21 January, 2025


Breaking News: CJ Replies The Rupees 250 Million Bank Transaction Allegation – ‘False, Malicious And Deeply Disturbed’ – CJ

By Colombo Telegraph

The Lawyers for the Chief Justice Dr. Shirani A. Bandaranayake replied to the allegations related to her bank accounts in certain newspapers. Last Sunday state run Sunday observer published a detail report of her bank transactions under the title “Expose: The dual role of Dr. Shirani Bandaranayake“. The news paper said; “Accordingly, it is now time for the law enforcement authorities to commence a probe regarding the true nature of this Dr. Shirani Bandaranayake’s highly suspicious financial dealings. If that is to be done in an impartial manner, she cannot remain as the Chief Justice of the country.”

“These articles falsely and maliciously distort the truth in relation to our client’s  bank  accounts  and declarations. Our client is also surprised as to how certain newspapers have details of her bank accounts.Our client is deeply disturbed that this information is now in the public domain when in fact such information should be private and confidential information in terms of the law.” says her lawyers Neelakandan & Neelakandan.

We  publish below the full texts of the reply and the Sunday Observer article;



Date:  5fh December, 2012

Your Ref  :

Our Ref  :  KN/MM-SC (206)

Dear Sir,


We are instructed by our client Dr Shirani A Bandaranayake to address this communication.

Our client’s attention has been drawn to articles regarding our client’s bank accounts in certain newspapers designed purely to defame our client.

These articles falsely and maliciously distort the truth in relation to our client’s bank accounts and declarations.

These articles seem to suggest that our client;

a.)  has wrongfully withdrawn monies from certain accounts in order to show a zero balance as at the 3 1st of March of a particular year

b.) was in receipt of sums of approximately Rupees 250 Million during the year 1st April  2010 to the 31st  March 201 1.

Our client at the very outset firmly states that both these statements are totally false.

The truth is as follows;

i.)  Our client had investments in Government Treasury Bills which were invested for short  periods of time because our client felt that she may  have to  access these  monies at short notice

ii.)  These sums were  credited to a special account opened by the  bank  to route investments from the realization of one Treasury Bill to the  purchase of another Treasury Bill. This is the normal and regular procedure followed for several constituents of the Bank

iii.)  These monies did not at any stage lie in the account for a period of more than a day or two

v.)  All investments in Treasury Bills were duly and properly declared in our client’s assets and liabilities declaration

v.)  A simple illustration may be useful.

If Mr. A  had Rupees  10,000/- in a 7 day Treasury Bill,  at the end of the  7 days  that Rupees 10,000/- together with the interest accrued is credited to the special  account.

On the 7th day or the 8th day, the total money is re-invested in a new Treasury Bill for another period of  7 days.  This process continuously goes on for a period  of  one year. If all credit entries are added it would show Rupees 10,000 plus interest multiplied by 52 which is approximately 520,000 plus interest. However all that Mr. A in fact had was the original Rupees 10, OOO plus interest.

vi.)  This is what in fact happened in the case of  our client.  However certain newspapers have falsely and maliciously added up all the entries in a way that would create the impression that our client had Rupees 252 million which gives a totally false and distorted impression. In actual fact our client never had Rupees 252 Million or a sum anywhere close to the said sum.

vii.)  Our client re-iterates that every single cent had by our client has been declared in the relevant declarations of assets and liabilities.

viii.)  It is also clear that our client did not withdraw amounts from the account prior to 31st March of each year in order to create  a  distorted view. The monies were always in Government securities at all times except for a day or two, between the date of maturity and the date of re-investment during which such monies were in the aforementioned special current account.

ix.)  All Treasury Bills purchased on behalf of our client have been duly and properly declared

x.)  Our client is also surprised as to how certain newspapers have details of her bank accounts.

xi.)  Our client is deeply disturbed that this information is now in the public domain when in fact such information should be private and confidential information in terms of the law.

xii.)  We may add that the Chief Justice of the country, as a citizen is also entitled to the protection of the law of the land.

xiii.)  We may also note that these allegations have not even been  raised as allegations in the impeachment process.

xiv.)  Since wide publicity has  been  already given to the aforesaid allegations, we would be most grateful if you could publish this letter in order to correct and clarify the matter.



(Neelakandan & Neelakandan)

Attorneys-at-Law & Notaries Public


Sunday Observer Article 

Expose:The dual role of Dr. Shirani Bandaranayake

The Chief Justice (CJ) of a country is the highest judicial officer in the land. From such a person, it is fair for the public to expect a standard of conduct that is above reproach. As a result, the CJ would be expected to display the highest degree of honesty and integrity. Even if the CJ may be prone to a bona- fide mistake on a rare occasion (like all human beings), deliberate and conscious misconduct or misdemeanour cannot ever be a part of a CJ’s conduct.

