By Donald Gnanakone –
Ambassador Jaliya Wickramasu
The article “A Role For Sri Lanka In US Pivot To Asia” reverses the foreign policy of GOSL by promoting full alliances with USA when they are already close allies with China and undermining US and Indian foreign policy in the Indian ocean. Perfect example of double speak with their forked tongue. I doubt the US or India would trust the Rajapakse regime any more since they have broken every promise and agreement for the past 30 years. The Navy kills Indian Tamil fisherman regularly, and Tamil Nadu and India has been very patient and even cowardly without any retaliation whatsoever.
The selective quotes of the previous Secretary of State and the US government officials are very misleading. One has to only read the several statements issued in the last few days by Secretary of State Kerry, White House, State Dept. Spokes person Victoria Nuland, US Ambassador Michelle Sisson, BBC interview given by Robert Blake and a few other statements issued clearly indicate that US-Sri Lanka relation is at it’s lowest levels in the 65 year democracy.
Sri Lanka is a perfect example of Kleptocracy run by Kleptomaniacs of the First and extended family, where it is an Autocracy where Nepotism, Cronyism, Family Bandyism, Extremism, racism and chauvinism flourish.
It is State Terrorism that is practiced in Sri Lanka after the end of the war 4 years ago, where there are 80,000 war widows and 500,000 Homeless and landless Tamils. 100,000 Tamil civilians were slaughtered, and over 50,000 were injured.
260,000 Tamil homes were destroyed by the Rajapakse regime and NO replacement homes has been built. But in the last 4 years after the war the military budget has totaled over 10 Billion dollars consuming 25% of the annual export revenue. The widows and the homeless Tamils complain of RAPE, molestations and sexual harassment/intimidation on a daily basis by the 150,000 military troops stationed in the Northern province.
The infrastructure such as new roads, bridges, culverts, widening roads,A9 highway, expanding Palaly airport, KKS Port, railways, power stations are mainly for the military benefits, and future expansion of colonizing the North with permanent military families. This is planned to provide military housing for the extended family of the troops such as parents, in laws and their own families with free land. There is a lot of poverty among the Sinhalese families in the South and they are land less and homeless too. But that was not due to war but decades of lethargy and being lazy.
Ambassador Jaliya talks rubbish about Sri Lanka being such a pivotal and of strategic importance to the US to counter China and even India. US has already important allies in South East and East Asia, such as Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Phillipines, Taiwan, South Korea and Japan. It is the US which controls the Malacca Straights in a defacto manner.
The US pivot focus East Asia and South East Asia NOT South Asia!
The middle east is already covered for the past 10 years with the Iraq and Afganistan war and also being prepared against Iran. US is building good relationship with India and Pakistan is totally dependent on the US for it’s very existence as well as it’s military strength against India.
US has a huge military base in Diego Garcia bought from the British (That is another story) and Maldives cannot say BOO to a goose in the Indian ocean with less than a million people in population.(395,000).
To cut to the cheese Ambassador Jaliya has no clue of geo politics, and Sri Lanka has become a vassal state of China and playing the China card against India and the USA… More than half the population in Sri Lanka do not want such a foreign policy especially the Tamils who are are definitely more aligned to India, US, Canada and UK/Europe. That is where the diaspora also lives and many have (mostly all who can) have become citizens of those countries pledging allegiance to their new country and flag.
The huge increase in tourism numbers are bogus as this 2 million diaspora (Of all communities) are visiting Sri Lanka with their foreign passports and are part of the tourist statistics. Further more nearly 25% of the tourist are from India and mostly Tamils from South India or Sri Lankans of previous decades returning to Sri Lanka..There were over a million Tamils of Indian origin who were forced to leave the country since 1948 independence as well. Even the popular former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu late M G Ramachandran was born in Sri Lanka and his family forced to leave due to the poor Sinhala-Tamil relationship and treatment.
The huge increase in percentage in the economy is because of the low base numbers due to the 30 year war and the Rajapakses are borrowing billions of dollars from the IMF, World Bank, and from the Chinese and Americans at very high interest to carry on their Dog and Pony show of development. Sri Lanka could become a Greece, Iceland or Cyprus soon but saved by the $5 billion dollars of inward remittances sent by the diaspora. Another Billion dollars are sent by the Housemaids working in the middle east who are mainly Sinhalese.
