6 December, 2024


Extremist Religion Is At Root Of 21st-Century Wars

Tony Blair has reignited debate about the west’s response to terrorism with a call on governments to recognise that religious extremism has become the biggest source of conflict around the world, the Guardian reports.

Tony Blair

Tony Blair

Referring to wars and violent confrontations from Syria to Nigeria and the Philippines, Blair, writing in the Observer, argues that “there is one thing self-evidently in common: the acts of terrorism are perpetrated by people motivated by an abuse of religion. It is a perversion of faith.”

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  • 8

    What extremism of faith was your reason to invade Iraq?

  • 3

    Yes. Not only the 21 st century wars; but most wars. Starting with the Christian crusaders.

  • 1

    Gadhaffi tried his best to reach to west. But, France wanted him destroyed. what was the result. Saudi Arabia wanted Syrian -Assad removed. Now, what is happening to Syria. It was the same with Iraq.

  • 3

    Blair is deliberately confusing the root cause and the resulting effect in order to mislead the world community.

    The root cause is the interference and exploitation of those countries by the imperial powers. Either by direct intervention as in Iraq, Afghanistan or through the UN as in the case of Sudan. Also the support given to rogue states like Israel and other dictatorial govts to suppress and loot their own people.

    The net effect is to destabilise regions and countries with populations revolting and rebelling resulting in chaos and blood shed. Various factions are being funded and supported by pumping in arms and money further fuelling the conflicts and preventing any solution. It is very convenient for Blair to lable these as examples of Islamic extremism just because muslims are involved.

    On the other hand, who is benefitting from all this bloodshed but the international arms trade and oil mafia located in the developed countries, selling arms to both sides in the conflict and looting the resources of the region. If the supply of arms, munitions and funding is stopped all these militias will have to go home but that is not in the interests of the international war mongers.

    While thousands are being killed in Syria, the leaders are talking shop in Geneva. An immediate blockade, sanctions and embargo on arms to Syria will stop the fighting within weeks. Blair who was the poodle of George Bush is now a feline cat purring for his supper.

  • 0

    This includes Blair and Bush. Bush in particular when asked if he had consulted his father(the very smart, knowledgeable Bush Senior) he arrogantly told Bob Woodward “I spoke to the higher father”. So in essence this born again Christian from Crawford Cowboyville Texas invaded Iraq because in his eyes he was right because his god and Jesus said it was ok; His father would not have invaded Iraq. Iraq is the major reason for Islamic Extremism to gain legitimacy and spread like wildfire in impoverished ignorant Arabic and African societies. So essentially the modern day Crusader Bush is responsible. So indeed it is religious extremism.

  • 1

    Imperialism and the incessant hunger for other people’s wealth is the root cause of most of the wars. World World 1 and 2, colonising, etc. were fought trying to possess what that does not belongs to you. Blair is a classic colonialist who blames everyone except himself. He is a war criminal who justify his lousy behaviour blaming religions.

  • 0

    qUOTE: What extremism of faith was your reason to invade Iraq?

    NO,NO…MY MAMA SAID !!!!!!!!!!!

  • 0

    He is lucky enough Bdy Btd, he did not get the slipper like Bush.

  • 0

    Don’t Rayappu, Emmanuel, Balasinghams and Prabakaran all belong to the same religion.

    Old Muslim slayer got a point.

  • 0

    How many million people did Blair terrorise? Sure enough he the biggest liar still stick to the biggest lies that Iraq possessed WoMD.

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