22 January, 2025


Blooming Errors In Sampanthan’s Eelam-Bud Thesis – A Rejoinder

By Veluppillai Thangavelu

Veluppillai Thangavelu

In politics, Malinda Seneviratne is the junior sibling of Dayan Jayatilleka. They have many things in common. They both suffer from the majoritarian mindset and supremacist ideology. They see no merit in devolution/sharing of power. Both are allergic to the word ‘federal’ or ‘federalism’ because both think rather ingeniously that it will lead to separation.

Despite his faults, LTTE leader remains popular among the Tamils even now. He passionately believed in an independent Eelam and sacrificed his life and that of his family. He lived a simple life and was scrupulously honest, unlike the corrupt Sinhalese politicians. His life and death have no parallel in the long history of Tamils. Tamils are convinced LTTE leader opted for armed struggle in self-defence as a last resort because of state-sponsored terrorism by the SLFP and the UNP governments. Both treated the Tamils shabbily and suppressed their natural rights to peaceful life and dignity.

The victory against LTTE by the Sinhala army is a pyrrhic victory because the causes that led to the war remain unaddressed to this day.

Malinda and Dayan think that the natural rights of the Tamils depend on the magnanimity of the Sinhalese majority. But that is not democracy; democracy is rule by consent, not rule by a tyrannical majority. Though both Malinda and Dayan will rush to deny that the Tamils lived for centuries in a Kingdom of their own that co-existed with the Kotte and Kandyan Kingdoms which is a historical fact. Occasionally, the Kandyan Kingdom had even matrimonial relationship with the Jaffna Kingdom. 

A Chief Justice in the British Government, Sir Alexander Johnston wrote on 01.07.1827 to the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland as follow “…I think it may safely be concluded both from them and all the different histories which I have in my possession, that the race of people who inhabited the whole of the Northern and Eastern Provinces of the Island of Ceylon, during the period of their greatest agricultural prosperity spoke the same language, used the same written character, and had the same origin, religion, castes, laws and manners, as the race of people who at the same period inhabited the southern peninsula of India….”

The demography of the Eastern province has been drastically altered by large scale Sinhala colonization from the days of D.S.Senanayake. In 1920 only 4 percent of the population of the Eastern Province was Sinhalese. The Sinhalese settlements in the east were small and scattered, even though most of the east came under the umbrella of the Kandyan Kingdom after the fall of the Jaffna Kingdom. It is only in the past fifty years that there has been a substantial influx of Sinhalese settlements through state intervention.

The island of Sri Lanka, then known as Ceylon, was ceded to the British Crown in 1802 by the Treaty of Amiens of that year. The map of Ceylon attached to the Treaty of Amiens call the Arrow Smith Map of Ceylon depicts the Island of Ceylon as two (if not three) different countries – a Tamil country composed of the Northeast and a Sinhala country composed of the South West and central parts.

Sir Hugh Cleghorn wrote in June 1799 to the UK Government: “Two different nations from a very ancient period have divided between them the possession of the Island. First the Singhalese, inhabiting the interior of the country in its Southern and Western parts, and secondly the Malabars who possess the Northern and Eastern Districts. These two nations differ entirely in their religion, language and manners.” (Malabar meaning Tamil).

Hugh Cleghorn (1798 – 1800) functioned as the Chief Secretary to the First Governor, Frederic North (later Earl of Guilford). He organised the administration and the famous Cleghorn Minute is a classic of its kind. Before coming to Ceylon he was Professor of Civil and Natural History at the University of St. Andrews. He was the agent by whose instrumentality the Island of Ceylon was annexed to the British Empire.

The Cleghorn Minute of 1799 and the Arrow Smith Map of 1802 are official proof that the Island of Ceylon consisted of two separate countries.

But Sinhala-Buddhist extremists dismiss historical evidence with a wave of the hand. Today the Sinhalese population has multiplied many times due to state-sponsored colonization. The 4% Sinhalese in the eastern province in 1920 now stands at 23.15% almost six-fold increase.

When the Portuguese and Dutch invaded and occupied Ceylon, they continue to rule the Northeast as a separate entity due to territorial, language, religion and cultural differences. It is the British that for administrative convenience amalgamated the Northeast with the rest of the country in 1833 on the recommendation of the Governor Colebrook – Cameron commission.

Rightly speaking the Tamil people instead of asking for 50:50 should have asked for the restoration and reconstitution of the Jaffna Kingdom ruled by their ancestors. This they failed to do because of the deception of DS Senanayake who promised the Tamils and other minorities that no harm will befall the Tamils at the hands of the majority in an independent Ceylon!

On October 1945, D.S.Senanayake, the first Prime Minister of independent Ceylon, GAVE THE FOLLOWING SOLEMN PROMISE TO THE TAMILS and other minority communities `NO HARM NEED YOU (NON-SINHALESE) FEAR  AT OUR HANDS (SINHALESE) IN A FREE LANKA.

He was speaking in the State Council in October 1945 when all the Tamil members had unanimously voted for the acceptance of the Soulbury constitution in a White Paper.

‘Do you want to be governed from London or do you want, as Ceylon, to help govern Ceylon?  On behalf of the Ceylon National Congress (founded by Sir Ponnambalam Arunachalam in 1919) and on my behalf, I give the minority communities the sincere assurance that no harm need you fear at our hands in a free Lanka’ he rhetorically asked.

Again addressing the State Council on November 8, 1945, D.S. Senanayake went on to reiterate “We devised a scheme which gave heavy weight age to the minorities; we deliberately protected them against discriminatory legislation; we vested important powers in the Governor-General because we thought that the minorities would regard him as impartial; we decided upon an independent Public Service Commission so as to give an assurance that there should be no communalism in the Public Service. All these have been accepted by the Soulbury Commission and quoted by them as devices to protect the minorities.”

Once again in his tongue in cheek speech to the State Council on November 23, 1944, DS Senanayake one again dismissed the minority fears, proclaiming, “When I suggested the procedure we adopted first, namely, that we deal with the Secretary of State and then the Council, I can honestly tell you that in my own mind I had no desire for Sinhalese domination, or Tamil domination, or European domination, my whole desire was for Ceylonese domination, and the freedom I wanted was for the people of Ceylon.”  

The State Council endorsed the Motion in an unprecedented manner, 51 Members voted in favour while only three voted against it. Those who voted against were two Indian Tamils and one Sinhalese W. Dahanayake. D.S. Senanayake triumphantly cabled Lord Soulbury that he obtained 95% of the vote in favour of the proposals.

