19 January, 2025


‘Defaming Allah’ In Kandy

By Colombo Telegraph

In order to hurt the Muslims in Kandy, filthy English wording has been written on the iron doors of a closed shop.

So far no action has been taken whatsoever against the hardline Buddists for these kinds of racism or activities carried out against Muslims or Islam, Jaffnamuslim.com reports.

Issuing a report the Centre for Policy Alternatives   last week said 65 cases of attacks on religious places of worship between May 2009 and January 2013. Direct attacks have been reported from all provinces of Sri Lanka, making clear that the threat is not restricted to particular areas. Most of the reported incidents were from the Western province (16), followed by the Eastern province (12), the Southern province (11) and the North-Western province (9).

Two weeks ago Mahara mosque also vandalised.

Mahara mosque - vandalised

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      What rubbish is this. Only poor people and people who believe in extreme ideologies breed like rabbits.

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        Family planning was introduced to SL only in 1967 . Before that all bred like rabbits !

      • 0

        Lucky that you were not eaten by the papa rabbit on your first birth. Blessedter.

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      We have to teach social and quality and enjoying family life among lower middle class and among poor. Right they know only “enna penna’ type quantity without quality family and social life.

      20 Million have to share our country’s resources, food, clothing and shelter.

      Therefore serious thought should be given when it comes to quality Individual, Family and social life and healthy living…..and I strongly suggest that these should be taught in school as a subject.

      • 0


        Quality is subjected to availability of disposable income. Your proposal can only be successfully implemented if state is willing to subsidise their expenses.

        Politicians are capable of finding ways and means of siphoning state funds.

        • 0


          I agree with you.

          One and only cause for Sri Lanka’s downfall to be a failed state is due to 8th grade, uneducated,unqualified,morally uncultured crooks taking over governance after Independence.
          Fake Race, Culture and religion hi-jacked and bait our mostly rural society and we pay for it dearly…..every day.

          • 0


            The situation in Sri Lanka is bad right now, but at least we are not ruled by mullahs and our women don’t hide their faces like slaves. Sri Lankans – Sinhalese and Tamils – are very capable people; the problem is with the Government. We don’t even have the caste or population issue like India does. Once Rajapakse is out of the picture and a liberal government comes in, things will change rapidly.

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              i agree with you. But when you hear some Govt. ministers say that Rajapakses are going to rule for the next 30 years, and already moulding second generation family siblings to take over ones the fathers leave……while opposition parties are disorganised and with conflicts within parties are dipressing to see.

              The problem with Sri Lankas politics is that Ruling of the country is been hi-jacked by Sinhala Buddhist cheuveunists. Serving and fulfilling Buddhist and Sinhala needs and culture are their first priority. Therefore any other who belong to other Races or Religions who are educated professionals find difficult to break into this Sinhala Buddhist yolk……and trying to break into could bring catestrophe.

              So that’s the problem of uplifting our country. Not proper place given to qualified and suitable persons, unless they fall into the Sinhala Buddhist caste and creed category.

              That’s the reason for Brain drain which will continue into the future…..while more airports without planes, harbours without ships, roads without vehicles will be built into the future years by Maharajas.

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              I still think the primary problem is economics. Most people have very little earning potential. Hence, they become enamored with extremist ideologies. One thing about money is that it gives individuals choices . Without choices, you’re stuck in one place. The Sri Lankan people are limited when it comes to both income and choosing capable politicians. On the other hand, if they had earning potential, there would be an incentive to elect the present batch of fools out of the government.

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              The squabbling Sinhalese and Tamils spoilt the broth of a sovereign Lanka for the last 30 years, they pillaged the economy, resources, independance, social tolerance, civil rights, country’s reputation in the name of war, and Kakille idiots like you advocating puckish conundrums on pimpish arguments. You, a redneck a dunce of a cretin, rotting with your thesis in your hypocretic realms will only shut your filthy orifice once bunged with a soiled swab du femme.

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    Religion has very little to do with what is happening in the country. Chauvinism, which is ever present has been given political backing. Thats all.

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    The BBS must also realize that we have borrowed buddhism from India?! This brand of extremist sinhala-buddhism being tarted is not even the real philosophy..

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    The Almighty Allah does not need any help to put down these racists ,even the racists belong to Him,their actions ,plus all negative and bad actions
    of His creations are haraam for His BELIEVERS,so the true in faith will know how to act.THE ALMIGHTY knows even a mustard seed that has got lodged
    somewhere.He is the Watcher and no one needs to watch for Him ,when He sends down His wrath there is no turning back,because HE IS THE ALL POWERFUL.What happened to Hitler,and all the wicked leaders,where are they now? Human power is short lived but ALMIGHTY ALLAH s power is ETERNAL .From the creation of the world there is conflict between good and bad,because of disobedience to His command.HIS JUSTICE WILL PREVAIL.

