Divaina is at it again! In its recent edition published on Saturday, June 22, the racist newspaper carried an anti-Muslim story citing former Minister Gamini Lokuge which has now been completely rejected by Lokuge himself!
In the story published on June 22, Divaina quotes Lokuge calling for a probe into Muslim organisations that offer free food near hospitals including Maharagama Cancer hospital and the Kalubowila hospital. He is quoted stating it is important to ascertain the basis and motives behind offering free food to the patients. It also cited Lokuge expressing fears Sinhala women being sterilized in the guise of offering free food.
However Lokuge issuing a special statement from Singapore claims he never made such a statement at any meeting or in person.
“I heard about this story published by Divaina when my close friend, son of former Governor Alavi Moulana and Governor Muzammil inquired me. I categorically deny making such a statement,” he noted.
Despite publishing what is clearly fake news with an anti-Muslim bias, Divaina continues to enjoy its freedom to express its hate speech and continue publishing its racist drivel to which includes claims of sterilization of 4000 Sinhalese women by Dr. Shafi from Kurunegala.
It seems Divaina too like Asigiri Mahanayake has received a free pass to spread vitriol against Muslims.
Meanwhile, Lokuge went on to state that offering free food to visitors and patients is a wonderful gesture and if issues exist, the probing needs to be conducted via health service authorities and not other parties.
“I apologize from those engaged in these ventures; I am sorry if this story caused any ill feeling, I have never made such a statement,” he reiterated.
However, the damage has already been done as social media users reported that Muslim organisations have put a halt to offering food to visitors and patients near hospitals in fear of attacks.
zarook / June 25, 2019
don’t make drama why dont you take action against Divaina
Amarasiri / June 25, 2019
Who are the authorities in charge of challenging and prosecuting fake news when the supposed source of the fake news denies it?
Can a fundamental rights petition be filed in the Supreme Court asking for damages and stopping the spread of fake news?
Amarasiri / June 25, 2019
CT and Others,
How can the Victimized Doctor , the Authorities and the general public take a stand and expose these corrupt racists and opportunists, and take them to task?
Why is GMOA silent? Is GMOA also a racist organization like the Asgiriya Para-monks?
observer / June 26, 2019
GMOA is busy with AGM this week without holding elections for new Ex Co, and even more busy trying to get rid of their political rival, the Sinhala B Health Minister. They create chaos in order to play the strike game.
D.P. / June 25, 2019
I don’t think that this paper is engaging in this kind of willful attempts to incite racial violence without a strong backing from a very powerful group. This is a too risky task to be carried out just by a rogue reporter & an editor. It is possible that this is beyond the even the consent of the owners of the newspaper group.
I’m not sure whether the Gvt has any legal authority to shut down a paper under the emergency laws. Even if the Gvt could, it is probably is not the right thing to do in a democratic country. I think the better way is to start a public campaign in order to put pressure on advertisers to pull out their advertisements not just from this paper but from other media such as Hiru & Derana that engage in racial hatred intentionally!
Champa / June 25, 2019
Why should anybody take action against Divaina when the last para of this news item confirms that Muslim organizations offer free food near hospitals?
According to Jack Sparrow, this has been going on for 4 years. In other words, offering of free food has started after Yamapalanaya came into power.
Muslims are not generous. They are very stingy same like Tamils. There are a large number of their own people who are starving. Why don’t they offer food to them?
And also, why near hospitals? I am curious.
I think the motive of this unusual generosity started only 4 years ago is worth probing, I mean, not for anything else, but to satisfy our curiosity.
Lanka Perera / June 25, 2019
Every hospital has a welfare society. If any one wants to give food to patients, he should contact them and work with them. Instead of that if they do it on their own, it arouses suspicion, especially now with Muslim terrorism in full swing. Those organisations that are offering free food should be probed about funds received. If money had come from abroad then there is something fishy.
Roman Leslie / June 25, 2019
Curiosity is a dangerous animal champa. Whether they started it 4 years or 40 years ago shouldn’t a noble cause be appreciated. Paranoia has taken hold of the Sinhalese masses. No escape for Sinhalese and SL anymore with the paranoia going to ruin everything and everyone
Champa / June 26, 2019
Roman Leslie
Paranoia? What paranoia?
Our trust is broken after Muslim suicide bombers killed over 370 people and injured 500 people.
Even after over 170 children have lost parents, Muslims are trying to downplay the carnage!!!!!
If it was the reverse, we could have seen the violent reaction of Muslims.
