19 January, 2025


A Case Of Blatant Abuse In Recruitment At Jaffna University

By Rajan Hoole

Dr. Rajan Hoole

Dear Reader,

We give below a case of blatant abuse in recruitment to the Department of Financial Management, Jaffna. The case given here is that of Mithila Gowthaman, who is outstanding by any objective measure. Those in authority seem determined to go to extraordinary lengths to keep her out.

Reconstruction and renewal of institutions in the war-torn North was a major theme that was on the lips of those who wanted it to regain some of its old glory in education. The University of Jaffna was isolated during the war and a few individuals had a free hand in awarding academic positions to their favourites, irrespective of merit. It was a major threat to the integrity of the University. Without a functioning university worth its name, the North was condemned to remain an intellectual desert.

In a bid to check this, the Jaffna University Science Teachers’ Association compiled cases of many abuses with evidence drawn largely from Council Minutes. As mentioned in the Appeal, the compiled volume was given to the Council, to the present and former UGC Chairmen and at least two ministers in charge of Higher Education. This effort was snubbed.

One of the faculties where abuse abounded was the Faculty of Management, which presently has the case of Ravivathani dragging on in the Supreme Court.

The fact that these abuses are allowed to continue with impunity is a measure of the step-motherly treatment the University of Jaffna receives from the authorities in Colombo as well as from our own Parliamentary representatives. It shows that they are comfortable with the rot that has been allowed to set in, which acts as a foolproof precedent to those determined to abuse authority.

Please take up this matter with any of your contacts who could have a benign impact on the state of the University.

Attached also is the letter (click here to read the letter) from the Head of Department, whose courage in her decision to stand up speaks for itself.

Please click here to read the CV of the candidate. The candidate’s photograph and contact details have been removed from the CV. 

Yours sincerely,

Rajan Hoole

Latest comments

  • 4

    Demalu did well when they were working under British colonial parasites. After British left they messed up everything and ruined this country. If they get more power God knows what will happen.

    • 4

      I feel that you are more blur eyed than eagle eye.
      The primary cause of underdevelopment of Sri Lanka is caste ad creed politics. British left our shores soon after 1948 and we are still harping on Demalu, Thambi, Lansi etc..Allow me to remind you that Sinhala only
      panatha by opportunist politician SWRDB was the first dose of injection bearing caste and creed, a curse that all us Sri Lankans are paying through our mouth and a–e. You who wrote this comment is a classic example of that.

    • 3

      Eagle Blind Eye

      “Demalu did well when they were working under British colonial parasites.”

      Who authoritatively say so with evidence?

      Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.

      Aren’t you going against what Buddha said simply because you can’t see all three?

    • 1

      Eagle Eye:

      Are you saying that SL had a leadership prior to independence?

    • 0

      Eagle Eye: Your comment ~ “…..After British left they (Demalu) messed up everything and ruined this country……..”.
      We knew your eye-sight is bad but your bird-brain has shrunk!

  • 4

    Dear Professor Hoole,

    Your information is correct. The candidates CV shows that her qualifications are outstanding.

    I am an academic working in the same subject area in a developed country university. I have several times applied to academic positions in Sri Lankan Universities. But my applications were never shortlisted.

    They do not screen applications based on objective measures. But the entire recruitment process is based on subjective measures. They generally earmark the respective candidate that they want to give the job. Thereafter, they conduct the interview to officially appoint the relevant person.

    The VCs in Sri Lankan universities will be the chairpersons of the interview boards. But they keep their mouth shut at the interview board.

    • 3

      Dear Professor Sunil Dahanayake,

      Thanks for your comment. I am sorry to hear that you were not shortlisted for the positions that you had applied for at SL universities. At Jaffna University, Dr Siddharathan Maunaguru was not shortlisted for a lecturer position in Sociology some years ago although he had a 1st class pass in the BA special degree (Sociology) and a PhD in Anthropology from John Hopkins University. One feels very sad and angry when they hear about these blatant violations which higher authorities like the University Councils and UGC take no notice of.

  • 3

    Dr (Mrs) Yogendrarajah, Dr Rajan Hoole and JUSTA,

    Thank you for drawing our attention to the problem. I sincerely other Heads of Departments and lecturers will fearlessly speak up against abuse that happens at their Departments not just at the University of Jaffna but at other places as well.

    Dear Readers,

    A candidate I know of has sent an application for a Senior Lecturer position in Political Science at one of the universities in the country. She has an Honours degree in Agriculture Science from a university abroad. Later on she obtained a PhD in Political Science from a university in the UK. A group within the University that advertised the Senior Lecturer position in Political Science is of the view that she cannot be shortlisted for the above position because her first degree is in Agriculture Science. The Scheme of Recruitment states very clearly that a candidate with a first degree in a non-relevant subject is eligible for a Senior Lecturer position in a non-Medical/Dental subject as long as the candidate has a PhD in the relevant field (note the language: they say “field,” not “subject”).

    Please read pages 1 and 2 of this PDF and advise me on this matter: http://www.sjp.ac.lk/wp/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Lecturer-Probationary-Non-Medical-Dental-Handout.pdf

    What should the candidate do if she is not shortlisted (meaning not being called for interviews) for the above position? (To be continued)

    • 4

      Yours is a question that has been asked for some time without any answer being given.
      The question should be how to select a capable scholar. It was not a problem when the selectors were scholars who could readily identify a scholar. Present academics have lost that ability because they are in general not scholars, and most of them are unable to think through issues. I think the person you describe is more likely to be able to think through issues because of his wider exposure.
      Take the proposed selection scheme for probationary lecturer, the kind of scheme followed in most universities:
      First Degree (Special) 1st Class – 50, 2nd Upper – 40, 2nd Lower – 30, Others – 10
      Awards for academic merit and excellence: 01 mark per award, Max. 5 marks
      Relevant Postgraduate Qualifications: Master degree with 2 Years Research – 10, duration of 18 months – 06, duration of 1 Year – 03 Max.10 marks
      Research Publications (Max -10 marks)
      Subject knowledge in relation to academic requirements of the Dept. Max.10 marks
      Extra-Curricular Activities Max.05 marks
      Teaching ability & Communication Max. 10 marks

      Starting from the first degree things can look dubious, when marks are awarded almost wholly for repeating lecture notes and tutorials. That covers 50 marks, the rest are subjective, irrelevant or unfair. Hardly any of them pertain to a scholar. After people are recruited this way for several years, when they see a scholar they become afraid.
      They are bound to recruit people less original and less scholarly than themselves. They in turn become the bigwigs of the UGC. What hope is there for this system unless a clean break is made?
      Just think, can a scholar come up with a selection scheme like the one described?

      • 4

        Dear Dr Rajan Hoole,

        Thanks for your response. Let me elaborate on the case I mentioned above.
        The candidate has a B.Sc degree in Agri. Science (an Honours degree) and a PhD in Political Science. The position advertised is in Political Science.