The CJ should also leave no room for any questions to be raised about his/her conduct. In addition, the CJ’s financial dealings must be above suspicion and must not in any way indicate any pattern of behaviour that suggests impropriety, financial misconduct, bribery, corruption, money laundering or embezzlement. It is also imperative that the CJ must not leave room for any doubt whatsoever to be entertained about his/her behaviour pertaining to his/her financial transactions.

However, in the case of Dr. Shirani Bandaranayake, Chief Justice of Sri Lanka, it is abundantly clear that she falls far short, in this aspect of financial propriety. As is well-known, major suspicions are aroused of money laundering in the following circumstances:

(a) the operation of several bank accounts by a person, which suggests that multi-accounts are used to defuse the magnitude and frequency of transactions in order to confuse regulators.

(b) the opening and closing of bank accounts within short periods of time, which suggests that the accounts are used for a particular transaction and then closed before suspicion is aroused in the minds of the authorities.

(c) the manipulation of accounts to have low balances or zero balances on certain significant dates, e.g. 31st December or 31st March, (which are the dates that are generally used by regulators or surveillance agencies to monitor accounts on a regular basis), in order to reduce suspicion or evade detection by regulators.

A careful assessment of Dr. Shirani Bandaranayake’s Account No. 101110002058 (Old No. 100002001360) maintained at the National Development Bank (NDB) reveals the following:

(1) During the year 2007/2008, Dr. Bandaranayake maintains the above account in an active manner, with four debits to the value of Rs. 5,524,875.25 and eight credits to the value of Rs. 5,524,875.25 being transacted through the account. By 8th February 2008, a sum of Rs. 674,323.52 was lying to the credit of the account. On that date, the entire amount is withdrawn, thus reducing the balance to zero.

Thereafter, no transactions took place and accordingly, on 31st March 2008, the balance in the account continued to remain at zero. On that basis, Dr. Bandaranayake did not disclose the bank account in her Assets and Liabilities Declaration, even though the rules pertaining to the Declarations demand that a person discloses all accounts even if such accounts do not contain any balances.

(2) The account lies dormant until 6th May 2008, on which date a sum of Rs. 519,534.55 is credited to the account, and thereafter the account becomes active, with 22 debits amounting to Rs. 31,860,754.47 and 41 credits amounting to Rs. 31,860,754.47 being reduced upto 3rd February 2009. Then, on 3rd February 2009, the entire sum of Rs. 616,895.75 which was in the account on that date, is withdrawn and the balance is reduced to zero. Thereafter, the account remains inactive, and on 31st March 2009, the account records a zero balance. Accordingly, Dr. Bandaranayake, for the second time, does not disclose such account in her Assets and Liabilities Declaration as at 31st March 2009.

(3) The zero balance remains until 3rd July 2009, at which point, a sum of Rs. 500,000.00 is credited to the account.

Thereafter until 13th January 2010, the account is operated in a highly active manner with 10 debits amounting to Rs. 15,508,794.63 and 18 credits amounting to Rs. 15,508,794.63 being recorded in the account.

However, on 13th January 2010, the entire sum of Rs. 700,078.18 lying to the credit of the account is withdrawn, thus making the account balance zero, once again. Such zero balance status in the account remains as at 31st March 2010, and once again, for the third time in succession, Dr. Bandaranayake does not disclose the account in her Assets and Liabilities Declaration.

(4) The account lies inactive until 7th April 2010, and on that date the account is credited once again with a sum of Rs.910,473.22 and the account regains its usual robust character with 27 debits amounting to Rs.57,488,454.95 and 37 credits amounting to Rs.57,488,454.95 being recorded up to 18th February 2011. On 18th February 2011, the now familiar total withdrawal occurs, and on that date the entire balance lying in the account of Rs.2,057,098.86 is withdrawn, leaving the account with a zero balance once again. Such zero balance is maintained as at 31st March 2011, and yet again, for the fourth time in succession, Dr. Bandaranayake does not disclose the account in her Assets and Liabilities Declaration.

(5) The account remains inactive until 5th May 2011 in keeping with the regular pattern that has by now been established, and on that date a sum of Rs.974,280.39 is credited to the account and the account becomes highly active once again.

This advanced level of activity continues until 30th March 2012, by which time, 88 debits amounting to a staggering Rs.256,416,639.42, and 171 credits to a similar value of Rs.256,414,342.34 passes through the account. But, as is now very familiar, on 30th March 2012 the entirety of the Rs.10,047,779.95 that is lying to the credit in that account is once again withdrawn in the established pattern, and the account is reduced to zero once again. Such zero balance is recorded as at 31st March 2012, and again, for the fifth consecutive time, Dr. Bandaranayake does not disclose the account in her Assets and Liabilities Declaration.

