22 January, 2025


3rd Version Of The US Draft Resolution Is Currently In Circulation

A revised version of the US Draft Resolution is currently in circulation;

Draft resolution HRC 25   24 March 2014

Secretary of State John Kerry

Secretary of State John Kerry

25/1. Promoting reconciliation, accountability, and human rights in Sri Lanka

The Human Rights Council,

1. Reaffirming the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations,

2. Guided by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenants on Human Rights and other relevant instruments,

3. Bearing in mind General Assembly resolution 60/251 of 15 March 2006,

4. Recalling Human Rights Council resolutions 5/1, on institution-building of the Council, and 5/2, on the code of conduct for special procedures mandate holders, of 18 June 2007,

5. Recalling also Human Rights Council resolutions 19/2 of 22 March 2012 and 22/1 of 21 March 2013 on promoting reconciliation and accountability in Sri Lanka,

5 bis.   Reaffirming its commitment to the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of Sri Lanka,

6. Reaffirming that it is the responsibility of each State to ensure the full enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms of its entire population,

7. Reaffirming also that States must ensure that any measure taken to combat terrorism complies with their obligations under international law, in particular international human rights law, international refugee law and international humanitarian law, as applicable,

8.                  Recognizing the Human Rights Council’s support of Reaffirming that all Sri Lankans to are entitled to the full enjoyment of their human rights regardless of creed, faith religion, belief, or ethnicity, in a peaceful and unified land,

9.  Welcoming and acknowledging the progress made by the Government of Sri Lanka in rebuilding infrastructure, demining, and resettling the majority of internally displaced persons, but noting nonetheless that considerable work lies ahead in the areas of justice, reconciliation, land use and ownership demilitarization, the resumption of livelihoods and the restoration of normality in civilian life,  and stressing the importance of the full participation of local populations, including representatives of civil society and minorities, in these efforts,

Welcoming the announcement made by the Government of Sri Lanka that elections to the Provincial Council in the Northern Province will be held in September 2013,

10. Welcoming the successful holding of Provincial Council elections held on September 21, 2013 and in particular the high turn-out and participation in all three provinces, but noting with concern reports of election-related violence, as well as voter and candidate intimidation,

11.              Expressing appreciation for the efforts and cooperation of the Government of Sri Lanka in facilitating the visit of a technical mission from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and providing her with open access, and encouraging the Government to increase its dialogue and cooperation with the Office of the High Commissioner, and welcoming the visit of the High Commissioner to Sri Lanka in August 2013,

12.              Expressing deep concern over reported intimidation and retaliation against civil society members who engage with UN human rights mechanisms including those who met with the High Commissioner during her visit,

13. Expressing serious concern at the continuing reports of violations of human rights in Sri Lanka, including sexual and gender-based violence, enforced disappearances, extrajudicial killings, torture and violations of the rights to freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly, threats to judicial independence and the rule of law, as well as intimidation of and reprisals against human rights defenders, members of civil society, lawyers and journalists,

14.              Alarmed at the significant surge in  attacks rapid rise in violence and discrimination on the basis of religion or belief, particularly against members of religious minority groups in Sri Lanka, including Hindus, Muslims and Christians, 

15. Calling upon the Government of Sri Lanka to fulfil its public commitments, including on the devolution of political authority which is integral to reconciliation and the full enjoyment of human rights by all members of its population,

16. Taking note of the report of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission of Sri Lanka, its findings and recommendations, and acknowledging its possible contribution to the process of meaningful national reconciliation in Sri Lanka,

17. Recalling the constructive recommendations contained in the Commission’s report, including the need to credibly investigate widespread allegations of extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances, demilitarize the north of Sri Lanka, implement impartial land dispute resolution mechanisms, re-evaluate detention policies, strengthen formerly independent civil institutions, reach a political settlement on the devolution of power to the provinces, promote and protect the right of freedom of expression for all persons and enact rule of law reforms,

18. Taking note also of the national plan of action to implement the recommendations of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission of the Government of Sri Lanka and its commitments as set forth in response to the findings and recommendations of the Commission,

19. Noting Reiterating Noting that the national plan of action does not adequately address all of the findings and constructive recommendations of the Commission, and encouraging the Government of Sri Lanka to broaden the scope of the plan to adequately address all elements of the Commission report,

20. Noting Also reiterating Noting with concern that the national plan of action and the Commission’s report do not adequately address serious allegations of violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law,

