18 February, 2025


Element Of Fear Still Exists In The North And East: UNHR Chief

While expressing concerns that the Government may be wavering on its human rights commitments, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein disclosed that while the element of fear has considerably diminished, at least in Colombo and the South, in the North and the East, while it has mutated, the element of feat continues to exists.Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein

Photo via Facebook Foreign Correspondents’ Association of Sri Lanka

Issuing a statement at the end of his four-day mission in Sri Lanka, Al Hussein said, “The Government has shown the will to make great changes. But from the victims in the North and in the East, and also from some of the wisest analysts here in Colombo, I have heard fears that the Government may be wavering on its human rights commitments,” he said.

He was however quick to add that despite this cause for concern, he has been assured of their ‘firm conviction’ in safeguarding human rights by both President Maithripala Sirisena and Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe during his meetings with them today morning.

“Virtually, everyone agrees there has been progress, although opinions differ markedly about the extent of that progress. The ‘white van’ abductions that operated outside all norms of law and order, and — as intended — instilled fear in the hearts of journalists, human rights defenders and others who dared criticize the Government or State security institutions, are now very seldom reported. The number of torture complaints has been reduced but new cases continue to emerge — as two recent reports, detailing some disturbing alleged cases that occurred in 2015, have shown — and police all too often continue to resort to violence and excessive force,” he noted.

He also recalled how his trip was much more ‘friendly, cooperative and encouraging’ visit than that of his predecessor in August 2013, which was marred by vituperative attacks on her integrity, simply because she addressed a number of burning human rights issues.

“But, I am aware that some of the same people have given me a similar welcome — I’ve seen the posters — but I am pleased that in the new environment in Sri Lanka, all voices, including the moderate voices of civil society, can at last be heard, even if sometimes the voices of hatred and bigotry are still shouting the loudest, and as a result are perhaps being listened to more than they deserve,” Al Hussein added.

He noted that one of the most important long-term achievements over the past year has been the restoration of the legitimacy and independence of Sri Lanka’s Human Rights Commission, with the appointment of new leadership of great integrity, through the proper constitutional process, offers a new start to revitalize this all-important national institution.

“I hope the Government will now swiftly provide it with the resources, and above all the institutional respect it needs, to enable it to fulfil its great potential, not only to provide human rights protection for all Sri Lankans, but also to offer expert advice on laws and policies from a human rights perspective,” he said.

The UN Human Rights chief however noted that despite these advances Sri Lanka is still in the early stages of renewal.

“Repairing the damage done by a protracted conflict is a task of enormous complexity, and the early years are crucial. If mistakes are made, or significant problems are downplayed or ignored during the first few years, they become progressively harder to sort out as time goes on. While the glass is still molten, if you are quick and skillful, you can shape it into a fine object that will last for years. Once it starts to harden in misshapen form, it becomes more and more difficult to rectify. Likewise, if any of the four key elements of post conflict resolution — truth-telling, accountability, reparations and institutional reform — are neglected or mishandled, unresolved resentments will fester, new strains will emerge, and a tremendous opportunity to establish long-term stability, which in turn should result in greater prosperity, will be lost,” he warned.

According to the Al Hussein, with large parts of the country having been physically, politically, socially and economically separated from each other to a greater or lesser degree for much of the past three decades, “the effort to rebuild trust in the State, and between communities, will take years of political courage, determination and skilled coordination and planning.”

“When you visit Colombo, you see a bustling city, a mass of construction sites, clean streets, and flourishing businesses. You see a thriving tourist industry. When you visit the North and the East, you see, in patches at least, damaged and depressed areas, poverty and continued displacement. Signs of physical development, certainly. And positive vision and ambitions among the elected representatives. But also more ominous signs of hopes that are not yet bearing fruit, and optimism that is already showing some signs of souring,” he cautioned.

He noted that while the Task Force appointed to lead the National Consultation process includes high quality representatives of civil society, there are concerns — including among the Task Force members themselves, he warned that the process is too rushed and has not been properly planned or adequately resourced.