    The bala sena is doing a lot of haraam why dont they turn to halaal and become good people and live a peaceful life in this journey.

  • 1

    Muslims of Sri Lanka should voice their grievances to their brethren around the world and keep a low profile in all aspects of their life.

    This is the Scripture whereof there is no doubt, a guidance unto those who ward off (evil). (The Noble Quran 2:2) Who believe in the Unseen, and establish worship, and spend of that We have bestowed upon them; (The Noble Quran 2:3) And who believe in that which is revealed unto thee (Muhammed) and that which was revealed before thee, and are certain of the Hereafter. (The Noble Quran 2:4) These depend on guidance from their Lord. These are the successful. (The Noble Quran 2:5) As for the Disbelievers, Whether thou warn them or thou warn them not it is all one for them; they believe not. (The Noble Quran 2:6) Allah hath sealed their hearing and their hearts, and on their eyes there is a covering. Theirs will be an awful doom. (The Noble Quran 2:7)

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    The second minority was always targeted by the Sinhala politicians.Muslims supported Sinhala politicians to suppress Tamils and became 2nd Minority after the game was over.. So they have to face what Tamils faced in the hands of Sinhala Governments.But surely they will give up Halal for business and profit interests.The politics of Muslims is to “Make out of the Situation on others cost” but there are very few who doesn’t follow this policy.I am talking about “business+ political Muslims” but not the ordinary Muslim civilians.Let Allah save them.

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      Most Sri Lankans Muslims were against the tiger terror. The tigers took up arms because they were cornered to desperation and as the bad blood built over time to a point of no return to a negotiated solution. We hope and pray that history will not repeat itself.

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      Sunlight, losing your Life Buoy is just a matter of deception, for you to sink to the abysmal doom if you keep with your wimpish connotations.

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    At a time when Sri Lanka is facing unpleasant times at UNHRC over the treatment of Tamils, this unwanted attack on Muslims will only help further tarnish Sri Lanka’s name.

    I do not understand why this big fuss about Halal and “Abaya” (or Purdah). What is the problem for the Buddhist monks and laymen if Muslim women wear Abaya or Hijab? They have the freedom to dress the way they want to. It is true that Muslim women did not dress up like this before. It is a sign that Muslim fundamentalism is catching up with the Sri Lankan Muslims. It should not matter to other religious groups in Sri Lanka so long as it does not infringes on their rights.

    I hope this madness stops. These agitations by the BBS is no different to the attacks on Buddhist monks and Sri Lankans in Tamil Nadu. BBS is no different to the Tamil Nadu fanatics.

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      The Sinhalese and Tamil women and women are also not dressing the way they once did. Where the Redda and Hatta? Where are the once ubiquitous saris? Where are the Pavaadai and Sattai? Where are the once ubiquious sarongs and Verties? None of these were unique to us then, and the present modes of dress are also not unique to us now? Our women were topless when the Portuguese arrived here. It is the colonialists who made our women wear a blouse.

      Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

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        Perhaps BBS wants the return of the bygone topless era.

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        Yes when Portuguese came, our women were topless…..similar to the drawings at Sigiri frescoes. But the men then were more modest and accomodating.

        But now even a woman wearing a saree is not spared. I think this is more of a mental problem than physical.

        Very soon all women and girls may have to wear Hijab just to protect themselves from perverts.

        That’s why we need a new education system incorporating and teaching all of these social and family life.

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          @ Jayantha,

          The perverted behavior is due to the increased presence of pornography. At the same, many have attended all-boys or all-girls schools. This is a bad combination. Forcing women to wear veils is not the solution. What is needed is sufficient interaction between boys and girls from a young age. And from there, extending to the work environment and beyond.

          • 0


            Yes,I agree with you. How to build strong, loving and harmonious family values should be taught in school. Citizens rights to their bodies,their religion, their race,their security, their finances and property and social and workplace ethics has to be taught.

            Therefore until these changes occur both children and eldery have to take care of themselves.

            At the moment in Sri Lanka, chances of a women been raped, molested or robbed is much less by wearing a hijab than a skirt and blous. Sad but true.

            Hope change will come.

      • 0

        Professori, you flubber and forgot your amude?

        Imagine that the women folks was just harlots or feasty entertainers juggling their tender soft big mammas to the weary Portuguese punks, and you blindly assume that this was Lanka’s pride in the annals in your version of history.

        You fancy a good lot. Lanka has 3000 years of history buried in our ruins, was it built sans culture, zeal and modesty.

