9 February, 2025


BBC Sacks “Sandeshaya” Senior Producer Bandara

Chandana Keerthi Bandara, a senior producer of the BBC World Service’s Sinhala section has been sacked on charges of harassment and bullying, Colombo Telegraph reliably learns.



The BBC World Service spokesman, Paul Rasmussen refused to give further details, but did not deny the story.

According to inside sources, Chandana Keerthi Bandara has been sacked a few days ago by the BBC, after four controversial recruits made official complaints against him. Its suspended editor Priyath Liyanage, staff members Saroj Pathirana and Thisara Aravinda Rathuwithana from Sinhala Service “Sandeshaya” and Jeyapragash Nallusamy from Tamil Service had made the complaints against Bandara.

Colombo Telegraph has been unable to reach Chandana Keerthi Bandara for comment.

Early this year the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) has called for a new approach towards bullying and harassment at the BBC. Addressed to director general of the BBC Tony Hall a motion backed by union members at the BBC follows an investigation into harassment and bullying. Dinah Rose QC was brought in to lead the investigation and make recommendations, which she published in a report in May.

Following Colombo Telegraph’s exposure of the issue of applying Sri Lanka government’s interest free loans, the BBC had to discipline Chandana Keerthi Bandara, Priyath Liyanage  and Elmo Fernando by compelling all three of them to undergo a training program on journalistic ethics.

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Latest comments

  • 6

    clearly they dont like the real news . why not fire everybody and make a copy of tamiznet ?



    • 9

      It is clear that Sinhala racists have infiltrated the BBC in significant numbers. Bullying is the way of their life as in Sri Lanka. It’s time Abhaya joins the BBC to replace Bully Banda.

  • 4

    Typical harassment and bullying of independent minded journalists by the BBC. Watch RT and CCTV if one wants to know the truth. Even Larry King is there in RT now.

    • 8

      mechanic go fix cars, not the BBC, this is not Sri Lanka where bullies rule, it’s Great Britain who ruled your ancestors, do you know!

      Don’t forget to take Abhaya, your side kick with you.

    • 4

      Independent minded and intelligent people like Abhaya and Mechanic are more suitable for these jobs at BBC. Two best guys to report on SL at BBC.

    • 2


      Where is your Guru and Mentor, the plagiarising liar Off The Cuff (OTC)?

      I miss him. Please say hello to him.

  • 4

    BBC must ask Mahinda to nominate the next candidate to replace Bandara.

    It will be Mervin Silva, Champika Ranawake, Gamanpillay or even the retiring 85 years old Deputy High Commissioner Neville De Silva.

  • 6

    I was wondering exactly what was the reason for the firing. Only understood after the comments of Abhaya and Mechanic.

    No wonder they jump the bandwagon, all in MARA’s Pay Roll.

    Let us see how many were bought over by MARA by his plundered wealth from commissions,kickbacks,Ethanol and all forms of corruption, not to mention the Power Mafia as highlighted by Champika and also the exorbitant taxes on essential items from the poor masses.

    1. British MP, by way of donations to the party.
    2. Sharma, the General Secy of Common Wealth.
    3. Journalists of Sri Lanka and now also from BBC.
    4. Opposition MP’s.
    5. Bribing/Paying PR Companies in the Big Apple.
    6. Looks like Swami from the MODI Govt. He looks naked after the TNA visit, which means he was not toeing the party line and was self seeking
    7. And a lot more of CT commentators.

    Over to you guys, the floor is wide open.

  • 4

    Don’t worry Chandana Keerthi Bandara, there are lot of vacancies in Govt. Independent electronic and print medias. As you have already taken a car loan from Saddarmadveepa Chakrawarthi, he should find a place for you.

  • 6

    Not too long ago this guy was full of praise for the LTTE and their supporters like Marie “Eyepatch” Colvin. He must have had a falling out with his paymasters :D

    • 4

      Really? Can you show some proof in the form of links to the said articles?

  • 1

    Siva Sankaran Sarma Menon

    A succinct comment

    • 2

      Siva Sankaran Sarma Menon cannot help but have repeated Blacker moments and wet dreams of committing acts of necrophilia.

  • 2

    BBC is without experienced jounos now. It is not worth listening to BBC Sinhala now. Even the junk they allow in the website violates BBC standards.
    It is proved once again not only car accidents that can kill and intimidate political dissenters but persecution like Bandara’s and other journalists at BBC. What kind of journalists have been retained including advisers to Mahinda family is evident. I don’t directly relate dismissal with arms export to Sri Lanka during and after war to an repressive regime by UK but all fall within an agenda to sustain Mahinda regime.
    State will dictate. Government will comply.

  • 2

    ” by compelling all three of them to undergo a training program on journalistic ethics. “

    Run by that well respected ‘journalist’ Judith Miller.?

    • 3

      Why waste time of Judith, we have many in SL who have the highest standards in media ethics.

  • 0

    Bandara can go back to Sri Lanka and develop his rubber plantation in Avissawella.

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