There are huge commissions earned by the First and extended family on the loans and corrupt contracts for which there are no tenders and cost control. The white elephant projects are the $3 Billion dollar Hambantota Port project, Hambantota Airport, Noricholai Coal Power project which are all built by the Chinese without tenders. Many lucrative railway and highway contracts are also given to the Chinese which also carries very high commercial interest. They also keep supplying arms, ammunition equipment and spares so that GOSL maintains a $2.5 Billion military/police budget.
The reduction in duty for the automotive was for a few months where the first and extended family as well all their cronies who have made money in illegal contracts and deals import Lamborghini, Porsche, Maserati, Benz, BMW luxury vehicles virtually duty free. In the stock market a few have made unconscionable profits from insider trading and some of them own their own stockbroker companies. Their official incomes are only $2,000 dollars at best, but purchases several luxury vehicles each worth more than $100,000 and also duty.The ambassador has the audacity to boast about reduction in duty for luxury vehicles when the average annual income in the country is less than $4,000. The unemployment rate is over 10% camouflaged by a huge military and 1 million house maids being exported to the middle east. Another quarter million Tamils have escaped to India,Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and Australia with the help of the Sri Lankan Navy and living as refugees.
Sri Lankan democracy is where the dictatorial President manipulates the Parliament by buying the opposition MP’s so that constitutional changes can be made so that he can contest elections and be President for life. Recently the Chief Justice was sacked and his stooge was appointed. That is how he can boast of a two third majority. Now the judiciary is not independent at all and has become another tool of the autocratic leader President Rajapakse. The elections conducted are also flawed with severe violations, bribery and corruption. Rajapakse himself was installed in power in 2005 by the Tamil rebels who were bribed by US citizens in Colombo via current MP Tiran Alles, former foreign minister Mangala Samaraweera his campaign manager.
Parliamentary democracy is being mocked and the international community is being fooled. It is time for the international community to wake up and indict Sri Lanka after independent investigations. As far as the US is concerned they need to fully investigate the 4 US citizens who were responsible for war crimes, crimes against humanity, gross human rights violations, and abuse of power. They also used chemical weapons, cluster bombs, phosphorus bombs as well as illegal mines. Those countries who sold such weapons of mass destruction would also be in trouble and that is also why there is so much reluctance on the part of the international community. China was the largest supplier of all weapons and machinery. India, Israel, Iran, Pakistan and South Africa were the other big suppliers. But many European countries, US, and UK also supplied weapons and sophisticated machinery.
Two of the US citizens are the President’s younger brothers, and another is the former army commander who was jailed for 27 months for alleged military crimes. But he was a Presidential candidate against Mahinda Rajapakse and the opposition supported his candidature. The former Minister of Justice operated the “concentration camps” for 310,000 Tamils one of the first since the Nazi regime during the second world war.
In conclusion, the State Department last week has threatened Sri Lanka that they would start their own investigations. We Tamils welcome that statement and will also plead and lobby to conduct such investigations. Mere statements would be useless unless it really materializes into action. The US needs to fulfill it’s legal obligations of investigating their own citizens who are allegedly to have committed war crimes. US courts also has full jurisdiction on the US citizens but not on the Sri Lankan or Australian citizens.
j.muthu / March 29, 2013
Only way tamils live in peace total break up from sinhala budhist state. We tamils much better of with our land liberated. hope UN and international community support our struggle from lazy budhist.
Park / March 29, 2013
This is the foolish suggestion. There is no way we can split Sri Lanka, if it happens then Eelam would be a small area and would have to face the music of both India and Sri Lanka. Eelam does not have the infrastructure or the resources to carry on as an independent state. This is a dream. Tamils should get equal rights and honest politicians should fight for it.
j.muthu / March 29, 2013
for u its foolish sugestion. You should know we tamils fight peacefully for long time. Tamil politician from sir.p.ramanathan to praba made mistake. Ramanathan got brilliant chance like Jinna, he missed it. At last Praba had a brilliant chance to solve this. Madly Praba beleived armed struggle is the answer to sinhala budhist terror against tamils. he is right some extent. You all know LTTE GONE AND THEY WILL NEVER COME BACK. There is no chance tamils backing LTTE arm struggle again. We tamils never going back this used failures again. Tamils struggle for freedom never going to die, as you know after 4 yrs no change in tamil land. Mad Mahinda and his goons never allow tamils live in peace. Building sinhala budha every corner of tamil land is not the answer. Tamils want to rule themselves and want live way they want to live. Do u thing its happening in our land. U said we must fight for equal rights, we had enough of this for long time. Time for change hope IC beginning to realize that. Hope we tamils have future….
