By Tisaranee Gunasekara –
“That is a slave’s lot – not to be able to speak one’s mind”. – Euripides (Ion)
In Turkey, an attempt to uproot a public park and build a shopping mall ignited a tidal-wave of protests which is yet to abate.
In Saudi Arabia, innumerable Islamic sites are being annihilated in the name of ‘development’, with nary a protest. “No one has the balls to stand up and condemn this cultural vandalism” laments Dr. Irfan Al Alawi, Executive Director of the Islamic Heritage Foundation; “we have already lost 400-500 sites”[i].
Both Turkey and Saudi Arabia have Sunni-Muslim majorities. But Turkey is a secular-democracy, albeit a flawed one, while Saudi Arabia is a theocratic-monarchy.
In Turkey, there is a strong tradition of community resistance to arbitrary decisions and overbearing attitudes of authorities. Nobel Laureate Orhan Pamuk in a recent comment drew a continuum between the Taksim protests and a long-ago attempt by his extended family to save a beloved 50-year-old chestnut tree from the municipality’s saw[ii].
In Saudi Arabia, protest is criminalised and people are habituated into mindless-obedience. According to Hatoon Al Fassi, Professor of History at Riyadh’s King Saud University, “….construction work to expand the mosque has already destroyed about two thirds of the sacred mosque’s historic buildings… We have already lost the houses of the Prophet’s companions, as well as smaller mosques around the same mosque that dated back to the earliest years of the Islamic era. And while the house in which the Prophet was born has been transformed into a library, other sites have suffered worse fates: …..the house of Khadija, the Prophet’s first wife and the mother of his children, was destroyed in order to build public toilets”[iii]. Since the Royal Family and the Wahabi hierarchy are behind this cultural massacre, any resistance would be not just treachery but also apostasy.
In Turkey, a localised protest became a national outburst partly as a reaction to a rumoured-plan to introduce a presidential constitution. Mr. Erdogan is in his final term as PM; the new constitution would be a ploy to save his political life. If Turkey is saved from this impending autocracy it will not be thanks to its Opposition, which is as weak and as fragmented as ours, but to the courage of her people and their refusal to become anesthetised by religion, patriotism or some other opiate.
In Sri Lanka, we failed the 18th Amendment test and the Impeachment test. Will we fail the ‘Media-ethics’ test as well?
A key reason for the protests in Turkey and the apathy in Saudi Arabia is the presence of a relatively free media in one country[iv] and the total absence of media freedom in the other. Many Saudis outside Mecca may not even know of what their rulers – with the backing of their religious leaders – are doing to their priceless religio-cultural heritage.
An ignorant populace is an autocrat’s greatest blessing, even more than a filled armoury and a numerous soldiery.
Media Freedom and Public Good
According to Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen, a free and an unrestrained media promote the public good in several ways, including ‘disseminating knowledge and allowing critical scrutiny’ and ‘giving voice to the neglected and the disadvantaged’’[v]. Prof. Sen uses the case of the Bengali famine to demonstrate this nexus. The Bengali famine happened under British Rule, and in the absence of a democratic government and a free press. It was only after the British editor of The Statesman (Calcutta) published graphic accounts of the famine, that colonial rulers were compelled into instituting relief measures. Prof. Sen points out that no major famine has happened in a functioning democracy with a free press and concludes, “The direct penalties of a famine are borne only by the suffering public and not by the ruling government. The rulers never starve…. What makes a famine such a political disaster for a ruling government is the reach of public reasoning which moves and energises a very large proportion of the general public to protest and shout about the ‘uncaring government’ and try to bring it down”[vi].
A government faced with a critical media and a wide-awake public would be more prone to be responsible and accountable than a government with a submissive media and an anesthetised public.
According to a recent survey (sponsored by the American Chemical Society) “of 12 countries in four continents, cadmium levels in rice grain were the highest in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka… For Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, there was high weekly intake of cadmium from rice, leading to intakes deemed unsafe by international and national regulators”[vii]. Cadmium is a heavy metal which can have a lethal impact on heart, lungs and kidneys and affect brain-development in children. The Lankan participant in the survey, Dr. Mangala de Silva of the University of Ruhuna, blames the cadmium problem on “substandard phosphate fertilisers….”[viii]
Toxic-rice is a greater menace than the halal or Storm Mahasen. Toxic-rice is a real problem and a lethal one. Yet there is no fear, no concern, no public outrage. The silence of the regime is understandable. The issue of toxic-rice, like famines, does not affect the powerful/the rich because organically produced rice is available, at a much higher price. The regime will move in the matter only if forced to do so. If the media – especially the Sinhala media – can be compelled into muteness, there will be no public awareness and no public outcry.
Once the media-ethics proposal is enacted, revelations about toxic-rice can be made illegal. The general public can be lulled into happy ignorance, until the plague metastasises its way from rice-producers to rice-consumers.
