17 January, 2025


The UN Investigation And The Rajapaksa Right To Impunity

By Tisaranee Gunasekara

“…..that deceptive cry of mock patriotism: ‘Our country, right or wrong!’” – Carl Schurz (The Policy of Imperialism)

It was a miracle – of the Rajapaksa variety. When the BBS thugs invaded the Industries and Commerce Ministry on April 23rd, the CCTV camera system in the Ministry malfunctioned[i]. So the Fort magistrate was informed.

Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa waves during a photo opportunity with high-ranking military officials after unveiling a monument for fallen Sri Lankan soldiers in the town of PuthukkudiriruppuNo CCTV footage; no evidence. The BBS will get away with one more crime.

In Sri Lanka impunity, is so normal it barely makes news. The Rajapaksas, their kith, kin and acolytes break the law publicly and blatantly, sans consequences.

The rule of law is dead; the law of the rulers reigns supreme, aided by a subjugated police, a compliant judiciary and an uninformed populace.

Aluthgama almost succumbed to a religious conflagration last week. If that happened, the flares would have spread fast, nationally. And the Rajapaksas would have been responsible, because they deliberately regenerated Buddhist-Muslim animosity, post-war, in furtherance of familial rule and dynastic succession..

The two Muslims youths who allegedly assaulted a Buddhist monk and his driver are under arrest. The law has been implemented speedily, as it should be. But what about the mobs who attacked Muslim shops in the Aluthgama town? Are they too under arrest? Or do they come under a different law?

The Weliweriya demonstrators were mostly Sinhalese/Buddhists; that availed them nothing. The Aluthgama rioters (and others of their ilk) enjoy a limited-impunity not because of their Sinhala ethnicity or Buddhist religion but because they are (knowingly or unknowingly) furthering Rajapaksa rule. Once they outlive their uses, they too will feel the heavy hand of the law or worse.

The Rajapaksas do not want any investigation into any of these wrongdoings. They are not just opposed to an international investigation. They do not want a national investigation either.

If their objection to the UN investigations rests solely on its non-national nature, they have an excellent opportunity to prove it – by accepting and implementing the JVP’s amendment to the UPFA’s condemnatory motion.

In its amendment, the JVP has demanded an impartial investigation into a range of incidents. The JVP wants investigations to be completed in three months, results made public and the guilty punished. If the regime agrees to incorporate this amendment, the JVP will vote for the UPFA motion condemning the UN investigation.

Going by the regime’s own propaganda, it should not have a problem with the JVP’s amendment. The JVP does not seem to have included any of the alleged crimes committed during or in the immediate aftermath of the war. There does not seem to be any mention of the Trincomalee Five or the Muttur Seventeen, Issipriya or young Balachandran, the shelling of civilians or the murder of surrendered Tigers. The JVP’s list seems to be limited to alleged crimes which happened mostly in the South, and after the war. The victims of the incidents mentioned by the JVP cannot be deemed Tigers or Tiger supporters by any yardstick. The Rajapaksas should not have a problem about investigating these crimes speedily and punishing the culprits. Such a move will not harm even a hoof of their various supposedly sacred cows – independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity….

Will they accede to the JVP’s request? If so, will they actually implement it? Or will they agree and turn the entire exercise into a masque of delusion and procrastination?

Or will disagree and prattle, in thunderous voices, about patriotism, traitors and the motherland?

By limiting its list to alleged crimes which happened outside the theatre-of-war, the JVP has drawn national attention to a seminal fact. Impunity is not limited to the North; it plagues the South as well, increasingly; its victims are not just Tigers or Tamils; it threatens born and bred Sinhala-Buddhists as well.

If the Rajapaksas reject the JVP’s amendment, it will prove a very important truth: the Siblings object to the UN investigation not because it is an international investigation; they object to the UN investigation because it is an investigation.

The Rajapaksas believe they have the right to do whatever they want to do to any Lankan citizen or institution. That is their definition of national sovereignty.

The Rajapaksas have already refused to cooperate with the UN investigation. Therefore referring the issue to the parliament is another hoax. Perhaps they thought that the UNP and the JVP can be browbeaten with the patriotic cudgel into covering up for them unconditionally.

