3 May, 2024


Follow UK’s Example – Hold That Referendum On Independence In The NorthEast

By Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah –

Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah

Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah

Follow UK’s example – Hold That Referendum on Independence in the NorthEast – Like the Scots, Let the People Decide Either Way

Part  1

The world’s oldest democracy has proven it’s also the world’s  foremost  and robust democracy – that Scotland will decide its fate, whether it becomes an “independent country” in a referendum on 18th, September 2014 is in itself a triumph for democracy, whatever the outcome – that the United Kingdom (UK) government (and the Westminster Parliament),  despite campaigning hard for a “NO” vote, did not place obstacles but bowed to the Scottish people’s aspirations articulated in the 2011 General Election win for the Scottish National Party (SNP), and cooperated to holding a referendum, to leave it to the people’s will, speaks volumes for the triumph of democracy; indeed speaks volumes for a triumph for self-determination;  for decency, for peace. Why can’t Sri Lanka follow UK’s example and hold that referendum on independence in the NorthEast and Let the People Decide.. either way.

Triumph of Democracy – Despite Scots being Numerically Far Smaller

The sequence of events, leading to what could be a momentous occasion for Scotland and the advent of an independent Scotland or that might otherwise result in a victory for preserving the United Kingdom, illustrate that democracy is not merely a word but is practiced faithfully in some civilised nations, like this country [1],  notwithstanding the fact the Scots are numerically far smaller within a unitary state, holding only 59 seats[2] of the 650 seats in the Westminster parliament.

To the Acts of Union of 1707[3] which cemented the union of the Kingdom of Scotland and the Kingdom of England creating the United Kingdom of Great Britain, to the Scotland Act of 1998 when the Scottish people’s clear preference for devolution and the establishment of a Scottish Parliament, “with powers to legislate on unreserved matters” [4] expressed through a referendum was granted under Tony Blaire’s Labour government, to SNP’s landslide victory in the 2011 General Election[5] that gave it the mandate to legislate to conduct a referendum on Scottish independence , to the “historic” Edinburgh Agreement[6] signed by Alex Salmond, Scotland’s First Minister and Prime Minister David Cameron in Nov 2012, “confirming the Scottish Parliament’s power to hold a vote that will be respected by both governments,” to the passage of the Scottish Independence Referendum Bill[7] setting out the arrangements for the referendum that received royal accent in Dec, 2013, all of which together, collectively represent, among other, a firm adherence to democratic values and parliamentary processes, signifying the triumph of democracy.

Triumph for Self-determination – either way

Whatever the outcome, this referendum is indeed a triumph for self-determination, recognising the Scots have a right to determine their own destiny freely and have a right to secede; recognising also that on the question of exercising that right, there are mechanisms made available in civilised societies that are at their disposal to effectively facilitate the determination of that right to secede on those grounds, if the majority of them so chose.

It is said referendum is a “tool of direct democracy” a means by which aspirants of self determination submit to a vote to demonstrate they have the backing of their electorate in their objective of achieving their own independent state.

An article in the Oxford Public International Law (OPIL)[8]  site, last updated in June 2011, deals with the subject of “Referendum”  – from a Notion, to Typology, to Historical Developments to Applicable Rules, to Special Cases, to Assessment  – except specifically the Scottish referendum as it does not come under the purview of the timeframe within which it was written.

However it does sufficiently examine and assess the subject for anyone to conclude that a referendum in Scotland applied under the principle of “external self- determination” without issues such as the unreasonable invocation of and reliance on the principles of “non-interference” and of “territorial integrity”, pretexts that oppressive States use to block  or impede that process is indeed a triumph for democracy.

The article opines, “States have used the referendum in the application of self-determination, and a referendum under the principle of “external self-determination” is the exercise of, “a vote by the electorate” under the, “right to decide on the political status of a people and its place in the international community in relation to other states, including the right to separate (secede) from the existing state of which the group concerned is a part, and to set up a new independent state.”

In discussing Scotland’s “Status As A Nation”[9] David Thomson  writes Scotland deserves the right to Statehood and international recognition on the grounds of its right to self-determination:

The expression “people”, as tentatively defined by the United Nations Organisation, denotes a social entity possessing a clear identity and its own characteristics as well as a lengthy common experience, and it implies a relationship with a territory. These are the basic elements of a definition for the purpose of establishing whether such a social entity is a “people” fit to enjoy and exercise the right of self-determination. The expression “nation” implies a somewhat more highly developed stage of social cohesion and organisation.The Scottish qualifications are absolutely unchallengeable on both counts.