(6) True to the pattern, a sum of Rs.10,047,779.95 is brought back to the account on 5th April 2012, and the account resumes its active character yet again.

It is obvious that, the methodology adopted in the operation of the above account is a well thought out and sophisticated operation. It is not an operation of an account that would be expected from any ordinary person, let alone the country’s chief judge of the Supreme Court. The magnitude of the figures and the careful avoidance of significant dates is consistent with an intention to conceal the operation of the account, and avoid detection.

The initial study of the operations of Dr. Shirani Bandaranayake’s account suggests a pattern of behaviour which would easily arouse suspicion among any regulator, as the behaviour displays many devious methods to avoid detection of the nature of the transactions.

The operation also suggests that Dr. Bandaranayake has deliberately and consistently acted in at least five consecutive instances to avoid disclosure of the sums that were in her account and that the scheme has been meticulously implemented in a highly sophisticated manner. A further suspicion that may arise is as to whether Dr. Bandaranayake was using her privileged position, first as a Supreme Court Judge and thereafter as the Chief Justice, to indulge in this activity, knowing fully well that her actions are very unlikely to be investigated by any other regulatory agency. Being the Chief Justice of the country, does not give such person immunity from the laws of the land. The law must apply in a just and fair manner to all persons, however high and mighty they may be.

Accordingly, it is now time for the law enforcement authorities to commence a probe regarding the true nature of this Dr. Shirani Bandaranayake’s highly suspicious financial dealings. If that is to be done in an impartial manner, she cannot remain as the Chief Justice of the country.

Justice must apply to the Chief Justice as well.

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Latest comments

  • 0

    Is this CJ a part time currency trader ?.

    • 0

      Investment in approved instruments is not currency trading.

      • 0


        Wonder wether our CB issues 7 day T Bills?.

        • 0

          Don’t be so stupid. That is (7 days) only an illustration. What the lawyers have stated is short term and not 7 days.

        • 0

          Whilst Cabraal is at the helm- short term O/N is best!

        • 0

          This is how smart Sri Lankans are. Can you live on a government salary with out stealing like Weerawansa? These are legitimate investments you could make with out stealing

    • 0

      You must be an stupid to say that if she was a currency trader. Currency traders are those traders who buy and sell currencies with a spread.

      Investments in treasury bills are short term/long term investments. They are best alternatives to fixed or saving deposits. When you make an investment in 7 day treasury bills there will be 52 maturities and re-investments in a year. The process is almost automated. she/he does not need to give instructions to a bank at each time of maturity for re-investment. Banks automate the process once a instruction is given.

      The fact that she had around Rs.2mn during by end of February 2011 and there are 27 debits and 37 credits during 2010/2011 shows that the additional deposits (10 additional credits) must be from the savings of her salary.

      The entire matter shows the literacy of government leaders and journalists. I read in last weekend news paper that President queried why this matter is not in the 14 allegations list. This shows the literacy of the people around him and president himself.

      • 0

        These politicians do not have the capacity and the grey matter to comprehend or to dabble in this kind of simple ,and straight forward ways of substituting your government salary. Theirs is a more direct way. 10%-40%. If she also did that they would have understood.

      • 0

        The CJ should sue the Observers Newspaper of Sri Lanka for a million $$$

        • 0

          Agree 100%.

        • 0

          Agree totally! Demand Rs.1 Billion for defamation. Tarnishing the reputation of the Chief Justice of Sri Lanka!

        • 0

          buruwa,just keep your/f/m closed

    • 0

      Now, they are peeping at a Pandora’s box.

      • 0


        Yes leela, I think it’s time to open MARA Pandora’s Box.

        First I thank CT for bringing these news to us all readers.

        Second what CT must do is to collaborate with Supreme Court to work with International Judiciary, Commonwealth Jurists, Asian Human Rights Association and with Interpol to get all the information relating to local and foreign investments, both financial, real estate and others ….like land, farms , shares, bonds ets that are owned by all the ruling family, parliament members and their family members and friends, in and out of Sri Lanka.

        This is a MUST and URGENT which CT along with Sri Lanka Bar Association, Supreme Court and the CJ could initiate this with the help of International Courts, Interpol, and the Sri Lankan Diaspora.

        I hope CT and the Judiciary will help Sri Lankan citizens to trace these Black money which actually belong to them.

        • 0

          Excellent reply! As time goes by, the Pandora’s Box of the Rajapaksha regime will be an ‘open secret!’