According to Gotabhaya Rajapaksa, “Misconceptions regarding Buddhists in Sri Lanka are spread worldwide through websites. Now is the time to change those misconceptions which were being spread for the last 30 years”[ix]. Once the ‘media ethics’ are legalised, it will be illegal to report anything about the ongoing attacks on churches, mosques and kovils. No wonder the BBS wants Gotabhaya Rajapaksa to takeover Sinhala-Buddhism: “….Galagoda Aththe Gnanasara thero told a news conference that the Buddha Sasana Ministry was currently performing a poor service in protecting the Buddha Sasanaya…. Gnanasara Thera said it could be recommended that the Defence Secretary should be given the responsibility of the Buddha Sasana since he was a person the BBS trusted”[x].
Those monks who do not come up to the ‘BBS-standards of Buddhism’ can then be white-vanned; and the media which report/comment on such atrocities legally punished.
A citizenry cannot be transformed into subjects without their consent and cooperation. A democracy can be destroyed from outside, without the complicity of its people, but to destroy democracy from within requires the active and passive participation of its citizenry. Vellupillai Pirapaharan did not become transformed from Thambi to Surya Thevan overnight. Such internal transformations need a congenial atmosphere created by citizens, who are willing, individually and collectively, to forego their rights in the name of an abstraction or a mirage, out of disillusionment or fear.
A dying democracy needs a majority who are mesmerised by a fantasy and unruffled by reality.
Like the proverbial crab in the pre-boiling pot.
Are we that people?
More details about the latest situation read
[iv] Despite recent repressive measures including the arrests of a large number of journalists, Turkish media remains vibrantly critical.
[v] The Idea of Justice
[vi] Ibid
[vii] The report is available at
[viii] The Sunday Times – 9.6.2013
[x] Daily Mirror (website) – 26.5.2013
Daham / June 13, 2013
[Edited out], from which tree did you fall this time? You seem to be upset that no Arab Spring is springing in Sri Lanka and controlling few foolish writers will stop the possibility forever!!!
Well Governments should not control ethical media. Unfortunately you hardly can find an ethical media today. Independent media does not mean that you can write every crap that comes to your mind filled with your wild imagination and full of fictions. Then you need to choose to be a fiction writer and publish books but not be in public media.
It is unfortunate that Politicians to So called media persons are hunting for juice in every story, every disaster and every situation to gain mileage and be ahead of the other. Word freedom does not mean that you can do everything that comes to your mind, Your freedom is restricted by the respect that you have to have for the fellow citizen and your fellow being. Unfortunately the springing media does not understand their limits similar to corrupt politicians who think that they own the country, people and everything around them.
So please give up your opportunistic ideas and do something for the Citizens of this country not by provoking them but assisting them how they could resolve some of the issues in the country. Definitely not the Turkish way [Edited out]….
Aney Apochchi! / June 13, 2013
The fact that you use the pseudonym you do and indulge in the kind of bilge that you send in to CT,says it all.
Is this contribution, complete with the abuse that CT has cut out of it, constitute an application for the post of the Ethics Committee that you hope will be instituted by this bunch of Hitlerites or is that post reserved for the Head Pimp with the hyphenated last name?
Daham / June 13, 2013
Aney A…. Check your wires… They aare madly and insanly crossed. It’s better to talk something that you couldd comprehend… [Edited out]’s henchman…
Aney Apochchi! / July 2, 2013
(misnomer, even if a pseudonym, if ever there was one)What on earth are you trying to say? I don’t think even those who pay you to spout this bilge can comprehend your lunacies!
dodo / June 13, 2013
Thisaranee, Thanks for this, we need to think positive and look for viable alternatives – for as long as there is no viable opposition Rajapassa will rule and ruin Lanka.. the UNP under Ranil is dead in the water.. We need alternatives and it seems that Chandrika Bandaranaiyake may be a real option – to save the SLFP and Lanka from the Rajapassa dictatorship and unit the joint opposition..
Ajith Kumara / June 14, 2013
What saved Ms Ts’ and CBKs’ lives including yours in SL is nothing but anti slaughtering protests.
Jayantha / June 13, 2013
You miss a valuable point here what Tisaranee has pointed out. Just look at the common sense. Rajapakses have Politicised Buddhism in Sri Lanka where no other political party have ever done before.
It is common sense and easy to understand and that is……
When you get hold of the Buddhist Extremist Priests who could control, manupulate, submit and brainwash Sri Lanka’s 85% Buddhist Population and threat, intimidate and harass the rest of the minority religions, it is the easiest way to stay in power. This is commonsense and Rajapakses are doing it well.
just take all the leading Religions in the world and see their Behaviours through political suppression, threat, murder and wars.
Religion Extremism is the latest political power play in the world and Rajapakses are doing it well using the extremist Buddhist clergy to supress the opposition.