“There are some measures that could be taken quickly which would reverse this trend of draining confidence. First of all, the military needs to accelerate the return of land it has seized and is still holding to its rightful owners. While some land has been returned in the Jaffna and Trincomalee areas, there are still large tracts which can and should be swiftly given back. Once the land has been given back, the remaining communities of displaced people can — if given the necessary assistance — return home, and a lingering sore will have been cured once and for all. In parallel, the size of the military force in the North and the East can be reduced to a level that is less intrusive and intimidating, as a first step in security sector reform,” Al Hussein suggested.

He also called on the Government to quickly find a formula to charge or release the remaining security-related detainees. “In addition, the Prime Minister’s recent statement that nearly all the disappeared persons are dead has created great distress among their families, who until then still had hope. This statement must be followed by rapid action to identify precisely who is still alive and who has died or been killed, properly account for their deaths — including whether or not they were unlawful — identify the location of their remains, and provide redress,” he said.

Speaking on the resolution adopted by the UN Human Rights Council on 1 October last year, a resolution that was co-sponsored by Sri Lanka and agreed with the consensus of all 47 Member States of the Council, he noted that there were many myths and misconceptions about the resolution, and what it means for Sri Lanka.

“It is not a gratuitous attempt to interfere with or undermine the country’s sovereignty or independence. It is not some quasi-colonial act by some nebulous foreign power. The acceptance of the resolution was a moment of strength, not weakness, by Sri Lanka. It was the country’s commitment to both itself and to the world to confront the past honestly and, by doing that, take out comprehensive insurance against any future devastating outbreak of inter communal tensions and conflict,” he said.

“The world wants Sri Lanka to be a success story. For a country to be stable, to be a success, it needs to have a strong, impartial and credible justice system. The security services and the judiciary must function in the interests of all its citizens,” he said.

Al Hussein noted that extreme nationalistic tendencies lay at the heart of Sri Lanka’s conflict, and they should not be allowed to undermine the country’s long term chances of recovery once again. “Only a year ago, large numbers of Sri Lankans voted for change, for reconciliation, for truth, for justice. It would be a great shame if a minority of extreme voices — on both sides — who are bent on disruption, were allowed to prevail by creating fear where there should be hope,” he said.

“Let me make it as plain as I can: the international community wants to welcome Sri Lanka back into its fold without any lingering reservations. It wants to help Sri Lanka become an economic powerhouse. It wants Sri Lanka’s armed forces to face up to the stain on their reputation, so that they can once again play a constructive role in international peace-keeping operations, and command the full respect that so many of their members deserve.

But for all that to come to fruition, Sri Lanka must confront and defeat the demons of its past. It must create institutions that work, and ensure accountability. It must seize the great opportunity it currently has to provide all its people with truth, justice, security and prosperity,” he added. (By Munza Mushtaq © CT)

Latest comments

  • 17

    Prince Zeid is correct ….excellent remarks

    Tamils are living with fear after2009 May…how long ????


    • 5

      Do you know what fear he is talking about?

      • 7

        “I have heard fears that the Government may be wavering on its human rights commitments.”

        “The ‘white van’ abductions that operated outside all norms of law and order, and — as intended — instilled fear in the hearts of journalists, human rights defenders and others who dared criticize the Government or State security institutions, are now very seldom reported.”

        “Only a year ago, large numbers of Sri Lankans voted for change, for reconciliation, for truth, for justice. It would be a great shame if a minority of extreme voices — on both sides — who are bent on disruption, were allowed to prevail by creating fear where there should be hope.”

        I thought the Commissioner was spot on! Gota says someone who pops us once cannot make an informed comments. The visit is symbolic and for confidence building. These guys usually do their home work properly.

      • 5

        Nuisance, he is talking about running into too many village idiots like you.

      • 2


        Do you?

