10 February, 2025


Don’t Participate Organized Protest On My Behalf: Rosy

Defeated Colombo district UNP candidate Rosy Senanayake has urged her supporters not to participate in tomorrow’s scheduled protest organized by certain womens’ organizations.

Issuing a statement today, Rosy Senanayake stated the the UNP is a disciplined political party and that there is a policy not to appoint defeated candidates through the national list.

rosySenanayake said that there is a legal way forward to ensure that a recount could be obtained and confirmed that she will seek her party leader’s permission in doing so.

“There is a possibility that the recount could go in my favour or on the other hand it may not” she said.

However the Election Commissioner Mahinda Deshapriya made it clear yesterday, that he will not provide Rosy Senanayake a recount as there was no provision in the Parliament Elections Act.

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  • 2

    Rosy, Now that’s enough; Go Home. ………………quietly.

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