17 January, 2025


Yahapalana Backers Back Off

Strong supporters of the political coalition that ousted Mahinda Rajapaksa expressed dismay about the Yahapalana Government during the popular TV show ‘Face the Nation’ telecast by MTV.

Dr Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu, a strident voice in the anti-Rajapaksa camp who was the Secretary of the Consultation Task Force of Reconciliation Mechanisms (CTF) appointed by this government and Prof Rajiva Wijesinha, one of the first to break ranks with the Rajapaksa and support the candidacy of Maithripala Sirisena, were both highly critical of what the government has done and not done over the past two and a half years.

Dr Saravanamuttu said that the government has failed to live up to expectations. He said it was clear that the government was motivated by political expediency to postpone election. He added that having Provincial Councils that were not run by elected councillors gives a poor message to those who were hopeful that this government would move on greater devolution of power.

Prof Wijesinha expressed the view that things started going wrong on the day that Maithripala Sirisena was sworn, claiming that Ranil Wickremesinghe and the United National Party have stood in the way of the President’s manifesto being implemented.

Interestingly, the fourth panelist, Malinda Seneviratne, came to Dr Saravanamuttu’s defence when Prof Wijesinha questioned the integrity of ‘the sample’ of respondents whose testimonies were recorded by the CTF.

Prof Wijesinha’s position on what constituted ‘conflict of interest‘ in the context of defending the former Central Bank Governor, Nivard Cabraal, was hotly disputed by another panelist, senior attorney-at-law Gomin Dayasri.

Latest comments

  • 73

    Its a sad when you see when Dr Saravanamuttu’s and Prof Rajiva Wijesinha are compared on the same breath. Dr. Saravanamuttu has worked tirelessly for the betterment of society where as Rajiva is an opportunist. Dayan and Rajiva are two sides of the same coin. Both opportunists who will prostitute their service to the highest bidder.

    • 24

      Burt the Cartoon character: Saravannamuttu is a NGO and is working for a givt. Rajiva wijesinghe is a retired.anglican working for the bankrupt church.

      • 24


        What is wrong with being an NGO? It means a Non- Governmental Organisation.

        There are many professional bodies in SL doing a lot of good in professional fields which are Non Governmental. Such as the Ship Classification Societies , without which ships cannot run and ship building would grind to a halt.

        And what’s wrong with being Anglican and working for a bankrupt church? At least it tells us the church hasn’t robbed anyone!!!

        It might be a jolly good idea if you get off race and religion and then begin the sermon.

        • 14

          For sri lankans NGO empitomize the essence of neo liberal imperialist agenda. Many of the INGO’s in SL are focused towards Sinhala-Tamil conflict which has unending coffers supposedly bankrolled by International organizations to suite their agendas.

          P.s I think what jim meant by the bancruptsy of the church is that the church is morally banmrupt. Other than that they have money to buy Sri Lanka several times.

          • 5


            “For sri lankans NGO empitomize the essence of neo liberal imperialist agenda. “

            Please tell us what essence of neo liberal imperialist agenda really means theoretically, historically, economically and in our present and past context?

            Please note you do not have to explain if you have no idea. We will find out from others who are equally stupid like you.

            • 1

              “neo liberal imperialist agenda”. Oh boy, that’s a mouthful of cookie cutter jargon. The actual ‘neo’ (new) Unliberal (very dictatorial) ‘imperialists’ are the Chinese, giving unsustainable loans (above market interest rates) for hugely cost inflated (read kickbacks to politicians) dead duck (commercially unviable) egoistic (named after local dictators) ‘Projects’ across the third world, causing poor governments to go bankrupt and enslaving poor communities to pay even higher taxes to pay back the Shylock loans to China.

              9local politicians

          • 3

            Don’t jackasses of your ilk ever tire of braying the “neo liberal imperialist agenda” mantram?
            Would suggest you locate a donkey cart with twin shafts for you and your buddy, Jim.

            • 0

              “neo liberal imperialist agenda”. Oh boy, that’s a mouthful of cookie cutter jargon. The actual ‘neo’ (new) Unliberal (very dictatorial) ‘imperialists’ are the Chinese, giving unsustainable loans (above market interest rates) for hugely cost inflated (read kickbacks to politicians) dead duck (commercially unviable) egoistic (named after local dictators) ‘Projects’ across the third world, causing poor governments to go bankrupt and enslaving poor communities to pay even higher taxes to pay back the Shylock loans to China.

