13 February, 2025


Elpitiya ‘Liberated’ By BBS: No More Muslim Shops!

Shops operated by Muslims in Elpitiya to vacate the premises soon, the Colombo Telegraph learns.

All 13 shops of the Muslims in Elpitiya are legally owned by Sinhalese but have been given on annual rent. The legal agreements are renewed every year. According to the Colombo Telegraph sources the Bodu Bala Sena has approached the legal owners of the Muslim establishments in Elpitiya and directed them not to extend their leases. All Sinhala owners of the shops have informed the Muslim businessmen to return the vacant shops, after the conclusion of the annual rent. Elpitiya will then be “liberated” according to Bodu Bala Sena.

Bodu Bala Sena conducted a meeting on 29th March in Elpitiya. BBS ordered all Shops and Restaurants to close from 11.00 a.m. and shop owners were asked to attend their procession white cloth and join their public meeting in the town. There are 13 shops operated by Muslims and they remained closed throughout the day, in expectation of violence.

Buddhist Monk Galabodaaththe Gnanasara - BBS

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The Barbarians Within

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    from lankaenews
    This Galgoda Thero the monk who is so vociferous about saving the country was a hit and run vehicle ( 6 Sri 5444) culprit on 14th April 2000, that is, this inauspicious accident occurred on the auspicious Sinhala New year day at about 2.00 a.m. when priests must be in their temples and performing religious duties and devotions . On the contrary this scoundrel of a monk was excessively drunk and the vehicle in which he traveled did not have a valid license at the time of the accident when he knocked a three wheeler at Grandpass whereby its driver was seriously injured. The victim of the accident was Ravindra Kumar.

    When the police gave chase and apprehended the so called champion of the Buddhist cause and who is now parading as a great savior of the country , he was so drunk that he could not stand erect . When the police did a breathalyzer test it was found that only by his robe he was a so called monk of the highest caliber , but inside he was a drunk of the worst caliber and a scoundrel betraying Lord Buddha and all what the latter stood for so steadfastly. In other words this is a monk who had come forward to save the Buddha sasana, without knowing how to respect the Saffron robe let alone Lord Buddha .

    Later the Grandpass police had filed a case No. 6315/2000 based on 9 charges against Galgoda atthe Gnanasara Thero residing at 615 , Rajagiriya through the traffic court , Colombo 12. Among the charges filed were driving under the influence of liquor without a license and causing injuries to person ; and obstructing performance of official police duties.

    On the 20th of September 2000, the accused Galgoda the drunk monk had accepted all the charges and was fined Rs. 10000/-.

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    This is the work of our Roayal. DS also behind this Ganaya.

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    Here is the story of a so-called saviour of Buddhism in Sri Lanka:


    Bodhu Bala Sena leader Gnanasara is a drunken goon and a disgrace to the Sasana: we challenge him to prove otherwise
    (Lanka-e-News-31.March.2013,5.00PM) Galagoda atthe Gnanasara Thero , the monk who is the leader of Bodhu Bala Sena and pretends that his Sena is prepared to sacrifice their lives for the country and operated by Gotabaya Rajapakse , who has also earned a notoriety for ruthless unlawful killings of civilians , has truly no connections with the Sambuddha Sasana , and is a drunkard out and out according to reports with demonstrable proof reaching Lanka e news.

    This Galgoda Thero the monk who is so vociferous about saving the country was a hit and run vehicle ( 6 Sri 5444) culprit on 14th April 2000, that is, this inauspicious accident occurred on the auspicious Sinhala New year day at about 2.00 a.m. when priests must be in their temples and performing religious duties and devotions . On the contrary this scoundrel of a monk was excessively drunk and the vehicle in which he traveled did not have a valid license at the time of the accident when he knocked a three wheeler at Grandpass whereby its driver was seriously injured. The victim of the accident was Ravindra Kumar.

