21 January, 2025


Boycott SL Cricket: BTF Wants UK Govt. To Investigate How Peaceful Protesters Were Physically Attacked

British Tamils Forum calls upon the Metropolitan Police and the UK Government to investigate how Sri Lankan fans were able physically attack peaceful protesters in the midst of a heavy police presence and to take steps to ensure the safety of protesters at future matches.

This abuse has been well-documented in the Tamil media and by Tamil campaigners on Twitter and Facebook

Issuing a statement British Tamils Forum says; the British Tamils Forum is a strong advocate for an international boycott of Sri Lankan cricket until the Tamil people are granted their rights in full, a credible and sustainable solution is found to their legitimate security concerns, and an independent international investigation is carried out into the war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide that have been perpetrated in Sri Lanka before, during and since the Mullivaikkal Massacre of 2009.

We publish below the statement in full;

British Tamils Forum condemns in the strongest terms the violence meted out against peaceful Tamil protesters by Sri Lankan cricket fans outside the Oval cricket ground on the evening of Monday 17 June 2013. Furthermore, British Tamils Forum calls upon the Metropolitan Police and the UK Government to investigate how Sri Lankan fans were able physically attack peaceful protesters in the midst of a heavy police presence and to take steps to ensure the safety of protesters at future matches.

A dedicated band of activists from a number of organisations, including British Tamils Forum, have peacefully demonstrated outside every match played by the Sri Lankan cricket team as part of the ICC Champions Trophy 2013, currently being held in the UK. Displaying banners and placards informing the public of the plight of the Tamil people in Sri Lanka, they have been demonstrating for two reasons:

1.     To put pressure on the international cricket establishment to boycott the Sri Lankan team;

2.     To engage with the general public and cricket fans, informing them about the current situation in Sri Lanka and explaining the call for a boycott.

The demonstrators have been generally well-received by the British public, many of whom have shown an interest in the history of Sri Lanka and the reasons behind the call for a boycott. However, ever since the first match in Cardiff, campaigners have faced persistent abuse and intimidation from Sri Lankan fans, despite the presence of police and camera-phones recording their actions. This abuse has been well-documented in the Tamil media and by Tamil campaigners on Twitter and Facebook.

Given the brazen and largely unchecked behaviour of Sri Lankan cricket fans at previous matches – hurling racial abuse, making threats of violence, taking photos of demonstrators and threatening to send these to the Sri Lankan authorities – it came as little surprise when these fans sank to new depths on Monday night, physically assaulting campaigners – who included terrified children and the elderly – right in front of the police and recording camera-phones.

Nevertheless, the British Tamils Forum is disappointed at the inability of the police, who were present in large numbers, to ensure the safety of peaceful protesters in Central London. British Tamils Forum is further dismayed at the police’s reluctance to pursue charges against the assailants, despite the preponderance of witnesses to the assaults and ample photographic evidence.

Many British Tamils came to the United Kingdom to escape precisely this sort of racist mob violence, which has been visited on Tamils many times since Sri Lankan independence. They are understandably upset and afraid that they are still at risk of attack by Sinhalese mobs in the UK – their country of refuge.

If they are to assuage these genuine fears – and to preserve the UK’s reputation as a country where every citizen can peacefully demonstrate in safety – the Metropolitan Police and UK government must:

1.     Prosecute all those who took part in and orchestrated these assaults against peaceful demonstrators;

2.     Investigate why the police failed to adequately protect demonstrators from violence on Monday;

3.     Ensure the safety of demonstrators at future cricket matches.

Such firm actions would also send a clear signal to Sri Lankan cricket fans that this sort of racist thuggery – though sadly a commonplace feature of life in Sri Lanka – has no place in the United Kingdom.