Before the ink on the Independence Act could dry, DS Senanayake enacted the Ceylon Citizenship Act No. 18 of 1948 that deprived a million Tamils of Indian stateless. And on the following year by a simple amendment to the Ceylon Parliamentary Elections (Amendment) No. 48/1949   they were deprived of their franchise as well.

Sampanthan told Mahinda Rajapaksa not to indulge in fear-mongering to mislead the Sinhalese people to win Sinhala-Buddhists votes by claiming Tamil Eelam could bloom after the election if the people choose poorly. He also told Rajapaksa that he is lying when he claims that the Steering Committee’s Interim Report will divide the country into several independent states. Here is an extract of Sampanthan’s speech in parliament.

“I want to make a few comments Mr Speaker if you permit me in regard to the nature of the propaganda that was carried on at this election. I do not want to do something controversial. But, I must refer to the fact that I was quite alarmed when, quite early in the campaign, former President Mahinda Rajapaksa, in the course of an election rally, said that sometimes this election would result in Tamil Eelam blooming after the election is over. The reason he gave was that there was a new Constitution being framed which might result in that happening. Sir, ever since the Thirteenth Amendment was enacted in 1987 – 1988, there had been continued efforts on the part of different Presidents and different Governments to improve the Thirteenth Amendment in such a manner as to bring about a political resolution acceptable to all the citizens in this country. During President Premadasa’s time, there were the Mangala Moonesinghe Parliamentary Select Committee Proposals which made recommendations which went far beyond the Thirteenth Amendment. During President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga’s time, there were the 2,000 Constitutional Proposals brought to Parliament by no less a person than Prof. G. L. Peiris which went far beyond the 13th Amendment and contained various new features. That proposed Constitution had been brought as a Bill to Parliament.”

Yet, Malinda has the temerity to describe the speech of Sampanthan as eyewash. He wrote “Against this background and the considerable Eelamists posturing by Tamil Nationalists, Sampanthan included, talking of Lotus buds blooming Eelam flowers is laughable. It makes one conclude that tossing out words such as ‘indivisible,’ ‘undivided’ and ‘single country’ is nothing but eyewash.”

This is not eyewash, Sampanthan is sincere when he said in parliament “They (Sinhalese) people were told, “This is a referendum for an Eelam. If you vote for the Government or if you vote for the UNP, it will result in an Eelam being created. So, do not vote for them. Vote for the ‘Lotus Bud’ “. I am told, Sir, that particularly this propaganda was very virulently carried out in all the temples, in all the villages in the Sinhala South. This, I think, is unfortunate, Sir. I want to put on record that my Party at this Election, in our manifesto, talked of a political solution within the framework of an undivided, indivisible, single country.

There was no campaign carried on, anywhere, in the North and East which talked of a division of the country. We only talked about a solution that is acceptable to our people that is reasonable, with substantial power-sharing within the framework of a united, undivided, indivisible single country. That was the propaganda we carried out in all our areas and when we did that, how dare President Rajapaksa says that Eelam could bloom after the election. This is not merely a deception of the people in the South, innocent Sinhala people in the South, but it is the deception of everyone including himself.”

Sampanthan told Rajapaksa “I would like to put this on record because I want everybody in this country to know that it was a malicious, vicious, fallacious, false propaganda on the part of President Mahinda Rajapaksa and the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna and if you proceed with this agenda, I want to tell you, Eelam will bloom, not on account of us, but on account of your “Lotus Bud”. Your “Lotus Bud” will bloom into an Eelam. That is what will happen. Therefore, please resist your temptation to achieve cheap political gain by carrying on such false propaganda.”

 The Tamils have given up Eelam in lieu of maximum devolution/sharing of power between the centre and the peripheral. He was not even asking for special powers like what Kashmir has as a state within the Indian Union. If Mahinda Rajapaksa scuttles the minimum demands of the Tamils, then the demand for Eelam will rise again.

LTTE has been defeated, but the ideals LTTE stood still remain intact. This will be seen by the way the Tamils voted in elections held both to Parliament in 2010 and 2015 and Provincial Councils in 2012 and in 2013. Around 70% people voted for the TNA on a platform of self-rule in the form of a federal structure for the Tamils in the Northeast applying the principle of internal self-determination. This is what the LTTE and the Government agreed in principle at the Oslo conference held in December 2002.

The recent manifesto of the TNA re-integrates that “An argument like half the Tamils live outside the Northeast is preposterous. It is not the numbers that count, what counts is the territory.

During the last phase of the war, Rajapaksa claimed that there is no military operation against the LTTE, but only humanitarian operations to free the Tamils from the clutches of the LTTE. But there were no flowers or garlands for the liberating army. The Tamils showed their disgust and anger at the Gobles propaganda by Rajapaksa by voting massively against him who ended in his ignominious defeat, Today, he is in the political wilderness and he will remain so as long as the people see him as a third grade and power-hungry politician and not a statesman.

Apart from the right to self-determination, the demand for an autonomous Tamil State may also be justified in international law under the concept of the reversion of sovereignty.

On August 04, 2017 the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka delivered a landmark judgement has determined that the advocacy of federalism is not tantamount to the advocacy of secession. In doing so, it has for the first time recognised the Tamil minority as a ‘people’ entitled to the right to internal self-determination. 

 Sri Lanka’s principal minority Tamils are a ‘people’ for the purposes of the international law of self-determination including common article 1 of the two 1966 International Human Rights Covenants; the emergent distinction that the principle of self-determination has an internal and external aspect; that federalism is one constitutional form through which internal self-determination might be realised; and that for this purpose, sovereignty might be shared among peoples within the country.

The Supreme Court has cited the judgment of the Canadian Supreme Court in the Reference re Secession of Quebec (1998), the International Court of Justice in its Advisory Opinion on Kosovo (2010), and academic authorities of federalism such as the late Professor Ronald L. Watts.

The Supreme Court agreed with the Federal Party’s contentions in holding that ‘…it is clear that the right to self-determination has an internal dimension, in that it could be exercised within the country to the benefit of a ‘people’ inside the country. Thus, the invocation of self-determination does not amount to a demand for a separate State, as the right is sometimes to be used internally within the territory of an existing State’.

The fact that the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka has determined that the principle minority Tamils are a ‘people’ has far-reaching consequences in international law.

The International Convention on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Relations, state that, “All peoples have the right of self-determination and by virtue of that right, they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic social and cultural development.”  

Apart from the right to self-determination, the demand for Tamil Eelam may also be justified in international law under the concept of the reversion of sovereignty.