But it could also Back fire similar to what happened to SWRD Bandaranaike, many Arab countries and other parts of the world.
Rakapakses are Playing with fire and the fire will engulf them pretty soon. It started with self Imulation of Bowette Indraratne Thera…..
and could end up in a disaster.
Ajith Kumara / June 14, 2013
You are a liar or a blind or a complete Idiot. Where in SL the religion extremism is? All the religions are freely practiced in SL. Buddhist monks who leads the country every part including politics are an essential part of the SLs’ society and you idiots can not break that historic bond. As they are a part of the people there is no question of misleading, manipulating and brain washing within them but you idiots can not brain wash and mislead SL with your rotten propaganda and faming of puppets as true people. After 50 years of the SWRD all have taken it in progressive way and do not expect your foolish imaginations to be ever true in SL.
Jayantha / June 14, 2013
Both Ajith kumara and Daham,
I am sorry to hear that both of you are acting like Jokers when things unfold before your eyes.
Didn’t you watch how these fake bala senas running in Colombo streets with their robes in their necks and slippers missing after hearing that Tigers were in Colombo in 1987.Didn’t you read the newspapers then.
Who created these Bala Senas only after winning the LTTE war…. and to get a cover up from war crimes.
Who was behind all these minority religions Churches, centers , mosques, Kovils and Business attacks and vendalising…….
Read the following webs you idi…ts..
These are nothing but real radical terrorists similar to Alqueda, Salafis and Wahabis who are creating trouble throughout the world who are funded by mega International conspirators,and Businessmen with local support.
All these Radical Buddhist Wahabis started only after we won the war and after International community accusing Sri Lanka on War Crimes. So if this is another war crime cover up to cover behinf Sri Lanka’s 85% Buddhist population………
Therefore without writing stupid comments, do your own research to find how the local thugs are part of the international and local Terrorist outfit and find who really fund these uneducated, uncivilised and uncultured radical thugs.
Please comment after doing your own research.
Mahela / June 15, 2013
Ajith Kumara,
You say…..”Buddhist monks who leads the country every part including politics are an essential part of the SLs’ society”
Yes I agree. But then why you need a Balu Sena, Ravana Balaya, Sinhala Rawaya terrorist names…..similar to Alqueda, Abu Omar Nusra, Taliban, Al Shabab like TRerrorist name to express political views in a democratic country.
Moreover there is no difference how these Balu senas behave, their facial expressions,their threatening behavoiurs, their agandas, their acts and lifestyles etc, which are pretty much similar to extremists Talibans than to ordinary humble Buddhist monks expressing Politics similar to Ven.Sobitha Thero. The days of Natzi eras are gone.
That’s why we need to find who are behind these extremists and who fund them.
Please do your own Research.
Daham / June 14, 2013
I am not agreeing with politicizing of religion or unethical media practices. Both has to be stopped but it can be done only by the citizens as the politician’s with guns and so called media persons with the pen is doing similar destructions to our society.
All of them are after power and money. If you analyse what most of media is doing is very much similar to the politicians.
As you say if playing with fire is going to engulf them, then isn’t it better for the country?
What I am concern is that these political activities and certain media practices could engulf the common innocent citizens of this country who do not deserve another war, civil unrest or racial division.
Jayantha / June 16, 2013
You say……..”What I am concern is that these political activities and certain media practices could engulf the common innocent citizens of this country who do not deserve another war, civil unrest or racial division”
I say Nobody wants to engulf the country for a Civil war. But everybody is looking for equal Justice, liberty, freedom and peace.
Nobody appointed anybody to Govern the country to Steal or lie or cheat or discriminate it’s citizen and these reporters and writers are giving them a warning not to do so and to correct those weaknesses.
If you see both world and Sri Lankan history you will see these warnings been neglected by the leaders and as a result many catestrophies have occured.
The will be no fire without a spark. Those who have eyes…..see, and those who have ears hear……..Peace.
Deamon / June 13, 2013
Who is the pair of assholes that gave a rascal such a pious name? Ask the passing dog for an answer. You are such a disgrace to the forum! You stupid mutt, you groan and moan about ethical and independent media, crap media, wild imaginations and full of fictions! So, where can you find it? It is right here, above! Read your own rubbish crap several times to discover every evil you have ejected here! It is bastards like you that will be dragged out of culverts and ass-plugged and lynched when Sri Lankan Spring springs! Until then keep on writing more and more craps for pigs like you cannot do anything else but sniffing the assholes of the Rajapakshas.
Daham / June 14, 2013
Your writing says it all about your pedigree…. I don’t intend to disgrace your parents….
Lester / June 14, 2013
You seem to be upset that no Arab Spring is springing in Sri Lanka and controlling few foolish writers will stop the possibility forever!!!