Additional information: the case for a boycott

The boycotting of the sports and cultural institutions of an oppressive state has a venerable history; cricket in particular has provided shining examples of the effectiveness of this form of struggle. Archbishop Desmond Tutu explained the purpose of such boycotts succinctly in his 2008 MCC Spirit of Cricket Cowdrey Lecture, where he said,

“Many of you will remember how effective the sports boycott of the 1970s and 1980s was in conveying to sport-crazy South Africans that our society had placed itself beyond the pale…”

In the case of Sri Lanka, a cricket boycott is made particularly apt by the strong ties that bind the Sri Lankan State – which stands accused of war crimes and genocide against the Tamil people – and Sri Lankan national cricket. These ties run both ways: with the government having a say in team selection and with ex-members of the cricket team subsequently taking up government posts. Therefore, in the case of Sri Lanka, the common anti-boycott retort that “sports and politics shouldn’t mix” holds little water.

In addition, the violence of Sri Lankan cricket fans on Monday gives lie to the refrain that a cricket boycott would misguidedly target the (presumably Tamil-loving) Sinhalese people rather than the State. The chants, triumphalism and violence of the Sri Lankan fans demonstrate that they largely stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the Sri Lankan State. Under such circumstances, an international cricket boycott would send both Sinhalese Society and the State a clear signal that, in the words of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, it has “placed itself beyond the pale”.

For these reasons, the British Tamils Forum is a strong advocate for an international boycott of Sri Lankan cricket until the Tamil people are granted their rights in full, a credible and sustainable solution is found to their legitimate security concerns, and an independent international investigation is carried out into the war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide that have been perpetrated in Sri Lanka before, during and since the Mullivaikkal Massacre of 2009.

Related posts;

New Videos – Oval Cricket Violence: No Arrest Made So Far, Three Arrested An Unconnected Incident – Scotland Yard

Video: ‘Boycott Sri Lankan Cricket’ Activists Attacked In Oval

WikiLeaks: Sri Lanka Is A Cricket-Mad Country

WikiLeaks: Cricket Is Like A Religion In Sri Lanka

Latest comments

  • 0

    They should also investigate how Tiger flags were brandished in violation of UK laws!

    • 0

      MNZ – If it is a violation, UK govt would have taken action long time ago. They did not – because it is not a TIGER flag.

      • 0

        Was it prabha’s towel then?

        • 0

          For a country that has got it’s priorities wrong, the Corrupt leaders are making use of Cricket as a cover up to keep the Nation entertained and the Nation who blames the Opposition for not doing anything to change the regime are highly euphoric, engrossed in Cricket. What Hypocrisy? Incidentally the World Political Power Blocks knowing the weaknesses of the Asians, are using the Tonic ‘Cricket’ to sooth the masses here to get their agendas addressed. It is just like the Corrupt govts that resort to increase prices of essentials while Cricket Matches are played. It is about time we got our priorities correct and dropped Cricket.

      • 0

        Tiger is the National emblem of Bangladesh, These tamils are descending from Bangladesh.

        • 0


          “Tiger is the National emblem of Bangladesh, These tamils are descending from Bangladesh.”

          Bangladesh’s national emblem is water Lilly encircled by rice plant and not the tiger, however its national animal is tiger. The flag contains red disc on top of the green field,

          This is another proof the stupid Tamils are closely related to stupid Sinhala/Buddhists.

    • 0

      Precisely! The Metropolitan Police should investigate why the flag of a banned Terrorist Organization was being waved at a public sports event.. The British Tamil Forum is the new face of the LTTE sympathizers abroad who funded their tyranny back in SL. Must be salt in their wounds to see Sri Lanka achieve any kind of victory!

      • 1

        By calling for a boycott of SL Cricket the protesting tamils have shamelessly mixed politics with sports and not even considered the current SL captain is a tamil. These are extremist and racists of the worst kind and a disgrace to all tamils. By keeping the agenda alive they can continue to enjoy welfare from the state and worldwide sympathy to prolong their refugee status.

        • 0

          If the cap is a tamil he would get a muslim vote? BBS loves you like mugabe does.

          • 0

            …and the bloody tamil tiger supporters will love you like that senile jayalalitha does.

      • 0

        Soni… it’s a flag of a defunct Org. and a pretty miserable one at that.