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    Who is running the country at the moment,the Rajapakshe’s or the Bodu balu or whatever.Can’t the rajapaksh’s see what happened to Amirthalingam when he thought that prabha was a podian of his that he can control and nurture for his own ends.

    Mahinda better tell Gota to concentrate on building things because he is brilliant at it,without poking his nose into all the things that only mahinda with his vast political experience can handle.Ultimately can’t be cleaning all the gota’s mess when the pig shit starts piling up sky high,mahinda and basil will have to import more and more shovels and start working overtime shovelling it into the sea.

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      Why not take SWRD Bandaranayake’s demise as an example?

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      The pig shit has already hit the ceiling fan, as we saw in the Webcast from Geneva.

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      Eversince from independence Politicians used Buddhist Preletes for their political power play. Advertising through Buddhist Preletes is the best 70% of Buddhist voter attraction.

      Why do you think Rajapakses building Mega Pansals, Buddha statutes, Giving unlimited Dana, going to every temple and meet Buddhist priests every other day giving them unlimited land deeds, cars, air tickets, foreign tours etc…etc… Because they know the value of the temple when it comes to Buddhist vote count.

      BBS is Gotabaya Rajapakse’s, similar to Saddham Husain’s Republican Guard unit, to safeguard Rajapakse Family Dynasty. BBS is given a free Hand to do whatever it wants for exchange TO PROTECT RAJAPAKSE Family.


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    This ethnic marginalising causing loss to muslim businessmen by the BBS has already had the divine repercussion in the form of calamity of the bund breaking in a lake and affecting 5000 farmers – latest news.
    Muslims believe that if one is patient upon much goading the angels provide the necessary counter action – patience has its results

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    other religious brothers and sisters b4 sayin abt allah read ur scriptures which wil clearly say u that der is no god to worship but a god and that is ALLAH the mightiest the true god

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    other religious brothers and sisters b4 saying abt allah first read ur scriptures that wil make u understand that der is no god to worship but a god and that is ALLAH .

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    Unfortunately,no human can defame SUPREME GOD.

    ALLAH is the Arabic world for GOD MIGHTY,Iit is same as Deviya in Sinhalese,Kadawal in Tamil,Etc,We should not worry about these lost souls but pray for them to be Righteous and guided

    ALLAH: Allah is the proper name of the One True God, creator and sustainer of the universe, who does not have a partner or associate, and He did not beget nor was He begotten. The word Allah is used by the Arab Christians and Jews for The God (Eloh-im in Hebrew; ‘Allaha’ in Aramaic, the mother tongue of Jesus, pbuh). The word Allah does not have a plural or gender

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      Dear Abdullah Abdulrahuman:

      Actually “allah” means potato in Sinhala. Only the pronounciation is slightly different. So your religion does a good job reminding Sinhalese people of potatoes. Most impressive, I must say.

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        How about Gautama….a Sanskrit word change to Sinhala as Goomata, and Buddha as hudda or Badda….any difference.

        It’s not the name but the action that matters.

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          Indeed… no one has yet worn a suicide vest to defend the name of Buddha. Unfortunately, the same is not true of Mr. Potatoe.

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    On behalf of the remaining open minded Buddhists where Buddhism is a philosophy not a religion. Where Buddha never wanted statues made of him, of where tolerance of religions was upheld strongly to respect and loving kindness, I apologize to all my muslim brothers! This is just a political gimmick. It was us who created the LTTE because of 1983 racists and I pray and hope with loving kindess that muslims practice tolerance and restraint to these idiot monks who think they represent the Buddha’s teaching. It is clear this government has been loosing power so please in the next election, excercise your franchise wisely. Thank you!

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      I salute you brother/sister for taking the right stand. I’m a Sinhala Christian I do respect all humans and am pro life.

      I’m sad that few extremists are let lose to undermine the harmony among our people. All these extremists are putting our country in great danger and we will never be able to progress after 30 yrs of turmoil.

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      The election mandate should include the rehabilitation of BBS to practice Buddhism.

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    Marakkala Lionel,

    I am travelling overseas now and saw another one of your usual cons
    “Senguttuvan – You have said that babies need to be culled (Mar 16)” For a Muslim masquerading as a Sinhala Christian/Catholic, you have to come out with more convincing stuff to deceive and create hatred against me. I have never used the word culling since I sold my Poultry Farm in my Estate long ago.


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      There is enough hatred against you in this forum. I don’t need to create any more.

      You did refer to Muslim babies as piglets, and called for their culling. CT appears to have removed your vile comment.

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        Dear Lionel,

        The pig is more holy than He who Ascended to The Heaven of Virgins on a Magic Carpet. At least the pigs let the little female piglets sleep peacefully at night.