21.              Emphasizing Emphasizes the importance of a comprehensive approach to transitional justice incorporating the full range of judicial and non-judicial measures, including, among others, individual prosecutions, reparations, truth-seeking, institutional reform, vetting of public employees and officials, or an appropriately conceived combination thereof, in order to, inter alia, ensure accountability, serve justice, provide remedies to victims, promote healing and reconciliation, establish independent oversight of the security system and restore confidence in the institutions of the State and promote the rule of law in accordance with international human rights law, with a view to preventing recurrence of violations and abuses

22. Underlining underlines that truth-seeking processes, such as truth and reconciliation commissions, that investigate patterns of past human rights violations and their causes and consequences are important tools that can complement judicial processes and that, when established, such mechanisms have to be designed within a specific societal context and to be founded on broad national consultations with the inclusion of victims and civil society, including non-governmental organizations,

23.              Recalling Reaffirms the responsibility of States to comply with their relevant obligations to prosecute those responsible for gross violations of human rights and serious violations of international humanitarian law constituting crimes under international law, with a view to end impunity;

24. Recallingthe High Commissioner’s conclusion that national mechanisms have consistently failed to establish the truth and achieve justice, and her recommendation that the Human Rights Council establish an international inquiry mechanism to further investigate the Noting the call made by the High Commissioner for an independent and credible international investigation into alleged violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law and monitor any domestic accountability processes,

25. Encouraging the Government to increase its dialogue and cooperation with the Office of the High Commissioner, including with regard to technical assistance,

1.         Welcomes the oral update of 25 September 2013 and the report of 24 February 2014 of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on advise and technical assistance for the Government of Sri Lanka on promoting reconciliation and accountability in Sri Lanka and the recommendations and conclusions contained therein, in particular including on the establishment of a truth-seeking mechanism and national reparations policy as an integral part of a more comprehensive and inclusive approach to transitional justice;

2.         Calls upon Encourages the Government of Sri Lanka: to implement the recommendations made in the reports of the Office of the High Commissioner, and also calls upon the Government to conduct an independent and credible investigation into allegations of violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law, as applicable; to hold accountable those responsible for such violations; to end continuing incidents of human rights violations and abuses in Sri Lanka; and to implement the recommendations made in the reports of the Office of the High Commissioner;

3.         Reiterates its call upon the Government of Sri Lanka to implement effectively the constructive recommendations made in the report of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission, and to take all necessary additional steps to fulfil its relevant legal obligations and commitment to initiate credible and independent actions to ensure justice, equity, accountability and reconciliation for all Sri Lankans;

4.         Urges the Government of Sri Lanka to investigate all alleged attacks, by individuals and groups, on temples, mosques, and churches and to take steps to prevent future attacks; and calls on the Government of Sri Lanka to investigate and hold accountable perpetrators of attacks on places of worship, journalists, human rights defenders, members of religious minority groups, and other members of civil society, as well as on temples, mosques and churches, and further urges the Government of Sri Lanka to hold perpetrators of such attacks to account and take steps to prevent such attacks in the future;

5.         Calls upon the Government of Sri Lanka to release publicly the results of its investigations into alleged violations by security forces, including the attack on unarmed protesters in Weliweriya on August 1, 2013, and the Army Court of Inquiry report of 2013;

6.         Encourages Encourages the Government of Sri Lanka to provide ensure that all Provincial Councils, including the Northern Provincial Council, and its Chief Minister with the resources and authority necessary to govern, as required by are able to operate effectively, in line with the 13th Amendment of Sri Lanka’s constitution;

7.         Welcomes the visit by the Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Internally Displaced Persons in December 2013, and to issue an invitation to the Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants; and calls upon the Government of Sri Lanka to facilitate the effective implementation of durable solutions for IDPs, including the long-term displaced

7 bis. Further welcomes the invitation to the Special Rapporteurs on the Human Rights of Migrants and the Right to Education;

7 ter. Encourages the Government of Sri Lanka to cooperate with other special procedures mandate holders and to respond formally to their outstanding requests, including long standing requests;

8.         Welcomes Takes note of the High Commissioner’s recommendations and conclusions regarding ongoing human rights violations and on the need for an independent and credible an international inquiry mechanism in the absence of a credible national process with tangible results, and requests the Office of the High Commissioner:

a) to monitor the human rights situation in Sri Lanka and continue to assess progress toward accountability and reconciliation on relevant national processes;

b)to undertake a comprehensive independent investigation into alleged serious violations and abuses ofhuman rights and related crimes by both parties in Sri Lanka, during the period covered by the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission, and establish the facts and circumstances of such alleged violations and of the crimes perpetrated with a view to avoiding impunity and ensuring accountability, with input assistance from relevant experts and special procedures special procedures mandate holders as appropriate,;

c) to present an oral update to the Human Rights Council at its twenty-seventh fourth session, and a comprehensive report followed by a discussion on the implementation of the present resolution at its twenty-eighth fifth session.