Thomson makes the case for the Scottish people’s claim to the right to self-determination quoting from way back when it was first articulated “at international level” in 1320 to the Pope:

Scotland’s claim of right to self-determination was first raised at international level almost seven centuries ago, when the Declaration of Arbroath was sent in 1320 to the Pope – the then international authority – by the Scottish leaders in the name of “the whole community of the realm of Scotland”. It was not an appeal for independence, but an assertion by a people who had been independent since their origins in the mists of history that they were under no circumstances prepared to give up that status for subservience to an aggressor. This important constitutional document confirmed the sovereignty of the people over the institutions of state, and unequivocally asserted the independence of the Scottish Nation, as the following extract makes clear:

“But if this Prince (Robert I, King of Scots)…shall consent that we or our kingdom be subjected to the king or people of England, we will immediately exert ourselves to expel him, as our enemy and as the subverter both of his own rights and of ours, and we will make another king who will defend our liberties.

For so long as one hundred of us remain alive we will never consent to subject ourselves to the dominion of the English. We fight not for glory, or riches, or honours, but for freedom alone, which no good man will relinquish, except with his life.”

Today Scotland’s right to self-determination is a foregone conclusion and whatever the outcome of the referendum that right can never be taken back or reversed.

Considering  the three leaders of the main political parties, David Cameron, Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg have made a pledge to “deliver change to Scotland” and “to devolve new extensive power to the Scots if they reject independence”[10],  the only decision that remains to be made is whether Scots would exercise that right under the principle of external self-determination or internal self-determination, otherwise put as an independent state or staying within the United Kingdom.

In a three part written pledge appearing in the Daily Record, flashed all over the media, the three leaders recognising “people want change” and concluding “a NO Vote would will deliver faster, safer and better change than separation” have vowed they would bring that change: promising “extensive new powers” to the Scottish parliament “delivered by the process and to the time table agreed by the three parties. The second says the leaders agree that the UK exists to ensure opportunity and security for all by sharing our resources equitably” The third categorically states the final say on funding for the NHS will lie with Scottish government “because of the continuation of the Barnett allocation for resources and the powers of the Scottish Parliament to raise revenue. ”

Triumph for Decency  – Sewel Convention

Meaningful devolution begun by Tony Blaire’s government under the Scotland Act of 1998 actually gave the Scottish Parliament powers to legislate for a referendum on Scottish independence after its landslide victory in the 2011 General elections,[11] the SNP campaigning that it was seeking a mandate for a referendum.

Although under devolution the Scottish parliamentary elections were to be conducted on the basis of part first past the post and part proportional representation, a move to ensure, it was thought, to prevent  the SNP from garnering a majority in the Scottish parliament, one heartening feature of this evolutionary exercise that has brought us to this critical moment, witnessing the determination of Scotland’s future, is that every step of the way the Scots were able to debate, discuss and negotiate agreements that were not marred by deception, deceit, constant broken promises or lack of will on the part of UK governments or Westminster parliament.

As it stands the number of Scottish MPs in the UK parliament compared with the rest of UK is higher than the standard ratio, in other words they have more representation in Westminster. Not only that they’re able to vote on issues that involve England, Wales and Northern Ireland (as well as because of that have a bigger say on major issues affecting Scotland), prompting the “West Lothian Question”[12]. However no constructive moves has been made to correct this inconsistency advantageous to Scotland so far.

But more importantly since devolution,  the relationship between Westminster, the UK parliament and Hollyrood, the Scottish parliament is governed by the Sewel Convention [13] that provides that, “the UK parliament may not legislate for devolved matters without the consent” of the Scottish Parliament,” illustrating the non-divisive, non-adversarial manner by which business is transacted:

(The Sewel  Convention) was created to manage the power of Westminster to legislate on matters within the legislative competence of the Scottish Parliament. This is known as the Sewel Convention, and the related Scottish parliamentary motions are now known as Legislative Consent Motions (previously Sewel Motions). These motions (of which there are around a dozen per year) allow MPs to vote on issues, which among other things, are within the Scottish Parliament’s legislative competence. The Sewel Convention states that the Westminster Parliament will not normally legislate on devolved matters in Scotland without first obtaining the consent of the Scottish Parliament.”

