21 January, 2025


A New Form Of Anti-Muslim Terrorism In Sri Lanka: What Is To Be Done? 

By Laksiri Fernando

Dr. Laksiri Fernando

The incidents at present appear geographically scattered. But things can get concentrated and escalated into larger proportions, if stern action is not taken soon to apprehend the instigators. This is important as addressing the flood emergency and the devastation caused by this natural disaster and the administrative neglect, with all heartfelt sympathy to all flood victims. 

The pattern of recent attacks against Mosques and Muslim-owned businesses shows those are not a reflection of any resentment from the ordinary people, but organized action by extremist religious and nationalist groups. The danger however is that the things can get quite viral and the instigators can recruit larger groups and influence others to behave in the same manner. The conditions inside the country and overseas might work in favour of them, if rapid action is not taken to control the situation.

There are clear indications and evidence for the direct involvement of the Bodu Bala Sena (Buddhist Force Army – BBS) and its leader, Galagoda Atte Gnanasara. It is difficult for me to call him Venerable, Thero or consider him as a proper Buddhist monk. It appears to be a small group of his followers who go around the country, attacking the Muslims and their places of worship and businesses. His direct involvement in several of these incidents, including the attack on the Kurunegala mosque, is very clear. The most recent attack on a Muslim shop was in the town of Kahawatte in the Ratnapura district last week (22 May), before the floods came in, and it was burnt to the ground according to the reports.

Is it Terrorism?

Why it is terrorism and a new form of terrorism? It is true that the United Nations have so far not been able to come up with a comprehensive definition of terrorism due to disagreements among the member states. However, the Security Council resolution 1566 (2004) gives a fair description of what is terrorism as “any action…by its nature or context, is to intimidate a population, or to compel a Government or an international organization to do or to abstain from doing any act.”

Let us for a moment forget about whether the BBS intends to ‘compel the government to do or to abstain from doing any action.’ But it is very clear that ‘by its nature and context, the BBS actions intimidate the Muslim population in Sri Lanka.’ It is not only ‘intimidation.’ But already they have been harmed and their properties destroyed, in addition to threatening them from practicing their religion. The latter is about ‘religious freedom’ guaranteed as a fundamental right in Sri Lanka’s constitution. 

Article 10 under Fundamental Rights of the Constitution guarantees, as it says, “Every person is entitled to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, including the freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice.” It is this fundamental right of the Muslims that is violated through vilification of that religion by Gnanasara and attacks on Mosques and religious places by his BBS supporters. 

The US Code of Federal Regulation 28 gives a more precise definition on terrorism than the present UN description. As it defines, “The unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.” This is the definition which was used in proscribing the LTTE as terrorist in the United States which was overwhelmingly hailed by Sri Lanka. The same meaning could be applied in defining the BBS activities in Sri Lanka as terrorism.

The BBS’s use of force and violence is not aimed at the government, like in the case of the LTTE. Not yet. More repugnantly, it is aimed at a ‘civilian population.’ That is one reason why it is a new form of terrorism, which shows early symptoms of a neo-fascist movement. Many neo-fascist movements, Klu Klux Klan as an example, emerged not attacking the governments but attacking the hated civilian populations. The Muslims at present is an easy target, because of the ‘Islam’ related terrorist activities internationally. Paradoxically, the BBS is also the ideological mirror image of the Islamic State (IS) terrorists or Taliban in the Middle East. The BBS led by Gnanasara has more similarities with the 969 Movement led by Ashin Wirathu in Myanmar (Burma). 

It is also a new form of terrorism, because it is organized not in a military fashion or as a tightly knit organization, but a loose association of several groups, with a leader at the helm to propagate ‘intense hatred.’ The groups associated are Sinhala Ravaya, Ravana Balaya, Sinhale, Mahason Balaya and Sinhala Jathika Balaya (SJB); the BBS acting as the umbrella organization. They all have the ‘ideology of terrorism,’ as I defined in the last article (“Manchester Carnage and the Need to Combat Terrorism”), that contains, in addition to ‘intense hatred,’ an ‘urge for destruction and will to sacrifice.’

The government and the law enforcement organizations particularly should be careful about the latter aspect as some of the activists might soon resort to self-immolation. They are fanatics and ‘true believers.’ However, at these early stages, if the leader/s can be arrested and convicted for the crimes committed, the movement can be effectively curtailed. Inaction otherwise can lead to a bigger monster. 

Recent Attacks

There have been 12 attacks since mid-April on Mosques, Muslim owned shops and villagers, as shown by the following table.

Source: Hilmy Ahamed – Colombo Telegraph 

Of course, the accuracy of the incidents is not yet verified. However, it is up to the Police to do so. Even if there are inaccuracies about the extent, the incidence cannot be denied and the patterns are clear. As the above table shows, there have been repeated attacks on the same place; very clearly showing the inaction of the area police. Therefore, on the part of the government the creation of the ‘special police for hate crimes’ is a welcome move. However, this should not lead to the inaction of the area police on the pretext that there is a ‘new branch’ or special police.

Prior to the above attacks, there had been a pattern of instigation by the BBS and its leader, Galagoda Atte Gnanasara. The initial focus has been at Irrakamam in the Ampara district where they have a strong support base in the adjacent area. Irrakamam however is predominantly a Muslim area. There had been landgrabs, under the pretext of a dispute which should have been resolved through law courts or official channels. That was in mid-April. Gnanasara has visited the area and reportedly made provocative statements against the Muslims and their faith.

It is also under his patronage that Vesak celebrations had been held in this Muslim area on the 10th of May. It is during the same period that the BBS propagated that the Muslim refugees are coming from Myanmar and the local Muslims are supporting them for further colonization. During Onegama (Polonnaruwa) attacks, Gnanasara is reportedly been present. Another repeated provocation has been to insult the Allah – Subhanahu Wa ta’ala (meaning the most glorified, the most-high). There is substantial evidence/information for the above incidents. The BBS has been acting as if to invite IS terrorism in Sri Lanka.

Morally Repugnant

The BBS propaganda and activities in Sri Lanka are morally repugnant in predominantly a Buddhist country. It is difficult to imagine how Buddhism is used to propagate hatred and violently attack another religion for narrow ‘ethnic’ or sectarian reasons.