Ravi / March 30, 2013
Both Tamil Nadu and Tamil Eelam belongs to the Tamils. The Tamils in India is already having Tamil Nadu. The Tamils in Sri Lanka lost their Tamil Eelam to the Sinhalese via the Europian colonials and have to get it back. Tamil Nadu is for the Tamils of India, Tamil Eelam is for the Tamils of Sri Lanka.
kichchi / April 1, 2013
Many may not be aware that Singapore imports DRINKING WATER in addition to many other items.
Jaliya Wickramasinghe / March 29, 2013
Dear Mutthu
Yes Budhists are lazy towards western way of development because they know that the true and real development is exactly opposit to it and western development brings nothing but destruction not only to human kind but also to entire world living.
You are easily deceived by this cunning LTTE funders and he has to write this type of racist and baseless lies to provoke you and make you pay for them only to maintain their luxery life in west.
The fact is that he (Gnanacoon) and his clans are the real ones responsible for all of the deaths and destructions took place in Sri Lanka for 3 decades in which the hidden agenda was to create an state against not only to Budhists but also to Hindus and Muslims who now live together in great state of peace and harmony in Sri Lanka after their defeat in 2009.
Please do not leave them to ruin that in their ongoing plan.
j.muthu / March 29, 2013
Jaliya wicremasinge,
Pleas refer my answer to Park, hope u understand. U sinhala heads never going to under stand. u will create sinhala budhist thugs like JHU, JVP,BBS. we tamils and muslims had enough of your terror. Time to change. Hope We tamils have a UN, INDIA AND WESTERN WORLD support to achieve our goal for freedom from sinhala budhist fascism. Just watch and educate yourself what happening around you. PRAY FOR INNOCENT SINHALA AND TAMILS LIVE IN PEACE, LET THEM CHOOSE THEIR OWN DESTINY…
Jaliya Wickramasinghe / March 30, 2013
Dear Muttu
You have every right to expect outside help but it can not be different from what common people in Sri Lanka expect from them. Sri Lanka is already getting their help as a one nation and they can not invade a democratic country where no right violation is taken place. There is no ground to your old stupid claim of Tamil land as this Chelva ideology planted in heads of Tamils with the help of Britich and Dutch imperialists who brought Tamils to SL for their plantation work, was sunken in Nadikadal lagoon in May 2009. Tamil home land is in Tamil nadu where inocent pilgrims and priests are attacked in barberic acts and where no basic human needs have been satisfied even for the majority.
JVP is in near death and you can call the JHU and BBS as thugs but they are not terrorists. Over 50% of the Tamils live in other parts of the country where religous rights for all is guranteed and no harm on minorities were reported from Budhists for over 30 years except recently arised few incidents as a part of the failed external agenda to break ethnic harmony that prevails in Sri Lanka.
You choosed as your destiny to have over 80% of the countrys’ land and sea resources to you being less than 13% of the population and while only one half of te Tamils are actully their to entertain that piece of cake. How stupid it is on your part to think that the rest will agree to this kind of suicidel settlement that sofar have ruined 3 of the Tamil generations and brougt unprecidented destruction in Sri Lanka. This is similar to what Hitler expected motivating Germans in similar type of ideology.
Please think of this as this is the majority Sri Lankan ideology without deceiving to bakrupted TNA and external politicians who acts on to keep this going on to grab your hard earned money and to get cover up their past mistakes at the expence of the blood of Sri Lankan youth.
j.muthu / March 30, 2013
Jaliya, please stop your bankrupt agguements. I dont want to go into history. If you go back early 1900’s clearly show everything. Yes tamils live in south, they are not settled by sinhala govternments. end of the day their choice. one day they will return their land. I beleive you sleeping for long time, wake up and around you. First tamils paid, now muslims. Do not think it will go and on. Do you really beleive tamils and muslims really free people in srilanak. if you beleve that i think you live fools paradise. Please wake up dividing the country good for sinhala and tamil speaking people.
