By Emil van der Poorten –
As someone who was simply disgusted by the consistent performances of the likes of Dilan Perera over the years, the new spate of Cabinet appointments left me, if you would forgive the use of that expression, bewildered.
Here was a man who started his headline-grabbing by making a great deal of noise when Mahinda Rajapaksa appointed one of the earlier UNP “crossers’-over” to Cabinet while that man still had a capital charge hanging over his head in the death of an SLFP stalwart of the Sabaragamuwa province. Dilan Perera made a great show (for the media at least) of refusing to sit near his new colleague on the government benches. Mind you, his gallery-fetching ended with his moving to a seat farther away from the new member of Cabinet but god forbid that he should even threaten as much as a temporary show of principle by taking a hike across the great divide to the opposition benches! That would be a performance beyond the call of all that is holy in the church of self-seeking opportunism!
Bad enough in the matter of hypocritical gallery-fetching? The man’s next act intended to stay in the public eye and curry even more favour with Mahinda Rajapaksa was his abusive and boorish behavior towards the 43rd Chief Justice of Sri Lanka at the time his boss was in the process of railroading her out of the position in which she had not provided adequate proof of fealty to the man who believed that he was Lord and Master of all he surveyed. Her simple suggestion that an absolutely unconscionable piece of legislation, the simple legality of which was in question, should be put through something resembling “due process” was met with a Presidential hissy-fit of Rajapaksa proportions. And who, pray, led the parade of abusive sycophants playing uneducated and vile court jesters in this pantomime? Dilan Perera, no less, front, centre and on television screens in virtually every home in Sri Lanka.
Interestingly, when Mahinda Rajapaksa lost the Presidential election on January 5th, among the constituencies won by Maithripala Sirisena (and lost by Rajapaksa) was that represented by the same Dilan Perera.
Those of us interested in the cleansing of their television screens of the likes of this man, an appropriate description of whom would not be fit for publication, breathed a small sigh of relief. Three cheers! No longer would be confronted with the handiwork of his incompetent barber complete with inferior dye job that didn’t reach the roots of his hair!
Suffice it to say that our relief was short-lived because, lo and behold, Mr. Dilan Perera reappears on the most recent cabinet roster!
And, as if that was not bad enough, the next thing we know is that a dyed-in-the-wool UNPer in the new cabinet leaps to the defence of this man’s scandal-ridden reign over those slaving in the Middle East to increase Sri Lanka’s foreign exchange income. The Hon. Thalatha Atukorale grabs the headlines in the Daily Mirror with a pronouncement that Mr. Dilan Perera cannot and must not be held responsible for what was practiced in the name of “administration” in the Ministry and Department he headed because it was not him but his subordinates who were the guilty parties!
I would suggest simply that ANYONE holding such views of the concept of Ministerial Responsibility has no business in the governance of this nation. What has happened over the years in the matter of those Sri Lankans employed overseas is a matter of (disgraceful) record. To defend that state of affairs, in no matter how circuitous a manner, and express absolute support for a man who presided over all of it is beyond description!
Not only do you have Dilan Perera in a position of power and influence but you have a woman who should, presumably, know better defending the indefensible!
“Theatre of the absurd,” anybody? Or is this simply the teledrama unfolding in a manner that confirms that old saw about “fact being stranger than fiction?”
Oh, well, I suppose in the matter of “balance” you need a Dilan Perera to balance off a S. B. Dissanayake. You need someone who has the capacity to behave as outrageously as one who promised to strip a (female) President of this country down to her skin (and, presumably, run her out of town, tarred and feathered!)
The new Sri Lankan government, as it evolves, promises to give the worst excesses of Caligula’s Rome a bad name, it seems!
Bedrock Barney / March 28, 2015
No sense being disgusted with Dilan. Be disgusted at the electorate that voted him in. Our politicians are but a refection of our society. Then again you already knew that.
Punitham / March 28, 2015
Since independencepoliticians have also been feeding the innocent and ignorant voters 0n lies.