9.         Encourages the Office of the High Commissioner and relevant special procedures mandate holders to provide, in consultation with and with the concurrence of the Government of Sri Lanka, in consultation with and with the concurrence of the Government of Sri Lanka, advice and technical assistance on implementing the above-mentioned steps;

10.  Calls upon the Government of Sri Lanka to cooperate with the Office of the High Commissioner concerning the implementation of this resolution.

Related posts;

A Revised Version Of The US Draft Resolution Is Currently In Circulation

Full Text: US Draft Resolution On Sri Lanka To UNHRC Leaked

Latest comments

  • 5

    Cut that crap Kerry. you devil heres from Matthew !!!!!!!!

    “The devil can quote Scripture for his own ends” – from matthew iv.
    “The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.

    • 4


      Sinhala rulers since 1948 have shown their incapability to rule the island and its peoples harmoniously and fairly.

      Now the international community is trying to extricate the island and its peoples from carnage, mayhem and lawlessness of the rulers and their henchmen.

      The incompetent rulers and their rabid racist supporters are resisting all such international efforts to bring civility and orderly governance.

      • 1

        Lengh of duration of time of `Gooo`ta investigations!

        cMoron promised independent international

        Where is the cap even Suma is promising??

    • 0

      Cut that crap Kerry. We have first class armed forces:

      ‘’…… there is no doubt that the military continues to exercise a high degree of control over all aspects of people’s lives in the north. Reconciliation and lasting peace are made harder as a result’’ – The Forever War?: Military Control in Sri Lanka’s North, International Crisis Group, 25 March 2014,

  • 16

    The resolution seems to be getting stronger, I expected it to get weaker.

    • 9

      It should be without making any harm on the nation. All what we need is MR to stand if crimes carried out during his tenure. Alleged war crimes and crimes against humnity during the post war period inclu. today should be investigated. His is very suspectful than any other leaders that the country produced since independence. That is it. Just babbling and making every efforts to decieve the vulnerable will boomerang as a curse on him. That is for sure. Now to this day, he has looted poor mans funds sending them life struggle for survival today. It is said over 90% of the credits taken by chinese and other banks are abused by oligarchs of Rajapakshes. JvpERS have proved them on tv programs lately.

      • 9

        Absolutely right. The world must give the massage to all SL that this is not against the Lankans but only against the despotic rulers.

        ‘JVPers have proved them on tv programs lately’.

        I am so glad to watch that Anura Kumara beautifully criticizing MaRa lately where RW & the UNP failed.
        MaRa & his Regime members providing dozens of oppotunities on daily basis for the opposition to grill this regime day in and day out. UNP doesnt make use of those oppotunities. If AKD speaks for 10 minites he can get few 100 floating votes for the JVP.

        • 3

          He is no doubt a great son of mother lanka.
          I respect the way he has been. So do many.. increasing masses. Durng my days at Pera (late 80ties), I trully saying did not like JVPers being that different to AKD. But when listening to AKD´s info density, none of today´s leaders are capable to do the job as he does. It is a great talent. He is like a machine sending a meaningful words like x ray goes through solid matrix.

        • 2


          The same JVP worked relentlessly to bring MARA the rogue to power. At that time their only wish was to topple UNP and bring someone else to power. Now they are trying desperately to change MARA’s rule and install whom? They don’t know what to do. They know they cannot come to power. So they are just throwing words in every direction known to man. Do you know what their economic system is-whether left right middle socialism capitalism etc., how are they going to manage the economy of the country, how would they manage everything governmental economic etc vis a vis the international. Do you think the turmoiled and poverty stricken Russia, Cuba or China would be partners with us? Don’t just write rubbish though they appeal to your limited understanding.

          • 2

            Well Silva, This is what exactly I said today elsewhere in CT that the JVP’s administrative capabilities is questionable.
            All I am saying is that AKD is a brilliant speaker who could pull people towards the JVP where UNP is failing miserably.

            JVP so far didn’t criticize Mara to a great extent just because they know that UNP will be benefited by doing so. AKD began bashing Mara just recently, which is anyway a good sign. I even doubt that this same JVP may join Mara again if or when they feel that UNP is getting stronger.