        According to the Recruitment Scheme I shared above, the candidate is eligible for a probationary position under category 3 (because she has an Honours degree in a non-relevant subject + PhD in the relevant field). But still eligible. The guidelines that govern recruitment of Senior Lecturers state that candidates should meet the requirements specified for probationary positions (Note: the document DOES NOT say that Senior Lecturer candidates should meet the requirements given under category 1 and 2) + postgraduate qualification (either a Master’s degree or a Doctorate) + six years experience. The candidate applied for the position in Pol.Science has a PhD and six years experience. This might make one think that the candidate should do another MA or PhD in the relevant subject to become eligible for the senior lecturer position. But that is not the case because the note below says the following: An applicant who qualifies only under (3) of the qualifications for Lecturer (Probationary) may be exempted from
        (2)(i) above if he/she has a Doctoral Degree in the relevant field

        Now readers, can you please tell us if the applicant for the Political Science position is eligible or not?

        I hear the HoD Political Science is firm that the candidate is eligible. But a group of unruly lecturers who are academically unsound are hell-bent on keeping this political science candidate out.

        • 1

          I consulted a colleague whom I consider most knowledgeable in the system. He said there is a problem, which could be overcome if the candidate had done a conversion master’s and got good credits. The alternative would be to show research or writings covering significant areas of the subject, so as to be able to teach undergraduates. I suppose the candidate concerned has what is needed.

          Sometimes the reasons could be nonsensical as in Jaffna’s refusal to consider Siddharthan Maunaguru for Sociology. His first degree was in Sociology and his PhD from Johns Hopkins in Anthropology – a subject barely different from Sociology and in Jaffna itself Anthropology comes under the Sociology Dept. He had been shortlisted by the SAR, but the VC then got the SAR to drop him. This is how SARs sometimes become inordinately powerful. The true reason seems to be that the former VC had something against the candidate’s parents.

          • 2

            Ranjan Hoole: You incinerated your ‘efforts’ in the last sentence ~ “The true reason seems to be that the former VC had something against the candidate’s parents.”
            Do you have to resort to such speculations?

            • 2

              Just to add to Pillai’s apt concern on speculative nature of Ranjan’s argument – “I suppose the candidate concerned has what is needed” is hardly convincing!

            • 1

              Some of these charges have to do with a defeated agenda.
              It is hard for the accused, individuals as well as institutions, to respond without violating their codes of conduct.
              There are fora where charges can be dealt with properly— like the USAB which several people use, some at the drop of a hat.
              The USAB is not under the influence of any VC, and filing action will at least bring relevant facts to light.
              One cam, however, throw mud at the USAB after losing the case, but that is another matter, and there are media that relish it.

          • 1

            The old view was that a person with a good degree has had the intellectual training to think through any problem. Thus people of proven ability were recruited into the Civil Service where their tasks spanned a variety of disciplines. The task of academic recruitment is to pick out scholars. When a person has proved his or her ability by mastering and dealing competently with a variety of disciplines, subject knowledge (as our selection schemes call it) is not very important.
            A person who has, say, followed an undergraduate degree in history is not necessarily qualified to teach history better than one who had taught himself and applied his mind critically.
            The selectors owe it as a duty to keep this uppermost in their mind.

            • 2


              You don’t get to single handedly decide the criteria and the weightings. There is a good reason for establishing selection committees, criteria and guidelines. Certainly ongoing feedback, inputs, discourse and revisions are part of the process – but not single handedly making or breaking established process.

              If as you say subject knowledge is not very important, was it correct for Jeevan to claim the “super DSc” qualification as the singular factor to legitimize his eligibility above all others? You cannot have the cake and eat it also! . .

              • 1

                There was and still is lobbying going on at various levels, including the gutter press.
                From what I have seen recently, strangely not on CT, it seems all right for some operators, but not for others, to run behind shady politicians to get some individuals into university councils.
                Some trade union officials are more rotten than politicians and act as puppets of a coterie (to say mafia may be a little too strong) merely to serve vested interests.
                All university selection committees for permanent academic posts have Senate and Council nominees as well as UGC nominees for some.
                When some do not have a selection committee of their choice they scream “Foul”.
                Members of selection committees record their dissent when they strongly disagree with a decision.
                I do not like to get personal. However, I can assure you that there is more than meets the eye in some of these pleas for ‘fairplay’.

                • 1


                  While these righteous “fair play” activists scrape the barrel to authenticate self-interests, can some one confirm that Jeevan’s appointment for the Elections council was based on the “best qualified applicant for the job” basis and not as an obligatory personal favour by MR to find a parking space so as to shut-out disgruntled whining.

  • 4

    now Tamil people of Tamil Eelam do not have a leadership since their national leader Velupillai Pirabakaran was inhumnly killed by Genocidal Sri Lankan army. Tamil people without clear guidence of their leader is wasting time on useless things.

    • 2

      lassy upsala

      I understand your sarcasm.
      Now tell us what your national leader Velupillai Pirabakaran has got to do with higher education?

      Please note the Bata brigade was made to believe education over fifth grade was unnecessary for Eelam national liberation.

  • 0

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  • 1

    Jaffna University has to protect Tamil culture too. The university has that responsibility. SO, I think Rajan Hoole is wrong. He is not saying what is really going on. More than the Casteism, there is a christian attack on Hindu culture. I have seen in one occasion, in a university in the west, they did not here the well qualified outside candidate from a different university and a work place, instead they hired a candidate how had the same education but the resume was useless, In their that happened in order to protect their OLD BOYS club type of culture. IF they hired a highly qualified guys existing people would not get promotions to be the head of the deaprtment etc.,

  • 2

    IT looks Rajan Hoole is dishoenst here. He does not say what this abuses are. IT looks definitely the protestant Struggle to dominate ther Hindu culture. I think Sri lankan universities, unless the JAffna university has specific set of rules, can here graduates without a class as untrained lecturers. Sri lankan universities ar enot engaged in research that are published in peer reviewed journals. IT is only the reading of the lecture note copied from some text book. then why do we need this much of uproar and qualifications. IT looks a protestnat was not hired to head the department or an unemployed protestant who could not find a job in the west, because her/his PhD was useless there, wanted to come to Jaffna . that would be the reasoning.

    • 3

      Jaffna university is always reluctant to accept the best graduates from other universities. If they are appointed, then they abuse them in public without any evidence.

  • 6


    If what Sunil Dahanayake wrote is true, then the selection issue at Srilankan universitiesseem to be a more generalized problem, not contained to Jaffna. Perhaps it is more acute in the North given the history and circumstances, but it seems imprudent to conclude “The University of Jaffna was isolated during the war… Without a functioning university worth its name, the North was condemned to remain an intellectual desert.” That assertion implies a political motivation intent on depriving Jaffna of its due education.

    Such narrowly aimed accusations, if false, and especially when made by an academic well trained in research methodology to identify and isolate causality, could end up being distractive and thus counterproductive in resolving the underlying issues. One needs to be clear on whether the selection process in Jaffna is one of politically motivated blatant discrimination or if it is a more generalized case of lethargy, lack of confidence of the academic higher-ups or any other that is more universal in the cursed country. Two very different issues.

