By Emil van der Poorten –
Led by that most reprehensible of politicians, the current Minister of Justice, there are assembling on the government benches a motley crew of some of the most unprincipled characters to claim the garb of “representatives of the Sri Lankan people.” Goodness knows we’ve had our share of these types over the years and we certainly don’t need another edition of them at a time that Sri Lanka is inviting what is left of decency in this world to censure us.
One of the terms that is most abused is that of “war heroes,” defined by no less a person than our President.
It is increasingly evident that when he and those he leads in this crusade of ultra-nationalism refer to “war heroes” they refer to every person who donned a uniform of whatever description during the period of conflict with the forces of the criminally insane Prabhakaran.
One has to have taken leave of one’s senses to claim that not one individual among our armed forces which, during the war, totaled half a million, committed a war crime or acted in contravention of internationally-ratified covenants covering human rights and war crimes. That’s right: the numbers I quote for the Sri Lankan security forces approximate those of the entire Russian army!
I am personally aware that there were several individuals in our neighbourhood that no one would entrust with a catapult, leave along provide training in the use of sophisticated weaponry, who were welcomed into an army that obviously didn’t indulge in criminal record checks to ensure that some of the unemployable flotsam and jetsam of rural and urban Sri Lanka were handed AK 47s and told to get on with it! One of these characters from a neighbouring ”colony” kept deserting and being re-arrested and taken back into the embrace of his unit (to learn even more about how best to kill?)
The vast majority of those who enlisted were decent, honourable young people who enlisted to fight what they saw as a very real threat to their motherland. However, to even imply that every single individual to don a uniform was a “war hero” is nothing but to, knowingly, propagate a lie of unbelievable proportions.
Let’s be blunt: there had to be bad eggs among the armed forces of Sri Lanka who were engaged in battle with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (Tigers/LTTE) in occupation of territory primarily inhabited by Tamil-speaking people for a very long time.
To suggest that not one soldier, sailor, airman, policeman or member of the auxiliary forces committed one murder, rape or similar crime or deprived a fellow citizen of his or her human and civil rights during three decades of war puts one in cloud cuckoo land and should constitute qualification for swift entry into a mental institution.
Don’t our politicians, the President included, realize that to keep parroting “I will not let any foreigner punish our war heroes” is counter-productive in the court of international decency and does nothing but degrade what we have left of humane behaviour, honour and honesty in our country?
To suggest that those who were responsible for the premature demise of Lasantha Wickrematunge and the outstanding young rugby-player Thajudeen, not to mention the numerous “white van disappearances” and life-threatening assaults of anyone who had the temerity to question the Rajapaksa Regime belong in the ranks of “war heroes” speaks volumes about those uttering such unadulterated nonsense. Mind you, I have chosen not to dwell on such as the shooting of unarmed protesters in the Free Trade Zone and at Rathupaswala and the fact that they were pursued into places of worship and “suitably chastised” in the case of the latter.
This country is sliding back into the trough of conspiracy theories where no one but some servile stooge of the government is permitted to speak to any “foreigner” particularly anyone with connections to an organization involved with human rights issues. Simply put, if you have nothing to hide, nobody can do you damage. The Minister of Justice and the President of Sri Lanka, please note.
Just in case there is any misunderstanding with regard to my opinion of the conduct of the Tigers during the conflict, let me be absolutely clear: they were farthest from purity in the matter of war crimes and crimes against humanity as defined in international law. They should be subject to the same due process of law as any other, notwithstanding their claim of having waged a “just war in defence of the Tamil people’s rights.”
However, the number of the members of the LTTE or connected to its activities who are still surviving are, by the government’s own claim, miniscule. The previous government claimed and the current one, by its silence on the subject, appears to confirm the claim that the LTTE cadres taken into custody have been rehabilitated and released into the general population or are unaccounted for. “Disappeared?”
However, there are some quite glaring omissions in the matter of senior members of the LTTE being held to account for their reprehensible, nay criminal, conduct by this or the preceding regime.
