7 December, 2024


An Appreciation Of Dr. Narendran Rajasingham’s Work & Insights

By Michael Roberts

Dr. Michael Roberts

This NOTE is a felicitation of Dr Rajasingham Narendran – a presentation that is long overdue. Narendran was a graduate from Peradeniya University’s Agriculture Faculty, a food scientist with international expertise who was also a fearless advocate for the Sri Lankan Tamil peoples circumscribed within a firm Sri Lankan perspective. He stood for truth in reportage and brought a clinical mind to the appraisal of horrendous circumstances – among them the decomposition of dead bodies in war-torn locales.

Dr. Rajasingham Narendran

He was also ready to confront the LTTE when they incarcerated his brother in 2004/05 during a visit to Tigerland. My listing of Narendran’s bibliographical output begins with an account of this moment. Though I had visited Kilinochchi with some Tamil friends in late November 2004, my readings of that scenario were quite different from Narendran’s discerning commentary – not surprisingly because I cannot speak Tamil and because my stay lasted only 3-4 days.[1]

I first became aware of Narendran in 2010. This was in part due to the fact that my focus in the period 2003-11 had been on the topic of “sacrificial devotion to cause” in comparative perspective[2]– a topic which had the suicidal degree of commitment displayed by the Tamil Tiger cadres as its central focus.

It was only around 2010 that I began to focus on the massive humanitarian endeavour associated with the IDPS camps (notably at Manik Farm in Vavuniya District, but also including camps in the Jaffna Peninsula). Quite fortuitously. this new direction began with a visit to the Friend in Need Society’s work in producing artificial limbsat their unit in Colpetty, Colombo. Here I met the indomitable Dr Susiri Weerasekera, whose wide-ranging activity in helping amputees (including ex-Tigers) all over the island remains unparalleled.[3]

This encounter with Susiri generated introductions to Drs Herathand Safras at Vavuniya and Manik Farm; while also linking me with the internationally funded outfit in Jaffna town which produced artificial limbs. My ethnographic inquiries in this area began with a visit to Vavuniya and Jaffna in mid-2010 – a trip which also enabled me to absorb the landscape where the fighting had taken place along the A9 highway and the Nandhikadal Lagoon (which I visited briefly).

I began to collect studies of the IDP camp relief effort from all quarters – hostile as well as friendly/neutral. Among the latter were Veronica Chelliah, Kath Noble, Lilani Jayatilleka, Manori Unamboowe, Dilshy Banu and Myrna Setunga ….. AND one by a Sri Lankan Tamil team led by Noel Nadesan (of Australia) that included the following: Dr. Rajasingham Narendran (Middle East); Mrs. Rajeswari Balasubramaniam (UK); Manoranjan Selliah (Canada) and Rajaratnam Sivanathan (Australia).

However, Narendran’s incisive contribution to my investigations arose in another arena: the evaluation of the Tamil death toll during the final stages (basically January-May 2009) of the war. When I heard Rohan Gunaratne assert that the death toll was in the range of 1400 or so in the course of a lecture at the British Council in Colombo in 2010,[4]I considered this estimate to be a gross underestimate and immediately sought clarification from three Tamils whom I viewed as relatively unbiased: namely, Noel Nadesan, Muttukrishna Sarvananthan andNarendranRajasingham.[5]

To this day I hold that Narendran’s reading is the best of the three responses and a classic review that should be cast in stone in the annals of warfare. It is a classic because he has transcended the limitations of the bourgeois drawing-room perspectives on war that have misled so many personnel.[6] Unlike many UN ‘experts’ and numerous HR advocates, Narendran brought a clinical and realistic mind into his assessments. This realism was partly grounded within his own traumatic experience in discovering and burying the decomposing bodies of his parents, brother and their servants after the killings generated by the Indian Peace Keeping Force in Jaffna town in 1987.[7]   

Thus, here, I hail thee NAREN and doff my cap to your contributions to Sri Lanka and all its peoples. I list your bibliographical imprint[8]in the period 2005-17 …. and in this inscribed manner I salute thee.

NAREN RAJASINGHAM 2005An Open Letter to the Sinhalese,”………………….http://www.infolanka.com/ubb/Forum2/HTML/001127.html, posted on 14 May 2005, …………….reproduced as Rajasingham Narendran’s Open Letter to All Sinhalese  in 2005,” inhttps://thuppahi.wordpress.com/2014/01/28/rajasingham-narendrans-open-letter-to-all-sinhalese-in-2005/… on 28 January 2014.