Amarasiri / March 28, 2015
Emil van der Poorten –
Bedrock Barney says:
“No sense being disgusted with Dilan. Be disgusted at the electorate that voted him in. Our politicians are but a refection of our society. Then again you already knew that.”
Elected by Modayas, Mootalas, and Fools, to represent them, as Modayas, Mootalas, and Fools..
The problem goes deeper. The IQ of the Modayas, Mootalas, and Fools, around 79.
National IQ Scores – Country Rankings
Rank ——– Country ———————– % ————-
(Non-Sinhala Buddhist)
1 Singapore 108
2 South Korea 106
3 Japan 105
(Sinhala “Buddhist”)
28 Sri Lanka 79
The intelligence scores came from work carried out earlier this decade by Richard Lynn, a British psychologist, and Tatu Vanhanen, a Finnish political scientist, who analysed IQ studies from 113 countries, and from subsequent work by Jelte Wicherts, a Dutch psychologist.
justice / March 28, 2015
Sirisena had to ‘scrape the bottom of the barrel’ to form the cabinet.
Some rotten apples thus got in.
This Dilan was the worst member of the so-called PSC and played his part as required by MR and Basil.
I hope, that Sirisena and Ranil will get the job done as promised,by the 100th day.
sumith / March 28, 2015
I agree with “justice” comment.
MY3 don’t have other options other than using these rotten apples to get constitution amendment done.
Humbug / March 28, 2015
MS and RW are no fools. They need all the rotten apples they can gather to pass all the amendments and rules in Parliament. It does not matter whether it is done in 100 days or extends. What none of the ExdexPs and PMs could not do for this country since independence 65 years ago – at least with the help of these rotten apples it is being done if possible within 100 days. The MARA/Wimal group not forgetting the media is hyping on the 100 days promise, but the people who voted for a change and chase away corruption and plundering are no fools and are aware of the goings on. The masses knew of the corruption and plunders of the previous regime but no one in their dreams expected it to be in this humongous magnititude of billions of dollars. Against all odds this short term government is trying to wipe out this dirt and we,the right minded citizens instead of supporting this massive task ahead of the govt. should not try sabotage their efforts. By the time new elections are called the situation would be created for only the good to contest from any party whether it be a national or all party govt. May the God Almighty save us at this final stage.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / March 30, 2015
Considering the circumstances and objectives, the comedy can be temporary relief from the tragedy that was MR governance, if this government can pass the 19th amendment and bring in the electoral reforms envisaged within the 100 days or even 150 days, it will be a very welcome achievement. Let us enjoy the comedy and the jokers until these objectives are achieved. Let the government be aware that it is under uncomfortably close scrutiny, even when it goes to the toilet!
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
bo / March 28, 2015
When I see his face, it makes me puke. He looks more like a drunk and drug addict, than a serious MP. What makes this man a minister?
What sort of a two headed snake is Thalatha? Minister cut-outs that cannot take responsibility for excesses and wastages committed during their tenure as ministers are not ministers at all; they are just jumping monkeys, and this woman trying to whitewash this male monkey just because he jumped sides certainly deserves to be quartered and hung.
Even kussi ammas better than this minister, at least they take responsibility for their rice pots that get spoilt during cooking
Spring Koha / March 28, 2015
re “”..The new Sri Lankan government, as it evolves, promises to give the worst excesses of Caligula’s Rome a bad name, it seems!..””
Surely, the depraved Caligula’s lusty four-year reign would earn a good name, and be but a Sunday-school picnic when compared to the road our present lot in SL are sauntering down.
Spring Koha / March 29, 2015
It really was too much to hope that the present hybrid government had learnt the lessons of the last ten years. Maithripala Sirisena we hoped would be the brave new saviour, but the growing evidence is that he has not shrugged off the infectious evils of his past master. In fact he has now picked up a new strain from some of the tic-turds in the current dung heap that he has stepped into.