This being so under convention, the real score  under the Scotland Act of 1998 does not deter Westminster from legislating for Scotland :

“The Scottish Parliament was formed by statute, the Scotland Act of 1998 and is thus a creation of Westminster. No sovereign status on the Scottish Parliament is conferred, and the act has not changed the status of the Westminster Parliament as the supreme legislature of Scotland, with Westminster retaining the ability to override, or veto, any decisions taken by the Scottish Parliament. The Westminster Parliament remains the sovereign body; power is devolved rather than transferred to the Scottish Parliament. As a consequence, the ability of all Westminster MPs to vote on Scottish legislation has not been legally diminished by devolution, as made clear by Section 28(7) of the Scotland Act 1998, which states that the legislative powers of the Scottish Parliament do “…not affect the power of the Parliament of the United Kingdom to make laws for Scotland.”

This dynamics between convention and statute, where convention overrides statutes in practice reinforces my argument that this referendum and how it came about is a triumph for decency.

Triumph for Peace

Although the implications[14] of this break-up for both parties in this referendum  are huge, the logistics[15]  of which, regarding currency etc in the event of a Yes vote. has not been spelt out yet, in the end and despite the haggling and despite David Cameron and Alex Salmond putting forward “rival visions” and hammering out their message to the Scottish people, this referendum campaign has been peaceful.

Although with his leadership in the balance David Cameron said with his hand on heart that he “would be heartbroken if the family of nations that we’ve put together was torn apart” even expressing “a frank assessment of his own party’s image”: that it was not about kicking the “effing Tories” [16], the exchanges between both sides have been strong but mainly civil.

Despite David Cameron saying, “It’s not a trial separation it would be a painful divorce… I don’t want the people of Scotland to be sold a dream that disappears,” setting out what Scots would lose by a Yes Vote, Alex Salmond called the referendum  ” a once in a life time opportunity” referring to Cameron as “scare mongering” with some pro- independence business figures releasing a joint statement that said: “Scotland has always had the wealth, the talent and the resources… while the ‘No’ campaign talks down Scotland we are determined to focus on opportunity.”

The army hasn’t been called out, no legislation passed to muzzle the Scottish people when Scots raised their  voice to separate from the UK, there’s been no militarisation or occupation of Scotland since, no check points, no intimidation, no arrests, no disappearances, no torture, no violence, no deliberate attempt to colonise Scotland towards changing its demography, no land grab, no breaking of promises to devolve power; no genocidal acts, no wars and no perpetration of war crimes. [17] [18]

Only a triumph for democracy, self- determination, decency and peace.

As we wait to see what the outcome would be – what the Scots want their destiny to be my head and heart wonders why Sri Lanka can’t follow UK’s example and hold that referendum on independence in the NorthEast and Let the People Decide….

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scottish_independence_referendum,_2014

[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_Kingdom_Parliament_constituencies

[3] http://www.parliament.uk/about/living-heritage/evolutionofparliament/legislativescrutiny/act-of-union-1707/

[4] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reserved_and_excepted_matters within Scotland

[5] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scottish_Parliament_general_election,_2011

[6] http://www.scotland.gov.uk/News/Releases/2012/10/referendum15102012

[7] http://www.scottish.parliament.uk/S4_Bills/Scottish%20Independence%20Referendum%20Bill/b25s4-introd.pdf

[8]  http://opil.ouplaw.com/view/10.1093/law:epil/9780199231690/law-9780199231690-e1088

[9]  http://www.electricscotland.com/history/articles/nation_status.htm

[10]  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-29213418

[11] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scottish_Parliament_general_election,_2011

[12] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Lothian_question

[13] http://devolutionmatters.wordpress.com/devolution-the-basics/the-sewel-convention/

[14] http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-29200793

[15] http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-29176891

[16] http://news.sky.com/story/1333151/pm-referendum-not-about-kicking-effing-tories

[17] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_4n41rxvyA#t=91Mr.

[18] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YR25q_oqFew

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Latest comments

  • 9

    Tamils in Sri Lanka had a kingdom with ‘Yalpanam’ (Jaffna) as its capital and this is history. The word ‘Yalpanam’ has also a history
    of its own.Reading thro’ the comments, historians of this country will suspect that Sri Lankan history was rewritten to mislead the Singhala students by unscrupulous writers of text books for schools and this is how the above writers lacked knowledge in their country’s history and blurted out against the Tamils as aliens and it has become a past time for some without providing the actual facts.

