By Colombo Telegraph –
The Communist Party of Sri Lanka (CPSL) has decided not to be involved in any manner in the impeachment of the Chief Justice, Colombo Telegraph understands. This decision was taken at a meeting of the Central Committee of the Party held on 15 December. Sources told Colombo Telegraph that there had been severe critism against the impeachment process. Central Committee members had pointed out that it was important to see the real reasons behind the impeachment. They had stated that while the immediate reason was the judgment of the Supreme Court in the Divineguma Bill, the long-term aim is to have a judiciary that is subservient to the Mahinda Rajapaksa regime.
While the decision not to get involved was unanimous, Minister Chandrasiri Gajadheera had been conspicuously silent. An attempt by Raja Collure, known to be pro-regime, to allow the final decision to be taken in consultation with the other Left parties had been shouted down by Central Committee members. “We must inform the other Left parties of our decision and if possible get them around to our position”, several members had stated. CPSL sources told Colombo Telegraph that members were concerned that whatever the wishes of the majority were, the leaders would get together with the leaders of the LSSP and the Democratic Left Front and act contrary to their wishes. They were particularly suspicious of the role played by Minister Vasudeva Nanayakkara.
The Central Committee also decided to call for explanation from trade union leader H.W. Piyadasa who was filed an application in the Supreme Court on behalf of the Government opposing an application against the impeachment. Piyadasa was conspicuous by his absence at the Central Committee meeting.
Related posts;
Old Left Or Dead Left – Betrayal Of Sri Lankans
Ruling Coalition Partner Communist Party Says They Are Not For Impeachment Of CJ
Inauspicious Start For Impeachment Motion Handed Over At Auspicious Time
They Are Holding “Pandam” – Collure
nalinP / December 21, 2012
I predict that finally DEW, Tissa Vitarana and Vasideva Nanayakkara will vote for the impeachment. After all, there is going to be a Cabinet reshuffle soon. How can they live without being Ministers?
Mohmar / December 21, 2012
Exactly. Last days in life and means for survival is needed. Therefore, shed the principles (Oh they have been shed long before).
Katmai / December 21, 2012
The sad part about it is that these people (parties) still think they have principles when everyone looking on can see clearly that they don’t.
Quick Fox / December 21, 2012
These guys are turncoats! What can we expect from them. The only way they can be ministers is by supporting the President as they do not have the support of the masses. They are the spent force. Puss Wedilla.
Dinuk / December 22, 2012
The communist party and old left is dead and it is only doddering dodos like DEW, Vasu and Tissa who hae sold their souls to the devil Rajapassa that think it is alive!
BEGONE VASU TISSA DEW – geriatrics who a living off the people rather than representing them!
Leela / December 22, 2012
Dirty dirty communists
L. Jayasooriya / December 22, 2012
I never liked any of these men.
L. jayasooriya
commando 695 / December 21, 2012
There is nothing new here.
Even for the 18th Amendment the Central Committees of all Dead Left parties resolved to oppose the Amendment.
However at voting time their spineless members in Parliament raised their hands quite merrily in support of the amendment.
Vasudeva quipped that “…we are against the amendment in principle – but wiii support it in practice”
He must now be busy hatching up an outrageous punch line for the Impeachment as well.
This foul mob of pseodo Leftists will rot in hell.
Jagath Jayaweera / December 21, 2012
The Communist Party is such an influential organisation in Sri Lanka the government will be really worried!
Even pakiyasothy Saravanamuttu and J.C.Weliamuna have more supporters in Sri Lanka than the CP.
They are an irrelevance.
Siri / December 21, 2012
Looks like they do not want to miss out on a state funeral!
capucine / December 25, 2012
who will attend their funeral? remember JRJ,GD and Premadasa
Sudu Akka / December 21, 2012
* Against the constitution
* Trying to rouse int’l interest
Chamikara WEEWRASINGHE and Jayantha De SILVA
Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake yesterday filed a writ application in the Court of Appeal asking court to issue a writ of certiorari to invalidate the three charges she (CJ) was found guilty of recently by the Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC). In addition the petition prays for an interim injunction preventing the respondents taking any future steps in this regard, until the final determination by the Court. The petition is to be considered by the Court of Appeal today.
The petition cites the Speaker the General Secretary and the eleven members of the PSC as respondents. The petition alleges that seven members of the PSC who probed the impeachment charges against the CJ had submitted a report of the PSCs findings which is against the Constitution. The petition further states that she has been subject to injustice.
Meanwhile, Vice President of Bar Association of Sri Lanka and senior lawyer Anoma Goonathilaka and some other legal experts yesterday stated there is no provision in the constitution that enables Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayaka to make any application before a Court of Appeal against a Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) that has conducted an impeachment trial against her.
