12 February, 2025


3000 Youth Gathered In Kilinochchi And Passed Resolution With 25 Demands

Around 3000 Youth of nine districts who journeyed from the North, East and Hill Country to Kilinochchi put forward a resolution containing 25 demands, following which they returned home determined to vote only for those who accept and implement their demands. The group is called “the Youth in search of a zip code for democracy”

Youth in search of a zip code for democracyOn Saturday 8 August 2015 more than 2750 youth gathered in Kilinochchi, in militarized post-war North. 

The event titled, “The Power of Youth is the Zip Code of Democracy”, organized by Home for Human Rights was held at Kanakapuram Sports Ground, Kilinochchi. Youth from the districts of Jaffna, Mullaitivu, Mannar Vavuniya, Kilinochchi, Batticaloa, Ampara, Trincomalee and Nuwara Eliya, from the North, East and Hill country participated in the event.

Discussions at the event focused on mainly two themes, the role of youth in participatory democracy and strategies to make informed electoral choices.

2750 Youth of nine districts who journeyed from the North, East and Hill Country in search of democracy chanting the slogan, ‘’The Choice is Ours’’ gathered together in Kilinochchi, which holds the wounds of war, sorrow and memories of thousands who lost their lives. Those who came together were able to share their political opinions and discuss strategies to choose the best person to represent them and addresses their needs and concerns.

Most importantly, the young people put forward a resolution containing 25 demands.

The resolution was presented to the Chief Minister of Northern Province on August 12, 2015. This resolution was delivered to the Chief Minister primarily because of his neutral stance on the upcoming parliamentary election. (Some of the authors of this resolution are not from the northern province, but Chief Minister’s unique position on the parliamentary poll means he is well positioned to receive a document of this nature.)

Through this initiative aimed to address the lack of civic mobilization and non-partisan political education, which had not been provided to, or which the people in the war-affected North and East, particularly youth, had not been able to access for three decades.

As the day of the Parliamentary Election draws closer political parties have stepped up their election campaigns. While the candidates propagate their policies as well as that of their parties, this effort by the youth, who will be leaders of tomorrow, with the aim of strengthening their political knowledge and civic responsibility, should be commended.

The resolution reiterating the following demands:

1. Advocate for issues that are of importance to all Tamils irrespective of any regional differences.

2. Advocate for the administrative merger of the Northern and Eastern Provinces.

3. Use international mechanisms strategically to advocate for greater rights for Tamils.

4. Implement a federal solution to resolve the long standing grievances of the Tamils.

5. De-militarize the North, East and Hill Country.

6. All military administered farms across the Northern Province should be placed within the purview of the respective Pradeshiya Sabhas.

7. Ascertain the whereabouts of all political prisoners and expedite their release, and repeal the PTA.

8. Immediately put an end to sinhalization of historically Tamil areas.

9. Protect the religious, traditional and cultural identities of the Tamils and preserve all historical and archeological evidence in those areas.

10. Advocate strategically for an investigation of the violation of International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law in historically Tamil areas.

11. Effectively address the socio-economic needs, particularly livelihood needs, of women-headed households and those disabled due to war.

12. Provide reparation to all those affected by the war; such reparation should include compensation, including to the families of the disappeared for the absence of time until their return, and memorialization.

13. Ensure peoples’ participation in all post-war development activities.

14. Ensure all job opportunities are considered on the basis of skills and knowledge, not by political affiliation or bribe. Further, make provision for affirmative action for groups that have been historically marginalized and discriminated against.

15. Estate areas in the Hill Country should be brought under Pradeshiya Sabha administration and their right to adequate standard of living, including land rights and right to decent housing, should be ensured. Work towards eliminating line housing for estate workers.

16. Work towards reasonable wage increase for the estate workers and promote a political culture that doesn’t only apply to the Estate Workers Union.

17. Ensure the participation of relevant experts in development activities and other institutional capacity development initiatives.

18. Prioritize regional development as opposed to individual interest or politics.

19. Ensure the proper use of natural resources to increase youth employment in historically Tamil areas.

20. Give priority to environmental protection and undertake adequate environmental assessments before initiating development projects in historically Tamil areas.

21. Ensure there is no undue, illegal or improper interference in civilian commercial activities, particularly where peoples’ respective livelihood activities in historically Tamil areas are concerned.

22. Ensure the basic needs of people residing in historically Tamil areas are met.

23. Increase women’s participation and representation within the relevant political parties and encourage opportunities for new members.

23. When promoting Tamil Rights, political parties should speak with clear united voice while they continue to advocate for Tamil Rights.

25. The decentralized budget allocated to every Member of Parliament should be spent solely on the development for the communities and constituencies, as opposed to personal pursuits.

The Youth from the North, East and Hill Country gathered here will extend our support only to those who accept our demands in promoting genuine democracy.

Latest comments

  • 0

    Geopolitics will change and students politics too.