    • 4

      Dear Prince Zeid
      We Eelam Tamils are living in fear since our glorious leader Velupillai Prabhakaran was slaughtered in cold blood after he was sodomized with an hot iron rod. Your speech has not made any mention about inhumane treatment meted out to the spiritual and political leader of Tamils worldwide.

      • 2

        Eelam smart ass Patriot Canada

        “Your speech has not made any mention about inhumane treatment meted out to the spiritual and political leader of Tamils worldwide.”

        His speech didn’t mention the fact that your spiritual and political leader’s contribution to democracy, he won the 2005 presidential elections for MR for a tidy sum.

        His speech also omitted the fact that VP defended the sovereignty of this island when he kicked the occupying IPKF out of this land while the Sri Lankan armed forces were hiding behind his bum.

        He also won the war for MR and the subsequent presidential elections.

        Do you regret that Mahinda killed his magic wand or golden duck?

  • 13

    How about the missing SL soldiers. The missing citizens killed by LTTE but still reported missing. Who is responsible for hostages misssing.Even reports of muissing and assumed dead. TNA must accept responsibility for aiding LTTE.
    MR should come forward to answer charges againts SRi Lankans as SF volunteeree3d. We must be united in our representation of our war heoros.

    • 10

      “How about the missing SL soldiers. The missing citizens killed by LTTE but still reported missing.”

      Are you really looking for the truth?

      They are death in war. If they were killed by the LTTE there is a payment involed for the goverment to the family.

      Is that too hard for you to let the UNHRC to come and find out the missing soldiers as you have been not told the truth by the Old Royals.

      • 7


        “Are you really looking for the truth?”

        No, Ranil Wijeyesekera and his likes are simply looking for excuses, simply to hide a large pumpkin in a handful of rice.
        The main question is about the deaths which occurred during the last stages of the war. I do not deny LTTE was perfectly clean.

        In that case investigate the killing starting from 1958 riots. I do agree LTTE had targeted Sinhala civilians causing death and permanent disability, and that is not acceptable. But there are no LTTE members alive to stand charges to be punished. That is the reason why they should have not killed the LTTE carders at point blank range with the hands tied behind their backs and blindfolded. If the Government can identify and convict the few remaining alive, then that is perfectly fine. But as I said they are all unlikely to be alive. But many of the killers in the Sri Lankan security forces are still alive and walking freely.

        In short all I say is punish all, the LTTE members and the security forces who were involved in the killings other than those directly due to the war.

      • 0

        Kurangu Mallaiyuran’s Dead Fantasy!

    • 11

      Ranil Wijeyasekera, LTTE was a banned terrorist group, which has been decimated now. The concern is about an official military atrocities committed by them against innocent civilians. Get your facts right before you jump to conclusion.

    • 6

      //How about the missing SL soldiers. The missing citizens killed by LTTE but still reported missing. Who is responsible for hostages misssing.Even reports of muissing and assumed dead. TNA must accept responsibility for aiding LTTE.//

      Ha! This is what the Tamil moderates and the International community seeks. Have an impartial open inquiry and transparent and accountable process. Not LLRC or Paranagama stuff. If LTTE is guilty as well, so be it. If TNA, left over LTTE or even some Diaspora individuals or organisations are guilty, bring them down.

      But, Rajapakse Family knows that LTTE is NOT guilty!! They invited Karuna to become the Deputy Leader of SLFP and to have a Minister position, facilitated Pillaiyaan (Karunan’s trusted deputy) to run the Eastern Province, felicitated Iniya Bharathy (Karuna’s trusted deputy) with Deshamanya and appointed as a Presidential Advisor. Potentially, these people must have had a hand in the attacks on civilians in the Eastern province, deaths of surrendered policemen and the bus attack in Arantalawa. Then, the Eastern unit went to Dalada Maligawa. Then, they took KP from Malaysia and provided him with all facilities. We all know that KP was THE LTTE leader after Prabaharan.