It is nice to be able to say something nice about the Opposition. The UNP and the JVP have refused to fall into the Rajapaksa trap. Instead, in their different ways, they have exposed Rajapaksa hypocrisy.

Hopefully, it is a new beginning.

Like the Tigers

Human Rights Watch investigator Jo Becker researched and wrote extensively about the LTTE’s child soldiers. Her report on the LTTE’s criminal activities in the Diaspora was a causative factor in the Canadian and EU Tiger-bans. The LTTE and its Diaspora supporters reacted to Ms. Becker/HRW with venomous anger.

Despotic leaders/organisations, whatever their other differences, are alike in this respect: they cannot abide criticism.

Had Velupillai Pirapaharan been alive, he would have refused to cooperate with the UN investigation. He (and his minions) would have talked about Tamil people and Tamil pride and blasted Navi Pillay as an agent of the Sinhala state.

The Tigers would have opposed a UN investigation for the same reasons the Rajapaksas are opposed to it. They need the darkness to hide their crimes.

If the blow-by-blow account of the White Flag incident carried in The Colombo Telegraph is accurate, it reveals an illuminating reality. Real power rested with the Rajapaksa Siblings, even during the war.

When some Tiger leaders decided to do a deal with Colombo to save their lives – even as ordinary Tiger cadres were shooting ordinary Tamils for acting with the same human motivation – no one bothered to contact anyone except the Rajapaksas. When Parliamentarian Rohan Chandra Nehru got the SOS from Tiger leader Nadesan, he did not call Army Commander Sarath Fonseka; he called the neophyte and unelected parliamentarian Basil Rajapaksa. Finally when President Rajapaksa agreed to the deal, he told MP Nehru to contact not the Army Commander but Gotabhaya Rajapaksa.

If accurate, this revelation indicates who really called the shots during the war. It also indicates why the Rajapaksas cannot afford any investigation (national or international) into some of the alleged war crimes. They are not covering up for ordinary soldiers; they are covering up for themselves.

Pity the people in the clutches of fanatical power-builders. Such leaders/organisations cause the most harm to the countries/people/religions they claim to fight for. Boko Haram or the ISIS is not doing Islam or Muslims any favours. The Tigers did more harm than good to the Tamils. Eventually the Rajapaksas will damage Sri Lanka and Sri Lankans (especially Sinhala-Buddhists) far more than the Tigers did.

The Sinhala-Buddhist South will understand the intimate necessity for transparency, accountability and justice, someday. The Sinhala-Buddhist South will understand the danger of uncontrolled power and the need for limits and restraints (national or international), someday. Hopefully that sensible someday will dawn before the Rajapaksas have created too many Sinhala/Buddhist Isaipriyas and Balachandrans.

[i] Daily Mirror – 6.6.2014

Latest comments

  • 17

    Couldn’t agree more Thisaranee. I Hope the UN lads and lasses are reading your articles. I feel the same about the situation in SL and the need for a regime change. There is no other way to rescue the Paradise Island from the cursed Rajapassa family.

    • 11

      Sinhala-Buddhist South is as idiotic as Tamil-Hindu North.

      Each region allowing their leaders to hide behind their ethno-nationalistic, fake-religious labels.

      Yes, you could hold Rajapassa and VP accountable.

      But, how about the idiots in the populations of South & North who propel these despotic monkeys to power and keep them their.

      Only to have our beautiful country torn apart, her wealth stolen and her soil soaked in blood. Again and again.

      Do morons of SL deserve democracy?

      That is the question, I am forced to ponder.


      • 1

        “as Tamil-Hindu North.”

        Benbang fisherman your fascist visors are embedded in you.

        The complaints so have been from the northern catholic church and suppressed by the southern catholic church/nava sihala buddhist.
        TN-The Hindu newspaper has always supported the dictator.

        So isn’t your mind twisted to mention Hindu the native faith of the region when there are no popes mullas mahanayakas etc to run the religious bandwagon that you are trying to manufacture?? Sivaji even entrusted his last will execution to his half brothers wife a Muslim. That is RSS concept. You have no DNA so STFUp.