The island of Sri Lanka, then known as Ceylon, was ceded to the British Crown in 1802 by the Treaty of Amiens of that year. The map of Ceylon attached to the Treaty of Amiens call the Arrow Smith Map of Ceylon depicts the Island of Ceylon as two (if not three) different countries – a Tamil country composed of the Northeast and a Sinhala country composed of the South West and central parts.

In an oft-quoted minute, Sir Hugh Cleghorn wrote in June 1799 to the UK Government: “Two different nations from a very ancient period have divided between them the possession of the Island. First, the Singhalese, inhabiting the interior of the country in its Southern and Western parts, and secondly the Malabars who possess the Northern and Eastern Districts. These two nations differ entirely in their religion, language and manners.” (Malabar meaning Tamil).

The Cleghorn Minute of 1799 and the Arrow Smith Map of 1802 are official proof that the Island of Ceylon consisted of two or three separate Kingdoms. 

Ultra Sinhala-Buddhist zealots should read and digest the judgment of the Sri Lanka Supreme Court before dismissing the demand for autonomy as total rubbish.

Sampanthan talking of Lotus buds blooming Eelam flowers is not laughable. It is based on the premise that if the reasonable demand for power-sharing in an undivided and indivisible country is dismissed as nothing but eyewash, and then there are consequences as Sampanthan has pointed out. Thus Eelam bud exists and to pretend otherwise is unwise.

Therefore, it is the Sinhalese people, not the Tamil people who should decide whether they are prepared to share power with the Tamils within and undivided and indivisible country or force the Tamil people to invoke the principle to the right to self-determination, if the current constitutional process fails.

The TNA is asking for a solution to the ethnic crisis based on the Oslo Declaration where the government and the LTTE leadership agreed to explore a solution founded on the principle of internal self-determination in areas of historical habitation of the Tamil-speaking peoples, based on a federal structure within a united Sri Lanka. The parties acknowledged that the solution has to be acceptable to all communities. That is there shall  be no losers, only winners.

R. Sampanthan is the last moderate leader the Sinhalese leaders can negotiate for an amicable settlement of the decades’ old ethnic problem.

Latest comments

  • 20

    Malinda and Dayan are Sinhala racists. They are frauds. Velupillai Thangavelu is a Canadian-Tamil racist. He’s a fraud. Mirror image of each other.

    • 15

      It seems srilanka is miles away from resolving the long standing ethnic problems.
      If Rajapakshe forces would be back to ruin th enation, There will be no peace or even dream cant be have on it.

      That is the reality. I think all these, our nothernbreathen must focus on – that is very important.

      Rajapalshes should be kept away from lanken politcis as is the case in Zimbabwian Mugabe.
      If Rajapakshe would droll out something it is based on racial gorunds.
      He is just for racial agendas.
      What he could nto have done during his 10 years, how can he bring when coming to power again

      • 9

        There is no ethnic problem in Sri Lanka?
        What ethnic problem?

        I have only one question to Thangawelu! How many of your own sons and daughters you sent to fight with your sun goat! If you say more than that, I respect you! Otherwise shut the F up, It is easier for you lot to send poor Tamil kids to Dave jones locker so you all can enjoy Peelam.

        You have no shame or humanity, All of you! You will get the Peelam and federalism in your next life!
        13% of population rightly get 13% of power!

        • 14


          then tell us as to why and how you got refuge in the UK.

          Was that not the name of CIVIL war due to ethnic problems ? man, be clean before leaving your two cts.
          You guys back the ballige putha Rajapakshe for one reason, that is then only you guys as thugs and rascals get rally round.

          Not just tamils muslims or others but also us the sinhalese have been targeted by Ballige putha Rajapakshe and their rascals. He has been taking your guys as human shield.
          The day the man would be found on a drain can be a reality if things move this way. I hate to see, people behave so blind folded
          If we have not had ethiic issues, why entire world gave refuge to our notherners during last 30 years.

          Man Srianath, thing bit beyond your nose .. then only you will see the broader picture

          • 8

            Samson Gunawardhana

            “then tell us as to why and how you got refuge in the UK.”

            srinathan.gunaratnam earned the wrath of Sri Lankan state, its institutions, police, armed forces, local thugs, Navin Dissanayake, Dayan, Mahasangha, Wimal, neighbours, relatives, friends, his wife, …………… for helping the Tamils, in 1983 and afterwards. He couldn’t live in Sri Lanka for fear of his life, he had to leave. His uncle in the Middle East helped him to flee, bribed Sri Lankan immigration, was hiding in India like Somawansa, Dayan ………Udugampola, ……… he also found a Tamil agent who facilitated his travel to the UK where a crook Tamil immigration solicitor wrote his story, claimed asylum, won the case and found him a job in a Tamil owned mini market while he was claiming dole from department of social security.

            • 1

              Hi Native

              Is this your life story! I find lot of that kind here in London, May be your borthers and sisters!

          • 4

            What on earth made you think I am here because of civil war or as a refugee!
            Have you never heard of work permits!

            • 5


              “What on earth made you think I am here because of civil war or as a refugee!”

              I do not believe the Brits were so desperate and needing people of your caliber, they would have done well without you. I didn’t say you were there because of civil war, you were there despite the civil war. The civil war was the basis on which you got your asylum. Its alright.

              Do you meet any of your Tamil brethren? Do they pay well?

              Since when did the Brits issue work permits to those who wanted to work in the super market, cinemas, cleaning job, petrol stations, ………………. Did you go there as a professional chef?

              • 5

                He he, Dear native character assassination is your forte is it not!?

          • 2

            If we have not had ethiic issues, why entire world gave refuge to our notherners during last 30 years.

            Because It was made up to the whole world by the sun goat propaganda machine! Is it the poor Tamil kids who got out, No all the affluent middle class kalla thonis.

            Have you not seen majority of 13% lives with Sinhalese in south. Only 5% in North! So 5% want the control of 1/3?

            We back him because there is no one else to back!

            May be you used refugee card to get into Germany, Correct me If I am wrong!

            • 2


              You desperately lack one fundamental quality that is Honesty. You can write umpteen amount of nonsensical nonsense but all that still will manifest your dishonesty!

              • 0

                Please clarify?
                Is having a different opinion dishonest? I don’t understand!

        • 6


          “There is no ethnic problem in Sri Lanka?”

          Nope, none whatsoever. However there is the Sinhala/Buddhist majoritarian problem imposed on rest of the people including Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Christians, ……………………

          ” What ethnic problem?”

          However there is the Sinhala/Buddhist majoritarian problem imposed on rest of the people including Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Christians, ……………………

          “How many of your own sons and daughters you sent to fight with your sun goat!”