      Now, please bring LTTE to the books, and we will see what happens to Karuna, Pillaiyaan, Iniya Bharathy and KP… and of course, their patrons, the Rajapakse Family (Karuna was given a false diplomatic passport to go to UK by the people smuggler, Gotabhaya Rajapakse!).

      Bring it on Ranil Wijesekera!!!

    • 1

      Check the previous govt politicians and the drug mafia most of the missing SL soldiers are working as mercenaries for hire. Even SF had a few when he contested for the Presidential election.

  • 10

    In case you did not hear UN report or Zeid comments, the UN does want to investigate the atrocities committed by the LTTE against the soldiers and the civilians. Missing Sri Lankan soldiers are also accounted in the local inquiry. UN repeatedly said atrocities committed by LTTE should be investigated.

    Parliamentarians in the south has the luxury of not being controlled by the LTTE. TNA’s constituency is located in the North and the East, where it is controlled by the LTTE. If TNA were not ‘supportive’ of the LTTE, they were shot dead by the LTTE. TNA Batticoloa parliamentarian for example, was assassinated by LTTE and now in custody for murder. Ranil Wijeyesekera , yet you claim TNA was aiding the LLTE. Somebody appear to support, so they do not get shot is not ‘aiding’ them. if LTTE put a gun on hear head, you will probably do the same

    • 13

      Well said AJ. Formation of LTTE was due to successive govts, refusing
      jobs to the Tamil youth and university entrance was restricted due
      education standardization policy adopted by the Srivamo Govt.and Ltte
      took up to armed struggle, thus marginalising the Tamil Political
      parties like TNA, then called TULF. and some of the Tamil leaders got
      killed in the process. Would like to ask Ranil Wije as, when the govt. in power had the armed forces in their hands they could not control JVP
      during the period of insurrection and how could he have expected TNA,
      an unarmed political party to have finished or challenged Ltte.

      People should have the correct facts before they write something for
      public attention.

      • 5

        Do you think the LTTE resorting to terrorism and suicide murdering over 100,000 innocent civilians and many more Tamils at the end of the war and wiping out a generation of Tamil youth all because of “successive govts, refusing jobs to the Tamil youth and university entrance was restricted due education standardization policy adopted by the Srivamo Govt.” was a wise thing to do?
        Answer YES or NO

        • 8

          Wrong bloody question, but then we know that gutters always stink.

          I have my issues with LTTE, but did they kill that many people? You must be blind, deaf and/or brainless. God help you!!

          • 1

            Answer my question first!
            Then I will show you the real numbers killed by and because of the ltte terrorists.

            • 1

              You must have given instructions to the LTTE to kill, that should explain the reason for your knowing how many were really killed!

        • 7

          Nuisance the Stupid I

          “Do you think the LTTE resorting to terrorism and suicide murdering over 100,000 innocent civilians and many more Tamils at the end of the war and wiping out a generation of Tamil youth”

          I suppose VP invented suitcase nuclear device, suitcase bomb, backpack nuke, mini-nuke and pocket nuke to kill that many Tamils. I wonder why he didn’t use all his tactical nuclear weapons against the armed forces?

          VP must have been a strange terroist.

  • 11

    Zeid is clear. To return to the international community Sri Lanka needs to deliver genuine reform. Sri Lankan’s need to make that choice. The future of all Sri Lankan’s is at stake.

    • 3

      What international community are you talking about?? What reforms are you talking about? What laws and rights of Sri Lanka is discriminatory to any ethnic group? Give me a list.
      For your information, the gov. needs no reforms at all. All rights and laws applies to all Sri Lankans equally.

      • 3

        Heh heh… this guy is waiting for Mahinda to form a new party and lives in hope!!!