As the King Dharma Asoka declared in his Edict XII, “There should be growth in the essentials of all religions. Growth in essentials can be done in different ways, but all of them have as their root restraint in speech, that is, not praising one’s own religion, or condemning the religion of others without good cause. And if there is cause for criticism, it should be done in a mild way.”

What is most relevant and applicable in the case of Sri Lanka is the following.

“But it is better to honour other religions for this reason. By so doing, one’s own religion benefits, and so do other religions, while doing otherwise harms one’s own religion and the religions of others. Whoever praises his own religion, due to excessive devotion, and condemns others with the thought “Let me glorify my own religion,” only harms his own religion.”

(‘The Edicts of King Asoka,’ https://www.cs.colostate.edu/~malaiya/ashoka.html)

It is hard to believe that Gnanasara’s cause is a religious cause. He does not engage in any meaningful criticism or discourse other than insults and abuse. His demeanour is violent. If he or anyone wants to air doctrinal differences, that can be done in decent writing. As the good king Asoka said, ‘if there is cause for criticism, it should be done in a mild way.’ That does not preclude the ‘freedom of criticism.’ But it should not be vilification of other religions. This distinction does not appear to be clear for many people in Sri Lanka unfortunately. This is the same in human rights. ‘Freedom of criticism,’ anyway is not burning Muslim shops and attacking Mosques. 

It is rather farcical that the BBS representatives had lodged complaints before the Human Rights Commission. If that is to safeguard any atrocity on the part of the police, in the process of arresting him, then he should appear before a Magistrate and surrender. He should give up and face the rule of law. The fact of the matter is that the police and the law enforcement authorities have been quite lenient on Gnanasara and the BBS so far. He has reportedly been there on the 21st May during the Mosque attack in Kurunegala. But he was not arrested.

The National Task 

The police hierarchy may or may not be culpable of directly protecting the BBS. But they must be at east confused or influenced by the same propaganda and prejudices against the ordinary Muslims and the business people. These have been long standing in the country. In early 20th century, many of the Piyadasa Sirisena’s novels used to propagate these prejudices. I myself have experienced my neighbours at Peradeniya in the 1970/80s harbouring these prejudices and antipathy against the Muslims or their businesses.

But previously, I have also experienced the Sinhala Buddhists and the Muslims amicably coexisting in Moratuwa-Horetuduwa area during my childhood. Therefore, it is a mixed situation or a deterioration of a previous situation. There can be a possibility that the way some of the Muslims conduct businesses is distasteful to some Sinhala businessmen. But that is not a reason to attack and burn their shops and businesses. The reasons can be competition or envy. This is where the rule of law should prevail. The misunderstandings or even prejudices should be matters for the much-declared National Reconciliation efforts/programme to address. The Muslims also have a role to play in this endeavour.

Sri Lanka cannot go on like this. After major attacks in June 2014 at Aluthgama, there were all indications that the BBS was planning to celebrate the centenary of the 1915 ‘Sinhala-Muslim’ riots in 2015. What prevented this catastrophe was the change of government and the political situation. Therefore, the present government has a major responsibility to sustain and stabilize the situation. One part of the last government is one part of the present government.

The events during April and May are quite disturbing and detrimental to national unity and harmony. These should be curtailed not under an iron fist, as some would argue, but under the rule of law. There should be national consensus going beyond party politics and bringing all parties/sections together as much as possible. It is difficult to imagine any democratic party or formation would conscientiously approve what is conducted by the BBS. At least that is the expressed position/s of all democratic parties. Therefore, that potential should be utilized to the full extent. There are parties (i.e. left) even in the Joint Opposition that should be mobilized against the BBS’ xenophobic activities.   

There is much discussion on the issues of national security these days. The most dangerous threat to national security, both internally and externally, at present is religious disharmony and conflict in the country. These issues warrant a special parliamentary debate with the objective of achieving common consensus in curtailing the situation. This is equally important as flood relief activities and assistance to the victims.        

Latest comments

  • 18

    Dr. Laksiri – thanks for your sober and responsible and perceptive comments. The Parliamentary debate that you recommend would be an excellent idea. You write that the BBS has been acting as if to invite IS terrorism in Sri Lanka. That bears thinking about. – IH

    • 5

      Mr. Hussain,

      I made a comment to your article ‘BBS-Farce or Tragedy or Both’ for your attention. If you have not read it please read and respond.

      Eagle Eye

    • 4

      Dr. Laksiri Fernando, ———————————————————————————–

      RE: A New Form Of Anti-Muslim Terrorism In Sri Lanka: What Is To Be Done? —————————————————————————————————————————————
      “Article 10 under Fundamental Rights of the Constitution guarantees, as it says, “Every person is entitled to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, including the freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice.” It is this fundamental right of the Muslims that is violated through vilification of that religion by Gnanasara and attacks on Mosques and religious places by his BBS supporters. “———————————————-

      “Of course, the accuracy of the incidents is not yet verified. However, it is up to the Police to do so. Even if there are inaccuracies about the extent, the incidence cannot be denied and the patterns are clear.”————————————————————————————

      “very clearly showing the inaction of the area police. Therefore, on the part of the government the creation of the ‘special police for hate crimes’ is a welcome move. However, this should not lead to the inaction of the area police on the pretext that there is a ‘new branch’ or special police.”——————————————————————————–

      Dr. Laksiri Fernando, thanks for the write up and highlighting the inaction by the state and the police to act according to the constitution to provide fundamental rights to the Muslims.This is clearly a travesty of justice, and will certainly lead to future calamity .—————————————————————————————– Why is it that BOTH the President and the Prime Minister as well as the Police are Impotent?
      What is the TRUTH and who is protecting the BBS Terrorists? ———————————————————————————————————————————————–Please read the Article in CT Sinhala, by Chamara Kalshman Kumara, on “මැතිවරණයට තරග කර හොට බිම ඇනගත් ඥානසාරගේ බොදුබල සේනාවේ අලුත් නාඩගම​” Ganasar who got his nose, beak, hitting the ground, and the BBS new Drama. ————————————————–
      —————————————————————————————————————-ගංවතුරේ වාසියත් ඥානසාරටද? Is the Benefit of the Floods to Gansara? by Ashan Weerasinghe