    • 8

      Good initiative, but why now and why is there is nothing about a DECENT EDUCATION for youth in northeast and the need for a better EDUCATION SYSTEM and resources for education and youth livelihood here, which are concerns of most youth..

      Is this really a statement by youth or just issued in the name of youth – who are rendered puppets as the LTTE once did in Killinochchi?

  • 15

    Pretty decent list of demands, though I cannot support all.

    I applauded the peaceful method employed to express such ideas as well.

    I regret the endless use of the word “Tamil” all over this document. One gets the impression there are no other people on this Island apart from Tamils.

    A departure from the primitive tribal mentality is highly desireable.


    • 4

      Agree with you Ben.

      • 10

        Quite right Ben! Some publicity seeking NGO stunt?

        This is a racialized though not racist document. Understandable in the aftermath of war and what young people of suffered, but it should have been less Tamil-centric and more self-reflective about Tamil nationalist politics and the suffering caused by Tamil on Tamil violence as well..
        Sounds like Tamils were merely victims and not perpetrators of great violence on themselves and others..
        More balance needed.

        And, What of Muslims in the north and east?

        • 2

          Laxmi: “This is a racialized though not racist document.”

          Can’t say that’s true. What’s this if it’s not racist: “Immediately put an end to sinhalization of historically Tamil areas”, for doesn’t it mean ‘No Tamils or Buddhists!’ What would be the reaction if a group of Sinhalese youth (e.g. the BBS) put forward the demand “Immediately put an end to Tamilisation of Historically Sinhalese areas”? They would immediately, and correctly, be denounced as racist. In fact, this list of demands from these youth is about as racist as it could be without overtly stating “We want a Tamil only state! Sinhalese, Buddhists and Moslems Not Admitted!”

          Sad to see some Sri Lankan Tamilian youth being led down the path of demands, ultimatums and racism yet again because it will only lead to the same catastrophe as before. And is chief minister Wigneswaran in the photograph receiving the demands with open hands?

          Responsible and level-headed Tamils need to speak to these young people urgently before they get completely led astray. And the government needs to ensure they have a happy future as citizens of a tolerant, democratic and prospering unitary state. Meanwhile there will be those who will push for the urgent migration of more Sri Lankan loyalists to the northern regions.

          • 0

            The slogan in the third line above should read: “No Sinhalese or Buddhists!” Apologies for the error.

    • 8

      I also agree on this Ben

      We need to drop words like Sinhala Buddhist,Tamil,Muslim,Tambiya,Lansi etc from our vocabulary and have one word for all that is ‘SRI LANKAN’

      • 4

        World (Sri Lanka) would be boring place without these cultural heritages and cultural diversity… We should not forget about these differences but respect all different cultures like your own…
        Perhaps in another 100 or 200 years, all these cultures will disappear.

      • 3

        Peace Lover

        “We need to drop words like Sinhala Buddhist,Tamil,Muslim,Tambiya,Lansi etc from our vocabulary and have one word for all that is ‘SRI LANKAN’”

        Would you also consider dropping the lion from national flag, Mahawamsa from history books, Buddha Sasana from the constitution, Majoritarian mindset from people, unitary state, hollowed claim to sovereignty, paranoia, fear of enemies within and without, free rice from moon, …….. Sinhala/Buddhist culture, Sinhala from Sinhala/Buddhism and Buddhism from Sinhala/Buddhism, Anagarika’s stupid Aryan/Sinhala connection, ………… MR won the war singlehandedly, …..

    • 9


      “I regret the endless use of the word “Tamil” all over this document. One gets the impression there are no other people on this Island apart from Tamils.”

      I beg to differ. If the Sri Lankan mainstream parties such as UNP and SLFP had been Sri Lankan-centred rather than Sinhala-Buddhist-centred, I would say you are correct. The post-independence politics in Sri Lanka is littered with the mainstream parties pandering to the Sinhala Buddhist chauvinism. This is why the Tamils talk about them and their rights. Once the minorities have been marginalised, it is natural that ethnic groups focus on themselves; this is not a rocket science!

    • 7

      Ben Hurling

      “I regret the endless use of the word “Tamil” all over this document. One gets the impression there are no other people on this Island apart from Tamils.”

      Of course I too feel that way when I look at pictures of Gnanasara, Weerawansa, Dayan, MR, Dinesh, Vasu, Nalin de Silva, ………. the new smart patriots.

      The state and the country has been defined as being of Sinhala ancestry, speaking Sinhala, and being Buddhist.

      Here is what the constitution says:



      9. The Republic of Sri Lanka shall give to Buddhism the foremost place and accordingly it shall be the duty of the State to protect and foster the Buddha Sasana, while assuring to all religions the rights granted by Articles 10 and 14(1)(e).

      National Anthem, whether to ban the Tamil version is another the recurring theme which will ensure the We Tamil mode to continue.

