By Hilmy Ahamed –
Postwar Sri Lanka saw Buddhist extremism targeting the Muslim community with the euphoria of the victory over the Liberation Tigers of Thamil Eelam (LTTE). The Mahinda Rajapaksa government allowed these extremists a free reign and cause extensive damage to the Muslim economy, which resulted in the Muslims voting en-block to overthrow the once indispensable Rajapaksa regime.
The regime change brought about a lull in Buddhist extremist activity but restarted with the Mussali Muslim issue claiming that the returning Muslim IDPs from the 1990 eviction by the LTTE were being settled within the Wilpattu reserve. Even President Maithripala Sirisena made public statements claiming that the former Minister Basil Rajapaksa who headed the Presidential Task Force for Northern Development had allocated Wilpattu land. Later he retracted and said not a single inch of Wilpattu reserve has been encroached. The extremist continued their racist campaign to deprive the Muslim IDPs of their right to return.
This led to a build up of the racist campaign of the Bodu Bala Sena (BBS). Sinhala Ravaya and Ravana Balaya. Soon, they were joined by few more facebook warriors of Mahason Balaya, The Sinhale Jathika Balamuluwa (SJB) and Dan Priyasath’s who have used the freedom new media technologies offer, as a destructive force to create hate and cause violence. Most of these groups found this as a lucrative business to hoodwink Buddhist corporates and Sinhala Diaspora in South Korea, Australia, Europe and America to fund the saviours of Buddhism in Sri Lanka. It is tragic that anyone with a smart phone has become the saviour of their community.
In the absence of stern action by the Government or the Buddhist hierarchy of Mahanayake’s, Ven. Galagoda Atte Gnanasara and company went on a major racist offensive against the minorities. Did Yahapalanaya consider these racist assaults as freedom of expression or did the Sirisena-Wickremesinghe government of good governance provide subtle support to these extremists in the hope that they could break the dominance of the Sinhala Buddhist vote bank by the Rajapaksa’s joint opposition. Evidence proves to be the latter as no action has been taken despite numerous police complaints and legal action instituted by Muslims.
End of the Sinhala and Tamil New year celebrations saw the renewed assault on the Muslim community by extremist Buddhist forces. Since the dawn of April 16th, at least twenty incidents of violence or attempted violence, hate, intimidation and threats to the Muslims, their places of religious worship and business. These renewed threats are from Bodu Bala Sena, Sinhala Ravaya, Sinhale, Mahason Balaya to name a few.
The Secretariat for Muslims (SFM) a Muslim civil society organisation documented 538 incidents against the Muslims from 2013 to 2015.
The following is a documentation of the violence against Muslims during the last 5 weeks:
1 16th April, 2017 – Petrol Bombs thrown at shops in Godapitiya
Four shops owned by Muslims were attacked with petrol Bombs in Godapitiya, Porruva,. This incident went unreported due to the pressure brought in by the local police. This was not even reported in the social media by local residents, fearing further police intimidation. Even after a month, the police have still not been able to investigate and apprehend the perpetrators of this act of violence.
20th April, 2017 – Land Grab at Irrakamam in Mayakkali
2 1/2 Acres of Muslim land was forcible taken over in Irrakamam in Mayakkali. No police action has been taken even after complaints have been lodged.
25th April 2017 – Incitement by Ven. Gnanasara Thero in Irrakamam.
Ven. Gnanasara thero visited Irrakamam and made a very provocative speech violating his bail conditions. Police complaints have been made and no action has been taken up to todate.
8th May 2017 – Myanmar Boat People
Ven. Gnanasara Thero claimed at a press conference that refugees from Myanmar had arrived in Sri Lanka with the intention of invading our land. These refugees were arrested at sea by the Sri Lankan navy while they were attempting to flee to Australia by boat due to the astrocytes of the racist Myanmar government. This statement was purely meant to provoke the Sinhala Buddhists.
10th May 2017 – Vesak celebrations
Vesak celeberations with Bodhi pujas were undertaken in Irrakamam in Mayakkali which is a predominantly Muslim area to provoke them, but the Muslims showed much restraint and no untoward incidents were reported.
May 14th 2017 – Theratening Muslims in Onegama in Pollonaruwa
A group of Buddhist monks led by Ven. Galagoda Aththe Gnanasara Thero threatened Muslims in Onegama in Pollonaruwa and broke their huts and livelihood means. The Police who were present did not attempt to stop this mob from causing this violence. Hiru TV showed the destruction of the huts of the Muslims. Here again, Ven. Gnanasara Thero insulted Allah subahanauwa ta’aala in the most demeaning words by talking about Allah’s balls. His exact words were, ” They have placed Allah’s Balls here. They say there is no physical being called Allah and yet, they have kept his balls here”. Defaming of Allah subahanauwa ta’aala, is the most blasphemous insult that no Muslim will tolerate. Police complaints have been made with video evidence and the they have failed to take any action yet.
15th May 2017 – Attack on the Muslim Village of Selvanagar in the Trincomalee District.
The entire Muslim population of Selva Nagar in Thoppur (Tricomalee District, bordering Seruvila and Muthur electorate) has been threatened by a mob from outside led by Buddhist monks. A large number of Muslims have fled the area due to this intimidation. The local temple (Pansala) currently owns six acres and they are now attempting to claim 49 acres of Muslim lands insisting that these are archeological sites. Muslims have been living and in possession of these lands for over a hundred years. Residents claim that these extremists are trying to drive them out as the LTTE did during the ethnic conflict.
15th May.2017 – A fire had broken in Panadura Mosque .
It is suspected that extremist elements may have attempted to set the mosque on fire using a petrol bomb. This is the second petrol bomb attack. They had also set alight a garbage dump close by. No police action has been initiated.
15th May 2017 – Masked men attack Kohilawatta Ibrahim Jumma Mosque –
Unidentified men had arrived on motorbikes and attempted to attack the mosque. When some workers who were doing some renovations came out, they had left on their bikes..
16th May 2017 – Insults Allah:
Once again, Ven. Gnanasara Thero insults Allah subahanauwa ta’aala in the most demeaning way at a press conference.
16th May 2017 – Attack on Muslim Selva Nagar in Thoppur
A large group of Buddhist extremists numbering about 200 had gone to Selva Nagar in Thoppur with clubs and swords and caused extensive damage to 16 houses and property. No police action has been taken despite several complaints.
16th May 2017 – Gang Attacks Kohilawatte Mosque
The Kohilawatte Mosque, in Sedawatte, was attacked with stones and clubs, around 1:30 p.m. by an unidentified gang, resulting in extensive damage, Wellampitiya Police has been provided CCTV footage of the attack and no arrests have been made as yet.
May 17 2017 – Two Shops In Panadura Attacked
Two Muslim owned shops were attacked in Panadura and extensive damage caused to its furniture, equipment and fittings. One was a bakery and the other was a communications facility.
May 18th 2017 – Last Chance Electrical showroom burnt
The Last Chance show room in Wennappuwa has been set on fire and burnt down completely on the night of 17th May. The losses are estimated at several millions.
21st May 2017 – Mallawapitiya mosque in Kurunegala Attacked
A procession led by Ven. Gnanasra, which was going to Ibbagamuwa, was stopped by police. There after, Ven. Gnanasara and other Buddhist extremists claimed that they were being stopped at the call of the Muslims and abused in raw filth. They called on the crowd that had gathered to attack the Muslims. Six petrol bombs had been hurled at the Mallawapitiya mosque causing damage. Police have not arrested anyone yet.
21st May 2017 – A Cosmetic Shop in Elpitiya burnt.
