6 February, 2025


Chichi’s Step Dad-In-Law Caught Secretly Filming Girls: Cinnamon Grand And Police Cover Up

Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa’s youngest son Rohitha Rajapaksa’s stepfather-in-law N.V. Thivakaran has been accused of being a pervert, who secretly films girls in public in a Twitter message that is going viral in social media circles.

Thivakaran Vaikunda Nadar

The Twitter account belongs to a person that uses the name Sanashan12, who claims that the incident took place at the Cinnamon Grand Hotel Colombo 3, on the 6th February 2021.

N.V. Thivagaran (Thivakaran Vaikunda Nadar) is currently married to Deirdre De Livera who is Rohitha Rajapaksa aka Chichi’s wife Tatyana Lee Jayaratne’s biological mother.

Based on N.V. Thivakaran’s marital connections which now has direct links to the ruling President Nandasena Gotabaya Rajapaksa and Prime Minister Rajapaksa family, Twitter users have begun expressing their displeasure that both the Cinnamon Grand Hotel Colombo and the Police are now making every attempt to cover up this incident.

The initiator of the Tweet sharing a picture of N.V. Thivakaran, states that a group of girls were seated near the coffee shop at the Cinnamon Grand Hotel Colombo, when one of them realized that he was looking at them and doing something with his phone.

The girl who found N.V. Thivakaran’s behaviour to be abnormal had soon called her sister, who was in the hotel’s vicinity and got her friend to walk up to the accused pervert and take a look at what he was doing.

She had soon found out that he was in fact secretly filming them and had confronted him.

N.V. Thivagaran had then immediately shut his phone.

He was asked to delete what he had recorded, but not before the girl claimed that he had already shared his filmed video of them on a WhatsApp group.

The person who posted the Tweet stated that she was very disappointed that the Cinnamon Grand Hotel staff did not come forward to help a bunch of girls.

“I got to know that he is always at Cinnamon Grand who comes to take videos of girls! All the girls please be careful of these kinda perverts and secure yourself!” the Tweet further read.

She concluded her message by stating “Every girl is facing/experiencing such incidents in our day to day life. I’ve experienced a lot and I stepped forward today to create awareness for other girls out there”.

Meanwhile other girls who have been victimized in a similar manner by the same an N.V. Thivagaran also soon took to tweeting their experiences.

“OMG same thing happened to me and my friends and we were wondering why he was holding the phone and looking at us the whole time. Like literally staring at us the whole time! OMG so scary. He must be having so many videos.”

Another Tweet posted read “This guy is always at the coffee shop. At least whenever I’ve been there. He scans you from top to bottom like he is mentally stripping you out of your clothes man. He is really disgusting. My friends and I one day specially faced the same issue! We were going back to our table after ordering our food and this guy was videoing us the whole time. Even after we sat down and once we noticed and moved the table, we didn’t confront him at that time but I am so glad you took that step against such a sick human. I was told the same by the Cinnamon Grand Management, that he is a regular who lives in a luxury apartment. It’s ridiculous how these “powerful” sick people can get away with things like this.

A further message posted on Twitter by a user named Senuri read “I re-posted on IG and Cinnamon Grand reached out to me with the following response”

Cinnamon Grand Colombo’s response in their request to have the post taken down read “Hi Senuri, Thank you for bringing this to our attention. The safety and privacy of all our guests is our first priority. Management has reached out to the guest and have directly resolved the issue with her. We do not tolerate misconduct of this nature and are taking the necessary steps to redress this. If you do have any further clarifications on this, do let us know. As next steps, we have had higher management reach out to the young lady and directly resolve the matter with her. We are also looking into this internally to see how better we can sensitize employees on redressing measures to deal with such. Management is looking into misconduct with the guest mentioned in the story as well. Taking all of the above into account, we would appreciate it if you could take down this story. If you would like further updates on the steps we are taking in future, do share with us your email/contact num and we would be more than happy for management to reach out to you. Thank you in advance and have a good weekend.”

