18 February, 2025


24 Hours To Stop Flight To Hell – Sign The Petition Urge Campaigners

By Colombo Telegraph

“Tomorrow 65 Tamil refugees will be deported from the UK back to Sri Lanka. This is despite a report published yesterday which showed that Tamils who are forcibly returned are often raped – and that we know this happened in two cases from the UK” says the Sri Lanka Campaign. 

They urged people to sign the petition below which is created by an anonymous anti-deportation campaigner

In 24 hours, a flight will take nearly 65 people into a potential torture chamber in Sri Lanka. A few have managed to get their deportation postponed through the courts – and if we all raise a massive outcry now, we can ground this whole charter plane!

Torture of Tamils is rife in Sri Lanka, despite the civil war having ended in 2009. The UK Border Agency has given asylum to a few Sri Lankan nationals who have reached the UK after being tortured. Yet the Agency is now trying to expel this unlucky 65 as fast as possible – before a tribunal ruling which might allow them to stay.

If we politicise their plight we can help to keep them in the UK until their case is fully heard.

Time is ticking — let’s tell Home Secretary Theresa May to stop this week’s deportations to Sri Lanka. When 20,000 of us sign, we can work with leading Sri Lankan activists in the UK to protest outside the Home Office and demand a meeting with the Home Secretary. Sign now and share widely!

Sign the petition here 24 hours to stop flight to hell

Related posts;

UK Deportation Flight To Include Tamil Women & Men Who Say They Were Raped & Sexually Abused

Video: Sri Lanka – Rape Of Tamil Detainees

Sri Lanka Security Forces Rape, Torture Tamil Detainees – HRW

Latest comments

  • 0

    So when has CMB telegraph a supposedly unbiased News webiste have become a campaigner, not the first time as well.. and I love to hear this socalled ‘we can work with leading Sri Lankan activists’ who are they and what org do they belong to Published here.. Or let me guess there is a danger with their families in sri lanka or when they go back to sri lanka to buy property they might be in danger etc etc etc etc… CMB telegraph and the socalled leading Sri Lankan activists might have change their call signs but LTTE written all over. What a joke..

  • 0

    I feel sorry for poor tax payer of Uk.These lairs and descriptors are trying to fool the UK government to seek asylum.They are all economic refugees.

  • 0

    I hope CT has the CV of the author of this piece just like they demand CV from anyone who contributes.

    When the database is hacked this will prove useful to the torturers !

    What balderdash this entire web site is !

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