14 February, 2025


Counter-Terror Draft: We Are Shocked – TNA

The Tamil National Alliance (TNA) urged the Government to reconsider and urgently reformulate its proposals on the proposed Counter-Terrorism Act in light of the fundamental need to avoid torture and enforced disappearance, prevent abuse and effectively investigate actual threats to terrorism.


Issuing a statement today the TNA Spokesperson M. A. Sumanthiran PC said: “We are shocked by the extent to which the draft framework curtails civil liberties, erodes judicial control over the state security apparatus and the staggering potential for abuse and torture.”

We publish below the statement in full:

The Tamil National Alliance (TNA) is deeply concerned over Cabinet approval for a policy and legal framework relating to the proposed Counter-Terrorism Act. We have not been consulted on the terms of the draft framework, which has recently appeared in the press and appears to be a Cabinet memorandum approved on 25th April 2017. 

We are shocked by the extent to which the draft framework curtails civil liberties, erodes judicial control over the state security apparatus and the staggering potential for abuse and torture. We are unequivocally committed to supporting a legal framework that would prevent and punish acts of terrorism in a manner that is lawful, in compliance with fundamental rights and the rule of law. To this end, we have engaged constructively in Parliament. We are therefore deeply perturbed by the turn the government’s latest draft has taken.

 We observe that the proposed definition of terrorism would extend far beyond activities defined internationally as terrorism, replicating restrictions on free speech that have previously been used to punish dissenting voices including politicians and journalists such as Azath Salley and J. S. Tissainayagam among others. The definitions are also exceedingly vague and indeterminate, and would would have a chilling effect on advocacy in favour of greater diversity in Sri Lanka.

Moreover, the proposed framework envisages the unconstitutional stripping of judicial discretion even where a suspect is produced before a Magistrate after arrest, and renders the judge a virtual appendage of the executive arm. The safeguards which we believe are essential to prevent torture—such as eliminating confessions—were initially assured, but have since been reversed. The present framework envisages the admissibility of confessions under certain conditions, which are deeply inadequate to prevent torture and abuse given the widespread and continuing practice of torture in Sri Lanka. Moreover, the Act also permits the extensive violation of the rights of those wholly unconnected with terrorism.

 We urge the Government to reconsider and urgently reformulate its proposals in light of the fundamental need to avoid torture and enforced disappearance, prevent abuse and effectively investigate actual threats to terrorism. The proposed framework neither ensures the security nor the liberty of Sri Lankans. Instead, it represents an attempt to enlarge the scope of unchecked executive power over the citizen, stifle freedom of speech and diversity, and provide the necessary loopholes for continued torture and abuse. We wish to reiterate that the protection of the rights of our citizens–particularly given the legacy of horrific past abuses–should not be sacrificed on the altar of trade concessions.

Latest comments

  • 14

    What else can you expect from the one time Political Wing of the Liberation Tigers of Thamil Eeelaam..

    With Bodhi Sira on the brake pedal of Dr Batalanda Ranil’s Yahapalana Eelaam Constitution, Vellala Kid wants to keep the TNA options open..

    Didn”t the Colombo Media report that ITAK wants to recruit the 12000 LTTE Cadres who have been let loose?…

    • 18

      if THE LTTE involved in violence you criticize them, saying why cant they abandon violence and involve in political negotiations. If the political party involved in democratic dialogue with the government, also criticize them. What else can you expect from BBS terrorists? You criticize everything until you achieve your own political agenda. You Govigama, dont care about Dalits just care about other races and religions.

      • 12

        Forget about these BBS terrorists AJ. Good ole Sumane needs to have something to chew his betel with.

        My problem is that the TNA and Mr PC says he is shocked by the CTA when all along, he had been saying that they were ‘in control’ of the process! It is because the TNA supported the Gvt that the EU did not protest too much when this CTA draft was peddled.

        Now, what is this shock?? Hypocrisy.

        • 9

          You certainly mistook my comment out of context.
          But I have something to say about your comment.

          If we are forgetting about BBS terrorists why cant we also forget about what TNA telling we are in control of the process. Double standard?

          When did the TNA say they are in ‘control’ of it. Control and ‘involve’ are fundamentally different concepts. I can imagine when somebody is involved but the draft did not incorporate their involvement, then they are shocked at the outcome.

          • 3

            AJ, in your passion to defend Mr PC, you have missed the important meaning of the English word ‘sarcasm’ when you talk of forgetting in one and not forgetting in another. My point was that a crackpot like Sumane does not need to be responded to. So what he/she says can be forgotten.