            Had it not for the JVP, Mara would be doing some boring ‘Bappa or Mahappa’ characters in useless mediocre Tele-Dramas shown in the Rupavahini/ITN.

            • 2

              Pandu – I am totally with you. Well said.

    • 4

      The changes reflect the ability and efficiency of Sri Lankan diplomacy. Within the country the govt can manipulate by sending the goons but it does not work in the international theater.

    • 0

      That could have become weaker, had the govt appointed good men to argue with them. Unfortunately, this time, as you saw it, it was notthe case. DJ, TK, Rajiva W and several others one guess should have higher potential in arguing in lanken context are out of the closeness of MR. MR is good for street mongering, such a man to lead this nation is a great joke acutaly, but it is the democrazy made him like that. Immediately after the war is over, he could take several good steps if the leader was a visionary one. By giving more power to the 17AMD he could establish crime investigations properly. In a country, demining the soils is equally important as weapon free from the civil folks. He also had to go through a screening of the army deserters and former army men – becuase today they have been the ones who to have initiate all kind of crimes. Key problems lie on lack of proper handling by the respective ministries. Now 5 years are gone, since the war is over, they are on boasting mode to tell the naive masses about the progress made, but that is not even 1% for the IC. IC is not guilible as the locals have been. Locals that never saw highways are suprised by seeing the physical infrastructure projects, but they have no brains to see, that the govt has paid a high price to allow them, by making each of going to be born children 0,2mio debtor; in the same time, grabbing over 30%- 50% to their pockets. They the authoriteis in justice depts have no provision in the prevailing law of constituaiton to examin them. This is the reason why the collosal sums have gone to waters, without the knowledge of those poor gaping folks that know nothing beyond what MR has been sprouting to them.

    • 0

      Slightly stronger in some and much weaker in some others:

      ”10. Welcoming the successful holding of Provincial Council elections held on September 21, 2013 and in particular the high turn-out and participation in all three provinces, but noting with concern reports of election-related violence, as well as voter and candidate intimidation,”

      Hon Kerry

      The elections were held just before CHOGM to entice attendance of CHOGs. The elected body remains a dummy with the Governor and PTF still holding the reins. This clause should have additional statement to press GoSL to let the elected body have its constitutional power.

      Does this resolution believe that ”Democracy is holding elections”?

      This clause 10 in the resolution certainy proves:
      Paradise Poisoned: Learning about Conflict, Terrorism and Development from Sri Lanka ‘s Civil wars, John Richardson(2005), Professor of International Development in American University: ‘’Paradise Poisoned is the principal product of a seventeen year project, devoted to understanding linkages between deadly conflict, terrorism and development, by viewing them through the lens of Sri Lanka’s post-independence history, from 1948 through 1988. ….. ‘How could we have come to this? What could we have done to prevent the conflict that has killed our family members and friends, devastated our lives, destroyed what was being so painstakingly developed? What can we learn and share from our experiences that may help others to avoid following a similar path? The ‘we’ of these questions are, principally, political leaders and citizens of the nations, from Angola to Zaire, that have been victimised by civil war. There is another group of individuals, too, who must continue to pose questions about the causes and prevention of civil wars. Foreign political leaders, multilateral and non-governmental organisation leaders, leaders in the private sector and development practitioners share in the responsibility for causing civil wars, though they bear few of the costs.”

  • 7

    These UN Resolutions are turning out to be a Joke. Why is America not questioning and taking to task Shavendra Silva, Gota, Basil and the lot? Who are they trying to Bluff?

    • 1

      This question I myself asked several times, But failed to find out why.
      Even today, I am helpless thinking about that. They want go against, but I dont think that is goign to be that strong. It can just be an another trick to show the world, the US did what the could.

    • 1

      @Gamini, Shavendra has diplomatic immunity, Period.

      Gota and Basil are US citizens and US has full jurisdiction over them including the judicial system.
      That was why Tamils For Justice was founded in 2007.

      Since then no Tamil has not taken any legal action against them. That includes the Prime Minister Rudrakumar, TGTE, 134 cyber MP’s, 12 cyber Senators, GTF, BTF, USTPAC, TAPI, CTC et al.

      Tamils need to figure this out without running around like “Headless Chicken”. Tamils have enough American attorneys in their team who have the experience and expertise. This is the mystery. It is sad!

      UNHRC is a very long process.

      Donald Gnanakone
      Tamils For Justice.

      • 1

        DG – ‘Tamils have enough American attorneys in their team who have the experience and expertise’
        Well, and what are they doing then? Scrapping coconut un the USA while their own brothers and sisters suffering in the north living a misarable life with fear on daily basis.