    When the police gave chase and apprehended the so called champion of the Buddhist cause and who is now parading as a great savior of the country , he was so drunk that he could not stand erect . When the police did a breathalyzer test it was found that only by his robe he was a so called monk of the highest caliber , but inside he was a drunk of the worst caliber and a scoundrel betraying Lord Buddha and all what the latter stood for so steadfastly. In other words this is a monk who had come forward to save the Buddha sasana, without knowing how to respect the Saffron robe let alone Lord Buddha .

    Later the Grandpass police had filed a case No. 6315/2000 based on 9 charges against Galgoda atthe Gnanasara Thero residing at 615 , Rajagiriya through the traffic court , Colombo 12. Among the charges filed were driving under the influence of liquor without a license and causing injuries to person ; and obstructing performance of official police duties.

    On the 20th of September 2000, the accused Galgoda the drunk monk had accepted all the charges and was fined Rs. 10000/-.

    We challenge this Bodhu Bala Sena leader , Galgodaatthe monk to disprove these facts if he can, and confirm he is not a drunk and a goon but a true monk and a boon for the sasana.

    The business establishment that was attacked by Bodhu Bala sena terrorists yesterday at the instigation of IRC monks like Galgoda Thero only went to demonstrate that they are not only villainous to the country and community but even to the noble Buddha sasana.

    Following this disgraceful and uncalled for violence specially because it is led by monks who should be preaching peace and practicing their religions within Temples , a number of questions have sprung up :

    • What is the punishment the Sangha leaders will mete out to this individual who acted flagrantly in breach of the Buddha sasana code of discipline?

    • Was his drunken state , reckless driving , near killing a three wheel driver and fining by the courts after finding him guilty made the criterion by Mahanayakes to give him an elevated ‘Royal’ position and to entrust with greater priestly responsibilities over others ?

    • Is there any religious or social worth in draping a saffron robe around these terrorist drunkard priests ?

    • Isn’t it because the Mahanayakes did not punish this drunkard priest who was enjoying himself on people’s wealth getting inebriated and disgracing the Buddha sasana , and Mahanayakes not nipping it in the bud then that this same priest who is now nurtured and nourished by these evil propensities has grown demonic so much so that he is himself resorting to and instigating others to commit the worst sins and evils in the name of Buddhism ?

    • Even after this amount of disgrace and disrepute is brought upon the noble Buddha dharma by these ignoble priests , is everyone still going to wait with the eyes and ears open until Buddhism is degraded and its precepts usurped further in the very name of religion ?

    • Is the most noble Buddha sasana going to be preserved and protected after chasing these drunkards and demons ?

    • If he was an ordinary individual the punishment meted by the Courts would be deemed as correct , but in this case he being a Buddhist priest the Sangha Nayakes ought to have reckoned the punishment meted out by the courts , and taken disciplinary action against him. On the other hand , if the Sangha disciplinary Council had not been aware of this, at least now , the Sangha must take action against him as the true Buddhists specially and the people in general are waiting and watching what disciplinary steps the Sangha is going to take.

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    Galabodaya the Buddhist Pathlaya,
    stop Buddhist woman worked in middle east. stop buying fuel from Arab countries. all Buddhist woman consuming halal foods in middle east.ask Buddhist to buying beef from Muslim shops.how long you can fool Buddhist people.Buddha protect by Hindu Gods. see every Buddhist shops Hindu Gods are both side of Buddha. in which country Buddhist celebrating Hindu festival.Buddhism is not a religion only a philosophy any one can follow.you and your balusena is enough to destroy Buddhism in srilanka.

  • 0

    I am herewith reproducing an article which appeared in LEN today about the BBS secretary.

    Bodhu Bala Sena leader Gnanasara is a drunken goon and a disgrace to the Sasana: we challenge him to prove otherwise


    (Lanka-e-News-31.March.2013,5.00PM) Galagoda atthe Gnanasara Thero , the monk who is the leader of Bodhu Bala Sena and pretends that his Sena is prepared to sacrifice their lives for the country and operated by Gotabaya Rajapakse , who has also earned a notoriety for ruthless unlawful killings of civilians , has truly no connections with the Sambuddha Sasana , and is a drunkard out and out according to reports with demonstrable proof reaching Lanka e news.