            But when a national party like the TNA states something, that is different. It says it is standing up for the Tamils but professes full faith in the CTA being revised by the Government satisfactorily last year (check your press reports and online media reports on that) when it was sneaked to the public, and now cries and laments. There is something fishy! THAT is hypocrisy. perhaps you should be taught the meaning of that word as well.

            Who will believe that the TNA did not know about this until the newspapers published?? Only morons!Perhaos like you.

            • 4

              1) I have a passion for defending PC? Or is that a sarcasm too? Lol who is PC and why are you writing in short forms like Indisns ? and how did I defend this person ?
              2) forgetting one thing and not forgetting other is not sarcasm. Sarcasm refers to iincongrugal irony. I was an English literature teacher before I completed my doctorate is psychology. So don’t worry about teaching sarcasm to me.
              3) you idiot don’t accuse me of saying something which I didn’t. Go back and read what I initially wrote. My comment was purely about double standard logic. Typical BBS terrorists idea to twist others idea into something else. I don’t have time for your propaganda. Take it up with Gnasara

              • 1

                Oh dear! AJ has got his pants in a right royal twist!

                • 2

                  at least i got pants, you got a safron saree without a blouse

                  • 1

                    Get your pants untwisted, dear AJ, dear AJ…!

                    • 1

                      [Edited out]

                    • 0

                      ok dear

                  • 0

                    This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/

        • 2

          “”Now, what is this shock?? Hypocrisy. “2

          That’s an understatement for aluth mudalalis of colombo 7

          He has picked “”the `opportunity` after creating the opportunity””**. Just like the CJ Banda impeachment as if we have never seen better exponents of the law and much more eloquent.
          Fault lies with the stupid people who hero worship Vasu and his understudy.
          ** Creating the opportunity and picking it up is Anglo American social donkey style.

      • 5


        Can the primitive Tamil – barbarians understand if they were talked to ?

        • 5

          Primitive Tamils do not understand gay monks. because Tamils are straight unlike cross dressing monk-eys. Why dont you ask your colleague to disrobe and join the YMCA

        • 5

          stop being attention seeking drama queen. or may be you are a ‘drag queen’ looking for attention

          • 1

            AJ, jim shitty is more like drag queen, not a drama queen.

      • 2


        if THE LTTE involved in violence you criticize them, saying why cant they abandon violence and involve in political negotiations.

        there is nothing to negotiate with anyone for giving a homeland in Sri lanka.

        Sri lanka was Sinhala buddhist for over 2300 years. It is true Tamils invaded from time to time. similarly, sionhala kings haxd ruled south indian Tamilnadu parts.

        Only after 1900, all these homeland concet came because of the Tamils brought by and settled by dutch and british.

        • 4


          I never said you should negotiate with LTTE. you said it in end of November 2016: Tamil terrorists should learn that the violence is not the answer and they should learn to negotiate”.

          The problem with you is you forget what you say. Each time you create a different standard of logic to suit you but you forget what you previously set a different standard of logic.

          I am not here to argue Sinhala budhist or Tamils were here before. It has nothing to with what I said. Readers know it doesn’t matter now who were here now. It appears you want some acknowledgment that Sinhalese were in Sri Lanka before Tamils.

          You are the one who has a “sinhale’ separatist ideology here. Don’t project your ideology into others.

    • 4


      You rehabilitated JVP trained Double Doctor to do Humanitarian Rescue Mission in Mullivaikkal. You cannot help out Vella Abraham to rehabilitate the LTTE cadres?

      • 1


        They have to go through the ‘accountability’ process prior to which they have to be rearrested.


        • 3


          I agree with you Sama.

          Two men were taken as criminals by Chunnakam Police. Now, You know what happened to Chunnakam Police Station case. Verdict: Victim was falsely arrested, unnecessarily taken to Kilinochchi without informing a judge, Tortured and murdered – Each Police (5), including the station OIC 10 years vigorous + 25 lakhs SLR.

          Like that all 250,000 standing out to pay for the 12,000

          Like in Chunnakam OIC and his gang, Old King and his gang of all 250,000 also should be investigated.

          All 12,000 has to be investigated by ICC or Tamil lawyers and judges and should get their compensation.

          • 0


            Yes, yes, definitely all. All 250000,Command structure including Rajapakshas, 12000, TNA the political wing including Sampanthan, guys who funded arms purchase, you and your friends who peddled cyanide capsules etc.,etc.

            Some work to do isn’t it?

            Why this indecent hurry over ‘reconciliation’ I sometimes wonder. We waited 30 long years. Can’t we wait a bit more until ‘justice’ is done. I mean justice to all. Partial justice is injustice you sure will acknowledge?