One glaring omission in the matter of the application of the Sri Lankan Criminal Code, Prevention of Terrorism Act or any similar piece of law is that of the “Minister of Finance” of the LTTE who was responsible for all the weapons purchases and, in fact, the entire financing of the Tigers for years, “K.P” or Kumaran Pathmanathan. In fact, he was broadly accepted as the successor to Mr. Prabhakaran on that gentleman’s premature demise. Neither the Rajapaksa government nor the current one have given any indication whatsoever that this kingpin of the LTTE enterprise, the primus inter pares in the matter of being a merchant of death, is to be investigated, leave along prosecuted for his direct involvement in the loss of, literally, thousands of Sri Lankan lives.
What also of Pillayan who ended up heading the Eastern Provincial Council thanks to being taken under the large Rajapaksa wing? He was one of the few exceptions in that some form of prosecution was launched against this man who, in terms of his intelligence, is supposedly a few bricks short of a load, something that didn’t prevent him from visiting death and destruction on the Sinhala and Muslim communities of the Eastern Province and then, when he switched sides, on his erstwhile comrades!
What of the military genius of the LTTE whose defection is held to have been the primary cause of that organization’s total and absolute military defeat, “Colonel Karuna?” Despite the fact that all available evidence points to his being directly responsible for the execution of, literally, hundreds of unarmed policemen in the Eastern Province he not only walks free but was elevated by the previous regime to one but the highest position in their political party! Of course that elevation was also despite the fact that he was jailed in Britain when found to be travelling with fraudulent documentation (knowingly issued by the Sri Lankan government of the time!) as a member of a high-powered delegation to that country!
There are also the only two surviving Tiger commanders – “Masters” if memory serves me right – from the final Nanthikadal battle who run free in the north, untouched by the provisions of any law, thanks to their swearing fealty to the (Rajapaksa) government of the day!
Does all of this not say something about people who mouth platitudes about “war heroes” while looking after some of the major war criminals from a group that was the most feared terrorist organization in the world?
Our leaders are, simply put, knowingly lying through their teeth when they claim that every single Sri Lankan who donned a uniform during the thirty-year war that ended in 2009 is a “war hero” and should not be subject to the provisions of Sri Lankan law, international covenants or anything of that kind. The next thing you know, they’ll be declaring “K.P,” “Colonel Karuna” and the two “Masters” that they folded in their embrace “war heroes” as well, qualifying them to be celebrated with statues at some major road intersection!
O tempora, o mores!
nimal fernando / July 16, 2017
It’s Israel’s fault.
kurakkan? / July 18, 2017
nimal fernando,
“”It’s Israel’s fault.””
and Samanta Powers married to an Azakernazi Prof Harvard and Yale did say Obama wants this ( playing elle at a muslim school at jaffna) and more a couple of days later she flew to washington (thursday) and commandeered the IMF chief Christine to loan $$1.5 billion and korea =Japan to add the same to make it $3.3 billion.
Who to blame for open Nandikadal fire but tip cut ladies man Obama!!
Samanta Power did tell Hillary and Obama off too.- woman who was a journalist in the M.E. turned out to be prof of law at harvard and yale had ba**s to have the UN investigate war crimes against women and children – its half approved (the country that the perpetrator comes from has to prosecute) but Angelina Jolie (Lara Croft fame) is pushing ahead Angelina Jolie and William Hague’s work to stop warzone rape is worth millions-but William Hague and Angelina Jolie are trying to make politicians see the bigger picture,
nimal fernando / July 18, 2017
Zorro buddy,
When you explain with such crystal clear logic and clarity, I am sure everyone will see that it’s never the fault of any of us Lankans but outsiders who want to meddle in our affairs. Thank you for pointing it out.
I always thought how pristine Buddhist moralists …… Ranil could screw the CB/EPF with his buddy Mahendran ……. and Mahinda with Cabral …………
That’s why I saved a million words and simply said Jews are to be blamed. ……. Zorro pal, why waste time pointing out the bleeding bloody obvious. Surely, you are not dumb?
kurakkan? / July 18, 2017
nimal fernando crony;)
but you don’t see the political picture and blame the jews for everything like the marakela karachele topi peratu nimal ge walawa. That is just the tip of the iceberg. you read a lot of eastern european stuff – rand is russian but very much for capitalism the new ideal.- altruism is the enemy.
The english can’t live with the jewish people but they can’t live without them. ranil +chandrika is equal to harry like jim reeves upail and learjet.
The jews know like english rooney to be there when any ball near the goal arrives In banking, Media and they have verbal virtuosity (they work hard for it) so the Chinese gave them refuge and are awestruck at their aptitude.