    • 2

      Dr. Laksiri Fernando —–RE: A New Form Of Anti-Muslim Terrorism In Sri Lanka: What Is To Be Done? ————————————————————————————————————————-Now see what Ganasara is saying————————————-Floods, a Curse on Govt – ven.Gnanasara—–Ven. Galagoda Aththe Gnanasara Thera stated that disasters prevail…… in the country when the rulers attempt to destroy the Buddha Sasana by disgracing and abasing the order of the Sangha.———–“According to Buddhism, disasters occur in a country when the rulers are unrighteous and wicked and do not revere the words of the Buddha” the Thera told Ceylon Today.——————————————————————————Why not some Sinhala “Buddhists” with common sense and with some knowledge of Buddha Dhamma, cite Mara and Mara following “Sangha” like Ganasara, that has brought this curse. Karma, from the Divine weather Gods for the Land of Native Veddah Aethho….because of Ganasara and BBS.———————————————————–

    • 9

      Dr Fernando,
      I too find the article is a timeworthy analysis about the current situation.

      What bothers me, even if the wildboar behaviours turn to be worsening than few years ago, the authorities seem to be underestimating it.

      May be the advisors to PM and Prez may feel, if anything would do against Sanga constume wearing thugs, people would come as inciting new form of 83 style riots.

      At the time, Mangalaramaya mad monk behaved as nobody expected a monk to be, nothing was taken against him. Verbal provocations made on the tamil GS standing next to him was very patient and sent the message across that TAMILS in general are civlized than the sinhalese.
      I could not agree with them more. Saddest reality was, people s backing to mad monk.
      So is the case in current text, when Balusara started attacking police, the gathering supported him.
      These people are born stupid to create new from of violent waves in this country.
      I think the law and order should work to the manner Singapore takes it.
      Until then, they will not be able to handle any issues of this nature.
      Those idiots go after buddhism calling they are to protect is are just criminals.
      Buddhism has not been fallen to that level… if ther eare issues with muslims and their fundementalists in the country, those who are responsible to investigate them should do the job well. Not BBS or any other forces should come forward to do it.

    • 3

      Why all the fuss? Why can’t the government use the Prevention of Terrorism Act that they used on Tamils?

      Rule of law is missing in Sri Lanka!

    • 2

      Izeth, can you see that Laksiri has presented the situation without any conspiracy theories. People may take you seriously if you avoid the “We Sinhala Muslims” whinge.

  • 2

    Most of the SL politicians find comfort in turmoils as people and the extreme organizations would do most of the analysis physically and theoretically confusing everyone. For govt. it is a matter of allowing breach of law at a comfortable pace that keeps public occupied. Otherwise we have cricket matches. Natural disasters are obviously catalysts. In between foreign trips to refresh the minds. Once in a way a request for a Benz or Limousine. Before elections show the dentures and dyed hairs with all smiles, promise the sky standing next to monks. Most of the monkeys will not remember what happened in the past or who is who. Such are the voting dumbos called as Sri Lankans.

  • 11

    Sri lanka is a country used for begging. Recently, Sri lanka started begging from the middle east too,. with that, what has come is so many Islamic clerics, Islamic NGOs, Politicians getting money acquiring lands on faek deeds, clearing of Wilparttu, including kilinochchi , upto mulativu for settling muslims, on the other hand islamization of kathankudy and east, muslims making their women cover the whole body while making women from other religions stay naked are so many. So, there are so many intolreant work from muslims. Muslims can not stay just accuse BBS and stay silent.

    Laksiri Fernando is a Thiest and anti – eastern bloc countries. and over and over again he has proved he is biased. They are simply anti-Buddhist.. when did you people talk about islamic extremists and Tamil extremists.

    ISIS is a western creation. they won’t come until some one wants them here. ISIS are paid fighters. IZETh is another cunning muslims who does not talk what they are doing. He just talks about Backlash, and isalophobia. that is hiding behind blames and as victims.

    • 16

      Jim Softy,

      So according to you, any one talks against unlawful things BBS does is an anti-Buddhist? This is how MR and his clans robbed the nation calling people with the right view as ‘traitors’

      • 1

        Be it anyone, all are born equal and between the legs of a woman. the rest follows thru parental guidance. very few come out of this practice and follow a neutral path free from the influence of any faith. Most faith leaders are paid to do a job or earn their living thru it. It is people who divide other people. Here Gnanassara is a paid worker to create discord and disgrace Buddhism. Whosoever is associated with him are of the same calibre and are a threat to the society in any country.
        There are thousands of Sinhala Buddhist who are living, earning and supporting their families with earnings from Arab countries and we all must have some gratitude to that end.
        Gnanassara and his likewise are a threat to the peace of the nation
        in general and to the destruction of Buddhism in particular.
        It is now more than evident that this man certainly has the backing of the government as it was in the MR administration.
        The police are, racist, shameful and a disgrace locally and abroad.
        At the end of the day it is not any faith that builds the economy of the nation but human effort.

  • 10

    It is simply dishonesty and hatred from Laksiri Fernando like people when you write this kind of articles. It is simply your anti- buddhist conviction. It is Muslims majority country can have their way, no one is talking. It is the same thing with christians. they also have the under the table system in which christianity and christians are favoured in everything. Evenin Sri lanka, buddhists are threatened with through brain washing and because of pesty politicians who simply do not have any values.
    If it is good for christians, and muslims all over the world, if it is good for tamils, why it is bad for buddhists ?
    You can write just crap articles only giving evidence to your point but not the whole case.. That is what you are doing.

  • 7

    Islam means peace …why trouble these peace loving people ?
    Muslims never expose their own people even criminals and murderers it is against their holy koran.

    When Muslims joined with Sinhala Army and looted ..killed Tamils to please Sinhala masters no dog bark.

    Now Thoppies are tasting their own medicine .

    Come on take green flag and ride on camel to smash enemy carry a cardboard sword.