    • 0

      She is NOT a part time currency trader, you jackass!!

    • 0

      Let’s first probe the bank accounts and assets of Nivard Cabraal the Central Bank crook, P.B Jayasundara, and Mr 10 percent Basil, Gota, namal ,and the King – there’ ll be billions of $$$ to recover of stolen tax payers funds and looted cash from public land sales
      How about it guys?!

      • 0

        Japenese doll! You just cannot at this stage have access to the details of their off shore accounts unless the government proves that these are accounts held by a terrorist or drug related funds. Many westerners have it too and the Swiss would not release it. Even Hitler deposited the stolen gold from Greece at the Swiss bank and that is how the Swiss has so much in reserves. Plus there is offshore banking worldwide- there is no easy way to catch because they are all in it.

        • 0

          what about our friend Julian Asange’s wiki leaks , i remember wiki leak stating they will release the names of the Swiss bank account holders , i’m sure there must be few dozens of SL Politian’s name in that list .

          Dear CT Editors, could you look in to this !

        • 0

          Rajapkshas have exported the colossal wealth they have plundered from the people of this country into offshore bank accounts. The international bodies-UN etc.-may know the rules and regulations in Sri Lanka. Somebody please approach these banks or international bodies and find out ways and means of suing against these robbers for the robberies they have committed and confiscate the money under a future government. Until such time a future government is formed such money should be held in a custodian account.

    • 0


  • 0

    What levels one can descend to poison the minds of the people against an innocent person.People in glass houses should not throw stones The day when everything will be exposed.That day is not far off.

    • 0

      This saying is better put as – Those living in glass houses should
      not undress with lights on !!

      • 0

        The whole bloody lot have been undressing and changing in the dark. Now they will be exposed with the lights coming on in everyone’s house. The best would be the day the Lights come on in the Tsunamipathy’s house. The Public is sure to throw every stone at the Bugger.

  • 0

    The damage has already been done amongst the uneducated masses. Rajapaksa lackey and SLBC chairman Hudson Samarasinghe bought this up today in his daily radio programme that airs from 7am. The masses of asses in this country have access only to SLBC, Rupavahini and ITN which has islandwide coverage, while very few have access to the internet or can understand what is written in websites like Colombo Telegraph. It’s so easy to hoodwink the gullible Sri Lankans.

    “One who deceives will always find those who allow themselves to be deceived.”
    ~Niccolo Machiavelli

    …the above quote describes most Sri Lankans to a T.

    “The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him.”
    ~Niccolo Machiavelli

    …in Sri Lanka’s context the above quote should read, “The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men and women who voted for him.” (Mahinda Rajapaksa, Basil Rajapaksa, Mervin Silva, Wimal Weerawansa, Sajin Vaas, Anarkali, Paba, Duminda Silva, Lohan Ratwatte) all of them are either rouges, swindlers, thugs, murderers, drug dealers or plain idiots…but the people still voted for them. Until some way is found to educate the masses, the Rajapaksas’ and their henchmen will continue to rule with impunity, because it’s only the masses that can bring them down.

    • 0

      the truth is the majority of masses never elected Rajapakse, he abused state property, state media, the police, military and state money to terrorise the masses. The actual winner of the presidential election was General Fonseka.

      • 0

        Where has the FORMER Election Commissioner beeen ? Just got to know that he is now retired. But if good journalists could interview hiim, what was kept hidden could come to surface – I mean all secret deals that should have happened with his knowledge on immediately after the last PRESIDENTAL election – before results were being manipulated.

      • 0

        This bugger, Idi Mahin (aka Hitlerpaksha), stole the Presidency and is sitting on General Sarath Fonseka’s chair. It is high time he was given the electric chair instead!

    • 0

      Well said Your mouth should be stuffed with MASURANG

    • 0

      //The damage has already been done amongst the uneducated masses.// are we to assume PresiDunce is educated <>>>

  • 0

    i’m just wondering , it is said that PSC related informations and hearings are confidential and barred from publishing in local media , if so how come
    1) state electronic media abuses her from dawn to dusk ?
    2) state print media publishers twisted/manipulated false data ?
    3) state sponsored witch hunting (kala pattara etc ) ?
    4) state sponsored cheap level demonstrations (Mervin silva ) ?

    Are not Central bank and NDB responsible for leaking all these confidential data to 3rd parties ?

    • 0

      What is not state sponsored under these thugs ? Have we ever had times comparable to this in any past ?