The oily unspeakable Dilan has excelled in wriggling back in, and his fresh new muse, Thalatha the Teaser (who specialises in holding many of the party secrets – “I know but won’t tell”) has rushed to give him succour. Now, who can work out the reason for this comforting beneficence?
Rizwan / March 28, 2015
Dear Emil,
Perhaps it is possible you are ignoring the realities of the politics of Sri Lanka.
We have a constitution to amend. As Shyamon has explained in his most recent article, the flawed constitution changes even good men and women into bad ones.
The constitution is the basis and structure upon which all political events. It is the root cause of all the evil that has happened! ANY and ALL attacks against corruption and excess by the present government may amount to NAUGHT if the constitution is not fixed. The future of Sri Lanka depends on it. The winning of the presidency by Maithripala was only the first step. The second step is to change that constitution. Every other 100 day promise is SECONDARY in relation to this.
On this basis, let us make the assumption that Ranil and Maithripala mean well. Having this in mind every move in context makes sense.
The duo are trying their BEST to maneuver into a position that will allow a 19th amendment to the constitution to be passed. They know the stakes.
Do we want any acts against the previous government undone? Do we want a repeat of MR’s regime by himself or another individual in the future?
Nobody wants this! I believe Ranil and Maithri least of all! Therefore bear with what has happened. Look at the realities of the politics. The 19th amendment MUST get passed. The duo must do whatever it takes, however ugly, to get this done!
They have my blessings!
Emil van der Poorten / March 29, 2015
Rizwan (and the others of like mind):
While I support the central thrust of your argument that the primary task is getting rid of a totally rotten constitution and those who support(ed) it, I am PERSONALLY aware of Ministers and others with supposedly solid UNP roots – not “recent jumpers” – who are indulging in the kind of dishonest and unacceptable behaviour which they were directly opposed to, “looking after the interests” of the very people they were elected to deal with!
I’m afraid it is not possible to be silent in those circumstances because you cannot “cure” corrupt governance with more of the same!
Jango / March 28, 2015
Emil, let’s hope that most of these iffy appointments were made purely out of ‘necessary’ considerations with regard to the numbers required for getting legislations passed, after which these dregs of humanity posing as politicians could be sent where they deserve to be, or at least evicted from any positions that have even a semblance of authority.
As Mark Twain said, “Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason.”
This was later expanded to “Politicians are like diapers… they should be changed often… and for the same reasons. Most are full of shit. Those that are not yet, will be if they stay in power long enough”.
Javi. / March 28, 2015
Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s State Funeral: What to expect on Sunday 29.
His is a legacy of what good government is like and how a successful national leader … 13 Nov. 2014
Everyone with an interest in world politics must read this book. It should be made compulsory reading in DC. Lee Kuan Yew continues to press his claim as the last standing world statesman with this book!
Format: Hardcover-One Man’s View of the World
It cost £45 or $45 from amazon and its expensive for you folk living at Lanka
My friend, Ken Fong, found the book so compelling that he bought a bushel so he can give a copy to each of his friends as he ran into them in daily encounters. At age 90, this is most likely the last book by Lee Kuan Yew. Lee was Singapore’s first prime minister in 1959 and led the city state to full independence in 1965 when the rest of Malaysia rather unceremoniously invited Singapore to go their separate ways. By the time he stepped down in 1990, Singapore has been transformed into a First World metropolis. His is a legacy of what good government is like and how a successful national leader should behave.
As the book jacket stated, with little else left to prove, he looks ahead to offer his unvarnished view of the future shape of the world. In reading his view of the world, the reader will come to understand the core beliefs of this remarkable man. Some of these include:
(1) For any nation to succeed, clean government is a must. Road to a clean government is to pay the civil servants generously so that there is no reason for corruption. For those that do stray and gets caught, the punishment needs to be harsh for betraying the public trust.