A cosmetic store owned by a Muslim has been set on fire causing extensive damage and millions in losses. Police have still failed to make a comprehensive investigation.
22nd May 2017 – A leather Store in Wijerama Junction, Maharagama set on fire.
A leather store belonging to a Muslim at Wijerama Junction, Maharagama has been set on fire during the night and completely burnt. Losses are estimated to run in to millions.
22nd May 2017 – A shop been set on fire in Kahawatta.
It is very clear that Ven. Gnanasara is attempting to disrupt his arrest over the Homagama magistrates complaint of contempt of court and intimidation of witnesses. He is attempting to generate protests from the majority Buddhist claiming that he is being arrested on the charges filed by the Muslim community. He has continued to violate his bail conditions, and is aware that he has very little chances of being outside the remand prison. Majority of the Sinhalese who does not subscribe to Ven. Gnanasaras extremism will not move a finger if this racist is arrested. It should be noted that he commanded a mere 27,000 Island wide votes at the last general elections.
The Government of President Sirisena and Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe need to deal with this major crisis which will destabilize their hard earned victory in January 2015. The Muslim parliamentarians, civil society, business community and academia have requested the government to act with a strong resolve to ensure that rule of law prevails. A peaceful environment will ensure the rapid reconciliation of all peoples of Sri Lanka
Sam Fernando / May 22, 2017
But this is a no easy as you think Mr Writer.
Current govt is in between since masses would still support to former thuggish adminstration though they are no in power today. In the same time, former men have manipulated so called buddhists that have been the extremist forces in this country. Tihs should NOT be negligible.
Amarasiri / May 22, 2017
Hilmy Ahamed.—————————————————————–
“Know the Truth as Truth and Untruth as Untruth” —BUDDHA———
————————————————————————————“He that WILL NOT reason is a bigot—————————————–
“He that CANNOT reason is a fool—————————————–
“He that DARE NOT reason is a slave” –H. DRUMMOND—————————————-
Yes, the Govt does not want to be bitten by the about dogs, and they are letting the Rabid dogs bite the Muslims, and not maintaining law and order.—————–These are Sinhala “Buddhist” Rabid Dogs ego follow Mara,( opposed to Buddha), in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho. ———————————————————————————————–Muslims also have their own Rabid Dogs, called Wahhabis, Salafis, ISS and theit clones, who follow the Devil, Satan, Iblis, just like the BBS.——-Isn’t it strange, that the BBS who follow the Buddhist Mara, and Wahhabies and their clones, who follow Iblis, Satan, Sahitan, have the same end goal. Cause calamity and chaos?—————————————————————————————Have you ever read the writings and opinions of Ibn Rushd, Averroes, the 12th century Islamic philosopher, jurist, polymath and theologian? Ignorance is not an excuse.
Ralli Ameen / May 23, 2017
Amarabera. There again beating bera of Whabism. Are you a Shia or gay shia’s keep?
Fukushima / May 23, 2017
ampara Amarabera. is muslim are you daesh chokka?
Ralli Ameen / May 24, 2017
I don’t know what is daesh chokka, can enlighten me?
Sunil / May 22, 2017
We have the first Sinhala buddhist terrorists that are an enemy of the world emerging!?
Ben Hurling / May 23, 2017
Hilmy Ahmed,
Sri Lanka is currently embattled by several cancers.
Seriously inflamed Islamophobia is only one of them.
Flames of Islamophobia is being fanned by disgusting, defeated king and the JO. In a desperate attempt to regain lost power. They are pulling strings of religious and racist hatred. Fake SAITM protest by GMOA is another.
Tamil racist elements here and abroad are looking for any opportunity to rock the boat.
Islam based, corrupt & power-hungry politicians are colluding with Wahabis & other Islamic fundamentalists. Radicalized pockets of Islam in SL is now a fact.
Yahapalanaya is is dying a slow death. Increasingly insecure about their ability to stay in power. Latest Cabinet reshuffle is a total joke.
Forget about promises given during the January 8th revolution. Those are all forgotten now by both RW and Aiyo. Besides, Sobitha Thero is not among us any longer to keep up the pressure.
PS: Hilmy Ahmed, Were you at the demo against Wilpattu destruction? Are you battling to change Muslim Marraige act in SL? Do you only wake up when Islam or Muslims are at stake? What have you done so far to contain increasing Islamic fanaticism in SL?
Jai_Bolo / May 23, 2017
patchwork language, patchwork culture, patchwork religion you do not own the land.
go find yourself a place at mugabe land.
he loves you more than your patchwork motherland.
Ralli Ameen / May 23, 2017
Ben Hurling, suddage kolla, what have you done to stop Buddhist fanatism?
Ben Hurling / May 23, 2017
Ralli Ameen, “All Religions Are “Stupid and Dangerous,” But Islam Is the Most Violent These Days”. Please answer following before you whine again: 1. Should a Muslim be killed for leaving Islam? 2. Are women less worthy or 2nd class citizens? 3. Should one be killed if he draws a picture of Mohammed? 4. Should stoning be the punishment for adultry? 5. Should people be killed by beheading in public squares in the 21st century? Cheers!
Rtd. Lt. Reginald Shamal Perera / May 23, 2017
Ben Hurling,
Don’t ask serious questions from a Rabid Dog. He will bark at you with name calling and avoid your questions.
Are you a Burgher? Burghers are great people. Do you know what BBBBBBBB stand for? Burgher Buggers Became Beggars By Breaking Brandy Bottles. No offense, we all break brandy bottles from time to time. Except for those Rabid Dogs of course.
dinesh patel / May 23, 2017
when the world sings you shudder- palyan passa hitan patch culture yakoooooooooooo!
Ralli Ameen / May 24, 2017
Good advice from a mad mongrel Rtd. Lt. Reginald Shamal Perera.
Tsylana / May 23, 2017
Buddha God your pop never had so you sneaked down under into the land of english jailbirds and trained yourself as a fascist hegel thickhead sinhala buddhist gaud. Once you learn to reason you would get the klante like your saffron thugs under whose skirt you love to hide!
Sobitha your lover boy met his timely death and left you his legacy live with it and love it for The Donald is not Barry or Killary. He is Scot-German like the dreaded highlander forces many a muslim works for him but never a patholaya patchwork (mixed) sinhala, patchwork (mixed) buddha gaud,
Hindians can live with the muslims and dalit buddhist but no one can live with sinhala buddhist- the patchwork (mixed) sinhala, patchwork (mixed) buddha gaud, patchwork island of patholayas.
Ralli Ameen / May 24, 2017
Ben Hurling. You are writing the most stupid way here. It is accepted world’s view number one violent and killers are Christian countries, this is accepted even by majority of western intellectuals. From the time of Crusade to present day they are killing. What they are doing in Irag, Syria, Afghanistan and what they did in Libya, Somalia? The rebels are called terrorist. This is not including the slaughter of Vietnamese, Cambodian, Koreans, Japanese, American Indians and aborigines of Australia. How many Muslims are killed in Sri Lanka for changing religion? It was Islam that respected women and gave the rights to women. How come so many Muslim women graduates, holding good positions and even a prime minister now and before if they were considered 2nd class citizen? Drawing a picture of Jesus, Buddha is okay, pictures and idols of them available. Why draw a picture of Muhammad when Muslim themselves do not do that? Isn’t it racially motivated? It was banned during the inception because he was not god and they didn’t want rogues to make pictures of him and sell as god. Yes, stoning, beheading or similar punishments should be there to get rid of murderers, rapist and the like from the society. Adultery definitely ruin the family and dilute the respect and honesty of society. If you are from a city of Sodom and Gomorrah it is okay for you. Don’t fall prey to western propaganda.