          • 0

            “neo liberal imperialist agenda”. Oh boy, that’s a mouthful of cookie cutter jargon. The actual ‘neo’ (new) Unliberal (very dictatorial) ‘imperialists’ are the Chinese, giving unsustainable loans (above market interest rates) for hugely cost inflated (read kickbacks to politicians) dead duck (commercially unviable) egoistic (named after local dictators) ‘Projects’ across the third world, causing poor governments to go bankrupt and enslaving poor communities to pay even higher taxes to pay back the Shylock loans to China.

        • 0

          Justice & Fairplay:
          Your expectation with regard to Jim will come true when pigs learn to fly (or stop commenting in CT)

    • 20

      “Dayan and Rajiva are two sides of the same coin. Both opportunists who will prostitute their service to the highest bidder.”

      This if true, is unfortunate. They are both talented, but waste it, instead of contributing to the general good and making best use of the ‘present’. The craven unorthodoxy of Dayan’s thinking where he refuses to accept anything – however good – which smacks of the UNP while refusing to even once admit to the vast scale excesses of the Rajapakses is what prompts me to think of him more as a maverick than steady, a middle of the road, respected analyst which he certainly should have been, given his knowledge and his vast reading.

      Rajiwa Wijesinghe however, comes across far less powerfully as someone who has a certain degree of articulation in English but beyond that, not much else. He is not an exceptional case and certainly not in the Kadirgamar mould as he proved during his Hardtalk with Stephen Sackur, then only a greenhorn. Lucky he didn’t confront Tim Sebastian.

      Ideally, both these men should JOIN this government (I can hear Dayan falling off his stool), and force it from within, to make the necessary changes for the better. That would be a good compromise?

    • 13

      Saravanamuttu is a shameless opportunitist who earned millions by helping to prolong human suffering in Sri Lanka. His NGO gets millions of kroners from Norway to create a pro LTTE and pro neo liberal environment in SL.
      He is an NGO stooge in SL in the larger Norwegian agenda.

    • 9

      //Dr. Saravanamuttu has worked tirelessly for the betterment of society//

      daval da Burt? :-D

      All what that traitor did was trying his best to paint a better picture to the murderous gang which was responsible to hold the country’s progress by 30 years. And its leader Velupillai Pirabhaharan who was dubbed as the most ruthless terrorist in the contemporary world!

    • 11


      Listen to Gomin Dayasri for his usual bull. He believes Sri Lankan government brought an end to the war. Seriously where does this attorney-at-law lives, learns and earn his living?

    • 5

      Do you have staffers who had hit the rock bottom in journalism??
      I have admired your editorial , blocking unsavoury comments.
      Why could not you block that comment ? bad ,rude words are only used in GUTTER PRESS OR GUTTER WEB SITES .
      Sadly bad words have crept into your website too? Is it because the standard of your website has dipped???
      Please take note.

    • 0

      Cannot agree with you more!

  • 20

    We have been taken for a Ride that does not mean we the YAHAPAL SUPPORTERS SUPPORT THE

    Disgrace is nt the word !!!

    • 6

      Sooo true Analyst but I’m so disappointed that you have given up the fight to bring Rajapaksa clan to justice.

      • 2

        Enough of your sentiments towards your Parasitic ( blood sucking) masters who Robbed our Srilanka.
        Don’t you see their sufferings from the start of the day in January 2015 from inside and outside which is beyond their control?? , since the Rainbow Revolution??
        Racing cars on Colombo and Kandy streets of course with or without the permission from Appachi Crook!!
        The Thieving Murderous Self nominated 3 Princes ‘ WINGS HAD BEEN CLIPPED ! Completely and thoroughly WINGS LESS NOW.
        By whom ? Of course by U.S. The Power of us People.
        So TOO has the WINGS BEEN CLIPPED OF THE CLAN RAJABALLAS!! CLIPPED Again by the power of the People ! And the Power of MIGHTY GOD.

        However !! likes of Leonard , Sach, Champu , KA S Sumane , continue barking or Wagging Tails for the Satans of Srilanka who destroyed the country and now trying to SABOTAGE EVERY MOVEMENT OF THE NEW GOVERNMENT , you cannot change People’s mind.
        You cannot change “ONES FATE “
        Simple as that. ” You reap what you Sow ” beyond that Mighty God will finish them all!!