    • 0

      What would the UK Police have done had the Al Qaeda flag been displayed?

      • 0

        Nothing would have happened, The British government is openly supporting Al Qaeda in Syria.

      • 0

        suq, they will be probably dialling for the Bomb Squad!

    • 0


      “They should also investigate how Tiger flags were brandished in violation of UK laws!”

      They should.

      They also should investigate how many of those thugs who attacked the tiger rumps are illegal immigrants or on benefits?

      How did those Sinhala/Buddhists thugs sneak into UK?

      Did Gota send them on false passports and forged visas?

    • 0

      U.K laws permit. This is not Sri Lanka. But UK should investigate the war crimes committed by Sri Lankan government. That is within British laws.

      • 0

        Then it should be a loophole in British Law. Does that mean SL law is better than the Royal British Law…lol?

  • 0

    I condemn any such attacks on peaceful protests. But it is clearly unfair to call for cricket ban with regard to political issues. Sports should be used to strenthen peace and ties between people, not to divide people. People should not use sports for getting any type of political advantage. I personally have seen how tamils fear on their refugee status in Aus. They use these types of activities to show that SL is still not peaceful for tamils. This should be same in UK as well. This is the bitter truth we are facing these days.

    • 0

      This was by no means a peaceful protest but a deviously planned tactic to bring harm upon themselves to prove their point that tamils are unsafe in SL. These brainwashed tamils have to keep alive the perception that tamils are being harassed in SL to continue their refugee status and enjoy the freebies from the UK Govt.
      What is puzzling is why the law allowed them congregate there knowing it could become a volatile situation………more food for the disapora to persuade other nations to boycott the CHOGM?

      • 0


        “This was by no means a peaceful protest but a deviously planned tactic to bring harm upon themselves to prove their point that tamils are unsafe in SL.”

        I like your logic.

        “to continue their refugee status”

        How does it work?

        “enjoy the freebies from the UK Govt.”

        Is it that easy. How much do they get, a plenty?

        “What is puzzling is why the law allowed them congregate there knowing it could become a volatile situation”

        It is another good logic.

        “more food for the disapora to persuade other nations to boycott the CHOGM?”

        Is the Diaspora that powerful?

  • 1

    (Please note that I am repeating this, which I subscribed to an earlier article in CT, as this is also on the same subject.)

    I was under the impression that LTTE is a banned organization in the UK. If my impression is correct, then how could the protesters carry LTTE Ealam flags? Then they are clearly LTTE supporters and engaged in an illegal act. So then, it cannot be called a peaceful protest but an illegal protest. The Police should have taken action or the others should have pointed that out to the Police, and not take the law into their own hands. However, whether it is peaceful or not, the others, Sinhalese or SL government supporters, should not have attacked them. Two wrongs don’t make one right. The Sinhalese or SL government supporters should be careful in the future. There is nothing we could achieve by engaging in violence in a civilized society like in London (although such action is acceptable in SL.) British public and other civilized societies would condemn the Sihalese if we engage in such scenario.

    It is understandable that the LTTE supporters have to highlight the ethnic issue in SL for them to continue to enjoy refugee status in the UK. Sinhalese or the Govt. supporters should understand that and not further tarnish the country’s image. Why should we play into the hands of the Eelamists.

    I have many Tamil friends in the UK and elsewhere, who are not Eelamists and are really anti-LTTE, but they have certain concerns and grievances, which we have to address to. We should not drag this on or go into the denial mode that no such problems exist. Do not paint all Tamils with the same brush as Eelamist. It indeed is very unfair. Please do not equate all Tamils as Eelamists or LTTEers. One should distinguish them not because of their birth but by their action as what the Buddha has preached:
    “Na Jatta Vasalo Hothi,
    Na Jatta Hothi Brahmano,
    Kammana Vasalo Hothi,
    Kammana Hothi Brahmano”
    (One does not become a low-caste person
    or a Brahamin by birth,
    One becomes a low-caste person
    or a Brahamin by one’s own action.)
    (All so called Buddhists, if they believe they follow the teachings of the Buddha, should understand this and emulate.)