2009 “LTTE Watch,”by Manjula Fernando,being a translation from the German in https://lttewatch.wordpress.com/2009/04/13/ltte-ist-immun-gegen-internationalen-druck/

 2012“Recent Visit to Sri Lanka – A Summary Report,”by Noel Nadesan, 4 October 2012,  https://noelnadesan.com/2012/10/04/recent-visit-to-sri-lanka-a-summary-report/


 2009 Internally displaced persons: The new front of an old war in Sri Lanka,”Tamil Week, 30 August 2009, http://transcurrents.com/tc/2009/08/post_415.html

 2013 “A Response to The President’s Address on ‘Victory Day’,” 19 May 2013, Colombo Telegraph, https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/a-response-to-the-presidents-address-on-victory-day/

2013 “Sinhalese, Tamils and Sri Lanka: Yet Needed Paradigm Shifts,”20 April 2013, https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/sinhalese-tamils-and-sri-lanka-yet-needed-paradigm-shifts/

 2013 Need of the Hour: A National Provincial Council for the North,”  29 April 2013, https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/need-of-the-hour-a-national-provincial-council-for-the-north/

 2013 “National Provincial Council for the North: A Reply to Austin Fernando,”

 5 May 2013, https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/national-provincial-council-for-the-northern-province-a-reply-to-austin-fernando/

2014 Harsh Ground Realities in War: Decomposing Bodies and Missing Persons and Soldiers,” 28 January 2014, ………………………… ……………………………… https://thuppahi.wordpress.com/2014/01/28/11702/

2014 “The Land where Hope was killed and Despair was reborn,” 28 June 2014,


2014 “Keys to Modi’s Success in Gujarat and Lessons for Sri Lanka,”9 July 2014,


 2014 “Republican Constitution and Executive Presidency: Review, Revise and Retain,” 9 August 2014, https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/republican-constitution-and-executive-presidency-review-revise-and-retain/

2014 Democracy and Good Governance. The Little Red Riding Hood of Sri Lanka,”

26 October 2014, https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/democracy-and-good-governance-the-little-red-riding-hood-of-sri-lanka/

2016 “NPC passes Resolution against Its Agriculture Minister—Summary & Remarks,” 10 February 2016, https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/npc-passes-unanimous-resolution-against-its-agriculture-minister-a-summary-remarks/

 2016“The Proposed New Constitution: Some Suggestions and Thoughts,”4 March 2016,  https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/the-proposed-new-constitution-some-suggestions-thoughts/

2017 “Farewell to my Dear Brother Dr Narendran,”by Rajasingham Jayadevan, ……. https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/farewell-to-my-dear-brother-dr-narendran/


BBC 1991

“Suicide Killers – Terrorism in Sri Lanka,”https://vimeo.com/304944042

Chelliah, Dr. Veronica Shanti 2009“IDPs in Sri Lanka: An eyewitness report Exploring the realities,” Daily News, 25 August 2009.

Herath, Hemantha 2011 “From Tsunami Medical Logistics to IDP Camp Medical Aid, 2004-09; Q and A with Dr Herath,” 14 September 2011, https://thuppahi.wordpress.com/2011/09/14/from-tsunami-medical-logistics-to-idp-camp-medical-aid-2004-09-q-and-a-with-dr-herath/

Michael Roberts 2009  “Crude reasoning. False Images,….,” 9 December 2009, https://thuppahi.wordpress.com/2009/12/09/crude-reasoning-false-images-sri-lanka%E2%80%99s-refugee-camps/

Michael Roberts 2010a

Feet across the Land, One and All: The Vitality of the Colombo Friend-in-Need Society,” https://thuppahi.wordpress.com/2010/05/27/%E2%80%9Cfeet-across-the-land-one-and-all%E2%80%9D-the-vitality-of-the-colombo-friend-in-need-society/

Michael Roberts 2010b

The Jaipur Foot in Sri Lanka: renewable Energy, Little People, Many Miracles,”  https://thuppahi.wordpress.com/2010/06/29/the-jaipur-foot-in-lanka-renewable-energy-little-people-many-miracles/

Michael Roberts 2011

“The Tamil Death Toll in Early 2009: A Misleading Count by Rohan Gunaratna,” 23 November 2011, http://transcurrents.com/news-views/archives/6285

 Michael Roberts 2014

“The Tamil Death Toll during the End-Game, 2009: Challenging Rohan Gunaratna,” in Roberts, Tamil Persons and State. Essays, Colombo, Vijitha Yapa Publications, 2014, pp. 229-37.

