16 January, 2025


12 Year Old Girl Child Gang Raped: Police On The Hunt For A Buddhist Monk

At least 12 people have been arrested and remanded for allegedly gang raping a 12 year old child girl in Matara. Among those arrested is a soldier as well as the woman who had rented out a room to the rapists.

The police is also currently on the lookout for a Buddhist Monk who had allegedly raped the girl. The monk is believed to be in hiding and the court has issued a foreign travel ban on the monk.

On July 10, the parents of the victim had lodged a complaint with the police informing them that their 12 year old daughter had gone missing. Subsequently, after a special search operation by the Matara Children and Women Bureau, the girl was found on July 21.

OIC of the Bureau Keshala Bogahawatte told media that in one instance the girl had been raped at least by 9 men and on same day she was taken to another house in the night where she was raped by more men.

After being raped for a second time, the rapists had released her, and she had then gone to a temple seeking refuge because this was the same temple her mother visits regularly. However, after she went to the temple the monk there had taken her to a room and had raped her once more. Since the incident, the monk has gone into hiding.

Latest comments

  • 6

    In the name of Satire – the gang of 12+1 are probably ISIS jehadist, trained by the Mossad, financed by America in order normalize relations with Russia and China – Go figure!

    The former Blues say this a a HOAX by the NWO; The current Blue – Green says this a plot by the powers-that-be to divert attention so they the hoi polloi wont notice that they are being raped, over and over again. The Greens are seeking permission from the Sangha to impose Sharia law on the non-offenders!

    No one seems to be interested in the VICTIM proper!

  • 23

    Catch, try and implement the death sentence if found guilty! Zero tolerance for rape especially for child rape!

    Let’s demand it as a country!

  • 0

    Why did she allow to?

    • 30


      Did you miss your appointment to the psychiatrist?

    • 9

      Shamil:” Why did she allow to?” either you are a pervert,a masturbator or a silent watcher to ask such a question. can a girl of 12 years resist such brute force.

    • 1

      gnanasara boys warella ,come from your hiding and scratch the big boy gnana’s ass!

    • 2

      If she allowed it, it won’t say “raped”
      Are you seriously that dumb
      Go and search in google if you dont know what rape means

  • 10

    What goes around what comes around, the government let the army loose in North and East, the killings, rapes and human right violation were normal during the war. It was an encouragement for the youths to join with Army. The war is over and the security forces back in the barracks no dealing with the public or perhaps limited. Only the time they come into a face with their choice of prey during the holiday time. An investigation may prove the rapist have a link with Nothern liberation.

  • 8

    It’s sad. Here’s no intelligent dialogue but exchange of meaningless harsh words. This rotten society has created subhumans like those. We have a bogus set of morals. From culture to the system of governing and from the system of education to the religious systems must be changed. Are you ready to start the change from yourself. Pussepitiya.

  • 11

    Where is Bodu Bala Sena Chief to protect the sasana. He burnt a shop in Alutgama when the shopkeeper was accused of squeezing a boy’s private parts. This heinous crime goes unnoticed by him. A crime committed on a child whether whatever the criminal is a Buddhist or Muslim is immaterial. Man from Alutgama should also be punished and the criminals in this case also must be dealt with. But it must be according to the rule of law of this country.

    People do take law unto their hands when our justice system fails. AG takes years to file action, sometimes rape victim who was a child has become a woman with children by the time, the case is concluded.

    • 0

      Gnanasara best known as Ganasara is squeezing himself for the last drop.

    • 0

      The monk in hiding is Gnanasras golaya.

  • 9

    Twelve arrests. One soldier – his job is with the army.

    Another is the person who rented out the room – her job is landlady.

    Suspect absconding is a monk. What is wrong? That is his job.

    These days priesthood be it Buddhist, Hindu, Islam or Christianity are professions

  • 3

    Really pleased that all of you have heard the monk’s defence, listened to the prosecution and assessed all the evidence before passing judgement. Well done.

  • 14

    Some commentators on this thread claimed that the Buddhist monk is not a Buddhist monk. Upon reflecting on this dilemma, I could understand the view taken by those commentators. However, when Mannar Bishop was saying things that hurt the sentiments of some people in the south, they did not comment: he is not a true bishop. Instead they commented, “he is a tiger in a robe.” Food for thought.

  • 4

    The rapist beastly monk can be Ghandassara..He has a history of such acts.The moosalaya is very capable in this field.

    • 4

      I CAN understand your agreesion, but the current men in power should start imposiing rigorous laws against any kind of high criminals.

  • 5

    Buddhism and `Sangaism` may be two different religions. It is not a secret that most of these so called Mahaa Sangha Ratnaya or Buddha Putrayas are sexually frustrated perverts. Present day Buddhist Monks are an utterly degenerated lot. All Buddhist priests should be castrated to save our Upaasaka Ammas and children !

  • 3

    Are people missing the point?? We have amongst us a little girl who has been raped here, she is probably gonna be traumatised for the rest of her life. She could have been your daughters or sisters. She could, and I hope, grow up to fight the norms, be the strong young independent lady her parents dreamt her to be.

    The monk too has raped her, there’s absolutely no point in drawing examples from Muslim or other religious leaders raping. Now that it has happened in our land, we can hope and pray justice is served

  • 1

    Monks are frustrated lot, so they need action. Why not allow them to marry,
    They will be more happier.instead of rape and killings like Gnanasara, they
    Will entertain like in Thailand or Japan.

  • 2

    Why do we allow the Ordination of so many Monks?

    It is Quality, not Quantity that is needed!

    Only Those who have obtained a Qualification in Pali and/or Buddhist Studies should be ordained.

    At the moment it looks like anyone who is too Lazy to Work can Become a Buddhist Monk, and live on the Mistaken Generosity of Dayakas!

  • 0

    This Monk is no Buddhist Monk. If caught, the Temple priests themselves should string him up from the closest tree to show us all that the Sangha rejects him and his sort, Totally and Absolutely. So should the rest of those perverts be strung up by the General Public as examples to any other perverts around, who may feel they can get away with crimes like this.

  • 0

    The incident created quite a furore but two weeks later is all but forgotten.

    There has been no follow up in the dailies. This is equally tragic.

  • 0

    The victims must be hanged to death.

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