    • 0

      I totally agree with you.

  • 0

    Is Tiger flag banned in SL ? Colenel KARUNA is a Gov minister now. JVP terrorists are in the Gov too. .
    Whether those young British Tamil boys carry old Tiger flag or not, now they are doing non-violent struggle to win rights to their cultural homeland for who are left behind in SL.
    We Sinhalese are previlaged with rights to criticize and hate our own leaders and their henchman like Mervin & Wimal? Don’t you believe Tamils have same rights and FUN to criticized their own leadership? When it comes to Sinhalese corrupt leadership, they simply hate it, they don’t have any FUN like we get with Wimal or Mervin.
    Lot of Sinhalese know all our leaders after British left are corrupted, but lot of our Mamas & Nandas love them and we tolerate them. Tamil Nandas and Manas have same rights of loving/hating their own leaders( Tamil Wimals and Mervins) and young and intellectuals have similar rights like us to hate their leadership and criticized them.

    Let them have their own politician managing their businesses. And we look after our Wimal and Mervyn Ayyas, BBS monks etc….

  • 0

    In asking for an “Investigation” is the BTF alleging that all the spectators who went to witness the match were in fact a mob sent by the Sri Lankan government? In fact, did not the GTF Mob provoke jubilant spectators?

  • 0

    The British Tamil Forum, a remainder rump of the LTTE, butchers of innocent people Tamils, Singhala, and Muslims wants the government of the UK to ban Sri Lankan Cricket. Cricket was and is one of the cardinal unifying forces in the country.It is a force for reconciliation. The captain of the Sri Lanka Angelo Mathews is a Tamil and who has forgotten the almost immortal words of Kumar Sangakkara,another member of the team against which this racially motivated demonstration was held, at the Cowdrey lecture in 2011, ‘I am Tamil, I am Singhalese, I am Muslim, I am Buddhist, I am Hindu I am Christian I am a follower of Islam, ….. I am proud to be Sri Lankan. The racism of the BTM is self evident. It is they who needs to be investigated for the heinous crime of hiding behind Women and Children, carrying a banner of an illegal terrorist group.

  • 0

    First they should investigate members of BTF war crime back ground and put them in jail for crime they commimted against the sinhalese and muslim people and tamil children

    • 0

      Yes, esp how they forcefully used to come in to Tamil shops to rob them for their dreamy Eelam.

  • 0

    Can the they also request why a banned terrorist group symbols like the ‘Tiger Flag’ was allowed to be paraded ? After all the flag represents suicide bombings, killing of innocent sinhalese and muslim villagers, killing of any tamil person opposing the LTTE beginning with the Mayor of Jaffna. Violence, violence and violence……

    • 0

      The Tiger symbol was not banned but it’s very charismatic to keep an emblem of an endangered species, at least the National Geographic Society loves it.

      • 0

        You have a logic had it been only the tiger symbol. But when it comes with a couple of T56s, the picture is totally the reverse. National Geographic Society wouldn’t love even killing tigers with those guns let alone human.

  • 0

    Peaceful protestors using abusive language and deliberately provoking the Sri Lankan fans should also be prosecuted.. The police should also take this as an example and ban further protests of this group at cricketing venues .. Its clear that the protestors have misled the UK authorities and police by stating their protest to be a peaceful one…

    This protest was targeted at SL fans.. Abusive language was used to provoke the SL fans thereby discrediting not only Sri Lanka but the very soil they are standing on..
    It’s a shame the Tamil diaspora is using Britain for their sinister campaigns but for how long will the civilized citizens of Britain tolerate this kind of act of provocation on their soil???

  • 0

    Yes I’m sure they’ll get right on that. It’s not like there were police officers there who saw how it actually went down ;-)

  • 0

    These LTTE fellows were only merely trying to provoke the SL fans. The police should not allow these protests to take place near each other. Why can’t they go to the ECB or ICC headquarters and do their protesting(it has become a full time chore to these dreamy Eelamist who live millions of miles away from SL).