Sinhalese are patient for a reason. Despite some people’s wish, there were no riots between Sinhalese and Muslims in the aftermath of the attacks as Sinhalese were now fully aware the motive behind these attacks.
We will address the issue this time without the help of politicians by overturning the current political setting that promotes and protects minority extremism.
Alan / June 25, 2019
I think you live in a different planet, Go around Sri Lanka and open your eyes and see the bridges, hospitals and school buildings built by the muslims/and donations from Muslim majority countries to rebuild sri lanka, after your last 30 years of savagery.
Ali / June 28, 2019
when murderers are wandering freely you want the authorities to investigate every charity and organisation that gives free food!!!! man how stupid and ignorant can you get!! If you are curious to know why they serve food near hospital why don’t you google and find out how they started operations
shankar / June 25, 2019
In the first place the muslim organisations should not have offered free food.You don’t need to be arselicking in this country just because you are a minority.Free food will only reinforce the perception among the sinhalese that the muslims are loaded with money,money that should be theirs.Grovelling before racist members of majorities and appeasement is the worst mistake you can make.
Jack Sparrow / June 25, 2019
shanker no one is arse licking its a charitable thing to offer free food. unlike you stingy tamils muslims are not like that. they have been doing this for the past 4 years.
shankar / June 25, 2019
i don’t see that charity being done for the poor muslims.Go to the wellawatte mosque and see them sitting and sleeping on the ground on the road.I,being a stingy tamil as you mention had to give them money.Charity begins at home first.
Alan / June 25, 2019
Shankar – I partially agree with you, Charity should begin at home first, which of course is happening may be not in a coordinated/organized way, nevertheless it’s happening..
But to the Racist/Facist Sinhalese.. No Matter what you do, they’ll never be satisfied,
Sinhalayanta kochchara kalath ochchara thama..
whywhy / June 25, 2019
Jack Sparrow ,
They are doing it since 2012 starting from the General Hospital
and the 4 year story is their expansion into Kalubovila and
Maharagama , acoording to the Janaposha Foundation ! The
decision to to shut it at the earliest , is a sound one ! If the racists
are asking for a drama , why drama , make it real ! U N H R C
rightly said that attack on Muslims here is an attack on everyone .
They can not invite foreign investors while on rampage at the
local business community that is part of this country simply
because of the muscle power ! I think the majority has failed to
read the Independence page Intelligently !
Roman Leslie / June 25, 2019
I agree. However why do we have to think it is to appease the majority or asslicking as you say. It might have been with a noble cause
shankar / June 25, 2019
first see that no muslim goes hungry,before you dole out to everyone.Charity begins at home.I’am sure many muslims go hungry.It may have been for a noble cause as you say,but now you can see how it is twisted up and boomerangs on you.And also don’t encourage handouts because it fosters a beggar’s mentality.Teach a person how to fish instead of givng him fish.You can’t go on giving fish for everyone,but if you teach him to fish,he will teach others and so on and so on until they can be self reliant and proud of it.Look at what bill gates does with his billions.He does not give any free lunches because he thinks for how many or how long he can give.Instead he has completely eradicated some deadly diseases including polio by vaccinating everyone who hasn’t been vaccinated,except in some parts of pakistan where they are saying he is trying to sterilize them.It is laughable when you think that the muslims here are being accused of the same thing while muslims there are accusing bill gates.So the muslims here like gates should look into some permanent solutions for sri lanka instead of temporary ones.Then the sri lankan people will be grateful to them for ever.
ps.now gates is i think doing something to eliminate human waste from toilets in poor countries and is funding new technology to do it.Human waste in poor countries is creating havoc and deadly diseases and death.which is better to give a free lunch or teach humans to permanently eradicate deadly diseases.In sri lanka too the muslims could look at waterborne diseases for example and permanently eradicate them,or set up a hospital in rural areas to treat deadly diseases.
Marwan / June 26, 2019
Whatever Muslims do to serve society with good and noble intentions will always be misconstrued to have ulterior motives. What a Muslim gives with the right hand should never be nown, even to the left hand.Therefore no publicity is afforded to their charity. It happens all the time, but no one will will know who is the helping hand behind those charities. Taking advantage of such situations, there are many who visit Muslim homes and harang them to donate to bogus lists (fake documents), to fund Buddhist events such as dansals, feding programs, or New Year Tamasha, or to sell fixed rate fictitious tickets to bogus events, all with the motive to collect money to feed their own personal pockets. Most are very generous and donate expecting nothing in return. But even after all that, their motives are now being questioned, as being harmful to society. How much worse can it get? Even massive donations to improve the country’s infrastructure, like amenities for general public, donations made by rich Muslim countries, is not even mentioned, leave alone due recognition and appreciation. Such is the low depths that this country has sunk into. No future for Muslims.