However whilst refusing to take down her post Senuri replied “Hi, I choose to give you the benefit of the doubt and believe you when you say that you have resolved this issue with the girl who experienced this and you are taking the necessary steps to redress it. But please.educate and train your staff to take proactive measures during situations of this sort, because it is a violation of basic human rights and anyone who is victimized deserves protection from our society, I believe we can do immense change for the better. Thank you for making the choice to address this issue head on. However, I wish to keep the story up in the interest of young girls and boys out there as they should be aware of things like this that they could potentially experience as well. I will post your response on my story with hopes that it diffuses the negative attention to your organization. Again, thank you for your quick response and attention to the issue at hand.”

Many Tweets that were posted earlier by several other victims who had suffered a similar fate at the hands of the accused N.V. Thivakaran, have now begun to mysteriously be deleted.

Colombo Telegraph reliably learns that the victim had proceeded to make an official complaint at the Police Station in Kollupitiya.

However further reports reaching Colombo Telegraph indicates that the Management of Cinnamon Grand Colombo had also visited the Police Station at Kollupitiya and in their quest to protect both the image of the hotel and their regular customer N.V. Thivakaran, have provided a statement indicating that an incident as such did not take place in their hotel premise.

All attempts to contact N.V. Thivakaran for a comment on this incident proved futile.

Earlier in 2012, N.V. Thivakaran was also highlighted in a published story by Colombo Telegraph when he was embroiled in an incident at the Museum Night Club at Galle Face Hotel with former UNP Member of Parliament Dunesh Gankanda.

The former MP from Ratnapura Gankanda had bitten the nose of N.V. Thivakaran who was left bleeding profusely.

Thivakaran was subsequently hospitalized at both the General Hospital and then Nawaloka Hospital and had undergone multiple surgeries to have his nose repaired. (Janaka Ranaweera and Kumudu Goonaratne) 

Latest comments

  • 46

    What else can we expect in today’s context ? Country has gone to dogs. People are to be blamed if not media mafia.😉😉😉😉😉😉

    • 11

      “Country has gone to dogs.”
      Dogs do it all the time, with their noses. Watch carefully next time your dog meets a lady dog.
      Anyway, this affair shows that there is big demand from older coots like Thiagarajah for Google education. It is pathetic that, in this day and age, and being rich enough to live at a 5-star hotel, the guy makes his own videos, when much better ones are available without the risk of yuppie attacks on Twitter.
      Isn’t there a techie out there who can organise classes for these poor souls?

      • 4

        Sorry, it’s Thivakaran.

    • 5

      Did it need those multiple screenshots and a lengthy description? He deserves no mercy, but this article looks like mud raking.

    • 0

      “Country has gone to dogs. “
      Did you mean the Rajapakse’s?

  • 8

    The Rajapaksa’s will use their influence and hush this up. The powerful and the wealthy in Sri Lanka have their ways of getting out of trouble, and making scandals go away. The Rajapaksa sons are frequent patrons of Cinnamongrand, and soon this will be yet another forgotten scandal. Isn’t life “grand” in Sri Lanka?

    • 15

      Of course they will thousands of Tamil women and girls were raped by the Sri Lankan army in the North and East during the war. The Lankan media never covers that its because Tamil peoples lives dont matter right. They are treated worst than dogs in Sri Lanka right?

      • 5

        How many of these ‘thousands’ can you name ?

  • 9

    My Dear LL: This society has got used to “Classify” perverts only in connection with “sex” and “sexual urges”. Is that the only class of “perverts” we encounter in our society? No. There are very many of that “Type”. One very visible type is the “Political Perverts”. Have you ever checked the meaning of “Pervert”? The dictionary will enumerate and describe “Pervert” (v) as: ” to cause somebody to turn aside or away from what is good, true or morality; to corrupt; to divert(something) to wrong use or purpose to misuse; to twist the meaning or sense of something to misinterpret”. In (n) form it would be some “Person” who does one or many of the above “actions”. Now with the above narration can you even “imagine” how many “Perverts” are in the Legislature, Executive, Beaurocracy, Legal fields, in Social Activities and in Media? The above “incident” reported is just a drop in the ocean compared to the “Perverts” operating in “Public Arena” with “Blessings” of “Majority” vote, that which is used by the “Perverts” to “SHIELD” all those above-mentioned activities. Aren’t these the large “Group” of “Perverts” that the society must be “CAUTIONED”? YES.