  • 0

    Fellow commenters !
    Lets not comment on such stories as we are only helping these jokers in what they want. Lets us ignore these news articles so that CT will not publish such.

    Sadly it is now obvious that CT is a hidden arm of the LTTE !

    • 0

      Oh You included CT as also LTTE Rump. Interesting!

      • 0

        CT is not a LTTE Rump. But it is a Indian Rump. Indians are LTTE supporters…

        • 0

          Indians are always Indians they fought for independence while your forefathers hid in India kalla thoni sinhala gemba.

          • 0


            “Indians are always Indians they fought for independence while your forefathers hid in India kalla thoni sinhala gemba.”

            You are not a Veddah, how dare you call a Sinhala/Buddhist Kallathoni Gemba?

        • 0


          “Indians are LTTE supporters…”

          Indians means just not Manisekaran Thangavelu and Karunanithy.

          There are other 1.3 billion stupid who speak different languages and follow different faith. The North and South Indians are your brethren.

    • 0

      @ joker Sangakkkara

      If CT is a hidden arm of the LTTE…is the Daily Noise a hidden arm of state terrorists who abduct people in white vans and make them vanish into thin air? :)Or is it a hidden arm of state terrorists who burnt down the Uthayan newspaper…burnt down the MTV/MBC TV and killed Lasantha Wickrematunge and…34…other…journalists???

      • 0

        Yes definitely ! It is a well known fact !!!!

  • 0

    While I condemn this attack, yet the protesters also should have known that Oval isnt the right place to do a protest peaceful or otherwise at that hour when a match being played in which SL was involved. Let us leave the Cricket alone. The trouble is between the regime and said party.
    Attack this regime not SL.
    This regime is not SL, its one Chronically ill lunatic family.

    • 0

      But, really the protesters should have tried their agitation on Aussie Pussey matches.

  • 0

    The most significant note to see that the so called peaceful protestors do have LTTE flags and part of a sovereign state maps. They tell that they are peaceful, unharmed, and civilized, but their intentions are not civilized. If they want a fair trial for what government had done during the period then they should represent what LTTE had done during the whole 30 years of the to the Sri Lanka. These people are expecting permanent visas…they do not care about innocent Tamil people in SL. Kindly ask those protesters to banned cast differences in Jaffna.

    • 0

      So kicking Srilankan people behavior is considered as civilized?

      • 0

        Sure, at least by Tamil Nadu standards where gangs of civilised We Thamizh beat up monks and pilgrims :-)

        • 0

          Monks ha Ha Drunks Pedophiles! golu balu sena.

        • 0

          monks? hahah they are drunkards and child abusers…

      • 0

        At least they were insulted at and were pushed into that! Assaulting a single person at a rail way station is far more uncivilized….

        • 0


          When did you qualify as an expert on civilisation?

          • 0

            @Native Vedda.
            When did you.

            IN Tamil Naidu :-
            They use roads as toilets. and kill brides for dowry, marry kids, kill people without no judgement by gov.security. is that you call civilize. can any one show what are the action taken by indian government who attacked the monks and pilgrims.

            and we’ll waiting for WHAT DOES UK GOVERNMENT ‘s action against this TERRORISTs supporters.

            • 0

              SL people

              Could I have a copy of your comparative study on civilisation.

              “and we’ll waiting for WHAT DOES UK GOVERNMENT ‘s action against this TERRORISTs supporters.”

              I would not consider the attack on the poor Tamil girl as a terrorist attack. It is only an attack by a stupid misguided Sinhala/Buddhist who also works for in a Tamil owned shop.

            • 0

              Please come out of well.

          • 0

            when my forefathers planted seeds on Vedda women

            • 0


              “when my forefathers planted seeds on Vedda women”

              Was he drunk at the time?

              Probably he must have mistaken a wild sow to Veddah women. He must have copulated with it and planted his seeds, at least he thought he did.