          Very good question.
          How many of your own sons and daughters did you or your leaders sent to fight against your sun god, the one time saviour of island’s sovereignty from Hindians and vote rigging agent of Dr Mahinda (LLD + X PhDx3)?

          “It is easier for you lot to send poor Tamil kids to Dave jones locker so you all can enjoy Peelam.”

          Never mind the Tamil Kids, first find a way to stop Sri Lanka hitting the bottom.
          When are you planning to start your next island wide riots? Its been almost 35 years.

          “13% of population rightly get 13% of power!”

          Very rational.
          By the way what makes you a unique thinker out of 21 Million stupids?
          I think you have just increased the speed, the island will hit the bottom sooner than expected.

          • 2

            Yeah, I have a majority Anglo Saxon majority problem in UK and I am crying out loud for a separate state! Fedralism! Police powers.

            Never mind the Tamil Kids!

            Yeah that is what you did until 50,000 of them ended in Nanthikadal with the sun goat!
            That is what we did until 60,000 end up in tire pyres!

            • 4


              You live in a multi cultural community/country whom you expect to treat you well while you want to run a country which you think exclusively belongs to you, yet you want the failed war criminals and crooks to run the island. Don’t you think you suffer from majoritarian’s minority problem? Honestly I never understood why you want to carry Dr Mahinda/Dr Gota’s b***s.

              Where did you get your bogus numbers? Wasn’t it a life saving humanitarian mission? There is no way so many people had been killed. You are simply lying.

              Did you support the brigadier when he wanted to hide behind women folks?

              • 2

                Same place where you got the genocide numbers

            • 1


              You live in the UK confirming to her democratic values where suitably devolved powers exist in Scotland, wales and Northern Ireland. I suspect you are one of those who appear egalitarian for all but for the Sinhala/Tamil relations! How sad!

              • 0


                Devolving power does not make sense to me in England either!
                We pay tax and that money is spent on devolved Scotland and NI!
                These are bull shit work of white man to waste my tax money!
                Do I want devolved power? No. I want efficient management!
                It boils my blood my tax money is wasted on this scum bag politicians here!
                Here and SL not much difference mate, They do it in our back!
                If you think I am free here, You are mistaken!

        • 6

          I don’t know whether you are a Sinhalese, Tamil or Muslim. Definitely you cannot be a true Srilankan. First of all try to be a cultured human being. Why cannot you put forward your thoughts in a way that is acceptable to common public. It is true a large number of poor Tamil and Sinhalese have been lost in Srilanka in political thuggerism influenced by Buddhist Fundamentalism? Why? Since 1948, count how many riots, how many insurgencies, how many massacres and how many innocents are lost? You asked what is ethnic problem and you answer 13% population rightly get 13% of power? what you mean 13%? You srilankan population is 13% or something else?

          • 1

            I have answered this question many times here in a sane manner.
            The problem in Sri Lanka is not an ethnic problem it is a rich and poor have and have not problem!
            What right do I have in SL and what rights Kelly maharaja has in SL?
            Before solving ethnic problem, Let us solve economic problem.
            Let us feed poor Sri Lankans
            Let us create more jobs, more schools, more opportunities, rule of law.
            When these are fulfilled, let us see if we have a ethnic problem.

            • 1

              Most of the Sinhalese who voted for Mahinda in the recent election not because of his economic policies but because of his ethnic policies. Similarly Tamils vote for TNA because of its ethnic policy not because of economic Policies. This is the barrier for voting based on economic policies.

              • 0

                May be them mate, Not me, My highest priority for SL is economy, economy and economy.
                I pick the best of the worst for the job!

                I respect Mahinda, Gota and SF for saving the country from vile terrorism!

      • 1

        The very first thing is Sri lanka should not have killed Prabakaran. He shoild have left alone in Wanni.

    • 1

      The Sinhalese of Ceylon and The Aryan Theory ( 1961 )
      Letters of a Tamil father to his son
      Samuel Livingstone

      ” His final conclusions are that the Sinhalese are a Dravidian race, who never came from outside, but have been occupying this island from time immemorial, and that their language too has been Dravidian from the very beginning. ”

      Dr. Subramanian Swamy : ( 2003 )

      The word Dravidian is, for example, a Sanskrit word. It was first used by Adi Sankara, in reply to a question by Varanasi scholar Mandana Mishra as to who he was. Sankara replied that he was a “Dravida sishu”, meaning a child of where the three oceans
      (the Arabian sea, the Bay of Bengal, and the Indian Ocean) meet. The British-paid historians, however, made Dravida into a race. Similiarly, “Arya” in Sanskrit denoted a gentleman (in Tamil: Aiya), but these historians made Arya into a foreign race from Europe who had come racing down the Khyber Pass to defeat the Dravidians. And thus India came to be propagandised as a two-race state..

      The British imperialists had wanted an instrument to divide and rule in the south, and seized on the fallacious Aryan-Dravidian theory propounded by East India Company-paid historians..

      The Territorial Management of Ethnic Conflict
      John Coakley – 2004 –
      ” an inbuilt belief that Sri Lanka is the only abode of the Sinhalese on this planet and that the Sinhalese, unlike the Ceylon Tamils who look to Tamil Nadu in India, have nowhere else to go—hence the ancient Sinhalese name for Sri Lanka, ‘Sihadipa’, ‘the island of the Sinhalese “

    • 0

      Velupillai Thangavelu if you have accepted Canadian citizenship be Canadian and stay there. Sri lankans do not want Eelam Tamils or LTTE supporters.

    • 0

      Namal Rajafucksa says Srilanka is a Sinhala Buddhist country to BBC. What a racist!


  • 14

    G.G. Ponnambalam shamelessly voted for the Ceylon Citizenship Act of 1948. That hideous piece of legislation disenfranchised one million Tamils of Indian origin. G.G Ponnambalam was another racist and fraud. I hope he is rotting in hell!

  • 5

    Oh NO. This guy has never been to Prabakaran’s place. He DID NOT lead a simple life. He enjoyed a luxury while his “comrades” suffered.

    I have been to Prabakaran’s “palace” with one of my Tamil friends. Have you been to that upstairs building with water fountains? Be honest with yourself.

    Thousand of Tamils are living a better life in the South and the North thanks to the elimination of a hypocrite leader.

  • 2

    Well rather than go into detailed analysis, I would like to point out the hypocrisy of the writer by pointing out this fact. The writer claims that the island of Sri Lanka was divided between two ancient nations one in North & East and the other in South & Central. And then he continue to criticize the state sponsored colonization of the Eastern province where Sinhalese population has risen from 4% to 23%. However, in the next chapter he do not fail to criticize again the DSS government for removing citizenship for Tamils who were brought in by the then state government and settled among the so called Sinhalese central region. If colonization of East was wrong by the Sinhalese then the colonization of the central highlands were also illegal by the Tamils.