    It is also possible that you may be overly-sensitive to the issue in Jaffna on account of your sibling’s recent travails. Frankly, following Jeevan’s early articles in these columns I was way more than convinced of Jeevan’s near-unchallenged eligibility to the VC post in Jaffna, given his provable academic merits. However, tragically perhaps, as Jeevan populated the columns with articles on various social issues, obviously well outside of his training (Navalar, Katubedda, $15 driver allowance, $10 traffic ticket, “majoritarian advantage” of Jaffna Christians, etc ) I am indeed relieved the VC post escaped being compromised! I am convinced that academic merit alone would not have served the society’s need adequately or appropriately. Academic integrity, accommodative maturity, moral clarity and many more matter. And, matter very much.

    • 7

      “That assertion implies a political motivation intent on depriving Jaffna of its due education.”

      Kumar R,

      Rajan Hoole’s is a statement about the past. It accurately captures what happened at the University during the heyday of the LTTE. How does his assessment of the past imply that he wants to deprive Jaffna of its due education at present? I cant understand. Please explain.

      At Jaffna University, there are two groups that are active in keeping talent out. Though their interests are different, there are points of convergence. One group does not candidates with wider intellectual exposure mainly because of their own insecurities and fears. The other group tries to block candidates who, in their work and by their very presence, pose a challenge to the Tamil nationalist, Hindu-chauvinist, Vellala/upper-caste centric, patriarchal nature of the university and the larger Northern community. The two groups collaborate with one another as their targets are, in some cases, the same.

    • 2

      I do not think that anyone who runs after politicians to get a position for which they do not have the moral right deserves that position.
      Vested interests still keep running after politicians for lesser positions as well.

  • 1

    What is the reason? is it because of his caste, class, religion, or ethnicity? is he an ‘outsider’, or not ‘one of them’ (whatever that is)?
    Anyway, most academics have no pleasant personality, they can’t interact with people, they can be nerdy, impatient, goofy, etc, are not athletic.

  • 7

    Dr Hoole seems to be saying here that the truth is in the details. He has focussed here on the plight of a promising young Sri Lankan, Mithila Gowthaman, whose qualifications and c.v. have been given – not much more.
    I am from the South, but I have felt that we have to be concerned about a part of the country that we want to see continuing as our United Sri Lanka. I see thirteen comments displayed, and they all tend to submerge the plight of this young person in the generalisations made about issues.
    I have been reading about these day to day problems mainly since it became possible for us to know what is happening after January 2015. There are many articles focussing on the political ramifications of what is happening – what more can we do from afar? Dr Hoole has said that this is only one of many abuses, and has chosen not to bring in a host of other facts. It is now up to the UGC and the new Minister of Higher Education to go in to the details of this case to start with to see how much of what is said is true.
    I’m just one Sinhalese who will try to follow from afar, concerned, but not able to do much. I’d like to express great gratitude to Dr Hoole who in his retirement keeps reminding us that there are so many young people who continue to strive. This lady Mithila still has sufficient trust in our systems of Justice to keep fighting her case in the Supreme Court, and I’m grateful that she’s continuing, but those administering our country have a duty to ensure that all this is put right by them. How long can individuals keep highlighting?

  • 5

    The direction the University of Jaffna is marching is not correct. Many politics play up. even in the recent University council issues a so called Jaffna academic who is in the UGC is guiding the Chairman purely to development his son’s ambitions in the Jaffna University. His next step is making a department with 4 – 5 staff who have no PhDs or who hold professors to a Faculty status. His son will be the official first Dean and later he is trying to become the Youngest Vice chancellor probably in the world as well ( Need to check). He has told to his staff that this is the ideal time when this Chairman at the UGC to have this change. You wait and see these crazy will achieve their targets soon ! No one is interested about merit and real achievements.

    I am very sorry to know that the outstanding candidate is not a preferred choice of the Vice Chancellor even !! It is very very SaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaD in deed !!!


    • 3

      I can guess who is this UGC academic. He could not become Vice Chancellor at his time. Because of LTTE he had a chance to cover up duties of Vice Chancellor at the Jaffna University for a brief period as LTTE did not allow Prof.Hoole at that time. He can try his best or maneuver to bring his son as the VC but he should realize that the Physics of this political world will not allow…..


      • 1

        Dear Sivam,
        Although I’m a Sinhalese from the South, l can tell you that you are completely off the mark. This article hasn’t been written by any Prof? Hoole. Dr RAJAN Hoole had to spend 15 years in hiding because he didn’t approve of the politics of either the LTTE or of our governments. He therefore had to retire as Senior Lecturer.
        His younger brother, Jeevan was indeed Vice Chancellor, Jaffna for a time, but the cruel things you say don’t fit him, either.
        Please check your facts.

        • 2

          I think that you misunderstood Sivam. The UGC academic is Dr Kumaravadivel who was acting VC for some time when then VC Dr Jeevan Hoole was unable to work and live in Jaffna due to LTTE threats. Dr Kumaravadivel is father of Head of Law Dr Guruparan. The latter are fine examples of Jaffna academics who manage or own temples but do not think that they are any kind of Hindu priests:)
          Thank you for your interest in the Northern mess.

          • 1

            Thanks, Lone Wolf.
            Yes, when I went back to that comment a few hours later, I realised that I had misunderstood a good deal. Rather careless of me.
            I was also wondering who the father and son were, etc. Thanks for enlightening me. I’m glad that you realise that it is better to have guys like me trying to understand, MISunderstanding a few things, and correcting ourselves, rather than being indifferent to what goes on. I’m glad to know that there are fine academics still there, but it is likely that I will soon forget who these individuals are.
            A rather unusual “article” from Dr Hoole. He doesn’t sound sure that he’s got all the answers, but is honest enough to admit it. His frequent interventions with his own comments is also unusual.
            I must think this out and then make a comment at the bottom. And thanks, Lone Wolf. This is NOT the first time you’ve taken the trouble to explain things to me.

  • 6

    I am baffled by the common habit of Sri Lankan Universities not wanting to hire foreign qualified graduates who demonstrate stellar qualifications as in Firsts at Undergraduate level and Excellent Post Graduate degrees from highly rated International Institutions.

    I believe there are two aspects involved. The first is a personality issue, that is, in general foreign qualified graduates are highly confident, eloquent and are not used to and are irreverent of the strict hierarchy that is erroneously expected of them within the local Universities, which seem to bruise the fragile egos and brings up the insecurities of the local academics. Secondly, there is some sort of an unwritten Colegial code where a “one of us”, meaning a graduate from the same University as the one that is hiring is preferred over a graduate from a different local university or from abroad. I believe both these may have come into effect in not selecting Mithila.

    On a lighter note why the heck this stellar graduate wants this job? She can do far far better either in the corporate world or at a University or a company abroad.