(2) Democracy is no panacea. If the citizens are poorly educated and have no idea of what democracy is all about and if the country lacks a history of progressive thinking and culture of individual equality, the introduction of democracy will fail. As Lee predicted in his book, winter inevitably followed Arab Spring because tribal based feudal systems of the Middle East cannot nurture democracy.
(3) Education is the necessary foundation to any successful developing nation and the access to quality education must be equal to all citizens, male and female. Educated workforce is vital to economic development and a growing economy gives the population opportunities to a better life and thus a willingness to support their government. Thus in his view, the caste system will always hold India back from realizing its full potential and keeping women from education will block the development of Islamic countries.
(4) Diversity in a population trumps homogeneous population because diversity means more diverse gene pool and greater range of creative thinking and capacity for innovation. From his point of view, the U.S. greatest strength is its welcoming attitude towards immigrants. By the same token, Japan’s inability to accept anything foreign, even ethnic Japanese who has lived abroad is the root of its inevitable decline.
Hi book deals with major global topics and each major regions of the world. On China, his impression of Xi Jinping is in the “Nelson Mandela class of persons,” and Deng Xiaoping is undoubtedly the most impressive international leader he has ever met. Key difference between the US (a benign power) and China is that China does not believe in “evangelizing their form of government.” His biggest concern on China is if the future young generation of Chinese, not having experienced the challenges of China’s difficult past, gets overly nationalistic and aggressive.
From his visits to the U.S, “I came to appreciate fully the dynamism of the entrepreneurial American.” Lee sees long-term success of the U.S. resting on its ability to continue to attract “bright and restless immigrants from the world.” As for the competing influences of the U.S. and China in Asia, he felt that even though the US military budget is still six times greater than that of China, China has advantage of proximity in competing for influence in its neighboring states. He seems to think that both sides need to find mutual accommodations around a stale mate.
Lee is considerably less optimistic about Europe. He sees two major hindrances. The flaw behind the Euro is monetary integration without fiscal integration between 27 nations with wide and disparate stages of economic development. He sees no hope for fiscal integration ever. Secondly, Europe is afflicted with the welfare state mentality and stifling labor laws that discourage entrepreneurialism, innovation and striving for productivity. Rather condescendingly, Lee thought Europe might be able to get away with the welfare state mind-set if they were competing with Fiji or Tonga.
The book jacket endorsements list some of world’s who’s who as heads of state, diplomats and international notables. But I don’t think that was the reason Ken liked the book so much that he became a volunteer propagandist of Lee’s worldview. In Lee, he sees and the world sees a great statesman who successful synergized his impeccable western education with his innate Asian values to show the world how a small port city can integrate into the global economy and let the people thrive. He has a lot to say and I hope the politicians in Washington will read his book.
Jagath Fernando / March 28, 2015
Lets get the 100 day program done.
Catch the thieves later
Rabok / March 30, 2015
If we really catch all the blue , green and red thieves in this country and put them behind bars – then we need a prison of size at least half of this country – Due to the absence of rule of law for many decades thuggery , robbery , mockery of law had become accepted norm of the day – a man who is honest is generally considered a fool , but a man who can earn money by the way of commissions, bribes are considered smart guys.And no one will think bad of them and they live among us freely – a pathetic reality of this country
So the biggest need of the day is to establish rule of law in this country – I sincerely hope 19th amendment is the starting point – and the establishment of independent commissions is fundamental – however finding good really honest people to man these commissions going to be a difficult task – because these species are almost extinct in this country – may be living in other countries
CPW / March 28, 2015
Dear Emil & Justice, Majority in the MY3 Cabinet are rotten apples. We knew one thing you may not have known or thought. This Govt was going to be a Circus of clowns like Rajitha, Ranil and the President himself. Did you hear the Prez boasting about touching Her Majesties hand and meeting David Cameron at No 10, Downing ” ISTREET”?
gamini / March 28, 2015
Then what about the trip Dilan P made to the US forging D.M. Jayaratne’s signature? The whole issue came out when the US Ambassador acknowledged DMJ when he met him subsequently that he approved the visa to Dilan P as requested by DMJ. This Pansy of a Toy Boy is a bloody useless fellow.
