2 May, 2024


Ms. Pillai, Don’t Scroll Down Your Website, Just Know What You Are Not Doing

By Rajpal Abeynayake – The state run Daily News Editorial – On Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Rajpal Abeynayake

The events that are taking place in Syria now show abundantly clearly that the world’s powers that be — and that includes the top civil servants of the U.N — do adopt double standards when it come to human rights issues, and that’s despite the denial by Ms. Navinathem Pillai the U.N High Commissioner for Human Rights at her closing press conference in Colombo, that there is no such thing as ‘oversight by favour.’

She said that if we’d scroll down on her Office’s website highlighting U.N’s human rights enforcement work, we would find that the U.N has initiated investigations into U.S drone attacks — the inference being that the organization is even handed and rigorous in its work!

It does seem odd that there were no resolutions passed against the United States on the UNHRC floor, when the violations by that country have been by any yardstick glaring, compared to alleged rights violations by any other country on earth. Suffice to say that we in this newspaper that asked her the question at the press conference on U.S drone attacks were not in any position to enter into a debate with Ms. Navi Pillai on this issue, and that she had the last word by having a monopoly over the microphone.

Scroll Down Your Website: A free Laptop from President to Daily News Editor Rajpal Abeynayake

Else, we would have had the opportunity to tell Ms. Pillai that the U.S had invaded many countries on the pretext of looking for weapons of mass destruction etc., despite the fact that there were no Security Council approvals for such interventions or any kind of U.N resolutions granting the country the right to invade those countries that were overrun on false pretexts. (Please see article below by Shenali Waduge.) There was nothing substantive that Navinathem Pillai did in terms of censure despite the fact that there were such blatant incursions, and ‘investigating into drone strikes’ or coming up with what are equivalent to U.N term papers do not militate against the UNHRC doing nothing at all in practical terms about the military adventurism of the U.S.A.

Today the U.S is poised to invade Syria, and the Nobel peace prize winning President that claims he is war weary, stated he is awaiting the approval of the two houses of Congress to strike against that country’s government!

He says that’s because of the all important need to obtain the approval of the people of the United States for such a military incursion. If that is to be understood right, if a country is to be invaded, it is the people of the United States that need to decide on the justification for it, and not the people of the nation that is facing the imminent threat of incursion, or the world’s people that are represented in the UN.

It is good for the ignorant and the purblind to be dazzled by the assertions of Navinathem Pillai that the UN is even handed and that as an oversight mechanism her office does not believe in persecuting small fry nations, while the bigger fish continually violate human rights in an atmosphere of blatant impunity.

In point of fact what’s happening now is hilariously representative of the fact that U.N civil servants such as Navi Pillai know on which side their bread is buttered, which is why they do not make so much as a stifled noise when Obama sabre rattles.

The U.S President in his so called Rose Garden speech two days ago in the White House made it clear that as far as his administration is concerned, the United Nations is not worth bothering about. He is not awaiting U.N Inspector test results on chemical weapons, he is not hoping for the U.N imprimatur – he is not interested, period.

That makes the U.S a serial violator of international law, and that makes the U.S by far the most transgressive force as far as human rights are concerned. But yet, Ms Navi Pillai says we have to scroll down to see how even handedly she has treated all comers along with all her U.N civil servant compatriots.

Someone else may have told her she must go and tell that to the US marines, but suffice to say that we politely advice her to know her own organization — not just scroll down and read up on what appears on its website.

Related posts;

Pillay Advises State Media Rajpal: “Read More To Dispel Myth About UN Bias”

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  • 0

    A free laptop …for you to turn out the garbage

    • 0

      Not sure what else he gets freeeeeeeeeeeee.

    • 0

      Two wrongs do NOT make a right, [Edited out] Rajpal!

  • 0

    MR’s hand scrolling dow your trouser to write all these garbage?

  • 0

    Dear Mr.Abeyknickers,

    Was this article typed on the laptop that you got as a bribe from PercyPaksha for being a stooge of the regime and white washing all its misdeeds? ;D

  • 0

    Rajpal Abeynayake knows and we all know that the Big Powers control the United Nations. So any report by the UNHRC condemning the actions of the US will not be passed by the Security Council. However he does not refute the damning indictment against the GOSL in the report. But,of course,the poor man did not have a microphone-how could we forget that?

  • 0

    As usual, Rajpal the apologist and bum, is short on logic. All he needed to do was preface his critique of the UN system with the words: “Although it is not denied that the Rajapakse Government is guilty of war crimes and gross human rights violations . . . “.