        At this moment they could do with some HAPPY PILLS TO CHEER THEM UP!!
        Donkeys like CHAMPAs are there to Bat n give ” HAPPY PILLS ” for them until they Perish with self INDUCED DEPRESSION.

  • 11

    Pity Dr Mahendran wasn’t on the Panel……….. First World whose Life which these Doctors want our inhabs, including the Dalits to emulate always put Economy , Development, Growth and Interest Rates in the forefront……….Don’t they ?……..

  • 7

    If this is the change of thr guard type of show, that is quite aturn around of events for the Horapalanaya. Rajiv wijesinghe – there is another here, in CT, who should be a relative of Rajiv Wijesinghe who wants to destroy what ever left over for the sinhala people and Saravanamuthtu, probably that is how his financier wants it, they all have jumped the sinking ship. Anyway, Maithripala Sirisena and Ranil Wickramsinghe exactly know how to turn it the other way. Probably, that will help them in the election campiagn too and make them new friends too. We all support if that happens.

  • 11

    The interviewer Sameer (?) is totally ignorant of financial technicalities and is asking stupid questions and making erroneous comments. He should have read up on how bonds and equities are traded before doing this interview. And the “young” people we are talking about lack ideologies, are only aware of a headline or a FB post, that is why they are not in politics

    • 2

      “The interviewer Sameer (?) is totally ignorant of financial technicalities and is asking stupid questions and making erroneous comments.”

      This is true of most “experts” on the “bond scam”. So far I have not seen ONE credible explanation with facts and figures about how 10 billion at 12.5 % p.a could bring a profit of 7 billion in 6 months for Perpetual treasuries.
      Hooniyang, anybody?

      • 1

        old codger

        ” So far I have not seen ONE credible explanation with facts and figures about how 10 billion at 12.5 % p.a could bring a profit of 7 billion in 6 months for Perpetual treasuries.”

        Come on old chap, this is simple, you should have approached Champa’s official pimp and our renowned mathematical genius Wimal Sangili Karuppan Weerawansa for explanation or asked Achchige Patali Champika Ranawaka whose Sinhala/Buddhist ancestor invented ZERO. If it was a case of misplaced decimals he may not be able to explain.

        • 0

          I wish I could find out. I have a small pittance which I want to give Aloysius . Just 50% profit will do fine.

  • 19

    What Dr. Harsha said was right. We should admire his honesty. The panel is right to be mad of the status in the country. The entire system is corrupt. Over the years, people too have got corrupted at every level as a result. Not only in politics but in many professions. People do things to make a fast buck or to make short cuts in life by taking the immoral path of least resistance. Cannot blame the people taking the low road when one cannot get anywhere legally, morally, hourably and ethically taking the high road. So why bother to stay on the correct path that does not reward anyone for being honourable. Sinhala proverb comes to my mind as to what will happen to a bucket of milk when of a drop of dung falls into this bucket. What is pervasive in politics today is quite opposite to that bucket of milk. If one would compare that bucket to our politics, the bucket is full of dung. Now compare a person of integrity, honesty and virtue that falls into this bucket and gets caught-up in this dung? There is nothing to salvage from that person or that system. The only solution and hope we have to rid this nation from corruption is in a benevolent dictator who will have the discipline to ward off this dung and have the political will to overhaul this crooked system to clean this cesspit. This is an undertaking too much for its asking from the current genre of leaders who only put themselves before us for their own self-interest and not for the benefit of our people or our country.

    • 4

      That is why we need rule of law and that is what people asked from this govt!
      But how can thieves stop thieves?
      How can liers stop liers?

      • 2


        “But how can thieves stop thieves? How can liers stop liers?”

        Do you really want to stop thieves thieving and liars lying, which you refused to do since 1948?

        The only way you could stop them is stop providing them safe havens, religion, language, history, patriotism, history, racism, ……………….. But then you too may have to do without crumbs that is periodically thrown at you.

    • 7

      Most sensible comment and the real truth of the mad state of our country – a lady on FB commented – if there is a next birth she pray that she do not want to be a Sri Lankan again – because the politicians of this country had converted this country to a cesspit – exactly true

      • 2


        “because the politicians of this country had converted this country to a cesspit “

        Also known as Sinhala/Buddhist fascist ghetto.

