17 September, 2024


Anti-Muslim Assaults In Ampara: Police On Alert To Prevent Sinhala-Muslim Clashes

Ampara is currently facing a heavily tense situation with impending riots by Sinhalese mobs against Muslims.

Reports from the ground indicate that there is a riot building up currently after a drunken Sinhalese group of youth had entered Hotel Cassim located in D S Senanayaka Veediya, Ampara and forced the cashier to admit that they were mixing sterilising medicine with food they sell.

Last night, a mosque, several Hotels and vehicles belonging to Muslims in Ampara have been attacked by Sinhala mobs leading to major tensions.

Police have been mobilized.

A video clip posted on Facebook by Buddhist Information Centre shows the muslim cashier was forced to accept that they mixed sterilising medicine with food they sell.

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  • 27

    is it the beginning of ” Mara the Godfather”

    • 5

      This is not only MARA’s operation. Its the Govigama Mafia Organised Crime operation. The inaction of the government, the lethargy and the delay of the Police to arrive at the scene, if anyone is caught-then immediate bail given by courts, the government spokesman downplaying the seriousness, Maithripala becoming silent and dumb looking, government not taking severe action……are ALL HIGH INDICATIONS that this is a part of the GOVERNMENT and the MoD involved PSY-OP to keep the divide of the population deep. Because, the Govi Mafia is trying hard to bring about another HOLOCAUST like the 1915, 1956, 1983, 1987, 2009 mass killings of local human population. This is Zionist agenda that this working from behind. The teams working behind these operations are UNP/SLFP special PSY-OP experts who has 20-30 years experienced, trained by the Mossad/CIA to create the climate for clashes. All the Govi leaders know Fully Well as to whats going on as it is their plans which are being executed by their mercinery forces which are coming under the command of the MoD and the JHU team headed by the Zionist Champika (Chum-Puka) who finds a confortable and a permanent place in any Govi headed govt that comes to power. The design of the Govi Mafia is to bring about the Rajapakse rule again. The Deep State must have been planned to bury the Yahapalana to bring about the final destruction to the 70% Sinhalas who are showing advance in thinking shying away from Racistic thoughts. That is found to be a danger signals to Govi Mafia as the days when a Non Govi becoming the head of state is approaching. Before this thought might take hold in the larger society, a riot must be created with the Muslims being pitted as the boogey man this time…. as it will be arewarding one as the US and the Israel will be more than happy to see Muslims are being destroyed by their mercinery contractors—-the Govis.

      • 1

        Ha ha what a joke! GOVIGAMA CONSPIRACY!! Is Wimal Weerawila a cousin of yous??

        • 0

          Yo Sarath, you are not the only one laughing. The entire Govi Mafia Ruling Elite criminal set is having a BIG LAUGH for the last 07 decades, as they had silly ideas to, very simple dumb reasons to enslave the masses over which they committed MASS KILLINGS, TRILLIONS ROBBED from the TREASURY, DESTROYED BUDDHISM by mind controlling the Buddhists to believe that they are the “Real Sinhala Buddhists” and employing Buddhist Monks to get involved in the Killings and arson innocent population and promotion of Racism throughout the length and breadth of this country by incitement carried out through their Mass Media companies, fakely projecting themselves as the National Heroes, Political Leaders, Religious leaders, Saviours of Buddhism and the Sinhala Race, fake Royal bloodlined and Super Heroes etc, etc….. They are None of those in reality, but thieves and evil contractors working for the Zionist masters in the Washington and Tel Aviv. In 50’s the Ceylon then was a successful country with no foreign debts owing to none. But, just look at it now…. each one of us is indebted to IMF/World Bank Jewish corporations to the tune of Rupees 457,000/-…… this means nearly Trillions of Rupees in gross national debt. Who borrowed this amount and what happened to it? nearly 80% of this amount is in their pockets. And what about the killings…. they have killed Sinhala and Tamils in large numbers and the Muslims in few numbers. The current anti/muslim project is to equate the killings to the levels of Sinhala and Tamils. Do a survey from 1956 or 1915 up to the present day, the killings that happened under their leadership when they were Prime Ministers and Presidents…..do the math….and see for yourself.

      • 0

        The Govi mafia mainstream media (Upali Newspapers and Wijeya Publication) are the ones who have declared the War on Islam long time ago from its inception. As Govi Crime Watch experts know or do remember, The Island, when it was launched first time by the Govi (Opium dealer) Upali Wijewardene, they began picking on the Call of Prayer as a target point in attacking the Muslims. The Govi declaration of war could be sensed by the way they handle the issues giving their prime slots to the Sinhala Racist writers and the Sinhala (govt., sponsored) terror groups like the JHU, BBS, and Mahinda/Gota/Wimal backed ones, who gets massive fundings and Army/Police backing for their mob violence unleashed on the selected targets to execute the operations blue printed by the Champika, Gota plannings. Divaina had a news on the Ampara incident justifying the attacks on the Muslims by affirming the false flag reason for which the Special Secret Military unit which conducted the swift 1 hour operation (in full military style) with the Police aiding and abetting by deliberately delaying to come to the scene even when the Mosque is located just 500 mtrs from the station.