    Elara fought a war with Duttu Gemunu centuries back and Elara was a king and his warriors were Tamil subjects of the N/E. Study your country’s actual history first, before you write and avoid calling Tamils are aliens in this country. The Singhala race did not come down form the moon and both races came to this beautiful Island from India as early settlers. English people settled down in Australia as early settlers and that does not mean that Australia belongs to England.

  • 6

    I agree if simultaneously another referendum is held in the south voting confined to the rest of the Tamil speaking people asking them the willingness to resettle in NE. If both referendum s return yes international community should facilitate the process of resettlement.

  • 7

    Mother of democracy – Great Britain, given the right to vote for Self- determination of Scotland by Scots on 18th Sept 2014.

    Would the Great Britain give support for Tamils in Sri Lanka to vote for Self – Determination of Tamil Eelam ??

    • 6

      Did Great Britain support the referendum in Ukraine where the ethnic Russians wanted separation?

      • 0

        Well said Eusense. When the Falklanders voted to stay British, despite being located in Argentinian waters and them having a legitimate claim on its ownership, Britain sent a task force to drive away the Argentinians and defend the handful of Falklanders. In Ukraine too the USA and NATO engineered a coup that toppled the democratically elected government that did not favour NATO. Russians feared takeover by NATO of the naval base in Crimea which is at the doorstep of Russia. Remember when Russian arms were on route to Cuba USA placed an embargo and almost went to a nuclear war on the excuse that Cuba was at their doorstep.

  • 9

    Why we need to have a referendum in the North East?

    1. The population statistics clearly identify Tamil speaking people Live in the North East traditionally for a long period of time.
    2. Under a unitary system, there is no security for Tamils and the policy of the Sinhalese governments is intentionally eliminate Tamil identity (state sponsored colonization, creating continuous riots or genocidal wars, destruction of economy and sinhalization of all institutions including justice system). Tamils are treated as third class citizens.
    3. Referendum is an acceptable democratic method to find out whether the people are accepting unitary system or not.
    4. It is good for Sinhalese.

    • 9

      Well said Ajith!

      • 6

        You say “well said” to this??? I can imagine why Tamils can’t get anything done!

      • 2



  • 3


    “Tamil Speaking People”. Muslims have a separate leadership man. You are trying bring them under your wings to bolster your numbers. In spite of the antics of booru bala sena the Muslims will throw in their lot with the Sinhalese when it comes to crunch.

    Also you have never and will never rule the East.

    Plans are afoot (Already in Full swing)to have the Vanni colonised with the sinhalese with the full support of India.

    I think finally you will have to have the referendum only in Jaffna

    • 7

      Ravi Perera

      The Sinhala speaking Demela

      “I think finally you will have to have the referendum only in Jaffna”

      Are you planning to go back to your ancestral homeland?


    • 7

      Ravi Perera,

      No one denies Muslims have a separate leadership. Let them decide whether they want to live with BBS as slaves of Sinhalese or they want to live with full democratic rights with Tamils. You don’t need to speak for them. Let us have the referendum in the North East of Sri Lanka and then we will talk about these matters.

      It is not surprise for us that you have plans to colonize North as you did in the East.That is one of the reasons for Tamils demanding independence.

      • 7

        Well said again Ajith

        • 1

          Usha Sri Skandaraja et al

          What is this clinging to straws over the unique events in the old ‘evil to some’ former colonial mother country?

          WE have such a concentration of our own home grown constitutional pandithaya’s but none can sit down and draw up a viable plan, fair and equitable and acceptable to ALL the communities that are destined to share this thrice-blessed land.

          What a damning indictment of our leaders over the last sixty-six years!

  • 7

    Whatever the outcome, the Scottish Referendum is a Triumph for Democracy, Self-determination, Decency and for Peace. The Ladies and Gentlemen of this forum Say Hurrah to That!

    • 2

      usha s s s r,
      What ever the outcome of the Scots, no referendum in Sri Lanka, guaranteed. Sorry, your article here has no relevance to Sri Lanka in any form.
      Why didn’t you answer my post for you, before you proclaim Hurrah to the separatists here.

      • 3


        Because you talk nonsense. What you say doesnt matter any more as you have no voice except in Beijing which is drummed out by 1.3 billion Chinese Quacks. You are being dragged to the cleaners and no one restpects you not even the new UNHCR chief. He refused to meet GOSL members but had talks with Ananthi the Tiger heiress.