      • 0

        She had better find a better place to be reborn first before making such drastic wishes!

    • 0

      This is an illusive writing that is calling for benevolent dictator but not the law and order restored enhancing democracy by IC interference.
      Once there were two big cancer lumps had grown up on a man’s forehead like two horns. The man, who noticed the people looking at those feeling threatened, liked scary horns to use bullying others. He went and asked the doctor, “Sir please cure my cancer, but don’t touch these horns”.

      Yahapalanaya’s election promise was “No Leader, No Commander, No Soldier will be prosecuted” but Law and order will be reestablished. Walagemba voted to Yahapalanaya believing that will happen, but now wants a dictator.

      The basic expectation from any dictator is to crush the Tamils & bring up Sinhalese. Is that possible with ICC, UNHRC or UN SC, who can restore Law and Order while promoting democracy? So, Walagemba is looking for a benevolent dictator from Sinhala Mahajan.

      That means the dictator should keep out “foreign judges and lawyers” in his rulings; all the cooks & murderers were in the war has to be honored, but the corruption has to be eliminated. The corrupted crooks and the war criminal are nobody else, but the one and same Sinhala Politicians. Here Walagemba wants to preserve the cancer growths, but the cancer cured.
      Singapore LEE was considered as a benevolent dictator. But he criticized the Ultra Racist policies of the Sinhala governments, while copying the British established, Tamils maintained, that time economic model of Lankawe to turn around Singapore as the miracle of Asia.

      All what the benevolent dictators of Lankawe from 1948 did was devastating Tamils. Under Britain, Lankawe was almost equal to South Korea. Then the benevolent dictators remodeled Lankawe as Miracle of Asia. Now they are asking China, the new colonist, to make Lankawe as Singapore without Tamils benefiting. Comedy Thamai!

  • 3

    You cannot put one horse and one donkey on the same yoke and expect the cart to move. You can have two donkeys or two horses. Tamils and Sinhalese have to live their own lives and rule their own countries. Convoluting argument is not going to get anywhere. This has been proved from 1948. That is for what we filled many pages here during the failed 2015 election.

    Further this type debates are ones fools the Modaya. One guy is saying that Ranil and Old King have not changed the parties. Does he know what a party means? Old King paid lavishly to convert all UNPyers as SLFPyers in the last two terms. This practically renders Old King has becoming a UNPyer, beyond the immorality of the corruption used to convert others. Further he created the shadow party (SLPP) and has appointed one of the comedy clowns as the Chief of the party. Nobody else owns this party other than him. The only purpose in the world that this shadow party is existing to corrupt the current SLFP members and make arrangement to he take over the SLFP again. If that is not happening Old King will lead the SLPP. An honest party devote will accept the party rules, when he loose the presidency hand over the party leadership to the appropriate person and use only democratic means to take it back. By law of Lankawe constitution and SLFP’s constitution Old King never in his life can be the party leader.

  • 3

    Gomin Dayasri has to know, the name “SLFP” is not a party. The SLFP party is its policies and principles. If they are altered it by white vans or foreign account money, it is only named as SLFP but it is not SLFP party. In that case the one who is controlling the name “SLFP” has changed his party. Just because the Sinhala Buddhist Extremist would like to continue to vote for the party “SLFP” is not confirming the original Party SLFP is still there and the leader is staying with his policies and have not changed party.

  • 6

    “A man who has never gone to school may steal a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad.”
    The rulers being corrupt now the whole nation is corrupt. Medamulana ,Yahaplanaya and what next….

  • 6

    Yahapala is an orphan! He was abandoned on the day he was born. Not only the above panelists but most Sri Lankans believe he is already dead; however, the body cannot be easily found since it is in the SAITM hospital mortuary. One of his uncles, Dr. Rajitha says the infant had Dengue but not dead! Since this doctor uncle always says the opposite of facts people can guess what exactly has happened!
    His twin brother Horapala fathered by Ranil and delivered by Maithree has been given Perpetual formula since he refused breast milk! He grew up so fast and is now overweight; he doesn’t like to share anything, and eats a lot of junk given by cabinet uncles and aunts; he is being fed mostly by his uncles of the Royal circle. Some of his uncles like minister Ajit Prera believes that Horapala and Yahapala are the same! Uncle Ajit wants us to believe that there is only one child and that’s Yahapala who resembles him! Those who have seen him say, howsoever, that the child will resemble uncle RaviK. when and if he is allowed to grow up!
    There will be a court case in 2019/2020 to decide if Yahapala died a natural death or was killed at the labor room, and how Horapala secretively took the place of Yahapala! The case can be expedited and could be heard before the set dates if the people’s frustration to know ‘what’s going on’ is demonstrated forcefully well in advance!