        • 0

          If someone wants to know why the Govi Mafia is using their Media (Divaina, Lankadeepa, Mawbima, Adha, Rivira, Derana, Swarnawahini, TNL, Hiru…etc, etc) to wedge a racial conflict among the Sinhala/Muslim community and then working hard on translating it into a wider scale communal war between the TAX paying population…. one have to look into the MONEY TRAIL… Sri Lanka is in a HUGE DEBT TRAP to the levels of 85% of the Gross National income or the GDP is hoing towards servicing DEBTS which the GOVIs have borrowed with their political power they have been holding for the last 70 years, having bankrupted the coountry and its entirety, now deploying their Mercenaries (Sinhala Ultra Nationalist) forces to divert the attention of the public, by inciting the Sinhalas to create another disaster, like what they did to the Tamils….this time they chose the Muslims as the scapegoats. I would request anyone who is concerned about the future of the country, which our children are going to inherit eventually, is not a Govi imposed bankruptcy, but a land where everyone can co-exist peacefully and with prosperity….You must watch this clip I have added which is a WARNING coming from some experts who have sensed the pitfalls and the dangers posed as a result of the 70 years of Mismanagement carried out by the ZIONIST BACKED, ZIONIST lInked, ZIONIST trained, treacherous GOVIGAMA RULING ELITE MAFIA……
          ————“THE SRI LANKA in CHINA’s DEBT TRAP” https://youtu.be/gWpHDecCw1U

    • 3

      The evil forces of division score another hit as the government of lawlessness and disorder vacillate as they wait for our woeful political leaders to scratch their heads before deciding what they should do.

  • 24

    Fathima / February 27, 2018
    0 2
    Maldives, Malaysia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Pakistan,………………Srilanka.

    No one can stop Islamization of humanity. Stop alien and genital worship and start praising Allah (PBUH). That is the only way out of this.

    Allah (PBUH) ?????????? -fake Muslim using fatima caught on! on !

    Allah -pbuh?
    if you do not know to copy don’t paste

    • 15


      Well you are on your way to Islamisation of Humanity hence what we need right now is the process of humanization of fake Wahabi Islam.

    • 23

      Everyone knows that fake Fathima is an anti Muslim troll, and only the like minded trolls will be impressed.

    • 6

      I do not applaud violence and attacks against any community. However, when one community is attempting to push their ideologies on others and forcing social and territorial overtaking, then what happens in nature, is a defensive reaction. Therefore, living in harmony is vital as opposed to proactive marketing of ideologies.

    • 0

      Stop ‘alien and genital worship’ and upgrade to the snip-cock adoration!

    • 4

      You just know the history first…This was a budhist country…but now it is a multyrelegious country so fighting fir each otheres relegions are stupid.Just belever in your relegions and thats it…
      Actually i see all the fighting stuff as something is wrong with people

  • 29

    We feel very sorry for the muslims,but at the same time,i have to mention that during the civil war muslims aided and abetted the soldiers to kill thousands of innocent tamils in the east.The muslim home guards ravaged many tamil villages and chased away tamils.Now they are experiencing the same agony that the tamils underwent.

    • 15

      Ah, the serves them all right comment. Pathetic.

    • 7

      Although Karma is a Bitch. She always returns the favor.

      • 1

        Catholics preaching buddhism. What a progress.

        • 8

          Catholics have no choice when dimwit Buddhists practice Sunday Sil Monday Kill.

        • 0

          What the !!!

    • 0

      I don’t feel it is the right technique to dig the dumped. Instead better to say something that would make a difference and change the course.

  • 30

    Unity of the Muslim, Tamil and upcountry Tamils with the Sinhalese democratic forces is the only way out from this new round of communal violance induced by the local government election 2018 result.

    • 9

      Tamils from upcountry or low country should sit this one out. Major part of govt sponsored militia that went after Tamil civilians without accountability were Muslims.

      • 2

        The troll that wants to divide the minority.

    • 2


      Are you sure you know what you are talking about?
      First of all where would you find democratic forces among Muslims, Tamils and Sinhalese. It looks like each of the above people need reconciliation among themselves.

      Could you not through your poetry unite Muslims with Muslims, Tamils with Tamils and Sinhalese with Sinhalese, ………………. As a Tamil don’t you recognise the existence of the upcountry Tamil people whom you have deliberately/conveniently ignored?