        • 3

          Talking with Tiger Anathi is a good reason why we should dismiss legitimacy of this UNHCR. Thanks for enlightening readers on that!

          • 2


            This attitude shows your ignorance and the perilous state you and your country are in and that is the attitude of THUGS.

  • 5

    Usha, will you support Quebec separating Canada? If you support this then you are a Traitor to Canada.

    • 6

      Park- You have told Usha that she will be a traitor if she supported Quebec separation .You must understand that Canada is a practicing democracy and believes in people’s will and that’s why they allowed
      a referendum and the separatists failed to garnish enough votes for separation. Its only in Sri Lanka that any body who opposes the
      govt’s oppressive plans, is called a traitor, like a mother whose children disappeared during the ward going to UN with a complaint is
      called a traitor. There is no middle class in SL. You are either a
      patriot or a traitor as defined by the current govt.

      Why go that far. Our neighbour India recently created another state
      within united India respecting people’s wish. Mr. Nehru, the 1st prime minister of India had a presence of mind to have several linguistic
      states in United India, knowing that if devolution of power is not given to the people, there will be chaos in the country and progress will suffer. Many Indians were living under poverty line immediately after the Independence but today they are a super power with their
      economy flourishing. The reason is devolution of power to the people . Let SL administers take India and their progress as an example and not take a ruler and the ruled attitude.

  • 6

    Tamils in Srilanka have a traditional homeland and culture. Under basic human rights they need to be able to decide their future and having a referendum will show what they want. So far GOSL is successful in showing the problem as a terrorist issue and definitely will block the referendum in any means. But UN / international bodies should try their best to facilitate this in my opinion.

  • 5

    Forget about your traditional homeland and heritage and all that bloody crap.Anybody born anywhere on this earth has a right to live there. We have always been mislead by leaders. Political & religious leaders. First get rid of these parasites. When the last king is throttled with the entrails of the last priest this world will be a better place for us all to live in harmony .

    • 5

      BS Diogenes

      • 5


        According to UNICEF India Hindus poop everywhere outside the home
        why so??

  • 2


    “Let them decide whether they want to live with BBS as slaves of Sinhalese or they want to live with full democratic rights with Tamils. “

    You mean chasing the Muslims away in 24 hours by the Tamil leadership.

    “It is not surprise for us that you have plans to colonize North as you did in the East.”

    Word Colonization can not be applied to the east , since East has never been yours.

    Anyway keep dreaming of a referendum

  • 1

    So-called elites who are in South against existence of Sinhalese majority in Island do NOT understand Tamils having own homeland in Tamil Nadu in India. Tamils living in Sri Lankan is homeland for Tamil Nadu. While Tamils having equal rights live as Sinhalese and the non Tamils in Island.

    Tamils came to Sri Lanka as invaders by invasion or merchants by traders or mercenary by soldiers during Sinhalese kingdoms height of civilization our Island. This historical truth cannot denied by any way.

    I here by wish to appreciate the ‘significance and potentialities Indian civilization and culture the history of India philosophical thoughts which is the core and nucleus round which all that is best and highest in India has grown.’ Buddhism is most paramount of Indian philosophical schools of thoughts had been denied by which a Tamils had living in our Island, they never had been able build advance civil society or outstanding contributions to Sri lanka culture over ran Sinhalese culture by display their own identity .

    They ( Tamils) more or less backward and primitive groups compare and contrast with the that Sri lanka majority of Sinhalese races is concern, compare with advance Buddhist school of thoughts part and parcel Island civilization is concern.

    Without such Tamil elites in ancient Island, (NOT that Tamil Nadu) quite impossible build their own state in Sri lanka. Therefor Tamils capacity to develop their own state of political, economy, society and cultures inhabitances not by that only depend will and skill Sri lanakn Tamils but by which that the influence of Tamil Nadu expansionism into Island.

    By and large intervention policy of Tamil chauvinism and communal politics of hegemony which Patrice by Tamil Nadu, that political land escape of highly penetrated into Tamils in North by colonial slogan that oriented of separatism or Eealmist concept by Tamil political classes .

    Result of that Tamil political parties had been manipulating Eealm politics of move towards anti-establishment anti-democracy by Federal Party of SJV, TULF of Amuratlaigm and TNA of Sapamadan-Sendiraja, as well as LTTE ruthless terror politics undermine Sri Lankan Territorial Integrity and Island Sovereignty.