  • 14

    Harsha De Silva is stating some thing we have all known for very long. If he did not know the real nature of Ranil, Malik , Mahendran ,ravi all this time Harsha must be very immature.This guy Harsha is just hot air and big ambitions only.

  • 3

    well said walagamba
    I fully endorse your views particularly the need for a benevolent dictator

  • 6

    Rajiva is an opportunist. I agree fully. He think he is always correct and others should agree with him. Do you know his father, the Famous Secretary General of the Parliament thought it was fit to get two government pensions. His sister, who married a Bandaranayake got in to the Central Bank through the back door thanks to that dirty Rasaputram. Just because she studied at Harvard does that mean she was fit to work in the CB. The father, son and daughter are all blessed rouges. Nobody should take Rajiva seriously.

  • 3

    From what I can see, all these featured here are smooth talkers but no one has any genuine commitment for the country or for good governance. All are players. That is sad because these are people with some capability unlike the other dumbos.

    But that is the story of Sri Lanka!

  • 4

    More resignations forthcoming. Started with RK, Dealdasa!.
    Where is action against the former mega crooks! Cabraal, PB, Gamini Senartah to name a few

  • 6

    The judiciary from top to bottom is rotten. The lawyers are the worst culprits. A country in which a lawyer can write a illegal deed and then has the power to withdraw it as I found to my disgust cannot be practicing the rule of law. The victim has no recourse except to go to court for many years. The judiciary and the lawyers need to be observe certain ethics and accountability. Unfortunately they are above the law and the rule of lawyers is destroying the rule of law. If it is to reform the Minister of Justice must not be a lawyer.

    Gomin is an ace Rajapaksa Boot licker

  • 3

    Someone asked the question “what is wrong with working for an NGO ?” Those working for NGOs are paid by the NGO to work to the foreign NGOs agenda. Saravanamuttu is largely funded by Norway and USA. Both those countries have large Tamil populations who have gone there as refugees assisted by the LTTE. They are the Tamil Diaspora working tirelessly for a separate state. Saravanamuttu does not have the interests of SRI Lanka and basically works for the diaspora. Most NGOs especially those funded by Norway for to a Tamil separatist agenda. There is no question about it.

    • 1

      As opposed to GO’s (governmental organizations) who work tirelessly for the betterment of the Sri Lankan people? What side of the bed did you get off this morn?

      When the tsunami hit, most diasporic Sri Lankans made sure that donations were chanelled through NGOs such as UNICEF and the ICRC. Most knew what GO’s would pocket most of it.

      BTW, the Mahabodhi Society is also an NGO. I suppose you are against them too?

  • 2

    Nalmen, & Walagamba,
    You say the country needs a benovalent dictaotor.
    By that do mean either MaRa or GoRa ?
    It looks like China has been working on it and it will happen like in two other Theravada countries. Ie Myanmar & Thailand.

  • 3

    Most people who comment here are genuinely frustrated. I am wondering what is the point of criticising everything that happens without taking any action? What is abundantly clear is that nothing good is going to come out of this political system, where everyone is connected to everyone else and the name of the game is make money as much as you can, build the biggest house, get the biggest car, acquire as much wealth as you can and send all your dumbass children overseas to get an ‘education.’ That is all that happens in Sri Lanka. Few people are massively wealthy while the country is slipping seriously into debt and gap between have and have nots is ever widening.
    Need a new generation of guardians to rise up, not connected in any way to the current or past scoundrels. They should be professional on their own right who have solid education and training in their own fields and humble enough to be truly dedicated to the building country with no self-interest but astute enough to make a significant contribution in their expertise. It is essential they are professional who are independently wealthy and who are already living a comfortable life. These people should be compensated to enough to continue their current lifestyles and given the opportunity to progress further within strict guidelines. This invariably means that they declare all their assets when the assume duties.
    This is almost impossible to achieve within the current political system in Sri Lanka. This could start as a movement to demand accountability and reach out to people at grass root level. There are already come brave individuals leading the way. What is required is for more people to join the movement with noble intentions.

