19 February, 2025


Altuhgama Under Siege: Muslim Owned Shops Are Torched

Curfew has currently been declared in Aluthgama after protestors of the Bodu Bala Sena had attempted to stone the Darga Town muslim mosque erupting in a clash between the Muslims in the mosque and protesters, initial reports said.

Aluthgama Mulsims attacked 2Several Muslim owned shops have been torched by the violent mobs. Risky Hardware store is currently in flames with STF soldiers firing rubber bullets to dispel the protesters.

The Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) had organised a protest this afternoon in Aluthgama after which the incidents have occured

The situation is currently tense with Military reinforcements  being sent from Colombo.

Senior Police sources confirmed to Colombo Telegraph a shortwhile ago, that the BBS mob had incited the violence following the meeting. The Sources confirmed that although Police curfew was in place shops are currently being torched.

Around 4000 Muslims are currently gathered at the Dharga Town mosque where they had taken refuge from the violent mobs. The situation comes two day after violent mobs torched six Muslim shops after Muslim youth had allegedly assaulted a Buddhist monk. When the case was taken up there was no JMO report filed detailing the inujuries on the monk while the youth have denied assaulting him.

The Kaluthara Bar refused to appear on behalf of the two suspects with two lawyers from Colombo ultimately being sent to represent them.

Todays protest came in the backdrop of caution and requests from the Muslim community to stop the protest due to the tension that arose on Poson Poya day. However, the government and the Police which in usual circumstances appeal for an order against a protest which has the likelihood of turning violent, instead permitted the mob to protest right in front of the mosque.

The Special Task Force on the ground are said to be doing an impressive job and have prevented the mob from entering Muslim residential areas. The situation still remains tense.

Police Media Spokesperson SSP Ajith Rohana requested all persons in the area not to move on thoroughfares and other streets.



Related posts;

Buddhist Monk Allegedly Assaulted By Muslims In Aluthgama

Muslim Owned Shop Torched By Buddhist Thugs

Latest comments

  • 16

    Excellent timing by MR just on the eve of an International Inquiry. Poson night saw a youth being shot point blank at Nittambuwa by a drunkard cop on the back. Therefore the Police can not say that they shot in self defense. Also the lie is exposed that the rider was shot for not stopping when ordered to halt as then the rider and the Pillion rider, both should have bruises from the fall. No bruises, no fall. It is a cold blooded murder. Luck at last seem to knock at MR’s door?

  • 9

    Curfew declared!!!!!!then Buddhist Mobs must be getting a beating.


  • 16

    Why were the BBS and the Sinhala Ravaya allowed to protest right in front of a Masjid after it had all settled 3 days ago? this was a disaster waiting to happen… This happened 3 days ago and the dust settled in after the 2 guys who are ACCUSED to have assaulted the monk were taken into custody.. The report says the JMO report doesnt have any likelihood of any assault on the MONK. The driver of the monk had some altercation with the 2 youth who gave chase and the Monk being scared had run along with the driver and fabricated a false story stating he was assaulted and lodged a complaint at the police… This is cause for violence. Take the case of a boy who was assaulted by the BBS in Badulla who was merely walking along the pavement, who was snatched by the BBS monks and was seen assaulting him while asking if he was a Thambiya? why were the Monks not taken into custody, when they beat the child up in BROAD DAY LIGHT?

  • 3

    need to read comments

  • 3

    What are the facts.

    One Should not paint all the Sinhala people, based on the activities of a few Sinhalese “Buddhist” criminals. However, it is clear that Double standards are being applied here and the tolerance of the others for these criminals is part of the problem,


    They even believe the lies and imaginations of Mahawansa.

    Should the Mob leaders be targeted and dealt with ?

    • 0

      amASSiri the altar boy, don’t talk nonesense

  • 3

    Law and order in the country is dead.Law of mobs reigns aided and abetted by racist rulers in the centre.Security and the existence of Muslims in SL is at crossroads now.

