6 February, 2025


Arjuna Mahendran Wants All Bond Issuance Data Deleted

In yet another underhand act, Controversial Governor of the Central Bank, Arjuna Mahendran has given out an order to delete all data in relation to the last two bond issuance from the Central Bank computers.

Arjuna Mahendran

Arjuna Mahendran

Highly placed sources said that the staff is in a quandary whether or not to carry out Mahendran’s order, as deleting such data from the system was deemed illegal, specially as no reasons have been given as to why the details in relation to the 2015 and 2016 bond issuance must be deleted.

The sources believe that Mahendran has issued the order to hide details pertaining to the bond issuance as the Central Bank including its Monetary Board has come under increasing pressure from good governance activist and former Chairman of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, Chandra Jayaratne who has been requesting for all information pertaining to the last two bond issuance, which are rigged in controversy.

“The data in relation to the bond issuance is also required by the Prime Minister for a Parliamentary review, and Mahendran maybe trying to sabotage this by deleting the data and blame it later on a malfunction,” the sources said.

Standard banking regulations expect all transaction data to be available for a period of 20 years.

“Even though it is based on an order given by the Governor, if the staff is found guilty of deleting such important data, action can be taken against them, which can jeopardize their jobs at the bank as well,” the sources added.

Latest comments

  • 12

    what is wrong with Sri Lanks judiciary system. There may be charges or allegations about anybody and everybody but the judiciary system doesnot care about it; no official charges or comments. There are number of inquaries conducted by police, military, CID, FCID but no official statements released. One can accuse the prsident, PM or some layman about anything no legal action. Only the popular media publish a piece of the whole picture without any refference and noone cares about the truth content. A minister claims MR has stolen 18 billion dollars but there are no proves and no charges and even no denials. what a fucked up country is this.

  • 9

    These instructions to delete Bonds issuance data amounts to proof/admission of wrongdoing.

    If the President and PM are aware, their reaction will show their sincerity of/in Just Governance – a.k.a ‘yahapalanaya’.

  • 6

    The fact that ordering files to be deleted ipso facto gives rise to presumption of guilt before proven in a court of law. Best would be to deport him back to native land.

  • 0

    [Edited out]

  • 4

    Are the authorities in the Yahapalanaya in deep slumber? What are these happenings?

  • 2


    What is wrong is that politicians come out with these accusations only to score political points. They are not interested in pursuing miscreants. After all, if they really open the can, all the worms will come crawling out including ones on their side.
    Not only that, when the can is opened by the law and order agencies, they are he first to try and stop or delay them – again to get political leverage.

    So the robbing goes on.

  • 4

    It is very sad that we still have a rouge at the helm of the Central bank. We have now completely lost the confidence on this so called Yhapalanya.

    All our hopes are blown away! Very sad!!

  • 2

    CT by this “crusade’ has made quite clear why they are gunning for Arjun Mahendran the first Tamil Governed of Central Bank of Sri Lanka
    CT readers and contributors belong to the intelligentsia and can always read ‘in between the lines

  • 5

    Even if a tenth of what has been reported as Mahendran’s recent deeds are true, he should not just be sacked but brought to book for all likely losses he has caused the country.
    It is disgraceful that some tend to justify one set of misdeeds by pointing at another set under another regime.

  • 5

    We are blessed to have two decent and sincere politicians i.e.President
    Sirisena and PM Ranil among many crooks in the Govt. and opposition and they did not find Mahendran a crook, as otherwise they would have shown him the door long time back or indicted him for corruption. The hue and cry is due to, he being a member of the minority community and
    occupying a prestigious position as Governor,central bank of Sri Lanka and some or other he finds money for the govt. expenditure,dealing with
    world financial institutions,like IMF and he has proved to be a success
    -ful negotiator and able administrator of the financial institution CB.
    Some cannot stomach it and hence they attack him in the media but none dared to take him to courts.
    It does not seem to dawn on people that the judiciary, FCID, Civil
    societies and the minister in charge are silent on this matter as he
    must be doing a sincere job. It is degrading on the part of some op.
    politicians to have got some junior staff to steal governor’s credit
    card details and if the govt. does not take strong action, there will
    be indiscipline in every govt. organisation.

    • 0

      Lanka Watch, you pathetic blindfolded goat you…!!

  • 1

    [Edited out]

  • 1

    It reminds me of the activities in SL Cricket Board after World Cup in SL/India/B’desh.

    Those who stole the money took the computer hard drives when they left. So far no one could prove where the money has gone.

    And the obvious suspects are doing well under this government to.

    Mahendran is a clever guy. He knows how thinks work in SL.

  • 1

    [Edited out]Malcomn.
    If u are a CBSL OFFICER/STAFF.
    You must he so old & decrypt that you are unaware of what’s going n.
    [Edited out]

  • 0

    [Edited out]

  • 0

    This must be the mechanism implemented for the bill called right to information act that the MY3 Coalition proposed recently at the legislature. !? Take that the idiotic mass ..

  • 3

    How can we have a rogue as the head of our Central Bank. His own S.I.L said, “the bugger robbed the Bank”. With this incident Ranil, if he has any dignity, should resign. He will not because he lost 27 different elections and came in this time freewheeling, hanging onto MS’s sarong. SHAME. His Father must be somersaulting in his grave,

  • 1

    Hope the Yahapalana Bonds are in the Cloud..

    So Gota can extract a copy when the Yahapalana SLFP (YSLFP) brings him as No 1..

  • 4

    “”as deleting such data from the system was deemed illegal, specially as no reasons have been given as to why the details in relation to the 2015 and 2016 bond issuance must be deleted.””


    It is unfortunate that the media,and posters in a rush to judgment, of official and family.

    He has not asked to `empty the data` but `delete the data`. It means it would naturally be achieved and password protected due to uncalled for gossip.
    If anyone is interested then they should cite FIA when the law is approved and consider the time limit after which it can be made public- 3-30 years.

    His private Credit Card is his privacy and it’s illegal to penetrate.
    Only the CID can query that after a court instruction.
    We can’t be thuggish and say screw Gotabaya.

    The hood is the hood there are only hoodlums in the hood.

  • 3

    Under false cover of Yahapalanaya this government is doing what they want. There os no difference between the previous and present governments. Political interference still at the same level.Ranil you sack your Royal College buddy immediately.

  • 2

    If this article is factual the guy is guilty of a scam. Otherwise what reason is there for committing this illegal act.

  • 1

    Hey Eddie Wijesuriya.
    Are you referring to Padma Maharaja or
    Shobana Nagendra.
    If you believe their stories, you’ll even believe that the world is flat .

  • 0

    “Arjuna Mahendran Wants All Bond Issuance Data Deleted”

    can’t we delete all the bonds he issued?

  • 1

    Why don’t we delete “Arjuna Mahendran” from the Central Bank.

  • 0

    from the picture in the article it is very clear that arjuna is in a dilemma as to which bond issue data to delete first,the first issue or the second.

  • 0

    Is Arajuna getting advice from Hilary Clinton?

  • 0

    That’s because the editorial staff choose the picture for the article.
    They have nothing complimentary to say about him.
    So who the F CARES what pic is published .
    He looks gr8 in any picture.
    Unlike u.
    Must be looking like GODZILLA

  • 0

    Arajuna mahendran gave inside information to his son in law, to make billions.
    so lets have the money back, and AM in jail.
    This is the easy way the educated crook the poor.
    Lets have justice,

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