    Thereafter the article (rewritten in better English of course) could have followed. That would have been logical. It is obvious why he cannot.

  • 0

    It seems that the qualifications of Miss Navinathan Pillai, her academic and employment experience and most importantly her back ground as a Tamil and association with the South African – what ever activities were the best needed for the US grand plan for Sri Lanka.

    It is simply bullying.

    Who knows, if Sri Lanka doesn’t allow their dream.

    If we are part of that, we also can sell Tamils easily.

    • 0

      You really should get an English primer and promise all of us that you’ll read it cover to cover for a month, continuously, at least, before you are tempted to go back to earning your living from the Rajapassas. Then at least your idiocies MIGHT, at least, be grammatically acceptable. At the moment your lies and fabrications can hardly be understood (except by those who pay you, perhaps)

    • 0

      who you think srilanka is.. it is just an another poor nation on this earth.

      So long you the idiots cant see it clearly, we have to suffer a lot.
      Ms Pillay was very smart whatever the issue she addressed during her recent visit. Your leader should finally learn to behave well before leaving any statments that could damage the lanken image.

    • 0

      You guys seem to make it worst than it really is. If you could better convince the rural folks the facts and figures about the rule of MR ? That could help the masses of this country. Before long, rulers would loot us and the country. That they have proved to this date.

    • 0

      First of Every body Call her, Hon MRS NAVANEETHAM Pillay.

      Only for this Jarapassa’s morons Do not know Who She is, What She is.

      And She is Given a job to be done by 200 odd Nations, not only from Sri Lanka.

    • 0

      Jim you idiot,

      You are born in the slum , live in the slum and will die in the slum.
      Low grade slum dwellers like youselves normally talk gutter politics and that is all you know and that is what you speak.
      Who can blame you. You are a born looser.

  • 0

    hmmm a laptop getting journo

    a fellow who allegedly lost his wallet in a swiss bordello

    a chap who writes crap

    now preaching high huh……

    whats the saddest part is that this joker is a Thomian and nothng but an utter disgrace to the school!

    • 0

      Peace Lover:
      Don’t forgot the other three brothers who also attended that school! Must be something to do with the salty air that makes them into thugs and those who are both thugs and write in support of thugs.

  • 0

    Can you imagine how would a guy who has sold his soul to the devil would behave? Look no further, Rajpal personifies the fit perfectly.

  • 0

    Rajpal Abenayaka should ask a free Microphone also from the Aadambarakara Thatha as he missed the opportunity to ask some important questions from Madam Pillay.

  • 0

    “The Sri Lankan government today said it is deeply concerned about the media reports on the alleged use of chemical weapons near Damascus in Syria, which have resulted in a large number of civilian casualties.

    The External Affairs Ministry said it is imperative to ensure an impartial and professional investigation in establishing the veracity of the use of chemical weapons.

    “As a state party to the Chemical Weapons Convention Sri Lanka abhors the production, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons, and has advocated their complete destruction and elimination globally. Sri Lanka will follow the evolving situation,” the External Affairs Ministry said.”

    Govt wants an impartial and proffesional investigation in Syria but is allergic to the same here.

  • 0

    BBC jurnos too got laptops sometime back.

    • 0

      Some got Not only lap tops,
      but Tops for the laps and got in to big mess in Geneva with Prostitutes and there was a speculation, suffering with HIV also.

      And some got lap top but could not force them to scratch the doneter’s back.
      But Not To bellow,Like You ,Hiding behind Thug Clan

      It was In the Media that,
      LOWER, [ Sorry So called Lawyer] Nimal Siripala De Silva, who was briefing Pillay,
      tried to light-heartedly brush off So called Pasted DR KUDU Mervyn Silva’s slurs. “Don’t worry about his remarks,” said during the meeting.
      Hon Ms Pillay was quick on the draw:

      The Lady said to Nimal siripala,

      “It is you, that should be worried, Minister,”.

      What a Insult for a So called MINISTER OF EDUCATED CABINET [ MY ASS].
      What A SHAME For the Sri lankans and SRi Lanka,

  • 0

    Rajpal what is important is not what the USA or any other country does to another but what they do to us.Surely with your education you of all people should realize this.Why are you behaving like a street thug like your paymasters I know you are better than them.