        I agree with Gamini, Why the USA cant question Gota and Basil.
        Basil, Gota (and Dudley the younger sibling) are US citizens. So where is the justice?
        the whole process is so slow, sickening and utterly confusing.

        My simple question is why U.S. allow two of its citizen to carry out criminal activies.

      • 2

        Donald ,

        in the early part of Shavendra’s UN tenure , he unilaterally declared that he was ready to face any challenges without any diplomatic immunity , but when the real drama was about to commenced (upon receiving the summons) , he had to change his “chandi talks” and resort to seek some legal advice , of course now he enjoys the full diplomatic immunity as any other UN diplomatic does.

        as for other US residents , its a great mystery why US hesitant to take any actions against any of their own citizen , perhaps you can shed some light on the issue Donald !

      • 3

        What happened to the nannygate Indian Diplomat- she has run away and will never visit US.

        flight Captain Donald you never even guessed MH 370 that went zig zag evading radar is at present???

        It’s never one sided like that but a catch 22

        Estate Tamils can live and do live among themselves as long as they are supressed by the JT’s and Sihala.
        The JT’s cannot live among themselves and the internecine wars proved that without any doubt.
        The international community or great neighbour India will never let a division of the Island.
        You lost the romance but can’t divorce like Catherina first wife of Henry V111
        What do you do minority???

        The US as usual is training the forces to wage war against the russians and Indians- the cannon fodder.

        2 million Indians lost their lives fighting for the British Raj and what did Roosvelt the winner do but partitioned it for a future to catch of Russia. Putin is on a 5 year high popularity and has threatned to use the mother of all weapons. While US/UK want Merkel to foot the bill over again by enlargement as Bush and Blair did GW2.
        US just about belch fart and kill kill and kill.

      • 2


        Shavendra Silva is the main man responsible for the massacre of the surrenderees under Gota’s orders, again from a power higher than Gota, that is why SF came out with the truth but had to retract due to pressure. Shavendra was whisked away to the UN by the Americans and created a post that was non existent. What immunity? The Americans are playing a cat and mouse game with the Rajapaksas.

        • 0


          You say……again from a power higher than Gota,

          Who is this power higher than Gota…

          You also say……..Shavendra was whisked away to the UN by the Americans and created a post that was non existent. What immunity? The Americans are playing a cat and mouse game with the Rajapaksas.

          Give us some heads up. Be realistic.

          If you remember Israel was involved throughout the war and two days before CHOGM a group of Israels landed in Sri Lanka…..for what…..

          Guess who…….

          You know

    • 1


      Eventually America will slowly tie the noose on all of them.
      UNHRC resolution is just the beginning.
      Rajapakses are playing with fire.
      Unless they guard their tongues, they will face the same fate as VP.

  • 5

    This resolution is getting diluted on a daily basis. A lot of UNHRC member countries are now realizing the true story of Sri Lanka. This is being diluted hoping it will have less opposition. Possibly India is behind this!

    • 4

      clutching at straws are we off the cuff?

  • 1

    Importantly missing is the Demilitarization of North and East and a strongly worded order to give cooperation for the NPC to function effectively, without any more hurdles. MR will not implement anything, even if he wanted to, due to other extremist forces around him. GoSL will not budge but adamantly do everything against or do nothing and wait for the consequences.
    These racists will never learn anything civil or sensible. This nation and poor people are going to face tremendous problems. That’s the sad reality !

    • 0

      “This nation and poor people are going to face tremendous problems. That’s the sad reality !”

      The nation and its people never fought for independence but hid in Tamil Nadu Lungi and the same was repeated by Somawanse et al.

      Freedom never comes on a feather bed but is plucked.

      The freedom fighters of India did not just fast but the brave slept across railway lines stopping the passage of goods which was the biggest hurdle that the British Raj faced not folk eating salt or fasting.

      lazy buggers want everything for free and have excuses for almost everything under the sun.

  • 1

    TODAY I WENT TO MONITOR SRILANKA PROTEST IN GENEVA A FREIND OF MINE SAIS EURO 50000 WAS SPEND THIS PROTEST MONEY WAS PROVIDED TO ERIC IN GENEVA SOME ITAly youth try to hamme makawita and anura madegedara but president camaramen sudath wasnot their

  • 0

    Supporters of Rajapaksas are as crooked just like the honchoes themselves. They say one thing but act in complete antithetical manner in a very strange pattern of behavior.