    Pity there is no big mouth Ghadafi or Sadaam to help them …the greatest guardian of time machine Saudies are in economic turmoil …

    Drones are waiting in Afghanistan and Diego Garcia base to blast the head of tyoppies if they go beyond limit.

    Better let shoppes to follow Rohinga brothers and float in the sea or migrate to Saudi Arabia ..may be with this plan they dress like Arabs now ..but speak Tamil he he he

    • 16


      Do you know how many Thoppies saved how many Pottus by giving refuge and hiding them in own houses from rioters in 1983? We even washed the Pottus and wore them Thoppies to look alike Arabs :-) Ultimately, these ungrateful Pottus never said a word against their potato king’s ethnic cleansing.

      Just take a back seat and watch how Thoppies will handle the matters without sending women and kids as human-bombs to kill other innocent women and kids. And we won’t even float in the seas because we won’t opt to rusty fishing boat solutions :-) Cheers

      • 1

        Yes Thoppies will even change their religion if they want a cut……
        You can ask ISIS about how to make Muslim kids as human bombs ..even Ayotullah Komeni sent millions of kids as human bomb during Iran-Iraq war ..all according to holy book.

        Why these jokers in Kattankudi dress like Arabs ?

        A person who speak Tamil at home is a Tamil …full stop.

        Why never muslim talk truth ?

        • 2

          Check the history and you will realize who changed the religion just for learning in English Language. One of the reasons Arumuka Navalar reformulated Hinduism to control Tamil conversion to Christianity through conversion campaign setup by Christian missionaries with English Language schools as lure

          Why do we ask ISIS about human bombs when our well-experienced next door neighbor you’re there? What was the holly book your potato king followed when he pioneered in sending human-bombs to kill innocent people including kids? Some Sinhalese, Tamils & Muslims speak English at home too, are they Whites? Cheers ;-)

          • 1

            Isharath, do not waste your time replying to these ungrateful idiots. They are fools and opportunists.

  • 10

    Three Hindu Tamil girls from Kiliveddy maha vidyalayam in Moothur Trincomalee have been sexually assaulted by four Muslim youths two days ago, on their way home. What do you say about this , Izeth Hussain.

    • 2

      Mai be they were directed by the Ulama, s that MMDA will not be repealed, and the Muslim youth can marry underage girls.

    • 4

      Cut off their Genitals as punishment. When were in the forces, we knew how to take care of problems like these.

      We’d penetrate their rear-ends with a s-lon pipe, insert a barbed wire into the pipe and remove the pipe out while the Barbed wire remained inside.

      No fuss. The whole Muslim village will be bowing their heads to us the next morning.

      Extra ordinary problems need extra ordinary solutions.

      • 1

        so you are exposing your self as part of the torture chamber that did exist in the military, navy or airforce or in the police as well.
        Somebody should take notice of this admission by a retired armed forces officer.

    • 5

      He will not say anything like the rest of Muslims but enjoy it . These fake Arab immigrant low caste Tamil Dravidian Hindu converts to Islam from Tamil Nadu , in the name of Islam and a fake Arab/Moor origin urged by their southern Muslims elite like this Izzeth, who constantly comes here to post his Tamil hate dribble, joined with the Sinhalese racists to discriminate kill rape loot burn destroy Tamis , their homes and businesses and ethnically cleanse them from their lands. Ironically the very same lands where they were given asylum and refuge, a few centuries ago , by the ancestors of the same Tamils whose lands their now trying to steal with the help of the Sinhalese racists and armed forces. They are now getting their own medicine that these immigrant low castes were jointly with the Sinhalese , were dishing out to the island’s Tamils , from their former Sinhalese racist partners and establishment and are now crying out foul, stating why are doing this to us , when we your former partners in your anti Tamil genocidal dance. Now instead of rewarding us with all the stolen Tamil goodies and land, you are dishing out the same thing to us. Not fair.

      • 5

        Dear RSSS
        If the Muslims are so despicable as they are low caste Hindus who converted to Islam, what about the Dalits who are converting in droves to Buddhism through Dr. Ambedkar’smovement? …………………………………………………….Could it be that due to the injustice of the Hindu caste system people are progressing upwards by converting to Islam and Buddhism??………………………………………………………………………………………..”When a dog could walk up to the well of so called high caste people but a person belonging to low caste could not dare to walk near the same well”……………………………………………………………………………………………………..”Born of the feet of Brahma, if a shudra speaks harshly to Brahmin, Kshatriya or Vaish, the king should get his tongue cut. (Manu Simariti Chap. 8, S: 270)”………………………………………………………………………………………………………”If a shudra calls people from other castes harshly then put an eight inch long hot iron rod in his mouth”…………………………………………………………………………………………………..”If a shudra, in pride, instructs a Brahmin in dharma then the king should put hot oil in his mouth and ears. (Manu Simariti Chap. 8, S: 271-271)” ………………………………………….
        Yuk. Are you really proud of this system????????

    • 4

      These selfish opportunistic backstabbing devils do not know what is patriotic or fair. For petty benefits they denied their own Tamil Dravidian heritage and shamelessly claimed an Arab/Moorish heritage that they only have in a very small dose. Even the Arabs have stated they are not of Arab heritage but they still pathetically insist on an Arab heritage , feeling this will give them benefits. Who respects a person or a people who deny who they are and claim to be something else for some sort of benefit and then join with others to discriminate and kill their own people in the name of a religion and a fake origin. These devils were dancing on the streets and holding victory parades with the Sinhalese racist in May 2009 , celebrating the deliberate killing of more than 1430000 innocent Tamil civilians by the Sri Lankan government/ armed forces and the incarceration of more than 300000 Tamil civilians in the Vanni in Nazi concentration camps. They were salivating with on how large chunks of stolen Tamil lands in the north and east will now belong to them . A devil from Mannar immediately started to settle thousands of out of area Muslims in the Mannar Willupathu region with the help of Salafist Arab funds , pretending he was settling Muslim IDPS. Around 60000 Muslims were chased out of the north and most of them did not want to return but 200000-300000 were claiming that they were displaced northern Muslims IDPS. Unless they were some microscopic organs doubling and triplicating themselves 60000 could not have become even 100000 by 17 years. Then they joined with Sinhalese racists to claim the Tamil east for them. A place where they only arrived a few centuries ago fleeing Portuguese and then Sinhalese persecution and were given refuge. Lesson learnt never give any Muslim refuge. Even if they are from your ethnicity . The eastern Tamils made this mistake. They gave them refuge as fellow Tamils and gave these largely young male refugee Muslim Tamil men , Tamil Hindu Mukkuva women as brides to start a family and settle down. Now what are these ungrateful vipers doing? Joining with the Sinhalese racists to steal Tamil land. You can feel pity for something or someone innocent being ill treated or abused. Not for some ungrateful selfish vindictive
      backstabbers who joined with the very same Sinhalese who are now abusing them , to discriminate and kill their fellow non Muslim Tamils and now crying foul.