    • 1

      VISJ has not missed out on Up-country Tamils.
      Re-read his comment.

      • 1


        Thanks. It was my mistake and my apologies to V.I.S.Jayapalan.poet and the forum. I have behaved like Jim Softy.

        I have no idea who this V.I.S.Jayapalan.poet is. It appears he likes to hang a few bones around his neck to indicate he is a non vegetarian/ meat eater.

    • 1

      Unity of the Muslim, Tamil and upcountry Tamils with the Sinhalese democratic forces is the only way

      Your statement assumes that the sincere senior politicians from all three communities, the community leaders who are engaged in the problem and the international bodies and diplomats who are putting pressure on the government for resolving the matter by power devolution are imbecile idiots, but you are the only smart one has got the secret solution for this problem. Are you honestly thinking the Communities “Unity” not been thought for the last hundred years by anyone?
      You have been claiming LTTE was winning the war until they were listening to your military strategies and they lost only after they started to listen to other Military Strategists. Then, while you were working with LTTE, did ever it occurred to you advising them that freedom fight is not in your line of thinking so should surrender the arms to army and seek peace?

      Do you honestly believe that this type of your narcissist’ self-attention seeking statement will do any consolation for Muslim community who has paid dearly in this violence? If so, can you get down deeper into this problem i.e. Sinhalese accusing Muslims poisoning Sinhala women; but no narcissism please! (As I know that you feel you are one of the greatest ever born, even grater than Thero De Silva, so I don’t need any more of that- Please talk about the subject without mentioning you in that as you are not a Muslims man).
      Yesterday Thambutegama Rajangana reservoir has been handed over to Chinese Water Bottling Company. Farmers cultivate about 17,000 acres with that water. Sinhala farmers protested. (One may remember the Iranai Madu projects failed because NPC wanted to heed to the Kilinochchi farmers’ protest). The protest tuned into violence. Police used brutality and arrested more than 50 Sinhala farmers.

    • 1

      That is what happened in Mahampura Terminal and Hangbangtota lands handover to Chinese. In Harbor, a permanent Navy base has been set up so Sinhalese will not protest against Chinese. In the land handover ceremony, Yahapalanaya used massive police brutality to suppress villagers. Further it said, its opponents bought in thugs, but the protesters charged Yahapalanaya had bought busloads of thugs to create artificial riots in the protest. Why Chinese are protected using Police, Army and Navy violence against Sinhala Mass, but why so far no arrest has been made on the Amparai riots? Could explain how the Muslims can solve this police behavior, a disease of underdeveloped countries’ Governmental machine, in this “New Round” by “unity” with Sinhalese?

      During the Old Royal time, a law was proposed that the rape victims should seek marriage with the rapists and the rapists should be pardoned when they marry the victims. I see a parallel to that with your statement. It appears, to earn bogus gentleman honor, you arrogantly putting the victim and criminal in the same witness stand together. You owe an explanation to others that why the affected communities, before they come down to reconciliation, should not seek reparation at court. Why have you not put the reparation for the affected Muslims here before you start your Theory of “Unity”. All the UN consultants to Yahapalanaya have advised reparation and justice as start of reconciliation.

      By your statement, you are denying the down to earth fact that even UN is accepting some communities’ problems cannot be solvable by merely pressing the opponents together, so the parties have go separate, like in Sudan or East Timor or Yugoslavia. By your statement you are insisting that it did not happen that Sir Pon Ramanathan’s very first effort to take forward all races as one Ceylonese community. Your insistence to ignore the last hundred years of history is only your denial the justice for the affected communities.

      • 0

        Mallaiyuran, Excellent point you have raised about selling the country to the Chinese criminals. I would suggest you to watch the following videos , if you can, which might solve the mystery and the puzzle of the Racist Problems the Govigama Mafia has subjected the local population, with a vengence, during the span of 7 decades starting from D.S. Senanayake…. the progeny of the Telungu Nayakkars, who are holding the country by its neck, suffocating it to die a painful death….

        this video is about the origin of the Govigama clan who are secret Nayakkars, who are enemies of the Tamils, who are in partnership with the Brahmin rulers of the Indian state, in collaboration with the Jewish Zionist system in the West…. whom all came together in an alliance to destroy the original inhabitants on the Indian ocean region —-the Tamilians….
        pls watch it….