    • 1

      Dear Mewan.

      I totally agree with your comments. But the issue is are the majority of Sinhalese prepared to give up discrimination, racism, religious intolerance, majority superiority complex and hate against the minorities?

      For 69 years UNP and SLFP have used discriminatory policies and racism to win elections. We have to agree that this has not helped the country. They have blamed British of divide and rule but they themselves have used the same tactics to rule the country.

      JR and SWRD under pressure from Sinhala Chauvinist introduced Sinhala Only to win elections but they themselves sent their children abroad to study in English and even French. Did any Sinhalese at that time ask them why Sinhala was enough for rest but not enough for their children?

      If Sri Lanka wants to develop it is my opinion that we should re introduce English as the language of business ( Similar to Singapore), provide education in English, remove standardization for university entry and implement merit based policy in all areas of the country. This will create a level playing field for all the communities, and help the country to develop at a faster rate.

      I wonder whether you will agree.

  • 2

    Percy is talking nonsense. Why did you burn the tamil houses and tamil people in 1983. It is because of this they had to seek refuge in the west. You may say why did the tamils attack soldiers and police that sparked off 1983 riots. I will say it is because the sinhala leaders never solved the tamil problem in a reasonable way – a decent political solution. The sinhalese corrupt politicians who created the tamil diaspora. I will not say sinhalese people, because they are not against tamils or tamil rights, but definitely the greedy sinhala politicians who use race and religion to win elections.

    Sara comes from a well respected background that have done so much good for sri Lanka. You have to read it in the web. He is not taking sides and I have seen him even blaming this government. He is the sole person who stopped the tamils being mercilessly being sent to Jaffna by Gota Rajapaksa.

    • 0

      Sunil,you need to read and learn a lot more to call others nonsense.
      What happened in 1983 was a stage managed,a well planned carnage to create a diaspora to provide money and man power to the LLTE.

  • 4

    I am disappointed with the panel. Without justice and accountability, there is no future for Sri Lanka in the civilised international community. The choice is wheather Sri Lankan wants to move forward with an acceptable respectable nation with acceptable UN international norms and standards, or become a pariah rogue state and get buried in lawlessness, corruption and manipulation by China as a colony.

    It is obvious for a need for a two state solution to save the Tamils.

  • 3

    Rajiva Wijesinghe and Dayan Jayatilleke are two definite parts of the same coin.Together they only succeeded in ruining Sri Lanka’s good name in Geneva.Our Foreign Ministry UN Division is now doing damage control.RW and DJ are educated nuts!

  • 0

    The title “Yahapalana Backers Back Off” is an over-over-over simplification but is very very very sensational.
    Dr Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu and Prof Rajiva Wijesinha like other Lankans who voted for a change on 08 January 2017 are disappointed.
    Unfortunately Lankan politics has evolved into ” a known devil and an unknown devil – but now well known. Lankans have this Hobson’s choice – a free choice in which only one thing is offered!
    The real “backers of Yahapalana” are probably several governments. The opponents are the Dayan Jayatillaka types and another government.
    Successive GoSL have done what they did through numbers in parliament. MPs have become tradable and we must think of making MPs changing sides illegal.

  • 1

    Sunil you are obviously a Tamil but,that is no issue here. Just placing your comments in perspective.I have one two questions for those who defend the LTTE and its separatist agenda.
    1. If your traditional homeland is inthe North what are the hundreds of thousands of Tamils doing in Colombo and suburbs. Remember that until 1824 Tamils and Muslims were not permitted to own land inthe Fort ofColombo.
    2. There are 60 million Tamils in Tamil Nadu. Why don’t you demand a separate state from the Govt of India? Your views will be appreciated.