Michael Roberts 2017

“Sacrificial Devotion: How I entered This Terrain,” 21 July 2017, ………………………………….

“Sacrificial Devotion” — How I Entered This Terrain


Weerasekera, Susiri 2012

Fitting Artificial Limbs for the IDPs and ex-Tigers, July 2009 to March 2010 — FINS at the frontline,” 23 September 2012, https://thuppahi.wordpress.com/2012/09/23/7108/

[1]Narendran‘s readings were sent to me by email in August 2010. I will be presenting his Memo in due course in Thuppahi alongside my recollections of the Kilinochchi arena during my visit.

[2]Note the web site launched in 2007 viz sacrificialdevotionnetwork.wordpress.com  And the bibliography assembled within one of the latest essays viz Roberts 2017.

[3]See Roberts 2010a and 2010.

[4]I do not have a documentary reference for this talk.; but see Gunaratna “Video of his presentation at the Defence Symposium, Galadari Hotel, Colombo” 31 May 2011, in ………………………………………. Http//wwww.youtube.com/defseminar/#p/a/u/l/F1K9f_x8AE0 AND Roberts, “The Tamil Death toll during the End-Game, 2009: Challenging Rohan Gunaratna,” in Roberts,Tamil Persons and State. Essays, Colombo, Vijitha Yapa Publications, 2014, pp. 229-37.

[5]See Roberts 2014.

[6]This criticism embraces both the Sri Lankan and Western intelligentsia as well as the UN Panels and agencies who have studied and commented on Eelam War IV. Many are so intelligent that they do not comprehend that their intelligence does NOT extend to the ‘terrain’ of modern warfare. Thus, their blindness is masked by their super-intelligence and faith in self. In other words, there is a level of arrogance that is debilitating.

[7]To quote Narendran: “As addendum to Prof. Michael Roberts presentation, I hereby present briefly what I witnessed with regard to the bodies of my family members and others killed by the IPKF on day 10 of their murders: My mother: 68 year old at the time of her killing. Slim build. Had been attacked by animals and crows and was in an advanced state of decay. My brother: 38 years old at the time of his death. neither obese nor thin. Body intact though bloated. The gardener: Age approx. 60 years. Obese. All flesh had fallen off and the skeleton was clearly visible. A neighbour’s Watchman: Age approx. 60 years. medium build. Only thigh bones-femurs and the skull remained. The rest of the body had been consumed or carried away by animals.”

[8]I am also grateful to Uvindu Kurukulasuriya of Colombo Telegraphfor providing me with a list of Narendran’s presentations in his popular web site.

Latest comments

  • 2

    I sincerely wish, President Nandasena and the in coming non UNP Government enlist Dr M Roberts as an advisor with Exec Powers to address the Social. Political and Economic issues of the Inhabitant Tamil population of the Jaffna Peninsula

    • 1

      Truth is poison to Tamil racists.


      • 6

        “Truth is poison to Tamil racists”- Soma can you please elaborate it.
        Are these the truths that you are talking of ;
        1. Male lion mating with a human female to produce the Sinhala race.
        2. Set of criminals from Bengal landing in Sri Lanka with the blessing of Buddha to start the Sinhala race and preserve Buddhism in its pristine glory.
        3. Sinhalese are of Aryan descent from Gujerat.
        4. Buddha made three flying visits to Sri Lanka and during one of them placed his foot on a rock in Adam’s peak.
        5. There was no civilization in Sri Lanka prior to advent of Vijaya and his gang.
        6. There was no religion in Sri Lanka before the introduction of Buddhism.
        Latest joke is – Sinhalese descended from Balangoda man

        • 0

          Do you believe in Tooth Fairy too.?.-

          The commonsense will tell anyone that an animal even a mammal can’t lay a homo sapien to produce an offspring..-

          What puzzles me is those ancestors from Hindia didn’t build any Somawathyas or Parakarama Bahu Samudrayas in Madras, or even Kerala or Bihar, let alone Gujarat..

