By Basil Fernando –
The parliament in Sri Lanka, in defiance of the judgement of the Court of Appeal which was based on the interpretation of law provided by the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka, yesterday (January 10), started a debate on the impeachment of the Chief Justice. A vote on the impeachment will be taken at the end of the today’s debate at 6:30 pm. The President of Sri Lanka is thereafter expected to make an address for the removal of the Chief Justice. As the Chief Justice has challenged this entire process as unconstitutional, steps will be taken to remove her by force. Following that the government will proceed to appoint a stooge Chief Justice.
With this the rule of law system in Sri Lanka comes to an end.
This is the culmination of the scheme of the 1978 Constitution which is a constitution, not of a democracy, but of a dictatorship. However, in 1978 given the tradition of the rule of law and democracy that prevailed in the country it was not possible for the then president to declare himself a dictator. In contrast to Sri Lanka, in neighbouring countries such as Pakistan there had been military takeovers where rejection of democracy and the establishment of the military dictatorship were quite visible.
What happened in Sri Lanka was the use of the over two-thirds majority that the government had in parliament to create a constitution within which the parliament and the judiciary were both brought under the control of the executive president. The executive president was therefore placed above the law.
Some constitutional experts, such as Dr. Mark Coray, argue that there are no perfect constitutions anywhere in the world and that the 1978 Constitution was also an imperfect constitution. However, the problem with the 1978 Constitution is that it is not an imperfect constitution of a democracy but that it was not the constitution of a democracy at all. If one were to argue that the order established by Adolf Hitler is imperfect like every constitutional order which can never be fully perfect such a comparison would be an absurdity.
There is hardly any relevance in comparing the 1978 Constitution of Sri Lanka with the constitutional law of the United Kingdom, the United States or Australia. These are all countries where democracy has been established and the rule of law is accepted as the foundation of social organisation. The 1978 Constitution rejects democracy and so distorts the system that the rule of law cannot function at all.
The forcible removal of the Chief Justice is the culmination of the process ushered in by the 1978 Constitution. It removes the façade and the pretense of democracy and establishes the total power of the executive. It virtually demolishes the legislature and the judiciary as separate branches of the government.
This is the stark reality that Sri Lankans will have to deal with in the future. The legal professionals as well as judicial officers recognise this reality. Yesterday and today, when the parliament was discussing this impeachment the courts were on strike. The lawyers took to the streets and the largest demonstration ever held in Sri Lanka on the issue of the independence of the judiciary took place. It was attended by large numbers of criminals armed with wooden poles and other weapons that were strategically along the route of the demonstrators while the armed police looked up and did nothing to stop or prevent the violence. However, the lawyers and civil society organisations dared to face such threats and to conduct the demonstration showing their opposition to what was taking place in parliament.
Without the rule of law structure the law cannot function. In many ways the system in Sri Lanka has remained dysfunctional for several decades, progressively becoming more dysfunctional every year. Now with the judiciary being brought openly under the executive and being run by a stooge chief justice the law will face the greatest crisis it has ever faced in Sri Lanka.
Should Sri Lankans accept the removal of the incumbent Chief Justice and the appointment the stooge chief justice as a matter of obedience? To interpret the question of obedience in this manner is to look into the problem of obedience in the same way as Adolf Eichmann did during his trial after being arrested by the Israeli authorities. He claimed that obedience to Adolf Hitler amounted to obedience to the law. Hannah Arendt exposed this attitude as the ‘banality of evil’.
Could anybody argue that the blatant expressions of the executive, which is opposed to the liberties of the individual, as law requiring the obedience of the citizens? Only those who either do not understand the magnitude of the suppression of the freedoms in the country or are supporting this suppression could argue in this manner.
The path that lies ahead for Sri Lankans is to struggle towards a legal order based on the rule of law and democracy as against the arbitrary rule of the executive. Today, even the middle and affluent classes of Sri Lanka, which pathetically supported the 1978 Constitution in its early stages, have come to the realisation that they do so in the future at their own peril.
From tomorrow Sri Lankans begin a completely new page in their history. They will no longer have a judiciary as a separate branch of the government. This means that there will be no branch of the government that has the duty to protect their liberties. They will become a plaything at the hands of the executive. Naturally the freedom loving people of Sri Lanka will not want to submit to this situation. Therefore the struggle for democracy and the rule of law will become the most basic premise that Sri Lankans will have to struggle for if they wish to return to a democratic society rooted on the rule of law.