            • 0

              why do ppl need to be drunk to do veddha women?

            • 0


              Probably he must have mistaken a wild sow for a Veddah women. He must have copulated with it and planted his seeds, at least he thought he did.

              Was he drunk at the time?

              Was he happy shafting a wild sow or was he happy being shafted by a wild boar?

      • 0

        Better than suicide bombings (LTTE), wouldn’t you say ?

  • 0

    If you have the right to disgrace a nation and its flag by calling it peaceful or otherwise, this is what you punks deserve by rightful patriotic citizens of lanka. further, i would be happy to know how the British Police even allowed these cheap publicity seekers who were insulting a flag of a Country and promoting terrorism or separatism as one may call it.
    I wish they try this gambit at the ‘Kettarama’ or the ‘pallekelle’ grounds so that i too would get an aopportunity to express my thoughts!
    BTF and TGTE don’t try to cry on the shoulders of the Bobbies of you adopted Country instead face the music. sorry baila!

  • 0

    The day Oval became Round………………..

    Where was that S.J.Emmanuel ????????? Praying to Sun Goat ?

  • 0

    The Tamil Disapora are a bunch of selfish opportunists. All their posturing and calls for human rights is in order to get permanant residency and secure their own futures abroad. They dont care about the Tamils in Srilanka, after all didnt they send money so the LTTE could forcibly recruit innocent Tamil children in SL. They have blood on their hands and are guilty of the suffering of the Tamils in Srilanka…and if and when they have the opportunity they will all rush back to claim a piece of the pie after supporting bloodshed from their armchairs in Britain. Please stay in Britain and create your Eelam there, leave us Srilankans (Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims and the rest) alone to build our own future.

  • 0

    Did anyone see Dilshan’s catch?

    • 0

      Barney, Ces,t maginifique! thank god all this happend after the match.!

      • 0

        Bad scene today though.

  • 0

    “The violence by Sinhala mobs injured few Tamil activists while the ugly display of Sinhalese showed the real display of the situation in Sri Lanka. The democratic protest was allowed as Britain respects the right to protest as Human right but the Sinhala thugs who do not know the democratic practices in their country could not accept the right to protest even in London.”

    • 0

      Hope the British Winter kept you out of being there and being kicked upon!

    • 0

      In 2009 sinhala spectators were attacked by LTTE protesters in Toronto

  • 0

    “….the world doesn’t care about competing historical claims. It does care, increasingly, that the Tamil problem seems to have been going on unresolved for decades. Frankly, THE TAMILS LOOK A HECK OF A LOT BETTER IN THE EYES OF THE WORLD THAN DO THE SINHALESE RIGHT NOW, both as high achievers (White House Award winner Prof Sivananthan) and victims. Time is not on the side of the Sinhalese. If we don t replenish our soft power , and the Sinhala hawks continue with their recidivism, an effective enough global consensus may crystallize in favour of divorce, with our friends sitting on the fence as they did in 1987. “

    Dayan Jayatileke, Sinhala academic and former Sri Lankan high commissioner for France

    • 0

      yeah the tamils are smarter better servants and their farts smell better….and abt Sivananthan, he is the 2nd lankan origin person to win that….(absolutely this does NOT lesson his achievement but for the ones who like reflected glory)

  • 0

    At this match there were Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim Sri Lankans supporting Sri Lanka, in their thousands, which I witnessed. Please do not make an issue out of this act of very small group of people. Do not give them the Oxygen of publicity by short sighted articles like this. I certainly did not notice any trouble inside or out side other than celebrating Sri Lankans.

    • 0

      D B Wijetunge

      “I certainly did not notice any trouble inside or out side other than celebrating Sri Lankans.”

      Perhaps you wanted to see what you wanted to see. Others have seen what you haven’t seen, or didn’t want to see.

      Why are you glossing over what was a nasty incident. You didn’t see when innocent people were killed during the war. Did you?

      Because you didn’t see there was no war in Sri Lanka.