    Our foreign policy is putrid and our ambassadors are good for nothing,the least said about the foreign minister the better.Is it not the job of the ambassadors to make contacts in their respective countries and sway them to our way of thinking? is this not what diplomacy is all about?Our jokers have failed so miserably that we have had to hire lobbyists at exorbitant prices and they too have failed.This is why we have to take all the crap that is thrown at us.

    Those two-timing thieves who are your paymasters are not worth defending please maintain your self respect.

    • 0

      Tasil, you are being extremely generous – what “self-respect”??!!!

      • 0

        Whatever is left.

  • 0

    Rajpal is the guy who gatecrashed the “Voet Lights” annual dinner of the legal fraternity. When he could not produced a ticket to the dinner he was held by his collar and pushed out of that Banquet Hall. That’s what he complained to the Police.
    As ‘Peace Lover’ says he is a disgrace to all Thomians. But the present generation of old-Thomians have turned out to be real “Bum-suckers” He is no different to GL, Rajiva, Nimal Welgama, Neville de Silva, Asitha Perera, etc. in that respect and thugs like Malaka, Namal, Rohitha, etc. (However, there are few exceptions).
    Even after studying in the U.S. he does not understand that the foreign policy of U.S. and for that matter ‘any country’ is based on ‘self-interest’. That is why Obama needs the approval of his citizens. It is strange that be believes that the approval of the people of the nation that is facing the imminent threat of incursion is needed for such an incursion. This is a new theory he is spelling out (if at all it could be called a theory) in international affairs. Could he site any authority in that respect. Has any invader received plebiscites from the citizens of the country to be invaded? How childish his thinking is.

  • 0

    @ulu – There are a lots of serious allegations against SL journalists in your comment and we’ve sent you an email. Please reply – CT

  • 0

    Rajpal had a lot going for him. He is very intelligent and it is a pity his excellent writing skills are now used to pander to the government; a far cry from the days at his days at the Observer under Mahindapala when he asserted himself as an independent journalist. Somewhere along the way he succumbed to pressure due to his reliance on [Edited out]. Ergo he now is a pawn under the Rajapakses and singing for his supper.

    Did I hear laptop. What a saddo.

    Please Lord forgive him for he is a confused human being.

    Pearl Thevanayagam

  • 0


    What Ms. Navinathem Pillai said was that UNHRC is constituted by the member countries and she is only a civil servant.

    The final decisions on all matters are made by UNHRC not by the civil servants!

  • 0

    Majority of the citizens of SL are starving today due to unbearable high cost of living.They are angry yet they are silent. Why?
    1 People are scared to protest openly due to state suppression.
    2 The Opposition has no fearless leaders to lead the people.
    3 They believe the politicians who say that there is a threat to Sri Lanka from foreign powers.
    4 Media, which is tamed, are misleading the public.
    5 A section of the population is confused due to misleading propaganda of extremists such as BBS Ravana Balaya etc..
    6 The Leftists are scattered , confused and clueless.
    7 Many politicians have become opportunists.
    8 Government has allowed its supporters to earn and be rich by hook or crook.
    9 The government knows how to dupe people.

  • 0

    I am sure this editor knows that some member country should initiate a resolution. It is not the fault of the UN for not passing a resolution against US. Why can’t he get China to lead a resolution against US? Why didn’t China or Russia ever initiate resolutions against US? Think deep. Why did the World defeated the 2009 resolution on Sri Lanka and passed resolutions thereafter? Think deep.

    • 0

      Sorry for the typo: It should be “Why did the World defeat…and pass….”

  • 0

    Jim softly you do sell your mother and sisters right? Jim Softly must be getting Rajapukka brothers’ lolly sticks free for commenting in-favour of the Rajapukka clan.

  • 0

    Raj Pal Abe;

    We heard that you and another guy tried to Scroll up some thing in Geneve,

    and got into trouble at the expense of poor Sri lankan tax payer’s money.

    So Just Know What You Are trying to do,

    before asking others, what they are not trying to do.

  • 0

    This bloody [Edited out] Rajpal Abeynayake would even clean the [Edited out] of MARA if he is given a few dollars. Sri Lanka is the only country where pigs like Rajapal are employed to write utter nonsense. This bugger thinks just because he can write few words in English he can defend the colossal HR violations committed by the Rajapakshas and their cronies.

  • 0

    Dear Rajpal Abeyanayake,

    You accept the fact Sri Lanka used weapons of mass destruction such as chemical weapons, cluster bombs against civilians and your worry is not about using them but the UN failed to take action against US. Further, you should have gone further asking the following:

    You invaded Irag, and Libya but not Sri Lanka which killed over 50,000 innocent civilians using weapons of mass destruction?