          Does Buddha statues look Hindian?..
          They look to me like Greek Gods excavated from Paltine Mountains in Old Rome before Romulus ..

          Which leads me to believe that Alexander the great’s progeny who settled in the Hidus Valley up to Afganistan had something to do with producing the post Buddha Sinhala race in Srilanka.

          So Aryan ancestry is more plausible than Dravidian genealogy…

          • 5

            Ado Sumanaya, we Tamils don’t carry a box with what is thought to be Buddha’s teeth/tooth and drive in convoys in celebration. Firstly Buddha was no God, then what the heck are his teeth going to do……………..scratch your back?

            So who believes in tooth fairy?

            • 0

              Tamil Man….
              Don’t you worry about it.. Mate..
              It is blinking obvious that you have no idea of what I am talking…

              Besides, what one can expect from Dudes who worship Monkeys
              And believe the Monkeys built a Bridge across Palk Straights and helped your mighty King to rescue his darling princess who ran away with the Sinhala King..

              • 3

                KA Sumanaya mutt, I am not even a Hindu to believe in hanuman (Monkey). When did Ravanan become a Sinhala king. Yes, I truly don’t have any idea what the heck you are talking about, because it is so dumb and stupid. No intelligent life form can understand how you think and write.

          • 5

            KASmaalam K.A.Sumanasekera

            “What puzzles me is those ancestors from Hindia didn’t build any Somawathyas or Parakarama Bahu Samudrayas in Madras, or even Kerala or Bihar, let alone Gujarat..”

            I am told according to Sangam Literature Tamilham was ruled by Just Kings therefore it regularly rained three times a year which was more than sufficient for the entire country and the people.

            All those surplus hydraulic engineers from Tamilaham were sent to this island to build reservoirs similar to engineers/consultants from UK, Canada, Iran, ……………… who have been helping you in the last 200 years.

            This island still import South Indian sthapathies to construct Buddha statues.
            A Buddha statue in the making transcending national and religious boundaries

            And send your women folks to wash Arab bums.

            Its time silly little islanders stopped gloating their ancient borrowed technical skills and recent war victory, was facilitated by essentially the Psychopath VP, Hindians, Uncle Sam, and 30 other countries.

            What do you make best?
            Mostly stupid ones.

    • 9

      KASmaalam K.A.Sumanasekera

      “address the Social. Political and Economic issues of the Inhabitant Tamil population of the Jaffna Peninsula”

      Why do you limit Tamil population to the Jaffna Peninsula (Yarldesh?), why not rest of the country, Northern Province, Eastern Province, Up country, Colombo and Southern areas, …?
      What about the Sinhala/Buddhist Kallathonie converts (you, soman, Dayan, …. Weerawansa, …. ) now being the card carrying fascists members and part of the noisy minority?

      Is it another of your cunning ideas?

      • 2

        Dear Native,
        Colombo Tamils lead by Sampathar and Abraham’s TNA must be the in the top rungs of Dr Coomarawasy’e new High Middle Income group of the world.-
        So I don’t think there is any issues of Social, or Political or Economics there..

        Southern Tamils are not far behind according to wha I see on my frequent visits to the South.

        I thought the Up Country Tamils were the least well off .
        But after their Leader Mano Ganeshan became a full blown UNP Member and A Kick Ass UNP Minister . I realized how stupid I was.

        I haven’t ever heard Mr Sampathar or Mr Abraham airing any grievances of Batti Tamils. after Karuna Amman became a SLFP Minister..

        So I guess everything there must be all oaky.
        Otherwise Sampathar I don’t think would have not have made big noises loud enough to alert even US and UK and UN embassies..

        But what I hear from AAVA Boys, Douglas and a few others who are mingling with the grass roots ,indicate that the Inhabitants in the Peninsula are not doing that well.
        And Dr Roberts article gave me a really disturbing insight to what the poor souls there had been gone through after serving Pirahaparn for 30 years.
        But I was pleased how much good work the dear departed Dr Rajasingham has done for them.

        In contrast the TNA and its heavies lead by Sampathar, Abraham, Sivajilinham, and even Colombo Judge Wigneswaran are all only interested in Political Power and Police Power and Land Banks..