    This Galgoda Thero the monk who is so vociferous about saving the country was a hit and run vehicle ( 6 Sri 5444) culprit on 14th April 2000, that is, this inauspicious accident occurred on the auspicious Sinhala New year day at about 2.00 a.m. when priests must be in their temples and performing religious duties and devotions . On the contrary this scoundrel of a monk was excessively drunk and the vehicle in which he traveled did not have a valid license at the time of the accident when he knocked a three wheeler at Grandpass whereby its driver was seriously injured. The victim of the accident was Ravindra Kumar.

    When the police gave chase and apprehended the so called champion of the Buddhist cause and who is now parading as a great savior of the country , he was so drunk that he could not stand erect . When the police did a breathalyzer test it was found that only by his robe he was a so called monk of the highest caliber , but inside he was a drunk of the worst caliber and a scoundrel betraying Lord Buddha and all what the latter stood for so steadfastly. In other words this is a monk who had come forward to save the Buddha sasana, without knowing how to respect the Saffron robe let alone Lord Buddha .

    Later the Grandpass police had filed a case No. 6315/2000 based on 9 charges against Galgoda atthe Gnanasara Thero residing at 615 , Rajagiriya through the traffic court , Colombo 12. Among the charges filed were driving under the influence of liquor without a license and causing injuries to person ; and obstructing performance of official police duties.

    On the 20th of September 2000, the accused Galgoda the drunk monk had accepted all the charges and was fined Rs. 10000/-.

    We challenge this Bodhu Bala Sena leader , Galgodaatthe monk to disprove these facts if he can, and confirm he is not a drunk and a goon but a true monk and a boon for the sasana.

    The business establishment that was attacked by Bodhu Bala sena terrorists yesterday at the instigation of IRC monks like Galgoda Thero only went to demonstrate that they are not only villainous to the country and community but even to the noble Buddha sasana.

    Following this disgraceful and uncalled for violence specially because it is led by monks who should be preaching peace and practicing their religions within Temples , a number of questions have sprung up :

    • What is the punishment the Sangha leaders will mete out to this individual who acted flagrantly in breach of the Buddha sasana code of discipline?

    • Was his drunken state , reckless driving , near killing a three wheel driver and fining by the courts after finding him guilty made the criterion by Mahanayakes to give him an elevated ‘Royal’ position and to entrust with greater priestly responsibilities over others ?

    • Is there any religious or social worth in draping a saffron robe around these terrorist drunkard priests ?

    • Isn’t it because the Mahanayakes did not punish this drunkard priest who was enjoying himself on people’s wealth getting inebriated and disgracing the Buddha sasana , and Mahanayakes not nipping it in the bud then that this same priest who is now nurtured and nourished by these evil propensities has grown demonic so much so that he is himself resorting to and instigating others to commit the worst sins and evils in the name of Buddhism ?

    • Even after this amount of disgrace and disrepute is brought upon the noble Buddha dharma by these ignoble priests , is everyone still going to wait with the eyes and ears open until Buddhism is degraded and its precepts usurped further in the very name of religion ?

    • Is the most noble Buddha sasana going to be preserved and protected after chasing these drunkards and demons ?

    • If he was an ordinary individual the punishment meted by the Courts would be deemed as correct , but in this case he being a Buddhist priest the Sangha Nayakes ought to have reckoned the punishment meted out by the courts , and taken disciplinary action against him. On the other hand , if the Sangha disciplinary Council had not been aware of this, at least now , the Sangha must take action against him as the true Buddhists specially and the people in general are waiting and watching what disciplinary steps the Sangha is going to take.

    • 0

      Superb Ram superb! He is a Rowdy, IRC…… We did not know this. Thank you.

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    what is happening.Sri Lanka belongs to all the coommunities living in the country. The buddhist prests of the hightest caliber should get the unruly thugs clad in yellow robes to stop this inhumain act.It is the responsibility of the police to stop these acts of violance.Musims are also Sri Lankans.This is terrorism from so called yellow robed thugs.Let people live in peace.26000 soldiers died to bring peace to Sri Lanka and is this what they died for?.Public should stop feeding these thugs.