Obvious?? So we have patent rights for all to see and you don’t copy and say obvious.
kurakkan? / July 18, 2017
“”I always thought how pristine Buddhist moralists …… Ranil could screw the CB/EPF with his buddy Mahendran ……. and Mahinda with Cabral …………””
but the richest is the R&R caustic soda family of SriMao it’s got tentacles in uk defence ministry too at director level. a couple of years a ago a vijaya relative from the village of hers I met was propped up by blair made a couple of millions off secure bengali vote and married a millionaire professional then got the bengali boot. they have a lot of hidden wealth here and fund clinton foundation. Clinton foundation damages asia by pushing the jihadi onto asia- same old trick of corporate raiders and loss of hong kong loss of india. shame that family is not exiled permanently as they carry the R&R virus and are now riding the tiger from day of soho mangalam
Desai / July 18, 2017
What are you trying to say ?If you’re unable to articulate yourself in English, please find a professional translator to post sense here.
Dragos / July 18, 2017
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kurakkan? / July 18, 2017
Desai the non desi,
So nosey parker you are here to learn english. Please find your way out of our discussion then you may understand that there is more to the english language than your school ever thought you.
kurakkan? / July 18, 2017
Hey Nimal I think Gotabaya is the only man of the moment to play chess. You said it once before. you are right and i was swayed by other matters. we will come to it later on another thread and keep the moderates riding on tigers away. Meanwhile read this beauty.
Look at the class of Indian journalist. Very much like Socrates which our very own CT contributors lack.
Karan Thapar : I hardly need to stress how much flak the government has received for its alleged treatment of Raghuram Rajan. The alleged ignoring of Rakesh Mohan didn’t receive the same level of attention but the cognoscenti were outspoken in their criticism. Well, it seems, on both counts the obloquy was unfair and wrong.(Reuters)
Most people consider me a critic or, at least, not a supporter of the Modi government. I wouldn’t quarrel with either description. However, I also see myself as an objective and balanced journalist who is duty bound to be fair. In a moment, you’ll understand why I have begun this way.
kurakkan? / July 18, 2017
Hey Nimal I think Gotabaya is the only man of the moment to play chess. You said it once before. you are right and i was swayed by other matters. we will come to it later on another thread and keep the moderates riding on tigers away. Meanwhile read this beauty.
Look at the class of Indian journalist. Very much like Socrates which our very own CT contributors lack.
Karan Thapar : I hardly need to stress how much flak the government has received for its alleged treatment of Raghuram Rajan. The alleged ignoring of Rakesh Mohan didn’t receive the same level of attention but the cognoscenti were outspoken in their criticism. Well, it seems, on both counts the obloquy was unfair and wrong.(Reuters)
Most people consider me a critic or, at least, not a supporter of the Modi government. I wouldn’t quarrel with either description. However, I also see myself as an objective and balanced journalist who is duty bound to be fair. In a moment, you’ll understand why I have begun this way.
Radical Ideas / July 16, 2017
There are millions of questions that needs to be answered by the rulers of this land and also by the proprietors (Jews) of the “system” (Pro-Zionist Sinhala Buddhist Mafia) which is in place for the last 70 odd years and still being run with lies and deception and with multitude of corruptions, killings, lootings and maiming the innocent TAX PAYERS.
The Questions that must be asked by the Tax Paying population is How these Criminals (Political Elites and their Socio/Religious Mafia gangsters) got away from punishments or any prosecution for all of their crimes?????
After having committed all of these crimes, how did they (Sinhala Buddhist Elites) manage continuously to be friendly with the UN/US and West (the fake champions of the humanity and the real enemies of the mankind) and are still being supported and covered up to escape from International Criminal Justice that must have been applied for their part in causing the Crimes against Humanity through SINHALA ONLY policies creating conflicts, mindless racist wars and State controlled racistic pogroms and mob violence on targetted group of people ( be it Race, Religion or Party oriented violence)??????….
The answer must be the THEOLOGICAL SOCIETY members and their Freemasonic fraternity relationship gansters ( Ruling Elites and their Minions) under the guide of the NEW AGE Religious order which is ruling the earth at present and controlling the world from US/UN/EU systems of the Evil Power’s military and Economic might.
Pena Kiyanna / July 16, 2017
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Burt / July 16, 2017
“Down The Slippery Slope To.…Where?”