    • 1


      You do not need to elaborate on why foreign educated graduates are not employed. Most of us know the reasons.

      The little islander with little brain thinks there cannot be another smart, hard working, clever, intelligent, ………………………. candidate on this planet other than himself. You very often exhibit this type of trait.

  • 2

    Further clarification

    Looking further into Mithila’s case gives an idea of how checks meant to safeguard integrity in selection collapse when deans and senior persons are allowed to get away with breaking the rules with impunity. The candidate, the VC and Dean wanted to select in Mithila’s place, was about sixth among those called for the interview who graduated from Jaffna. But after the interview he was ranked first among all applicants. The selection scheme used (see above for one along those lines) had given him 93 out of 100.
    Some on the selection board had found him not meriting the praise lavished on him by the VC and Dean, and thought some of the other candidates from Jaffna more impressive than him. They could not fathom how he got 93. This is what selection schemes are about – they permit wonders.

    A similar thing happened to Ravivathani, also in financial management in 2014. In that instance Ravivathani, the leading candidate was awarded 12 (out of 20) for Presentation and subject knowledge and 15 (out of 30) for Vision, Creativity etc. giving her a total of 77. The selected candidate was awarded respectively 15 out of 20 and 25 out of 30, giving her a total of 90. Ravivathani’s case has dragged on in the Supreme Court for nearly four years
    In Mithila’s case three out of six on the selection committee would have been fair, but the rest, the VC, Dean and the Senate representative, had tipped the balance.
    Other improprieties would come up in due course. The candidate preferred over Mithila had his father working as the Dean’s clerk, with reported access to confidential information. He should have been transferred to another section earlier.

    • 2

      The sloppiness of your efforts here is grossly appalling! Let me explain in detail.
      Initially you denounced the “selection process in Jaffna” as a State sponsored (higher-authorities in Colombo) conspiracy to undermine the functioning of the Jaffna University aimed at condemning the North to remain an intellectual desert. I warned you such unsubstantiated overreach could be counterproductive. Sunil Dahanayake’s and Wannihami’s comments that followed also negatedyour concern of State’s evil bias targeting the North.

      By then, however, you had initiated dangerously divisive discussions that the selection process in Jaffna had indeed deteriorated to one of internal religious and/or caste conflicts, yourself throwing the speculation of State sponsorship out the window!

      Then, belatedly, you narrowed down the reason even further to, as K. Pillai aptly pointed out, the ridiculous speculation of “VC had something against the candidate’s parents.”! Hear-say? Or, not even that, as we would find out by your latest comment!

      And now, the icing on the cake, the ureka moment – you have discovered the selection process was in fact just a tainted process with a personal favor to a favourite “clerk” within the institution! No parental vendetta, no caste/religious bigotry, no state conspiracy to “intellectually-dessertize” the North – it was all just a matter of personal favour!

      Ranjan – obviously you did not do your “home-work” right when you decided to step into this quagmire. Naughty, Naughty!! Grossly unbecoming of a senior researcher, would you agree.

      It is sad that you lost your credibility by rushing in to this as you now obviously realize. It took six or seven articles for Jeevan to lose all his credibility progressively. You seem to have achieved that in just one shot! Tragic, especially given your well researched, well prepared, well modulated and substantive articles of the past! Haste, indeed, makes waste!

      • 3

        Kumar R,

        You need to read what Rajan Hoole writes more carefully. In different cases, different factors influenced the decisions made by the authorities. A sociology lecturer recently told me Prof Shanmugalingan had problems with Dr and Prof (Mrs) Maunaguru and that is why he got the Assistant Registrar Anpaananthan to reject Siddharthan Maunaguru’s application.

        In the Financial Management case, not just one parent but both parents of the preferred candidate are attached to the University of Jaffna. Read RH’s writings holistically.

        • 0

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        • 1


          Didn’t realize Ranjan needed a mouth piece!

          • 2

            Kumar R,

            When somebody is doing a lot for the betterment of the community he is part of, I strongly feel I should be on his side. It does not matter even if I am insulted as Rajan’s mouth piece. I would take it as a compliment :)

            • 1


              I insulted you as Rajan’s mouth piece? That is what you got out of my comment. Seems pathetically comprehension challenged. You got it up-side-down boy!

    • 1

      Dr Rajan Hoole,
      “Other improprieties would come up in due course. The candidate preferred over Mithila had his father working as the Dean’s clerk, with reported access to confidential information. He should have been transferred to another section earlier.”
      Were not both parents of the preferred candidate employed by UoJ and is he not a relative of Dr Guruparan?


  • 0

    I’m not sure why a sprinter with better qualifying timing to compete in golden league would even bother to submit her application in an amateur meet!

    Privately funded annual training costs to become a blue-chip caliber sprinter might not even cover 1% of rewards generated from the amateur meets. Does the sprinter lack the courage to directly get to the competition in the golden league or would like to get a backdoor entrance as underprivileged to get a free ticket to participate the golden meet?

    An amateur meet is a place for the young locals to polish their raw talents so that they might get a chance (if they are lucky enough) in a life time to participate at a golden meet.

    The ideal situation for an upcoming blue-chip talent is to crate her own shot in a confined space against the odds and become a trailblazer in our community. Selecting the risk free safest route instead of a rewarding route through the unknown risky path is not what trailblazers do.

    My comment is not based on any bias towards the blue-chip sprinter or the location of the amateur meet. But I believe a sprinter to select a weaker league at the early part the professional career might not help to gain any relevant experience. But experienced sprinters from golden league in retiring age to come back to the local league as a volunteer trainer are another story.

  • 1

    Till very recently Jaffna University had difficulty attracting applicant. It has become a ‘sought after’ place. This is a silver lining is a rather murky cloud.
    The Jaffna University Science Teachers’ Association compiled cases of alleged wrong-doings and forwarded same to the Jaffna University Council, to the present and former UGC Chairmen and at least two ministers in charge of Higher Education.
    Ranjan Hoole says ~ “This effort was snubbed.”
    Forget the Ministers. (One nicked a Colombo7 property bequeathed to Colombo University!)
    Forget UGC. They will not. Create tsunamis of allegations from other universities?
    Local politicians have vested interests. But is this not endemic in Lanka?
    It is time for Jaffna University to talk – start with “True” or “False” answer.
    Jaffna University Science Teachers’ Association must engage other peer Association and keep up the pressure. (Do not go to FUTA. It is owned and operated by GMOA which in turn is owned by…………..(??))
    The letter written by the HOD may prepare the ground for ‘constructive dismissal’.
    Thanks Ranjan for your effort.


  • 3

    The candidate, the VC and Dean wanted to select in Mithila’s place, was about sixth among those called for the interview who graduated from Jaffna. But after the interview he was ranked first by the VC and Dean/Management only. The VC, who has maths background gave 93 marks out of 100 to his favorite candidate (financial management) who was not even in the first 6 in the academic merit list. Dean management supported the VC by showing three plagiarized publications of the candidate that were published in some predatory places. This is a total shame to the UGC and the Uni of Jaffna council to have such disaster continue without fear. God can only save the Jaffna University!!