    They say they are patriotic. If that is the case you’d expect them to rallying against Rajapaksas for offering the country to the international tribunals on a silver platter like this. But they don’t.

    They say they love their soldiers. If so they should probably demand that Rajapaksa stop his stupid macho acting and start engaging with the powerful nations who are about to wipe their butts with them. But they don’t.

    If they had any feelings towards their fellow citizens they’d insist that Rajapaksas stop harassing their neighbor and brother. But they don’t.

    INSTEAD, THEY ARE JUST ADDICTED TO THE FREE-BEES THROWN THEIR WAY, LIKE DRUG ADDICTS. As long as Rajapaksas are in power they’ll get their free-bees and that is all they care about.

    They want their all paid trip to Geneva, New York or Beijing. They want their no-bid contracts to pave some road or just get some concrete poured on to the footpath to their homes. Heck, some would be completely happy just to get a small fee for posting some “patriotic drivel” on the Internet. As long as they keep getting their fix, who gives a damn about the country, its citizens or the armed forces, right?

    Alas, the true picture of what the Sinhala Buddhists are really like is about to come to light. A 2500 year pretense is about to end. When the brutality of the Southern boys are excruciatingly detailed in a UN Report that is going to trump Mahavansa anytime any day. You will no longer be able to relate fairytale existence of a gentle, but brave and strong race, living in a tropical island, that follows a gentle religion called Buddhism, and drink a lot of tea.

    No siree! I don’t know if this has dawned on the people yet but the very nature of what it means to be a Sinhalese is about to change, forever. All thanks to Mervyn Silva like antics by Mahinda Rajapaksa at the International stage. Did he think he could stand at the UN podium in New York, insult the USA and not get beitch-slapped by the big guy? Some people learn their place in the world instinctively. Others learn it the hard way.

    Hope those who are living outside of Sri Lanka will get used to the idea of apologizing on behalf of your “Heroes” so that you yourself will not be look at as some barbarian who might at any moment be overtaken by that savage instinct and go ape-sheit on the whole building.

    I bet you didn’t realize it was all crooked when Mahinda Rajapaksa said “Subha Anagathayak”, did you?

  • 5

    All Sri Lankans should welcome this resolution because it is an opportunity to bring back the rule of law, and justice to all the civilians who are denied the right to live, right to freedom, right to equal rights irrespective of whether you are a King or a poor.

    • 1

      All Sri lankans should not be that stupid to support this. Why? No foreign entity should interfere with Sri lanka’s internal affairs. MR corruption should be taken cared at the elèctîon.

      • 1

        All Sri lankans should not be that stupid
        to support this. MRpassa corruption should be
        taken cared at the elèctîon..~゜・_・゜~ 

        .◕.◕.◕.Spots and dots; Three-toed sloth”!

        Something Wrong Inside. (SRI)


  • 3

    Resolution getting WEAKER and WEAKER.

    NO international investigation. So SL govt. has to do an investigation. Fantastic.

    NO referendum for Tamil people. [Edited out]

    Special emphasis on NPC DELETED! [Edited out]

    Tamils LOST again. USA is fooling Tamilians. Anyone can fool Tamilians.

  • 3


    This is a slap on the face of Tamilian losers.

    Why is USA going backwards? Difficult to pass it? Isn’t it?

    Further water it down.

    Tamils can get back to weeping and howling.

    • 1

      Okay you can stop grunting for your daily meal now. What an inbred you are Fatshitterma. Really what are you Fathima? You don’t sound like a normal human being. Your mother must have dumbed you inside a garbage soon after giving birth to you. Were you raised up by a dog?

  • 0

    There is nothing harsh about this Resolution for immediate attention by Sri Lanka. This 3rd. resolution is meant to see in what direction the Government machinery will move or change from the post war victorious mode to allowing the NPC to take over Administration. It is still up to the Govt. of Sri Lanka either to round up the Tamils for another round of Terrorism or follow the advice of the UNHRC and bring civilian rule back to the Tamils. From the Sri Lankan perspective it is obvious nothing good for Tamils will ever be done by this Govt.

  • 4

    All decent Sri Lankans should welcome this resolution. Only this resolution will establish good governance in this country. This is the last chance for the Lankans to stop this country becoming a full blown pariah state.

  • 0

    Mondays in shock

  • 3

    First they should tell Sinha-lame military to gtfo of the Northern Province. And give the lands back to the Tamils which was swindled by the Goatbaiya Jarapassa. Let the Tamils live peacefully.

  • 1

    Keep firing more drafts mate.