Nalhir / May 25, 2017
These are all actions performed by the wahhabi cult pedalled by the saudis. It has very little basis in Islam. One classic example is stoning for adultery. The Holy Qur’an does not prescribe stoning – the old testament did. However, the head chopping wahhabis have borrowed it and introduced it into Islam. They are a bunch of psychopaths. They hail from Najd and our Prophet (Sal) referred to them as the horn of satan.
Vidiya Bandara / May 23, 2017
These BBS Appuhamis should be hung on Buddha’s “Labba”…. and made them lick “Allah’s Labba”… Am I allowed to use the term Buddha’s Labba in this SB country.
Vidiya Bandara
Anny / May 23, 2017
U cut up ur “cotte” and stuff it in ur wifes mangy dick and ur deranged son can shave the rest and ur parents can incest u upside down.
Al-faqurlah / May 23, 2017
There are more rabid dogs among the Muslims than among any other religious group. The anger of Buddhists in Srilanka is only against Srilanka Moors and not against peace loving Muslims like Malays, Bohras and Ahamediyas. Stop blaming anyone of insulting Allah, when Muslims are insulting other religions. In Srilanka the greatest person is Buddha the prince of peace and not Allah the hate monger, and when you say Allahu Akbar, you are insulting Buddhists. Instead if you behave realistically and say Buddhahu Akbar there will be no problem. What Buddhists are doing is counter insult on Allah. The damage done to mosques in Srilanka is nothing compared to the damage done by Islamic extremists in other parts of the world. Let us all pray “Lahilaha il Buddha, Buddhahu sahib ullah”
Ralli Ameen / May 23, 2017
Al-fuckura. There are jealous mongrels among you all than the Muslims. Malay, Borahs, Ahmediyas are around 1% of total Muslim population and majority doesn’t know such minority exist except for Malays. When Moors arrived in Sri Lanka around 800 years ago, Sinhalese mostly farmers. On the coastal lines Cochias were ruling, exchanging their cheap products from India for Sinhalese farm product for dirt cheap. Moors changed that resulting Sinhala king’s respect. These cochias had more than one low caste and rodiya wives. Some rich guys had harem. There are about 20% Sinhalese who are not real Sinhalese but Demala-Cochi products. The hate and jealous they had those days toward Moors still continuing. The racist Sinhalese including many Buddhist monks like Gnanasara belongs to these Dela-cochi groups. Look at Gnanasara and his supporters face. 100% Demala-Cochi features. They knows that, that is why they are more angry. How do you look you mongrel? Can you paste your face here? I will tell you which group you belongs to. He he he he …………..
ranjith(sprrw) / May 23, 2017
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Al-faqurlah / May 23, 2017
You Islamic racist, how dare you say that Sinhalese were only farmers. They had a glorious civilization starting from iron age. Iron implements have been found in Balangoda and your rogues have built a mosque in this area. Very soon Kuragala mosque will be brought down. Gnanasara has asked you to go and suck Allah’s labba. He may be a Demala-Cochi hybrid, but he is superior than the Arab infidels. At least he is of a high caste but you are a low caste Arab fellow. He will make all your infidels to suck Allah’s labba. Did you stupid fellow hear about IS fighters importing 20,000 goats from New Zealand for their sexual pleasures. If you want to know about me, I look much better than your good for nothing Allah.
Ralli Ameen / May 24, 2017
Al-fuckura. You nincompoop, they say those implements are over 35,000 years old but you Vijaya arrived in Kallathonis around 2000 years ago. You may be a rotten Christian or Tamil hiding with a pseudo name so your expectation of filthy comments from me won’t come. Gnanasara cannot suck Allah’s labba because Allah doesn’t belong to material world like that of idols or dead people. So Allah don’t have a labba. It is the experience of sucking by Gnanasara and his ilk that come out from his mouth. Farmers are considered as high caste so you, Gnanasara don’t belongs to that caste.
Al-faqurlah / May 25, 2017
You Balli Gammon, a rotten Islamic Infidel. Stop attacking Gnanassara. He is Rasul-ul-Buddha, the messenger of Buddha the one and only supreme being in this universe. Propagate this golden sayings by Gnanassara among your people. “Allah kiyala Ballekwath ne, Balla kiyala Allekwath ne”. What a superb expression of truth. Sucking labba of goats and camels is a favourite pastime of your Arab ancestors. That is why Gnassara had asked you to do it. Why are you worshipping stony Labba inside black Kabba in Mecca.
Ralli Ameen / May 25, 2017
Al-fuckura. You mad mongrel, dirty pig don’t hide with pseudo name. You are insulting lord Buddha by saying this filthy dirty swine Gnanassara as his follower. Are you creeping in to his room in the night to roll over on his labba? Oh! that is why everything appears to you as labba. Enjoy you Cochi-Demala or low caste diaspora.
Al-faqurlah / May 26, 2017
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ranjith(sprrw) / May 24, 2017
Gery mas kanno wasalayoya, those who consume beef are untouchables. as such our kings never allowed muslims traders to our ports. they collected trading items from here via kochcias traders of koshine port keralists.descendants still live here with negombo tamil identities and portuguese burger identities. pulle and european surnames. nothing to do with sinhalese. cristian yonas came here. even built christian churches. birds flew over the island with messages reported seen christian churches but never reported seen mohammedan worshiping places. upto fifteen century AD situation was like that.
moors refers to north african arabs. they never visited here until land routes was open with muslims occupation in india. first visitor was IBN Bthutha moroccan pilgrim came with kochchi traders. when delhi sultanate power collapsed in south indian territories muslims from south india came here our kings accepted them on humanitarian ground if moors visited here south african point suba parthana thuduwa or goodill point must have been named by arabic not in european languages.silk land route existed via north of indian subcontinent but had nothing to do with south asian regions like south india and lanka. as such your moor claim is cowshit or primitive arabic garbage.
Ralli Ameen / May 24, 2017
Ranjit. You cannot change history just by heresy or made up stories.To do that you have to go to archives in Britain, Portuguese and even our own and change everything that is recorded in old history. Before the colonial masters Muslims were the traders in Sri Lanka, India etc. They served even in King’s forces, as physicians to them etc. Kings did not rely on Kattadias. Moors replaced cochias who cheated the Sinhalese. Now 20% these cochi-demala Sinhalese were spread everywhere in coastal towns, not Negombo alone. At that time since there were no mat weavers and other handicraft makers, Moors traders brought from a South Indian Village some handicraft making families, settled them somewhere in Beruwala or Aluthgama. Their handicrafts are famous now and their caste name is similar to that South Indian village. Muslim traveled to China through land route, sold their goods and bought mainly silk from them to be sold in Middle-east and Europe so the silk route. India did not have sailing boats to travel other countries but boats with which they can cross small distances like Palk Straight. It was Moors who sailed to and fro from Cochin. Zheng He, an Arab-Mongol Muslim was the pioneer in ship making and sailing in China. We don’t claim cowshit like you but the truth.