        If it comes to it try the Muslims of Lanka 83 style and be assured that NaMo will not hesitate to bomb Lanka (similar circumstances as Bosnia the valley problem where 2 great wars originated.)

        Hanuman Ki Jai

      • 3

        Ben Hurling

        “Do morons of SL deserve democracy?”

        The morons don’t deserve a country let alone democracy.

    • 5

      Dear Tisaranee Gunasekara –

      “In Sri Lanka impunity, is so normal it barely makes news. The Rajapaksas, their kith, kin and acolytes break the law publicly and blatantly, sans consequences.”

      Yes, that is the core-problem,

      The State, the Mara state is not performing.

      Different countries throughout history have come up interim solutions…so that the culprits face consequences…

      Assassin, Black Tigers, KGB, CIA, MI-%, ISS, Etc etc..

  • 7

    The last para is most enlightening and will hopefully serve as an eye opener to all the people in the South. Again,
    ” They are not covering up for ordinary soldiers; they are covering up for themselves” Absolutely true!
    As for the JVP, though the amendment they propose is a welcome move, it also shows their bipartisan attitude with respect to humanism and human values in the North and South. What is sauce for the goose is not sauce for the gander? This shows that they have to go a long, long way to become a truly national organisation. A single Kugan cannot do it! Hopefully they will evolve over time, with the new leadership!

    Sengodan. M

  • 2

    ” Our Country right or wrong ” comes from that great educator, USofA, especially as regards ‘democracy’.

    It does go to extreme lengths to ‘plant the seeds of democracy’, as we’ve seen with the illegal invasion of Iraq, the fruits of which are so glaringly obvious to us today. Variations of this theme were tried in Libya, Egypt, Syria and Ukraine. Egypt had to revert back to it’s old form of government with a different US-sponsored general at the helm, with democracy discarded (for the time being ?). Libya is quietly being taken over by another US-puppet Haftar who was sent back after 20 years there. Syria is still a cauldron completely out of control. The Wahhabi insurgents/terrorists, supported, funded and trained by the US and proxies are now in control of significant parts of both Syria and Iraq. Ukraine is another story. Compared to these parts of the world Sri Lanka is a haven of peace, still with a democratically elected government.

  • 2

    TNA agents are panic stricken!


    Whatever is bad for these people must be good for SL.

    • 2

      Tam Madaiya:

      You are right the TNA are panic stricken as they now await the arrival of BBS to attack and kill thousands of Tamils just like they are killing the Muslims in Athulagama.
      From my sources on the ground I have been informed that lorry loads of BBS are heading towards the North escorted by the Army to attack temples and kill civilans. Why don’t you hitch hike ( Afzal ) and join them because killing comes naturally to you as you are from the animal kingdom.
      When you go take the following with you as they will be bored:

      ela kola
      Fat “Mama” Fuk U Shima if still not at it.
      Max Silva ( don’t know if he is still alive or died of Cancer)
      Jim Sooty
      Ravi Perera

      Also Foreign Vedda. He is innocent he wont kill but he will carry the ammunition I mean “Cheenavedi”

  • 7

    TG – you cannot bring Light to people who prefer to stay in the Dark!

  • 1

    Dear Tisaranee,

    ISIS in NOT doing no harm to Islam. As a matter of fact, they are redefining the ‘Renaissance of Islam’… Take it from a Muslim.

  • 5

    Tisaranee, the think tank, we will vote for you to bring sense to a twisted island. – “damnant quodnon intelligunt – nil desperandum”
    (they condemn what they don’t see yet never despair)

    The best the IC can do is classifying Lanka as a terrorist nation the same way BBS was. This would put the boot lickers at bay because they are prone to an attack from IAF.

  • 4

    And the Rajapaksas would have been responsible, because they deliberately regenerated Buddhist-Muslim animosity, post-war, in furtherance of familial rule and dynastic succession.

    Usually, there must be some reference to back this sort of thing. Conjuring up things hiding behind a pseudonym like an infant is not keeping with journalistic ethics is it really?

    What is your real name Tissaranee? Don’t you want to be accountable for what you say here?

    • 2

      Do you think ‘she’ is the Bishop of Mannar ?

      • 3


        The only guy who know her seems to be Dayan Jayatilike.