    Now they delivering set new ideas of recapitalization are moving towards receptive referendum for Tamils in North, that follow by Scotland type model of referendum by ballot after failure of Bullets of LTTE and TNA politics last 30 years since 1974..

    These Tamil political class strategy is in Sri lanka that overwhelm paradigm of simple version of politics cannot realized by paralysis of incorrigible elites in South. Because they in different path agenda of politics to surrender People and National Sovereignty to Foreign power by hook or crook.

  • 3

    Usha, seems like Britain has had a change of heart!
    -from the Island Editorial 19-09-2014:-

    “What has been of interest to us, as for the Scottish Referendum, is the manner in which those, including the British leaders, bent on creating new States in other parts of the world …., have reacted to the Scots’ efforts to break away.

    They went all out to preserve the union. The Conservative, Labour and Lib Dem leaders joined forces in a rare moment of unity in a bid to prevent the breakaway.

    New powers were offered to Scotland at the eleventh hour to dissuade it from pulling out of the UK.”

  • 3

    Of the 200 or so countries in the world, good 50% or more consist of multi-ethnic societies. In my view referendums for separation must be held in all these countries. Supervised by the UN, these could be held all at once or in alphabetical order, remembering we are Sri Lanka not Ceylon any more.

    • 4


      “remembering we are Sri Lanka not Ceylon any more.”

      The name change from Ceylon to Sri Lanka was not subjected to a referendum. The Change of name was forced on people by 168 bums in the parliament from parties supposed to be from left and right, mostly wrong.

      • 5

        Was naming it “Ceylon” done through a referandum?

        • 2


          “Was naming it “Ceylon” done through a referandum?”

          It was done by your colonial masters at gun point. The change of name was effective 1972 on wards.

          Between 1948 and 1972 I believe there were 24 year gap for the stupid Sri Lankans to learn, value and practice democracy. Referendum is something that keeps people to dissent at the same give consent to vital changes.

          Why not Salike, Eelam, Heladiva, Tâmraparnî (“copper-colored leaf”), Taprobanê, Sarandīb, ………………

  • 1

    Scotland will remain part of the United Kingdom – along with England, Wales and Northern Ireland –
    following a historic referendum vote.

    A majority of voters Thursday rejected the possibility of Scotland breaking away and becoming an independent nation.


    I am happy for the most of the Tamil Diaspora so that a few Tamil so-called leaders with big, big Titles won’t mislead and misinform the Tamil diaspora who are naive.
    TD should not be wasting their time and energy in getting excited over referendums in foreign lands such as Canada and UK although 700,000 Tamils live in these two countries.

    But TGTE, GTF, BTF and other Tamil associations should focus on real action against Sri Lanka and the 4 US citizens whose hands are bloodied with War crimes and Crimes Against humanity.

    Donald Gnanakone
    Tamils For Justice.

  • 5

    Even without her own,Senator Ms Sri Skandaraja has scored over 200 comments and still counting..

    This must be a record for sure.

    Articles from Vellala CM,ex TNA Leader Sambnadan and the apprentice Abraham in combination couldn’t make even 200 .

    The Govt should give Ms Skandaraja at least a temporary Visa to come over and address the Vellala TNA election meets,

    This Referendum idea which seems so popular here will be a real vote winner for the TNA .

    And it has the added advantage of convincing the Tamil inhabitants in the South to migrate to the North,

    And it will make this separate Tamil Nation run by the Vellalas more justifiable when the parameters like the distribution of population density , allocating resources such as rail, roads, hospitals ,and universities are concerned…

  • 0


    [Edited out]

    • 2

      Ravi Perera

      the Sinhala speaking Demela

      I am listening.

  • 7

    Scot majority said no. This is the same desire of majority of silent Tamils living in sri Lanka. Diaspora like usha and who write here are a minority group of tamils living a comfortable life in foreign countries.

    • 3


      Paradox of you talking about Scotts said no is hilarious! The Scotts said no because a. they had a chance to decide b. they are being treated equally and respectfully by the Westminister government. By contrast, in Sri Lanka, the majority has been trying rule with an iron fist!

      The Scotts were allowed to have an open and fair conversation about their future; would you create such a condition for the Sri Lankan people let alone for the Tamils?