ranjith(sprrw) / May 24, 2017
christian arabs are traders not muslim arabs that is the truth.no mosques existed here till sixteenth century. I have visited lisbon archive twice refer all the history records on lanka in portuguese time. muslim arabs were not allowed by our kings. they operated from karala via kochchi traders. moors never come as traders here. they did not have that facilities to go around africa.only the yanas or yemanist from arabic peninsula visited here as traders. you all are south indian kallathonis came here with the help of karalists kochchi traders. one powerful minister from that community fernandopulle killed by LTTE. still we have cricketers cum commentators from that community. all are either catholic or christians. nothing to do with sinhalese. strange muslims existed without a mosque. where did you hold on to its labba or payiya.till mosque is built. get lost man. moors are negroid not caucasoid. you muslims here are mongoloid or caucasoid it seems like south indians. you have nothing to do with sinhalese you kallathonis if not show us your panchaudaya. do you know how to make kaum or athirasa. or even valithalapa or kurakkan pittu. do you know how to eat kurakkan thalapa. get lost kallathoni marakkalaya
Ralli Ameen / May 25, 2017
There were no Christian Arab traders before colonization started idiot. So you went to Lisbon archives, on what a donkey? My god you must be an expert on Portuguese language to read all old books in the archives. Just mention in which section of the archive these books available and just one or two volume numbers and authors names? Masjidul Abrar mosque, Ketchchimalai mosque, Beruwala, Grand mosque, Colombo etc. are very old mosque built during Sinhalese King’s rule. Grand mosque was renovated 1826 during British time and now expanded with new structure. It is your practice to hold labba, payiya during praying hence your are mentioning it. North Africans are known as Moors, not Negroid and Sri Lankan mainly Tamils are known as Australoid. Fernando (Portuguese) pulle (Tamil) a low caste Christian not original Keralites. Kawun, Kokkis Portuguese origin. We know our own stuff. Kurakkan thalapa are low grade food, we despise them because it doe not belongs marakkalays’s high class food like buriyani etc. Do you know Yemanis are Moors? However much you cry you cannot change history.
ranjith(sprrw) / May 25, 2017
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ranjith(sprrw) / May 24, 2017
traders have advantage with language but you still speak Tamils as your ancestors mother tongue was Tamil. so do kochchias. still both community speak Tamils few may speak English. but sinhalese in coastal line speak sinhalese very closer to elu. why their ancestors mother tongue was sinhalese if they were kochcias they could have continued with Tamils. like real kochchias and you Muslims do. converting to sinhalese was not added advantage. do you know proto sinhalese names for small fish and lice. diya macca and ukuna. still vedda community use these words. so do people live in coastal line. as such they are not converted kochcias. they are original sinhalese. weaving is the ancient art of yakka sinhalese. crafting masks was art of yakka or proto sinhalese art. nobody brought those here. Chinese traders introduced some weaving arts. Chinese were the pioneers of those arts. we had very good relationship with Chinese even in 500 year BCE .as such your saying is bullshit. Muslims Arab traders never allowed here, untouchables or wasalayos. if kings wanted medicine Chinese and Indians were at their disposal. wasalayan or beef eaters was not a necessity.
kattadiya came with nayakar kings to kandian kingdom. but adura or yakadura was in existence since 3000 or5000 BCE. that shows your knowledge on history of lanka. get lost man.
Ralli Ameen / May 25, 2017
Ranjith. There is no records at all of Chinese traders visiting Sri Lanka, even in early period of AD. I said about 20% Sinhalese are from Cochi-Demala mix. May be you belong to this group so you cannot gulp it. Veddas history irrelevant here, I am telling about Cochias doing pola trading before Moors arrived. Moors did not do weaving, they were traders so they brought families who knows cottage industry from Kerala and settled them here to make money from the products they turn out like an industry. Poruguese, British were beef eaters, how did your Sinhalese kings tolerated them? If you don’t know Moors were here since 800 AD, then you had never set your foot in to any of the Archives or never read history books including Sinhalese authors. During the Portuguese time they were looking for local physicians to promote local medicine and seven physician they selected for the post were six Moors and one Chetty. If natives had good Ayurveda physicians they would have selected them, but non, only indigenous Kattadiyas. If you want to see masks, cottage industrial products 100% similar to Sri Lankan products (olden) go to Tiruvanduram. You can see everything there including Appa, Pittu, String hopper, Perahera and even Cashew girls like the Battaliya one on the way. Some glory mania had brain washed you.
ranjith(sprrw) / May 26, 2017
ha..ha……..ha you know nothing on history only allahu akbar. get lost man. if you want chinese traders history refer to old chinese dynasties records. lankan history very much couple with china rather than india in all aspect.
Ralli Ameen / May 26, 2017
Now you seems to be well conversant in Chinese language too. Just give me the date and history book, I will refer to it. So I can tell my friend I learned a lot about Chinese – Sri Lankan connection from Ranjith.
ranjith(sprrw) / May 26, 2017
lanka was the trading center for Chinese products. in the sea route. Chinese came here with ships load of goods and sold to traders from Europe and middle east. they stayed here till their stock is finished. during period of stay they collected gems. Chinese were the main buyer of our gems. marco polo records vouched for it. south Indian traders handled domestic trading. no other foreign parties involved. otherwise we must have Greek pockets Chinese pockets and roman pockets here. they came did business and went back. Muslims traders never came here. they were catered by south Indians but christian Arabs did direct business with others and our kings. you can find lots of evidences for that. local export directly handled by king’s officers nobody allowed to involved as all the treasure were treated as king’s properties. even the crops. after arrival of Muslims refugees from south India. they ere granted permission to do domestic business to earn livelihood as they did know any sastras to earn for their living even cultivation. no mosques existed here till fifteen century AD. Muslims lot considered as dalets or untouchable .as they were greedy of beef. that was the situation. but christian churches allowed kokila seen few of them. but nothing on Muslims religious places. if you had mosques in Colombo and beruwala kokila must see them but no records reported. do not write lies man. every sinhalese read those poem books and know the history.
Ralli Ameen / May 26, 2017
I don’t know what you meant by Kokila. Is it a time machine. You are explaining everything as you have seen them and studied personally. May be you would have gone in Kokila time machine. Why don’t you go to Tiruvanduram in Kerala and prove all what I said is wrong? You can go in Lanka Airline too but cannot go to the past. Did Marco Polo personally told you this or read it in the Wiki? Okay tell me where can I find lot of evidence? You can change everything but not history.
ranjith(sprrw) / May 26, 2017
every country has its indigenous medicine systems.likewise sinhalese had one. it was good enough to keep nation healthier.as such we did not want any outside help. even kings did not want. if somebody says kaum is a portuguese one he or she can not be lanken born one should be outsider.
moors refer to north africans. everybody knows they are negroid. all arabs are not treated as moors.those w ho descent from sahariens called moors. as such you can not claim morr identity.
even african make masks but every nation’s mask making have their own uniqueness.
cashew is not unique to lanka as such you should find cashew in india africa south america as well. selling of them too is not unique to lanka. as such your defamation has no value. nobody claim it is unique to lanka. but in business since old ages.
Ralli Ameen / May 27, 2017
If Sinhalese did not want outsider’s medicine why 100% of medicine and medical practice is western origin? Why don’t you replace it with Kasaya, guli and weda mahathayas? Good news, if Moors are negroid there are good openings in African countries. Can you get your president’s help for us to go there? I said kawum, kokkis. Kawum (Kaum) may be Sinhalese but kokis is Dutch-Portuguese origin. Paan (bread) from pao, Dosi is from doce, sukiri from suiker, seeni is from Cheeni (Chinese) etc. etc. Aappa, pittu, string hopper are from Kerala. Cashew may be same everywhere but that is not the point. I pointed out the similarity in culture. You take the bus from Tirunelvelli to Tiruvanduram going on the main highway. Just before 50 km to Tiruvenduram the bus stop for tea and little away these girl sell cashew. Dressed in reddai – atta just like Bataliya girls but put a towel across their shoulder. Do you see this in Africa and S. America? Likewise the mask too look exactly like Sri Lankan, they have perahera like yours. You go to fishing area, their woman folk wear reddai – atta like in Sri Lanka. This is not defamation but showing you the cultural similaraties. You go see for yourself and write.
ranjith(sprrw) / May 26, 2017
yes portuguese butch and british beefeaters our kings fought battle with them but unfortunately lost. to say moors did not visit here you do not have to go to archives. they are saharienne did not have facilities to sail around africa..christian arabs came as traders. they were called yonas or yonakes. they never called them as moors. moors are negroid. moroccans, libyans, tunisians like that they are negroids. arabs from yeman and other part of middle east visited. they were christians. your faith started in th century AD among camel riders not sailors or traders.cristian asirians atabs were here even in 66 AD for trading. not muslims.