The country is almost at the bottom: not much further to go. This govt was elected with much hope which is lost now. In the current political environment you cannot say there is one person that is capable of taking the country forward with integrity.
“I am personally aware that there were several individuals in our neighbourhood that no one would entrust with a catapult, leave along provide training in the use of sophisticated weaponry”.
Everyone in the country is aware of it but a few will accept it. In the three armed forces and police as an entity with the knowledge of the powers to be accepted torture including rape of men, women and children as a normal operating procedure.
“The vast majority of those who enlisted were decent, honourable young people who enlisted to fight what they saw as a very real threat to their motherland.”
This is subjective: If you look at some of this honorable young men’s bank accounts you will not be able to explain how they accumulated the wealth. With so much of rape and murder if there was decency and honor there would have been more whistle blowers.
Nimal / July 20, 2017
We need the colonials back give us a life.
Thiru / July 16, 2017
With the racist, religious bigots that form “Sangha” dictating the policies of Sri Lankan governments.
What’s the point in your blaming the cowardly racist politicians?
Even your opinions somewhat subtly slant to support these majoritarian bigots in power both in the parliament and in the religious hierarchy.
Emil van der Poorten / July 17, 2017
Your statement that, “Even your opinions somewhat subtly slant to support these majoritarian bigots in power both in the parliament and in the religious hierarchy,” is simply without substance given what I have to say in the time I’ve written for publication in this country. When I KNOW that there have been well-intentioned young people who joined the forces, I would not be doing honesty any justice by tarring them with the same brush. Hence the generalization to which I do plead guilty.
Tsylana / July 18, 2017
Whether its india or china or the west or Basque country the farmers and fishermen have to give way for development at some stage or the other. To sit on a village up north the world record holders for con men and inside traders want a nation, to tame mother india by retaining a language that is fading away like most classical languages.
Even CEO Google Sunder is on Alphabet. not tamil language because its the second most difficult to learn . The language spoken by the majority in the world – Mandarin is the most difficult but it’s closer to reality 3D so we use it for direct unicoding. Plus the chinese do not believe that life is logical alone like tamils and that is what makes them practical people like LKY born in the mainland. LKY makes it clear if it was other way around 75% indians Singapore would never have made it.
you are not practical your emotions are trailing a lost humour It’s time for you to drop off on a good vacation away from tamils and feel the truth.
Jagath Fernando / July 16, 2017
Agree that the everyone who was enlisted in the forces during the 30 year conflict cannot be labeled as a war hero.
Unfortunately all politicians including Sirisena and Ranil are simply interested in winning the next election and to retain power. Hence the need to satisfy the voters with what they want to hear and to maintain the welfare state where the voters come behind the politicians for food , housing and jobs!!
Need a complete overhaul but cannot see any young politician on the horizon who could do this from any party.
Cheers! / July 16, 2017
Well said, Emil!
Looks like we will be stuck with reprehensible politicians until kingdom come, as no one with an iota of decency will wade into the excrement that is ‘politics’ in this country.
Oh woe is us!
Estate Labourer / July 16, 2017
“Led by that most reprehensible of politicians, the current Minister of Justice, …………….”
You never spoke a truer word!
Burt / July 16, 2017
My personal opinion is that the Minister of Justice is the most corrupted, incompetent bigot I have seen in my life time and I am not limiting myself to Sri Lankan politics.
Spring Koha / July 16, 2017
Let’s cut to the chase: the incumbent Minister of Justice is somewhere between a silver-tongued bully and a downright snake in the grass. Within the cabinet, he is in good company. In the pantheon of ‘unfit for purpose’ ministers, he stands shoulder to shoulder with some 70% of his colleagues. They have been appointed not for their capabilities but for the need of the Prez/PM to keep sycophants, troublemakers and loose cannons closest. The devious cancer they generate grows like a cancer in the administration around them.
From the earliest machinations of our devious nationalistic politicians, the need for a strong intelligence-led force was evident; dammit! My grandmother prophesied the coming troubles in late 1956. And they came; 1958, 1977, 1983 and all the corrosive skirmishes in between. Our devious politicians, vying to impress the Bauddha-Single voter, pushed our increasingly desperate Tamil community to fracture and and choose desperate measures. Still it was not until after the mid-eighties that governments upped the resourcing and investment in our security forces.