    Our inhabitants want at least one more to come next year. because they have more important business to tie up, like the Parliamentary and the Pesidential Elections.

    It will ensure Uncle Mahinda’s protection for them till 2021..

    Even the JVP endorses this view.

    And this is despite being the current buddy and coalition partner of the American and British Stooges Party’

    (Didn’t realize ABSP sounds cool . and may help to hoodwink a few villagers too, long as they just use the abbreviation in place of the worn out UNP).

    • 0

      ” one more to come next year. “

      Next year there wont be an India to vote and US would have its final.

      You could save the kappan and take a holiday to cuba with one of those govi birds Why not??

  • 2

    GL Peiris is a Lawyer and not a DIPLOMAT. There’s a big difference between two.

    Both Luxman Kadirgamar and Sumanthiran have both qualifications and Diplomatic talent.

    GLP talks, behaves and acts like a Moron similar to his Big Boss. This is purely false pride.

    We need highly experienced and senior Diplomats to send to UNHRC like Dr.Dayan, Jayantha Danapala and Tamara.

    Learn from India.

    MR Missed the boat.

    • 1

      You are right, but MR administration have marginalised those 3 long back. That alone says the pragamatic nature of MR.

      No more words needed to discuss about the wisdom of Mahinda Jahrapakshe

    • 1

      Prof. GLP is not a Lawyer but an academic in the field of Law. He is theoretical in his approach and does not know the art of negotiation where conflict resolution at international level matters.

  • 2

    (Lanka-e-News-24.March.2014, 2.30PM)

    Rajapakse modus operandi to resurrect ‘LTTE’ revealed -full details herein

    With the resolution to be tabled at the Geneva human rights (HR) conference and the elections for western south provincial council (PC) in the offing , as part of its new evil publicity campaign of resurrecting the ‘LTTE’ for the most obnoxious and selfish reasons, the Rajapakse regime by laying siege to a village at Vaddukodai yesterday at dawn at about 1.00 a.m. arrested over 200 Tamils

    The army , STF of the army , army investigation intelligence unit , Jaffna Army commanding Corps , and a group of about 500 policemen participated in this raid. Among those arrested were men , women and children. 179 of them had been detained by the police, while the remaining victims of arrest have been taken away by the army and the army intelligence division .However it is not known where they have been taken.

    The government is trying to justify these arrests on the information elicited following the arrest of 35 years old Karuppan Manikanathan (ID No. 792324690) whose native place is Vaddukoddai. It can be inferred what unholy haste the government was in to revive the LTTE by this raid conducted by the police and army based on the arrest of these 200 individuals on the very mid night of 22 nd, just a few hours after the arrest of Manikanathan on 22nd evening.

    The next move of the Rajapakse regime is to announce the deputy leader of the LTTE was among those arrested . The name of deputy leader of the LTTE the government is trying to revive is , Manikkal Kanthan alias Kanthanalayan. The government is seeking to claim that 9 others along with him have been taken into custody , and they are being interrogated by the Terrorist investigation division (TID) , and the name of Manikkal Kanthan is to be announced as the deputy leader. Based on this obnoxious campaign it is to be announced that this LTTE deputy leader is revealing as follows :

    ‘The LTTE is still in operation clandestinely in Pudukudi Iruppu , Jaffna, Vavuniya , Manipay , and Seelawatura divisions , and the Tamil Diaspora is even now supplying weapons to them which are kept hidden in the jungles.’

    The Deputy leader is to announce his leader as Gobi.

    Already the weapons that are supposedly discovered in the jungles are already kept hidden in the jungles by the forces. This had been done some days ago by the Jaffna town and security post commanding officer Major R C D Pathirana on the instructions of Gotabaya Rajapakse. This officer had already using a double cab No. army 5081 belonging to the army had hidden these weapons and bombs in the jungles of Kilinochchi , Nallur and other divisions.

    According to reports this officer had hidden 30 claymore bombs in the jungle. Employing other officers he has also hidden some more weapons , it is believed. The District crime investigation Bureau (DCIB) of the State intelligence services (SIS) has transmitted this secret information to the State intelligence services (SIS) headquarters. Lanka e news which is always first with the news , investigative and otherwise ,and best with the views has in its possession all this transmitted information.

    By now through the regime’s lickspittle and police media spokesman who ‘created’ an individual “Kanagetta’ as a suspect in the Museum sword robbery , has labeled 31 years old Ponniah Selvanayagam Gajeeban Gobi alias Kasiyan as the new LTTE leader , according to yesterday’s police communiqué .