    • 4

      Allah told these refugee immigrant converts from Tamil Nadu that it is just to sexually assault and molest female Tamil Hindu Kaffirs ( non believers) just before Ramadan. They are doing their duty to Allah ,their Arab masters, to Wahhabism and to the ISIS ( Just like they sexually assault non Muslims especially the Yazidi women) . So they did this and were given absolution by their local imam for the good job done.
      This what these former Muslim home guards were doing to the Hindu Tamils in the east. Izzeth and the rest of the Muslims will keep quiet about this but would have come here and cried out cruelty discrimination, how evil and casteist the Tamils are, if it was the reverse and Hindu Tamils and molested Muslim females dressed in black Arab sack cloth. Mahindapala would have then started to post more articles in conjunction about the evil Tamil Vellalar.
      Pandi Kutti is very angry and is snorting. No bacon ham or salami for the Thullukans to eat and feat during Ramadan

    • 3

      Islam did not make them do it you numb nut, it was those three evil individuals.

      • 0

        Who cares you nit-wit. They are YOUR people and they are YOUR responsibility. If you cannot cage them, we’ll get our Army to do it for you.

  • 6

    Very good article. Dr. Fernando has to be commended for this.

  • 1

    In Sri Lanka there is an association between violence and the so called isms such as Racism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islamism, Fundamentalism, Communism, Socialism, extremism, capitalism. However, only one ism that is common to all these isms its link to terrorism. Buddhism was used as weapon against Tamils and Muslims. Socialism/Communism was used as weapon by JVP Terrorism against Capitalism. In most of the violences Two major Sinhalese Parties were provided or supported Terrorism. Similarly the major Tamil political party and Muslim political party were in support of Terrorism. In simple terms, all major political parties were directly or indirectly responsible Terrorism. As long as the political culture remains the same you cannot expect that Terrorism will go away with this island. I don’t know, in the history of Srilanka, this island ever had such level of bloodbath in this soil compare to the period between 1950 and 2017. Do we need these violent form isms to this island?

    • 0

      Fundamentalism states that there are 2 destinations after death and feels the compulsion to eliminate the other group and earn a reward. Fundamentalism is found in most major belief systems but the danger is in what religious leaders teach their adherents how to handle it. If violence and death is the answer, then the damage done causes upheaval and chaos. Biblical Christianity commands the followers of Jesus Christ to live at peace with all men. He came to give life, conquered death and rose from the grave, giving that resurrection life in exchange for sins which can be forgiven, so can live in peace and liberty, not as fanatics.

  • 6

    Dr. Fernando,

    I am not writing this because I am a fan of Gnanasara. Even if his intentions are good, I do not like his style of doing things. According to my information, Police has not conducted investigations to recent incidences that you mention but you have passed the verdict. You say there are evidence to link BBS to attacks against Muslims. Can you provide those evidences. Simply because he was in Kurunegala when the mosque attack happened is it fair to conclude that he is behind it. BBS denies involvement in any of these attacks. In fact, they have requested the President to appoint a Commission to investigate the Aluthgama incident but he has not taken any action. May be he is worried that an investigation might reveal the real culprits. Although you say that Gnanasara might bring IS to Sri Lanka, what Gnanasara is doing is ringing alarm bells about a potential threat to the society from Wahabi (IS) extremists operating in Sri Lanka. When BBS brought this to the attention of responsible people in the Government, they had laughed at them but now it has become true. BBS believe that the recent attacks are the work of a Third Party to put the blame on BBS and exert pressure on the government to take action against Gnanasara and silence him so that Muslim politicians can carry on with their shady activities without someone to expose them. BBS say that they are drawing attention of the authorities and public to the findings of a Commission appointed by President Kumaratunga at a time Dr. Ranil was the Prime Minister. This is the irony with Commissions. They eat public money and produce reports but nobody bothers to read. [Edited out]

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    [Edited out] Comments should not exceed 300 words.Please read our Comments Policy for further details.

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    Dear Prof. Laksiri, you seem to be concerned about a new form of anti-Muslim terrorism in Srilanka and want something to be done about it. You have turned a blind eye to the old form of anti-Tamil terrorism in Srilanka which is still raging. Refusal to vacate the lands for Tamils to be resettled, putting up Buddhist temples where there are no Buddhists, changing of demographic pattern and place names and holding Tamils in prison without a trial are forms of terrorism. Tamils have faced terrorism not only from civilians but also from security forces with the tacit approval of successive governments in power over the last several years. Contrast to this, anti-Muslim terrorism is only few years old and committed by a few individuals, where in some instances state and security forces have not taken any action. You cite the definition under which LTTE was named a terrorist organisation. Do you not sincerely believe that if the same yardstick is used, Srilanka government and its security forces also fall into this category. There is ample evidence that Srilanka security forces committed atrocities more in number and brutality than LTTE. This is the reason why Sinhalese people are not in favour of an impartial international inquiry. It is sad that you who claim to be a moderate is rushing in to save the Muslims but woefully silent on the sufferings of Tamils.