You have hit the nail on the head, Daham. Some cannot wait for Batalanda Ranil and his gang of missionary NGO’s to return. They are horrified that Sri Lanka identifies itself as “Buddhist” and does good business with China, Burma, and Iran.
Vedda's cousin / June 13, 2013
Daily New reports that “It has been made compulsory for all NGOs operating in the country to register themselves with the Office for the Registration of Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs).”
Accordingly, NGOs should submit a report to the government listing its role, staff and funding and donations received from abroad, their manner of expenditure and their proposals and plans, he said. Their assets should also be registered with the relevant unit of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, Hulugalle said. Meanwhile, President Mahinda Rajapaksa has appointed a special Board of Intellectuals to probe charges and allegations made against NGOs and their operations, Hulugalle said.
Mahela / June 14, 2013
80% of these NGO’s are affiliated with Parliamentarians. May be big Govt. Kinpins also are affiliated with them.
After supressing Media is this the next step to silence Masses and International community.
Is CHOGM a joke for uncivilised villege monkeys….going in imported Luxury cars while behaving like absolute monkeys…..
K.A Sumanasekera / June 13, 2013
Never ever knew Ms T lives in Lanka.
With her retainer,surly Ms T can eat Deheraduni Basamati, instead of our Cadmium Rice.
Didn’t this Report conclude that the Heavy Metals are well below the accepted levels?.
Aney Apochchi! / June 13, 2013
K.A. Sumanasekera aka Leela A betterKnown As “The Raltor”:
Will you ever be able to break the habit of writing LIES and FABRICATIONS and DISTORTIONS?
Considering you are safe from your “housing victims” while living in another country, you should be safe from chemical contamination in the rice that ordinary Sri Lankans have to consume as well!
Feels great, doesn’t it?
JimSofty / June 13, 2013
TG is always talking with venom.
Even if it is the levels below the any acceptable daily intake values, it should be a concern because long term exposure result sick people.
chronic exposure is not good. What is the source of Cadmium ? It can not be soil as it is a new development. May be some one is importing cheap fertilizer.
Jayantha / June 15, 2013
Jim Softy,
Nowhere in Sri Lanka’s history a Police DIG’s and Policemens have became contract killers.
Nowhere in Sri Lanka’s history a notorious Govt.Goons murder Tourists and sexually assulted their girl friends, murder and sexually assult women and children and still languishing freely outside without any arrests been made.
Nowhere in Sri Lanka’s history a Govt.goons murder other Govt. Secretaries and his their security personnel in broad daylight and now saying they are innocent and cannot remember anything.
How about Jailing an Army General who Liberated our country from a 30 year war and impeaching a honest Chief Justice.
How about murdering Journalists in broad daylight and hijacking reporters in white vans and burning printing presses which never happened before.
There are million other unresolved mysteries are taking place daily due to absolute corruption, thuggery and dictatorship type of governance.
Therefore reporters like Tisaranee only write these corruptions that are taking place in Sri Lanka daily to the outside world so that one day justice would be served.
The day will come for culprits who use their powers on weak to face the ultimate judgment.
Muhandiram-Dumbuluwawe. / June 13, 2013
Ever increasing plgrims compel to expand the Grand mosque of Mecca.Muslims are not worshiping the structures, and there is no any significance for the structures,but Creator.
Citizen / June 13, 2013
It can be observed that not any hand of Buddhist priests bestowing grace in the picture, while Gota stretches his index finger pointing at something. Even the eyes had not shown calmness. The poses of the Buddhist priests show that they are not humble and not tolerance. Lord Buddha must be worried over such behaviour of these Buddhists.
Amarasiri / June 13, 2013
Tisaranee Gunasekara –
Thank you. You hit the nail on the head. This is the reason why you need free media. This is in the Ameeican Constitution, and the great founders od America, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and others recognized it.
1. to its Opposition, which is as weak and as fragmented as ours, but to the courage of her people and their refusal to become anesthetised by religion, patriotism or some other opiate.”
2. “A key reason for the protests in Turkey and the apathy in Saudi Arabia is the presence of a relatively free media in one country[iv] and the total absence of media freedom in the other. Many Saudis outside Mecca may not even know of what their rulers – with the backing of their religious leaders – are doing to their priceless religio-cultural heritage.”
Tissaeane, you should add, what the Nazis did, regarding the concentration death camps for the Jews. The Germans did not know about it, just like what many Saudis do not know about the Wahhabi cultural destruction being done, to promote the Saudi Wahhabi hegemony.
When the Americans liberated the death camps, they forced, yes forced, the Germans Citizens, through the death camps and witness what has been done by their Govt. the Nazis.
Sri Lanka never did that after 1958 and 1983.
JimSofty / June 13, 2013
You guys are experts about Free media and american Constitution.
Remember, certain american states removed legislated discrimination just before the launching of their rocket to the moon.