        Think of another woman politically linked to him. She would have also had a bad rap at the hands of Rajapaske.

        The way she gets so personal with MR and loses all objectivity seems to suggest MR and this woman was close at a time in the past.

        It does not have to be someone from a Sinhala background.

        • 1


          Seems that you have difficulties believing that a Sinhalese can be so sensible ?

          Tissaranee is spot on every single time. Her integrity and record is impeccable – unlike the rest in the cesspool with whom you are familiar.

    • 3

      If you cannot see the wood from the trees you have to be an idiot or a sycophant!

  • 4

    Tissaranee at it spot on, as always.
    The sad thing is these idiotic masses will never come out of their shell and their ignorance to understand the fallacy of this corrupt/crony rajapaksha regime, until they are buried alive. We all know our President was a Tsunami fund swindler and no one realised when they voted him to power.

    Our country is doomed, till we understand the depth of the destruction we are being dragged into by this moronic regime.

    God save our Motherland for our children and the future generations.

  • 5

    TG thanks for a very accurate analysis. Rajapaksa Regime is trying to save them and not the Sri Lankan people by refusing entry to the UN Investigators. The UN Investigators should check the 12th May 2009 to 18th May 2009 period to get a clear picture of what took place and who ordered Savendra Silva over the field telephone. Sinhalese Buddhist in the South should consider the Officers and the soldiers who fought the LTTE war for year was kicked out by Gotabaya Rajapaksa as they knew how the last phase of the war was concluded. 518 Officer and solders kicked out without their pension like the then Army Commander Sarath Fonseka who won the war are Sinhalese Buddhist, but most Sinhalese Buddhist in the South are taken by the lies of MR and his brothers that they won the war. How can a man who was away from the ACTIVE FIGHTING of the Sri Lankan Army for 18 years win a war in 3 1/2 years without any training or any knowledge of the LTTE fighting habits? What Gotabaya did during his time was looking for weapons and ammunition to purchase using the company he created to get the commissions.

    MR and his brothers are trying to kick start a fight between the Muslims and the Buddhist for them to get out of the UN investigation. MR was given Funds to save the Muslims by the Middle East Kings and Presidents, and he is hell bent on disrupting the Sri lankan Buddhist mentality to score Browne points.

    If Sarath Fonseka was the main person under investigation Mahinda will allow the UN Investigators to come to Sri Lanka and will help them with every possible evidence, but because his brother GOTABAYA RAJAPAKSA is the person they are after who did commit these crime while holding the position of the Defense Secretary who gave the order to kill the LTTE surrenders, in the absence of the then Army Commander Sarath Fonseka (he was out from SL from 11th Night till 18th evening), Mahinda Rajapaksa will not allow any UN Commission to investigate these crimes.

    As TG raised in this article, I also raised the same issue, why Mahinda buy pass the then Army Commander when requested for help, who was responsible for the Army uniformed staff to request his help to get the surrenders to get proper treatment.If Mahinda contacted Sarath Fonseka, most of these surrenders like Ganesan and Pulidevan and their families may be living today.

    Gotabaya as the Defense Secretary is a Admin Officer responsible for the administration of the Ministry, but he has no authority under the Uniform Code to give orders to the people in Uniform at any time. If he did that he is guilty of a very serious crime and the UN investigators should check on this along with other actions of Gotabaya for creating a Lawless community in Sri Lanka.

    I hope Sri Lankan Buddhist will have a chance to read this article and decide their fate with Rajapaksa regime.

  • 1

    Takfiris firmly believe that the end justifies the means. But Islam never approves of such actions as it never issues such fatwa and their beliefs are rejected by almost all prominent contemporary Islamic scholars. As an Islamic term jihad means “the struggle for God’s sake.” It is through jihad that every Muslim is required to defend his or her country against any foreign invader. In recent years the term has been widely misused in the media to describe bombings, suicide attacks, or any other sort of aggressive behaviour by extremists.

    But what exactly is jihad and when does it become obligatory for Muslims? Islam prescribes war only in certain circumstances and only religious scholars know what the circumstances are. Religious leaders must issue a fatwa when the circumstances demand jihad. But jihad doesn’t mean that anyone can pick up a weapon at will and take control of a place and kill people, or make suicide bomb attack thinking it’s jihad. Jihad is prescribed under certain conditions and the fatwa must be endorsed by the majority of religious scholars, not by those with personal interests and biased attitudes.