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      Thanks I was going to post the same and you have already posted what I wanted to post. All these so called Sinhalese liberals were very mum and quiet when successive Sinhalese Sri Lankan governments and armed forces were discriminating committing atrocities and ethnic cleansing on the island’s Tamils and still are but hardly a whimper from them but a now jumping up and down and show a lot of concern when a few individuals attack and burn a few Muslims shops. Why is it because the Muslims were their former partners in their anti Tamil genocidal dance and the Sinhalese will now look even more intolerant and bad to the world , as they not only discriminated and committed war crimes and genocide on the island’s Tamils but have now turned against another minority who were their co partner’s in their genocidal dance. This may be the cause for all this bogus concern. Don’t also forget lots of Sinhalese labourers and Ayammas work as menial in the Arabian Gulf and the Sinhalese do not want that to stop. The Arabs may not care for these pretend Arab low caste Dravidian converts to Islam from Sri Lanka and will treat them as third rates in the Arabian Gulf as they feel it is their right to treat lowly converts but in the name of Islam will not want them to be ill treated by a non Arab non Muslim people like the Sinhalese.

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    “any action…by its nature or context, is to intimidate a population, or to compel a Government or an international organization to do or to abstain from doing any act.”

    police and military collecting relief from Jaffna traders . It look like intimidating population. It is forceful grapping of goods. They blundered and robbed each and every house in north east, each and every person in NE. during 1977-2017. Now they officially do that in uniform. Common Tamil people have fear and terror to see the military or police personnel It freeze their blood and mind especially when they see them armed with or without Uniform.. The visiting monks can do the releif collection. If the Govt wants to do the relief collection as a form of Tax it should engage Gramaseva officers. otherwise do it through Red cross or Lion and rotary clubs. What are these elite clubs doing there?

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    “any action…by its nature or context, is to intimidate a population, or to compel a Government or an international organization to do or to abstain from doing any act.”

    police and military collecting relief from Jaffna traders . It look like intimidating population. It is forceful grapping of goods. They blundered and robbed each and every house in north east, each and every person in NE. during 1977-2017. Now they officially do that in uniform. Common Tamil people have fear and terror to see the military or police personnel It freeze their blood and mind especially when they see them armed with or without Uniform.. The visiting monks can do the releif collection. If the Govt wants to do the relief collection as a form of Tax it should engage Gramaseva officers. otherwise do it through Red cross or Lion and rotary clubs. What are these elite clubs doing there?
    Also The churches, temples and Mosques Can do the collection of relief.material and moneyt. Remember North east send lorry Loads of relief to south regardless of their own sufferings on the Last occasion.

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    Lakasiri, Answer these questions; Did a Muslim ask you to write this article- full of non-sense? Do you live abroad? If so, when was the last time you visit Sri Lanka ? and, you are not a Buddhist, are you????—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————–
    MUSLIMS stated the 1915 Muslim-riots by throwing stones at the “Dewala Pereahara” with the help of British. AGAIN, MUSLIMS started the 2014 Muslim-riots by assaulting a monk. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-
    So called 12 attacks were all inside jobs to frame Gnanasara thero and his organization. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Write an article about Wilpattuwa destruction and its illegal settlements of illegal immigrant, Muslim IDP hoax, the great Halal fraud,etc etc.

  • 5

    Birds of a feather are flocking together. Everybody knows the gang, this learned professor who conferred Nobel Peace Prize for War Criminal Old King, Izeth, Mahindapala, Basil, Edwin, Amarasiri…. He is learned, but he does not know LTTE is not banned in America. It is listed as International Terrorist organization (UN resolution 1373, not the internal definition). OISL March, 2015 report listed, Old Royals’ and New Royals’ Presidents, Ministers and Officers as war criminals. It is Ranil saying he saved them all. How he did was he used his Appa Diplomacy to fool Ex. State Secretary John Kerry and he forced UNHRC High Commissioner Prince Zeid to withdraw it. Further LTTE was listed by Bush government and now Bush cannot to Travel to Europe. The one who (Rohan Gunaratna) worked with CIA on that was punished by courts for his fraudulent studies. Old Royal killed Kathirgamar who influenced Condoleezza Rice. European Court has given verdict that EU had taken help from India to ban LTTE and that resource was corrupted and not true. This guy is hiding Whole Pumpkin inside the rice.

    BBS entered to Minister Mano Ganesan office and threatened him. Even the lawless Old Royal, when Gnanam went to Rishard office, followed up on that. But we came to know is, other Yahapalanaya fellow ministers called Mano Ganesan to warn not to file a case. Gnanam told if CV, Sivajilingam and Mano Ganesan are arrested, he will surrender. Navatkuli is being colonized with Buddhist monks. 400 monks went from South to occupy Navatkuli, in addition to 150,000 strong army is occupying north. When BBS entered Irakkamam, it is Sampanthar went to New King (Muslim Ministers against complaining). Did one Muslim raise his/her voice about 400 monks went to Navatkuli? This is Occasional Stories: III drama by this learned professor

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      They have now been joined by hundreds of racist Buddhist monks from Myanmar , who are the cause of the Rohingya Muslim genocide in Myanmar. All being entertained by the Sinhalese Sri Lankan armed forces who want to build a huge Buddhist temple in Navatkuli and now clamouring the change the name from Navatkuli to Chandrapura. There is stiff resistance to this from the local people. Where is the concern from the author of this article or any other Sinhalese to this or for that matter from the Muslims. Why because the victims are Hindu Tamils so it is fine but will jump up and down it happened to a Sinhalese or Muslim. All hypocrites including the author of this article. All these people just kept quiet and enjoyed themselves when hundreds of thousands were killed discriminated , over a million ethnically cleansed and their lands stolen and still not returned. Muslims and Buddhist building Mosques and Buddhist temples on the premises of destroyed Hindu temples.

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    Is BBS operating in Germany?

    Nine wooden stakes topped with pieces of a dead pig have been found on a plot of land where a mosque is scheduled to be built in Germany, according to police. It follows numerous protests against the proposed place of worship. The stakes, which measured 1.5 meters (5 feet) tall, were planted on the plot of land in the east German city of Erfurt, DPA news agency said, citing local law enforcement. Half a pig’s head, pig feet, and pig bowels were placed on top of the stakes, at the site where the Ahmadiyya mosque is scheduled to be built.