Jaliya Wickramasinghe / March 31, 2013
Dear Muttu
You want to stop our voice. This was the LTTE and VP policy of silencing others in threat, harm or death so that you can force your stupid ideas and one sided aspirations on others. This argument is the one bankrupted forever with the defeat of the VP and his group of murderers in Nandikadal some 3 years ago.
Just reply to my arguments if you have anything to counter them. Truth does hurt but please don’t be angry.
m c spencer / March 31, 2013
The seeds of the mutant political DNA in people like DJG and many other Tamils have been sowed by breaching of the many promises and pledges given to the then Tamil leaders who helped Ceylon get Independence without bloodshed from the times of the then Sinhala leaders such as DS Senanayake right down the line to the present deluded, klepto-nepotistic king MR. Their joint effort in sowing many storms produced quite a few whorl winds and the worst perfect storm seems yet to come that the GOSL is in readiness with gas canisters and masks.
In as much as the League of nations refused to grant equality of status to Japan headed by the then Aus PM and the then US president through an unusual and flawed if not perverted procedure of a meeting presided upon by him along with the flawed peace treaty of Versailles that was very unjust to Germany that seeded WW2, so will the present seeding result in a retribution for GOSL for all the injustice and inequities it is responsible for heaping on the minorities not only in SL today but from the time of independence.
The accidental lottery of birth into a majority community for being more prolific copulators in a more salubrious climate is no reason for special privileges’ and a false feeling of superiority that has not been earned by character and noble deeds as the wise one would have said millennia’s ago only to be repeatedly ignored due to a paucity of DNA in both mind and spirit.
Lanka Liar / March 30, 2013
Yes the world should undertake Buddhist development. They should buy more white vans , kidnap rape and do similar humanitarian operations. That is the new path for development. The Buddhist path. This is same as BBS.
Native Vedda / March 30, 2013
“We tamils much better of with our land liberated. “
Whose land is that?
sinhala friend / March 29, 2013
I have just read such a wonderful and very comprehensive article. Every civilised human being should read this article.
Especially those tamil diaspora, who visit tamil areas once they become a citizen of another country after their refugee status is cleared, and coming back to say every thing is flourishing in that part of the world.
However author mentioned state terrorism for 4 years after winning the war. It is not true, state terrorism started since 1948. needless to mention the scale
secondly carefully avoided the fact- genocide- but truth and justice would not take long to emerge, I hope
kp / March 29, 2013
this game of playing two superpowers against each other has led to the destruction of many a country- afghanistan the more popular among them.
not like us lankans are going to learn anything form any of that, though.
Dhaksha / March 29, 2013
Jaliya W the President’s close relative, was given this prestigious position, after an experienced career diplomat was pushed out, and nepotism took over.
The articles written by members of the ruling family, are just delusional and disconnected from reality.
Anyone who does not know better would get the impression that this country is flourishing with perfect policies and absolutely no crimes committed by the family.
It could be called an effort to camouflage the truth, and hide the ugliness that prevails in Sri Lanka.
justice / March 29, 2013
DG’s excellent response blows the lid off the sordid corrupt dictatorial regime hated the majority of citizens who are unable to protest due to the police and military pampered by the Rajapakse Regime.
Jaliya W is a joker & all know it.
How the LTTE helped elect MR by forcing tamils to boycott elections,in return for a massive bribe,is largely forgotten.
So is the abduction of the election commissioner & family during the post election ballot-counting – all ballot ‘lists’ were sent to Temple Trees before ‘adjustment’ and computerisation.
Manesh Rajakaruna / March 29, 2013
Who is preaching here. Donald G? What was we doing for last 30 odd years? Collecting funds and backing blood sucking LTTE terrosist to carry out the carnage on both Tamils and Sinhalese. Donald – you have bllod on your hand my friend.
Are you playing a different tune now? All of a sudden his terrorist supporter becomes a humanrights expert. What a joke?
Ample evidence are there definitely to bring this goon to war tribunal if it is going to be an independent assessment about what happended in SL for 30 odd years.
Donald J Gnanakone / March 30, 2013
@Raja Karuna and Rajapakse : Go and try it you Mother …………..
Let us see whether you have the Guts, Brains, Spine and the B……..s.
Ask the State Terrorist and Kleptomaniacs to assist you.
But the War criminals of US citizenship will have no immunity and no escape in the US. So will the country -…
Manesh Rajakaruna / March 30, 2013
Uncle Donald
Clam down man. Why are you lossing your head on couple of lines? It was because I told the real truth about you. Please take your pressure controlling pills asap.
