your little brain checked.
        Please do so, at least your family will find it advantageous.

  • 0

    ” Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa and the JVP Leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake that the very first thing the members of parliament must do is to abolish the Executive Presidency”

    These very things were very vehemently said by Chandrika Kumaratunge and Maithripala Sirisena and especially Chandrika Kumaratunge, won with a landslide majority for that promise but did sweet nothing giving various excuses and managed to get elected again when she had lied to the voters saying she could not achieve the objective due to some issues and now the abolishment is just round the corner and to elect her this time too otherwise whole exercise may fail. People trusted her and voted her again but again did sweet nothing. With the two terms available to the president she left. but she did not forget to demand the free house entitled to the expresidents

  • 0

    continued…. She would not have got the free mansion had she abolished the Presidency. She should have had the decency not to have accepted the free house as she had not accomplished the holey task. Very cunning lady, am sure, from the very start, in her mind she never wanted to abolish the system but just told a lie to get elected on that slogan. “Never count your chickens before they are hatched”. I do not believe even though Sajith Premadasa now talks very aggressively, he too may do another Chandrika.

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