    Source: https://www.rt.com/news/390105-pig-head-mosque-germany/

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    The problem in Sri Lanka is a case of justice. Be it Buddhist/Hindu/Muslim/Christian. If certain people are above the law for all the crimes openly committed. Then the country has a serious problem.
    If there is no justice, another war will start. the way this mad monk is behaving, i call him a bitch. this bitch will start openly killing muslims, and he will start a race riot as per his manifesto. of ridding sri lanka of all muslims/christians then the hindus and moderate buddhist. He has stated he wants to be above the law, a king of some sought in Sri Lanka. He went to kandy to propergate his bullshit in front of the temple of tooth, and he was asked to leave by the chief monk. But bitch is persistant, and the politicians a dilly dallying till its too late, as this bitch has already formed a militia. which is swelling with all types of criminals and financiers.
    If this bitch is not arrested and charged and hanged for aluthgama murders pluss so many, country will go down.

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    The writer, who might have the best intentions at heart, about social harmony and amity between the communities in Sri Lanka, comes through as a rather impotent and feeble proponent of justice. His words, although designed to be politically correct and appearing to be ‘diplomatic’ do not address issues with conviction.

    For example, his analysis of police inaction and apathy when crimes were being committed in the full glare of public scrutiny has been described in insipid terms. He also claims that the yellow-robed firebrand cleric’s invective is not directed at the government, whereas they are, quite clearly.

    If only he bothered to watch some of the video-recordings of his rhetoric at the crime scenes he would not be so blaise’ about them. I would suggest he ramp up his batteries and start writing with more conviction.

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    Everybody assumes that Sri Lanka is democratic and there is rule of law:

    As far as rule of law is concerned Tamils know the truth that rule of law apply to them sometimes only not so long after independence.

    Once you live with no rule of law for Tamils, does it take too long to extend the principle to Muslims and even to Sinhalese eventually. Appe Aanduwa, meka thamai!

    We live in a fools’ paradise beleiving it to be democrtic where rule of law prevails.

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    Any serious attempt at resolving the Buddhist – Muslim problem has to address it’s causes rather than it’s effects. ” .. achieving common consensus in curtailing the situation” is at best a mere palliative.

    The “prejudices and antipathy against the Muslims” that Dr Laksiri refers to took root many, many decades ago. However, it is only during the last 3 – 4 decades that such negative emotions increased in intensity among the Buddhists to the extent that they were constrained to express their antipathy vocally and actively.

    Rather than adopting an innocent stance in this regard, it is incumbent on the Muslims to examine the situation objectively and dispassionately to identify as to whether they as a community have in any way, maybe inadvertently, contributed towards this recent escalation in anti-Muslim sentiment among the Buddhist community.

    Enacting laws to suppress the derogatory tirades against Islam and the Muslims will not be a permanent solution to this problem. It will only serve to enhance the anti-Muslim sentiments within the Buddhist community until one day this ‘pressure’ reaches a tipping-point and explodes more forcefully.

    The process of polarization of the two communities has to be stopped and reversed. This is only possible by identifying and neutralizing the underlying causes based on empathy, compassion and understanding.

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    unfortunately you forgot to mention causes of emergence of BBS. Reason may be you too is a believer of same god or member of catholic action movement which was formed to destroy Buddhism and Hinduism in this Island. I can not see any other reasons.

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      Tese people have selected memory loss.

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    The rupture of amity and goodwill among the citizens of Ceylon is no accident. The foundation was laid long before the Britishers left our shores. The plan to make Ceylon the sole property of the Sinhalese was hatched in secrecy, much to the vexation of Tamils and Muslims. The first step of the devious plan was to set the two minority communities up against each other, by adopting the strategy of divide & rule, learnt from the British. Evil in their thinking, the Muslims swallowed that bait, hook, line, and sinker. They wittingly participated in decimating the political and civic rights of the Tamils. Little did they realise that when it was time to execute the next step of the plan, they too would go down like ninepins.

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    Ranjith (sprrw). It is futile to reason with these people. they have the hatred because it did not work for them. So, they take revenge from Buddhists. there are so many similar to this writing here.

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    don’t hate. segregate

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    .It is my thought,
    The war we had was enough for us to be united without creating differences and violence.How many of our leaders were put to death by LTTE till we have none to take our Country in the right direction or even to show the people the meaning of UNITY . This government started with dis-unity and blame game and put down to shame the leaders and arm forces who put their lives on line to end the vicious and a bloody war of many years. This is the only country in the World that allowes to celebrates lethal Criminals( who once gave a blood bath to the country) as War heroes. This simply shows to the world how weak the government is.And this is the reason why there are no proper investigations carried out on attacks of Srilankan citizens of other ethnic and religious groups and the worship places.The law and order has deteriorated to a great extent in all sections of administration this is clearly visible to all.. If we wish to live in this multy cultural country Lets walk together atleast at this late hour to go foward to rebuild our Country for all to live in peace as a Nation .It says, “A solid rock is not shaken by the wind , so our country will be with our effort..

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    The war we had was enough for us to be united without creating differences and violence.How many of our leaders were put to death by LTTE till we have none to take our Country in the right direction or even to show the people the meaning of UNITY . This government started with dis-unity and blame game and put down to shame the leaders and arm forces who put their lives on line to end the vicious and a bloody war of many years. This is the only country in the World that allowes to celebrates lethal Criminals( who once gave a blood bath to the country) as War heroes. This simply shows to the world how weak the government is.And this is the reason why there are no proper investigations carried out on attacks of Srilankan citizens of other ethnic and religious groups and the worship places.The law and order has deteriorated to a great extent in all sections of administration this is clearly visible to all.. If we wish to live in this multy cultural country Lets walk together atleast at this late hour to go foward to rebuild our Country for all to live in peace as a Nation .It says, “A solid rock is not shaken by the wind , so our country will be with our effort..

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    To All Contributors

    I understand that the Tamils have venom on the Muslims. That is understandable and not an offence.

    But what I cannot understand is the Tamil’s argument and why have an incurable need to make those whom they hate, the Muslims, to be lowest caste Tamils. I have read Tamils assert Muslims were Indian SAKKILIYAS who were brought to Sri Lanka by JAFFNA TAMILS in the early nineteen twenties to wash and clean Tamils Lavatories in Jaffna and all Muslims are Sakkiliyas, but they are Tamils..