Just remember I am no supporter of any Rajapaksas. Unlike you loosers with no birth place – I conisder my self as a true son of motherlanka. There are millions like me in that tiny island.
Also remember you will have no Peelam in your life time my friend. You funded the war by manupilating foolish podian Praba. Your futile action has resulted unbearble suffering for both tamils and sinhalases for few generations.
Keep dreaming like the fox in that story who went behind a billy goat thinking that its private parts would soon fall down beacuse it hangs from a thin scotrum. Did you hear this story before?
Do not forget you pressure tabs before you finish this comment.
Wuliangguobinjiu / March 30, 2013
“I conisder my self as a true son of motherlanka. “
Emotional Ragtag.
“Keep dreaming like the fox in that story who went behind a billy goat thinking that its private parts would soon fall down beacuse it hangs from a thin scotrum. Did you hear this story before?”
Castrated yes; you lost your bollocks in the lat pits of the South Sinhala Buddhist malasanya.
Mugabe Loves You.
Manesh Rajakaruna / March 30, 2013
Idiot W???
DO not falk you big fat nose to every hole you see. You reminds me the story of monkey who pulls the wedge.
Wuliangguobinjiu / March 30, 2013
Mahhena Rakuru:”DO not falk you big fat nose to every hole you see. You “
Bigot mine is sharp compared to your pug snut moron.Go tell your yarns elsewhere childrens stories arnt your realm.
Very interesting Only the southern sl monkey is a polygamist watch Sir Richard A.
Gaas Gemba a thread is public.
Biscuit Buffon go sit on a box of razor blades.
Donald J Gnanakone / March 30, 2013
Podian Raja-Karuna Raja-Pakse,
I won’t waste my time and energy with you.
It is your Mother Lanka and Mother land is being screwed by the Mother ……………….
By the way that Island belongs to the Tamils and me as well. So stop bloody hallucinating. Tamils, despite the smaller population and 1 million diaspora have a strong hold on the island still.
They might decide to go for “Ellam” giving up Eelam.
It is simply a buy out…. like in the stock market. Then most you peasants will be working for the Tamils. ha ha ha…. or Tamil speaking minority Muslims as well. lol…Don’t piss off the freaking minority and follow Buddha’s preaching you ………
Manesh Rajakaruna / March 30, 2013
Uncle Donald
Still steaming my friendvwith vicious anger? Instead of poor sons and daughters of poor tamils -why do not bring your one million well-fed effluent die-Ass-Poo-Ra back to SL for another war? SL defence force needs some target practice. They haven’t had it for last three years. It is high time again. You do not turn up youself with a broom stick as they do not shoot old fart like you.
Manesh Rajakaruna / March 30, 2013
Uncle Don
By the way I like your colourful language. It shows your class if you have one? You also claimed the spokeperson of your tamil Die-Ass-Poo-ra. Didn’t you? Well!!!!!!!!!!! your beloved leader son-goat bless your mission my friend.
MNZ / March 29, 2013
DG, you have written a very courageous piece, both telling and accurate.
However, watch your back and beware of men in dark glasses, helmeted motor-cyclists, ubiquitous white vans, and not forgetting those BBS thugs!
God bless you.
Sonlight / March 29, 2013
Is a balanced and justifiable article that analyses the real plight of the Tamils as well as the whole people of the country.My strong believe is that all international communities including US,UK,India,China are really playing a game for their own benefits using the Tamil’s issue.They have supported the Sri Lanka Government to go against Tamils and extended their fullest cooperation and support during the war to smash the liberation movement(Terrorists …………?)Now Tamils have no any bargaining powers to deal with Sri Lanka Government for any of the benefits.Muslims of the country also used the opportunity of the 60 years Tamil struggle and the 30 years of war to gain the maximum by supporting the respective Sinhala governments. Now they are also targeted by Sinhala Budhists. Now there is no one to voice for them.The Muslim countries are mostly with MARA”s government since they are also having the same type of ruling in their countries.The UN has also became very much weak as they mainly rely on countries providing major funds for them to run the organization,the veto’s.People have to wait till the nature punish these culprits.God is fast asleep…….?.