  • 0

    The comments of all of you except that of stupid Sumanasekera are very true. Taking over of the mass-media and appointing and promoting their henchmen to positions who would be manning the key positions during elections, looting the national wealth to buy opposition members and get 2/3 majority starting from tsunami funds were the priorities of this rogue regime. Now, only the GOSL news go to over 95% of the population as only about 5% have access to Colombo Telegraph, Lanka E News, Lanka Truth and a few other media institutions. This is going to be yet another repetition of Gen. Fonseka’s case where the judgement is already printed and maybe even signed by the President prior to the appointment of the PSC. They are just doing it opposing all the requests of the CJ and I have an eerie feeling that the PSC with 7 to 4 may even recommend to the President to imprison the CJ on false charges and also remove her civic rights so that she will not be able even to contest any type of elections. They know that the CJ is a bigger threat to the throne than Gen. Fonseka who ofcourse won very comfortably but “computer jilmarts” changed the results upside down. I consider this brave, honest, highly educated Lady with the Best Sri Lankan Smile as the GOLDEN LADY” of Sri Lanka. My humble thanks to Colombo Telegraph staff for being unbiased and giving us an opportunity to express our views which are being censored by other websites except LeN, Lanka Truth and two or three others.

    • 0

      Great comments.

      Sure, roughly about 1 in 20 are among the readers of CT.

      The educated people have not place under the current rule. This is becoming clear day to another – COUNTRY HAS GONE TO DOGS is read somewhere should be very correct :(

    • 0

      I am not sure if , what I am saying is true. But if you noticed the protesters , you hardly saw even a decent villager . Even the women were like those coolies. Men looked like thieves coolies and , in other words they looked soooo different from normal Sri Lankans . The lot with MS looked like his own relatives sans the facials and the laundered clothes. So I am hoping or wishing that the average sri lankan knows what is going on.
      Unfortunately for this country an old Buddhist priest and two catholic priests have had to come forward to do the job of the opposition leader. Who eats with our money and sits pretty. ( he is not even pretty)

      • 0

        Man, what re u talking about ? Is that the duty of RW to rehablitate those mentalities of shanty dwellers ? For all the miserable kind of deeds that they foolish people are doing, why should you put the blame on RW ? Can any decent, civilized man or woman can name him as uncivilized, uncultured raskal ?

        But many – becoming significant majorities keep saying that the governing Rajapakshes are uncultured, uncivilized and by everymeans they are thugs.

  • 0

    Justice must apply to Rajapakse as well

    • 0

      I hope people of the country will realize this atleast immidiately after the impeachment process is over. They should raise the question why the Rajapakshes are given privileges to do whatever above the law ?

  • 0

    It is extremely sad that the impeachment of the CJ is being reduced to a farce. The Sunday Observer allegation is not among the fourteen allegations in the impeachment motion. While the motion to open the proceedings of the PSC to the public was wisely refused by the speaker, a public trial is being conducted by the state media against the CJ. The Speaker should put a stop to this. An informed public discussion is required, however it should not become a campaign of misinformation and harassment . Is there a mechanism to establish the truth in a court of law in this instance?

    Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

  • 0

    I wonder who is providing confidential and private information about the CJ’s bank accounts and transactions to the press. Who gave such info to the Sunday Observer? The CJ should sue the Sunday Observer for illegally obtaining and publishing this private information.

  • 0

    As I said earlier, this whole “Impeachment” has turned out to be a ‘circus”, in that, the Acrobats, Jokers, Clowns, Animals etc. are taking part in a huge public performance. The very person who initiated the ball rolling, viz. The Speaker is unable to controll the functioning of the PSC as it intended to be. The very composition of the PSC is now challenged for including two “biased” members who have had Judgements from the CJ who is being impeached. He could not think of that fact when the appointments were made. He also wanted everyone including the media to refrain from discussing the charges and the proceedings. The Speaker has miserably failed in effect to his own directives. The State and other electronic media have started to fantasize episodes which are not real. The time constraints are ignored and some allied “PUNDITS” of the Government even advocate “only find CJ guilty of one count at least without delay and get rid of her”.

    All this is indicative of “guilt” and “disinhibition” (meaning acting on desires without regulating their actions and behavious) and also completely ignoring the social consequences.

    This whole exercise has completely gone out of control and the consequences are too devastating internally and internationally.

    The ordinary folks are sandwiched between the devil and the deep blue see. What a pity?

  • 0

    Sunday Observer should be sued for defamation of character and injunction against any further mention of these issues.

  • 0

    Sunday Observer editor probably did not know the common technique of multiplying wealth by safe short term investments in treasury bills as many do.
    Or, he knew but ignored same,to score a libellous attempt to smear the reputation of the CJ.
    But his obtaining bank account details of the Chief Justice and publishing them is an offence.

  • 0

    We don’t care what explanation she gives. She has dared to confront our leader MR and for that she has to go.