    • 0

      this new round of communal violance induced by the local government election 2018 result
      I don’t how are you concocting the phrase “New Round” when Gintota riot was only three months ago, left alone Rohingya or Other BBS induced incidents in the last three years, under Yahapalanaya. I wonder if you understand word “Round” in this context.
      “By identifying a group as “Sinhala Democratic Forces” you are you explicitly insisting that the minority’ communities need to approach the Sinhala Democratic forces, but no need for magnanimity from majority community. Your Theory is only insisting of raising the hand & begging, but not worrying about stretching hand & giving.
      “By citing the “New Round “ you are referring the minorities are moving apart from the so called “Sinhala Democratic Forces “and that is the reason for the “New Round” of violence, otherwise it had been already settled. You want to bring back once again the moved away minorities under the majority so you can provide the solution to the “New Round”, which you accept was created by the majority by the explicit hate campaign. In your words, Muslim joining with the Sinhala Democratic Forces will resolve the so called “New Round”, which is result of divisive propaganda in the Feb 10 the election. So far the known racial hate message in that election was from Slap Party and it was about Yahapalanaya devolving the power with Tamils, merging North East. Muslim Parties opposed this and Muslim Ministers were accused of telling blood river would flow for that solution. Amparai Blood River is from Muslim, not from Tamils. It is not known Sinhala leaders campaigning in Ampara, where the “New Round” took place that the Muslims are stealthily sterilizing Sinhala women. Can you please cite here what evidence made you to connect this specific “New Round”, which is holding Muslims responsible for sterilizing, with the Feb 10th election Campaign?

    • 1

      Please confirm again if it is your opinion that Muslims Politicians are not working with Sinhala Democratic Forces. If it is you opinion that Hakeem, Rishard and other Muslim Ministers, who are always being parties to form Muslim- Sinhala governments from 1948 are not joining “Sinhala Democratic Forces”, will you specifically mention the names of who are the non-Sinhala Democratic Forces whom with always Muslim Ministers are forming the governments , so the Muslim minsters can correct and stay with only the Sinhala Democratic Forces.
      You are just covering up all that what the Sinhalese leaders did to Tamil community with your, slippery- Omni-flexible statement and simplify prescribing that minorities begging the pardon of majority as the only solution. The implied meaning of your statement is that the Federal Party, without cooperating with Dudley, had made the Dudley-Chelva Pact. Your Statement is saying that TNA did not corporate with Yahapalanaya in having it three budgets passed, without question. Can you tell what more the TNA or the Tamils should be doing in unity so those under PTA will be released; the army occupying lands will be released; the army occupying the North East will be withdrawn; NPC will be let without overruling …………………….?
      Your statement implies that you are against the Tamils seeking justice from UN or UNHRC like international institutions. Your statement assumes that the Tamils should not seek from UN to hold Lankawe government be Accountable and Responsible for its War crime that was carried out without witness.
      Your statement, which is without specifics, is misdirecting the discussion of the Muslims’ legal need to have the majority Community to be punished at court law for the atrocities it created.
      If you don’t mind can you link us here of that who, when & where you were conferred a tile Poet?

  • 34

    shame on BUDDHA ROWDIES in sri lanka… SIN – KELE WEDDA rowdita pills one nehe. They are the kassippu and drug addicts in srilanka so already got damaged SPERMS in testicles.

    But 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999 BUDHISTS are very calm and like to live in harmoney but BODU BALU SENA rowdis are behind the scenes.

    We cant imagin a war with MUSLIMS in srilanka…OH……… People of srilanka come forward and eradicate these BUDDHA TERROR in our country………

    • 10

      This is typical of the sort of Thamby arrogance the Sinhala majority has to put up with. This has to come to a head sooner or later.

      • 17

        You cant br s peace lover n at the same time use derogatory language demeaning a race. Your racism shows..the footprint of BBS is there in the videos.If one notices,you coukd see monks in civilian clothes,head shaved n well fed individuals,some in helmets. Why cant the cops use tear gas on unruly mobs? N the stf just mingling without trying to send the thugs away….the police is supposed to be situated abt 500 meters from the hot spot but had taken more than an hour and a half to go there. Was this a planned attack? Identify the culprits, charge n jail them before things get ugly n get out of control.

        We had a war that extended for almost 3 decades, dont need another…


        • 3

          Justics USA. does the Evengelical church help this ? donkey, show where the monks are ?. Do not blame unnecessarily becaus eyou wanted to.

      • 3

        Piss Lover ,

        How should Thamby behave with rogues and morons ?

      • 1

        Peace Lover

        Why are you awaiting for another 1915?
        You should have shut your mouth and kept quiet when VP the psychopath was after them. Now you see you are left to your own device to deal with them. Dr Gota has made a big mistake. However Karuna the Butcher of Batticaloa is still available, unemployed and not looking for job.