    Is it also true when the Muslims are considered inferior to the Tamils, Tamils can present the world they are superior to the entire Muslim world. Is it not because of the incurable inferiority statues of the Tamils not even a single country in the world who want to include the Muslims into their race.

    Will Izeth Hussain or any Tamil enlighten me.

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      No Tamil ever claimed either in this forum or anywhere else that Muslim are descended from Indian Sakkilis and were brought to the island by Jaffna Tamils to clean lavatories. It is a blatant lie. Sakkilis may now speak Tamil but they are not a Tamil caste but Telugu. Even in Sri Lanka the older generation of Sakkilis used to speak in a Telugu dialect amongst themselves. They like many other Telugu castes migrated to the Tamil country with the Telugu Nayake rule and over the centuries like the rest of the Telugus got Tamilised. The Sri Lankan Muslims are not descended from the Sakkilis and no Tamil ever claimed this. It is only Sinhalese like you who think every low caste Tamil is a Sakkili or a Paraiyan.
      The Muslims of Sri Lanka are largely descended from Indian Tamil low castes who converted to Islam but not everyone one of these were low caste , or Sakkilli. May be some and some from the upper castes.. There are many other low and Dalit castes amongst Tamils other than Sakkili. The Sinhalese Karawa Slagama and Durawa are descended from these low castes. But by and large the Sri Lankan Muslims are descended from low caste Tamil Hindus from Tamil Nadu and Kerala and migrated to the island a few centuries ago for trade and also fleeing poverty and persecution. .

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      A few hundred families may have some distant Arab ancestor. that is all. This does not make them Arab or Moor. The Arabs never came to the island or to South India in their thousands , just a few hundred traders over a span of centuries and only a few amongst them took local Tamil women, largely from the lower castes, their descendant would have amounted to only a few hundred or thousand in South India and in the island and they were swallowed by the huge influx of Dravidian Tamil Muslims migration from South India and other than in a few hundred families would not have made any dent in the Dravidian genetic make up of 95% of the so called Sri Lankan Moors or Muslims.
      The Jaffna Tamils never brought them to the island, however when they migrated to the island they did first settle largely along the north west coast and Mannar that was part of the Jaffna Kingdom because it is close to South India and they were ethnic Tamil Muslims and were comfortable to settle in a Tamil area and live amongst Tamils.
      No Tamil thinks Sri Lankan Muslims are inferior to them but are only stating the truth of their origin and stating the truth does not mean you think they are inferior. May be you think low caste is inferior to upper caste. Do not distort When Anthropologists state that the Romani Gypsies of Europe are largely descended from low caste North Indian Hindu immigrants, does not mean they are sneering at them but are stating a fact of history. Tamils are stating a fact but the Sri Lankan Muslims do want to acknowledge this fact ,as think it looks far better for them to claim an Arab/Moor origin that only a few of them have in small amounts than their actual core Tamil Dravidian South Indian origin and under the current political climate to claim that you are Tamil and not Moor will suicidal. Their parent population in South India have non of these qualms/hang ups and claim that they are Tamils who are Muslim by religion. Only in Sri Lanka a religion has become an ethnicity.

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        Dear RSSS….. If the Muslims are so despicable as they are low caste Hindus who converted to Islam, what about the Dalits who are converting in droves to Buddhism through Dr. Ambedkar’smovement? ………………………………………………………………………..…………….Could it be that due to the injustice of the Hindu caste system people are progressing upwards by converting to Christianity, Islam and Buddhism??…………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………..”When a dog could walk up to the well of so called high caste people but a person belonging to low caste could not dare to walk near the same well”……………………………………………………………………..………………………………..”Born of the feet of Brahma, if a shudra speaks harshly to Brahmin, Kshatriya or Vaish, the king should get his tongue cut. (Manu Simariti Chap. 8, S: 270)”……………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………”If a shudra calls people from other castes harshly then put an eight inch long hot iron rod in his mouth”………………………………………………………………..……………………………………..”If a shudra, in pride, instructs a Brahmin in dharma then the king should put hot oil in his mouth and ears. (Manu Simariti Chap. 8, S: 271-271)” …………………………………………. Are you really proud of this system????????

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      Read this article from Colombo Telegraph. It is not from a Tamil but from a Sri Lankan Borah


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    Thank you Laksiri for the article. Read the article once, read it again and again. The wording and sequencing could have come only from a clean clean clean heart. Will there be a day when BBS realize that this is how a true Buddhist must think and preach?

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    By the time all these Articles Appear In The CT About Ven Gnanasara Thero BBS and Other Sinhala National Organisations ………All People Are well aWare Of The Present Condition ………And We Can Come To One Conclusion…………..THERE IS A VERY BIG HATE CAMPAIGN GOING AGAINST THE MAJOR SINHALESE COMMUNITY……..A Part Of AL: -TAKIA……….Of MUSLIM INVASION…………..Money Is Being Pumped Here And There……….INCLUDING FOR THIS WRITER……All This Is Illicit Drug Money……LIKE HELL THIS CAMPAIGN IS GOING ON As There Appointed The Extremists Muslim Politicos…………….Every Cover Is Given…………But For How Long…………………..Non Of The Backlash Incidents were done by the above Organisations as THEY HAVE ONLY MADE RESISTANCE TO THE MUSLIM EXTREMISM VERBALLY……..All This Is Visible……THAT THESE MUSLIM EXTREMISTS HAVE GOT INTO HEELS USING THEIR POLITICAL POWER……………….But For How Long……….But These Muslim Extremist Idiots Will One Day
    Learn A Very Big Lesson From The Christians As We Are Praying To The God The Father Almighty To Stop All These Muslim Extremists Disturbing The Hard earned Peace In This Country …Destroying Our National Archealogical Sites And Forest Reservation and Nature And The Animals In The Country.And Highly Damaging The society By Smuggling Drugs To This Country. with the assistance of the Corrupted politicians…………The Day Is Not So Long That Muslim Extremism Shall Be Wiped Off For Ever From the Whole World……………Before that Allah will Have to Re-think Of Putting Out A new Quran to save people…………..We All Should Hope That What Hitler Did To Jews Shall Not Happen To The Muslims

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