        Mahinda will install his wonderful relatives like Basil, Gota, Namal, Shaseendra and co to run the country for us. Jaliya, Uthunga, Shaveendra and co will represent the country in the international capitals. Shiranthy, Anoma and Pushpa will run all charities in Sri Lanka. Mervin Silva, Duminda Silva and the likes will supply essential ingredients for youth. Yoshitha, Nishantha and such will run the entertainment industry. Night races will be organised to entertain you. Malinda and the likes will run the news media outlets. Packer and other international billionaires will invest their monies in Sri Lanka to build high-risers to play casino. Please line up your girls to join Air Lanka – if they catch Namal’s eyes – they will get good money to escort his around the world and entertain him and his friends at colossal sums of money. We will build a huuuuge airport and a huuuuuge port where every plane or ship around the world would want to venture. Sinharaja forest reserve will be well developed for the royal kids to have holiday resorts and hunting expeditions. We will have wonderful relationship with the leaders like Hussein of Iraq, Gadaffi of Libya, Azad of Syriya, Ahmadinejad of Iran, Putin of Russia and Jinping of China. Please line up your mothers in front of the employment agencies to go to Middle East to take care of million dollar kids. Yeah – Sri Lanka will be a wonderful place under Mahinda and his generations again.

        Eusence (who utters, “For your information, the gov. needs no reforms at all. All rights and laws applies to all Sri Lankans equally”) does not comprehend the answers, but for the others:

        CHAPTER IV
        18. (1) The Official Language of Sri Lanka shall be Sinhala.
        (2) Tamil shall also be an official language.

        But, (2) was added by Section 2(b) of the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution!

        CHAPTER II
        9. The Republic of Sri Lanka shall give to Buddhism the
        foremost place and accordingly it shall be the duty of the State
        to protect and foster the Buddha Sasana, while assuring to all
        religions the rights granted by Articles 10 and 14(1)(e).

      • 2

        Nuisance the Stupid I

        “Do you think the LTTE resorting to terrorism and suicide murdering over 100,000 innocent civilians and many more Tamils at the end of the war and wiping out a generation of Tamil youth”

        I suppose VP invented suitcase nuclear device, suitcase bomb, backpack nuke, mini-nuke and pocket nuke to kill that many Tamils. I wonder why he didn’t use all his tactical nuclear weapons against the armed forces?

        VP must have been a strange terrorist.

      • 3


        Which international community passed UNHRC Resolution (30th Session) co-proposed by SL?

        What reforms were spelt out in the said resolution co-sponsored by SL?

        Which laws and rights did it spell out as discriminatory in the said resolution, co-sponsored by SL?

        Don’t be a damn fool. Your puppy govt is right at your doorstep. They should be able to give you the answers as they co-sponsored the resolution. You don’t have to worry or have fear that you will be dumped into a white-van, a common feature during the times of your uncles’ Mahinda and Gotabaya’s reign for asking your masters these questions.

        Contrary to your loud-mouth boast, your uncle Mahinda has confirmed he had closed his one eye several times as a favour to many. “All rights and laws applies to all Sri Lankans equally.” My foot, even Sinhalese won’t agree with you on that. What a pathetic liar.

      • 3


        “All rights and laws applies to all Sri Lankans equally.”

        There is a big difference between having the rules and being implemented.

        I am sure you know.

  • 6

    Wonder whether the UN Bedouin Prince will have at least a a Layover in Leppo after his Fear Filled visit to Jaffna?.

  • 7


    You raised a fair point that the law itself are not discriminatory against any minority per se. Having said that, these laws are not implemented in Sri Lanka. As you are well aware, there is a 13th Amendment to the constitution, but the government refused to implement that amendment. Name one country in the world, which blatantly refuse to implement their own constitution?

    Let me give you an example, in 2004 I applied for dual citizenship and sent my Sri Lankan birth certificate to the ministry. However, they returned it and to me with a letter in Sinhala, which said they do not accept Tamil documents and they wanted English translation of the document. Tamil is an official language, but the ministry chose to reject my birth certificate because it is in Tamil.