    • 2

      Ceylonese your attitude is deplorable and invites more attacks on Muslims. No wonder you people are despised the world over. Why don’t you go to the MiddleEast

  • 6

    When fiery election propaganda like the Feb 10th had divided the societies, this is not a surprise outcome. Unfortunately no Muslim Minister was ready to accept or back him up, when Sampanthar clearly said the Slap Party’s attempt was to create Tamil Eelam, because of their worry to protect their perks.

    The main element creates this type silly beliefs in the opponent community is about Muslims are opportunistic MMDA. This was created by DS like Sinhala leaders to encourage Muslims male leaders to take leading role in creating and floating the Communal unrests.
    These primitive societies look women as child bearing machines, easily dreaming many wild thoughts fumed by this type of biased laws. As they are high in number, Sinhalese are able to extract false witnessing out of poor left alone workers. Unfortunately, this type of extracting confession officially installed in Lankawe legal system by PTA like laws so set example for mobs and rowdies. As the many policemen and judges involved in this are unable to break out from their belief that Muslim men are using Sinhala women more efficiently than them to create children, they too are unable to provide unbiased protection. Politicians in the government, while in opposition, in turns as SLFP &UNP, sowed disbelieved on their government to Majority Sinhala mass.
    Biased laws like this in a multi community society are inducing speculation. Sinhalese think, when Muslim woman cannot marry a Sinhalese, but Sinhalese woman marry a Muslim must become a Muslims, MMDA is legal arrangement to water out their majority in their land. As they see the law is against them, with the consent of their Sinhala political leaders they are attempting to take the law in their hand and want to bring justice for themselves. While Yahapalanaya is keeping arrogant silence, Muslims opportunistic politicians are trying to take fire out of burning house too.

  • 6

    Here, what is needed is neutral party’s judgement to convince the mass that they are misguided by unsubstantiated beliefs. This is why Sir Pon Ramanathan, as was a neutral person himself, went to Landon in 1915 through the cannonball flying World War Seas to seek neutral judgement. Muslim destroyed Tamils. Muslim protested UN’s elements getting involved in the communal unrest, present in Lankawe. So now, as their exits routes are closed, there is a higher chance they try to attempt to sort this out by themselves with eye for eye. When stronger Muslim Community and Stronger Sinhala Community start to start clash, this is going create fear and nervousness in weaker Tamil community, even if they were left alone by the waring communities. Unrest mushrooming chance is possible, unless Yahapalanaya, without bias, take this as a serious matter.
    Muslims, now as they are present within Sinhala Communities with higher numbers, should stop isolating them with MMDA like anti-community laws, but open up their community to let Sinhalese come closer, witness the reality and drop out their fear toward Muslims that Muslims are stealing their women to take over their majority in the Island. Unless wealthy and rowdy Muslims Ministers fix themselves and bring changes, the lonely cahiers like the poor one standing in the video with fear stricken eyes, representing the hungry mouthed children and women waiting back at home will unfairly pay the heavy price for their hard, toiling day time works.

    • 0

      Mr Malayuuran, like to read your long story. But remember the Rawana was a Dravidian, means a Tamil and Tamils can be proud of using the first flying machine. But the Domination of Tamil in the world declined little by little until their present situation for the reason that they turned away from the Truth which is visible enough in the very Ravana’s history.

      The “Linga worship” is not a genital worship but worship of the One and Only God and the meaning of the word “linga” has been corrupted by giving to it “animal genital”. The black color given to the “Linga” means that God is invisible to human eyes but not He is really black. This another great ideology the Dravidians followed.

      No proud, no dignity, no prosperity come to Dravidian unless he turn towards the Truth and start worshiping the God Whom they worshiped before any other nations in the world.

  • 9

    I don’t see any reason to make a comment on the incident. Clearly “ordinary” Sinhalese are not a part of this.
    I have a request to the President and the Prime Minister on behalf of my country.
    I earnestly urge the President and the Prime Minister – FOR GOD’S SAKE, forget about your differences. Issue a Joint Statement on national TV together, STRONGLY AFFIRMING that there is no instability in the country. The government is stable. People have a democratic right to express their choice at elections and that you two accept people’s choice. But Divisional-wise LG election results have no impact on you as the President who was democratically elected in 2015 for a specific 5-year term, and similarly the PM/government was also elected for a 5-year term. If anybody wants to change the President/PM/Government, they can do so DEMOCRATICALLY at the next Presidential/General Elections. Therefore, please request the government politicians, opposition (fake and bona fide both), trade-unions, extremist groups, and all other jokers who put self before country and all external forces near and far, to BACK OFF and show restraint and composure without resorting to typical unscrupulous means to destabilize the government and create “artificial anarchy” in the country. Tell the country that as the President and as the Prime Minister it is your duty, obligation and responsibility to maintain/restore normalcy in the country and that you two are not hesitant to take stern measures within your power to foil any such moves whether it is political, social, religious or workplace related.
    Have a backbone, you two, President and the Prime Minister. I don’t approve your politics but I don’t want to see the country heading for an irreparable disaster. ACT, before it is too late. Idiots.