Throughout the years, our forces (like most others universal) had their fair share of scum and scoundrels, much to chagrin of the many decent officers and soldiers. This proportion multiplied when Rajapakse, the Great Liberator, resolved to end the conflict by resorting to sheer numbers. I can personally vouch, from my fleeting involvement with our military, of the visceral racial hatred that many harboured and who relished pulling the trigger when faced with anything perceived to be enemy, civilians, women and children included. To this growing number, the Geneva Convention was as obscure as the Confessions of St. Augustine. To these bastards, rape and pillage was their meat and drink. To absolve this lowlife by classing them as ‘war heroes’ is to dilute the honour due to the really deserving.
Heliotis / July 18, 2017
Passion rules the world! Jesus never spoke of redemption or the apple.
grandma said if you have nothing to say don’t say it. but you said it even during the takeover of missionary schools. the ungrateful lot of catholic churchgoers Going after the symptoms while concealing the lie.
Mara had to retain the original cause of terror because they now are your intermarried dynasty that funds the offshore accounts of libturds.
K A Sumanasekera / July 16, 2017
Emil Aiiya got it all wrong……….UNP Wije is the cleanest Politikka in the Yahapalana Cabinet……… Wije demolished JVP Prince by disclosing the LKR 25 Lakhs Santhosam Prince Anura took from Dr Ranil , in addition to the Beamer ( or is it a Merc ) Gift from Vellala Boss Sambndan………Wije demolished Field Marshall Fonny, by disclosing how he sent the Sacks of left over NGO cash by Courier to Union Bank ….. And the other few sacks. his Son in Law ran away with……..God knows how many more Wije has in his Bag to bring out and publicly execute to protect the Sinhala Buddhist Nation……….Talking about War Crims , Emil Aiiya is way off the mark again……. Field Marshall Fonny declared in Public, and is on Record saying that he will ensure One Thousand Tigers will be executed each month and every month until he reaches Puddithikuruppu………. That was soon after finishing off the Pira Tigers. who killed Karuna’s brother Colonel Reggie, and hung on to Thoppogala………..It took two years to reach Nananthikdal after cleaning up the brave Commanders of Pirahaparan who were hiding in Puddithikuruppu………..If Fonny’s promise was kept that is a sum total of 24 thou Tigers ……But 12 000 were captured and released back to the TNA…. So the total Fonny executed are about 12 000………….Is the Field Marshall in the War Crims list , which Dr Ranil’s mate Boy George Samare handed over to the Jordanian Prince?……….If not , will our Good Sinhala Wije be forced to hand over Fonny to the International Judges ,, if Sira is forced by the TNA , Dr Ranil, and the NGOs to set up UN War Crime Trials in Colombo?…..
Had Enough / July 16, 2017
No one should be surprised to see Pooten picking up Minister Wijayadasa Rajapakse to throw his verbal diarrhea at. He seems to be perfectly happy with bond stealing Ranil and Ravi, American boot licking Mangala and too many other rogues in the yamapalana gang. The reason for picking on Rajapakse is because he has stood up for the rights of Buddhists and Buddhism against endless Muslim, Tamil and Burgher attacks. Past history shows that Pooten has a pathological hatred of Buddhism and its 3000 year old culture and civilisation. How many days of pace making left?
K.Pillai / July 16, 2017
Emil’s pace-maker was fitted in SL – not in Singapore or the US!
Unreal / July 17, 2017
Had Enough …? You are not telling the truth; you want more from Emil, don’t you. It is coming. In the mean time I seek some clarification, from U, on Buddhism and its 3000 year old culture and civilisation. Leave out Buddhist culture for now. We could do it some other time. Tell me something about Buddhist civilisation. Try to limit it to 300 words, lest you fall foul with CT. All what I see is a lack of civilisation. All what I see is your lack of desire to catch up with the fast evolving humanity, around us. But, I promise, I will not refuse to change my opinion, with your enlightened narration.