Anoma Goonathilaka said, there is no applicability or validity in the application filed against the PSC by Chief Justice Dr Bandaranayaka.
“The impeachment process regards the Chief Justice was based on the Constitution and the Standing Orders of Parliament,” she pointed out.
“I think Chief Justice Bandaranayaka has done this in an attempt to drag the process with an intention to discredit the House,” she said.
There are no provisions in the Constitution to challenge the findings of a Parliamentary Select Committee over a case of an impeachment trial involving articles of charges pertaining to misbehavior and professional misconduct of a Chief Justice, she explained. “This kind of an application is null and void before Appeal Courts,” she added.
Goonathilaka said that it appears that Chief Justice Dr Shirani Bandaranayaka is trying to lead her case against the Constitution.
“We have reasons to believe that she is trying to complicate a normal constitutional process that impeached her on charges of misbehavior, with her current actions,” she said. Other lawyers echoed Mrs Goonetilleke’s sentiments. “She is trying to rouse international interest with a view to wielding an undue advantage over her impeachment trial,” she added.
Sudu Akka / December 21, 2012
BASL President is a disgrace to all the legal fratanity in SrLanka. He is a UNP MP out to embarrass the Government through the BASL. Heis a traitor. He should be thankful to the President who rid this country from terrorism which made it possible for him to hold street demonstrations and dash coconuts in places of religious worship. The Chief Justice is also a shameless woman trying to hold on to her position after being found guilty of misconduct . All those who support these traitors are themselves traitors. If not for Nahonda these traitors will be pulling rickshaws with the Sun God Pravakaran seated in the rickshaws. What were these pundits doing when the Tigers were holding courts and trying civilians and executing them in their Kangaroo Courts? The JVP also did the same in 1961? Where were these big mouthed freedom fighters then? Mahinda should sack the entire Supreme and Appeals Court Judges and appoint fresh members to the judiciary. The Government in power should not allow some crooks to run the justice system in the country.
Raja / December 22, 2012
They should not allow crooks in teh Justice but in their Family so that the ruling family can rob well and truly
capucine / December 25, 2012
Sud Akke,please find a rat snake to keep you happy
douglas / December 21, 2012
Please be paatient and tolerant. This is their last breadth and let all these so called “left” aged leadership vanish into thin air.If you trace back the history, all the left leaders ended up as “Job Hunters” and placed themselves in positions of Ministers in various Governments and vanished.
sarath perera / December 22, 2012
Vasu,Dew,Thisssa,Batty had betrayed their conscience for mere tinsel portfolios long ago.They just move as puppets stringed by M.R.
All leftist govt supporters are the same.
Why can’t the leftists who voted for the 18 can’t vote for the impeachment or any Draconian bill brought by the govt?
Premalal / December 22, 2012
What the Left parties should do is to oppose the attempt to impeach the CJ,not to stay away from it.The wrong decisions taken by the CPSL and the LSSP in the past have made them weaker and unpopular among the people.95% of young people do not know even the existence of the CPSL and the LSSP.
Sahadevan / December 22, 2012
Now the old leadership of the Left should give up leadership and let the new generation to take over their parties.
kanthiw / December 23, 2012
Vasudewa refused to scantion UNDP funding for the annual Judges’ conference which is held over 2 day and now he says that if there is no anti-impeachment resolution passed at the conference, he will reimburse expenses. Well, no such resolution was even on the aganda. The judges collected the money, paying 4000 rupees each and restricted the meeting to one day. His daughter’s father-in-law, Justice Wigneswaran, was a guest speaker at the event and offered to pay his share but this was politely refused. The judges must refuse the money, even if offered now. Vasidewa did all this to show his colours to MR. A few days back, Tissa Vitarana talked big at the LSSP annivesary before his comrades. But 2 days later he says Sri Lanka will send its first astronaut in 4 years. This is to get into the good books of MR. We all know who is aspiring to be an astronaut. DEW will say ‘we have to defeat the international conspiracy’. As nalinP predicts, all 3 will vote for the impeachment.Their supporters will have egg on their faces.
Premalal / December 23, 2012
When President Chandrika Bandaranaike tried to introduce a better constitution in 2000 Vasu was one who was opposed to it.Then I wondered why.Now I understand better.He has been an unprincipled person even at that time.His present behaviour has proved it beyond any doubt.
capucine / December 25, 2012
Collure do not lie.vasu,Dew and tissa will vote for the impeachment.
Mahela / December 29, 2012
These left party crooks are the worst crooks I have ever seen in life.
While they tour mostly in West, and their children study in Western Countries…..hey hoodwink their supporters with a dead ideology……
Vasu, Dew and Tissa……your ideologies are dead like you… long time ago.
So don’t hoodwink poor uneducated villagers, and bring your children home from West. Send them to Cuba…….as even china and Russia are reforming.