Ralli Ameen / May 27, 2017
Christian Arabs are a minority (2-3%) spread in western part of middle-east. There are no proof at all of them travelling anywhere those days. Negroid are black African. May be to eyes Moors look like Negroes and you see yourself in the mirror as white. You are a mentally sick person. Yemen is a small country in the middle-east to the extreme east. Good percentage of Yemeni wears sarong which was introduced by Moors here and eastern Muslim countries. If Muslim Arabs were camel riders, Christian Arabs too same and they are beef eaters. Christian Dutch, Portuguese, British are beef eaters and the first time Sri Lankan set eyes on them was during colonization. You all are embracing everything this beef eaters gave you. Even the computer you are using to send your messages is beef eaters invention. At the very first chance trying to get into beef eaters land. Get lost idiot.
ranjith (sprrw) / May 25, 2017
Ralli Ameen
I am asking you this as you seem to be pious Muslim and know much about Islam. for my information tell me how your god allah lowered your adams to earth from garden. as you as my physics I learnt 60 cubit means 90 feet and weight of such create must be more than 500 MT. if he came flying when goes through atmosphere temperature must have gone beyond 500 degrees. living creature can not survive at such temperature. when such a weight hit on earth impact created could have triggered earthquake more than 10 rector.that could create big hole on earth and trigger tsunami to wipe out entire islands in Indian ocean. how did your Allah avoid such situation. did he lower him slowly by using his payiya tool as crain.even if generation of high temperature can not be avoided. entire flora and fauna must have gone. can you explain more Mr. ralli Ameen.
Ralli Ameen / May 25, 2017
ranjith. What you have stated here shows you are a brainless fool or may be with a donkey brain. Who told you Allah lowered Adam on his garden to earth from space. Did you see a science fiction film recently and writing dreaming about it. Islam says Allah created the universe including the earth in it and on earth he created all the living things. First plants and animals and finally Adam (man) and from Adam’s rib Eve (woman) his partner. Even science says man (human beings) evolved last. I don’t want to waste my time giving explanation to your donkey question. If you want you can refer to books written by Scholars, Philosophers etc. But I don’t know you have a brain to understand them. Using payiya tool as crane is your peoples games.
ranjith(sprrw) / May 26, 2017
idiot you do not know history and you do not know even your religion. first read your so called holy book and find out where your god created your first puppet called Adam and his wife. after their mischievous act sent to earth from your so called garden. as per your religious records this man called Adam was crafted with clay and given life. his appearances very similar to your so called god. that is what I learnt going through your religious records I am asking the way your god lowered him to earth .
first get fully converse with your religion before making comment on any science.
Ralli Ameen / May 26, 2017
First you went to Lisbon archives and now you went through our religious book. Which book? Name the book. Adam was the first man and there was no other man to craft him out of clay. In which planet there was clay, so god crafted him and lowered to earth. Ha yes. I have read in Hindu mythology of flying chariot on which god go to his abode in heaven and come back to earth. Most probably our god would have sought his help to lower Adam. What a third rate idiot you are, shame.
Al-faqurlah / May 26, 2017
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/
Rtd. Lt. Reginald Shamal Perera / May 23, 2017
I quite agree with your statement about Malayas. I don’t know of any Sinhalese who is against the Malays of Sri Lanka. Some of the best girls belong to the Malay community.
Native Vedda / May 25, 2017
Rtd. Lt. Reginald Shameless Perera—————– “Some of the best girls belong to the Malay community.” ———– Did you sniff them from top to bottom?
isharath / May 26, 2017
Al-faqooo, the tea-boy, you get serious? he..he…heee
These are for mature people to discuss, now go play…
Siva / May 23, 2017
Who did the Manchester terrorist attack? BBS?
Who is associated with terrorism around the world? BBS?
Please be informed of the truth.
billy / May 22, 2017
[Edited out] Comments should not exceed 300 words.Please read our Comments Policy for further details.
Thanos / May 22, 2017
You have no idea how much the likes of Galagoda Aththe Gnanasara and his kind hate the Muslims. I when I say Muslims, specifically the Moors. Gnanasara even said directly to Minister Mano Ganesan’s face that he would prefer Prabhakaran over the Muslims. Hatred they are spitting is very very toxic. The reality is, there is an inherent distrust among even the ordinary Sinhala-Buddhists towards the Moors. For example, they say, “Are they going to impose Sharia-Law one day?”, “Are they going prohibit the propagation of Buddhism?”, “Are they going take Buddhist women as sex-slaves?”, and so on. DON’T KID YOURSELVES! THESE THINGS ARE ACTUALLY IN THE MINDS OF EVEN MODERATE SINHALA BUDDHISTS. And this is what the likes of Gnanasara are trying to exploit. If the government and other civil societies don’t tackle this soon, things could eventually get worse than what happen in July 83 to the Tamils.
lakshman / May 22, 2017
There is a real fear that muslim population will one day exceed the sinhalese and then there will be muslim laws and intolerance and destruction of other religions.. The behaviour of muslims migrants in other countries, is worrying..
Fazeel Hussain / May 23, 2017
Why blame the Muslims if you dont know to use your D…k. Get some help from your Muslim neighbors. They will produce results in 9 months
Ralli Ameen / May 27, 2017
“Are they going to impose Sharia-Law one day?”, “Are they going prohibit the propagation of Buddhism?”, “Are they going take Buddhist women as sex-slaves?” Only Sinhalaya modaya kawun kanda yodaya group will say like that not the brainy and intelligent Sinhalese.
Had Enough / May 22, 2017
You are the rabid dogs mate.
You can stand on your head and weep about the bad deal you are getting in this country. But the truth must be told for everyone’s benefit.
Without any hint of racism, as a fact, I am telling you that over the last 30 years the Muslims gained disproportionately in this country by hook and by crook. Their population greew, they gained most from the district basis in university education and they bought all the properties left by the migrating Tamils and Sinhalese.
There are stories of Wahabi money financing their purchases and businesses, drug importation from Pakistan and unlawful sterilisation of young Sinhala mothers.
Still we find Muslim complaints about ‘racism’ (they think they are a different RACE!) and the columns of CT are full of their bogus grievances.
Woe unto you.
Roshan / May 22, 2017
I hope sincerely, that you have more than ‘stories’ to endorse your own hate of others. You don’t have to like them ‘mate’ but the reasons you give to justify your fear and hate are sad.
unlawful steralisation….(!!) Go and do some investigations YOURSELF and find some evidence before you spew fear and hate like an irresponsible brat
Gobba / May 23, 2017
Get a brain scan and get off whatever you are having !!!
Fathima / May 23, 2017
“unlawful sterilisation of young Sinhala mothers”
Very new for me. When, why and how this happened? Looks an interesting area to learn more
Ralli Ameen / May 26, 2017
Ha, ha , ha…… Had Enough don’t dream anymore.