    Why didn’t UN send investigators to investigate the weapons of mass destruction to Sri Lanka?

    • 0

      Wiil send it to your home to check what LTTE terrorist have

  • 0

    If Ms Pillaiis is interested in Human Rights of Muslims, she will be spending more time in Iraq, Libya and Syria than in NY, going by her record breaking stay ( by her own words) in Srilanka.

    Isn’t it obvious how much importance, Ms Pillai attaches to Western HR non compliance,when we have to”scroll down” her Web Page?.

    • 0

      K.A Sumanasekera

      “If Ms Pillaiis is interested in Human Rights of Muslims, she will be spending more time in Iraq, Libya and Syria than in NY, going by her record breaking stay ( by her own words) in Srilanka.”

      Whether she is interested in Human Rights of Muslims or not one thing is sure she was not interested in Mervyn proposal.

      Why do you people expose yourself?

    • 0

      Why don’t you seek full-time employment with Rajpal (that is if you are not there already) so that the two of you can share the primary task involving the Rajapassas and their pandamkarayas?
      You and that ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, certainly belong under the same roof, hopefully one constructed by the same buys who build roofs over the non-existent houses you sold people!

    • 0

      K A Sumanawathy;

      Why don’t you Tell your Boss and Sisi gothaya to Nominate you to next UN HIGH COMMISIONER [ better for LOW COMMISSIONER] FOR HUMAN RIGHTS

  • 0

    That is what is called a Shit Eating grin !

    Eat on you disgrace to all Thomians’ and the very human race.

  • 0


    He is playing to the gallery and getting ready for some hand outs in the near fruture as well

  • 0

    Punchisingho- exacly right.So what are we doing about this?

    The Tamils are tired trying to tell MR’s regime that they were
    on the wrong track.It is your turn in the south.The south has become the target,too bad for the Rajapakse’s they are on a roll and blinded by power to wield their guns against the south.
    Didn’t the singhalese know someday day after shutting down the voices of the Tamils,they will trun to the muslims and then their own singhala people.

    Its a dictatorship.Now a raging power to fight against.

    The Tamil’s fight was not against the singhala people but against the succesive governments who weilded the POWER crushing the daily life of the Tamils.

    We are all in the same boat waiting to be destroyed by the power hungry doodles.

  • 0



  • 0


    I think you are trying to delude yourself by bringing two issues toghether beacuse it suits your agenda.

    1) Attack on the intergrity and sincerity of Mrs.Pillai
    2) The might of USA.

    The role and the power of the UN( which is limited) has to be taken in the context of American and the Western interests just like MR carries out his agenda only in the interest of his Clan and Sinhala Nation. He doesnt care two hoots about the Tamil Suffering and even now when he knows that his days are numbered he is talking about the Seperatist threat to stay in power.

    You are quick to attack Mrs.Pillai on what she has not done in respect of the drone attacks and other ares of conflict. But you seem to be selective in your analysis of Mrs.Pillais power and intentions. It is understandable because of what she has done and intend to do in respecct of the horrendous abuses in Sinhala Lanka. What you have conveniently forgotten and omitted to say is that even within the UN there are factional interests. You were saved at the time of the conflict because Banki Bloody Moon ( a fellow Buddhist) in alliance with India protected you from being punished. Either you are not aware or you know it but are grateful for their help.

    When America decides to act in her interest and to be fair sometimes on many other instances in the interest of humanity there is nothing any one in the world can do and I know what is going to happen in Syria. There will be selective attacks to weaken Assads power as he is a monster just like MR. He has to be punished and it is laughable when MR sheds crocodile tears for the Tyrant when he is in the same mould.

    Expecting Mrs.Pillai to go and tell Mr.Obama to stop the attack on Syria and stop the drone attacks is a bit like like you trying to tell MR to stop acting like a bully and to stop the State Terrorism which is sweeping the country of yours. Yo will be killed by his Thugs but then again you may be spared as you are one.

    My friend learn to with power politics and it hurts when you are at the receiving end.

    I applaude Mrs.Pillai for her stand on Sinhala Lanka and I sanction the American attack on Syria to punish Asssad for his role in crimes against humanity. MR should have been punished for this long time ago but we are getting there slowly but surely and even your mentor Banki Bloody Moon ( The Buddhist Monk)is now beginning to admit UNs failings on Sinhala Lanka.

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