    • 5

      Shenal, did you ever get the point of Native and Amare?

      You are amazingly one sided. Is that left or right side of your body is remaining paralyzed?

      Get this please Tamils, nowhere forced themselves into like Vijeya cheated Queveni. That is land’s Sinhala Buddhist history.

      Kandy was Tamils’ kingdom. British people took it from Tamils. If there was monarch and if he captures and rules a land, as per that time law that land was considered the Kingdom of that King. You can write any rotten Chandiya talks, but you cannot change the laws used in the past. Now Countries follow UN charter. If Lankawe doesn’t do that, in due course, it will be getting the appropriate kicks as trade sanctions. Better pay attention and follow UN’s directions before it happens.

      As the Tamil King lost his sovereignty to Britain, Britain had the right to rule the land. So Tamils had special privilege to settle in Kandy. But British were trade minded. So they brought real hard workers to do the job. Still many Sinhalese are migrating to West, especially to UK and claiming citizenship in 5 years. These British brought Tamils were working for more than five generation in that land. You neither had Moral or Legal authority to deport them. You just showed the incurable violent nature of the Sinhala Buddhism, taught by Kandy Ayatollahs, to kick them out.
      These days you cannot colonize another one’s land. This not 1813. This is 2018. If Lankaweyans are 200 years behind to other UN countries, and struggling to get the UN Charter you signed, it is your problem.

      These days everybody feel pity for your inability to develop a logical arguments but curls around Chandya slurs to show that you are a great one in debater. When you can’t go further you write only arrogant Chandiya talks. Sorry Friend too sad.

      • 2


        Kandy is Tamil kingdom? What kind of nonsense is that? How can Kandy be a Tamil kingdom? How many Tamils resided in the Kandyan kingdom? Was it a Hindu kingdom? Was it used Tamil to communicate with other nations? DO NOT BULL my man.

        Britain occupied the island forcefully without the consent of the majority people. Therefore the rules they have enacted and the policies they have followed had no consent from the majority of the population. Therefore, the independent and democratically elected then government had no obligation to keep on with imperialistic policies which had endangered the social, economical, strategic and environmental fabric of Sri Lanka.

        Those people who had worked in Sri Lankan highlands for generations had not been granted citizenship and they are regarded as aliens that didn’t belong to the existing Sri Lankan culture.

        Why is it wrong to deport them back to the land they have come from rather than keeping them in the inhuman conditions which they were experiencing in Sri Lanka?

        And for your information in 1948 Sri Lanka didn’t sign any UN charter and we didn’t have to abide by it and as for your information Sri Lanka has kept the half of the alien population rather sending them back to their native habitat among their own people. So why you buggers still come after Sinhalese blood? We can’t help that your butt hurt because you people lost a grand opportunity to increase Tamil vote base to further pressure Sri Lanka into submitting to your vile demands.

        • 1

          And for your information in 1948 Sri Lanka didn’t sign any UN charter This time you are not going tear the Banda – Chelva pact one sided. EEiimm Heeiimmm, No way. You are not running away after committing all Genocide crime.

          Even the UNSG, who sided with Old King to carry out a war without witness, told to Ranil the report produced by UNSG’s Expert Panel is not going to vanish in thin air. Ranil knows, You, He and Old King going nowhere! Check it up with Ranil before you write all Blah Blah. If you could get out of the well you are living, shout out loud somebody nearby may come to rescue you.

          Kandy is Tamil kingdom? Are capable of reading in English. Then read my above comment for the answer. If you can’t just remain in your well and keep thinking that you are rescuing other Sinhala Modaya but additional flood will come and drawn you all together .

          So why you buggers still come after Sinhalese blood? (Is this fromChandy Queen or Drama Queen? ) Because your Theru Chandiya, rowdy, cruel SinhaLE needs to be transfused with some Human Blood.

      • 0

        Does your community need Wanda Pethi? Army is mixing it to wells in the north before leaving camps.

    • 2

      Well said.

    • 2

      Colonization of East was done by state of Srilanka. Central highlands was not colonised by British, they were brought as labourers to develop the central highlands. You should ask your colonised masters (British) why they brought indian tamil labouers instead of Sinhalese labourers. Those indian tamils were not given citizenship when the power handed over to Sinhalese. It is the Sinhalese govt that gave citizenship to half of them and india tokk half of them (ratio may not accurate). Are you prepared to take the same ratio from North East?

      • 0


        It doesn’t matter who settled in where. That is called colonization if it was done under state’s (or someone’s) patronage.

        There is nothing worth to argue why British brought Tamil coolies. It is common knowledge that Sinhalese didn’t want to work in their own lands as slaves. Up country Sinhalese were proud people. Some still are.

        North and East belong to the state itself not to some other entity. There is nothing to take back from. State is allowed to settle who ever they like on what ever land state sees fit. You talk like North and East belongs to some other entity all together.

    • 2

      Shenali the ignorant

      Tamils have valid claim for homeland Prof. Pathmanathan
      Daily Mirror
      By Kelum Bandara


    • 1

      Shenali go through geological and archaeological proofs. Sri Lanka was part of a land mass called Kumari Kandam which got submerged 10,000 years ago by sea upheaval, resulting in the separation of Sri Lanka as an island from Tamil Nadu. Recent discovery of a 10,000 year old civilisation in Settikulam shows that there were Tamils even at that time.Therefore these Tamils of Indian origin are rightful owners of Sri Lanka and settling them in central highlands by British is not illegal. In contrast, Sinhalese who originated from Tamils are usurpers of their land and settling them anywhere without the permission of Tamils is illegal. In the modern world claiming of land either by planned settlements or by ethnic cleansing or both amounts to cultural genocide, and Sinhalese are guilty of it.

  • 1

    The solution to the problem is there in Buddhism as preached Lord Buddha. The Sinhala Buddhists if they practice what they hear [Bana] day and night five precepts the problem created by SWRD by enacting Sinhala only in 24 hours could be solved in 24 hours. Most of the Buddhists visit temples to wish for more and more earthly things not to give up what they have. Great JR used Dammapadha to pardon Japan at the San Francisco conference for which Japanese are still grateful to Srilanka.We need such leaders who could think ahead of times and not politicians sowing communal seeds for shotrt term gain.

  • 3

    Colonisation of the east was done by the Sri Lankan government. Up country settlement was done by the British and the Sri Lankan government disfranchised most of them.