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    Muslims were chased away by LTTE from norh. Now chased away from south by BBS goons. They are were never extrimists in this country. They have always supported sinhalese from time immemorial. Before BBS push muslim you to extremism all right thinking sinhalese should rise up against such fascists. This is an experiment they do. but it is a deadly one. Before they plunge this country in to a devastating war sinhalese should rise up against them for the sake of their chieldren

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    Still I respect our bellowed monks most of them are good in character, I afraid the words and the behaviors of these BBS culprits are using, may ruin my respects on them.

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      I’m afraid its already done.

      The aim of Buddhism is to to attain nibbana and end the sansara. These monks in BBS behaves as their main obstacles to achieve this goal as Halal, Muslims and Christians.

      This will be the great down fall to enlightenment of Buddhists.
      What a shame that none of the leaders are seeing the damage caused by these racists to our country?

  • 0

    We are a country blessed with 4 religions introduced by 4 great teachers. The Bahu Bootha Sena and their political masters are ruining the image of one of that great religions. The leaders of any such sena should be shunned by the peace loving people of this country and be wiped out from the political map of our beloved country.

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      Enlighten me. Who is the great teacher of Hinduism?

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        Periyar E. V. Marasamy, not the River Periyar.

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        The great teachers of Hinduism are Sri Rama (of the Ramayana), Sri Krishna (of the Bhagavad Gita), Sri Sankaracharya (A.D. 788-820), Sri Ramanuja (A.D. 1017-1137), Sri Madhva (A.D. 1199-1276), Sri Chaitanya (A.D. 1485-1533), and in modern times, Sri Ramakrishna (A.D. 1836-1886), and Swami Vivekananda (A.D. 1863-1902).

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      yes, if the Civil Servant holding US citizenship will rescind his!!

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    As a child when I was in school I have heard a story. When some one went to hell they saw different holes for different nationalities. When all the holes were guarded there was one hole without any guards. So when inquired it was found out that it was the Sri Lankan hole. The reason why there were no guards is that when one guy tries to escape the others in the hole pull him down. So no one has ever escaped. This is a stupid childish story, but when I see Sri Lanka today, after the war we still do not have any peace or order in the country. We Sinhalese are pulling ourselves down. In fact during the times of the LTTE there was some peace and order in the rest of Sri Lanka other than North and East.

  • 0

    Bodhu Ballage Sena leader Gnanasara is metally retard. All who are with MARA regime is mentally retard. Mahinda, Gota, Chamal, Basil, Wimal. Mervyn, Duminda,G L you name it everyone is a mentally retard.

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      @harry de mery

      It was our mentally retarded majority who voted in all these retards to parliament no? Sri RajaPakistan is one crazy mixed up Dystopia. This country is like a mental asylum where the inmates of the asylum vote for the craziest inmates to run the asylum.

    • 0

      we all can write & write & write till doomsday. But most of the general public don’t have access to these comments. Till they are educated by responsible individuals & institutions our politicians will thrive with the support of such goons. If the politicians truly practice the religion they say they belong to, this country be the best country in the world.

      A politician 50 years ago used the language to get votes and sent his children to English schools and the country went back 250 years of prosperity. Now a Smart politician had fooled the people with the religious card. The seeds of hatred being strewn in the minds of normal naive people. God forbid if this situation is allowed to flare up the country can go back to stone age.

      At least only Tamil MPs’ have the guts to face these thugs in the government. They do voice for the plight of the Tamils in whatever way they could. I don’t vouch for them, at least they are doing what they could for their community against all odds .

      Look at the pathetic Muslim mob of government MPS. What have they done. They will say we are holding our positions for the sake of the country – My bloody foot!

      We should commend the Muslim Public and their religious leaders from whom they get advise to be calm. They have stopped listening to their ministers & Mps.