        • 0

          Yo Praeptium Flaccidum!

          A Hog conjunx its cupiditate with it’s bestialem cadere Rog. The Hog of a Bog, like the Gog and Magog, who pog in the mirk by a tug in the crock’s peg. The peg tuck betwixt a maxillaris chink and unto mergi the djup in avate that’s rosa.EgallishLou.

        • 0


          I guess that was your ________. :P

          • 0

            Lionel, if I draw a cartoon you will know who it was. :)

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      So, you booby are a frequent trailer, that’s what you want to say here. You had an espace and a flattery farm, nice. And, you travel to the Vatican for the coronaton of the All seeing EYE. Goodbye.

      Sangotta, you are a dolt rich in all frontiers of ordured faculty from North-East-West-South.

      That’s the NEWS you should dunk in your head, nincompoop.

  • 0

    Here is the reference to where Suenguttuvan called Mulim babies ‘piglets’ and called for their culling.

    Senguttuvan – March 14, 2013
    5:16 pm

    This comment was under the article on the Attacks on Christians for Blasphemy in Pakistan.

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      He suffers for selective amnesia, like Kudu Duminda

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    Marakkala Lionel

    Lying and deception are congenitally in your veins is crystal clear.
    You fail to repeat where you con I have used “culling” and now you blame CT.

    Looks to me like you and this foul-mouthed swine Nabil are one and the same.


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      Yo the Sungotty Pupa,

      Your vestiges of the latitude and longitude is being traced, you are a lees of the netherworld an ignominious born-again scoundrel. Keep your fecal muzzle corked.

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      You say “Looks to me like you and this foul-mouthed swine Nabil are one and the same”

      I can only pity you.

      “Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.” – Buddha

      Have a nice day

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    Mulbang and Lauda,

    Want to hear more from your rich literary creativity. You light
    these pages muchly.


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    S-W-A-S-T-I-K ???

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    So it is conceded Gopinath/Gopnath are also Islamic warriors under false names. Good God, the levels of treachery to which you creatures
    can sink to is mind-boggling???? No wonder you are being hounded out like the plague.


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      Scoundrel. You will be plagued till you spit the pus out of your abscesses. Stop imitating like a representative of the Diaspora.

  • 0

    So Boopati is another false name in your arsenal of natural venom. Why are you shy of using names of your kind. This last note carries the signatures of the inherent hate and widely known revengeful nature of your kind. And yet we grieve for the innocents in your side – and indeed there are so many. It is sad they are subject to intimidation and ridicule all over the island. This is largely because of the provocation and utter irresponsibility of worms like you within the community. See what the mis-adventures of the ACJU has done. I am sorry I am compelled to use stronger language than I wished. You force me to do this to bring your variety to earth and reality.

    It is time, my man, to take to a less hateful path.


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    “Have a nice day” – Nabil. I’ll take you at your words. But why come in different Muslim and Christian/Sinhala names to heap abuse and that is not the truth.


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      I have no time to play games with anyone. I am far more mature than most to get offended. If I want to say something I know how to say it without resorting to false identities.

      In my school we play a game called Rugby and the coaches taught us to go for the ball and not for the man. In other words tackle the issue ( the ball) and not the player( the guy with the issue).

      I am sure readers of CT know where I stand. I am not particularly worried about personal attacks as I am above petty personal rivalry.

      I enjoy sharing my point of view and will continue to do so when I have a strong opinion on a subject I am passionate about.

      Others I will ignore!
      Thank You.
      Have a nice day

  • 0

    Sitiveni Rabuka (Mar 20) – Your readable prose looks foreign and so I take you to be the or one of the ruggerites from the Pacific around Australia – who have delighted our fans for many years.

    I concur with all what you state and, with all respects, want to take exception to “..the squabbling Sinhalese and Tamils spoilt the broth of a sovereign Lanka for the last 30 years, they pillaged the economy, resources, independence…” Good Sir, the Tamils never governed this country since independence and, therefore, are largely blameless for the list of wrongs you rightly narrate. There was a Tamil Minister or two, via concessions reluctantly granted by Sinhala-dominated governments between 1965-1970 1977-1993 and since – but they were not in a position to influence matters at national level. The mechanism of government strucuture, in any case, was not engineered so. So, if you will, spoiling the broth there was throughout but it was, to use rugger parlance, a solo effort by the other side.


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    I must add Sitiveni Rabuka is the man infamous for that Coup in Fiji and was later Fiji’s nominee to be Ambassador to the US – whose nomination was strongly contested strongly by Fiji Indians.


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      Fiji is ours, till the time ends. Yo meanest endeans step back.

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