  • 5

    Native Vedda still not given up Monkeying around , yet living in the Jungle.

    Do not think you know it all,There is no such thing as Whabi Islam ,, what’s the matter matta -gobaya?
    losing it?

  • 6

    Native Veda is a Malay Hub ul awliya Muslim (lovers of saints)
    how long is this idiot going to hide his hide ,just because his father is a Sinhala Buddhist .
    Native Veda is the biggest coward and liar

    Look at the way he is supporting the notorious online anti Islam troll Fatima(Tamil Born again Christian)

    • 4


      Is that all you know about me?
      Poor sod.

  • 13

    It must be an advanced miracle drug. No other advanced nation seems to possess these so called
    “Wanda Beheth” aka sterilizing pills. Urban myths and kata-katha(rumours) spread by drunks is dangerous. The man in that video was probably afraid and just went along with the story. The Government Analyst and CISIR or even asking Scotland Yard will help squash these rumours. Prophylactic birth control pills are for women. So if you cook them in vast amounts of food it will lose efficacy. There is no scientific evidence I know of in the current realms about this issue. I am sickened and saddened by this.

    Factors that can cause male as well as female infertility are:(WIKI)

    DNA damage
    DNA damage reduces fertility in female ovocytes, as caused by smoking,[27] other xenobiotic DNA damaging agents (such as radiation or chemotherapy)[28] or accumulation of the oxidative DNA damage 8-hydroxy-deoxyguanosine[29]
    DNA damage reduces fertility in male sperm, as caused by oxidative DNA damage,[30] smoking,[27] other xenobiotic DNA damaging agents (such as drugs or chemotherapy)[31] or other DNA damaging agents including reactive oxygen species, fever or high testicular temperature[32]
    General factors
    Diabetes mellitus,[33][34] thyroid disorders,[35] undiagnosed and untreated coeliac disease,[36][37][38][39] adrenal disease[40]
    Hypothalamic-pituitary factors
    The presence of anti-thyroid antibodies is associated with an increased risk of unexplained subfertility with an odds ratio of 1.5 and 95% confidence interval of 1.1–2.0.[41]
    Environmental factors
    Toxins such as glues, volatile organic solvents or silicones, physical agents, chemical dusts, and pesticides.[42][43] Tobacco smokers are 60% more likely to be infertile than non-smokers.[44]
    German scientists have reported that a virus called Adeno-associated virus might have a role in male infertility,[45] though it is otherwise not harmful.[46] Other diseases such as chlamydia, and gonorrhea can also cause infertility, due to internal scarring (fallopian tube obstruction).[47][48][49]

    • 12

      Our education system has created a society which has a high literacy but lacks education, maturity and common sense.

      Majority of Sri Lankans don’t know English and have no capability to do research when today its the information revolution and information is available at your fingertips. Because of this reason our society is being led astray by goons and thugs who are able to control these people for their personal benefit.

      Just now I did a search and on Wikipedia it says as follows. “There is no working “sterilization pill” that causes permanent inability to reproduce”

      Some commentators here who know English but are baised and intentionally try to perpetuate this myth due to their hatred against minorities.

    • 4

      It not only about disease. When Sinhala only was introduced Sinhala youth wanted government jobs.Careers became important.Having children becomes a planned activity. Some don’t want to have kids or have the least amount of kids. This too could impact the slow down in population increase. This phenomena has occurred in various western countries and Singapore as well.

    • 1

      Can you make a seminar to these Ampara donkeys who destroyed the mosque please..

  • 8

    This seems to be a planned action to create support for UNHRC report to be presented in the coming days; to inundate SL with charges of HR violations.

    The same thing happened in 83 to make black July.

    Majority Sinhalese must understand it & behave wisely to make the truth the winner unless it’ll be paving the way for something serious..

  • 0

    This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/

  • 3

    Sri lankan should ban AJinoMoto. It says, Ajinomoto can make pregnenet women kill their fetus. Muslim hotels continue to do that. MSG in Ajinomotoa is the curse. IT is a Flavour enhancer for MEAT.

    READ this For the duration of pregnancy, pregnant women should be cautious about what they consume, especially when the foods include additives like Ajinomoto. During pregnancy, the body and the unborn child are more sensitive to food items.

    Sterility in females has been linked with the ingestion of Ajinomoto.

    • 1

      Here you go. A blanket racist assertion that “Muslim hotels continue to do that” .What about other establishments belonging to other races. How about high class hotels.