Free media – you know what happened to Julian asange.
How many articles TG has written about the reality ?
kp / June 15, 2013
which reality? the one that your patrons paint for us? but why should she write about that, when so many enlightened ‘journalists’ in the govt. media who can barely write a shopping list are writing day and night about the great deeds of the regime for the Motherland?
justice / June 13, 2013
Those who are concerned about “misconceptions regarding Buddhists in sri lanka” are totally unconcerned about the chinese repression of another ancient buddhist country – Tibet.
After annexation in 1951,the monasteries were taken over/many demolished,monks and nuns harassed and even killed.
Ongoing atrocities are resulting in self-immolation of monks almost daily.The chinese government is trying hard to prevent news of the repression from reaching the outside world.
Tibetans in exile in India are mourning these atrocities.The Dalai Lama is ostracised like an international criminal.
Our monks have hardly commented on the repression.
Demolition/damage/desecration/disappearance of idols from/of hundreds of hindu temples in the north and east of our own country,is rarely mentioned in state and other media – only tamil owned/managed media highlight these.
Many hindu priests have been killed over the past decades,but not a hum in the buddhist owned media extolling the glories of buddhism and even encouraging the “export” of buddhism to western countries.
Senguttuvan / June 13, 2013
The more worrying question is have we begun our march towards a
mono theocratic society – in the style of the Iranian Ayatollahs.
The regime relies heavily on the numbers game. That is, if you play
your cards to win the admiration and loyaly of the 75% – the other 25% can do very little about it. The occasional murmur here and there can be handled by the way men like Kamlesh S has been won over – appears to be the flow of thought within the Palace.
nandana / June 13, 2013
The problem u guys and gal (TG) is having is that all these years its been a free bashing buddhist sinhalese… and now that the tables are turning… u get all upset and come out with victim slogans…
Lets put out the trash u guys have been telling all these years and then take up the present status quo…
there is something called nemesis thank god
JimSofty / June 13, 2013
TG says turkey is Secular. TG should have explained little bit how her beloved western missionaries made the Ottoman empire small and secular.
Lester / June 14, 2013
The only things Tisaranee knows about Turkey come from the writings of Navi Pillai and Brad Armstrong. We can’t expect her to read an actual history book!
kp / June 15, 2013
because things that happened hundreds of years ago should rule our present decision-making.
how old are you exactly, kid?
Lester / June 15, 2013
So we should let the USA decide who gets to have nuclear weapons and who doesn’t, since it’s been close to a 100 years since the USA dropped two bombs? All is well and forgetten then! I am not sure that Iran, who has not invaded a country in 300 years, would agree with you! More often than not, history repeats itself.
JimSofty / June 13, 2013
TG is one crying out loud for the 13th amendment.
With regard to the high Cadmium levels in rice, TG should understand how the 13th amendment has aggravated the problem.
Read the following.
“Administratively we are committing suicide if we continue with the 13 th Amendment. Recently Agricultural Officer Cecil Dharmasena has come out with important observations on the agricultural administration . Ranjith Mulleriyawa, another Agricultural Officer has also corroborated in his paper,”Truth is Stranger than Fiction:Messing Up Agriculture”(The Island 4/6/2013), This is only as far as agriculture is concerned and a personage like Dr C.S.Weeraratne has stated that the Provincial Council had neglected taking action on the kidney disease that takes toll of thousands of farmers in the North Central Province today. They have pointed out that the administration of agricultural extension has been totally destroyed because of the devolution under the 13 th Amendment. “
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / June 13, 2013
Jim Softy,
This is because the PCs are not given the power to do what they are supposed to do under the 13th amendment. The PCs are a facade and are now being made the scape goat for failures of the central government, with its multitude of ministries and authorities!
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
Dev / June 13, 2013
I agree on this one with you !
PS: where have you been? Long time no see !
JimSofty / June 14, 2013
Politics is all about power.
Think of a situation that regional politicians were satisfied with the power they had unless the govt uses their heavy hand.
Karunanidhi and Jayalalitha could become very wealthy. Can TNA or, in that sense, any PC – politician can achieve the same status as Tamilnadu politicians did ?
Amarasiri / June 13, 2013
JimSofty et. al Shills,
Police completely politicized – Sobitha Thero
The above reason is why 13A is Needed.
The current police is apolitical police. It is police of the Govt not the people.
So, need police of the people.
Will 13A give that to the people? It is better than the current system.
kp / June 15, 2013
yes, yes. because the only reason you fellows are getting rid of the 13A has nothing at all to do with the fear that the TNA might win. Y’all are not even worried about that. Whenever it’s mentioned none of you soil your trousers. You’re so not worried, that on a scale of 1-10, your worriness levels would be -10.
ah i love reading your little child-like fairy-stories.