      You should have a serious word with those who are the majority and hold the power to change from their We Sinhala/Buddhist, appey Sinhala/Buddhist ratte, We majority won the war Jayawewa, ….. attitude to we the people mode.

      Before going into big projects can you change the attitude and language of the people who type here in this forum with racist venom?

      You can’t and you won’t.

    • 3

      Ben Hurling

      “A departure from the primitive tribal mentality is highly desireable.”

      Could you also say it loud and clear so that the southern tribes also be able to hear your war cry, deep deep deep into Hambantota and beyond.

    • 3

      May be the next step is to expand it to a all Island NON POLITICAL youth movement. Where leaders could be created to take on politics as adults if the wish and the foundation of honesty and integrity will guide them through.

  • 6

    What was the need for this at this time? These are the kinds of things that will empower the racist parties to gain an upper hand.
    Tamils also have to take blame for their plight as they commit political blunders time after time. Similarly they don’t prioritise their needs.
    Is asking for eastern and northern provinces to be merged at this stage really necessary? Don’t these idiots know how it will be interpreted? Don’t they know what kind of political mileage Mara will enjoy thanks to a bunch of brainless idiots.
    Lets just say that in general this is the trend, when it comes to politics, Tamils are no match to the crooked Sinhalese politicians.
    Sorry but thats the way I see it.

    • 10

      You are right Lasith. Sometimes I wonder whether MR has orchestrated such demands. The stupidity of these people is unbelievable.

    • 2


      What if I were to say it to you that, the Tamil nationalists want the Sinhala Nationalists to take over Sri lanka! This is the quickest way for them to realise Eelam! So I would advise you to focus on the Sinhala nationalism and try to bring the Sinhala Buddhists to mainstream!

      The acid test is this election; MR has been openly fanning communalism; let’s see how the Sinhala Buddhists would behave!

      • 2

        The sinhala buddhists are mainstream, tolerant and coexist with others. They tolerate when their country is being stolen and when their people were killed, and when their history and heritage was stolen…

        They are in the mainstream. It is the Tamils who are tribal raicists. If they cannot live here they can go to a different counrty

        • 3

          sachoooooooooo the stupid

          I am glad you are back.

          Its like a rotten peanut in a bag full of tasty ones. The rotten one reminds us to value the good ones.

    • 4


      “What was the need for this at this time?”

      When is the right time to speak up and demand what want? Are you suggesting that they should consult Sumanadasa Abeygunawardena before they prepare their demand?

      ” Don’t these idiots know how it will be interpreted? “

      Of course the racist Sinhala/Buddhist ghetto builders would interpret it to suite their own racist agenda. They have been at it for the past 67 years and they will continue to do exactly that. It is their problem and not these kids’

      Are you saying that the time is never suitable therefore they should stop demanding and accept what is given to them?

      • 1

        Dear Native

        I am in no way suggesting that Tamils should settle for whatever is dished out to them. no sir. They deserve as much freedom or happiness as we wish for our selves.

        But this is not the time to ask for the merger of North and East. How is that really relevant?

        Rather than asking for equity, justice, education, health care, and the rest, and try to normalise their living standards and integrate with the rest of the country, their second point is to merge the two provinces. They are as stupid as us.

        Lets face it, the more one wants to alienate himself the more he will find himself be out of place.

        If I were a Tamil I would try to align myself with the least racist and the most idealistic of the three parties and once that party is able to win a majority, they can work hand in hand with the new government and ask for their rights.

        The general problem with our minorities is that they want to segregate themselves and yet want to be a part of the majority. Don’t you think so? Everyone wants to be a tamil or a muslim before being a Srilankan.

        • 3


          “The general problem with our minorities is that they want to segregate themselves and yet want to be a part of the majority.”

          If you are in doubt why don’t you let them go on their own way see the outcome?

          “Don’t you think so?”

          I think many things. This is not one of them and not a priority for me. You work it out for yourself and let me know your observation.

          “Everyone wants to be a tamil or a muslim before being a Srilankan.”

          What have you done for them to feel part of your imaginary Sri Lankan?

          You see, if you don’t treat your family well your wife won’t share the same bed as yours. She would chose to sleep in the spare bedroom or in a stranger’s bedroom. Then don’t blame her, blame yourself, and bang your head on the nearest wall, kick yourself on your back, bend your both arms backwards, …..

      • 2

        To Native vedda and alike,
        your kind like to vilify sinhalease as “sinhala buddihst racists” you and most tamil racists who makes comments like the filth & stupid arguments you spew out makes all the more easiar for MaRa and his crooked bunch of cut throats to take over the country , they will make every one suffer. Lets face it nut cases like you are tamil racists who supported prab’s carnage nobody says this its always only one race gets villified here .your kind is the worst kind of racist, giving every tamil a bad name, people like you only want revenge , not for the upliftment of your own brethren.
        You can write your multiple replies to this with your usual filth, but you wont get a reply , so good luck, ihave said my piece thats it.
        Hopefully sirisena will get the new government he wants without MaRa and may it be a path to a new begining .