SJ / June 26, 2019
You are preaching to ones who are deaf and blind to reason.
I do not accept much of Islam but appreciate several of its good features.
Charity and its ethics I know are key features of Islam.
The Prophet has instructed that an employer should pay the wage of a labourer before his sweat falls to the ground.
Do not despair. There is a silent majority that seeks fairness to the Muslims and will win eventually.
whywhy / June 26, 2019
SJ ,
” There is a silent majority that seeks fairness to the Muslims and
will win eventually”. Silence is not accounted by scholars as a
useful tool in a situation like the one we are in today ! This silence
in a way , in the long run , is suicidal ! We need to know that there
is a historic beginning with Anagarika Dharmapala 100 yrs back
for anti-Muslim campaign . It was a harsh beginning no one did
nothing to stop spreading like wild fire . What everybody doing
now is adding more and more fuel to that and even right at this
moment I don’t believe that the truth about the N T J intention
on the attack has been disclosed ! All post independence
leaders of the country sought to rule at the expense of weaker
communities and these communities belonging to different
faiths made the task much easier to mislead their own
community . It is from this pool a future leader is being sought !
What does that mean ? No future ! Anyway I like to thank you
for your innocent hope of a happy end .
Rev Medalankara de Choppe / June 26, 2019
Shankar, Bill Gates can start with the Asgiriya fool, Athureliya idiot, they can be flushed down with other’s shit.
Roman Leslie / June 26, 2019
Shankar, this organization is offering food to the sick who come and stay long hours with little children older people so what’s wrong in offering them food. I don’t get it. Also, why see the race when you come forward to help. Why do you keep saying that Muslims should help Muslims only??? Does this mean Sinhalese should never help the Muslims or the Tamils????
shankar / June 26, 2019
“Why do you keep saying that Muslims should help Muslims only??? “
i said muslims first,then others.Islam is a religion that says muslims are like one big family.When your family member is hungry,instead of giving first to him/her if you go and give a unknown member of the public,it could be misconstrued as charity for publicity purposes.I’am not saying it is,just the perception.I do a lot of charity,but not even my family or best friend knows.
ps.as long as god knows that is enough.God can see everything we do good and bad.sometimes people think that they are clever,and nobody knows.
shankar / June 26, 2019
sorry i made a mistake.I should have said some charity work,instead of a lot
Ali / June 28, 2019
Setting up a hospital is not a good idea!!!!!! The ignorant will start saying its for sterilizing their people and tear it down
Also for your information there is plenty of charity work done by the people behind Janaposha for their own muslim community. It is not practical to hold back giving in charity to the entire society until everyone in your community is fed and looked after. It will be said that muslims only look after their own people. Looks like its a no win situation……if you give you are criticized and if you don’t you’re criticized!! The other day I was at a traffic light and a beggar came upto my car and asked for money and when I didn’t give she said that if its a muslim you will give!!! I usually don’t give beggars who look able bodied and if I see them everyday!!
SJ / June 26, 2019
There is a strong tendency among some to pass judgment on Muslims. (They are no different from likes of HLD Mahindapala who pass judgment on Tamils.)
They will fault anything. They will twist anything around to blame Muslims.
No amount of charity can eliminate poverty. It takes a more fair social system.
But Muslims give much more as charity to the poor than other communities. Islam strongly urges that a good fraction of the profits one makes should go to charity.
shankar / June 26, 2019
“But Muslims give much more as charity to the poor than other communities. Islam strongly urges that a good fraction of the profits one makes should go to charity.”
i agree with you.I have also noticed that muslims worldwide are more generous than others.That is why i suppose they have been given large reserves of oil by god.The religion also says that when you give loans you should not charge interest.Because of these religious beliefs the muslims are generous people.
MirakRajBanda / June 25, 2019
If you deny then you have every right to sue the newspaper that carries false allegation and racist propaganda.
Salim / June 25, 2019
Let us see whether Gamini Lokuge will do this…
Cholan / June 25, 2019
Right or Wrong
Why Musulims organisations offer food it is the question .
Normally at cancer hospital people from all sort of life offer things and money to patients.
Why suddenly Musulims are interested to offer food ?
There are many Musulim homes in utter poverty why don’t you help them .?
Go to Musulim villages near Mawanella area where they cook only in the evening ..