  • 8

    This must be a part of an International conspiracy from Tamil Diaspora and out going HC Madam Pillay because our Sri Rohana Manaranjana, Saddarmadveepa Chakrawarthi already announced that he will not allow International Conspirators to come to Sri Lanka. Now Madam Pillay is very upset and she didn’t know what to do with her panel. We are very Lucky nation that at least we have “Bodu Bala Sena (Pvt) ltd to deal with in a situation like this. Actually in my opinion we have to suggest our Protector of Buddha Saasana, Sambudda Saasana Chakrawathi to amend the constitution and allow Bodu Balu Sena (pvt) Ltd have Police and Army powers to solve problems like this. Govt. Should supply Arms also to Bodu Balu Sena (pvt) ltd and it is in accordance with Grease Piya’s Buddhism in Sri Lanka.

    • 5

      You are bullshit!!

      • 1

        David and Web
        You don’t seem to have cottoned on to the sarcasm in Lapatiya’s excellnt analysis.

    • 1

      You are a load of bullshit

  • 1

    Totally bias reporting.

  • 12

    Curfew is to protect BBS thugs, under curfew most of the shops burned and looted. Police give permission to BBS and S R to demonstrate. How can you trust your government protect minority. It is preplanned. Gota racism. Digging his own grave.

  • 8

    Its happening.. long waited dreams of many racists..
    Now you can kill, damage properties and rape women.. you deserve this.. because its your country and fits to your nature..

    Many says “One Should not paint all the Sinhala people, based on the activities of a few Sinhalese “Buddhist” criminals”
    But, why the others are silent? Dosn’t it means you are accepting it silently? Of course except very few are there.

    Why the army is helping the terrorists to go inside and attack?

    Any action will be taken against this?

    Why BBS allowed??

    If you tell this to MR, he will tell that “What are you telling? I heard that Muslims were attacking Buddhists. Form a group of people to collect information about the incident” Thats it..

  • 9

    BBS is a child of Gota following Myanmar Viratu tactics. Doing this Gota he thinks he can escape from International criminal charges. His end is near. God is watching curse on him.

  • 3

    The Government wants this riot to spread so that the regime can inform UN that the prevailing situation is not conducive to have an international inquiry.

  • 2

    Al Qaeda active in Beruwala and Aluthgama.

    Send in the Nanthikadal army.

  • 1

    [Edited out]

  • 2

    Rise up Srilanka’s Modi.

    • 6

      Tamodaya means terrorist in a language of Baharat.

      You are untouchable like Babashaib.

      NaMo would bomb you faster than your dream so keep on dreaming.

  • 5

    For those who believe that this is an isolated incident caused by a minority extremist Sinhala Buddhist group better start thinking again.

    The fact is BBS is the brainchild of Gotabhaya Rajapaksa the feared anti Tamil, anti Muslim and anti Christian war criminal.

    The story that BBS is financed by international anti Muslim organisations has some relevance. When Gnanasara and his entourage returned from Norway and the US, BBS was awash with money. Some put it around US$ twenty million. The shadowy sponsors who financed the trip for Gnanasara and his entourage remains a mystery. The Norway government who gave visas to Gnanasara and his group well knowing the terror antics of BBS made a very weak denial that it was involved. The US government made no comment at all.

    The riots are orchestrated on lies similar to those that the Nazis spread about Jews prior to the holocaust.

    The repeat of 1983 has already begun albeit with Muslims as targets instead of Tamils. When the dust and the ashes settle down after this round of killing, rape and pillage, the Rajapaksa regime will come out victorious and with more support from the rank and file Sinhala voters.

    In the meantime the MR regimes have successfully shifted focus from the uncontrollable price hikes, the war crimes investigations and the ongoing subjugation of Tamils in the north.

  • 4

    This is the end result of a indifferent government, who has never condemned the attacks on places of worship or business of the minorities. Why do the rajapaksa’s want a repetition of the 1983 riots, when similar thugs and terrorists burned, looted and killed with no one to stop them? What unseen hand is playing one group against the other in this country, and why are our shameless people getting incited so easily, and attacking their own countrymen. They are the ones who will sell their mothers for a few bucks.
    Shame on these BBS goons, and their over fed leader for going against their own religion, and having to tolerance for others. May they rot in Hell.

  • 0

    “Shame on these BBS goons, and their over fed leader”

    what the government should do is force gnanasera to have a ‘body guard ‘whose special duty is to see that he cannot have that dinner of wild boar.His oratorical skill will go up in a puff of smoke.

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