        • 3


          “your kind like to vilify sinhalease as “sinhala buddihst racists”

          Nopes, I will continue to call them as Sinhahala/Buddhist racists.

          Sinhalese are not racists but stupid who voted for 8 measures of free rice and got oppressed by the same government which they voted to elect. Sinhalese are stupid who voted a war criminal with 60% or more votes for killing innocent people.

          Poor Buddhists do not have a role in the ethical governance of this island.

          It is always the Sinhala/Buddhist whose lies, hatred, racism helped them to form governments. If you cannot think of a racist please look at the mirror to see one.

          I have only one vote therefore don’t blame me for MR’s victory if that happens. It is always the Sinhala votes which determine the outcome of elections and the nature of government.

          ” Lets face it nut cases like you are tamil racists who supported prab’s carnage nobody says this its always only one race gets villified here”

          Tamils are your brethren not mine. Premadasa and Mahinda had had close relationship with VP and you thought their relationship were the highest form of diplomacy.

          This is the good time to question the war criminal MR to explain the nature of close relation with VP and financial dealing that both had just before the 2005 elections. What were you doing in the past 10 years, you should have taken MR and his cronies to courts for bribing, ballot rigging, money laundering aiding and abetting terrorism.

          “You can write your multiple replies to this with your usual filth”

          The filth is mine and not yours. Does it bother you? No need for you to read and respond, unless of course you enjoy reading filth and more filth.

          • 3

            Dear pretend Native vedda,
            Looks like one Sinhala Racist caught another Tamil Racist(ie:you) out,lol
            some one got under your skin didn’t they,
            nice koheda yanne malle pol reaply again as usual,
            internet freak ..eat Parippu .preek..preek PREEK

  • 7

    If this is the kind of mentality prevails, pls note that you will never get the trust of the majority community and other ethnic groups.

    North and East merger, Tamil Historical areas are not in reality and demanding those are historical blunders by Tamil politicians.

    If the tamils rellise that they are Sri Lankans and on that day only any serious reconciliation will start.

    No Historical places or home land for any group of people in Sri Lanka.

    Unitary nature of Sri Lanka is not negotiable.

    Pls learn to live with everybody peacefully in harmony. Violence proved nothing can be gained other than destruction.

    All the people of Sri Lanka has all the right to live in any part of the country.

    Maps and boundaries demarcated are only in Maps for Administration purpose as Sri Lanka is one country.

    Armed forces are required to prevent any internal or external threat to country and to maintain the Government rule in all parts of the country.Therefore, there will be no withdrawing of any Army camps in line with Political request as it is being taken by the Chief of Tri Forces according to the Ground situation.

    • 4

      Nimal Tissa Wijetunga

      “Unitary nature of Sri Lanka is not negotiable.”

      It is not for the little islanders to decide. Let the Hindians worry about the nature of future Sri Lanka be.

      Sinhala only language policy was non negotiable until the Hindians caught JR by his b***s and changed his heart and mind.

      Decentralisation of state powers were non negotiable until the Hindians caught JR …………………….

      The upcountry stateless people’s citizenship was non negotiable until the Hindians ………………

      Hindians decided whether LTTE should be allowed to continue its war or bring it to conclusion.

      So relax, wait for the next Hindian intervention and then change your heart and mind.

      In the meantime you can gloat your war victory and cherish your hollow claim to sovereignty.

      • 0

        Everytime the Tamils get Hindians to squeeze our [Edited out]

    • 0


      “If this is the kind of mentality prevails, pls note that you will never get the trust of the majority community and other ethnic groups.”

      Who ever wants the trust of the majority. From independence to the unilateral discard of the Banda-Chelva and Dudley-Selva agreements by the Sinhalese leaders had long ago taught the Tamils not to trust the majority. You know of the puppet show MR staged in setting up commissions after commissions but everything was a sham. Did you just got up from your slumber?

  • 5

    Judging by history, there will not be a strong enough Tamil opposition to stop this until it turns into another massive problem.

    So the govt should nip this problem in the bud before it explodes out of control again.

  • 10

    1. Who is/are using these students?

    2.Why was CVW involved and handed the so called demands?

    3. If in the national interest why was it not handed over to the president and the TNA leader Sambanthan?

    4. Is the CM aspiring to be the leader of the Tamils in the East and hill country?

    5.Is the CM marching to a distant drum beat under the pretense of being neutral?

    6. What is cooking behind the smokescreen of neutrality.

    Anyway the demands are a mishmash put together by some other hand/s!
    Though sounds juvenile in many respects!

    Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

    • 3

      “2.Why was CVW involved and handed the so called demands?”

      The met “their” CM and not any other political thugs, vested interests X,Y,Z(as intended).

      They including CVV are quite right while doing so.

      I welcome their stand.

      • 0

        Mr rarivararo
        I whole heartedly support point no.8
        Delighted to see that we Sinhalese are going to get our lands back in the hill country.