      Were the thugs imported from Sri Lanka?

      Who did foot the bill?

      You certainly not notice.

  • 0

    I have only 1 question to ask from the British government. “Would you’ll allow to protest & march in support of Hammas, Hesbollah or Al-Qaida?”. Give us a straight forward answer. No “but” & no “if”.

    • 0

      The LTTE is a Sri Lankan problem. British don’t care if one set of south Asians kill another set of south Asians. In fact it I were the British, I would encourage south Asians to kill each other. British don’t care if you wave a LTTE, JVP, Khalistan or Naxalite flags. It doesn’t affect them.

      Hammas, Hesbollah or Al-Qaida kill British soldiers. The Queens grandson was fighting in Afganistan. So they care about those flags being waved and protests staged.

      Do you understand the difference now?

  • 0

    This is good. Even British people will understand how Tamils have become trouble makers of the world.

    • 0

      JimSofty, Bedrock Barney, NLankan, D B Wijetunge, sach, thivya, MNZ, mohamed fazly ilyas, Soni,Loola pakaya, Sangakkkara, SL people,Siva Sankaran Sarma Menon, Duleep, manisekaran thangavelu, ONE, Farouk, Anpu, Suq Madique,PresiDunce Bean, Anna,Manoj, Memona kolamakda and others

      Is it true the thug who kicked the girl is working for a Tamil man in a grocery?

      Is it also true that he had overstayed his Visa?

      Is it true that he was arrested by Met after his brave attempt to attack a unarmed girl?

      If and when he is deported back to Sri Lanka would the Sri Lankan state arrange a glorious welcome party at the Airport?

      How about a chariot ride from airport to Presidential Palace?

      Even the Tamil Ponna Ramanathan enjoyed one many years ago for saving Sinhala/Buddhism, why not this Sinhala/Buddhist thug?

      Nalin, Weerawansa, Gota, MR…. posing for photo?

      • 0

        Don,t know,

        don’t know,

        don’t know

        not at the airport, perhaps in Colombo

        night chariot races’ you mean??

        a little anachronistic to expect this guy to ride in a chariot all the way from Katunayake to whereever he is going just because Sir Pon Ram did it. Perhaps Namal will chip in with a Lamborghini, would be a thoughtful gesture though. Good idea!

        Is there some kind of hidden dislike for Champika, not being included in the photo op. Not need to take the electricity hike out on him. Wasn’t him you know, it was other corrupt people. I would mos def include him in the picture.

        Your not that ‘Native’ you know. Your actually quite progressive. I like you.

      • 0

        This episode is by some Australian LTTE-Tamils who want to migrate to UK.

        Now, they can say they will be prosecute by Sri Lankans.

  • 0

    for all black sinhala monkeys who say politics and sports sholdn’t mix, why were sporting sanctions put in place against south africa. i have heard south african cricketers in that era were wonderful cricketers. how about politics and buddshit religon mixing. how about sinhala pariah bikkus have the final say on political matters. why do the politicians run to mahanaai-aks. what a load of bolocks.

  • 0

    I hear that no lion flags in Cardiff/Wales.

  • 0

    The Truth is LTTE Tamils had pre planned to attack Sinhala spectators and they did that. No one has written that to CT.

    • 0


      “The Truth is LTTE Tamils had pre planned to attack Sinhala spectators and they did that”

      Why did you withhold this vital information from Cardiff police?

      Were you colluding with, LTTE, LTTE rump, Diaspora, BTF, GTF, TGTE, GTV, TNA, ABC, BCD, CDE, DEF, …………….. XYZ?

  • 0

    Well well well..
    A video emerges where you can actually see what the heck is going on:

    From about 3:30 you can see how the genocidal Sinhalam mind controlled the innocent We Thamizh into charging and attacking them with poles :-)

    The UK government certainly should investigate the use of this strange weapon by the Sinhalam. Can we get a statement from the BTF about how they intend to combat this new threat?

    Twisting and lying, oh how naturally it comes to the LTTE diaspora :-)

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