      Then there is an article in Sunday Leader and Ceylon Toady which says farmers are using Ajinomoto as a weedicide. There is more information if you care to read and research. Search Ajinomoto Sri Lanka.

      Further Ajinomoto is manufactured by Japanese company which is not a Muslim company and it is being legally allowed to be imported by the majority Sinhalese government. So you should take this issue with the government instead of accusing Muslims.

      “IT is a Flavour enhancer for MEAT” – Buddhist don’t eat meat and the majority meat eaters are Muslims which is what we are being told. So based on this logic the effects would be on Muslims and not on Buddhist so why should you make a fuss which doesn’t make any sense.

    • 0

      Jim softy
      That can’t be correct. I have been using Ajinomoto for many years and I have no problems. Some people are allergic to it it s a kind of salt mono sodium glutamate. I have had no fertility problems I have cast my seeds everywhere and they are sprouting like a new baby boom. Muslim hotels won’t use it because it is imported and costs money, but Chineserestaurants use it as a flavour enhancer. Add a pinch to your pol symbol and taste the difference. I think you are barking up the wrong tree here. During pregnancy women are advised to avoid allergy producing items in their food. Hence the caution that you expressed,

  • 7

    Every thing looks poison after the gangs are drunk

  • 0

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  • 12

    This is another setup like Aluthgama and Sinha le to bring discredit to the Sinhala Buddhists, and the rice gauging Sinhala frogs in the well fall for this kind of act like idiots, the Sinhala Newspapers have to make a stand and show how ridiculous and non existent the alleged Vanda Beheth is.

    • 4


      “This is another setup like Aluthgama and Sinha le to bring discredit to the Sinhala Buddhists,”

      Sinhala/Buddhists are permanent disgrace to this island, Buddhists and Sinhalese, a huge blot on the landscape. Being a Sinhala/Buddhist yourself you are constrained and couldn’t do much about it.

      You need to come of your closet and see beyond your Sinhala/Buddhist nose. Be serious, be a Sinhalese or be a Buddhists.

  • 6

    buddhism is dead in sri lanka. what is there is rapist priest hijacking budda.

    • 1

      A disgusting comment.
      Any fool can see both the incident and the attack are pre-mediated. I hope the shop is insured. This is an extension of what we saw last year. Some interested parties may have though of providing some new items to OHCHR’s boring Report.

  • 5

    This is the result of racial statements made by Mahinda Rajapakse and the SLPP/Joint Opposition. They should wear this in their sleeves.

    • 1

      They did nothing about Aluthgama.

      The blood of those who were brutally killed is on their filthy hands.

  • 13

    The silence of the President & PM is deafening.

  • 3

    Thugs taking the law into their hands and going on a spree of vandalism when the relevant Police Station is just 500 or so metres away but does not respond for over one and a half hours says something deep.
    A Govt: going through an embarrassing stage would like to get the gullible masses to focus their attention on some frivolous happening, till they get through their act of untangling the mess that they created themselves.

  • 3

    Mr Malayuuran, like to read your long story. But remember the Rawana was a Dravidian, means a Tamil and Tamils can be proud of using the first flying machine. But the Domination of Tamil in the world declined little by little until their present situation for the reason that they turned away from the Truth which is visible enough in the very Ravana’s history.

    The “Linga worship” is not a genital worship but worship of the One and Only God and the meaning of the word “linga” has been corrupted by giving it to “animal genital”. The black color given to the “Linga” means that God is invisible to human eyes but not He is really black. This in another great ideology the Dravidians followed.

    No proud, no dignity, no prosperity come to Dravidian unless he turn towards the Truth and start worshiping the God Whom they worshiped before any other nations in the world.

  • 4

    The timing of these anti-muslim campaign are always suspicious. They seem to occur to coincide with UNHCR events and when there are power struggles among politicians.

    BBS seems to increase and decrease their activities as if on cue.

    Who is the master behind these orchestrations? What is their real motive?

  • 4

    Muslim in many parts of playing the notaries of business of illegal-in Sri lanka
    1 Drugs import,
    2 under-invoices of import and
    3 over-invoices Exports business.
    4 While some time back Valued Adds Tax that Chief racketeer was Muslim person by at that time he was member of UNP working committee.
    5 Many passport frauds and national identity cards frauds were involved by Muslims businessmen.
    6 Gem exports by illegally sent out of custom are that ring of Muslim businessmen.
    7 Those who are illegally gain lands in central properties in Colombo Dehiwla Mount -lavina , Maradana , Petta , Fort of Colombo, are Muslim-businessmen.
    8 All money changes in Colombo are Muslims. They involved with exchanges of foreign currencies.
    9 All Muslim says their discriminated by majority Sinhalese ,is lie.
    The Sinhalese’s majority of 99% are do not know what Muslims are doing in Colombo by having business.
    deals .
    10 Muslins are playing fool with behind that Sinhalese community. Look at Wilpattuwa land own by
    Muslim Ministers? by settling Muslim in Willapttua land?