    • 0

      So your saying your “Leader” is above the law and can’t be confronted or reproached by anybody? Even if he escapes justice on earth, he can never escape divine justice. :)

      • 0

        MR is accepted by the whole country as a leader. He has even got divine protection. The Gods will look after him. He is the King we have been waiting for. It is going to be a Rajapakse dynasty for a long time to come. After Mahinda will come Namal. CJ does not understand politics. As Sarath Silva said on TV, you cannot cross the path of MR. Sarath Silva is no fool. That is why he did not confront MR. The present CJ is not political enough to understand these.

        • 0

          One dog died from licking Rajaporkistan face.

          Remember Gota trying to fly another from Genève? ;)

          Don’t ever try his butt its dynamite it would leave your face

          scarred like a pigs butt stuck by lightning.:) :)

        • 0

          Please be honest. MR is NOT accepted by the whole country. All despots who are drunk with power think they have divine protection. Read world history to see what happened to people like that. What the Gods have in store for MR we will not know…but I will bet you my last humanitarian rupee that the Rajapaksa dynasty won’t last 42 years like what happened in Libya. Remember what happened to once popular leaders (amongst part of the population) like Saddam and Gaddafi? Also don’t forget that Hitler’s thousand year Reich lasted a mere 12 years. Blind patriotism is the last resort of the scoundrel. :)

        • 0

          Hay Leelo,
          I don’t know how many times I need to correct you.
          May be this is the last time I could help you.

          First you say MR is accepted by whole country as leader….If so ask him to stay in Welikada prison for one night with 2000 prisoners, where he will not need a colonoscopy test for the rest of his life.

          Second you day he has Divine Protection…Ok if so can you ask him if I could test my latest B1 5000 pound laser guided missile directly on his bed while he is taking his lunch nap….to check his divine protection….or for him to make a dive from top floor of the WTC……let’s try.

          He is the King or an fuc to the front….JR thought that way and got an Indian parippu drop. Read history… some Kings ruled only for ONE DAY and many a MONTH ONLY. Kings life was the most unstable and unpredictable throughout our history. So don’t be naive.

          Namal….who is namal….another junior Tsunami Jackpot maker…A one and only 98 marks Law scholar…in A/C room and with a computer. Remember my Galle Face bet….Not even upon my sh.t.

          Only thing you and MR both think that other than you two, God gave balls to the wrong gender…but very soon the gender will show who is correct.

          One need a good gala to rub chillies and MR found one now. Let’s see who could rub better…

      • 0

        Are you not capable to grasp my writing style. No learned got caught into imposter’s trap. Observe the specific emblem allocated for each commentator on the right of your comment before responding as otherwise the trickster may be laughing at you for taking you for a ride all the way.

        • 0

          Dear CT Editors ,

          How does the emblem get selected ? is it based on IP address or e-mail address ?

        • 0

          Thanks editors, you guys doing a wonderful job, within a very short period of time CT became the number one in news reporting, please keep up the good work. Bravo !

      • 0

        Above is obviously an imposter’s comment. He is not capable of using adjectives, adverbs and phrasal verbs properly. Many idiots were caught into a trap of an imposter for uneducated couldn’t grasp my writing style. But no learned were caught into imposter’s trap.

        Observe the specific emblem allocated for each commentator on the right of your comment before responding otherwise the trickster would take you for an asshole. He will laugh at you and take you for a ride all the way.

  • 0

    Looks like the Chief Justice is living a good (double) life. But to her credit, at least she manages her figure well, unlike our rather well-fed First Lady Shiranthi Rajapakse.

    (1) During the year 2007/2008, Dr. Bandaranayake maintains the above account in an active manner, with four debits to the value of Rs. 5,524,875.25 and eight credits to the value of Rs. 5,524,875.25 being transacted through the account. By 8th February 2008, a sum of Rs. 674,323.52 was lying to the credit of the account. On that date, the entire amount is withdrawn, thus reducing the balance to zero.

    Either the dear CJ is hitting big with the lottery or simply managing the accounts for her shady character of a husband. Or she has taken a few bribes from some VIPs.

    By the way, when people withdraw millions from a bank account in multiple times, there is usually a criminal element involved.

    • 0

      Oye! The average wage at west end is £50k i.e. SLRs 10.5 million per year and a 2 bed cost £2million.
      So since she gets from her sis who lives abroad the amount you question are peanuts.
      If you understand credit ratings you would do the same or better- in out; in out.

      • 0

        Are you saying our average folk lives in homes worth £2m + and have £50K + jobs in the west. Anyway, I thought her sister lives in Australia not the UK?