  • 9

    Dear Dr Roberts,
    Your tribute to Dr. Rajasingham Narendran is not only one that he well deserves, but it is also timely. The bibliography also is going to be useful to many of us as we try to learn again the equanimity that this humble man of true nobility always helped us to cultivate.
    I never met him, but, as with many other readers of those incomparable comments of his, got to know him well. What I am glad about is that by going back to what he told us, we can gather strength to continue in some little way to uphold the values that he embodied.
    We all have to pass away; many will be saying that he left us too early, and that is true. Yet, I’d like to say how fortunate we were to have a man like him. His brother also gives us some useful advice. I’d like the restof his family also to know how much we appreciate their goodness.
    Finally, thanks for reminding us of all this.

  • 12

    Dr Roberts, this is not a PhD dissertation exercise by quoting references and other resource materials and forcing the participants to go into a literature search and making people to draw their own conclusions or hypothesis but this is meant as a simple reading material for the ordinary folks to get an idea as to what you intend to convey who either have no time to read all the references or ability to do so. You mentioned that you are going to give some idea of the number of Tamil civilians killed at Nanthikadal through dr. Narenthran. But finally you have ended up narrating about the death of Narenthrans parents, etc and the decomposing and mummifying bodies from the neighbourhood. Is this an answer for the original question that you paused. I thought we are talking of Tamil civilians death at Nanthikadal in 2009. Quite rightly you dispute the self glorified terrorism expert Prof. Rohan Gunaratne whose credentionals are under query in many countries. He is one of those self promoting and publicity seeking so called academics with no substance but a hidden agenda and a bias for personal gain, waiting to exploit a situation. He is in no way different to the scavengers that were feeding on the corpses of Narenthrans household during IPKF time. In the land of the blind one eyed Jack is a king. In SL we are never short of such academics and experts who survive on opportunities and tragedies. In Chinese vocabulary they are referrred to as “kangkun professors”, a cheap, off quality academics and experts with no depth but plenty of bias and self promotion. Have you asked Narenthran as to what happened to him in Kandy in 1977 and 1983 while he was an academic at the faculty there.

  • 9

    I was not one privileged to have known Dr. Rajasingham Narendran on a personal basis. Though our paths crossed countless times in columns of comment on CT. His sharp mind, humility, eloquence of writing, above all his uncompromising HUMANITY radiated everytime I read his words. What a unique SRI LANAKAN! Our tested, but beautiful country is in a slighly better place because you walked here. How come we do not have a natioanl award to recognize people of your stature.
    Rest in peace Dr. Narnendran Rajasingham!

  • 8

    I didn’t know until today that Dr. Rajasingham had passed away back in September 2017. This saddened me profoundly. I never knew him but deeply respected him for his restrained and cogent comments not to mention his enlightened liberalism. May he attain peace.

  • 9

    Michael [edited out], unnecessarily standing up to prove that some Tamils have devastated him. Only possible explanation for that we can find is from Izeth Hussain’ reply to MLDM “Hybrids are the leading racists”. We think probably that is the only reason Michael is showing ever long vengeance against Tamils.
    Noel and Naren were partners, worked with Old King right after the war. They inspected internment camps in Vanni and gave a clean record to Old King, while camp prisoners were dying by starvation, torture and rape, in those. Even the UN and UNHRC have been forcing Lankawe to close them all, but Aanduwa kept camps open to investigate the perceived tigers. Aanduwa named one of the internment camp with Kathirgamar’s name because they such and anti-Tamil places. It was same situation with Paranagama’ s CIDs targeting missing persons’ relatives and UN and UNHRC forced him to abandon his commission.
    Naren went a step above his murderous EPDP gang and labelled Sampanthar as had broken the Paravi Panchaan Army Camp (at his elderly age) – a senseless Modaya statement. His essays and comments on this are in CT. Mangala, Rajitha, Ranil like ministers accepted that it was Colombo who approved Sampanthar’s visit to the camp. Sinhala Guards and the driver had said that it were they who got the needed approval and took Sampanthar inside the camp. But Naren argued in CT for long time that Sampanthar should be put inside for breaking the army camp. Naren explanation was a Tamil Opposition Leader is considered as a terrorist so he should have entered the Rapist Army compound.