        • 3


          “Delighted to see that we Sinhalese are going to get our lands back in the hill country.”

          You had 67 years to take back the upcountry. What were you doing all these years? Its not too late and still you can grab the land from tea estates. Once you have grabbed the tea/rubber estates who is going to work for you given that you are averse to work leave alone hard work.

    • 5

      They can give it to anyone they wish, why are you poking your old nose into this? If you want you write a petition with other old folks and give it to the president, wife, daughter, anyone else you wish do it and don’t stand in the way of the youth. Why is it that the old ones are always putting barriers to the young? Are you jealous/fearful that they will fly higher than you?

      Read the damn article first and it will explain why CM W was chosen:

      “This resolution was delivered to the Chief Minister primarily because of his neutral stance on the upcoming parliamentary election. (Some of the authors of this resolution are not from the northern province, but Chief Minister’s unique position on the parliamentary poll means he is well positioned to receive a document of this nature.)”

      ” sounds juvenile “
      Here you are with one foot in the grave being juvenile and not reading the article thats in front of your old eyes in black and white.

      • 1

        Robert R,

        “Here you are with one foot in the grave being juvenile and not reading the article thats in front of your old eyes in black and white.”

        I believe that in some countries politicians have to do an annual medical examination and the results are public. This is done to show the citizens that their representatives are in good enough health.

        Should this be introduced in SL also? What do you think? This obviously would not help with, for instance, Dr RN because he is not a politician.

        I personally wonder more and more if medical problems explain the increasingly erratic behavior of some politicians.

        I do not know your age and background.

        There are many elderly Tamil politicians. Who will replace them when the time comes? What are the capabilities of the younger Tamil politicians? I do not mean the youngsters but the middle aged 40-60 year old.

      • 1

        Well said Robert R!

        The “know-it-all” Rajasingham is unwilling to answer questions or defend his own gullible, if not avarice, acts of his own in the past – but has the audacity to criticize and question all others. His recent tirades seem focused on CM or his supporters – obviously working hard to win somebody’s favour!

        What cheek, what insolence for this overly mature PhD (yes, he makes sure we all are aptly informed) to challenge these 3,000 youth who were possibly denied anything beyond basic education in their initiative devoid of party-centric ploys towards some semblance of democracy.

        The age, it seems, is no barrier not just for juvenile but even for infantile postings!

    • 1

      Dr. RN
      I would like to respond to your six questions.
      1. We will not go into or analyse who these3000 youngsters are. Because it will not come to pass. The contents of the resolution is important. My feeling is that the demands put forward is not adequate enough. Whether they are going to achieve the demands are far fetched.
      2. CVW may be part of it.
      3. The trio viz. Sambanthan,Mavai and Sumanthiran have become ,as Tigers put it , Traitors to the Tamil cause. I do respect both Sambantan &Sumanthiran for their talents but their talents are directed to a different and dangerous path.

      4. Is there anything wrong for CVW to become a leader? If the people wants him , let them have him. He was brought into the fold by Sambanthan. But Iwill not hold a candle to CVW. I personally do not trust those who are extremely religious.
      5. I did post on CT last month about this matter. He is already at loggerhead with the TNA. And that is why he wanted to be neutral.
      6. He may be supporting Gajendran who was once very close to Sambandan.

      Anyhow whatever circumstanes, consequences, old Tamil parties, New Tamil parties, the Tamils in the North A
      And East will always be subjugated. There will be no redemption for the Tamils because, mainly the Tamils are not a united Race.

    • 2

      Dr RN,

      I support your questions. Unfortunately we need good investigative journalism and intelligence services to have the answers.

      My additional questions are the usual ones: who financed this? Is acceptable water not necessary for these youngsters?

      I have nothing against petitions but always want to know the background.

    • 0


      The manifestos of the southern parties amply provide the ammunition for this type of “demands” Looking at how most issues are Simhala centric, I am baffled that either it escaped your attention or simply you wish to see the other way. Whether it is CW or RS, the issues are and have been the same and consistent.

      With the UNHRC looking the other way, the tears and cries of the victims seemed to lost and forgotten. Can the new govt show one credible step it has taken on the accountability issue? A recent report confirms the continued physical and mental torture on the Tamils and has been happening with impunity. Now Ranil is telling not to talk about Federalism and why do you think he does that – simply to pander to the majority Sinhalese. The regime is on full steam mode to prevent the UNHRC report from being made public.

      I had great hope on R Sampanthan but of late even I am not happy with him. Just to remind you if it has vanished from your screen – the army’s heavy presence in the North to this day is an insult to the whatever democracy that is being paraded. When Sampanthan was on the “outside” he was not ab;e to do much and that was understandable but when he “inside” has the lives of Tamils improved to the extent that we can shout about?

    • 1


      “1. Who is/are using these students? “
      Was there some one using you in the five post-war years when you were so pompously cheerleading for Mahinda and Gota and castigating the Diaspora?