  • 2

    Cinnamon Grand Colombo – Is this the Ponny was hiding when Old King’s Army chasing with rifles? That time I thought this hotel may be a decent one, free of usual Lankawe Thuggish norms? Not all whites are milk!

  • 7

    Although it is creepy and ill-mannered, I don’t think this person has not done anything illegal unless the girls are under 18 or the hotel has expressly prohibited recording or photography. There is no expectation of privacy at the the coffee shop. Places where a person could have a reasonable expectation of privacy are a person’s residence or hotel room or a toilet. Anyhow, privacy is not explicitly recognized as a fundamental right in the Sri Lanka’s constitution. Unfortunately, media and the government do not educate the public about their rights to privacy.

  • 8

    As usual much ado about nothing.

    He was taking pics in a public area. not a toilet or something. There is something wrong with these girls as far as I think. Too sensitive. This is the problem with these Asian women. All prudes.

    • 2

      a14455 / February 9, 2021

      What a servility ? Judge make hard judgements for having insulted the highly corrupted judiciary. Nothing seems to work serving the justice to the victims in such cases.
      They today pay blind eye to serious issues. So you talk about ” as usual much ado about nothing “. ? Go to the nearest psychologist in order you to get clear your senses… That could atleast help you close circles. Dont you think so ?

      • 1

        You should continue to take your medication you psychopath Spending every single minute hating on Nandasena.

        • 0

          Slave a14455 / February 11, 2021

          My dog would have been much more mannered than Medamulana rascals who sucks the last blood drop of the poor in this country. So I have my reasoning behind my thoughts.

    • 2

      I totally agree with you.

  • 7

    What’s the surprise!

    Some Rajapaksas are married to “interesting” families.

    • 4

      Tatjana and svetlana are most refering names in european sex industry.
      Please check it yourself for the clarity. But they have become srilanka’s tourists.. ha ha…
      when would Rajapakses ever be able to see it right ? So called gigantic development projects stayed to their names only.. permament white elephants , not having thought it properly, but self proclamations work further since cirminals become the leaders from top to bottom. Even sirisa TV invites wandibattayas of all low life to their monthly PROGRAM – Satana.

  • 11

    Well what more can you expect from extremist sinhala buddhist who proudly claim their mothers committed beastiality by sleeping with a lion and their lord they now down in worship to has eaten human flesh. Such people will always rush to cover up crony scum. Now the next step is to give this perv a ministry or put him into parliament. #thesrilankandream
    I’m so glad I know so many sinhala people who have given up these ludicrous beliefs. But as we see there still are fools (majority of 69 lakh) that need rehabilitation from beastiality thoughts and cannibalistic tendencies.

    • 1

      sitrep24 as usual turns everything into ‘extremist sinhala buddhists’ even when the accused is a Tamil. What went wrong? Blunt scissors at your circumcision?

  • 12

    ‘Thivakaran was subsequently hospitalized at both the General Hospital and then Nawaloka Hospital and had undergone multiple surgeries to have his nose repaired’
    It’s not his nose that needs surgery.

  • 8

    I cannot understand what is the thrill this guy gets out of videoing girls in a restaurant who are enjoying the food and engaged in girlish chatter. It is such a normal thing that one can witness anywhere and it is not as if the girls had come in there half-naked. If he was feeling so frustrated and horny he could easily go to a massage parlour or brothel and have a more enjoyable time there with a happy ending. Sick behaviour for a man of his age and status, I must say!

  • 8

    LM & CT,

    You people deserve to take a break. Best you look for a more practical occupation. Because he is distantly connected to the Royals it becomes sensational news for you. Otherwise no one would pay any notice of. You are attracted by molehills at the neglect of Himalayas. There is rampant judicial corruption which adversely affects and destroys lives of the masses but it fails to capture your minuscule imagination. We sure live in an upside down world.