        • 0

          Not in Sri Lanka. Folk draw even £200K but the average taken by the government is 50 for the west end london. Therefore you can work out whereever her sister lives from government stats avaliable – from what I see there cannot be more than 30% diff.
          Meanwhile dont forget G.P.’s UK earn as much as £150-180K dont get annoyed there are many tamil G.P.’s in London who are very popular with westerners.

        • 0

          Leela London is the most expensive place in the world because everything happens in London.
          90% of the land is owned by 10% of the people and almost 80% of Westminster is owned by the Duke and he doesn’t need to sell- the multi billionaire oligarchs from Russia several of them can only have long leases of say 30 yrs. A Ukrainian purchased a four bed overlooking St James for 135million- money the root cause of all good rata bedanda epa; aney apeta apa oya hodin ina.

        • 0

          Typical Sinhala Mokkan or madaya. Never going to use his brain.

        • 0

          You may not know that I have lived in the UK (Hornsey and Wood Green also) for almost two decades. Right now, I have two children living nr Battersea Park as well. So, I am no stranger to London seen.

      • 0

        Who exactly is this sister and what is her occupation? But the CJ does not mention her sister or foreign remittances (unlike the Mihin Lanka guy caught with foreign currency who claimed its from his son in Australia). The CJ says she invested in new treasury bills every 7 days, and that her initial investment of 10K miraculously doubled by 10K every week for 52 weeks (1 year). The yield on her initial investment, then, is more than 100%, in only 2 weeks. I am not an expect in finance, but it is my understanding that a 1 year bill does not give such a high yield over such a short period of maturity. Or else, most of the population in Sri Lanka would be buying up bills (10K is not a huge figure) and with that kind of return, breaking the bank.

      • 0

        Her sister earns that kind of money in a foreign land ? WOW! She is not in the west end she is in Australia .

  • 0

    I repeat, if i had an account in NDB, I’d close it forthwith.

    A senior manager it is reported is giving private information to those from the Rajapakse regime.

    • 0

      Down with NDB! This bank does not know the meaning of “bank secrecy code”.

  • 0

    Oh my God….I could only laugh how our modayas could not understand these simple transaction….making it a big ha..ho…in both print and radio TV.

    What are those “gon harakas” going to do now……Where was that famous Amis the ever panditha FINANCE MINISTER. Couldn’t he figure this out. Where was Mr.Kabaral. Was he shopping to buy real estate in USA.

    I could only recall what my father said which was a true story.

    When the Portuguese came to Sri Lanka….the sinhalese saw them eating breakfast….came running to the king and said that those Kenibals are eating white stones and drinking blood.
    The King got upset and called his astrologer to find out what is the auspicious time to run away from Palace beofre the Kenibals come. Astrologer said the closest auspicious time will be after two days at 5.00(before dawn)
    The day before auspicious day night the Portuguese came to palace with a cart full of bread, cheese, grapes and wine.
    That day night for the first time the king and his anteraj had bread, cheese, grapes and whine and got drunk and fell sleep…..and the portuguese had the access to his harem…..the rest is history…..

    Still the history is repeating daily in my lovely Sri Lanka…..for how long….nobody knows.

    • 0

      This is interesting. ‘……………..and the portugese had access to his harem…the rest is history’.
      This was not in any history book – we read “Our Heritage by G.C.Mendis Parts I&II” in the forties.
      How many children were born with portugese blood?
      Where/who are their descendents now – is ‘Yapa’ a portugese name?

      Click ‘nilaperumal’ on Google,you will get many links with the sinhala/english/dutch/portugese Genetic Soup Mix.

      You are right – the fools are adding up amounts in all the bank accounts,ignoring the fact that the same amount is transferred to the next account – minus or plus the interest accrued – during the 7 days of the Treasury Bill period.

      • 0


        Yes, just ask from Mervin Silva…..and other SILVAS…….I think they know best….about our pure Sinhala Blood…..and about fore fathers….and M…….s.

        Yes these are the types who prepare our Budgets…and governing Central Bank while leaking CJ financial reports to Sunday Observer.What were they looking at….. I feel sorry for the moda 117 “yes Sir” parliament dwarfs.

        There should be a limit to Jokes and Stupidity…..but I don’t see an end to them.

  • 0

    As if Rajapaksa clans are clean saints, If we get the chance to dig into their bank accounts & shady contracts they could be sent to jail for life.

    A farce select committee taking revenge on CJ.

  • 0

    Leela So long as person like you live on this earth Rajapaksas can survive Alas Sri Lanka has reached the target the Hub of Educatio n Thanks God’Leela rub your eyes and see the correct world.