    • 0

      Previously it was something to be crazy.
      Now everyone is crazy.
      Gnarls Barkley – Crazy

  • 0

    If there is true Liberation of SL from Muslims, starting from H.E.s
    Electrol area, the following Muslim Embassies in SL may be interested
    if they do not celebrate 1st April today as April Fools day!


    • 0

      As for my own experience when a body is been cremated using sandle wood for eight hours…..there’s pretty much nothing left except ashes and no chance for a single tooth to survive leaving all the other parts to burn.

      It is the skull that should be survived for a tooth to set free.

      Then what happened to the skull of Lord Buddha.

      Best is to do a DNA test to confirm if it is the tooth of Lord Buddha.

      I was keeping my son’s first toot for a long time without throwing to Tooth Fairy……but gone missing now.

      • 0

        Yes, the bloodline still survives, the Thiringu family.

    • 0

      Why do we celibate in April fools day?

  • 0

    Vasu is trying to do something about this.Don’t know whether it will get aborted by the most powerful man in srilanka Gota.
    The Sunday Leader
    By Indika Sri Aravinda
    Minister of National Language and Social Integration Vasudeva Nanayakara is to submit a Cabinet paper seeking a ban on extremist groups, including the Bodu Bala Sena, Ravana Balaya and Sinhala Ravaya.
    The Minister told The Sunday Leader that the Cabinet paper is being drafted and will be submitted in two weeks time.
    He said that the Cabinet paper will seek to bring in new laws to crack down on such groups in the wake of the recent religious tensions in the country.
    Nanayakkara accused the Bodu Bala Sena, Ravana Balaya and Sinhala Ravaya of spreading hatred and disharmony among religions and other communities.
    He also accused the police of failing to take action against such groups despite them openly advocating hatred.
    Nanayakkara also said that he had written to President Mahinda Rajapaksa regarding the hate campaigns targeting Muslims in the country.
    “Under our constitution anyone can follow any religion they want. If people feel threatened then they should complain to the police and the police must take action or they can go to Court,” he said.
    His comments came in the wake of the recent attack on the Fashion Bug store at Pepiliyana and hate campaigns targeting other Muslim establishments.
    The Bodu Bala Sena denied any involvement in the Pepiliyana incident but the monks had openly spoken against the clothes store at a public rally recently.
    The latest incident led to Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC) leader and Minister of Justice, Rauff Hakeem requesting President Mahinda Rajapaksa to convene a cabinet meeting to discuss the rising religious unrest and civil disturbance in the country.
    Minister Hakeem has also contacted all the Muslim parliamentarians including Senior Minister M. H. M. Fowzie (who is currently out of the country) and Ministers Rishard Bathiutheen and A. L. M. Athaullah for the meeting in this regard.
    An SLMC statement on Friday said that the Minister had expressed his displeasure and had condemned the attack on a private business site. He believes that this was seemingly carried out as a sequel to the ongoing attacks on the religious places and hate campaigns against Muslims and other religious minority communities in the country.
    Minister Hakeem also said he was dismayed at the ineffective response of the law and order machinery in containing the spread of such violence and unrest that fuels insecurity and peace of all minority communities in Sri Lanka.

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      Vasu could have preached that, but he has almost no voice though anchored to the bunch UNWILLINGLY, but some times as if he is genetically modified to meet the rulers behaviours.

      I have not seen any good qualities in Vasua that I always praised in him – decades ago – are now since he is attached to the bunch of thieves inthe current regime today…. Seniors stay mum, while filthy mouths behave no other times in the history – is pathetic to see.

      This is unfortunately, the reality of Dinesh and Vasu under the current regime. As it is the case with many millions living on rural areas, some stupid naive politicians react to today problems deliberalitely carrying out by the rulers is new to many – when comparing the history of the folks.

  • 0

    this is too much. it is true that we should act against halal and all of other matters. but if someone trying to create violence it should not tolerate. this may lead to a problem which cannot be resolved for another 30 years. brainless people.

    • 0

      Why you should act against halal? Please do not eat HALAL food. That is enough! Let them eat that is their right.