  • 10

    Oh how wonderful that the south is rising up to defend these girls I wish they would do the same for all the Tamil women who were raped and even murdered by the Sri Lankan army. Some were even children. If you stand for truth cover the truth about everything dont pick and choose your stories.

  • 9

    Sri Lankan media are very biased they rarely cover the suffering of the Tamils and mostly hide issues involving Tamils or Muslims to oppress them. The killings of the Tamils in 2009 is a major issue outside of Sri Lanka and is all over the news in the West and Europe. The UNHRC has just made a new report on how bad the Tamils suffered in 2009 at the hands of the Sri Lankan army yet the media in Sri Lanka claims they are war heroes. What a joke. War heroes don’t rape and murder children. If its only some in the military that did that then they should be charged the fact that these criminals are being protected by the Sinhala people is shameful but then again I dont expect any better from the Sinhala people they know and everyone knows who killed Lasantha instead of sending him to jail he was elected to lead the country. I hope most Sri Lankans know that outside of Sri Lanka everyone knows about the abuses and they all think Sri Lanka is a garbage country. Sri Lanka has lost all its respect in the eyes of the civilized countries of this World. Hopefully the true lovers of the country can fix it before its too late.

  • 5

    While the hotel has to act firmly in matters of such nature, it is dangerous to require hotel staff to play police in matters which may not seem unusual to an average hotel guest.
    There are effective ways to deal with such issues. One can promptly seek the help of the hotel management to catch the culprit in the act.
    If the management fails to act correctly, there is cause to complain.

    • 4

      Is it worth questioning about Hotel not having acted properly or the stuff knowing the battle ground is made today only in favour of any criminals ?

      What kind of effective way you think would be available in today’s context ?

      If even a criminal dog would belong to that brutal family, self-adulated family that could get exonerated from on going crime investigations easily in today s context. Is not that so ?

      We perfectly know that Judges and Uni professors are surrendered to them. Prof.Lakshiri Fernando publicly continues his servility, as we lately noticed from his articles.

      I really dont know few judges could react so but entire LAWYER/JUDGE community to stay mum yet as nothing can be done in today s lawlessness ?

      Like for example, the very same judges that worked for crime investigations based on the dozens of high crimes then turned out to be silent today when so called presidential commissions being setup by incumbent president highlighting their henchmen with prima facie proofs on their high perpetrations. Govt is changed, but Judges and Professors in Unversities remain the same.

  • 3

    Men and women take photos all the time. Not sure I understand what the fuss is about.

    • 4

      @Sonali … To make it more clear while not so nice to post in public … The fuss is all about placing a camera in between your leg without your consent and shared without your knowledge … Breach of privacy … If you still believe something like that do exists after 69 lacks not favour for such decency.

    • 3

      I am telling you, taking photos of someone else without consent is a high criminal act in Europe. In srilanka they abuse their freedom when taking pictures today. Such youtube videos are becoming a threat to freedom of all as of today. Most of them are either YOUTUBERS or various other reasons as is the case with that gown wearing bitch s son and co. Iraja weeratne.
      This is a real stroy about a mother who complained about a similar incident.

      I happened to notice a middle mother (good looking) with her attractive teenanger daughter complaining about the an incident lately me being boarded on a fastest train in Germany. There, board steward/conductor asked the phototaker (good looking man in suit,, should be senior officer in a company)to delete all what conductor found in his mobile phone. He had no other options but to delete. If he denied, he would lose almost everything – EU countries would not ignore the kind of incidents. But lawlessness governing srilanka would not know HUMAN rights.. how can they if they are not upto to safeguard the basics ?

  • 3

    Colombotelegraph is trying to make a big issue out of this because of his relationship with the Rajapakshas. As if this guy is the only one who has filmed a girl from his phone. I am sure there were other things exposed otherwise why would a man film someone like that.

  • 1

    @Dayan, there is no expectation of privacy at a coffee shop in a hotel. If you want privacy. stay home. Educate yourself about privacy before commenting.

  • 0

    @Dayan, what privacy at a coffee shop. If you want privacy. stay home. Educate yourself about privacy before commenting.

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