  • 3

    This guy is a liar or a whacko.

    “In politics, Malinda Seneviratne is the junior sibling of Dayan Jayatilleka. They have many things in common…. They see no merit in devolution/sharing of power. Both are allergic to the word ‘federal’ or ‘federalism’ because both think rather ingeniously that it will lead to separation.”

    Malinda was once a JHU candidate. I was indicted as first accused under the PTA together with K Pathmanabha among others, and later was a Politbureau member of the Sri Lanka Mahajana Party.

    I have always been for devolution/autonomy and the 13th amendment, while I have opposed federalism. Malinda has always opposed devolution/autonomy and the 13th amendment. We have had a major debate on the subject in print.

    Malinda and I have been opposed to terrorism, separatism and federalism, though he sees separatism, federalism and devolution/autonomy on a continuum, while I do not. All this is on the record and has been so for many years , stretching back to year 2000 at least.

    So this writer Mr. Thangavelu is either a liar, an ignoramus or a lunatic.

    • 8

      Liars are better than rabble rousers of your nature.

      Please try to grow up DJ.

      If not today when ? You have lost that much of your valuable time.

      Either you [Edited out] of Raja or you do nothing. why ?

      For what purpose you obtained a doctorate man ? Why you betray the educated in this country ?

    • 8

      Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka

      “This guy is a liar or a whacko.”

      Look who’s talking!

      “I was indicted as first accused under the PTA together with K Pathmanabha among others, and later was a Politbureau member of the Sri Lanka Mahajana Party.”

      What was the reason you were indicted as first accused under the PTA?
      Was it a cover for you to do clandestine work in Tamil Nadu South India?
      How did your Dad manage to pacify JR? Wasn’t it a high drama?
      The only way to find out is to ask old hands Hindian RAW. Perhaps the old hand colonel Hariharan knows more about your wheeling dealing than back of his hand.

      “I have always been for devolution/autonomy and the 13th amendment, while I have opposed federalism. “

      No its a blatant lie. A public racist cannot hold two positions at the same time.
      Without using your fancy alien name dropping tell us in specific details what exactly you mean by devolution/autonomy and the 13th amendment and the mechanics to enforce implementation of them.

      Tell us also whats wrong with Federalism, Federal state, ………………… what should those who demand federalism do to convince your twisted racist bigoted mind? I know the F word is associated with your paranoia, it should not stop you from an exposition of badness of Federalism. Learn to deal with our question in an lucid manner perhaps in point form.

      If you cannot make a robust case against Federalism, its okay. None of the opponents could ever make one. Fear mongering and paranoia will not make a good case against Federalism.
      Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face.


      • 4

        How can the bugger look, he has no eyes, nor can he listen.

        This is DJ. He is a born moron.

        His siamesian brother Wimal Buruwanse ‘s wife was in the country hearing today.
        There it became clear the passport issued to Wimal s wife was an illegal one for a different name.

        This much is about the rabblerousers ground realites

    • 6

      Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka

      By the way most of us are aware of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mazzini, Rousseau, Gorky, Webber, Foucault, Inés de la Cruz, Astrada, Quesada, Structuralist Furtado, Lévi-Strauss , Võ Nguyên Giáp, Nietzsche, Mark Twain, ………………………………………………….. Simón Bolívar, Castro, Mao, ……………………………………… and all other good and the great.

      “So this writer Mr. Thangavelu is either a liar, an ignoramus or a lunatic.”

      Let the readers decide the quality of your thesis.

      • 0

        Typical Tamil Veddah, trash the man instead of the points he raises.

        • 7


          “Typical Tamil Veddah, trash the man instead of the points he raises.”

          Come again, what were his points?
          “This guy is a liar or a whacko.”
          “So this writer Mr. Thangavelu is either a liar, an ignoramus or a lunatic.”
          Do you consider the above as his great points?
          I suspect you ever take time to read his recycled racist trash.

    • 5

      Dayan, Now you agree that you part of Eelam People Revolutionary Liberation Front(EPRLF)F (Pathmanpaha gp) which is a armed terrorist organization. You were in EPRLF govt of North East Provincial Council. So, your claim that you are against terrorism is absolutely a lie. You are now part and partial of Mahinda gp which is against to the devolution proposals which is not a federal solution that was recommended by the all party group. You are against to that. Inotherwords you are against to any sort of devolution

    • 3


      “This guy is a liar or a whacko.”

      Your ego is the size of mount Everest! I tell you that you are a downright racist and unscrupulously will do anything to fuel cheep Sinhala Buddhist Populism in order to promote your narrow views. You support and encourage MR in his election campaign to tell complete lies. You are basically a despicable and abhorrent individual who has nothing to offer to Sri Lanka.

    • 0

      You are just splitting hairs!

  • 1

    You state that there were only 4% Sinhalese in the Eastern province in 1920. What was the percentage of Tamils in the Western Province in 1920 and what is it today?
    Please answer the question without prevaricating.

    • 1

      Those in the Western Province could be relocated into the East to make up for the loss.

      • 4


        No. You are rest assured all the Sinhala/Buddhist fascist lot (you included)will be relocated to Deep South Sinhala/Buddhist ghetto. Thanks for awaiting patiently.

        • 0

          Stupid Native Vedda
          “You are rest assured” what kind of English is that.? Even A para demala can teach this meeharaka something of English grammar. He tries to make smart arse comments but flounders pathetically in a morass of incorrect grammar and mixed metaphors.
          Palayang yakka iskolekata kaiwaru nethuwa. Modaya.

    • 2


      I do not know the answer but know that all those Tamils who went to live in the Western Province did so for economic and war reasons by using their own will and resources. Whereas the Sinhala were colonised in the Eastern Province with state-aided programmes. By doing so, the demography was wilfully and artificially altered!

  • 2

    Dr Nirmala Chandrahasan, a truly educated person, understands these matters better. In ‘Constitutional Conversations: need for a consensus from majority and minority’, 2017-11-01 Daily Mirror, she wrote:

    “I was pleasantly surprised to read the very perceptive and might I say brilliantly argued piece by Dr. Dayan Jayatilleke in the Daily Mirror of October 11, 2017, “Constitutional Conversation :What the Government and the nationalists don’t get”. He has put his finger on what the Tamil Question is all about, when he says the Tamil question is about alienation. I quote “It is about the relationship between the Tamil community in Sri Lanka and the Sri Lankan state. They feel it is a state they are under, not one they belong to or fully represents them. They view the Sri Lankan state as the other and feel that the Sri Lankan state views them as the other.” How true this is and something that very few Sinhalese understand.