  • 0

    Bbs reminds me of the skinheads in Europe. Only difference is the neo nazis are given a wide berth by the normal people there, whereas here the majority is silently supporting the fascist groups ideas.

    • 0

      All wars are economic skinon or no skin ;)
      Even the Queen has German blood… Mugabe loves the singaylese.

  • 0

    Hello the white van driver, where are you????

    • 0

      Sure, he is waiting behind the backyards of Gotabaya…

      ane habatama rata ta giya kala….:((

  • 0

    This meritorious act will help the BBS and its followers to attain Nirvana ! “Sadu///”

    Why are these devils yet in robes?

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  • 0

    Where is that useless Lester? Bayawela gihin wage.
    Most of the Sri Lankan Buddhists are good people. They show compassion and friendship towards all the people in SL. It’s a shame though that the Balu Sena has got into most of their minds. We don’t need another 30 years of war. We need to stand united as one in order to overcome this problem we are facing. The Sinhalese people should know that this is a plot to take their minds off the rising cost of living. Electricity bills and Water bills sky rocketing is not gonna help the poor people in this country. And when the balu sena brainwash their minds to be racist it’s gonna be the end for them. They will have just water to drink but no food to eat.
    Are the majority that blind? Can’t they see what these fellows are doing? It’s a shame to their religion.
    We need to stand up against the balu sena. We need to step forward and voice out the injustice that’s been made. We are a DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST REPUBLIC. If we don’t understand these three simple words…. oh well! Kaata kiyannada..

  • 0

    Totally agree with Jaramara! SRI LANKA WAKE UP!!!

  • 0

    Reading through these multiple posts makes me realize how easy it is for people to get emotional and attack each other. Most of the comments posted above are subjective and just attack others viewpoints without challenging them objectively with facts. This forum can only be useful if those commenting can put aside their emotions, preferences and prejudices. You dont have to agree with everything others say but you should at least challenge it respectfully and with valid facts and good reasoning.

    • 0

      Patriotism and Religion are emotions and you are taking refuge at random miss? Stop the ;) I want to get off! :) :)

  • 0

    If this story proves to be true, all the Muslim MPs must be ashamed of themselves, unless they (all Govt MPs) resign/withdraw their support.

  • 0

    “Desert dwelling Bedouins have built the Tallest building (829 Meters high), the biggest airport (140 sq km), the largest shopping mall (12 Million sq ft), the richest horse race (AED 100 Million in prizes), in the world..” proudly claims Maghribi – celebrating the stupendous success of his fellow religionists. How does this compare with the argument the price of a vital source of energy was deliberately and inhumanely sent up from US$3.50 pbl to US$13.50 (1971-72?) – while the Arabs were transformed into millionaires at the earlier price. Most developing countries were made worse paupers than they were. Magribhi’s own country was virtually destroyed. Even the orderly economies of the developing countries were rudely shattered by the
    avarice and misadventure of both the Shah of Iran and Gadaffi – the main initiators of the move. Fate was to have it both died tragically – with one dying without a home to call his own. This is not a religious issue. It is economic blackmail.


    • 0

      Gadabout is MRs best friend!

  • 0

    Finally the BBS will be digging the grave for the entire Sri Lanka.

  • 0

    There could be some truth in the News Item. But at a time when ethno-religious harmony is the need of the hour, is the publication of it responsible?

    I acknowledge that there is freedom of speech. I acknowledge that there is freedom to engage in business. Not only there should be responsible action by those in authority to bring in greater understanding between different segments of the society, the media, whether print, electronic and on-line too must be responsible to cultivate greater understanding between different segments of the society.

  • 0

    Ultimate losers are the landlords who are collecting a huge rent from these people. These people will be able to manage without patronage from racist elements. When one window closes another will open.

    “And whoever fears Allah – He will make a way out for him. And will provide for him from where he does not expect.” [At-Talaq: 2-3]

    “And enjoin upon thy people worship, and be constant therein. We ask not of thee a provision: We provide for thee. And the sequel is for righteousness.” (Surah Ta Ha: 132)”

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