      “2.Why was CVW involved and handed the so called demands? “
      Because the 3,000 youth, rightly or wrongly, felt that CVW may have a say in political and admin dialogues, more so than competing political parties, and that he may care or prioritize more so than the President who have other national priorities as well, outside of Tamil issues

      “3. If in the national interest why was it not handed over to the president and the TNA leader Sambanthan? “
      Please see #2 above.

      “4. Is the CM aspiring to be the leader of the Tamils in the East and hill country? “

      No – you got that wrong. It is the 3,000 youth who, rightly or wrongly, have aspirations to make CVW Take a lead on Tamil issues. Do they not have the right to express their confidence in CVW? Are you suggesting that perhaps CVW bribed them to do it? Did you not aspire to presumptuously take the lead to represent the Diaspora/Tamils in advocating unreserved support for Mahinda and Gota ? [Edited out]

      “5. Is the CM marching to a distant drum beat under the pretense of being neutral? “
      Were you marching to a distant drum when you relentlessly campaigned to collect funds for Mahinda – or were you merely dancing to the tune of the snake-charmer with the golden finger that mesmerized you as you so lovingly declared?

      “6. What is cooking behind the smokescreen of neutrality.”
      Does that question arise from your own personal “lessons-learned” wisdom gained first-hand working with the Rajapakse regime for five years?

      “ Anyway the demands are a mishmash put together by some other”

      As for identifying mish-mash, what do you think about the following list compiled from your own past comments and demands in this blog:

      – It is very disappointing that the Diaspora is so tight-fisted and uncaring for their kit and kin, not pouring in the funds the Regime needs for all their work.

      – It is very disappointing that the Diaspora is too generously remitting family funds to their kith and kin that the youth in the North have become so rich and spoilt that they are refusing to participate in the development work. That is the reason why Gota is so understandingly bringing Southern labour for the Northern development

      (Note: both views above about Diaspora’s loathsome frugality and equally loathsome generosity were expressed by the same commentator, and in the same thread!)

      – Make it a national policy that all Sinhalese learn Tamil – else reconciliation will be difficult

      – Drinking water is a very critical issue that must be addressed RIHT NOW and RIGHT HERE by diverting Mahaveli so that I can develop my own El Dorado, starting with cactus and dates. This demand of the “mother-of-all” critical issues disappeared just as suddenly as it appeared, having lived at most three weeks at best!

      Talk about mish-mash! Not exactly juvenile, only because it approaches “infantile”!
      I can only hope CT publishes this in full –as the questions and implications, explicit or otherwise, are not any different from those raised by Rajasingham – just a matter of turning the table.

  • 6

    How about a demand for Sri Lanka and ALL Sri Lankans? When will we see the use of the term “we Tamils” end and see “we Sri Lankans”? What happens to about a million Tamils who live outside the “Eastern and Northern” Provinces?! How about a PRACTICAL resolution?

  • 6


    “How about a demand for Sri Lanka and ALL Sri Lankans? When will we see the use of the term “we Tamils” end and see “we Sri Lankans”? “

    When the Sinhala/Buddhists stop defining Sri Lankaness as exclusively Sinhala ancestry, Sinhala/Buddhism, Sinhala/Buddhist country, Sinhala/Buddhist majority, … and stop discussing Tamil National Anthem, and the stripes in the national flag, …………..

    You should stop Dayan defining patriotism.

    • 2

      Dear Native,

      Excellent idea, and I endorse it fully. Let start by not identifying the Tamil National Alliance, Muslim Congress etc and call these entities by a more secular term. While we are at it change the names of the Sinhalese Sports Club, Tamil Union Sports Club, Burger Union, Moors Club etc. Even when the “suddas” (No pun intended) had exclusivity in clubs like CH&FC, Colombo Swimming Club etc. they were not identified as being exclusively British.

      I am serious. If we start this flame, it will spread and hopefully the new administration will fan the flames.

      • 0


        “Sinhalese Sports Club, Tamil Union Sports Club, Burger Union, Moors Club etc.”

        Now you are being silly.

        Also note I am not demanding Lions Club name to be changed nor am I asking Heineken Asia Pacific to change the name of its most popular product Tiger beer to something else.

        The question should be whether everyone has equal access to these clubs and membership is restricted to particular people. As long as the members agree to observe the rules and regulations of the club.

        • 2

          Native, the point I am making is that when we identify ourselves as being of an ethnic background, even in clubs, it leads to ethnic marginalizing. Of course it does not happen in sports, as we saw the late great Sathasivam play for the SSC. However, we should try to see the problem at least from the political point of view when we have the political parties identified as “Tamil”, “Muslim”, etc As far as I am aware there are no such political entities in other countries where there is a large presence of different nationalities.

          • 0


            Indian constitution accommodates diversity and strictly adhere to secularism, because it was written by great wise visionaries unlike in this country.