    …Dayan has made the very relevant point that the process of Constitution-making requires a consensus among the Sinhalese political parties and that it is necessary to bring the former President Mahinda Rajapaksa into the process as his support is essential to the successful conclusion of the constitutional process…

    … Once again to quote Dayan “The Sinhala nationalists do not understand that a Constitution is not and cannot be handcuffs or a strait jacket on the minority communities, it can only be a social contract negotiated not imposed”. Hence those political entities which call for regressive measures such as doing away with the Province as the unit of devolution and putting instead the District in its place, or further restricting the powers of the Provincial Councils are only provoking a back lash.“ (Daily Mirror)

    • 7

      According to Dayan, anyone who praises Dayan is a ‘truly educated person’.
      What about someone who praises the MR family?

    • 4

      What Thero saying is, he is Lenin, but Malinda is only a simple Stalin? Thanga is liar only because Thanga has compared the World’s greatest Mind, Thero the Aristotle to a shame small Sinhala Modaya, Malinda.

      But the CT is experiencing flood of pounding for bravely bring Sampanthar’s warning to the Old King in the Parliament, here. There is no point in us putting more into the mouth of Sampanthar. We already accounted as one within those oversubscribed on this topic. The commentators accept Sampanthar is maestro in delivering classic speeches (Probably that all what it is). His old British styled grammatical sentences are sweet and entertaining to read. As has been a professional lawyer, his inside-court behavior enables him, without disturbed by inattention, to stick and stay to the point. Sequentially putting his thoughts in lucid language make easy to understand his way of logic even for high school political student s, whether one want to agree with or not on that.
      Many diplomats dealt with Sampanthar openly, in front of his face, praised about his diplomatic ways.
      But Thero is there is only for his smugness. He lost focus and carried faraway by his narcissism.
      1.Sampanthar’s speech is not about Autonomy.
      2.Sampanthar’s speech is not about Federalism
      3.Sampanthar’s speech is not about Self-determination
      4.Sampanthar’s speech is not about separation.
      Sampanthar’s speech was about Old King’s irresponsible behaviors and the possible outcome for Old King for that behavior.
      It is irrelevant whoever said whatever. Sampanthar (not us) has said the Federal word is not important for him. His concern is only devolution so that Tamils can mind their own business. Sampanthar never labelled him as Smart Patriotic Social Democrat and then worked with the world most notorious Rapist Army.

    • 4

      Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka

      You don’t seem to get her points. How could you, being a public racist you are pleased with yourself.
      Had you read Nirmala’s article carefully you would have found her sarcastic comments from the start to the end, for example she starts with
      ” I was pleasantly surprised to read the very perceptive and might I say brilliantly argued piece by Dr. Dayan Jayatilleke in the Daily Mirror of October 11, 2017, “Constitutional Conversation :What the Government and the nationalists don’t get” and sting you on your tail by emphasizing all that are anathema to you
      ” This is why a second chamber is necessary. Also there must be adequate representation of the minorities in the Police and the Security Forces, and in the Central Ministries. Communications from and to the Central Ministries must be in both the Official languages. Finally, both the Official languages; Sinhala and Tamil should be made compulsory in all the schools. It is only in these ways that the sense of alienation can be remedied and the country made truly united, rather than by imposing the political social and ideological domination of one community over the whole country. “

    • 1

      DJ: buddhists understand this mentality as SATHWA PUggala Sanna. Was that woman a Chartered accoutnant who war talking about constitution.

    • 3

      Don’t cheat. You are part and partial of “Sinhala nationalists”. Mahinda Rajapakse is a Sinhala nationalist. You are part of Mahinda Rajapakse. You play double game. You write one thing and do one thing. Mahinda appointed an All party committe to propse a solution, Mahinda promise 13+ and throw away everything now oppose a proposal that made by both UNP & SLFP. You talk about the consensus of Mahinda to find a solution. You no longer talk about SLFP, UNP solution but Mahinda solution. Once Mahinda is dead what are you planning to do? Join Weerawanse and do illegal passport business.

      • 0

        What is this. ?You write one thing and do one thing. So would you like him to write one thing but do two things? Or Many things .Also What is this illegal passportbusimess you seem to be recommending to Dayan? Please tell us how it works. I too like a piece of that.you know I am just lazing around so would like to get my teeth into something lucrative which this seem to be. Tell me more, tell me more.

    • 0

      What is not mentioned in DJ’s post is the error that Tamils continue to make, i.e. treating the Sri Lanka state and the Sinhala community as one and the same. Prabhakaran targeted Sinhala civilians which Thangavelu and others earnestly supported on the basis of this erroneous assumption. They have not yet realised that folly.

  • 3

    There is no need for the previous president to deceive anyone, we can judge our Sinhalese leaders for ourselves, and see what they are proposing and why. Our Sinhalese leaders have failed to bring peace not just for Sinhalese and Tamils but for everybody.

    You suggesting that you carve out part of the country because it is your homeland is like saying that you want to carve out part of your mother because you were comforted on her bosom which you nestled on once.

    You want to sing that we are all children of one mother and then you want to do this.

    Further, it is ugly to threaten, and threatening terrorism in parliament, mind you, will not be looked on kindly by the majority civilized population in this country, I hope.

    • 5


      “There is no need for the previous president to deceive anyone, we can judge our Sinhalese leaders for ourselves, and see what they are proposing and why.”

      You have a heart as white as white, unblemished mind, ……………….. your thoughts and words mimic godly , ………………

  • 1

    Another racist Tamil Expatriate spewing Eelam propaganda.

    • 4


      “Another racist Tamil Expatriate spewing Eelam propaganda.”
      Is it Dayan, Is it Wimal, is it …………………………………………………………..

  • 2

    Chandra Pookutty

    You are wrong.

    G G Ponnampalam and other Tamil Congress MPs including Selvanayakam did vote against Cotizenship Act 18 of 1948. See G G P’s speech appearing in the Hansard – pages 1821 to 1861.

    G G P was ” racist and fraud “. Prove it if you can. But don’t come out with incorrect facts as you have already done. Check the original records. Don’t quote from biased authors.

    Have you seen hell or heaven. I have seen only earth. Is there a map that shows hell? Please supply a copy.

  • 0

    Mr. thangavelu: when youi went to Hindia this time, what is the story you heard. IS it the same ?
    DO you know the meaning of the word KULAMA ?

  • 1

    These buggers such as Stupid Tamil Vedda,Ajith, Sakkara and other Tamil idiots masquerading under Sinhalese names are fanning coomunal flames and when it explodes the s.o.bs will be running moaning and wailing with their effing Vertis lifted and leaving their bloody sandals behind!
    Apocalypse is round the corner and they are working at it, no more cyanide to swallow and the big goat and his son not there to help.