Patriot / March 28, 2015
“The Hon. Thalatha Atukorale grabs the headlines in the Daily Mirror with a pronouncement that Mr. Dilan Perera cannot and must not be held responsible for what was practiced in the name of “administration” in the Ministry and Department he headed because it was not him but his subordinates who were the guilty parties!”
S.B.Dissanayake has stripped naked Thalatha Athukorala not Chandrika as promised at the end.
paul / March 28, 2015
How come it took you all this time to realize this Mr Poorten?. Some of us knew that Ranil-Chandrika-Mangala trio could only perform a comedy with My3 or any other. :-)
upul / March 28, 2015
This is what the white man so eloquently called…tying oneself into knots, trying to explain one’s contradictory opinions.
You cannot begrudge the rogues from wanting to get into the protective circle, that is the cabinet. You certainly can point fingers at Sirisena and Wickremesinghe for doing politricks, as usual despite their utterances to the contrary.
But then, politics is also the art of the possible!
Javi. / March 28, 2015
“”art of the possible! “
Its hora police.
Set thieves to catch thieves;
It’s British American Insdian Chinese Russian art of today and its not a Bonapart history but DE FACTO!!!
It’s just getting the according to law sealed and signed as a treaty for all to see as in marriage.
De Jure (/dɨ ˈdʒʊəriː/, /deɪ-/; Classical Latin de iúre [dɛ ˈjuːrɛ]) is an expression that means “of right, by right, according to law” (literally “from law”),
truth finder / March 28, 2015
Welcome to the cabinet Dilan P! Another Royalist joker! Good for Ranil and MY3 the Royalist by proxy (Polonnaruwa Royal + Son Daham’s Royal). On one hand to juggle a cabinet full of rotten apples is a task for wizard of Oz, while really trying to implement Yahapalanaya is another! We have MaRa, Wimal W, Dinesh, Vasu, Goma -an- pililay (bullshit parasite) et al on one side with Ravi K, Apavithra security guard, Dilan, Shit. Ball Dissanayaka, etc on another side to juggle with. Absolutely shitty job ??? In the end let’s hope the Shit filter in parliament works!
Estate Labourer / March 28, 2015
A old Tamil saying advises, “Be ready to prostrate yourself even before a donkey, if you need its cooperation to realize your objective.”
Obviously, this the Troika’s game plan!
Mevan / March 29, 2015
It is surprising that your political antennae have not been able to detect why MS has found it necessary to appoint such distasteful individuals as Dilan Perera and SB Dissanayaka to the Cabinet. MS needs the support of these types to,
1. pass the legislation promised in the 100-days program
2. to eliminate the possibility of MR making a comeback of some sort
These appointments, moreover, are only up to the time of the next parliamentary election, anyway.
If these two objectives are met, I personally do not mind if MS consorts with the devil himself.
Lasantha Pethiyagoda / March 29, 2015
These jokers like the writer’s pet referred to above, who claim to be people’s representatives are probably no better than cross dressers (ie men who like wearing women’s clothes and shaving their hairy legs etc)and transvestites who solicit gay sex on street-corners at night. They never reveal their true motivations when promising the sun and the moon…
Billa / March 29, 2015
Mythri is using these scums until things are done. They know and we all know.
No worries,This is Lankan politricks. It may or may not work but MR is history for sure !
Condolences to Mythri for an unwanted death in his family.
He should establish rule of law and discipline, first of all. He can do it & he will.
Billa / March 29, 2015
Mythri is using these scums until things are done. They know and we all know.
No worries,This is Lankan politricks. It may or may not work but MR is history for sure !
Condolences to Mythri for an unwanted death in his family.
He should establish rule of law and discipline, first of all. He can do it & he will. Things,corrupted by MR cannot be changed overnight.