Deveina is a racist paper write anything to satisfy Modayas.. nothing new to Tamils.
Once there was a similar racist paper called Davasa all ways filled with anti Tamils articles..pity the daughter of davasa mudalali was blasted into pieces at flower road bomb blast.
Chitra / June 25, 2019
Cholan the clueless troll. It was because of a MUSLIM that the Maharagama Cancer Hospital has a fully equipped wing, and Muslim have always offered food, to their neighbors, colleagues, and during the month of Ramadan. When it comes to sharing and giving food, the Muslims have been extremely generous, unlike some others. You are so ignorant.
SJ / June 25, 2019
Thanks for the intervention. But sadly it will be futile.
But he is so thick that whatever said sensibly to him is water on a duck’s back.
shankar / June 25, 2019
chitra,why are you saying muslim,instead of saudi arabia.Why are you trying to makeout a local muslim who built that wing?How long are the sinhalese going to live on charity?Don’t they feel like working hard for their living?A person with self respect will never accept charity or anything free,but sinhalese love handouts.
Ps.there is no free lunch in this world.What appears free will have hidden strings attched.As for the maharagama hospital,i did not know it was only for ramazan.
Cholan / June 25, 2019
Maharagama cancer hosputal got equipments and funds from many countries..They have not started this expecting your Musulim help
if you and your Musulims give food during Ramadan what is big issue ..go to any Kovil in Colombo you can get free meal .
But Musulims kind hearted food service is questionable..There are many many Musulims living in poverty why not help them .
Another circus with Bedouin Saudi money .?
You can write in your Musulim name ..don’t hide behind a non Musulim name and parade your ignorance .
FYI not all Musulims are rich go to the field and see.
Modaya governments gave too much of freedom to this Musulind because of their vote one man 5 wives .total 6 votes from one home.
This is why one Musulim politician coolie threatend Mannar magistrate and horsebullah transferred a judge and proudly spoke about this.
Musulim never respect law and order now it is the time to teach them. They have jumped too high.
Roman Leslie / June 25, 2019
Cholan, your comment about welwatta mosque and the people there is laughable. Do you know this is conducted as a business with a very organized group for collecting money and these people who pose as beggars are paid a stipend. Recently there was a news item of a beggar in Petra or somewhere owing few houses
Cholan / June 25, 2019
Sorry it was not my in my comments please consult an eye doctor.
In Tamil Nadu Musulims travel agents arrange begging trips to Dubai during Ramadan…sending hundreds to beg outside mosques.
Back home they build homes and drive posh cars from this begging money.
whywhy / June 26, 2019
Cholan ,
So , Tamil Nadu lifted the Trophy of ” miracle of Asia ” ?
Champa / June 25, 2019
RE: last para
So, it is true that Muslim organizations offer free food to visitors and patients near hospitals? Why?
Are they registered as charities or NGOs? I am just asking.
I never knew there are free food outlets near hospitals, in a country where infants die in malnutrition in some parts of the country, actually in UNP’s “Duppathage Hithavatha’s” riding in down south.
K.Pillai / June 25, 2019
Within days of the 08 January 2015 Presidential election we, layLankans, found to our disappointment that the new and old GoSL were in the ‘Culture’ of corruption/nepotism/impunity.
We did notice the tangible success of the new GoSL bridling the WhiteVan Media Censorship. The success to blunt the ‘Fear of the Assassinations to Order’ is somewhat limited.
Some in the Media have gone into making quick money through ‘Planted News’.
On Saturday 22 June, the newspaper Divaina carried yet another anti-Muslim story citing former Lankan Minister Gamini Lokuge, presently residing in Singapore, which has now been completely rejected by Lokuge himself!
Is Divaina into ‘Planted Fake News’ and protected by ‘Assassins to Order Inc.’?
jehan / June 26, 2019
Its all good. Arse licking of Buddhist should stop. Give food only to muslims. Don’t even invite Buddhist home for Lunch or Dinner, next will have the forces taking the occupants under emergency law. for sterilization check of food. Country will get devided very fast, another yogaslavia. Colony of china/india or Britain. never know.
Amed / June 26, 2019
Hon.Gamini Lokuge, your good name has been severely damaged by Divaina. Please take some action against them, at least an apology on the front page. If you are reluctant to do so, the public would know why.
shankar / June 27, 2019
he is reluctant because the tit would have said it.These politicians will deny their own mother if necessary.They will say they fell from sun like japan emperor.
Jagath Silva / June 27, 2019
divaina is the toilet paper of nalin de silva