  • 2

    The candidate, the VC and Dean wanted to select in Mithila’s place, was about sixth among those called for the interview who graduated from Jaffna. But after the interview he was ranked first by the VC and Dean/Management only. The VC, who has maths background gave 93 marks out of 100 to his favorite candidate (financial management) who was not even in the first 6 in the academic merit list. Dean management supported the VC by showing three plagiarized publications of the candidate that were published in some predatory places. This is a total shame to the UGC and the Uni of Jaffna council to have such disaster fearlessly continuing. God can only save the Jaffna University!!

  • 2

    Alas! Future Generations Forgive Us.

    From 1920 Sir P. Arunachalam’s time community struggled, laboured, and sacrificed everything for education.
    G.G. Ponnambalam spoke / campaigned for a university in Jaffna.
    It is Hon. Srimavo made this dream into reality and for which the Jaffna was very thankful and showered the affection in abundance.

    The dream of Jaffna and Sri Lanka as a whole, to build an excellent model university in Jaffna. Excellent people came to prove their capacity, capability, knowledge and wisdom of excellence, initially.

    Today, the ranking of J. U is low among the list of universities / systems in Sri lanka. Who is responsible.

    We had lost our targets on education, already, which was the core strength and vitality and hope of the community.

    How many people sacrificed their life, wealth, times, over generations to build such institution and situation.

    All that gone, not only due to misdirection of policies and targets but ignorant forces within and vociferous muscle power of Numbers.

    Generations of future will curse all us for what are we not done and should be doing and for all the omission and for not working to-wards 21st century trends.
    and future education. Can we and are we capable to rebuild the war destroyed and acquired wealth, wisdom and culture over past 500 years lost by the community.

  • 1

    From 1920 Sir P. Arunachalam’s time community struggled, laboured, and sacrificed everything for education.
    G.G. Ponnambalam spoke / campaigned for a university in Jaffna.
    It is Hon. Srimavo made this dream into reality and for which the Jaffna was very thankful and showered the affection in abundance

    The dream of Jaffna and Sri Lanka as a whole, to build an excellent model university in Jaffna. Excellent people came to prove their capacity, capability, knowledge and wisdom of excellence, initially.

    Today the ranking J. U is low in the list of universities systems in Sri lanka. Who is responsible.

    We had lost our targets on education, already, during the last 44 years due to war which was the core strength and vitality and hope of the community.

    How many people sacrificed their life, wealth, times, over generations to build such institution and situation.
    All that gone, not only due to misdirection of policies and targets but ignorant forces within and vociferous muscle power of Numbers .

    Generations of future will curse all us for what are we doing and should not be doing and for all the omission for not working to-wards 21st century trends, and future education. Can we and are we capable to rebuild the war destroyed and acquired wealth, wisdom and culture lost over 500 years of past, lost by the community.

  • 2

    Its quite rich that all those (including the Hooles) who supported the unholy nexus of Prof. Velnamby (the third nominee) and Prof Vigneswaran (the second nominee) in their attempt at blocking Prof Srisatkunarajah’s appointment as Vice Chancellor, the council’s first nominee for Vice Chancellorship have made a ‘U’turn and become champions at exposing Prof. Velnamby’s corrupt practices. Prof Vigneswaran today solidly stands by Prof Velnamby and has no time for those who brought him to his position. In fact it is those who supported Prof. Sirsatkunarajah like Mr. Guruparan, Head, Department of Law who are at the forefront of exposing and blocking Prof. Velnamby’s nepotistic adventures as was made evident in the Senate meeting that took place on the 24th of June. Just because the Hooles have the time and language capacity to wax eloquent on Colombo Telegraph and Sri Lanka Guardian doesnt mean they speak the truth. In their quest for power they instrumentalise the religious and caste divides in Jaffna. They brought down the much acclaimed academic and administrator Prof. Sri claiming he is a religious fanatic, (which he clearly isnt, as his senior colleague Dr Rajan Hoole knows well) sought the help of CBK and the intelligence to appoint Prof Vigneswaran as VC and now are scrambling around for power again. Its sad that all those in the South who appreciated Dr Hoole’s human rights reporting of the LTTE’s excesses and abuses are now tuned to believe whatever he and his brother say.

    • 3


      Prof. Srisatkunarajah, who has claimed on several occasions that Jaffna University should give a special place to the Hindu religion, is not a suitable person to administer that university. One cannot easily forget all that he did to the Peradeniya academic who wrote a sharp piece on caste discrimination in Jaffna society. Prof. Srisatkunarajah is the pet of the upper-caste/Vellala establishment at Jaffna University.

      Prof. Srisatkunarajah was one of the Deans who signed a letter addressed to the UGC against the JUSTA report where many of Velnamby’s abuses figure prominently. The Science teachers even wanted to have a discussion on why he signed this letter at a meeting held in the Science Faculty. Read this report, if you are not aware of it. https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/justa-calls-upon-university-deans-to-disclose-their-secret-letter/

      Prof. Srisatkunarajah has a habit of asking Hindu lecturers in his Department to attend the Bajans of Gurumarachi. A Mathematics lecturer (a Hindu) who ardently campaigned for Prof Srisatkunarajah in 2017 had told several people some years ago about Prof S’ religious campaigns.

      I am so surprised and shocked to learn that Mr. Guruparan who is one of the few vocal voices in the Tamil community that emphasize the importance of secularism to Tamil politics backed Professor Srisatkunarajah in the last VC election. I genuinely hope this information is untrue.

  • 1

    In fact Prof.Srisatkunarajah is a gentleman. He has the potential and dynamic personality. He has the leadership quality. As Mr.Guruparan and Tamil People Council openly supported him only it has resulted in disaster. Reliable sources confirmed Guruparan has got the signatures from Naga Vigarathipathi and Bishop in support of Prof.Srisatkunarajah. Again Guruparan is an emotional guy. He has reacted badly in his facebook with rubbish words after the appointment of the current VC. His lawyer friends even hate him as he is not working in the University genuinely. He attends to the Courts during the working time. He need to pay back some money if he can do this during the duty time. But in contrary he is paid additionally Rs 30,000/= per month for legal advice by the University. He is really a politician. He never exposed to the intense trouble in the North. His father very much concerned on his children has educated them in India till the trouble settles. What the late Amirthalingam did. He encouraged the innocent Tamil youths to take up arms. But he ensured his children to take up pens in Western countries to become Doctors. They never worked in Sri Lanka even. Now again even after the end of war Kajendrakumar Ponnampalam is trying to pretend as if he is the Pirabaharan’s friends. He is a Colombo based Millionaire. Getting income from his Malaya Gardens. Has he spent a single Sri Lankan rupee to any poor Tamil citizen? My real question is if these Dons are favoring in the interviews and in selection board How come we can make sure they will not leak questions or mark the papers liberally. If no lobbying is allowed correct personals will be selected as Vice Chancellor.