    There is no religious permission or convincing reason for suicide bomb attacks that take the lives of people, whether Muslims or non Muslims. These acts have root in Takfiri ideology. Takfiris are a group of extremists whose names and crimes are always in the news headlines and they’re infamous for their extremely violent behaviour. But what is Takfiri and what do Takfiris do?

    Most of the time they brand other Muslims as unbelievers or kafirs on the slightest thing which makes Takfiri style the worst one in the world of Islam. Takfirism followers seek to get to the origins of Islam based on their own facile and fallacious reading. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing and that’s what Takfiris are suffering from.

    O ye who believe! If an evil-liver bring you tidings, verify it, lest ye smite some folk in ignorance and afterward repent of what ye did. (The Noble Quran 49:6)

  • 4

    “…..If so, will they actually implement it? Or will they agree and turn the entire exercise into a masque of delusion and procrastination?”” This is the established reputation of Mahinda Rajapakse and his Govt in the eyes of the world. In hiding Bin Laden in a HSZ – not for summa – the double-tongued Pakistanis went on to build on their reputation of being totally unreliable. It is with them the Rajapakses are dealing lip-to-lip, as it were. And India, under Modi, aware Pakistan is trying to dig India’s grave no sooner Modi was sworn in, is watching.

    “… Or will disagree and prattle, in thunderous voices, about patriotism, traitors and the motherland..” This is the usual pattern.
    Provide Gandassara Thero and his yellow-robed hordes a few bottles and fried beef/chicken they will do the usual dancing in the street – all in the name of Buddhism.

    “… Eventually the Rajapaksas will damage Sri Lanka and Sri Lankans (especially Sinhala-Buddhists) far more than the Tigers did…” Of this there is little doubt. Stung by Modi’s rebuff Rajapakse seeks revenge by working Pakistan against the Indians and probably agreeing to further mortgage the country’s interest to the Chinese – who will not fail to take action inimical to India’s security interest. The shrewd Chinese may get the Pakistani proxies to attack S. Indian targets (signs of this has come out into the open already) and India will hold the Rajapakses responsible. If push comes to shove India will give into Jayalalitha and bifurcate the North East into Eelam. In the following chaos the Rajapakses will meet Premadasa’s fate and the Sinhala South shall become a basket case – having no where to run. The Chinese will not go to war with India on Sri Lanka. Both super-powers will reach agreement to share the spoils because in their own separate stupendous growth there is no space for war between them. If the Chinese bring in sizeable troops “to protect their economic interests” they will never leave. If that happens India is unlikely to forgive Sri Lanka. A worrisome Chinese presence to the deep South of India will be a great gift for China’s imperial interests. The Rajapakses seem to have settled to that path.


  • 5

    Rajapakse rule cannot last for ever. At some point its going to give way to another ruling party. It is important for every civilian to keep a record of all the atrocities committed by the President, his MPs and Ministers, Secretaries of Ministries, Armed Forces, Police and other Government servants so that an independent inquiry can be held and those who are found guilty can be punished. Until this happens there will be growing level of hatred and animosity among Citizens of Sri Lanka.

  • 1

    “Pity the people in the clutches of fanatical power-builders. Such leaders/organisations cause the most harm to the countries/people/religions they claim to fight for. Boko Haram or the ISIS is not doing Islam or Muslims any favours. The Tigers did more harm than good to the Tamils. Eventually the Rajapaksas will damage Sri Lanka and Sri Lankans (especially Sinhala-Buddhists) far more than the Tigers did.”

    This sums up.
    The enlightened see things much before the rest of commoners(For want of a better word)see.

    The early days of LTTE/Tamil militant Brutality, Impunity partisan behavior went unnoticed,Some Tamil politicians played piped piper to them until they them self received the same treatment.

