By Emil van der Poorten –
It has been a considerable time since I’ve had occasion to use the expression that constitutes the title of this piece. However, better late than never!
That said, what is the “enough” in this instance.
The “enough” is the acceptance of those who were guilty of monumental corruption of a varieties of brands ranging from the simply fiscal – theft from the public purse – to depravity and the support of depravity as part of the policy of the late unlamented Rajapaksa rabble.
I am as, I am sure, are people of this country very tired of the specious excuse trotted out that some of what went before needs to be overlooked or, at least, punishment for such put on the back burner until the larger mess is dealt with. Unfortunately, that “back burner” is beginning to look like some cozy fireside on a cold, wintry night in the Arctic.
I have, previously, referred to the fact that there has been at least one instance of a major Rajapaksa pandankaraya being elevated to the upper echelons of a Major medical institution. That was no mere “foot soldier.” That was one of the “movers and shakers” during what is going to prove to be the darkest time in this nation’s recent history. We are talking here about an active participant in an attempt to distort part of this country’s recent history and assist in the concealment of what could amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity. And, please, dear god, don’t tell me that people of his ilk were “doing their job!”
Now I keep hearing consistent rumours of appointments being made by the Ohey Palayang government which are akin to putting Colonel Sanders in charge of some Sri Lankan chicken house, the inhabitants of which are, guess who? Us, the citizenry of this country!
With little effort these people who supped, lavishly, at the Rajapaksa table of pomp and privilege are being placed in positions where they are expected to be moral arbiters for the rest of us! This is nothing short of obscene.
I have, in columns past, made reference to personal and “old school” affiliations kicking in despite track records that leave something to be desired. That particular bandwagon continues to accept more and more of the same. Where is it going to end and when is it going to end?
The people of this country are sick and tired of the repetition of the manthram that we have to tolerate some of the less-than-lily-white in the interests of the greater good of this blessed land. Hogwash! This has become an exercise in looking after the same privileged group irrespective of their political affiliations of the past that were based not on any adherence to political theory or belief system, but on simple greed.
Nobody in their right mind expected this or any other government, even if it claimed that its priority No. 1 was to clean out the Augean Stables, to perform such cleansing overnight. However, what we have seen is not simply some slack-assed reaction to the problems of morality that we faced but what is increasingly beginning to look like a continuation of what got this land into the moral mess that was Rajapakistan in the first place.
There are two other political realities that this lot have missed or chosen to ignore.
The first is that cornering rats and not dispatching them is not wise. The thieves and murderers that victimized Sri Lanka for far too long need little goading to realize that they have a choice: “hanging together” or hanging separately. The fervor with which these discredited have clung to the Rajapaksa satakaya is only too evident even to those whose interest in politics is but cursory.
The only hope for economic and, perhaps, physical survival outside the Crowbar Hotel for the toadies of the Rajapaksa Regime lies in a return to power of their Maximum Leader. That is the simple reality.
Perhaps, an even more dangerous outcome to what is happening today is a violent overthrow of the Maithripala/Ranil (MR2) government by a citizenry breaking under the burden of not being able to keep their kith and kin from starvation. The tip of that particular iceberg has already been visible in the unrest among workers and students and very suspicious “explosions” of large power transformers. We could be faced with something that ranks with previous insurrections in its ferocity and destructiveness, without even the masking of that chaos with some claimed adherence to what an icon such as Che Guevara stood for. As far as Sri Lanka’s reputation as some bastion of Buddhist thought and principle……………………………
In the hinterland of Sri Lanka the problems of city-dwellers is multiplied with traditional sources of “garden food” disappearing and the wherewithal to make good that loss at the local food store not being available. The long term problem is malnourished, under-performing adults. The short-term problem could well be hunger with people simply not having the means of assuaging that hunger.
Coming full circle: the pandering to the remnants of a regime – Mahinda Rajapaksa’s MR1 – could well sound the death knell of what little hope there is for this country to regain a place of respect internationally and begin the process of re-building a nation that has been devastated by a banditry posing as government. Get rid of these people now because they are nothing but a Fifth Column waiting to return to the trough to which they, until January 8th 2015, had more than ready access.
dawood / March 21, 2016
Both need ropes.
banditry posing as government has neighbour India with its $$ swaps and trade deals to weather an eventuality.
What does the Us(janatava) have??
Adibala / March 21, 2016
Now we know that only Dawoods and Mohamads are supporting this mob in power.
That is why, Sirisena and ranil went to the Muslim Congress AGM to respond to Mahinda R’s show of strength on the 17th.
Dawoods, Mohamads, Janszs, Pootons and others better start looking for asylum soon. What you said will come back to bite you subversive thieves.
Pooton will not have balls when it happens. His hiding days are over.
Emil van der Poorten / March 21, 2016
If I lose my balls as you suggest I will when your monsters return I suppose I will be in good company: yours.
Incidentally, have you checked recently, when you’re done concocting pseudonyms behind which to hide, whether your voice qualifies as a tenor or as a counter-tenor?
paul / March 21, 2016
Dear Emil, such wit is beyond his comprehension. Halfwit might do the trick.
Spring Koha / March 21, 2016
Phwoar! I laughed my sides off when I read Mr EvdP’s comments as, if my guess is right, Adibala was accidentally neutered sometime ago and whines like an old teas-maker to the stifled amusement of those around.
Native Vedda / March 21, 2016
“Pooton will not have balls when it happens.”
I am not sure about Emil van der Poorten, but generally, the wife or partner keeps both balls in safe custody.