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      This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/

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      Dear Mr. Pranavan

      Mr. Guruparan does have very solid political views but he has no party political interests. If so would he, as he did, come out and openly say that the 1990 expulsion of Muslims was ethnic cleansing? Yes he exposes TNA’s deceptions but that doesnt automatically make him a TNPFer. So its those who are die hard TNA fanatics who call him a TNPFer.

      Yes his primary schooling was in India but he was back for his secondary schooling at Jaffna Hindu from 1998 onwards. Was the war over in 1998? And what is the point anyway?

      As for his appointment as Legal Consultant do you know whether he has actually made any claim for the work he has done both before and after the appointment? And do you know how much lawyers are anyway paid for drafting documents for courts and tribunals? What is Rs. 30,000 compared to that? And btw how do you know how much he gets paid? How much do you get paid for your work? Willing to reveal and discuss in public?

      Guruparan has appeared in high profile cases, yes. And continues to do so and also makes money. He has permission for this. How many doctors in the medical faculty engage in private practice? How many engineers in academia do private consultations? It is understandable that some of his lawyer colleagues cant stand his competition – but what is the problem here? That he doesnt do his uni work properly? What evidence do you have for that?


      • 2


        Ya… You are right… He needs money to spend in India…..


      • 1

        I guess Vengadasalam is correct.

        Then the real Meipporul has little brain because when he come up in some other name, he should not tell about him with all full details. I guess he is not practicing criminal law which needs brain power. G.G.Ponnampalam mainly did criminal cases as he was brainy.

        He is considering this 30,000/= as a minor money. Even getting one rupee in a wrong way is illegal and accountable. Anyone can go wrong. But a Lawyer when other lawyer colleagues cant stand his competition should be very very perfect.

        “Dharmam Thalai Kaakum”


      • 2

        “As for his appointment as Legal Consultant do you know whether he has actually made any claim for the work he has done both before and after the appointment?”
        Head of Law who is involved in politics should not be the Legal Consultant of UoJ. There is a very high risk of conflict of interest since it is impossible for him to be objective. He has, for instance, attempted to bring political meetings to UoJ, provoked students to strike etc.

        • 1

          Are you fully aware of the facts?
          What exactly may I know is this “appointment as Legal Consultant”?
          I fear some misinterpretation, unless there a fuller details.

          • 0

            “Are you fully aware of the facts?
            What exactly may I know is this “appointment as Legal Consultant”?
            I fear some misinterpretation, unless there a fuller details.”
            I admit that I have no documentation on Head of Law or his DNA. I assumed that he has finished some kind of doctoral degree but now have doubts about it. He is advising UoJ on some legal matters but I have no hard evidence of any official status.
            Maybe you can direct us to a source of “fuller details”? To be honest the doctorate or lack of it of Head of Law does not interest me. However he should not be allowed to advice on legal matters due to an obvious Conflict of Interest and should pay part of his legal income to UoJ since he is going to court during the time he is Head of Law and lecturer. I assume that he has Council clearance for moonlighting in courts. I sincerely hope that the Council stops any further advising and verifies that he has paid what he should have paid although checking the income of a lawyer is virtually impossible.
            I have no knowledge of what the father of Head of Law is doing at UGC but there is a potential for another Conflict of Interest.
            If Head of Law is related to the “preferred candidate” he should not participate in any selection nor give legal advice on the recruitment.

            • 0

              “I have no knowledge of what the father of Head of Law is doing at UGC but there is a potential for another Conflict of Interest.”

              I hear the Head of Law and his father are angry with Dr. Jeyakumaran Nadarajah because the latter wrote a harsh response when a group of academics led by Mr. Guruparan sent all the Council Members a memo criticizing the President’s decision to appoint Prof. Vickneswaran (instead of Prof. Srisatkunarajah) as the VC. People say that Prof Kumaravadivel, the father of Head of Law Mr Guruparan, got the Chairman of the UGC to drop Dr. J. Nadarajah’s name from the council. Let’s assume for the debate’s sake what Dr. Jeyakumaran Nadarajah did was wrong; he could have been polite in his response. But is it reason enough to drop someone who has fought for justice at Council Meetings? Aren’t there more heinous crimes and violations happening at University of Jaffna? Did Professor Kumaravadivel raise any of those issues with the UGC Chairman? If the comment on Dr. Ahilan Kadirgamar’s application is true, I see there is a systematic attempt to exclude from the University of Jaffna people who may pose a challenge to Mr. Guruparan’s politics and activism.

    • 0

      Having observed Professor Srisatkunarajah for several years, I will never ever say that he is a dynamic personality. He is a dishonest, chauvinistic, opportunist from whom people like Mr Guruparan should stay away. He has good English language skills and solid foreign exposure which help him appear smarter than many other academics (like Prof Vigneswaran and Prof Velnampy) at Jaffna University. He may also be intellectually superior to many others. Perhaps a blind-spot in Mr Guruparan is that he sometimes seems to rely too much on his father’s opinion about others who are attached to the University of Jaffna. There is a view in the larger community that Mr. Guruparan’s father is conservative when it comes to issues related to caste and gender. If it is true, Mr. Guruparan needs to be reflective about it (I am not saying that he should disown his father; most of us have conservative parents). Nobody needs to blame Mr Guruparan for the positions that his father has taken on important social and political issues. Mr. Guruparan is both hated and loved at Jaffna University for being Professor Kumaravadivel’s son. I am sure he is well aware of the hatred part; but he should also be reflective about the love part. He has all the qualifications necessary for being an academic in the Law Department and strong leadership qualities. But some of the administrators, especially third-grade crooks like Mr. Anpaananthan or Prof. Shanmugalingan did not block (or did not dare to block) his appointment because they were close to his father (or scared of him). If another out-spoken person with similar qualifications but not from a socially and economically privileged background like that of Mr. Guruparan or a person who does not have a Jaffna University academic for a father or mother applied for a position at Jaffna University, chances would be high that that person’s application would be rejected or he or she would not be taken

      • 0

        You make some interesting points. Hope Guruparan is reading this or someone should draw his attention to this. Guruparan has a lot to learn no doubt. Just a small factual error Guruparan was appointed to his permanent position when Prof Vasanthy was VC. Also the law faculty has very few applicants. When Guruparan applied in.2011 there were no other applicants. Hard to make the argument regarding previlige when there were no other applicants. Dilum you seem to know quite a bit but you need to check your facts a little more carefully.

        But there is one question I have would you consider Dr Ratnajeevan Hoole a christian fanatic the same way you insist that Prof Sri is a hindu fanatic?