      • 3

        You conveniently forget that the Scotts have their own Parliament in Scotland as agreed by the 1707 Unification treaty. They always have the freedom to have referendums and decide what ever they want. Before you get too hilarious you have to list me what law are what actions are in place that Tamils are not treated equally. In other words what rights do the Sinhalese have but not the Tamils?
        What I am saying is that most Tamils in Sri Lanka has no desire to separate, this has been even clearly stated by many Tamil posters in this forum. The SL gov. or any other gov. in any country won’t have referendums just because they have a group of minority who is 8% of the population. Additionally, close to 50% of this minority lives in the south. In the US the Black minority is around 20%. This group has been claiming that they are discriminated in housing, employment, wages, education, health services etc. etc. for many years. Is the US gov. going to have a referendum to give them a separate state based on these real claims?

        • 3


          Do you think I am an idiot to list the issues that you already know of but ostensibly pretend all is rosy! As for the Scottish parliament, you do some research as to when it was first formed before blowing your trumpet. If you are so sure the Tamils are not separatists why don’t ask GR to remove the army from the N&E?

          • 1

            Removing the Army has nothing to do with separatism. It is for the security of all citizens of Sri Lanka so that the ugly head of terrorism will never be raised again.
            By the way, Are you a separatist?

            • 1


              Pre 1980, there were army camps within N&E; obviously, I was not expecting the army to be completely removed! Army must be pulled out of the civilian and day-2-day civil activities; this is what I meant.

              The best way to ensure peace prevails is by ensuring all peoples are treated equally and their individual and collective rights are respected. In the case of the Tamils, they want to manage their own affairs just like the scotts. The Scotts voted to stay within the union but expecting maximum devolution. If you were to deem such a position amounts to separatism so be it. The Tamils want to manage their own affairs within a United Sri Lanka. Do the Sinhala Buddhists have the mental capacity to understand and grant such a democratic expectation?

              • 1

                What are the civilian and day-2-day civil activities you are talking about? How do you suggest the Army should gather intelligence and surveillance and suspicious civilian activity?
                You say”..peoples are treated equally and their individual and collective rights are respected.”
                What equalities and what rights do the Tamils lack but the Sinhalese have? I have been posing this question for years without any success. I hope you will list them for me. I don’t want to talk about the Scotts because there is no similarities between them and SL. I have reminded you that no democratic country has allowed a minority of 8% to” manage their own” within the country unless they had an historical union they entered in to. As far as I am concerned if there is a referendum all residents of the country should participate. Otherwise it is like asking a bunch of suspecting thieves whether they were the thieves. And you know the answer!

                • 5


                  “What equalities and what rights do the Tamils lack but the Sinhalese have?”

                  Burning_Issue wants the armed forces to treat the Sinhala/Buddhists the same way it humanly treat the Tamils, for example Burning_Issue wants the army to enter the women only houses anytime it wants to, look through the keyhole how the women children are having their bath or relieving themselves, if they are unable to rub their skin army men are happy to help them, whether women and children change their clothes on a regular basis, whether the men are really making love to their women folks, if there is gap in the frequency the armed forces love to help the women fill the gap, …………………

                  Sinhala/Buddhist women folks miss Army’s benevolent services.

                  • 1

                    So you and BI can up with only this garbage when I asked for rights the Tamils lack??? I have 2 conclusions based on your response;
                    1. Though claiming equality issues there is none for any Tamil to even mention.
                    2. Tamils are nuts to talk about referendums!

                    • 4


                      Sorry I forgot to mention, the security forces are washing Tamil women’s sanitary towels as a goodwill gesture to them.

                      As equality demands and Burning_Issue wishes the armed forces should treat the Sinhala women folks benevolently.

                      If you are living in this island please invite them for the services the armed forces are pleased to provide in the North East. They should not favour the Tamil women alone and treat Sinhala women folks equitably.

                    • 1

                      Surprise surprise, sexually frustrated We Thamizh are posting their fantasies and wet dreams but still no answer to eusense’s question :D

                    • 3

                      Siva Sankaran Sarma Menon


                      Let the Tamils respond to Nuisance.

                      Do you still wet in your Sarong?

                      Do you have to spit shine the old water pump manually?

                      If you do brilliant, if you don’t also brilliant.

                    • 0


                      Sometimes no matter how much people, forums, and medias inculcate certain inviduals on the subject of Tamils’ predicament in Sri Lanka, they chose to remain blatantly ignorant. It seems you are one of those ignorant and reckless individuals :D

                  • 1

                    What you post here is committing sexual abuse towards women. Colombo Telegraph should ban you from posting.