Basil Fernando, Director Policy and Programme Development
Two related articles: Sri Lanka: The incumbent dispensation with a two-thirds majority is acting like a monkey with a razor – what disaster happen (Editorial in The Island) and Ranil’s Silly Statements and Dismissing the CJ By Hook Or By Crook
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / January 11, 2013
You seem to have lost hope. You may lose a battle, but do not give up on the war! Further, even this battle is not over yet.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
Mohmar / January 11, 2013
The Govt. is behaving like a heavy truck coming down a slope with its brakes malfunctioning and heading to a crash.
Remote Villager / January 11, 2013
Freedom is most valued when freedom is hardly available. Sri Lankans usually realize this reality hard way..for example..peace in Sri Lanka. In order to reach the half peace (ending war) what a sacrifice we did. I guess, in order to get back the democracy or freedom, it seems we have to sacrifice a lot!
subra jayahanthan / January 11, 2013
Basil Fernando’s unrelenting “struggle” and fight against the impending destruction of the rule of law is to be greatly admired and appreciated. The last two generations of Sri Lankans have been brought up and nurtured in a climate of a lack of democracy and the attendant rule of law so that it is difficult for them to realise the difference of living in a true democracy eroded into by Mrs Bandaranaike (1972 consitution),JR jayawardene, a megalomaniac, for whom the 1978 consitution was an unfettered realisation of his child hood fantacies. little would he have realised that the Rajapaksa dynasty would, not soon after, exploit this to their fullest advantage much to the dire detriment of the Sri Lankan peoples and their future generations
Lalindra / January 11, 2013
True democracy of this once resplendent island eroded with a three decade war imposed upon it by a megalomaniac despondent which subjugated all values and decency people enjoyed up to that time, by the force of a gun.
bonaparte / January 11, 2013
So who is going to publicly disrobe the Learned and Diginified Lady, CJ? Ignorant and uneducated rulers in the past have doen similar things, as depicted in the story of Draupadi in Mahabharata. It brought immense bllod shed, where at the end justice wins and the perperators of wicked deeds and rule get annihilated. We are waiting for that 1989 JVP murderer/ advisor/ politburo member now turned alugosuwa for the dictatorial regime, Gonwansa, the pageboy of the President to start his big act.
Pol Tokka / January 11, 2013
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran seem to think that he and his boys did not loose the war in May 2009!
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / January 11, 2013
The boys lost the war. I did not. Only Dharma/ Aram won. I did not win either, because the reconciliation and good governance I expected have not arrived yet.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
Anuradha Pieris / January 11, 2013
Extremist racist.
When the Hitler come to your door step there will be none to help you.
Anuradha Pieris / January 11, 2013
My reply is to Pol Tokka.
Safa / January 11, 2013
The fight for democracy and independence of the judiciary must continue until this illicit regime is toppled. If impeachment of CJ and appointment of a stooge is carried out civil disobedience and a general strike must be contemplated.
The UNP is dead under RW. Maximum support must now be extended to the JVP and other parties which have supported the anti impeachment movement.
Citizen / January 11, 2013
2013 begins with dark history for Sri Lanka. If the military approach continues all judicial precedents that were preserved for all these long period will come to an end. Military hooligans will have their military reports (not law reports) adding disgrace to the country and the Commonwealth. It is not only the lawyers, even other professionals and law abiding common citizens are unlikely to receive a fair hearing. Either the new Chinese or the Iranian laws will be introduced. It won’t be a surprise that courts will be termed as military chambers. What a shame. Commonwealth Nations should dismiss the membership of Sri Lanka.
Gona Parte / January 11, 2013
Please don’t bring international conspirators into this logjam. I am sure, maithree, karunawa and the meritorious acts of our citizens and their cohorts will save the coutnry. Yo wait and see!
Kora / January 11, 2013
When this government looses its power one day, first all people must surround the houses of Paba, Manusha, and other cross-overs who made the 2/3. They must be made beggars on the road.
mike / January 11, 2013
…. and Paba can then give “Kukku” to Mervin !!
Lasantha Pethiyagoda / January 11, 2013
I believe that ordinary people of Sri Lanka will regularly choose their community leaders, spiritual elders, political leaders (not necessarily one leader for the whole land)according to their needs, within the framework that prevails, or within a new framework.
Good human values like morality, high ethics, virtue in deeds, honesty, reliability, trust, responsibility and accountability should be maintained at any cost. If they let go of these, then any scoundrel can rule them.
Democrat / January 11, 2013
It is time to start a petition signing movement to the Commonwealth Organization and to the United Nations (prior to March). By sending a petition signed by millions of citizens, we can draw the attention of these organizations that Human Rights Violations of Sri Lankans. With the impeachment voting in the Parliament, we now do not have an independent judiciary, which is a human right violation and a constitutional violations. All the appeals to the President the executive has had no effect, so its the duty of every citizen to sign a petition to the above mentioned organizations and get their attention sooner than later.