        • 2


          The question is not about using privilege to get a position. Mr. Guruparan never did it and I did not mean/imply it in my previous comment. Also, there is no question about Guruparan’s intellectual credentials. It is about how privilege protected Mr. Guruparan from being rejected unduly by crooks at the helm of the University of Jaffna. I forgot to add Professor Vasanthy Arasaratnam to the list of third-grade crooks I mentioned above. It was when she was the VC that Dr Siddharthan Maunaguru’s application was dumped by Mr. Anpaananthan at the request of Professor Shanmugalingan and many other qualified and talented candidates were left out. My gut feeling is that if somebody did the same to Mr. Guruparan’s application in 2011 (also, Mr. Anpaananthan would never have done that to Mr Guruparan), at least a few voices within the University would have protested against that underhand move; they would have raised the issue with the administration and tried to get him shortlisted. Another person I had in mind was Dr Thanges Paramsothy who was found unfit for a position in Sociology because Professor Shanmugalingan disagreed with his research findings about caste in Jaffna. Some of Professor Ratnajeevan Hoole’s views on some issues are problematic and questionable but I have not heard him say anywhere that Christianity should be given the foremost place in state-run institutions in Jaffna or anywhere in the country. If you know any instances, please let us know. Thanks.

          • 0

            You have any instances
            that you can share where Prof Sri has said hinduism should be given the foremost place in any state institution? Has he ridiculed any religion anywhere like Hoole has?

            • 1

              A comment posted yesterday or today says that Guruparan is now probably supporting some people who are trying to block Dr Ahilan Kadirgamar’s application to a position in Sociology. Is there any truth to that story?

  • 4


    You make a very valid point.

    Many, including the Hoole’s I believe, joined in MR/GR’s chorus that the country has a robust and fair legal system that was accessible to all citizens for all legal concerns, and that there was no need for any actions and investigations outside of the Country’s well functioning legal system.

    Why are they now shy to confidently place their complains in the hands of that system? Why these obnoxious runarounds?!

    • 4

      Kumar R.
      Please stop this. You always have to say something against the Hoole.

      Please give one instance where they

      Open Quote
      joined in MR/GR’s chorus that the country has a robust and fair legal system that was accessible to all citizens for all legal concerns, and that there was no need for any actions and investigations outside of the Country’s well functioning legal system.
      Close quote.

      Do you even read what they write in CT before you start firing with your poison pen?

      If you can’t say where they said this, please get lost with your nastiness.

      • 2

        Kumar R is Meipporul’s father. Kumar R is breaking his head to know the wisdom. I guess Meiporul is trying to preach wisdom to Kumar R. You wait and see for writing the next comment Meipporul will become “Sivakurunathan”. Why can’t they come out with their own names. At least Kumar R ‘s father is no more in the world to regret. But Kumar R will internally worry that his son is not using the name he proposed.
        Very pathetic psycos !


        • 1

          Hi Vengadasalam

          Well done !
          You are a Criminal Lawyer I guess !!
          Keep it up !!!


        • 3

          Raj, Vengad,

          Here below is a request from “Abimanasingham Sitthawatthai Uthayakumar / May 24, 2018” in the thread https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullivaikal-commemoration-growing-and-tenth-year-in-2019/

          “You appeared before the LLRC on the 12th of November, 2010, at the Jaffna District Secretariat sitting. The Chairman of the Commission former Attorney General late C. R. de Silva told publicly that your name was recommended by the Government and, thus, you were the first to do the presentation. I also appeared before the commission on that day (https://books.google.lk/books/about/Lessons_Learnt_and_what_Has_to_be_Done_f.html?id=USTUZwEACAAJ&redir_esc=y)
          Will you please tell everybody what you told the Commission without hiding anything?”

          If Jeevan has either the courage or the integrity to respond to Uthayakumar, Raj will have his curiosity pretty well addressed!

          Your desperate need to get me off your (Hoole’s) back is understandable – but try doing that defending against my criticism, not by pleading for mercy or pretending to bully the person. Learn some civility. Every criticism I have made on Hoole’s is based on their view points not person. Show me otherwise!

          Venga — A wonderful hindu-name cover Vengadadsalam, Having pathetically misfired with Erasmus, Chundukulies and the other many manifestations, a new thinking! Good try pal!!

          When you guys idiotically aspire to defend the indefensible, do you realize you are merely giving me even more space to repeatedly expose the vile excesses of Jeevan! Good going!!

  • 2

    Prof.Rajan Hoole.

    Very strange! Faculty of Management and commerce deserved all the critics.
    1. Shame academic recruitment
    2. Unethical academic promotions
    3. Unqualified academic staffs
    4. Velnamby is supervising many PHDs (he is presently supervising more than 15) across many disciplines under the faculty.
    5. 06 months PHDs
    6. Shameful internal appointments within faculty as coordinators/ directors
    7. Fake alumni association
    All events are very miserable awful and abolishing all academic credibility of faculty of management and commerce. Velnamby how could supervise PHDs in all different disciplines? Before all come to grave, first bring the faculty under scrutiny at immediate instance in UGC level. Appropriate body should be appointed to evaluate all academics standards from the bachelor’s degree level. Otherwise these all funny things extinguish all credibility of the university and inclined to shut down permanently by authorities.

  • 8

    The generic problem is that SL universities try their best to recruit from their own graduates for faculty appointments. This way, they can maintain a strongly hierarchical system in which junior staff will never challenge the views and decisions of senior folks because they were their teachers. Many Sri Lankan lecturers who returned home with PhD training abroad have written to me in utter frustration of the obstacles they faced from the “grand old Dukes”. And often it took them only a couple of years before looking for greener pastures elsewhere — you can find them in Australian and British universities, doing rather well in those environments where freedom of thought and expression is still valued and asking a question is not seen as challenging authority and/or seniority.

    That also holds for senior appointments. Nearly all Vice Chancellor appointments are from within (with the notable exceptions of I. Jennings and A. Thurairajah, who both did rather well), and on the rare occasion of an external candidate, there is panic and help is sought from gun-wielding thugs and, in their absence, the postman!

  • 0


    On Wednesday, the British Minister Lord Michael Bates was late by 5 minutes to the House of Lords.

    When he entered the hall, he discovered that the Council had discussed a question addressed to him during his absence.

    He asked for the permission to talk and said: “I feel ashamed, because I was not present to answer the question, therefore I announce my immediate resignation,” and then left the hall.

    A governmental post is a service for the citizens and not an honour.

    But in Jaffna University council some members come late just before tea and get the money and have the lunch and vanish. No contribution at all. Kumar R also recommends those type of people on the wish of his son Meipporul.

    Abdul Kalam

    • 1

      Abdul, Raj, Vengad,

      Don’t let your imagination run riot as an escape route to avoid facing truth. This is not the first time Jeevan and a whole bunch of toothless, shameless jokers were convinced of my identity beyond any doubt. Remember that?!

      However, let me thank you for another chance to berate you publicly, as you clan (never mind the dynamic name invention protocol) very much deserve.

      My criticism was that Rajan’s opening salvo of “state-sponsored conspiracy to intellectually dessertize the north” as the reason for the irregularity in the particular appointment soon dwindled down over two or three iterations (religious discrimination, caste bias, parental revenge) to, by Rajan’s own admission, that it was in reality no more than a case of Dean favouring one of his lowly clerk’s son!