                    • 2


                      “What you post here is committing sexual abuse towards women. Colombo Telegraph should ban you from posting.”

                      You don’t get it do you?

                    • 0


                      On the contrary, Euse gets it perfectly well , but he has nothing else to say!

                • 1


                  Are you a Sinhala Buddhist Chauvinist?

              • 1

                Native Vedda, Burning Issue,..

                Please do not waste time with this idiot nonsense.


                • 3


                  “Please do not waste time with this idiot nonsense.”

                  I thought I am wasting her time.

  • 3

    Madam are sure of the numbers that you will get. If you fail? Another experiment gone wrong. Isn’t it, and you will celebrate the past and create some toy government and leaders overseas..
    First get a referendum from the Tamil people whether they need a Toy Government of Tamil Eccentrics. (TGTE). Then we will think about the North and east.

  • 3

    Funny thing is only those resident in Scotland were allowed to vote in the referendum.

    Guess what that means for LTTE diaspora monkeys resident in various western ghettos if Sri Lanka follows the same model :D

    • 5

      Siva Sankaran Sarma

      “Funny thing is only those resident in Scotland were allowed to vote in the referendum.”

      Very good point however I don’t see the funny side of your point.

      Anyway keep commenting.

    • 0

      Mr. Sharma,’


      Are you the same guy who communicated with us @GTF Malaysia Forum and then you were blocked by the moderator Dato RR? Weren’t you working with Major General Udaya Perera in Killinochchi?

      Please respond so that the members of this forum would be aware WTH -hell the person you are…. Even [Edited out] does not know that you work with the MOD’s MI in Killinochchi.

      Tamils For Justice.

  • 1

    How Scotland’s ‘No’ vote resonates around the world. Usha, TGTE features prominently in this BBC article.


  • 1

    By fair or foul play Referendum People of Scotland has give lessons other separatist movement that having PEOPLE ECONOMIC POLITICAL SOCIAL OR CULTURAL PROBLMES CANNOT SLOVE BY SPLIT PEOPLE AND DIVIDED INTO TWO LANDS?

    Tamils political class that has to learn candid lessons form Scotland REFERENDUM with out fail? Divided people of Briton is NOT that solution of all ills? Tamils of few politicians and its Class ,its Parties has misdigonaist all cases of political solution, which all the time by BATHOS of Eealam or Separatism or Secessionism for Tamils in World!.

    Split people of Britons do not give any solutions for ongoing ills and problems society by economic-political-social woes challenge by People of Grate Britain?

  • 0

    One must be realistic. The facts are stubborn. UK will not at any cost let off Scotland. When the First Minister of Scotland requested for a referendum it was readily agreed. Why? Does it respect certain principles of self determination? It was done with a view to crush Alex Salmond and the point of view of separatism and that is what has exactly happened now.

  • 0

    Dear Thanga

    Pandaravanniyan was not killed by the British. This is wrong history written by a mullaimani Subramaniam.He wrongly claimed pandaravanniyan was killed in a battle with captain Von drieberg at Katsilaimadu on the 31st october 1803.In actual fact pandaravanniyan was defeated in a dual by captain Von Dreberg at katsilaimadu but was not killed. He continued to live until 1811 and died a natural death due to a knee injury he suffered in battle.please read my article on the following link for further details:

  • 1

    The North East of Sri Lanka is not the sole property of Tamils or people living in those areas. The whole of Sri Lanka has ownership to that, even if all Tamils and/or all those in North East agree for a separate country the rest of Sri Lankans will never allow that. Sri Lanka has a unique civilisation built over a period of 2500 years with a unique ethnicity and language, the Sinhalese. Part of that can not be given to the descendent of Tamils who have been brought here from Tamil Nadu India by the Portuguese, and Dutch to work in tobacco cultivations as labourers and by the British to work in Tea plantations.

    • 1


      “even if all Tamils and/or all those in North East agree for a separate country the rest of Sri Lankans will never allow that.”

      Whether rest of the country agrees or not please ask the Hindians whether they are for Tamil Eelam.

      ” Sri Lanka has a unique civilisation”

      What is exactly is this unique civilisation?

      “built over a period of 2500 years with a unique ethnicity and language, the Sinhalese.”

      Whatever that is it was built on my ancestral land.

      What is your unique ethnicity?

      Sinhala language is a cocktail of Pali, Sanskrit, Veddah language, Elu and the grammar is mostly based on Tamil.

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