      • 1

        Dear Native,

        Ask Suren or your mates in UNP London..

        • 3

          KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

          Who is Suren? Is he MR’s Benami in London?

          You implied as if you have critically reviewed the drat constitution hence my humble request.

          As far as I am aware Suren or no other person has claimed to have seen the constitution.

          As Sinhala/Buddhist tradition demands Ranil has to first show the drat to Sangha.

          Why do you sound like Bandula Jayasekara?

      • 1


        I thought the ex Cadres have been rehabilitated already, I know ITAK Preme wants to enroll them. May be it is re programing.

        Sampathar’s buddy Dr Ranil has not arrested or detained even one Tamil after his Yahapalanaya kicked in.

        But our Sinhala Buddhists monks who bottled fed baby elephants were incarcerated.

        So what is this big fuss?.

        I am shocked you called Mr Sumanthiran, Vella Abraham.. He is a thoroughbred Vellar , as I understand.

        He may even score a PC gig if he sucks up tp Bodhi Sira instead of licking Dr Ranil’s…

        • 1


          “Sampathar’s buddy Dr Ranil has not arrested or detained even one Tamil after his Yahapalanaya kicked in.”

          Tamils were neither arrested nor prosecuted from SP Sundaralingam time to PTA. They were arrested only after PTA. Now, even under PTA they find less Tamil targets to pick up. Yahapalanaya wants more rigours CTA(Central Bank Terror Act) and then they will start to pick up Mahendran and Aloysious (Tamils) to satisfy you.

          • 0

            Mally ,


            Singapore Mahendran and SIL Aloysious have pocketed 55,000 Million LKR already.

            All from poor inhabitants who pay EPF.

            Each has lost LKR 24,000 after Mahendran lent FPF money to Aloysious to buy the Yahpalanana Bonds.

            Now the Yahpalana suckers will have to pay another 65,000 Million to Singapore Mahendran and SIL over the next 30 years.

            Singapore Mahendran is even a few notches above Velupullai , when it comes to screwing the inhabitants.

          • 3


            “Tamils were neither arrested nor prosecuted from SP Sundaralingam time to PTA.”

            Not true.

            Many, more than 120 were arrested and detained for months without being charged between 1970 1973 in the North East. Please varify with Mavai Senathy, …..

    • 5

      KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

      “With Bodhi Sira on the brake pedal of Dr Batalanda Ranil’s Yahapalana Eelaam Constitution,”

      Could I have cite of the draft constitution.

  • 7

    What a joke! So Mr (recently named) PC did not know about this before it was published in the press?

    What jokers do they take all of us for?

  • 4

    Also a PS (along with a reminder that this is BS) – We are shocked that the TNA is shocked!

    Where was this Oversight Committee that was examining the CTA and in which Mr PC said that he had a lot of faith in, last year??

  • 1

    The last sentence just does not fit in with the preceding subject matter.

  • 8

    TNA keep shocking and keep telling to Tamils matters Yahapalanaya would do not do even on its deathbed.

    I think it was that o 4/25/17 Sampanthar announced that his secret solution is success and in two weeks it is coming out. But New King avoided accepting the Draft Constitution by staying too long at Kandy May Day. That is how he repeatedly played with the report of Special Task Force on Reconciliation Mechanism. At the end he never received.

    Everybody did know this game, revising the PTA, was played for EU’s GSP+.

    If TNA is really shocked it would draft a report to EU Trade Commissioner and send it requesting not to follow the guidance of the European Parliament.

    If TNA oppose this in parliament, to teach a lesson to opposing Tamils, Yahapalanaya will dould the draconian parts and pass it.

    Instead of wooing Yahapalanaya, TNA should design methods outside of Parliament to block this.

  • 5

    As in USA – Home security, is Water boarding approved too ?

    • 4

      Oh we are following US example now. Oh great when is the government going to set up the federal system ?

      • 0

        The day you guys device a federal arrangement which covers at least 90% of Tamils (Tamil speaking people) and present if for discussion.


        • 1

          who are ‘you guys’? Your dumb brain assumed that I am Tamil? haha

          Did I say I want a federal mechanism? I said if we are following the US’ arrangement we have to follow all of the arrangements, not cherry pick what is convenient for Jim

  • 2

    The last sentence in the statement of TNA spokesman is ambiguous.

    “We wish to reiterate that the protection of the rights of our citizens–particularly given the legacy of horrific past abuses–should not be sacrificed on the altar of trade concessions”.