Lasantha Pethiyagoda / May 22, 2017
There is undoubtedly an anti-Muslim development in Sri Lanka which is fuelled by extremist views and behaviours. Moderate and law-abiding citizens must condemn behaviour such as incitement to violence and deliberate provocation of the ire of a group. Law enforcement officers seem to have their orders to let those who rampage against a minority have their way while they blatantly break the law.
What these minorities must also do in the face of such provocation is to try and be as indistinguishable as possible from mainstream society, in the form of reducing the adoption of outlandish dress codes and practices and attempt to blend with the mainstream in all ways possible. While the atrocities committed by thugs should not go unpunished, community leaders should also use introspection and act wisely.
Dragos / May 23, 2017
Time Bomb- At least 19 people dead and around 50 others injured, according to police.following ‘terrorist incident’ at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester!!!
Jim Softy / May 22, 2017
Hilmy Ahmed:
Hilmy Ahmed: Watch the vedio to see what has happened inKurunegala. You can here, muspims scolding the sangha member from behind. From another side, we can here, Sinhala boys, talking about protecting the monk. It looks Kurunegala police police had come because of muslims. I think, those police officrs had some connections with the muslims. Monk is just explang why. What you people are right here is all lies.
People should not allow msulim bribes to control and islamize the country. Muslims are using arab money money to islamize the country and buy lands.
Therer should be a solution to muslims MPs and the mosques destroying the country.
Mokka / May 22, 2017
All Sinhalese should leave giving the country to native Aryans- the veddas. This land belongs to all race, religion, community. Mind your words or you will pay for the words written.
Thanos / May 23, 2017
Don’t insult the Veddas. Vedda people are definitely NOT aryan. There is only one remaining native tribe in Sri Lanka. The Veddas or “Gothra” who are still fairly untouched in-terms of their bloodlines. Small number of Sinhalese who have “Yakka” blood and some Northern Tamils who have “Naga” blood are also native to SL. But number of Yakka and Naga are dwindling fast especially the Yakka. I’ve heard there maybe some semi-pure blooded Naga people still living in the Vanni area. There was another tribe called the “Deva” but most of them migrated to India. Their decedents maybe the “Thiyya” people who live in Malabar region, India (“Deva” -> “Deyva” -> “Thiyya”).
ranjith(sprrw) / May 23, 2017
Dear Mr. Thanos
read varga purnika if you know proto sinhalese or elu with vamana script before making bogus comments. only yakka tribes existed in this land even twelve thousand years ago. yakka sinhalese still exist here. first read varga purnikava
Thanos / May 24, 2017
vargapurnikava.blogspot.com – ??? You mean that Varga Purnikawa? Holy sh!t! And I thought Ancient Aliens was a pile of nonsense. I encourage all at CT to read the stuff in “vargapurnikava” because it will give you an insight into how primitive and insecure the minds of some so called Ravana-Yakka Sinhalese are. Hell they even re-use images from Hollywood movies like “Predator” – . Make no mistake, I love “Predator”. It is one of my all-time favorites, but just look how primitive the mindset of these people –
ranjith(sprrw) / May 24, 2017
i am talking on vargapurnikawa ancient book. not thing in internet. we know how to read these books. we know languages used there.. it was compiled by yakkasha bikkus. proto sinhalese.
Thanos / May 24, 2017
So where is this magical book of yours? Where are the proper academic translations? Your claims are just that, “CLAIMS”. You interpretations, your conspiracy theories are irrelevant. It is no more valid than the opinion or view of me or anyone else.
Jim Softy / May 23, 2017
What you say is keep the mouth shut, otherwise, muslims take revenge from others. right there you talk about who muslims are.
Just ask list the mulim atrocities against sinhala-buddhists and also muslim against some other sects of muslims. the list is longer and it is almost everyday. What you have written is quite a threat.
Gobba / May 23, 2017
Stop visiting your supplier Jim, its getting too deep into your head.
Mohamedrbh / May 22, 2017
Muslim complain of bogus grievance browse Myanmar on the internet. The “clearance operation” by the Myanmar military came after a small, newly-formed extremist group
Gobba / May 23, 2017
so great of this “religion of peace, with the greatest terrorist leader in Asia, in the form of a buddhist monk” to have a “clearance operation” !!!!!!
Jai_Bolo / May 23, 2017
Bengali Royinga the economic refugee trail busters It is what Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton the dear friends of Bengalis at Phew York and sanctioned by ladies men Obama and Kerry.
Sinhala have 28% Bengali blood and Tamil 21% Bengali blood so the tamil always fight for sinhalaya against India.
sanka Chandima Abayawardena / May 22, 2017
its pitty that the writer totally ignores the stories that is not in supportive of his opinions. You must remember there are two sides to every coin. Even if all this 500+ incidents are true as you say, still one might wonder why you actually have made no attempt at all why there is a huge resentment to the wahabi Islamist movements in the country. It is also sad that you have while portraying a moderate voice have chosen to ignore the rights issues and cultural and heritage issues in the east as run by the Islamic religious leadership.
in a side note, criticizing allah or mohammad or any other religious leader or practices is not a bad thing. Insulting allah or the teachings in Koran is not about the wisdom of humans. So no one system should have special rights in terms of criticizing religious believes.
Mallaiyuran / May 22, 2017
”Residents claim that these extremists are trying to drive them out as the LTTE did during the ethnic conflict.” This is what racist Hilmy’s usual tactics to regain the lost love of thier Sinhala Chauvinists government’s after need for spying LTTE is extinguished. But when Aluthgama riots was going on, DIG Indran was the only Police officer worked for Muslim; shamefully not any Muslims Spy Officer! When Ayub Asmin went there, those Muslims folks asked from him that where Leader Pirapaharan was had gone. You remember what Hakeem did? He went there; collected the evidenceS of the crime scene the poor victims had saved; walked out with it and saved the culprits. He has not produced it in a court for action. Had Hilmi inquired anywhere if Mohamed Imran, who burned his 18 years wife, who in turn a 7months old’ mother, is arrested? I can list a lot here Hilmi did not ask a question for the injustices happened to Muslims society. But the question is, “is this only a part of their Oodal and Koodal of their filtering with the Muslim-Sinhala government or is this a sincere call for justice for all Muslims in that society to the hilt; it’s the women and Children inclusive?
After 1948, The MMDA, which robbed the living right of 50% of Muslims and their under aged dependents, brought into please male only Muslim leaders and writers.
When New King declined to ban Burqa I supported it as a person’s right to dress as the way one want. It does not mean that that my position was that a culture can be imported in a container of a cargo ship from Al Salman Abdulaziz and spread overnight skillfully under the charming, pious emergency regulations of MMDA.
Mallaiyuran / May 22, 2017
A culture is preferences and selections of common patterns of their living style and behaviors, grows and flourishes in communities over a couples of centuries if not millenniums.
When Rozana was murdered in Saudi, the elite leaders and writers interpreted the poor parents’ poverty as their greed for that murder. They even acted a drama that Saudi was so sober in implementing that human Qurbani , so , it was willingly had paid compensation for the victim’s parent. It was that much obsession, entrenched in these elites for that medieval caliphate
That filthy infatuation of the these elite leadership toward Saudi is not really coming from any holiness emancipating out of that desert Kingdom, but the flow of the oil money that is wetting these crooks palms. These crooks pledge to build a Colony out of Lankawe for the brutal kingdom, resurrected from Medieval obsoletes, in return for the green paste rubbed on their palms. This greedy for green paste by the elite writers and leaders is pushing the back the country into the storm after it had rifted 30 years rudderless.