            You only have to read the constitution on Buddhism where the actual exclusivity starts. Almost all history books start with a chapter on Aryan Vijaya’s arrival. We are told the supposed Aryan were responsible for civilising this island.

            What are you going to do about it. None would accept Veddahs are the first nation of this island and were here well before those Kallthonies.

            • 1

              Dear Native,

              (I enjoy this debate, incidentally!)

              I believe that even the original Donomough (Spelling?) Constitution was based on a secular nation. If not, this should be introduced even now.

              I agree that the Sinhala are Aryan and the Tamils are Dravidians: but we are both from India. And even prior to that, the Aryans came from Assyria (Asshur) and the Dravidians from Elam (NOTHING to do with “Eelam”). Ancient Elam is ancient Persia, the modern Iran !! So, where does that take us, except that the Aryans and the Dravidians are a common people, separated by language.

              If I may quote from the Holy Bible, The Lord God says, “I have no favourites”. We are all equal in His sight and there is no distinguishing God’s people, of which we all are.

              Native, let us hope that the government of our dear country will engage with all people to resolve the matter once and for all and that the Diaspora will be patient if they cannot keep out of it. One thing for sure: there can be NO partition of the island nation.

              • 1

                yours is One of the sanest Comment among all, if you take Sinhala & Tamil People only thing that separates us like you say is the language ,I am sure DNA analysis if possible will prove both races are very very similar, in addition to the cultural similarities ,even history tells us that the Sinhala kingdom had very close relationship with the Dravidian of south India regularly taking brides(unlike bribes now) even had the throne passing peacefully to Dravidian heirs ,
                who made this mess? the politicians from all sectors , along with the ideology of fanatics(Diaspora factions) who frequent these pages , who continue to drive us down the wrong path and brainwash the youth, will the island ever have hope , can only hope sanity will prevail on the 17th to give the island a chance..even then its only a hope , but a good chance
                other than that i agree with your comment wholeheartedly

    • 3

      No, no dear N.V. The day the Tamils start asking themselves the following obvious questions:

      Firstly how does one merge the North and East into one “Tamil country” when the non – Tamils in the Eastern province are more than 60 % of the population?.

      Secondly how can the provinces outside the North and East be lumped together as a “Sinhala country” when 48 % of the Tamils and two-thirds of the Muslims in the Island of Sri Lanka are living in those seven provinces?


      Will kill one another till that day dawns. It is good sport.


      • 3


        the Sinhala speaking Demela


        Think about the horrendous cost of building a permanent wall of Mahawamsa mindset since the advent of Aryan Anagarika Dharmapala (homeless one) dividing the people by their race, religion, region, language, lies, more lies, smart ass patriotism, ……. electing horas to form successive governments ……… and lost opportunities and development.

        I know its difficult task for you however give it a try.

        “Firstly how does one merge the North and East into one “Tamil country” when the non – Tamils in the Eastern province are more than 60 % of the population?.”

        Why do you have to built a Sinhala/Buddhist ghetto when their Sinhala/Buddhist population is minuscule in South Asia?

        “Secondly how can the provinces outside the North and East be lumped together as a “Sinhala country” when 48 % of the Tamils and two-thirds of the Muslims in the Island of Sri Lanka are living in those seven provinces?”

        I have already dealt with the above stupid question elsewhere not once but several times.

        “Will kill one another till that day dawns. It is good sport.”

        You never stopped killing each other for one reason or another. Its a national sports and declare the winner on the basis of who killed more civilian than the other, 1971, 1987 – 1990, from 1983 to 2009. Absence of large scale killing now does not mean that they have wisened up and abandoned the national sports altogether, its only a respite. And don’t get yourself deceived by it.

  • 1

    Evidently these “youths” see no problem worth talking about for the so called untouchables or the displaced muslims in jaffna.

  • 0

    We the Sinhalese should first step in to see why it is not becoming “We Sri Lankans”. The
    majority must first sort out this issue in a democratic manner as applicable to the
    21st century, instead of allowing politicians and political leaders to continue using
    all their actions on communal lines only, as hitherto. (The settlement of the national
    isssue under the envisaged 2 yr. National Govt. is a Divine opportunity and a. best way out. This will benefit all its people on the lang-run).

    It is hoped that all corrupt elements will be duly arrested and tried, once the National Govt.functions.

    • 1

      or may be the tamils are tribal.

      • 3


        “or may be the tamils are tribal.”

        Indeed you are stupid.

        • 2

          How can you say otherwise. you too are a racist tribal tamil

          After all this doesnt concern your country…take a matter that concern yours

          • 2

            sachooooooooo the stupid.

            You are indeed very very very stupid.

  • 4

    Divisive politics at its best. “Sowing the wind” by the politicians and I hope and prey there will not be a “whirlwind”

  • 0

    I welcome the move . As CVW said younger generation must take up to politics. Mr Sambanthan and alikes must retire from politics. Yet it is rather difficult to do politics with the Sinhalese hardline politicians. The demands put forward are in fact reasonable demands which the majority Sinhalese will reject. So what is the alternative?