    ”Ponniah Selvanayagam Gajeeban alias Gobi who is entrusted with resurrecting the LTTE Organization as its leader after Prabhakaran is a heavy vehicle driver.

    During the last phase of the war after surrendering to the government forces , he was at Poonthottam camp , and escaped to Qatar for employment , and from there toured Europe . He met Perimpanayagam Sivabaran alias Nidiyavan in Norway who called himself as the leader of the Diaspora . After securing advice from him returned to Sri Lanka .Gajeeban obtained training under LTTE leader of the informants Shanmugalingam Shvashankar alias Pottu Amman .

    When the unarmed police constable went to arrest him in the house of widow Musalampokkanai Jayakumari Balendran (50years old) on 13 th March , Gajeeban who was hiding under the bed shot the cop in the stomach and feet , and made good his escape from the house.

    The victim of the attack, Ratnakumara (PC) was hospitalized. The TID was in receipt of information that Gobi was hiding in that house.”

    The shooting took place on the 13 th , and the communiqué that he is wanted was issued two days earlier on the 11 th. The communiqué states thus :

    ”The suspect whose photograph appears below is wanted in connection with the on going investigations undertaken by the TID. His full name is : Gajeeban Ponniah Selvanyagama alias Gobi
    Age : 31 years
    Height : six feet
    Appearance : fair complexion . Above the left upper lip there is a scar due to a cut wound.”

    Despite mention being made of the police officer who was shot, the story related by the regime is contradictory.

    Though it is alleged that the police officer was shot and injured on the 13 th , no official communiqué in that regard has been issued . However on the 14th in the government official newspaper , Dinamina it was published under its regional news in a small report that a sub inspector was shot at . The name of the officer is not mentioned , and the area where the incident took place is stated as Iranamadu.

    Until yesterday the government has not clearly revealed who this victim of the shooting is and not even released a photograph of that officer to the media. Nevertheless , the police say , this officer went unarmed to arrest a terrorist suspect.

    In any event the story related by Vibushikka 13 years old daughter of widow Jeyakumari is entirely different. According to her , when Vibushikka
    after having lunch at about 3.30 pm was at the door a stranger wearing maroon color T shirt and black trouser carrying a back pack stormed into the house saying “if you shout I will strangle your neck”.

    Both mother and daughter had come out of the house shouting for help.

    Just at that time 4 to 5 men in uniforms have entered through the gate when the women have told these persons that there is a stranger inside. One of the uniformed men went inside and after a while they heard a gun shot. The uniformed man came outside with the stranger without any injury and without any apparent anxiety and unperturbed .

    Thereafter the other 2 uniformed persons also went inside. Only at that time both women became aware that a large contingent of armed army and police personnel had surrounded their house.

    Thereafter both women were taken to the adjoining land but before that the mother was permitted to lock the house. Only then that they realized that the house had been ransacked and the entire contents of almirahs and cupboards including jewelry boxes strewn on the ground.

    The uniformed men forcibly had taken 3 savings bank books, the identity card and 2 mobile phones from the women.

    Out on the adjoining land the mother was intimidated to give some information which the mother had said she did not know.She was abused, insulted and assaulted by the uniformed personnel and they were taken by army jeep.

    There were no women police or women army personnel to accompany the two women and were taken to the Kilinochchi police station where they were interrogated. They were not given any refreshment or food for the night.

    At about 11o’clock the mother and daughter had been chained by one and the same hand cuff. The child was threatened several times to reveal the truth and the mother was attacked with the boots on. Mother was also held by the hair and hit on the face.The daughter fell a sleep at 1.00 am but interrogation of the mother continued till morning.

    At about 8.00 am the daughter was separated from the mother and was questioned individually.At about 1 .00 pm they were taken to Vavuniya judicial medical officer. The JMO had asked questions in a most threatening manner and they were warned to tell the truth. Then , they were taken back to Vavuniya police and were made to sign some papers.

    At around 7.00 pm they were taken to Kilinochchi and produced before the Kilinochchi acting Magistrate at about 10 .00 pm.

    Thereafter the mother was permitted to be taken to Vavuniya TID and the daughter was handed over to the Probation department with the direction that she be admitted to Kilinochchi Hospital, and be produced before the Magistrate court of Kilinochchi on 17. 03. 2014.

    On 17. 03.2014 the court handed over the custody of the daughter to a children’s home. The mother is reported to be in the custody of TID at Boosa detention Camp.

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      Most probably
      No man at the UNHRC would ask your question because they all do it!
      If they do like you he would have the photos doctored.

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