Hilmy, Latheef, Izeth, Hakeem, Rishard et al…. has responsibility, as much as Gnanam, to answer to Tamils, Muslim Sinhala communities’ exasperation of why the country is being pushed into hell again Why don’t they sacrifice this Colony building for the sake of the country to return normalcy.
Aren’t these guys went to UNHRC to tell that Muslims are Happy in the New Lankawe after making a deal with Old Royals to push Halal into private hands ? Then why couldn’t they slow down the Colony building for Salman bin Abdulaziz until for time out then that country can rest before the next round?
Ralli Ameen / May 27, 2017
Mallai-urine stop spawning hatred, lies, heresy, mythology, glorification, fairy tales and yet you are a slavish dog for your masters. For your comment of Mirza Ahamad’s article “MMDA the Ulema contradict the Quran” I responded. You attacked me with all your mythology and fairy tales. I reponded to your last comments but it was not published by CT. You might think I accepted all the bullshit you wrote or nothing to write. If you can get my last comments from CT, give your answers.
srinath gunaratne / May 22, 2017
You must understand why you do not get any sympathy, Muslim extremism has become an endemic and you are partly to blame for this situation!
Look at your and other Muslims write here!
me me me,…only you are victimized! you have no wrongs!
Your actions cause reactions every where, Success of the country depend on Muslim entrepreneurs and success of Muslim entrepreneurs depend on Sinhalese majority.
If this trend continues, we all lose! and lot of Muslims will lose their livelihoods.
What would Muslims do if Sinhalese boycotted your shops?
You can not prevent Sinhalese coming into east and north! Please be honest and write honestly!
If Open a dialogue with extremists and prove them wrong if they are wrong!
The unity of SLFP and UNP is the lightening strike to minorities! You guys thought Mahinda was the racist! Ditched him when you did not get what you want from him, Where is the integrity of your politicians except racism? not different to the others!
Finally, Trump, Modi, China, Russia, TNA all are lined against you! You did not see that coming did you?
Native Vedda / May 23, 2017
srinathan gunaratnam ————————————– ” Muslim extremism has become an endemic and you are partly to blame for this situation!” ———————————–Is Hilmy doubling up as Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi the leader of Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant? Hilmy must be very clever, cleverer than you are.
srinath gunaratne / May 23, 2017
It is not personnel donkey, In general! Moderate Musilims do not voice against extremist activities of their bad apples
Burt / May 22, 2017
Karma is a B itch. Muslim hands were not clean when the govt, Sinhalese and Buddhists were going after Tamils or Catholics. These “Rabid dogs” were good when it benefitted the Muslims. Even the white van team used a lot of Muslims.
I don’t condone it: just trying to grasp how “Karma” works.
Navin / May 22, 2017
Muslims insult Christians everywhere by saying Jesus is only a man and that he got married etc.,
This is blasphemy.
The percentage of Muslims in Sri Lanka has increased by 50% from 7% to almost 10% from 1981 to 2011. The Muslims are the wealthiest group in the country. If you feel desciminated you are free to go to one of the more than 50 Muslim majority countries in the world.
Muslims, wherever they live create problems and conflict.
Fazeel Hussain / May 23, 2017
Goat, the Buddhists have increased from 63% to 74? The Muslims have increased by just 200,000 while the Buddhists have increased by 8 million. They probably had a lot of help from their Thambi neighbours
Gobba / May 23, 2017
Jesus is a Prophet of Islam. No Muslim would ever insult or disrespect our Prophet. Muslims toil for their wealth. Wealth does not fall out of the sky just for them ! Only a Muslim would understand the discrimination. So get off your high horse and get back into the hole where you came from.
K.Pillai / May 22, 2017
Hilmy Ahamed presents grievances of Lankan Muslims as if they are the only ones at the receiving end. He claims that Lankan Muslims changed the regime on 08 January 2015 and etc etc. One wonders! Except for the (unwise) expulsion of Jaffna Muslims he fails to compare Muslim misery over the last four years with others who knew nothing but misery for the last 68 years or so. Then the Wilpattu issue. Strangely Ameer Ali (CT of 18 May), Mass L Usuf (21 May) and Latheef Farook (22 May) toed the very same themes. Orchestrated? – How else? Here Hilmy extols the virtues of MidEast and the remittances by Lankans working there. Surely he knows that the workers are forced into slave labour – for example Qatar’s foreign labour living conditions. The unkindest cut is his half-hearted documentation of Lankan Navy arrest of “boat people” on 08 May. Hilmy does NOT mention that the victims were 30 Rohingyas fleeing Myanmar. Rohingyas profess ISLAM. Hilmy cares for Lankan Muslims only. Hilmy is (unwittingly) establishing that Lankan Muslims are very very very selfish!
ikarat / May 23, 2017
“”The Government of President Sirisena and Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe need to deal with this major crisis which will destabilize their hard earned victory in January 2015. The Muslim parliamentarians, civil society, business community and academia have requested the government to act with a strong resolve to ensure that rule of law prevails. A peaceful environment will ensure the rapid reconciliation of all peoples of Sri Lanka””
The loving President and Prime minister that all the Muslims created courtesy tip cut Obama and driving drivel in Lanka’s population want’s not just Watalappam but need sucking of their B***s
Now create your harem like Pakistan TRP’s did with ladies man Dudley for citizenship. They only imitated Jinnah who created Nabobs of white men like Churchill and Truman. Why worry when you have 8 women.Adare Hithenawa Dekkama ….
John / May 23, 2017
AGAIN, Muslim culprits are try to divert the attention of guilble mass. At the moment Muslim politicians , Muslim lawyers and judges are exploring all avenues to save the Muslim businessman and Muslim municipal council members who are responsible for the Wallawatta illegal building collapse. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————–
Badudeen’s corruption investigations have been stopped. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————–
Muslim businessmen who smuggled drugs into the county , haven’t been arrested yet.
Gobba / May 23, 2017
What has this got to do with the subject article ??????? Diversion ? Let the law take its course.
Native Vedda / May 23, 2017
Jonny Baby —————————–“Muslim businessmen who smuggled drugs into the county , haven’t been arrested yet.” —————————————————————————————- Why? Is the entire police department run by Muslims? The Inspectors of Police from 19 December 2003 to present:
28 Indra de Silva
29 Chandra Fernando
30 Victor Perera
31 Jayantha Wickramarathne
32 Mahinda Balasooriya
33 Nugagaha Kapalle Illangakoon
34 Pujith Jayasundara
Do you see any Muslim names among the past 7 IGPs?
Ralli Ameen / May 26, 2017
John, why don’t you give the names of all those Muslim drug dealers who were not arrested? I would do this if I know the names. I know more Sinhalese than few Muslim arrested or charged for dealing in drugs. I read in the media Police too were involved. Without death penalty for them it is very difficult to control. You finding faults of Muslims, what about more severe faults of Sinhalese and others? May be you too is drug peddler.
John / May 23, 2017
Sinhala Buddhists haven’t touch a Muslim mosque or Muslim shop YET. The incidences you mention were all inside jobs to frame Gnanasara thero. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————–
Jim Softy / May 23, 2017
Hilmy Ahmed:
BBS’ General Secretary Buddhist monk Galagoda Atte Gnanasara insulted Allah
with the above gitle what Muslims say, in our own country which is buddhists we are not allowed to talk openly. buddhism says, question everything and don’t accept anything if does not make any meaning.