      As wrong as that may be, how outrageous was that in a country where the VC/Chairman of the Law institution himself answers the papers for President’s son so as the princely son could obtain a super-first class and be elected to do a PhD, again to be written by the same administrator! Where exactly were you academics during that fiasco? (To be continued)

    • 1

      Abdul, Raj, Vengad,

      (Continued) My criticism is that Rajan was making a mountain of a mole hill. Not unlike Jeevan’s escapade on the traffic ticket!! Jeevan was going to radically transform the Police institution, the legal institution, the political/constitutional apparatus, all in one, armed with Jeevan’s exceptional expertise in space-age technological know-how on how radar guns work! People apparently stood up and clapped. All for what? – To save $10 in speeding ticket? One of you blow-holes tell me where did that go beyond keeping the $10 in Jeevan’s pocket?!

      This is my point – there are very many ills in the country. Do your part to correct them where you can, however small it may be. Do the right thing for the right reason. Don’t make a song-and-dance, disproportionately exaggerating because you desperately need the limelight. Don’t leverage a mole of an event to pretend you are moving mountains! Don’t do things for self glory!!

      I will be happy and proud of you if either the Hoole’s or even the Vengad’s Abdul’s, Raj’s or any other would correct me and show where exactly the Speed ticket fiasco of Jeevan went beyond the $10 Jeevan saved. Or, which blatant state-sponsored intellectual dessertization was exposed by reality from Rajan’s phenomenal research.
      With academic friends of your particular caliber, the budding Tamil intellectuals really don’t need any enemies. Comprehende?!

    • 1

      I should admit that I am amused by the fiction I read on these pages, and I am not sure of your source of UoJ Council events.
      But no member can be worse than a black sheep who leaks falsified versions of proceedings.

      • 0

        “I should admit that I am amused by the fiction I read on these pages, and I am not sure of your source of UoJ Council events.
        But no member can be worse than a black sheep who leaks falsified versions of proceedings.”
        I do not want to continue our debate on transparency but would not sharing the at the moment “top secret” minutes of the Council meetings clear all doubts?

  • 0

    Kumar R, (identity unknown, although I responded positively when you offered to reveal your contact details a couple of months ago),
    You are right when you say:

    You don’t get to single handedly decide the criteria and the weightings.”
    although I’d expect a Jaffna man who is aware of RAJAN’s identity to get his name right.
    I agree with the other “Southerner”, Raj de Silva who raps KumarR on his knuckles for his unrelenting attack on “the Hooles”. For God’s sake the two may be brothers, but to me they seem quite different in outlook and temperament.
    Rajan usually writes with the authority of one who has thought long and hard, and arrived at a considered view – but that’s not to be seen n this page. He apparently is trying honestly to assess what these persons of learning have to offer UoJ, and still seems to be seeking answers. Such tentativeness is good and honest. I have come to regard Rajan as very cautious, truthful, honest and open. Kumar R, intelligent and with good English, is a shadowy figure -identity unknown. I trust Rajan more than KumarR. Subjective decisions have to be made, and decisions defended with good reasoning.
    I’ve also been studying gravatars; it looks as though “Ratnam, Sivam, and Dr Sivam” are one and the same person – a decent guy who is seriously concerned. Can someone help me read “beyond” the lines printed here? Will come back tomorrow.

  • 2

    I guess Meipporul has gone to India as he is silent. Still Kumar R is not out. He will be out after my Balling. I heard you have done many bad things to your own students. As Ambikumar has described you as “Chetti” even though you know that he is brilliant than you you have done an ugly thing. You have written bad recommendation. But he is an extra ordinary person in the field of Physics. You have not recruited a good candidate in Physics. But now both Husband and Wife are working in the Physics Department in the USA. You have made many excellent men in Physics to drain out of Jaffna. Still you are trying your gimmicks. Why are you wearing Veesdi or Trouser. Try out Nilawarai Well will you. Don’t make others mad will you.


  • 2

    Dear Academics, please do not waste your time and energy in writing comments about Mr.Guruparan who is an ideal 3rd class opportunist. He was wagging his tail for Prof.Satkunarajah until Prof.Vigneswaran was appointed as VC. Now he has been appointed as an official legal advisor to the present VC functioning to justify the under table dealings of Vickie & his associates. He will definitely be ready to jump to lick the next VC’s feet, during the last spell of Vicki. He has been showing this face in his politics too. He joins in the family get together in Sumanthiran’s house at Bambalappitiya when he visits Colombo. In Jaffna, he likes to be under limelight by riding KJ Kumar’s bike. One day Guruparan will definitely put KJ Kumar in a situation where he quits from politics. Please ignore Guruparan’s acrobatic dances.
    Reliable sources disclosed that discussions have been going on to change the Head, Financial Management and have one of the followers of Prof.Velnamby as head for the next round of selection. Still VC and Velnamby believe in their move of recruiting their favourite clerk’s son for the only lecturer vacancy available in Financial Management. The concern raised by Mavay (Most of the FCM academics do /did their MPhil & PhD’s under Prof.Velnamby’s supervision irrespective of their discipline/department) is a very serious complain that challenges the academic quality of the Management Faculty staff members and creates fear and worries for the parents whose kids are studying in the Management faculty. Can a Professor of commerce supervise all his colleagues in their PhD’s in commerce, human resource management, marketing and all the other fields? Is Velnamby a super hero or Enthiran Rajani who can supervise more than 20 PhD’s & MPhils in at a time?

  • 0

    Dear Siva,

    Licking the boots? Ask Prof Vigneswaran. Guruparan is a nuisance that he would love to get rid of. I suppose his uncanny ways rattle everyone. Good fun.



    • 0

      Hi Meipporul,

      Why are you wasting your time.? When are you going to finish your PhD?? Your supervisors are getting old and sometimes they may die even. Can’t you stop these nonsense and concentrate on your PhD??? Remember before you become the Dean of the Faculty of Law in any University, please get your PhD. Now also I doubt that you are behaving like a politician. If you become a Dean you may try to do PhD in Politics I guess.

      Prof. David Feldman

  • 2

    Some of the personal attacks here, particularly on Mr Guruparan, are sickening. Absolutely sickening. They expose a strange behaviour I have observed in the Jaffna man, when compared to other communities I have studied. The Jaffna man can easily tolerate his neighbour having a bigger house, prettier saree or fancier car — a bit of raised eyes, immediately followed by shrugging of shoulders and the Jaffna man gets on with his life. But when the neighbour speaks and writes fluent English (and in Mr Guruparan’s case exceptionally eloquent Thamil, too), the Jaffna Man cannot control his envy and experiences fire in his guts which boils the microbiome therein and lets off much venom, usually in gaseous form via the posterior, but sometimes through a keyboard, too . Much of what we read in the comments above is explained thus.

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