    • 2

      Percy dated disturbed and pathetic

      Haven’t I told you not to lump me with your brethren the stupid Tamils?
      Are you that stupid?

      • 0

        Stupid Tamil Vedda
        I have to give the devil (word used advisedly) his due. This unfortunate Tamil sits beside his computer and thinks that it is a typewriter. He wants to be differentiated from other common or garden Tamils like Sakkara and other communal adventurers. We Sinhalese are not only generous but can be murderous too. However yourwish is hereby granted. Now bugger off to your bloody hut.

    • 2

      Is it a Sinhala name? None of the names you mentioned are Sinhala? If you cannot face the truth, please keep quite but don’t try to fool other true Sinhalese. You are a blood thirsty creature.

      • 0

        Am I blood thirsty.?Is itTamil blood that I am thirsty for? What do I do with blood? Drink it? Gosh you effing Tamils are the limit. Whose blood do you drink ? Is it on a daily Basis? Before or after sex? Tell me please Ajith Iam not used to the uncivilised customs of your despicable race.

  • 4

    If senior siblings of Thangavelu and the Hon Sambanthan with all the knowledge of history and deceit, still failing to understand the colour of the bloom from the bud, where are we heading. Can’t they still not read what is on the wall.

    Looks like if Eelam is given on a plate, Hon Sambanthan will refuse it!, because he still believes and continues parroting a unitary, united, indivisible, majoritarian, Buddhist state and hoping in his prayers that the current and future regimes will deliver justice and equality for the Tamils and Muslims.

    The question is, can he guarantee that our grandchildren will be able to live in peace with security and dignity, with justice and equality, and protect our culture, heritage, land and environment, our religions and our language, and to develop and prosper as people and as a nation.

    Who gave up Eelam and who decides?

    For an amicable negotiated permanent peaceful political solution, ask the UN to conduct a referendum (people’s choice), for the Tamils to decide their future destiny and security in the Island.

    Tamil leaders need to wake up and be honest.

  • 2

    If we are taking historic occupation time line to base our claims, I think its wrong for the simple reason how far do we go. History in any country or area shows that migration related race changes occur in every part of the world, Sri Lanka is not an exception. What we have to consider is where we are today. If we look at the population today, especially in the North and the East we see that the people do not want LTTE to come back, they do not support LTTE ideals any more as they have suffered a lot under LTTE. The author’s claim that the ideals of LTTE still is popular is not correct. If its so strong then the groups supporting LTTE views should have got more votes than ITAK during the recent local government elections, this did not happen.

    Yes we have a communal issue in Sri Lanka, no one can say no to it. Even openly those who say it does not exist, like our “Puss Pundits” know there is a major communal issue in the country. This is being fueled today by Mahinda Rajapakse, some Buddhist Monks and SLPP/Joint Opposition for political gains. Unfortunately the elite in Colombo, especially English speaking “Kalu Suddas” do not care as they live comfortably in their own world. What they should be doing is to go to the villages and talk to the people, translate the English articles in to Sinhalese and publish them. The Yahapalana Governement and the elites should make an effort to spread the news that racial tension in the country does not help anyone. It will only plunge us into a hole.

  • 4


    You are too good for anything.

    Let’s talk the reality. You were one of the giants of TNA supporting and justifying the so called interim draft/document, etc. Today, especially after the local government election, the government has completely dropped the matter, not a single person in the south touch this subject, your adopted baby Sumanthiran has gone hiding. He doesn’t talk anymore about interim draft document, etc.

    If he strongly believes that this government give them Federalism, why after three years, calling on the international community? Don’t you accept that the TNA has wasted three good years!

    So you old gang had done enough damage to the Tamil cause than anybody else. At least in future, please shut-up and help your grandchildren to learn Tamil.

    You are really a Joker among the Tamil diaspora!

  • 0

    Abuse is not a substitute for rational debate. Thou shall not attack the person’s character, but the argument itself. (“Ad hominem”) It is a pity Dayan is resorting to personal abuse instead of countering my points. It shows his colours, his breed and birth! If I wish I also can repay him with the same coins calling him names, but I shall not. As for the rantings of Manickavasagar the less said is better. He is a ‘Minister’ in the TGTE holding the Foreign Affairs portfolio, but what has he achieved? TNA through soft diplomacy has got the USA and its allies to adopt Resolution 30/1 in October, 2015 at the 30th sessions of the UNHCR. What more Sri Lanka itself has co-sponsored the resolution. The GOSL may drag its feet, dilly dally, but the Resolution 30/1 is hanging over the head of Sri Lankan government like the sword of Damocles!

    • 1

      Mr Thangavelu,

      TNA persuaded the Tamils to elect the new president and a new government without any preconditions.
      What has the TNA achieved under this new good governance government, apart from being illegally appointed to the Leader of the Opposition, with some perks and jerks, to be use, abuse and to bury the Tamil rights and to be used to mislead the IC. Their soft power!

      Is TNA still not able to get a list of all those who were taken into custody by the army immediately after the war, at least of those still living with an explanation, the list and release of political prisoners?

      Will TNA able to explain and face the mothers of missing persons, the widows, the orphans, the disable people, the IDPS, the refugees, the maveerar families, and the owners of the occupied homes and lands. What about PTA when there are no terrorist, what about demilitarisation?

      Hope you are not joking about the L30/1 – the 5th resolution on SL. TNA agreed and sought on behalf of the government for an extension of two years on the the UN HRC resolution, knowing very well that the GoSL will not implement. Has TNA assisted in getting the resolution implemented. Why is TNA begging now?

      Is TNA still trying to convince Tamils that they will achieve a negotiated political solution, under a unitary united indivisible majoritarian chauvinistic Sri Lanka. What next after Ampara?

      Why is TNA afraid of a referendum for the Tamils to decide their future destiny and Security.

      Don’t you now realise that TNA is not the sole representative’s of the Tamils. We will pressure and guide the IC for a peaceful PERMANENT political solution. TNA Is the hindrance.

      • 0

        Dear Mr. Manicka Vasagar, I step in not to answer for Mr. Thangavelu – his is a kind of shoe I wouldn’t want to step into – but to ask that you find a suitable person who could help you with your English. After all, you’d require competence in the English language to fulfil your undertaking to ‘pressure and guide’ the IC.
        For now, let me know, if you would pressure and guide the IC, or guide and pressure them.
        NB: You know that I’d be least interested in your response to me. So, don’t bother. Instead, get TGTE to find a suitable replacement for you.

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