  • 0

    ahh i think the bugger who conducted the program had no clue on what is a portfolio is…the amount invested in greek bonds were less than 1% of the portfolio and the the whole made profits that year..same time if investing greek bonds which had better credit rating than current sri lanka is a crime, them investing in sri lanka should be far worse crime given our current ratings….lol

  • 1

    For those who think that Cabraal was right and Sri Lanka didn’t lose money. money whether it’s 1 per cent or 100 per cent it’s the public’ money. http://www.ft.lk/opinion/Former-Governor-Cabraal-s-statement-on-Greek-bonds-%E2%80%93-A-comment/14-638756

  • 0

    As a Tamil I am with Yahapalana government. In comparative terms the present government is better than the one under Mahinda Rajapaksa. Tamil leaders are frustrated over the slow progress in forging reconciliation, releasing private lands occupied by the armed forces, release of political prisoners arrested under the PTA but not charged in courts for years, the lack of accountability and transparency over the enforced disappearances of thousands of civilian Tamils, the constitutional process to draft a new constitution is painfully slow. Yet Tamil leaders can talk to the President and Prime Minister directly to air their concerns. This is in contrast the way Mahinda Rajapaksa treated Tamil leaders in his time. He held talks with the TNA leaders 18 times, but it was sham to humour them. He never had the intention to solve problems faced by the Tamil people. He appointed retd. Military generals as Governors of both the Northern and Eastern provinces. He back-tracked on the promise to the UN Secretary General Ban ki Moon to give more powers to the provincial councils by amending 13A. He encouraged and promoted fifth columnists among the Tamils to divide and rule. He gave 818 acres of private land in Sampur to Sri Lanka Gateway Industries for 99 years lease at the expense of over 500 poor families who have lived there for generations. President Sirisena and Prime Ministers cancelled the lease and gave the lands back to the original owners. Contd 2/2

  • 0

    Of course, Yahapalana government has not lived up to the expectations of the Tamil people. They are disappointed and frustrated and their anger directed at the TNA. Protest rallies are held daily for the past several months by people over enforced disappearances, political prisoners and release of private lands. Two-third of private lands belonging to poor people is still occupied by the armed forces. The release of lands is painfully slow. Over 9,000 people are still in 42 camps for the last 17 years! Promise given by the President to these refugees that they will go back to their lands within 6 months was not kept! Prime Minister Wickremesinghe’s reputation as a clean politician has been severely dented by the Treasury bond scam. His attempts to sweep the scam under the carpet were in bad taste. He is showing indecisiveness in making decisions till he is pushed to the wall. Both Sirisena and Wickremesinghe should put the country first and the interests of their respective parties second. If not the Yahapalanaya government will end as a one time wonder!

    • 0

      I wonder if Yahapalanaya was ever a wonder for you to characterise it as a one time wonder!

  • 0

    Percy, sorry for the delay to respond as I was on holiday. Firstly, I have a tamil father and sinhala mother.

    On the matter related to why most tamils live outside traditional homeland is because economic opportunities are few in north and east due to successive governments not developing north and centering all economic activity in Colombo resulting in even people from matara moving to Colombo, security situation between 1980 to 2014, not diverting mahaweli waters and difficult weather mostly humid. If North and East are well developed many tamils will go back, at least those who have come to the south in the past 35 years. North and East has many opportunities which have to be tapped for economic prosperity. People generally move to places that have opportunities like those many sri lankans have moved to Australia in recent times.

    On the question, why tamils will not ask for a separate state in India – India has a good federal model of power devolution based on language. Tamils have Tamil Nadu, Malayalis have Kerala, Telegu speaking have Andhra Pradesh. People can run their day to day activities without interference from the centre, can preserve their language, culture and religion in their own state. So, there is no need to separate from India.

    This is the same thing Tamils in Sri Lanka want. We don’t want a separate state but only more power to provinces for the day to day activities. This is what the sinhalese have been denying us since independence. I think if a good model of power sharing is done, the problem will be solved. Like how the Sinhalese want their children to retain their religion, language and culture we tamils also want the same. There is nothing wrong in a community wanting to retain and preserve their culture.This can be ensured only if we have a tamil homeland within a united Sri lanka. Sinhalese bakers, carpenters lived happily in the north prior to 1983.

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    Professor Rajeewa, soon after getting the higher education ministry in yahapalanay government, came with a FB post saying he is started to re-write the higher education Act. I felt such behavior just as a bus conductor who open the ticket book once passenger get in to a CTB bus..

    Reforming the education reform is not some thing similar to grade 5 scholarship exam.

    If so called professor can come with the process (at least copy and past from some where) that would be a great thing.

    If I say politicians are politically corrupt and academics are academically corrupt and neither of them have anything to deliver.

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