    • 1

      K.T Martins

      Do you have any evidence to prove the members of other communities do not indulge in frauds as you have mentioned above?

      Don’t bother if you haven’t got.

    • 0

      K.T. Martins,

      The entire government sector is in the hands of the majority community. So there has to be collusion between these government sector and those who are involved in illegal activities otherwise no one will be able to commit these crimes that you have listed.

      For example a previous UNP government wanted to handover the customs valuation department to a famous private international company but due to protests from the customs officers this was abandoned.

      The value added scam would not have happened but due to the collusion of the commissioner general who too was sentenced.

      In Willpattu there is a Sinhalese village also coming up. Why don’t you mention anything about that?

      The rest of your assertions are baseless and racist.

      Those who are playing fool with the Sinhalese Community are not the minorities but your own leaders. The people who introduced Sinhala Only sent their children abroad to study in French and English. Did the Sinhalese ever ask their leaders why Sinhala was good for them but not good enough for their children.

      Your Sinhalese leaders know that they just have to talk about race and the Sinhalese will vote for them. The voter is so hung up on racism that he dose not ask their leaders how they are going to develop the country, improve the economy, stop corruption and fraud, improve education fit to international standards, improve efficiency, stop government waste of the nations wealth.

      In the end rather than blaming your leaders you blame the minorities for your failures.

  • 1

    My goodness…just look at this.poor man’s terrified face.
    So pressurized to say ‘ yes’
    ” You did it ..admit it..” !!
    Wicked bullies.. shame,shame,shame
    On you for tormenting a human being
    Just like you
    C h i k!

  • 2

    Ajinomoto does add great flavour to Chinese foods. But the active ingredient in it is MSG
    MonoSodium Glutamate: It is the sodium salt in the common amino acide Glutamic acid. It is to a degree in our bodies naturally and in some foods too.

    MSG occurs naturally in many foods, such as tomatoes and cheeses. People around the world have eaten glutamate-rich foods throughout history.

    Commercially now, MSG is produced by the fermentation of starch, sugar beets, sugar cane or molasses. This fermentation process is similar to that used to make yogurt, vinegar and wine.

    Federal Drug Authority FDA in the USA considers the addition of MSG to foods to be “generally recognized as safe” (GRAS). Although many people identify themselves as sensitive to MSG, in studies with such individuals given MSG or a placebo, scientists have not been able to consistently trigger reactions. (various sources from the internet)

  • 2

    I work in Middle East – Muslim country along with other 1.8 million Sri Lankan – 99% of them are Buddhist. These Arab Muslim treat us 1.8 million Buddhist Sri lankan with love and care – giving 10 times more salary than in Sri Lanka, 03 times rich food and good accommodation.
    It is very same to hear the news Buddists attacked Muslim mosque in Ampara for the amusing reason – putting watha peththi in Kotthu rotti. Now these Arab Muslim see us very badly. They ask us why you cant tolerate with Muslims in sri lanka while we Arab can tolerate Buddhist? Here the situation is deteriorating. gradually we will loose all our jobs in Middle East!! who will give us job?? Sri Lanka government? or Ampara watha peththi Scientists?

  • 4

    Where can I buy sterilizing pills? I want to export them to the rest of the world and make big buck. There will be high demand for the Sri Lankan sterilizing pills. Why have a Vasectomy when you can take a pill?

    • 0

      We suffered enough with a 3 decade old war and now this ! When will this ever end. If Sri Lanka is to become a true sovereign state it should first eradicate all ethnic political groups and create a better constitution. Until these issues are resolved these type of idiotic riots will always arise.

  • 0

    We suffered enough with a 3 decade old war and now this ! When will this ever end. If Sri Lanka is to become a true sovereign state it should first eradicate all ethnic political groups and create a better constitution. Until these issues are resolved these type of idiotic riots will always arise.

  • 0

    I neither deny nor agree with this wonder sterilization drug, because I do not know much about it. But what I know is this. Buddhist temples have been built by truly Buddhist patriotic Sinhalese. However, what is not known to the public is that the authorities bought sand, crushed stones, and cement from Muslim merchants. They introduced minute quantities of radioactive material into these items. So when the poor, innocent, religious, and fertile Sinhalese damsels visited these Buddhist temples every full-moon day, they were exposed to these radiations. That is why these girls are infertile. So in the name of patriotic Sinhala Buddhist of Sri Lanka, let us go and demolish all these temples, regain our fertility, produce more children, and then rebuild our temples with unadulterated raw materials.

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