    • 3

      The Sinhalese reject because this supports ghettos and separatism. And of course because there is no HISTORICAL tamil country in SL ever

      Almost all are brought by Portugese, Dutch, British as slaves from time to time

      • 3

        sachoooooooo the stupid

        “The Sinhalese reject because this supports ghettos and separatism. “

        Why is it the Sinhalese do not reject Sinhala/Buddhist Ghetto building in this island. Is it because they are too stupid to see the process?

        “Almost all are brought by Portugese, Dutch, British as slaves from time to time”

        They must have broken all world record in longevity. However their descendants have now converted to Sinhala/Buddhism and speak Sinhala. Naturally almost all of them including yourself should be classified as Sinhala speaking Demela.

        • 2

          Because this is the Sinhala Buddhist ghetto idiot..The legitimate ghettoo of the sinhala buddhist

          No…the decendants of the slaves in north aand east and central parts did not.

  • 4

    We the Tamil people
    We the Sinhala people
    We the Muslim people

    How about, We the SRI LANKANS?

    • 1


      “How about, We the SRI LANKANS?”

      Sri Lankans are the most self destructive stupid people.

  • 1

    Did any of the delegates bring a new Map or at least a modified LTTE map of Srilanka to show the landscape after the implementation of Resolutions 2. 4 & 5 ?.

  • 2

    What I don’t understand is Tamil, Muslim or Burger anyone can come and live in Sinhalese community. Why can’t we Sinhalese people go live in wherever we like? Why do you want to keep only one race in so called historical lands? I believe Sinhalese people are more open minded. Why can’t we all drop asking people which race you belong to and start working hard as one nation to develop the country? These 25 demands do not speak anything about development, education or problems of the youth.

    • 0

      Dan, no one is stopping you from living within ANY community in Sri Lanka. Stop complaining, if you haven’t tried.

  • 0

    Great effort. Perhaps considering the specific election environment limiting resolutions to the propose of the congress could have had much better positive desirable outcome.

    Our resolutions and resolve should facilitate opening the path of possibilities for progress and momentum to move in that direction. Discussing all the issues involved by new generations of young people plausible and good step in the right direction. But tabling them as resolutions criteria to elect your representative to the parliament, just before election, not the best way to promote selection of right candidate by their vote. At times Intention may be good but strategy could be counterproductive. Resolutions reflect the excitement of enthusiasm was present among participants.

    As responsible citizens we could try and avoid feeding monsters. They are very greedy and hungry. During election campaign words converted to votes if they are effective.

    Overall I congratulate the organisers for the congress. Power of youth promoted to claim choice is ours is powerful concept. Hope participants will be encouraged to avoid emotional tunnel vision and develop scientific approach to social discrimination and find innovative solutions.

  • 1

    I thought we have come of age and matured to understand each other devoid of ethnic, religious divisions and form one “Human Chain” to develop our country and live in peace. What a disappointment to see 3000 youth segregating on ethnic, (rather I would call it “Tribal”) basis and put forward a 25 “Demands” list and that comprises everything to disintegrate and divide rather than “collectivism” and “togetherness” to clasp hands of everyone for our welfare and happiness. On one side, we have “Sinhala/Buddhist”; “Christian/Sinhala/Tamil; “Muslim”; “Hindu/Tamil/Christian and on the other side “Sinhala/Buddhist”; “Muslim”; “Tamil/Hindu” – whats all these meaning to us as one “Human Species”? Have we not come of “AGE” and “MATURITY” to dispel these differences and be together with one common goal of being happy and live in peace. If the YOUTH class themselves into one category on ethnic basis, what would the others do? Simply follow on their own segregation and form into similar groups and start the “FIGHT” and “HATRED” that would ruin us. I feel these “eruptions” are the work of “invisible” forces who make hey while the sun shines. But the YOUTH OF TODAY must not succumb to these evil forces.

  • 0

    Point No.26:

    Alternatively, provide free Internet access to all Tamils enabling us to participate in affairs of our Transnational Government of Tamil Ealam as citizens and forget this genocidal Sinhala Buddhist ghetto.


  • 1

    Not a single demand is in the list of the so called youths handed over to Wigneswaran mentioned about the validation for Self rule or Self determination. No valid reasons given for for such a thing rather living as one Sri Lanka. Noe of the points or demands are related to day to day problems facing tamil people and Sri Lankans as a whole.

    The demands are based on whims and fancies of bankrupt politicians as there are no Homelands or special areas in Sri Lanka for any ethnic groups.

    People shall demand based on their day to day living and if hat is being obstructed or discriminated. There was no any valid reason to justify such situation as all the problems if any are common to all people living in Sri Lanka.

  • 0

    Let me add the 26th – The Tamils living in colombo should go to the historically tamil areas. so we stop the tamilization of the non tamil areas

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