Had Enough / July 17, 2017
It is unreal! The facade of the pseudonym is removed by the use of ‘I see’, I promise’ and I will not’. Obviously a man with less intelligence than a white rhesus monkey! Since you asked Pooty, Buddhists civilisation is the first to contest the repulsive notion of ‘God chosenness’ of the primitives like the Brahmins of North India and Jews of the Galilee. Buddhism showed the world that every one and every thing in the universe is borne, subjected to decay and death in a cyclic manner. More than anything else, Buddha replaced the idol worshiping an imaginary God in temples and killing and murdering to achieve the building of old temples with correct understanding of the laws of nature (Dharma). Adopting his Dharma is the solution to all today’s problems including ISIS and terrorism. Buddhism may not have invented your criterion of civilisation, the light bulb perhaps, but for 300 years in India and south east Asia, it showed the light of reality to people of all kind. It is preservd in Sri Lanka in the form of Theravada Buddhism and we will defend it with our lives for the benefit of the world.. That is why the Brahmins, Jews and the Muslims and anti-Christ Old Testament Christians and Jewish funded Evangelical Christians are against this pure philosophy. No temple can restore life, only ‘Samma Dhitti’ can. Unfortunately the process takes a bit longer than an implant could provide. May be next time.
Emil van der Poorten / July 17, 2017
Had enough:
Obviously you haven’t.
Very noble sentiments indeed, particularly those about your efforts being “to the benefit of the world!” I suppose we , “the great unwashed,” should be grateful for the sentiments expressed when you say, “It is preserved in Sri Lanka in the form of Theravada Buddhism and we will defend it with our lives for the benefit of the world..” What about “at the expense of the lives who don’t share our beliefs?” Isn’t that what you unmentionables are, in fact, espousing under every pseudonym and rock from under which you’ve emerged?
Had Enough / July 17, 2017
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Unreal / July 17, 2017
Had Enough, As I predicted, Emil van der Poorten / July 17, 2017 11:24 has answered you.
Your name calling and personal attack is not going to dissuade me from ‘educating’ you. Permit me to respond to a particular aspect of your comment, Emil had elected to stay away from. I am a Hindu. That hasn’t stopped me from worshipping in Buddhist temples or praying in Christian churches. I can safely say that you have no idea what religion is all about. If you do, you would not be commenting the way you do. You ‘light bulb’ could not even grasp my criterion of civilisation, – the fast evolving humanity. So, do not plant your idea of civilisation where it is not called for. Siddharta Gautama was born into a Hindu family. He was a Hindu. He went about in a noble way. He set forth reforming it. In trying to run down Hinduism, you are acting beyond Buddha. That is not the way to be a Buddhist. That is the height of absurdity. Let me refer to just one erroneous ‘inference’ of yours. There is no idol worshipping in Hinduism. The idols are symbolic representations of God. You are a son, a brother, a friend, a neighbour, a father, a co-worker, – all in one good soul. Hinduism is too deep for your comprehension. Forget meddling with it. I doubt that you have the capacity to understand the true meaning Buddha’s teachings. If you did, you would have refrained from your foolish utterances.
K.Pillai / July 16, 2017
Slipping down slippery slopes almost always end up in disaster unless those who are slipping wear skies and good at using them.
Unfortunately at the bottom white-vans disguised as ambulances are waiting.
Amused spectators include UNHRC.
PS: By the way UN is on a slippery slope too.
jehan / July 17, 2017
in war nothing is black and white. i do feel the west should mind there own business. Sri lanka should address the internal ethnic race /religion issue themselves. getting UN and west will end up another syria . outsiders come to brake, we as muslims/buddhist/hindus/christians should try to weed gnansara and the asgiriya monks out of sri lanka, as these western henchman want another war.
asgiriya is supported by cia and isreal. gnansara by the MI6 with norway being the middleman. the western countries are recolonizing – and france has started in africa, britain already is coming for its colonies. and started in africa. next step small island nations with resources, 20-30 year plan.
take_that / July 18, 2017
Mulla says: i do feel the west should mind there own business””
The west is minding its own business but the business is 55% of Lankan exports alone are to the USA and UK.
badagini badgini like in 1970 embargo. No alla battala now??
When bombastic BoJo sneezes Lanka would shiver.
Nalin / July 18, 2017
Rajapakse retained :The next thing you know, they’ll be declaring “K.P,” “Colonel Karuna” and the two “Masters” that they folded in their embrace “war heroes” as well, qualifying them to be celebrated with statues at some major road intersection!””
The same way Rajapakse retained Chandrika and Ranil funders of Clinton foundation and the original
Racist raiders of the Island. That alone was his downfall.
Sobita was no small joker but a former Che Guevara so like Kelly UK the expert on Iraq had to go.