Aney Apochchi! / July 2, 2013
The 13th Amendment, in case you haven’t noticed, has ONLY EXISTED ON PAPER AND NEITHER CONTROL OF LAND OR POLICING,has been devolved despite the legislation being proclaimed years ago.
THAT IS A SIMPLE FACT and the 13th Amendment has nothing to do with the chaos that prevails in the agricultural practices (or lack thereof) that is the Sri Lankan situation as both Ranjith Mulleriyawa and Cecil Dharmasena describe (AND WHICH YOU AVOID REFERRING TO!)
Where oh where is that rock you crawled out from under, you illiterate stooge!
Ayesha Arambepola / June 13, 2013
TG, don’t worry, when you write truths, it hurts many people. keep up your good work. We are running out of good honest descent people in our country. All have dead and gone. We become poorer when good and honest people die.
Amarasiri / June 13, 2013
Colombo Telegraph,
Tell the Truth. Truth hurts only those people who perpetuate their Myths. Examples are numerous. A few are given below.
1. The Earth Goes around the Sun.
2. The Maras are behind the BBS Racists claiming to be Buddhists.
3. Monk Mahanama Myths.
4. Myths of Nirvana, Rebirth, Sansara, heaven, Hell, Limbo, Purgatory, 72 virgins etc.
5. Add your own list…
DeJa Vu…..;
Amarasiri / June 13, 2013
Colombo Telegrsph,
More info from a different source.
[Edited out] Sorry, no gossip links please – CT
JimSofty / June 14, 2013
Think honest and tell me why people should their minds by reading your gibberish ?
You know that you are dishonest. You would love to be a Sinhalese if you could. That is why took the Sinhala name as your user ID.
JimSofty / June 14, 2013
tell me why people should their change minds by reading your gibberish ?
Amarasiri / June 14, 2013
JimSofty et al Shills,
“Atta Thittai”. Truth is Bitter.
Around 1,600 CE the Church said that:
1. “The Sun goes around the Earth”. Cited the Bible, Aristotle, and Joshua stopping the Sun for a day. The Church did not want competition, even with the evidence provided by Copernicus and Galileo (phases of Venus).
2. The Church could not fight the Truth. Copernicus was already dead by then. All they could do was put the Seminal Book, the Motion of Heavenly Bodies, Published in 1543, in the Index of banned books.
3. Galileo promoted the idea, based on the phases of Venus and the moons of Jupiter, called Galileans. The Church warned him, but in the end he was under house arrest. He was not burned by the Inquisition, because he recanted some and knew the Pope.
4. Giordano Bruno, was burned at the Stake Feb 17, 1600.
His cosmological theories went beyond the Copernican model: he proposed the Sun was essentially a star, and that the universe contained an infinite number of inhabited worlds populated by other intelligent beings.[2] The Roman Inquisition found him guilty of heresy and he was burned at the stake.[3
5. JimSofty et al Shills.
If you disagree with my reasons, my philosophy or points, just make your reasons and points succinctly. Ideas are independent who comes up with the ideas? If they are correct, and there is support, so be it. Facts speak for themselves.
Sinhala Racist Buddhists, Tamil Racist Hindus, Wahhabi Myth Idiots, and many other MYTH followers who blindly follow their Myths, cannot prove their Myths, do not like my ideas, just like the Church did 400 years ago.
Same with the current Maras, the BBS, the Haraks and the various shills they have put.
The Honda Hamuduruvo we have is Ven Sobitha Thero.
Nobody believes the Maras. Th Buddha warned against them.
Sobitha Thero explains importance of a good constitution
DeJa Vu….
Amarasiri / June 14, 2013
JimSofty et al
Listen to MS. Nandita Das. Great Talk. It will enlighten you.
GNOU Silver Jubilee Lecture by Ms. Nandita Das (2010) on Identity and the
kp / June 15, 2013
and you took a white man’s name. I wonder what that says about you.
Aney Apochchi! / July 2, 2013
Apart from stupidity, when someone like YOU accuses anyone else of writing “gibberish” (even if you know how to spell the word) suggests a very serious mental illness.
Do you remember what some jurisdictions used to do to mental defectives? Let me give you a hint: they couldn’t procreate after that process!
Lester / June 14, 2013
Tisaranee’s latest gem: “secular” Turkey (I am not sure the Armenians or Greeks would agree!), Wahhabi fundamentalism in Saudi Arabia, and cadmium contamination of rice. And somehow all of this connects to Gothabaya Rajapakse and Sinhala-Buddhist “fundamentalism” in Sri Lanka. I only regret that Tisaranee has nothing to say about the genetically engineered (juice-free!) tomatoes in Western supermarkets. Or the milk and meat coming from cows that have been pumped full of so many growth hormones that they could fight with a lion. Maybe this silly wretch of a woman simply detests Sri Lankan cuisine, or she would know it is the best in the world.