  • 9

    Another important matter Naren advocated in CT is Swami Nathan’s Iron cages. Right after CT looting Ranil came out with another idea of importing 65,000 iron cages to colonize North East. Moratuwa University Architecture Department had released a report on its own that the cages were dangerous to North East living conditions. Naren and Noel were only animal Vets, kept arguing against the whole Tamils and insisted that Tamils should accept those houses.
    Naren without hesitation write in CT that he had made Rapist Army to give the lands it was occupying for his relatives.
    Naren services to his Sinhala Masters’ well honored by comedians like Michael, who do things with no object.

    • 2

      You are still suffering from CSR (Combat Stress Reaction).


      • 5


        During the great time of your friendship with Naren, did you ever posed a question to Naren “What to do with the Tamils living in the South after you grant Tamil Eelam to Naren?” If so what was Naren reply if he had replied?

        • 0

          I didn’t want to corner the good hearted gentleman with an unanswerable question. Whichever way he would have faced the question the fact remains that the moment you define the boundaries of a separate Homeland for Tamils (all Tamil speaking people irrespective of their religion caste or the date of arrival scattered across the island) the rest of the island becomes Sinhala Homeland.


          • 2

            Soma it is sad when you fears an IQ below 79 question would have corned Naren, but the guy was defying the Moratuwa Professors’, architects’ & engineers’ report as with with his Vet knowledge he can beat it.

    • 0

      Now that Dr Narendran is not there anymore, You convinced me to recommend his brother Dr Noel to a Committee headed by Dr M Roberts to fix the Social , Political and Economic grievances of the the inhabitants of the Jaffna Peninsula..

      With Muththaia Muralithiran as third member, it would be a kick as Committee for sure ,given the good work all three have done as volunteers.
      I hope Nandasena or his minders read the CT..

  • 2

    Narendran Rajasingham was a great soul with whom I used to exchange comments on CT. He was exceptionally courteous . I felt a small man before him. I was deeply saddened at the time when he passed away in Sept. 2017.
    He was one among the two (the other DBS Jeyaraj) who pleaded LTtE “LET MY PEOPLE GO” when the innocent civilians were being held hostage as a human shield (and being shot at those who tried to escape) while ALL THE REST were cheering on.
    Thank you Roberts for bringing up his memories.


    • 6

      Soma once again you are not telling the truth. In 1987 Tamil civil society in Jaffna urged Prabakaran to stop the armed struggle and accept the Indo-Lanka accord and improve on it. I can vouch for it because I was working as Medico-Legal officer in Jaffna at that time. All these jokers you are mentioning were no where near. Had Prabaharan done what the people wanted, it would have been a different story. In 2002 Balasingham advised Prabaharan to accept the Oslo accord and settle the matter for which Prabaharan refused. Narendran complains about the rotting bodies of his parents and brother, but several Tamil people were killed by Sinhala security forces and their bodies were allowed to rot. If Narendarn was honest, he should have pointed the finger at Sinhala army just as much he is blaming IPKF soldiers. People know who killed whom and there is no way anyone could cover them up.

      • 0

        Why Varatha Raja Perumal, a RAW stooge, had to resort to declaring Tamil Eelam?

        Did not Hindia at the least indirectly proved Prabha right?

  • 7

    Noel Nadesan is a well known BUMB sucker and an HLD’s agent. Another great self promoter and self glorified. Robert, Noel, Naren are part of the Vatican Group and hindus and vellalars are their enemies. Even a child can spot the sarcasm on Roberts when he tries to put some two cents about Tamils. I even wonder how he disputed Rohan the menace’ body count of the tamils, because it is in their favour. Well there could be a conflict of interest among KANGKUN professors and experts. What made Naren to leave. Who attacked him in Kandy. What made Robert and many other angloasians to leave SL in flock to down under. SL gave them everything summa. Whatever, Prof Roberts you owe an answer to your very question that you paused. Experts are not there to further confuse people but to clarify. When policy and motive and objectives clash then obviously there is confusion. Roberts are you attempting to grace or disgrace Naren through your very devious presentation. Please respond.

  • 5


    both Naren and Noel are vets from Peradeniya faculty. So they approved those iron cages earlier used by the American and Vietnamese army to lock up Vietcongs. They proposed to Tamils to keep the tigers locked up in the tiger cages a vision obviously come for only vets. For Noel, Roberts they have to toe a certain policy line to become very patriotic despite being a tamil or a Burghers. All for survival.