Upul / March 29, 2013
Its nice to see Donald coming out of the woodwork. Suffice to say that Mr.Gnanakone and his brothers had a vested interest in the outcome of the Eelam war, which did not turn out they way they expected.
That said; Jaliya Wickramasooriya is a disgrace as an ambassador for Sri Lanka in any posting let alone one as prestigious as Washington DC. When he turned-up in Los Angeles, [Edited out] I can only imagine how discussions involving State dept officials must be going these days.
Mahinda Rajapakse turned up in Washington during Jaliyas’ stint in LA and no one wanted to meet him (California officials). They flew him to LA at enormous cost and staged a big Tamasha at the convention center. Even then, no one important turned up. But, they managed to get a few minutes with the LA mayor. Mind you visiting HIS office !!! It is not a wonder that the US treats us like a nuisance it must deal with, rather than a country worthy of respect and therefore accorded due consideration. I will bet you my last rupee that Jaliya’s article was ghost-written by one of the evolving group of cronies based in US. Listening to those characters and uninformed observer might think that collecting garbage ( Gotabaya), express highhways and white-elephants like an unusable port or airport might be the only things Sri Lanka was lacking to arrive in the 21st century.
The untold story is that with military expenditure difficult to justify anymore, building projects with commercial rate loans with commissions collected by hench-men at all levels of the project is the best method to enriching themselves.
Pretty soon the pound of bread will go the way of a pound of milk powder and a pound of fish !!! Slice of bread anyone?
gamini / March 29, 2013
As I see it the US has cultivated not only Democracies but even Dictatorships across the globe for their advantage. A case in point is China, where the US tried to oust the Chinese leadership and the Chinese crushed the attempt with the Tienanmen square incident. Thereafter the US managed to re-establish connections with the Chinese for them to invest over 200 billion $ in the US economy which is into trillions of $ in debt. In Russia also the US tried to oust Valdemir Puttin at elections but Puttin survived and made an open accusation of how the US was trying to destabilize Russia. In Libya Gaddafi was allowed to rule for over forty years until the US decided to replace him, when they found he was financing various other world leaders for support. Similarly there are so many other leaders in other countries that the US have been responsible in electing them or removing them. Even Castro in Cuba and Chavez in Venezuela survived because the US wanted them, although on the outward both have been inimical to the US for public consumption. That is all and this has been US strategy in governing the whole world.
Coming back home the sole architect of getting MR elected as President with VP’s help, removing all parties including the UN from the North and then wiping out the LTTE by luring them to surrender is US strategy. In this exercise the US first got rid of Rajiv Gandhi and in place elected a weak political leadership of Manmohan Singh in India. Thereafter the US allowed the Indian Political body to be overrun by the corrupt, just like they have done here in Sri Lanka as it is easy to handle such Political Leaders. It is for this reason that no matter which country or group of Human Rights call for Inquiry on War Crimes, the calls are side stepped at the UN lest the truth comes out. In order to avoid suspicion of the US involvement, they resort to bringing in watered down Resolutions and at the same time threaten MR and family with action, just to appease the Tamil diaspora as Donald Gnanakone crowd. These are all nothing but time buying exercises. In the interim the US is playing the China card as well as the Indian card with the help from the EU and the Australians. India is now caught with their pants down and there is very little they could do when the US has put the Chinese here to work alongside. There are wheels within wheels in these power games played by the Supper Power, the US and we are just pawns in the system. It is interesting to see the outcome in Tamil Nadu and India at the coming elections, but then again could the successors resist the US buying power of individuals and governments?
punchinilame / March 29, 2013
The crimes of these Rajapakse brothers is beyond belief!
[Edited out]
Please don’t post gossip web posts – CT
OutRider / March 29, 2013
I think it is good to refresh the memories of the readers about the writer’s history.
Gnanakone Brothers…….. Fear Factor and the Scare Tactics…….
[Edited out]
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy
Subramaniam Masilamany / March 30, 2013
If one looks at south Asia from space shuttle, Sri Lanka does not exist; it look as an extension of India. But Sri Lanka is an independent nation, the Singhalese people of Sri Lanka must be thankful that they have country of their own. But if they continue their racial and fanatical policies they may lose what they will find hard to get back. Israel is possible because of the Jewish prosperous population in Europe, America and China. Don’t kid yourself, Chinese economy is controlled by Jews in China.