    To go back to your point, the laws are not discriminatory. But you can see that the laws are not correctly implemented. If Tamil and Sinhla are official languages, one should be able to send documents in either of these languages. But that is not the case in Sri lanka. Therefore there has to be some forms of reforms, so the laws of the country is correctly implemented. I am not here to say to what extent we need a reform, but we do need some sort of reform. Training the civil servants and hiring bilingual civil servants would be a good start I think.

    • 0


      Euse very well knows about the issue that you raised! He will say it to you to be smart and learn Sinhala!

  • 5

    Hello Mr Eusense

    if the holy Buddhist stop plundering jewells and cash from tamil shops in 58,77,83 and everday after 83, there will be peace.

    • 1

      chandra banda

      “Hello Mr Eusense”

      I have a feel Eusense is a lady! Let he/she confirm!

      • 2


        “I have a feel Eusense is a lady! Let he/she confirm!”

        She is not a lady, on the contrary, it is a stupid she-devil, unmarried, unloved, never made love to anyone, …… living a lonely life.

  • 1

    Glad to see the Prince carrying his 1000 MM Te Lens with his Nikkon Digital on his mission to find the missing Tigers.

    Now the Bedouin Prince can get a few distant photos at least, of the poor innocent Syrians, 60, 00 of them at the last count, who are sitting along the Turkey border in cold miserable tents with their malnourished kids hanging on to them.

    That is if the Prince disembarks from his First Class seat, to stretch his legs in the Middle East, to avoid getting DVT.

  • 1

    Will Srilanka prove to be the Achilles heel for Prince Al Hussein?


    Will Prince Al Hussein turn out to be the Achilles heel for Srilanka?

  • 2

    I congratulate prince Zeid Al Hussein for his excellent assesment of the present situation in Sri Lanka. Yes, we need to start to look at issues, with a different mind set from that of the past, giving up our backward attitude.

    Highly poiticised and racialised judiciary created by Mahinda Rajapakse has caused havoc to SL. We cannot proceed with it. We do need international judges,technicians and observers as agreed in the UNHRC resolution.

    Those who committed the crime against humanity, headed by the previous regime, are hell bent to prevent an international probe for fear of being punished, but they are only few.

    We shall definitely overcome and justice shall prevail in SL.

  • 3

    The Westerners and Indians who turned the Sri Lankan internal conflict into a brutal civil war. Tamils and Sinhalese are victims due to their leaders’ ignorance. Tamil and Sinhalese eaders don’t allow smart people to lead. That is why they have been fighting since 1948. You need to be smart to make good decisions. How many Sri Lankans have desire for knowledge? How many Lankans read at home or when they travel? I haven’t seen that many readers here. They all are enjoying being lazy and stupid. They don’t desire for knowledge nor appreciate smart people. Therefore, we shouldn’t expect fools to make good decisions to prosper. I don’t believe Sri Lanka will become a develop country, because the leaders have not changed.

  • 2

    There are two types of fear that I encounter in the north and east:

    1. Fear of those who have grown up during the long years of turmoil and war. They have lost fear of doing what is wrong and do not respect law or authority- the tough nuts among the civilian population.

    2. Fear of those who were already adults when the turmoil and wars began and know what was before. They fear uniformed authority of any kind, including ex-Tigers. Any authority reminds them of a painful past. This also includes the segment of the population that believes everything the media reports and the politicians say. The are the timid and the unthinking.

    Experts like Dr.Daya Somasunderam. I am sure can dissect this fear syndrome better.

    Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

  • 0

    Fear still stalks and is easy to generate in the South as well….this is NOT confined to the North and East. Southerners also experienced the trauma of suicide terror that could be unleashed at any time any place. Again we see narratives and myths being created.
    Just because the Southern temperament is more easy going and the smiles come more readily it does not mean that they do not feel ill at ease whenever the foreigners come marching in under various descriptors of “international interest” in Sri Lanka, to drive forward the Tamil separatist cause which lurks very near the surface of the call for Federalism.
    The Southerners do not have leaders who encourage them to turn on the tears whenever a foreign dignitary arrives. This does not mean they do not harbour the same trepidations about terror and death of kith and kin or friends, especially with the new Government’s FCID around.
    The “Visitors” go away having enjoyed the comforts and hospitality of Colombo and Sri Lanka’s South, which has always been so despite the worst of times, and report bemoaning the sad tears of the North, thinking that it is the REALITY, after a 2 or 3 day visit!