  • 3

    Whatever said and done, One of the Key Architect of giving right to live to all Sri Lankans and Tamils in particular from the clutches of separatist terrorism of LTTE led by Velupillai Prabhakaran has become the Presidential Candidate of SLPP MR. Nandasena Gotabaya Rajapakse is now well positioned to find solutions to economic problems of all Sri Lankans by giving more economic empowerment to the people.
    Besides, Sri Lanka will be One Country with One Law governing equally to everybody.
    Therefore, this is the last chance and last hope for all Sri Lankans and Tamils and other minorities in particular too.

  • 7

    Nimal, how many drinks did you have. These guys have absolutely no morality or ethics or conscience and once power in hand they think it had to abused left and right. Gotta had proved himself to be utterly corrupt and aggressive to opponents and you can easily guess how he will be if elected. Have no doubt that. He even manipulated a national airplanes long distance flight just to transport a puppy and in the procees downloaded the checked in passengers, only Gotta and MR could do this. Keep dreaming Nimal.

    • 1

      We do not bother about his action if the results are productive as same as annihilating LTTE separatist terrorists.
      Any other supported the terrorism by writing or any other means deserve annihilation, which is also called retribution in our religion too.

  • 2

    This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

    • 5

      Good riddance of all Tamil traitors and bum suckers , only Sinhalese racists support them and write praises in their memory. Not a single Tamil has any fond remembrance or a word of praise for these people. This says a lot

  • 4

    Nimal, you are confused. On the one hand you talk of end result whatever the means may be and then talk of retribution. Can you just explain. Can you even define terrorism and terrorists. Killing any innocent civilian is terrorism. So how are you going to deal with the terrorists who killed the innocent from 1956 and what your religion going to do. Do you give different definition to the same evil. So Gotta off loading the passengers to send the puppy is rational according to your religion became what the end result for Gotta. Hope you too not an academic or a terrorism expert like Rohan. So after all your Ltte terrorists are not really terrorists going by the end result and your religion.

  • 4

    LTTE terrorists paid for their sins. But other terrorists still free. So where is God.

    • 1

      LTTE are terrorist whatever the manifestation and they got what they deserve finally.
      All terrorists will get the same. do not worry about it sooner than later.

  • 1

    Dr Narendran Rajasinghham must have been the only Tamil Leader from the North who didn’t bend over to Mr Pirahaparan.

    I remember reading a few responses from Dr Rajasingham to my comments on Mr Jeayaraj’s Website.

    To me Dr Rajasingham was a person who spoke for the under privileged just like Douglas Devananda .
    Not only the Inhabitants of Jaffna but all inhabitants who want to live peacefully as equals in Lankawe have lost a good man..

    • 3

      K.A.Sumanasekera, I was wanting to hear this particular truth from someone – anyone, – ‘Dr. Rajasingham was a person who spoke for the under privileged just like Douglas Devananda’. Your comparison is most apt; most revealing!

    • 3


      “To me Dr Rajasingham was a person who spoke for the under privileged just like Douglas Devananda . Not only the Inhabitants of Jaffna but all inhabitants who want to live peacefully as equals in Lankawe have lost a good man..”

      Alright Dr Narendran Rajasinghham is a role-model.
      When are you going to start following him?.

  • 2

    Dr.Narendran Rajasingham was a straight forward gentleman. He never bowed down to any terrorist leaders. His articles exposed the truths and were very clear and so were his comments.

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    still Karuna terrorist who murdered so many surrendered Sinhala terrorists is a blue eyed boy of the White Van Family. He is at present keeping the senior ladies of the Kings side happy and contended. If Gotta comes back Karuna will start his pranks and will be used to kill Tamil and Muslim leaders. It is sad you are talking of karma and religion. If so even born as a Sri Lankan is due to bad past karma.

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    The usual stuff from the Historian Dr.Michael Roberts with his hallmark supporting Bibliography!
    But he has blundered in his opening sentence; Dr.Rajasingam Narendran, graduated as a Veterinary surgeon from Peradeniya..When did he become a food scientist?

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    As far as I am concerned he was one of the best human beings I have come across.Since I met him June 2009 to until his death we have met each other at least 3 to 4 times a year. The day before his death I talked to him about my next visit. Since 2009 we jointly and individually have been helping the disadvantaged through various humanitarian projects. I salute him as a highly educated intelligent decent human being and a good friend I missed him..

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