    Does it refers to GSP+? If so clarify1 I am under the impression that EU is for human rights!

  • 1

    The Cabinet Memorandum has been approved on 25th APRIL 2017,whereby the Govt:replaced the Prevention of Terrorism Act[PTA] with this Counter-Terrorism ACT. The repeal of the PTA was to satisfy the EU so as to get the GSP+.
    Recently,the EU Parliament voted overwhelmingly for the restoration of GSP+.
    Now Srilanka is going to have the cake as well as eat it!
    Well just not the TNA EVEN THE EU PARLIAMENT has been taken for a ride!

    • 1


      Ask Brian Senevirathne to write another saying EU double crossed Tamils.

      • 3

        Actually Prof Brian already did in another news paper. Follow him on Tweeter so you will know.

  • 3

    PTA was used to settle old scores. Those affected were almost always on the wrong side of the language/religious divide.

    PTA has led to a shadow government consisting of the armed services and police. This shadow is loyal to …. you know who …. and is able to manipulate the present GoSL. The panic is clearly visible.

    The “Counter Terrorism Act” is yet another temporary fix. A permanent fix can only come through a change in mindset.

  • 4

    is the TNA and Sumanthiran really shocked?
    I mean after wining and dinning with My3 and Ranil

    or is this statement an eye wash to fool the ordinary Tamils

    • 3

      Absolutely agree. Eyewash for idiots who get taken for a ride!

  • 1

    THE BIGGEST JOKE OF OUR TIMES(Now Showing)….TERRORISTS COMMENTING ON COUNTER -TERRORISM ACT ……All People Of This Country should Wait And See More More Jokes Coming Ahead …..Cannot The Terrorists Be Rehabilitated and get in to politics …why not they are still practicing politics..from how long ….What Are These people doing …..Does not the world affairs see that this is all a set up work going on …..pumping big monies collected from the LTTE Tamil Diasporas…Terrorists and Traitors Of The Country Are Dancing The Devil…..To get work done in this country…………….How Long Shall These people Carry on this blooming Double Game…..On the accounts of normal Civilians Of The Country….There was The Deep Assistance Of The Roman Catholic Tamil Priests From North to Show that They Are Roman Catholic faith in the LTTE NETWOrk…..But what We wish to point out that is That Roman Catholism Is A Spiritual Religion With High Standard Of Faith which Could Not Be Bluffed from Any Point…………….And This Is the Time 100 Years that The Blessed Virgin Mary Has Appeared To The Little Children In Fatima…..She Her self Has told that such un-beliveable things against humanity will take place in the world..Pope has openly said about corruption in the Roman Catholic Church. ….So We think this is also such a thing happening here…..After 30 years war every thing was cleared and people were breathing fresh air and now ……….The Invisible Terrorist and The Politics Playing The Game……..We All Should Deeply Pray To The OUR LADY OF FATIMA TO GET RID OF THESe EVIL DEVILS INVISIBLE TERRORISTS AND POLITICOS…Millions and Billions dollars Are Flying High Which Is Also Invisible But Nothing Could Be Invisible With The- God -The -Father- Almighty

    • 0

      Whatho WC! Why are you a worried citizen? Don’t you know that BVM will solve everything? Remember all those RC Poles praying for deliverance in the Nazi concentration camps, in Treblinka and Auswicht? BVM never failed them!

    • 4

      Paranoid (Worried) Citizen

      “Cannot The Terrorists Be Rehabilitated and get in to politics …why not they are still practicing politics..”

      For the same reason as to why Sangha and saffron clad thugs practice politics I suppose. If Sangha could why not Red Shirt JVP terrorists?

      Are you a satanist as you seem to be too close to devil?

      • 0

        A Kalu-Sudu Vedda May Take It from A Satanist Point……….But all Should Note This Seriously…….As Big Amount Of DOLLAR KUTTI have Been Pumped On The YamapalAlna Devils By The Die -Ass-Poras LTTE Terrorists And It Is A EKA GEY KEMA Is being going now ..PEOPLE ARE BEING MADE DAMN FOOLS…And The Roman Catholic Church Has Been used to Back Up which cannot be approved at all …..So Getting The Backing Of Religious Order Should Be Highly Dealt with and JUSTICE SHALL COME FROM THE SUPER NATURAL….The Best Way To Deal With This INVISIBLE TERRORISM AND CORRUPTED POLITICS

        • 3

          Paranoid (Worried) Citizen

          The End of the World is Nigh!

  • 1

    TNA Samapathar promised to get the North and the East for the Vellalas as one package with all rights to Land and Police.