    The brutal assault of a early LTTE individal(Kannady) tied inside a gunny bag,Pondy Bazzar shooting,Uma Maheswaran was accused of havig illicit affair until VP himself fell in love.Murder of Sundaram,Irrai Kumaran/Umai Kumaran,Kathan,Arafat.Dougie’s Choolai Medu incident,Murder of Sri Sabaratnam,EPRLF leaders,TULF politicians Including Amirthalingam later Neelan Thiruchelvam.

    I am mentioning all these to recall that Terrorism has No boundaries, Language or Religious affiliation.The perpetrators must be identified and dealt with by law(International).Be it MR/GR or VP/KP/Karuna/DD/Pillayan/Pathuman Etc.

    I don’t subscribe to the view that extra judicial means are OK if the end results is same.Every one is entitled for due process.
    Let the process begin.

    Profound prophecy

    “The Sinhala-Buddhist South will understand the intimate necessity for transparency, accountability and justice, someday. The Sinhala-Buddhist South will understand the danger of uncontrolled power and the need for limits and restraints (national or international), someday.
    Hopefully that sensible someday will dawn before the Rajapaksas have created too many Sinhala/Buddhist Isaipriyas and Balachandrans.”

    Thanks Tissaranne,

    We need more elightened men and women.So lord(By what ever name you are called) grant SL many more Tissarannes and less of MR/GR and VP’S.

  • 1

    Without chasing economic benefits, the RSS, Shiv Sena and BJP leaders must come to support their Buddhist brethren in Lanka who are now fighting the major future battle India would also face, the fight against Jihadi, terrorist Islam.

    The BBS has risen to the defense of not only Lanka but also Hindu India and all non-Islamic innocents.

    • 1

      `to support their Buddhist brethren in Lanka”

      Ha ha desperados my foot! mahanama translated means motherfu**er with the dana yellow saree and the place for the 40k is under a solitary bo tree at katchitheevu. Worlds biggest steel maker Mittal will supply the steel chains FOB.

      Sivaji even entrusted his last will execution to his half brothers wife a Muslim. That is RSS concept. You have no DNA so STFUp. If it comes to it try the Muslims of Lanka 83 style and be assured that NaMo will not hesitate to bomb Lanka (similar circumstances as Bosnia the valley problem where 2 great wars originated.)

      Hanuman Ki Jai

  • 3

    It is very clear why the Regime resisted any investigations from the begining
    and now making it a National issue by getting the Parliament to approve the
    visa for investigating team….
    It is also clear that the white Flag issue too is not a fabrication by the then
    Army Commander General Sarath Fonseka..
    so it is clear who murdered Lasantha ..

    Now Aluthgama is burning…the Police who assaulted the University Students…
    who obtained Court Orders against the protests citing unlawful assembly is Silent
    on BBS actions in inciting the Buddhists against Muslims….!!!
    What happens if the people in the rest of Country decides to do the same..?

    What a level the Country has fallen into…

    The Rajapakshas’ have ruined this Country….and it is heading into an inevitable
    division…because in the eyes of the International Community the Sri Lankans no
    longer possess the ability to rule the entire Country…

    Thanks to Prabhakaran and Mahinda Rajapaksha for ensuring the death of Sri Lanka..

  • 2

    Thanks TG. Keep up the good work.

    “Keheliya warns of action against those who give evidence against Govt. ” http://www.seithy.com/breifNews.php?newsID=111360&category=EnglishNews&language=english

    Why the govt is worried if they have not done any thing wrong!

    • 0

      “Why the govt is worried if they have not done any thing wrong! “

      Unable to control everything by the gun for the gun with gun
      they are demanding their dignity and respect but nothing more.

      Keheliya just wants his daughter to get a promotion I suppose so. no fiddle ;)

  • 0

    It is important to get rid of the terrorist forces run by Gooo`ta as they did else where in the world.

    Like New Zealand Lanka never needs but it was cultivated by Mahanama Sihala Buddhist and built on the goodwill of UK and the other colonies.

    Lanka has only invited foreign intervention by killing its own people with this army or terrorist.

  • 3


    I have a lot of respect for you but when you misrepresent facts you have to be challenged.

    Let me take issue with some of your assertions.
    There is a difference between State Terrorism under MR which is sweeping the country and we have seen many evidence of that since the end of hostilities. The indefinite curfew imposed in Aluthgama is a by product of State Terrorism because BBS are supported by Gotha.