JimSofty / June 14, 2013
Themes for every thing that TG writes is ANTI-RAJAPAKSEs and ANTI-BUDDHISM.
Every article that TG writes can be catalogued under ANTI-BUDDHIST and ANTI-RAJAPKSEs.
Amarasiri / June 14, 2013
JimSofty et al Shills,
Just defend the truth, not the Myths. Atta Thittai. Truth is bitter.
So you want everybody, including Colombo Telegraph, to write the lies and nonsense written in the Daily News, Daily Mirror and many other shill web sites by shill editors who promote Sinhala Buddhist Mahanama Monk Myths and keep the Maras fooling the people?
Well, well, first prove the Myths.
1. Lion Genes
2. All the nonsense about Buddha visiting 10 times Lanka, Vijaya landing on the Day Buddha attained enlightenment etc.
Were you a Good Catholic in 1,600 reborn in the 20th Century as a Sinhala Mara Supporting Mahanama Monk supporting Buddhist? What did the Dhamma Pasalea teach you? Even the Popes have moved on, and you better too.
Sinhala Racist Buddhists, Tamil Racist Hindus, Wahhabi Myth Idiots, and many other MYTH followers who blindly follow their Myths, cannot prove their Myths, do not like my ideas, just like the Church did 400 years ago.
Same with the current Maras, the BBS, the Haraks and the various shills they have put.
The Honda Hamuduruvo we have is Ven Sobitha Thero.
Nobody believes the Maras. Th Buddha warned against them.
Sobitha Thero explains importance of a good constitution
DeJa Vu….
Aney Apochchi! / June 14, 2013
It is only because of a large Sri Lankan readership that you get away with your lies, half-truths and downright fabrications. However, you and the rest of the “well-frogs: (Lin-gembas) of this country can continue living in your fools paradise and the rest of the world won’t miss you (as it doesn’t at the present time.)
Incidentally, do you know the difference between genetically-modified plants and those created by selective breeding and could you please enlighten us with a list of the “hormones” used on dairy and beef cattle? Should be easy because you can resort to your usual response – “When all else fails, fabricate!”
Lester / June 14, 2013
Growth hormones caused “Mad Cow Disease.”
Growth hormone blunder may have given Britain mad cow disease
Sunday, August 8, 1999 London Observer Service
“LONDON — Britain’s “mad cow” disease epidemic was caused by a scientific experiment that went wrong, some experts believe. The blunder has cost Britain $6.4 billion, claimed the lives of 43 people and triggered fears that the death toll could eventually reach several million.
Experts believe that hormones, taken from the brains of slaughterhouse carcasses, were injected into cows in a bid to create a new breed of super-cattle. But the experiment — carried out in the 1980s — backfired. The hormones, extracted from pituitary glands, were transmitted in an agent that spread mad cow disease and eventually infected humans as new variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (nvCJD).”
Any kind of genetically modified food can be bad for you. Some of the consequences may not be known for decades, nevertheless you cannot escape them. Just like cancer and heart disease do not develop overnight, but over many years:
That is why I said Sri Lankan cuisine is the best; the ingredients are generally fresh and organic.
Deamon / June 14, 2013
“..If Turkey is saved from this impending autocracy it will not be thanks to its Opposition, which is as weak and as fragmented as ours, but to the courage of her people and their refusal to become anesthetised by religion, patriotism or some other opiate..”
This is the cardinal sin people like TG have committed on the collective mind of people and as a result of which same scribbles are regurgitating the phrase over and over again ad nauseum in a vicious circle-a weak Opposition! What is this Opposition this writer refers to? Suggestively obviously she means RW! And instead of RW had there been KJ or Sajith or any Dick Tom Harry she would not be writing the above line! Her co-claim of a “weak Opposition” together with DJ springs out of their desperation and frustration for not being able to usurp control of UNP! First it was the regime that used this myth to attack RW to hoodwink the stupid masses in the country to grab their votes, then it was the frogs in UNP who wanted to be sold to the regime to grab and enjoy some filthy bribes, and now it is people like TG and DJ who have not yet given up their “traitor dream” of ridding RW! Who are the real victims of this power struggle? Obviously TG would not be eating “cadmium rice” nor would the Rajapakshas. What TG is doing is using reality control though unsuccessfully. She sits by the computer, reads newspapers and so on and then uses the facts thus extracted to create more and more divisions among the suffering people! To do this she uses only 9 words and a comma-“which is as weak and as fragmented as ours,”- but the assault on the collective psyche and the moral is of grave proportions because this becomes newspeaks of the Nineteen Eighty-Four on Sri Lankans.
Aney Apochchi! / June 14, 2013
This gibberish of monumental proportions even by the standards of many who write to CT!
deamon / June 14, 2013
Aney (Matimola),
Don’t weep donkey for you do not understand these things and hence these are gibberish for you. I was trying to say fools like you are the bane of the country. Go fly a kite fool!