    It was in his May Day message delivered to the faithful inhabitants in Chavakachcheri.

    Puttalam, Mannar,Jaffna Mullative Trinco, Batticolao, Kantale , Ampare Killinochnchi, Madavachchi, Vavniya and Wilpattu are abundant with Water Resources and uninhabited Land.

    Beautiful Lagoons and Exotic Beaches and untapped Mineral resources..

    In contrast, Galle, Matara , Tissamaharama, Hinniduma, Kalutara , Kegalle, Kurunegala and Kandy are chocker full that there is no room for people to walk even, let alone live in .

    One doesn’t have to be a Dr Dayan to fathom why the Vella buddies in the TNA are hell bent on getting the North and the East under their belt in one big Jack Fruit.

    And why, their Western buddies are moving mountains to help the Velllalas.

    And the Hindians have offered the ETCA to Batalanda Ranil free of charge .

    When Dr Batalanda Ranil sends his God Son and the Dad to deliver May Day Speeches to Jaffna Tamils, the writing is sort of on the Wall that the Vellala Eelaam is somewhere in his Constitution.

    With Dr Ranil attaching Dollar Bills to the specs of greedy half wits of the SLFP in Kotte, Abraham need not worry too much about whether it is PTA or CTA.

  • 0

    Unrealized to the majority community, Sumanthiran and the TNA continue to watch their backs.
    Then, this is the ‘Status quo bias’ in full play, to maintain our culture of impunity. Policy makers want, the continuation of enforced disappearances, torture, death in police custody etc to stay in place.

  • 3


    • 4

      Rajapakse own money laundering law came back to bite him later. Budhists believe in selective karma

  • 1

    Is anyone out there who can help KA Sumanasekera who suffers from advanced stage of Vellalaphobia? Like a dog that raises its leg irrespective of the part the stone hit, Sumanasekera is obsessed with this caste factor. What has draft PTA to do with Vellala or Govigama? KAS must first remove the beam in his eyes before he speaks about the peck in others eye. The caste system is one of the greatest social evils plaguing both Tamils and Sinhalese. Sinhalese caste system is a mirror image of the Tamil caste system or vice a versa. This is because the ancestors of Sinhalese were Hindus. Caste is not something exclusive to Tamil society. Caste system is entrenched in the upper echelons of the Buddhist clergy. The Buddhist Chapters Malwatte and Asgiriya are exclusively the preserve of the Govigama caste. Buddhism softened the impact of caste discrimination among the Sinhalese, but did not eliminate it. Coming to the draft anti-terrorism law, TNA is opposed to it as a matter of policy. It sees the draft anti-terrorism bill as old wine in new bottle. M.A.Sumanthiran criticism is based on his years of experience defending hundreds of detainees charged under PTA. Some of them are still rotting in the prisons for years and years. Their offence is no more than giving tea or string hoppers to LTTE cadres.

  • 0

    torturing terrorist scum is ok because they torture us. give bvack to them what they give us is my motto. that is what the scumbag praba got.
    what is the problem them tna?

  • 0

    As long as your not prepared to restart another armed struggle against Sri Lankan government, nothing to worry about the new bill. New bill does not affect any innocent Tamil or Sinhalese civilians who can still go for peaceful and rightful protests.

  • 0

    Modi Visit

    Guys, don’t be Moda enough to believe that RAW stuff of Modi visiting Lanka to celebrate Wesak. The whole thing is a cover up for quietly smuggling in the new Buddha Mallaiyuran to Sri Lanka. The Thatahgatha arrived in Delhi in a special flight of Air Canada and then secretly flew over to Lanka with Modi. That is all I can reveal now.

    Buddha Mallaiyuran is supposed to meet the Sinhalese, Tamil, Muslim and Rump (not Trump) leaders in a pow-wow where he expects to use his special Prathiharya Bala to work impose a deal.

    Gotama settled the Sakya Koliya war soon after he attained enlightenment. Bhagavat Malaiyuran is going to settle the Tamil Sinhala war within a few days the same way. He is taking it as a challenge knowing that Gotama was at the root of all the trouble for thousands of years. He handed over the task of protecting the Dhamma to the Sinhalas with Ravana blood. They have been going to town with that assignment killing hundreds of thousands Tamils and recording all their atrocities in the Mahavamsa.

    That is going to stop soon. new Buddha Mallaiyuran does not like that kind of nonsense. Bhagavat Mallaiyuran has declared “I will make Buddhists peaceful, if I have to kill every single one of them in the process”. The man is a Buddha – but he is no weakling.

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