    I know you like LTTE bashing but LTTE for me was a means to an end because of the Sinhalese atrocities on innocent Tamils over 64 years.
    You expect different standards of behaviour from elected representatives and the so called Terrorist Outfit.

    ***The Rajapaksas do not want any investigation into any of these wrongdoings. They are not just opposed to an international investigation. They do not want a national investigation either.

    If their objection to the UN investigations rests solely on its non-national nature, they have an excellent opportunity to prove it – by accepting and implementing the JVP’s amendment to the UPFA’s condemnatory motion.

    Rajapakses don’t want an inquiry either internal or International because MR heads the AXIS OF EVIL and they have a lot to hide.
    This why I once wrote that Rajapakses not only have to hide their crimes ( MR & Gotha ) but also their wives ( Gotha)

    ****The Rajapaksas believe they have the right to do whatever they want to do to any Lankan citizen or institution. That is their definition of national sovereignty.

    Can you blame them when their subjects give them a freehand. It is the fault of the Sinhalese majority who are racists.

    *** The Rajapaksas have already refused to cooperate with the UN investigation. Therefore referring the issue to the parliament is another hoax. Perhaps they thought that the UNP and the JVP can be browbeaten with the patriotic cudgel into covering up for them unconditionally.

    Why ask the Parliament now when they have already said no. May be to rubber stamp it.

    *** Like the Tigers

    Human Rights Watch investigator Jo Becker researched and wrote extensively about the LTTE’s child soldiers. Her report on the LTTE’s criminal activities in the Diaspora was a causative factor in the Canadian and EU Tiger-bans. The LTTE and its Diaspora supporters reacted to Ms. Becker/HRW with venomous anger.

    Had Velupillai Pirapaharan been alive, he would have refused to cooperate with the UN investigation. He (and his minions) would have talked about Tamil people and Tamil pride and blasted Navi Pillay as an agent of the Sinhala state.

    The Tigers would have opposed a UN investigation for the same reasons the Rajapaksas are opposed to it. They need the darkness to hide their crimes.

    If the blow-by-blow account of the White Flag incident carried in The Colombo Telegraph is accurate, it reveals an illuminating reality. Real power rested with the Rajapaksa Siblings, even during the war.

    *** I cannot understand for moment as to what relevance there is between “The Rajapaksa Right To Impunity” and why there would have been an International Inquiry if Prabakaran was still alive and at the helm.
    Who would have asked for such an Inquiry Frankly you are out of your mind.

    If Prabakaran was alive LTTE would still be fighting force and we wouldn’t have had Nanthikadal ( which prompted the International Inquiry) so I am not sure what you are talking about.

    *** If accurate, this revelation indicates who really called the shots during the war. It also indicates why the Rajapaksas cannot afford any investigation (national or international) into some of the alleged war crimes. They are not covering up for ordinary soldiers; they are covering up for themselves.

    Yes you are right they are covering up for themselves.

    ***The Tigers did more harm than good to the Tamils. Eventually the Rajapaksas will damage Sri Lanka and Sri Lankans (especially Sinhala-Buddhists) far more than the Tigers did.

    For your information it is the Tigers who put Sri Lanka on the map and at last post LTTE we are seeing the fruits of our sacrifice.

    Empires come and go. But “RAJAPAKSA” Empire is the shortest in history just FIVE YEARS. Gone up in Flames.

    • 0


      Countdown: 61 Days

      • 3

        Grandad ( I didn’t know this until you told me that you are from SWRD era) :

        You have lost the plot and run out of Ideas. Man the Countdown in Sinhala Lanka is similar to dooms day.
        3 Muslims killed and 76 seriously injured and many might not survive. Race riots are back on the street and when ( by the way he doesn’t have much sympathy for Muslims) Modi decides enough is enough you don’t need the TNA to arrive as all this could be sorted out with a Phone Call.
        I don’t know where Afzal the Sinkalam Shankar the Muslim are. The first one probably with the Sinhalese Mob attacking and the second one hiding ( In Canada) in his Toilet.
        When MR says he wont tolerate any attacks he means attack on BBS.

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