You muslims think, you are superior to every one. where ever you muslims are the dominenet, you haress other religions, you destroy statues. On the other hand, we can not live the way we want in our country and we have to obey to you.
We don’t believe in almighty gods or creators. Even Science say there are no creators.
ranjith (sprrw) / May 23, 2017
it is crystal clear that Muslim expressionism is taking place in this land with the help of oil money. Wahabi doctrine is engulfing traditional Muslim society . Buddhists heritages is being destroyed. trying hard to make bogus Arabic Islamic heritages. trying hard to curtail sinhalese population growth. when those malicious activities are challenged Buddhists monks are branded as goons racist . writer must be a leader of this conspiracies. writer should know there is no Islamic heritages. here in this land. Islam came here with south Indian refugees. no Arabic involvement at all.
kuragala is a Buddhist heritage site. nothing to do with any god..if Muslims fabricated anything with their god it is bullshit.venerable gnanasara’s saying is the best comment. Allahge labbak mahe natha. what-else he can utter with elu sinhalese that is his native language. labbe means anything. as such it is not filthy language. it is natural elu sinhalese.
Ruwan Uduwerage-Perera / May 23, 2017
I simply find it mind blowing that someone can claim to follow and represent the tenets of Buddhism and then espouse such outrageous statements which are aimed are fuelling intolerance and hatred.
Buddhism shuns such behaviour and seeks to engender love and compassion for all sentient beings and for the Earth itself.
ranjith(sprrw) / May 23, 2017
Myanmar says boat load of muslims refugees landed here are not rohingya muslims from myanmar. hilmi ahmad writer should explain to us from where did he bring these muslims. may be laxan supporter from western kashmir valley to be settle in manner in order to attack nuclear power plant in south India. if not writer should explain as a person who provide legal aids to these refugees to stay in lanka. is it part of muslims expansion here writer should explain. writing against these malicious acts of muslims may cause me racist label no issue.I do my duty.
Rtd. Lt. Reginald Shamal Perera / May 23, 2017
Hilmy should praise the Naval officers for escorting the refugees to shore. If I were the commandant, I would have settled the refugee crisis at sea and sent them all to kiss the sea bed.
Buran Appu / May 23, 2017
Oh yeah, how will you kill them Rtd. Lt. Reginald Shamal Perera? You don’t need bullets. The big stench that comes out of your mouth whenever you open it will be enough to kill them all.
Lion / May 23, 2017
REPORT THE TRUTH…… U don’t mention the countless number of muslims and tamils beating up Sinhalese for singing the National Anthem in Sinhalese or for no reason at all in the north eastern areas….U muslims are so obviously self centered that it is absolutely pathetic .
Native Vedda / May 25, 2017
Lion——————” U don’t mention the countless number of muslims and tamils beating up Sinhalese for singing the National Anthem in Sinhalese ” ———————— Stupid beast the beating is not for singing Sinhala National Anthem but for not singing properly. ————– I don’t believe in violence however I would have done the same. Go learn it properly.
Mus / May 23, 2017
We Muslims wasted our franchise Sirisena is also doing and going the Rajapaksa way to keep the Sinhala votes but all Sinhalese are not racists and terrorist the same way all Muslims are not terrorist and racists.
The way the yahapalanaya is going it will be the JVP that will be ruling Srilanka at the next elections.
Sirisena is now the Dr Jekyll Mr Hide..
Ranil has again lost the confidence of the masses the rabid monk Gnanasara has even called Ranil ponniya
and Gnanasara is not arrested for hate speeches.
Aiyo Sirisena you disappointed us never mind we have Anura kumara to turn to.
Jay Chambers / May 23, 2017
The Sinhalese and Tamils must unite to wipe out the Islamic terror from the face of Lanka. Islam has declared war on all religions, and Buddhism in particular is in their cross hairs. Muslims are arming themselves in the East of Lanka, and already these are no-go zones for others, with Muslims menacingly staring down non-Muslims while Muslim women are covered from head to toe in the most Talibanic dress imaginable. The vile hatred of anything that is non-Muslim is palpable. This is also the case in areas all over the island where Muslims predominate. Very soon this will cover the whole country.
Sinhalese and Tamils must use lethal power to destroy these barbarians, jail suspected militants and would be terrorists, build a national registry of terrorists and suspects, and monitor them around the clock. Within 10-20 years Lanka will be a Muslim majority nation, and by then it will be too late. India cannot watch and wait, and must support the party in Lanka that will stand up to radical Wahabi Islamic terror. Time is running out fast.
Ralli Ameen / May 26, 2017
Jay Chambers, good news. Ho..oooo in 10-20 years all modays will be chased out, Sri Lanka going to be a heaven on earth.
Rtd. Lt. Reginald Shamal Perera / May 23, 2017
A Muslim Rabid dog was unleashed in Manchester over the weekend. Gnanassara never killed anyone but one of Allah’s sodmized children, a Muslim Pig Killed 22 innocent young men and women.
These events happening around the world just proves what Gnanassara thero says all along. That Muslim Rabid dogs should be exterminated from the Island like wiping out cockroaches.
I am not a Buddhist by birth but I beleive in Buddhist principles. The Buddhists believe that a venomous creature inhabiting their village needs to be destroyed. They say “Visa Gora Sarapaya deka nera Modaya”. Same with Muslim Rabid dogs. And it should be quick and brutal. Some what like what happened during the 1989 period to JVP rabid dogs.
Ralli Ameen / May 26, 2017
There this mad mongrel Lt. Reginald Shamal Perera again. This time creating the 1989 scene for his masters picture. Are they paying you well or poking into you well?
Slaves,and Masters / May 23, 2017
Weather Mahinda,Gota,Maithree & Ranil .
The truth has not been realised even by Muslims.
Whoever comes to power is full under the control of very filhly rich Fake Religious NGO’S lobby , either Maithree & Ranil allow the entire Muslim Community’S economy be wiped out except a few politicians and the families. Or they will replace Maithree & Ranil with The Rakapakshes and Mahinda will make Muslims pay with interest.
As long as there remains ,These NGOS ,Muslims will not be spared ,they want to reduce the population, either you convert or die ,or live as beggars.
Their Lobby in Asia is very powerful ,they have spies everywhere in every form ,well Paid , recruits from every religion ,shamelessly even from Muslim, some for money and some to safeguard their interests
In future,all Sinhalese ,from politicians ,to professionals ,businessesman,banks , to labourers ,tut tuts to bus drivers, conductors ,market vendors to Buddhist clergy will be under this Lobby’s control. Yes they are the true Zionist ,not Jews.
Until you realise this ,for now Muslims
Slaves,and Masters / May 24, 2017
Weather Mahinda,Gota,Maithree & Ranil .
The truth has not been realised even by Muslims.
Whoever comes to power is full under the control of very filhly rich Fake Religious NGO’S lobby , either Maithree & Ranil allow the entire Muslim Community’S economy be wiped out except a few politicians and the families. Or they will replace Maithree & Ranil with The Rakapakshes and Mahinda will make Muslims pay with interest.
As long as there remains ,These NGOS ,Muslims will not be spared ,they want to reduce the population, either you convert or die ,or live as beggars.
Their Lobby in Asia is very powerful ,they have spies everywhere in every form ,well Paid , recruits from every religion ,shamelessly even from Muslim, some for money and some to safeguard their interests
In future,all Sinhalese ,from politicians ,to professionals ,businessesman,banks , to labourers ,tut tuts to bus drivers, conductors ,market vendors to Buddhist clergy will be under this Lobby’s control. Yes they are the true Zionist ,not Jews.
Until you realise this ,for now Musli