Try your luck with them, you wish you never had to face the mother of all wars.
More / March 21, 2016
Dear Mr Vander Pooten,
with reference to your article, we all know that enough is enough as to the present state of Sri Lanka. Writing articles saying “this is this” and “that is that” or “this is that” and “that is this” is like pouring water on a duck or trying to take a horse to water. Sri Lanka is a weak country, with a weak population, a weak history of corrupt politics and weak polticians, weak public servants, weak leaders, weak clergy, and a weak up and coming future generation. In short it is weakness for b’fast, lunch & dinner.
Since 1948 the country has been struggling to make the grade but unfortunately the weak & corrupt political culture has prevented that from happening so the silver lining has been blotted by the dark cloud.
Sri Lanka will never ever be the CEYLON it was before 1972 and those lucky and fortunate people who looked elsewhere for greener pastures are the blessed. The unblessed are those who will be robbed, cheated, looted, murdered, intimidated, etc etc as life goes on.
It will take a miracle a pure genuine godly miracle for the country to progress onto peace and prosperity but repeat but, the good Lord has no intention of performing that miracle at present.
Why ?????????????????????????????
Because God does not perform miracles in places that are spewing forth unclean culture and habits. Sure that you are aware of the tale of ” Sodom and Gomorrah”. No further explanation is needed to you and all those good God fearing people who read this.
But !!! God hears the cries of those who are afficted and when he loses his patience then no power can stand against him.
No man however powerfull he may be can intimidate God and get away with it. History proves that very clearly.
If there are good people who are afflicted by the past and present and in the future, then the only solution is to cry out to God in powerfull and solemn prayer and through that humble act with God’s mighty intervention Sri lanka and sri lankans will get what they long for. May God hear those prayers and bless them.
Tamil from the north / March 21, 2016
Thanks Emil for this wonderful piece. Be prepared for the racist scum who will be out to attack you. Keep these articles coming, lets piss some of these racists off.
Cheers! / March 21, 2016
The Yahapalanayas can’t see the forest for the trees, and when they finally realize the huge mistakes they have made, and continue to make, with regard to not punishing the guilty and elevating many of them to positions of power, it will be too late!
George Galagedara / March 21, 2016
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Ken Dharmapala / March 21, 2016
Time to pack up your bags and return to Canada, Emil.
Return of Rajapakse is on the cards. Sabotage is evident everywhere. From blowing up power stations, to rebellious doctors, to dragging feet in the justice system, it is one long tale of making the country ungovernable. And who are behind these? The Sinhala nationalist supporters of Rajapakse; those in engineering, medical, administrative and other professions.
Rajapakse won 60% of the Sinhala votes. These are not just the votes of the rural folk, but also of the urban professional middle-class whose roots are in the village and subscribing to Sinhala-Buddhist nationalism – the Rajapakse backbone. They are determined to make Sirisena-Wickramasinghe government fail.
And within the government ranks are many fence-sitters, waiting to see which way the wind will blow. The government simply does not know how to manage the situation. They can’t hit out; neither can they get the cooperation. Moribund is the word.
To use a quote from Paul Keating (one time Australian PM), the Sirisena-Wickramasinghe government is “like a shiver waiting for a spine to run up!” The problem, however, is that there is no spine for the government to run up.
So, Emil, before Rajapakse comes back and have your gonads, intact in the scrotum, nailed to your front door, better get back to Canada!
Emil van der Poorten / March 21, 2016
Ken Dharmapala:
I still believe that the majority of Sri Lankans, no matter of what community, are decent human beings and, as long as there are people to speak power to truth, there is hope.
Sorry to disappoint you but one immigration in protection of, among others, a 13-month old child, is enough for a lifetime.
NAK / March 22, 2016
Ken,your assumption that things happening because MR is making them happen from behind the scene is not quite accurate. From what we see, no one has to do anything for what is taking place to happen, My3 and Ranil does it themselves.
Ranil’s so called government is so busy helping themselves they don’t even seem to care for what is happening around them. They seem to realize that their numbered days are long over and now only interested in getting thier hand on what ever loot as much as they can while they can.
Tamil from the north / March 23, 2016
Ken D, the dreamer please keep dreaming. It never hurts anyone.
upul / March 21, 2016
Sorry Emil to go contrarian on you. You did not name an individual, fact or incident to back up your article. So, you are doing what most writers do in Sri Lanka…indulge in innuendo and guilt by association. Yes, the Aegean stables will not be cleaned up in a year. But, facts have a role to play if we wish to be better and different. Otherwise,it’s more of the same. Which I think is the crux of your complaint.
Emil van der Poorten / March 21, 2016
I have learned, through experience,that naming names achieves little except denials and expressions of outrage from those who claim that the principles of criminal justice – proof beyond the shadow of a doubt – must prevail.
If those reading what I have to say, check out the facts, they will easily identify the miscreants.
Incidentally, I specifically mentioned the institution and the fact that the appointment of its head was truly beyond anything approaching reason given his track record as an active participant in the upper echelons of the Rajapaksa Regime.
punchinilame / March 21, 2016
The writer is in a hurry. Things will take its course. The FCID has
done a tremendous job – now it is a matter for the Courts – and we know
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soma / March 22, 2016
Mr Poorten, you have forgotten that half the government including Maithripala Sirisena were Rajapksha lackeys until January 8th(rather 20 Nov2014). All excempt from FCID.
Entertainment for you: https://youtu.be/oq5Vb0CaNlA
Pansi / March 22, 2016
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