Aney Apochchi! / July 2, 2013
Such an intelligent (though typically unintelligible) response!
K.A Sumanasekera / June 14, 2013
Besides big Mining Operations, which Ms T surely is familiar with, the biggest source of Heavy Metals is the open sewage running into water Ways.
Arsenic, Lead and Cadmium,which are the most harmful in that order accumilate more in Aerial parts of plants than in Grains.
Thankfully our inhabitants are safe from both these two major sources of HM contamination.
Basamati eaters shouldn’t sit on their laurels.
Our inhabitant Plant Biologists and Chemists should focus on looking at the Greens our inhabitants consume rather than attacking their staple.
Even Ms T’s supporters should think twice when they indulge in their favorite “Kola Kande” after their brisk morning walk along Marine Parade.
Unless they need a fix of our famous “Penera Kola” for proper functioning.
Aney Apochchi! / June 14, 2013
K.A.Sumanasekera aka Leela aka The Realtor:
Your botanical expertise is about on par with your ethical standards!
kp / June 15, 2013
why are you even surprised? this is the same guy who said it’s fine if a kid dies, as long as it doesn’t reflect badly on the govt. Ethics? he doesn’t even know what they are.
Lasantha Pethiyagoda / June 14, 2013
I observe a gradual degeneration into low insults instead of sound argument and decent debate in this forum. It must come from frustrations sadly misdirected towards the wrong sources. I can imagine how things might look, a decade down the line…
m.c.spencer / June 15, 2013
Anesthetising The People
Fear not as long as LP the cockerel on the parapet wall is there things will be fine everywhere. His pedantic outlook seems to think and feel that he has everything under control everywhere.
disgusted / June 15, 2013
We are sorry, the comment language is English – CT
Deamon / June 15, 2013
Aney Apochchi/Tissaranee,
“..If Turkey is saved from this impending autocracy it will not be thanks to its Opposition, which is as weak and as fragmented as ours, but to the courage of her people and their refusal to become anesthetised by religion, patriotism or some other opiate..”
TG uses right typed ammunitions against the regime but she also lands some of them on her own roof in her mistaken personal agenda and dream of removing Ranil from UNP and planting a pliant, compliant and manipulable person in the driver seat so that TG, DJ and other conspirators in and outside the party who are making an incessant noise about democratizing reforms can come in and take this country in another exploitation-infested and destructive route! She tends to overlook the fact that this type of imbecilic remarks only adds up to the gradual weakening and dilution of the opposition and people’s strength against the regime liquidation of which is her overt mission. In fact UNP is doing everything possible to rally people against the common enemy but people like TG, DJ, Sirasa media are doing everything possible to paint a wrong picture on UNP and weaken the common crusade against the common enemy thereby diluting the causticity of the cause. She seems to be an ardent lover of “people centered and sprung fights” against the oppressor government, a thought so childish it is hard to imagine it occurred to such a vociferous, scathing, penetrating and vivisectionist writer against Rajapakshas like her when considering the post-Spring anarchical situation of the countries where her-dreamed-typed Springs have taken place but thereafter people are entrapped in a vicious cycle of Spring to Spring abysmal, ousting and establishing one leadership after another and then finding all of them incapable of fulfilling their aspirations and then engaging in more and more Springs. The few words interspersed in her writings along those lines and coinciding and analogous with those of DJ, Sirasa media, Maithree Gunaratne, Shiral Lakthilake and some retired and on the verge of the death political junks and betel chewing senile monks for pastime betray her true role and potential as a crusader against the Rajapaksha Juggernauts and depict her as a self-contradictory and self-cancelling activist. It is an undeniable fact that UNP is the only political party in the post independent history of Sri Lanka that has taken initiatives and done most of the things for the progress and development of the country in every important field and aspect of the governance of the country-education, economy, constitutional, human rights, promotion of inter-racial peace and harmony, good governance, democracy, international relations etc. And who is the best person to further and promote that historical vision and mission of UNP other than Ranil? When considering the falsification campaign TG et al are perpetrating in the country against Ranil, one gets the feeling people like TG are in fact national traitors promoting their own personal agenda at the expense of the future of the country. They moan about a “weak Opposition Leader in Ranil” and cast a gospel about an ideal and democratic UNP under an unblemished, pure and winning jockey but they have got no clue or indication as to who it is and therefore fill the lacuna by “mobs rampage” in the meantime!
Aney Apochchi! / July 2, 2013
Are you sure you know how to spell the acronym that you choose to use?
Have you heard the expression, “A lot of hot air signifying nothing?” I rather doubt it considering the absolute nonsense you write. You are symptomatic of what Udurawana meant when he said, “Empty vessels make the biggest loud!”