  • 0

    I am at a loss to understand on what basis and with degree of accuracy that he was able assess and determine that fear still is there among people in the North and East ( I believe that he was referring Tamil people in these two provinces); and when he said fear what was his reference day and the year.

    first to my understanding there are more than 2 million people living in these two provinces.how many people he met may be 1000 people. and most importantly, whether the people whom he met consisted of a representative sample of ordinary tamil and Muslim people to make accurate assessment of the fear and to what kind of fear he was referring to

    1.whether if was they or their children being forcibly taken by LTTE for recruitment for used as front line fighters and sacrificed to achieve the Tamil Ellam
    2.or Army arresting suspecting them as LTTE members
    3. or being subjected to some kind of harrassment (sexual or otherwise by govt armed forces or by any other group
    4.whether, fear was referring whether they have jobs and money to feed them and their children
    5.whether their children can get good education and can lead a decent life
    6. or they will be subjected to harassment by former Armed groups who occupied those areas

    If one were to compare fear among people in these two area with reference to fear prevalent among them prior to/during may 2009
    in respect of items 1,2 and 3 above is insignificant, as i personally learnt during three year period i spent after 2010 handing a road project in North.
    I am unable to comment about item 6 but that also has significantly reduced.

    However, the two main fears people having in the North and East falls into items 5 and 6 which is common to all sri lankans who belongs to lower strata in the society. that problem can only be solved by ourselves only with proper policies by our governments and we ourselves working with dedication and devotion.
    this fellow so called prince, by talking to people like Vignesvaram who was a former supreme court judge who very well knew the meaning of Genocide ,but still claimed there was genocide of Tamils by army ,and similar people ,i do not know being a man of some learning made such remark unless he has hidden agenda.Especially, why he wanted to make such absurd remark,(based on just four day visit, and talking largely to extremely biased people, under a very exceptional situation in the country at that time.to make correct judgement of people feelings he should have had personal experienced having lived here or having visited at least several times during the period of conflict which lasted for many years.

    However, What i learnt from my association over three years with my Tamil friends and staff during my rather long three year stay in the war zone after 2010, was that they have no such fears ( as mentioned by this guy So called prince, man bought over by Americans).Of course their lives had been shattered and what they want money ,jobs, houses and good education and to live peacefully.
    In fact I found that vast majority of tamil people are very innocent and very peace people.it was LTTE leadership that had brained washed them.In fact I had so much trust and they were so loyal, out of my four personal staff,except driver ,other three, cook, assistant and security guard were tamils and in fact assistant was a rehabilitated LTTE tamil boy from the area.In fact their boy described how they were forcibly used a human shield and how how they saved their lives after the war ended.
    So the fear this guy Hussien tells is hardly non existent among vast majority of Tamils, apart from fear for survival due to starvation for which only government and diasapoar Tamils who are rich can contribute rather than delving in the past which in my view will not the solution to problem but give way to further aggravate mistrust between sinhalese and tamils.
    So let us try to solve problems among ourselves rather than seek help from neighbours and outsiders.They have vested interests and hidden agendas and in the process of getting so called help from especially powerful neighbours, powerful countries (especially like vicious fellow like America),we might end up in a worse situation.
    TO give a simple example poor man who is offered help by rich and powerful neighbour who sees (asset with poor man ,you know what i mean ) build a house for the poor man as help: but end up happy family life;there is no free lunch.
    you have to pay the price.
    so dear my tamil friends ,let us solve problems among ourselves. do not think every sinhalese is a devil,of course vast majority of politicians are.

    with love towards all ,hate towards none !

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