The Diaspora Tamil are so rich they are the envy of the Jews, That $5,000,000,000 flowing into Sri Lanka is vital to Sri Lanka.In Canada alone about 100,000 Tamils have a clear net worth of $1 million. That is formidable clout. So the game of pushing Tamils is over, but the news is good, we Tamils must invest our money to pull the average Singhalese out of the mess they are in. We should lend them mortgages so that they can afford a land and home on it. Let show them that they can live better.Let us provide them the leadership and pathway to prosperity.
Wuliangguobinjiu / March 30, 2013
Goofy presently they can’t afford a meal by selling the labour of women.
You are lost case like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
Safa / March 30, 2013
US has no need to pivot on Sri Lanka when they have a strong relationship with India and many countries in the Middle East and East Asian regions. Even China is concentrating on the Pacific and has no significant strategy in Sri Lanka other than buying out the options. India is the major power in this region and no amount of pontification from Rajapakse and his kith and kin will make it otherwise.
Bensen Burner / March 30, 2013
It is not understood as to why Donald Gnanakone should have taken what a buffoon had to say so seriously.
Manesh Rajakaruna / March 30, 2013
Do not be suprised uncle Donald lost his cool head as a so-called buffoon I told the truth. Sometime truth is bitter than bitter guard mate.
You get that buff-head?
Rohana / March 30, 2013
Jaliya Wicramasuriya is not a cousin of the President. He is a nephew of the President.(Late George rajapaksa’s sister)president’s cousins’ son)
Senguttuvan / March 30, 2013
Upul – thanks to the Rajapakses Milk Powder was sent so high some poor folk are now buying by the spoon – cursing those who brought them to this indignity. Will The Family succeed in creating a new market for the humble Bread to be sold by the slice?
saradiel / March 30, 2013
J.Muthu… where do you get this so called OUR LAND ? Its mine too.
Or else if you need eelam, take all the Tamils living in the South to your Eelam and we shall consider giving you North of Elephantpass.
Remove all the Tamils from the South… Don’t speak nonsense from a safe heaven you selfish J. Muthu
Praba was not mad but the diaspora & you for funding him.
Oh ! Tamils live by choice in the South. Then so can the majority community. But in the North ethnic cleansing took place remember?
RAVI.. you are right. return to SL from your safe enviorns and get it.
DG @ Uncle Donald is a Vampire. Loves blood. Yet liking the blood of the innocent Tamil youth & Children sacrificed at the alter of S.J.Emmanuel which are all over him It tstes good and he appears to want more.
BTW Uncle Donald your [Edited out]
J.muthu / March 30, 2013
sardiel thief, our land is tamil ealam. u have any doubts…go on man wake up.
Native Vedda / March 31, 2013
“so called OUR LAND ? Its mine too.”
Sorry its not yours either.
This island once belonged to my ancestors. Therefore drop your claim and go back to your mother land,India. When you go take your Tamil brethren with you.
Wuliangguobinjiu / March 31, 2013
Its alaways been a part of India and governed from India untill 1948. It will be taken over very soon as you realise.
Mark / April 2, 2013
Anybody related to the Rajapakshes holding high office is first a crook and second a mutt. End of story. I cannot understand why the USA does not investigate its own citizens. These are after all not ordinary citizens they got their citizenship thru the green card lottery. It is quite strange how they all won the lottery. There should at least be a method to withdraw this citizenship if it is not used to reside in the USA.
Joseph Nava / April 9, 2013
Dear Mr. Gnanakoon,
You must have forgotten that we are a non-align country. And as an ambassador Mr. Wickrmasuriya is doing what is supposed to to , trying to build mutually beneficial relationship with the US. It is natural that People like you who are just egoistic enemies of Sri Lanka do not understand our interests.
While living luxurious lives in Western countries you have done nothing but promoting terrorism in Sri Lanka . You’ve just enjoyed watching death and destruction of the nation you were born may be like a cricket match.
It is clear that you are not happy that Sri Lanka is at peace now , no village massacres , child solders , suicide bombs are not happening any more in the Island . But you still have the money you have earned through Tiger fund raising mechanism you’ve ran in US.
So don’t be unhappy that you will not see Tamil Eelam in this life. Because , even if there was an Eelam you will not come there to people like you this is a game , but for the Tamils in Sri Lanka it is life..Thank you Ambassador for your great effort , we do not need US , India , China or any other country in the world to promote war again in our country ..