  • 0

    The country would also like to see the financial statements of ALL the leaders in the country.
    Let’s start with the Rajapaksa’s who have been instrumental in accusing the CJ.
    Show us the money. Lead by example.

  • 0

    Anyone knows the background of CJs Doctrate? Pls enlighten us. She is really worthy of her position, acting calm and collected while her lawyers doing all the hard work to see her thru this crisis. She must also be fearing the wrath of the Rajapaksha regime, if it does not work out in their favor. Fear for herself and her family.

    • 0

      Do not have any doubts about CJ’s education and intelligence….she is one of the best and a woman to be admired!

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    Who is there to question these cronies starting from MaRa himself, what happened to help himself to tsunami funds, Helping Hambantota, 8 Iron safes of Gold robbed from citizens by LTTE and passed over to government by KP, commissions earned from purchase of weapons, ships, planes etc., the list goes on and on. And now thee very people question financial misconduct of CJ who has nothing to hide, and has come out in the open with her hands clean.

  • 0

    Defending the CJ, Neelakandan Neelakandan wrote in item v); “our client had investments in Government Treasury Bills which were invested for short periods of time because our client felt that she may have to access these monies at short notice.” Example shown by Neelakandans’ on the CJ’s investment therein was a pathetic 10,000/= Rupees. That is not fair.

    Neelakandans should have taken a more likely and easily calculable amount Rs. 1,000,000/= as their example, if their client, the CJ’s aim was not to mislead the public by showing the sum is paltry. But for NGOs, their pay masters and their representatives, ‘the Haultsdorf Sharks’ the game was ‘regime change’. They would do anything to achieve it.

    CJ’s one bank account at NSB shows: During the period (2011/2012), she had a sum of Rs.256,414,342.34 in debits. And she had withdrawn those debits in 88 instances ostensibly to invest in treasury bonds. Being an investor myself, I can categorically say that there are no seven day treasury bills. They are either 3, 6 or 12 months issues.

    Anyway, if all that money (Rs.256,414,342.34) from 88 debits were invested in three months bills, and not come back to the bank her net worth works out to be Rs.64,103,585.58 today. If it has come back to the bank and reinvested in CB bills her net worth will be a quarter of that – Rs.16025896.39.

    If she had invested all of it in six months bonds, she is worth Rs.128,207,171.17. If it has come back to the bank and reinvested in CB bills her net worth will be a half of that – Rs.64103585.585.

    If she had invested it in one year bonds, she is worth Rs. 256,414,342.34.

    Either case, that is no small for a wage earner even for a one like the CJ in Sri Lanka. Neither is it a small sum to have in cash even for her engineer sister domiciled in Australia. That is one reason why I would be reluctant to buy that tale of the sister’s power of attorney and etc. In any case, if engineer sister had sent the money, her bank statements should have reflected it. Does she need time to prove that?

    One more question, how many of you wage earners who live in the west have the earning capacity to ‘save’ this much in cash eh? Don’t forget engineer sister has not touched her pension funds yet. Besides, all these CB securities are available to foreign investors in most foreign currency denominations. It is mindboggling to understand why the CJ or her sister not taken that line to avoid possible depreciation of the shaky rupee and tax complications in Sri Lanka. I wouldn’t buy that yarn.

    It may well be that none of the 14 charges has any connection to any of these monies. However, unfolding these assets in Treasury bills and particularly that was not declared to tax authorities at the PSC cannot be stopped. Not to mention leaking it out to the press.

    Hence, the CJ has chose the confrontational route. She may have hoped financial and political gains like SF had. Financial gains may be, but definitely not political gains for Eelam aspirators, NGO cahoots, pseudo democrats, green brigades and red blooded revolutionaries cannot stick together for long. She better remember the pit falls as well.

    For one thing, we ‘uneducated’ villages certainly do not want Sri Lanka to be Egypt today is.

    • 0

      Leela , I have worked in the west for 40 years . My husband has worked in Australia as an engineer from time to time . I very well know the wages paid to engineers. . No way could both of us ever dream of that kind of savings together ,when both of us are professionals.

    • 0

      The Commissioner General of Inland Revenue who would have access to her financial matters,would have by now filed action in courts if there were unaccounted sums in her bank accounts.
      I myself invested in similar manner in four finance companies – One Year deposits were reinvested on maturity,with interest accrued, for another year and again on maturity for a third year and so on.
      Thus funds were safe,and the process conveniant.
      Thus I built up a fair sum for retirement,while paying my taxes each year.Many people do this,with their retirement gratuities.
      If all “(re)deposits” for ten years are added,there will be a colossal sum (!) only on paper!
      This is what the Sunday Observer ‘genius’ has done and the ‘intellectuals’ of the PSC have swallowed same!!!!!

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